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Metric and morphological characterizations of the permanent teeth from a total of 155 prehistoric Amerindians are presented. The individuals represent samples from three Ohio Valley burial complexes (considered together as the Late Diffuse group): Glacial Kame, Adena and Ohio Hopewell. Metric data include common measures of central tendency and dispersion. From these measures estimates and analyses of the magnitude of sexual dimorphism and relative variability are presented as well as analyses of the patterns of these estimates. Forty morphological characters are also tabulated. The results indicate a number of provisional hypotheses: the generally larger tooth size of the Late Archaic Indian Knoll when compared to the Late Diffuse groups is consistent with the hypothesis of mitigated selective pressures in more technologically advanced groups; although tooth size is smaller in the Late Diffuse groups, dental morphology is as complex, or more so when compared to the Indian Knoll group. Since morphology and size do not covary exactly the biocultural forces resulting in smaller tooth size do not seem to act as strongly on dental morphology; odontological differences within the Late Diffuse arise primarily between the Glacial Kame-Adena and the Ohio Hopewell. These differences correspond to major biocultural changes in this area; although provisional hypotheses concerning odontological variability are erected, hypotheses concerning evolutionary trends must await the discovery of evolving lineages within these groups; similarities are noted among all compared groups including the pattern and magnitude of sexual dimorphism and relative variability. These parameters may be similar for all eastern Amerindians during this period; finally, the morphology of the deciduous dentition, which generally predicts that of the permanent teeth, is found to be less complex than the permanent teeth. This may be the result of a selective disadvantage for the individuals in the deciduous dentition sample which is reflected in the dentition.  相似文献   

Cranial metric and discrete traits were collected from adult individuals of the terminal Late Archaic Duff site cemetery (33 LO 111). Comparisons of cranial metric traits among eight terminal Late Archaic samples including the Duff site sample showed that all samples shared the same generalized variance and by inference the same pattern of shape variation. Some significant size differences were found but these were interpreted as reflecting only minor differences in the underlying polygenic system or differences in environmental interactions. The overall similarity in cranial metrics among the terminal Late Archaic samples strongly suggests that they represent populations that, at least, shared a recent common ancestor. Analysis of discrete trait variation in all the terminal Late Archaic samples showed that the biological distances between samples are associated significantly with the between-sample geographical distances. This association accounts for approximately 25% of the variation in discrete trait frequencies. These results along with the results of the analysis of cranial metrics indicate that all of the terminal Late Archaic samples considered here are related, but geographically nearer samples are more closely related than distant ones.  相似文献   

Cranial and mandibular discrete traits and cranial metric traits were collected from 99-125 individuals in eight terminal Late Archaic sites. The analysis of ten metric traits in six samples showed that the samples shared the same generalized variance and that sexual dimorphism in the means of the metric traits was greater than inter-site differences. Since these samples share the same size and shape expression of a complex set of polygenic traits, we hypothesize a historical relationship among these samples. Discrete trait analysis showed a pattern of differentiation among the eight samples. This pattern of differentiation is related directly to the geographical separation between samples, and, as with metric traits, cultural differences do not contribute to the pattern of biological differences. The overall pattern of osteological variation in these samples can be summarized parsimoniously by paraphrasing the first law of geography: All of the terminal Late Archaic populations of Ohio were related to each other, but closer ones were more related than distant ones.  相似文献   

This study employs metric and morphological features of the deciduous dentition for discriminating between European-American and African-American children and providing allocation rules (regression equations). Five logistic regression equations are presented, with the percentage of correct allocation to group of between 90.1-92.6%. All five equations employ three metric traits (the mesiodistal diameters of the mandibular deciduous canines and anterior and posterior deciduous premolars) and one morphological feature (cusp number of the maxillary deciduous anterior premolar). In addition to these four variables, only two or three additional morphological features are added in carious combinations in the final equations. Correct allocation to group is 4-12% greater when combining metric and morphological features compared to using the features separately.  相似文献   

Deciduous tooth size in Native Americans of the Ohio Valley area is fairly stable from the terminal Late Archaic (3200 BP) through the Late Prehistoric (350 BP) periods. Some fluctuation in average size did occur during this time. These fluctuations most likely reflect random changes due to gene drift. However, no difference in the pattern of interactions among the sizes of teeth (covariance structures) can be demonstrated during this period. Principal components analysis of the buccolingual and mesiodistal dimensions in the total sample indicate that the major axis of deciduous tooth size in the Ohio Valley population shows an allometric relationship, with the dimensions of the anterior teeth increasing (or decreasing) as the 1.33 power of the dimension of m1(1) and as the 2.0 power of the dimension of m2(2). Comparison of the Ohio Valley samples with other samples from the Eastern Woodlands suggests that geography may have played a minor role in structuring deciduous tooth size variation. For the most part, however, widely separated Eastern Woodlands populations appear to have been evolving independently with respect to deciduous tooth size.  相似文献   

Talon cusps are rare morphological features of the anterior dentition that represent a spectrum of lingual cingulum diversity. In this paper, talon cusp prevalence is described in two Archaic period North American samples, Windover Pond (Florida) and Buckeye Knoll (Texas). Given the early date of these cemeteries (~7500 BP), these specimens represent the oldest reported cases of lingual talon cusp in the New World, and perhaps globally. Windover preserves three cases of talon cusp (representing three different individuals) affecting the permanent maxillary lateral incisors. The sample frequencies were 1.8% and 3.1% for the left and right maxillary lateral incisors, respectively. Buckeye Knoll preserves four cases of talon cusp representing three individuals. Talon cusps at this site were distributed throughout the maxillary anterior dentition, including a permanent maxillary central incisor, bilateral permanent maxillary lateral incisors, and a deciduous maxillary lateral incisor. The multicomponent nature of this site complicates sample frequency calculation with by-tooth estimates ranging from 3.6% to 25%. This paper discusses the difficulties with comparative frequency estimation, resulting from a proliferation of terminology that is discipline-specific. Understanding the evolutionary basis and significance of dental morphological variation requires an inclusive approach to the comparative literature that focuses on homology within the context of odontogenetic process.  相似文献   

Previous studies of population structure among prehistoric groups in the Ohio valley region have shown that hunting-gathering populations exhibited a different structure than horticultural populations. Among both Late Archaic hunter-gatherers and Late Prehistoric horticulturists, covariance structures for cranial metrics were found to be homogenous within the populations, but the Late Archaic subpopulations showed little differentiation while the Late Prehistoric subpopulations exhibited a marked differentiation. Biodistance based on cranial discrete trait frequency showed similar patterns, but in the Late Archaic discrete trait distance was associated significantly with the geographical distance separating populations. The present investigation is an extension of the previous studies increasing the Late Prehistoric sample (n = 8 samples and n = 341 individuals) and using the Harpending-Ward model, modified for use with multivariate quantitative data, to estimate the effects of differential gene flow and the amount of differentiation within populations. Results of the present analyses indicate that differentiation among subpopulations, measured by minimum F(ST), was greater in the Late Prehistoric compared to the Late Archaic period. However, for both periods the minimum F(ST) is comparable to values found for historic native populations of the northeast woodlands. Analysis of differential gene flow in the Late Archaic period indicates that geographically peripheral populations were affected more by external gene flow than more central populations. Late Prehistoric populations exhibit a very complex pattern of differential gene flow. We discuss the latter pattern in terms of proposed culture change in the Late Prehistoric period of Ohio.  相似文献   

In this investigation, deciduous teeth (canines, c; first molars, m1; second molars, m2) and their permanent successors (canines, C; first premolars, P1; second premolars, P2) were used to test two related hypotheses about fluctuating asymmetry (FA). First, based on the biology of the developing dentition, it was predicted that deciduous teeth would be more developmentally stable and thus exhibit less dimensional FA than their permanent successors. Second, based on sex differences in tooth development, it was predicted that female canines would have greater developmental stability (less FA) than male canines. Bucco-lingual measurements were made on dental casts from a single Gullah population. Using a repeated-measures study design (n = 3 repeated measures), we tested these hypotheses on sample sizes ranging from 63-82 antimeric pairs. Neither hypothesis was supported by our data. In most cases, Gullah deciduous teeth did not exhibit statistically significantly less FA than their permanent successors; indeed, statistically significant differences were found for only 3 of 12 deciduous vs. permanent contrasts, and in two cases, the deciduous tooth had greater FA. Female mandibular canines exhibited statistically significantly greater FA than those of males, while there was no statistically significant sex difference in FA for the maxillary canine. FA in these Gullah samples is high when compared to Archaic and late prehistoric Ohio Valley Native Americans, consistent with historical and archaeological evidence that environmental stress was relatively higher in the Gullah population. We suggest that when environmental stress in a population is high, the impact of differences in tooth formation time spans and developmental buffering upon FA may be minor relative to the effect of developmental noise.  相似文献   

The present paper studies the evolutionary process operating on prehistoric groups from the Azapa valley and coast (northern Chile). The sample consists of 237 crania from the Archaic Late, Early Intermediate, Middle, Late Intermediate, and Late periods. Six metric variables were used, which were transformed to eliminate the special environmental component and to increase the proportion of genetic variance. Population structure was assessed using a method based on quantitative genetic theory, which predicts a lineal relationship between average within-group phenotypic variance and group distance to the population centroid. Results indicate that 17.5% of the total variance accounts for special environmental variance. An excess in extraregional genetic flow is observed in the population corresponding to the Early Intermediate period in the valley. A reduced differentiation is observed between Archaic and Early Intermediate coastal groups, as well as between the latter and the inhabitants of the valley in the same period. Genetic differences between both areas increased substantially since the Middle period. Evidence indicates that long-range gene flow was lower on the coast than in the valley, the lowest estimated Fst being 0.0199 for the total population (coast and valley), 0.0111 for the coastal population, and 0.0057 for the valley. Results are discussed in terms of regional archeological and ethnohistorical evidence, and a microevolutionary model is presented to account for the biological history of the population.  相似文献   

Seventy-four hominoid primary teeth have been recovered from the middle Miocene site of Pa?alar, Turkey, constituting the largest sample of deciduous teeth for any species of fossil ape. Morphological features that characterize the permanent teeth of Griphopithecus alpani from the site have also been identified in some of these deciduous teeth, including a lingual pillar on the di(1)s. These features plus the overwhelming preponderance of G. alpani permanent teeth at the site suggest that all of the deciduous teeth belong to this species. Contrary to the situation in the permanent teeth, nothing in the morphology of the primary dentition suggests the representation of a second species. The age profile of the non-adult hominoids was reconstructed based on the degree and type of wear recorded on the dp4s, the most abundant deciduous tooth in the sample, assuming a similar eruption chronology to that of Pan troglodytes. This analysis indicates underrepresentation of very young individuals in the sample and high mortality for individuals belonging to the 3-5-years age cohort, a situation that could be due to the effects of stress related to weaning. The coefficient of variation and range-index values obtained for the majority of tooth types are equal to or greater than the comparable values in a sample of P. troglodytes, in some cases at much smaller sample sizes. One possible explanation for this is that there was greater sexual dimorphism in the G. alpani deciduous dentition than in Pan, which would mirror the condition of the permanent dentition.  相似文献   

Morphological variations of the deciduous dentition are as useful as those of the permanent dentition for determining the biological affinities of human populations. This paper provides material on morphological variations of deciduous teeth of the prehistoric Japanese population from the Late and the Latest Jomon Period (ca. 2000–ca. 300 B.C.). The expression of nonmetric traits of the deciduous teeth in the Jomon sample shows a closer affinity with modern Japanese and Native American samples than with American White, Asiatic Indian, and African samples. However, the frequency of shoveling in deciduous upper incisors in the Jomon sample is lower than those in modern Japanese and Native American samples. The Jomon sample also expresses a much higher frequency of cusp 6 in deciduous lower second molars than seen in modern Japanese, Ainu, and Native American samples. The frequency in the Jomon sample is equal to that in the Australian Aboriginal sample, which shows cusp 6 most frequently among the samples compared. A somewhat low incidence of incisor shoveling in the Jomon sample was also reported in the permanent dentition (Turner [1976] Science 193:911–913, [1979] Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 51:619–635, [1987] Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 73:305–321, [1990] Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 82:295–317; T. Hanihara [1992] Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 88:163–182, 88:183–196). However, the frequency of cusp 6 in the Jomon sample shows no significant difference from those of Northeast Asian or Native American samples in the permanent dentition (Turner [1987] Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 73:305–321; T. Hanihara [1992] Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 88:1–182, 88:183–196). Evidently, some nonmetric traits express an inter-group difference only in the deciduous dentition. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The subject of this work is the characterisation of the metric features of deciduous dentition in a Medieval population of central Poland with the use of the jackknife technique leave one out (LOO)-supporting multivariate methods, which are important for deriving discrimination equations that would result in sex determination of children's skeletal remains. The sex of the individuals was assessed through analysis of sex-specific DNA sequences (AMELY/AMELX, SRY and alpha satellite sequences). Discriminant analysis concerned only teeth of those individuals whose sex was confirmed by the primary structure of three DNA sequences. The deciduous tooth diameters of males were found to be significantly larger than those of females in four respects: MD diameter of the maxillary second molar, MD and BL diameters of the mandibular first molar and BL diameter of the mandibular second molar. A two-group discriminant analysis considered all those measurements as independent variables. A multiple regression procedure produced a linear equation predicting the sex of children's skeletons with a significant probability amounting to approximately 78%. The accuracy of the sex assessment of an individual, using dental measurements, was established at 69% in deciduous male and 88% in deciduous female teeth.  相似文献   

In the skeleton, male and female characteristics lie along a continuum of morphologic configurations and metric values. Size alone is not the best indicator of sex. In contrast, morphologic differences that arise from genetically sex-linked growth and development allow better separation of the sexes. This study presents a new morphologic indicator of sexual dimorphism in the human mandible. A sample of 300 mandibles from adults of known sex primarily from the Dart collection was analyzed. Of these, 100 were found to have obvious bony pathologies and/or excessive tooth loss (“pathologic” sample). Thus, the normative sample consisted of 200 individuals (116 males, 84 females). Examination of morphologic features led to the discovery of a distinct angulation of the posterior border of the mandibular ramus at the level of the occlusal surface of the molars in adult males. Flexure appears to be a male developmental trait because it is only manifest consistently after adolescence. In most females, the posterior border of the ramus retained the straight juvenile shape. If flexure was noted, it was found to occur either at a higher point near the neck of the condyle or lower in association with gonial prominence or eversion. In the normative sample, overall prediction accuracy from ramus shape was 99%. When the “pathologic” sample was analyzed separately, 91.0% were correctly diagnosed. Because the African samples were overwhelmingly black, this trait was also tested on American samples (N = 247) of whites (N = 85), Amerinds (N = 66), and blacks (N = 96) that included a mix of healthy individuals and those with extensive tooth loss and evidence of pathology. The results were nearly identical to those of the “pathologic” African sample, with accuracies ranging from about 91% in whites and blacks to over 92% in Amerinds. Total accuracy for all African and American samples combined (N = 547) is 94.2%. In conclusion, at 99%, sexing from the shape of the ramus of a healthy mandible is on a par with accuracy attainable from a complete pelvis. Moreover, there is no record that any other single morphologic or metric indicator of sex (that has been quantified from the adult skeleton) surpasses the overall accuracy attained from the more representative mixed sample produced by combining all groups assessed in this study. The usefulness of this trait is enhanced by the survivability of the mandible and the fact that preliminary investigations show that the trait is clearly evident in fossil hominids. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The frequencies of developmental abnormalities in size, shape, number of teeth, and enamel formation are presented for a sample of 389 prehistoric Ohio Valley Amerindians from the following cultural complexes: Glacial Kame, Adena, Ohio Hopewell, Cole, Fort Ancient, and Erie (Whittlesey Focus). In addition, the magnitude of fluctuating asymmetry is determined for each tooth and for individuals of these groups. Tests of association indicate complexes with Late Diffuse economic adaptations (Glacial Kame, Adena, Hopewell) exhibit significantly higher frequencies of numerical abnormalities of M3 and M3 enamel pearls, while Late Focal complexes (Cole, Fort Ancient, Erie) exhibit a higher frequency of severe, general linear enamel hypoplasia. The magnitude of fluctuating asymmetry is, however, generally the same in the Late Diffuse and Late Focal groups. The occurrence of two rare abnormalities with large genetic components, essentially limited to one Hopewell and one Adena mound, raises the possibility that the individuals interred in these mounds are biologically related. Since it is widely held that mound burials represent a status class of the population, it is likely that the Late Diffuse sample is biased in favor of a number of highly select population segments each of which contains biologically related individuals. Accordingly, the lower frequency of severe, general linear enamel hypoplasia in Late Diffuse groups is hypothesized as the result of the more advantageous circumstances expected for high status individuals, and the higher frequencies of numerical abnormalities of M3 and M3 enamel pearls are hypothesized primarily as the result of mitigated selection on masticatory complex integration, and/or a biased sample. Comparisons with the deciduous dentition show the permanent teeth exhibit higher frequencies of developmental abnormalities. This result is explicable in terms of the more favorable developmental environment of the primary teeth, or a stronger developmental canalization.  相似文献   

The deciduous dentition of 58 individuals from groups of prehistoric Ohio Valley Amerindians (2,000 B.C.-1,600 A.D.) was measured for antero-posterior and bucco-lingual dimensions and scored for morphological characteristics and macroscopic pathology. Only five dimensions of the posterior teeth and the frequency of severe linear enamel hypoplasia showed significant differences in the groups. In all cases focal agriculturalists exhibited smaller teeth and a higher frequency of severe linear enamel hypoplasia. These findings are explained as the result of changing diet and food preparation techniques, and/or sampling bias in the earlier burial cult groups where primarily higher status individuals may be the representatives. Comparison of metric and morphological characteristics of the deciduous dentition in the prehistoric Amerindians and roughly contemporaneous European groups indicates morphological characteristics are the better means of discrimination.  相似文献   

Significant phenotypic selection acting on the buccolingual diameters of the permanent first and second molars is established for a Late Archaic population in Ohio. Directional selection appears to be acting on an index that increases the size of the maxillary first (UM1) and mandibular second (LM2) molars and decreases the size of the maxillary second (UM2) and mandibular first (LM1) molars. Variance selection is fundamentally disruptive but results in a more integrated (highly correlated) set of characteristics in the after-selection sample.  相似文献   

The existing biocultural links are analyzed among ancient inhabitants of the Cochabamba valleys (Bolivia) from the Formative and Tiwanaku periods, coastal and inland Azapa region (Chile) from the Late Archaic to the Late periods, and the Atacama Desert oases (Chile) from the Formative period to the time of European contact. Craniometric information obtained from a sample of 565 individuals from different sites of the studied regions was evaluated using methods derived from quantitative genetics and multivariate statistical analysis techniques. It is shown that during the Formative and Tiwanaku periods inhabitants of the Cochabamba valleys maintained contact with the population of northern Chile. This contact was more fluid with the people from the interior valley of Azapa than it was with the settlers of San Pedro Atacama (SPA). An important biological affinity in the Late Period between the inhabitants of the Azapa valley and the late SPA groups is also examined. The Late‐Inca Catarpe SPA sample shows a broad genetic variability shared with the majority of the groups studied. The results reaffirm the differences between the coastal and interior Azapa valley groups and strengthen the hypothesis of two pathways to populating the south central Andean area. The divergence observed among subpopulations can be explained by the spatiotemporal dispersion between them, genetic drift dispersion compensated by the action of gene flow, and cultural norms that regulate within group mating. Am J Phys Anthropol 155:591–599, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(94):85-92

Recently a number of reports on Plains Archaic skeletal material have been published which quadruple the number of burials described and analyzed in the literature. Although the total number of burials is still relatively small, it is large enough to allow research to begin in paieodemographic aspects of the central part of thePlains and the suggestion of burial patterns for these materials. By combining all Archaic burials from the Plains a demographic profile has been developed. It is compared with other Archaic populations from the eastern United States, and with a Plains population dating after A.O. 1000. The results of the analysis show that with few exceptions burial patterns and the demographic picture of the Plains are quite stable over time, although differences are found in metric and non-metric variations in both the time and space continua. The analysis further shows that certain anomalous conditions in the skeleton appear to be much more prevalent inArchaic material than in recent material from the same area. The results finally suggest that Archaic people in the demographic and burial practice continua are quite similar to later populations, at least through Middle Mississippian populationsin the Plains.  相似文献   

Dental material of the South American elephantoid Cuvieronius hyodon from the Late Pleistocene of the Tarija Basin, Bolivia was sampled for a comprehensive analysis of the microstructure of the enamel. To examine variability at the dentition level, enamel samples of the upper incisor, second deciduous premolar, and molars were sectioned. The incisor and cheek teeth enamel is compared to that of other proboscideans in order to reveal phylogenetically and functional informative features useful to reconstruct the evolution of elephantoid enamel. Studies of the adaptations and evolution of proboscidean enamel have focused so far on molars. Nevertheless, given the possibility of an independent evolution of the enamel at different tooth positions, the variation of the enamel throughout the dentition needs to be taken into consideration when using enamel microstructural characters to infer proboscidean diversity and phylogeny. The results obtained from this study demonstrate the generality, among elephantoids, of the basic microstructural features of Cuvieronius hyodon enamel, allowing the characterization of the Elephantoid Enamel (EE). The differentiation between incisor and molar enamel seen in elephantoids is shown to represent a primitive elephantiform trait, as it also occurs in Phiomia. The three-layered enamel of the cheek teeth appears as the sole synapomorphy of the Elephantoidea, though the character might be homoplastic within the Proboscidea. Characters of the prisms cross-section might be used, on the other hand, to define less inclusive clades within the Elephantoidea.  相似文献   

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