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C. W. Benson 《Ostrich》2013,84(3):156-164

Hanmer, D. B. 1981. Mensural and moult data of nine species of sunbird from Moçambique and Mala?i. Ostrich 52: 156–178.

Wing length, culmen length, weight and moult data are given for the Coppery Sunbird Nectarinia cuprea, Purplebanded Sunbird N. bifnsclata, Yellowbellied Sunbird N. venusta, Whitebellied Sunbird N. talatala. Grey Sunbird N. veroxii, Black Sunbird N. amethystina. Scarletchested Sunbird N. senegalensis. Collared Sunbird Anthreptes collaris and Violet-backed Sunbird A. longuemarei from Mopeia (Moçambique) and Nchalo (Mala?i). Moulting seasons, immature age at moult, the duration of primary moult, its relation to the breeding season, weight changes with moult, the breeding season, altitude and latitude, and the sequence and timing of moult in remiges and rectrices are discussed for all species except N. veroxii, N. amethystina and A. longuemarei. Softpart and plumage colour changes with age are discussed and some data are given on habits and migration.  相似文献   

Geographic variation in the reproductive traits of animal‐pollinated plants can be shaped by spatially variable selection imposed by differences in the local pollination environment. We investigated this process in Babiana ringens (Iridaceae), an enigmatic species from the Western Cape region of South Africa. B. ringens has evolved a specialized perch facilitating cross‐pollination by sunbirds and displays striking geographic variation in perch size and floral traits. Here, we investigate whether this variation can be explained by geographic differences in the pollinator communities. We measured floral and inflorescence traits, and abiotic variables (N, P, C, and rainfall) and made observations of sunbirds in populations spanning the range of B. ringens. In each population, we recorded sunbird species identity and measured visitation rates, interfloral pollen transfer, and whether the seed set of flowers was pollen limited. To evaluate whether competition from co‐occurring sunbird‐pollinated species might reduce visitation, we quantified nectar rewards in B. ringens and of other co‐flowering bird‐pollinated species in local communities in which populations occurred. Variation in abiotic variables was not associated with geographical variation of traits in B. ringens. Malachite sunbirds were the dominant visitor (97% of visits) and populations with larger‐sized traits exhibited higher visitation rates, more between‐flower pollen transfer and set more seed. No sunbirds were observed in four populations, all with smaller‐sized traits. Sunbird visitation to B. ringens was not associated with local sunbird activity in communities, but sunbird visitation was negatively associated with the amount of B. ringens sugar relative to the availability of alternative nectar sources. Our study provides evidence that B. ringens populations with larger floral traits are visited more frequently by sunbirds, and we propose that visitation rates to B. ringens may be influenced, in part, by competition with other sunbird‐pollinated species.  相似文献   

We investigated the mechanism of coexistence of the rare Amani Sunbird (Hedydipna pallidigastra) and the widespread Collared Sunbird (H. collaris), within Brachystegia woodland in the Arabuko‐Sokoke Forest, Kenya. We compared how prey abundance and search strategies affect resource exploitation by the two species. We used foraging theory to direct our measures of feeding activities as influenced by sunbird species, tree species and foraging height. We evaluated invertebrate abundance among tree species at different heights within trees. The Collared Sunbird primarily used the understory, and the Amani Sunbird primarily used the upper‐canopy. Overall, the rate of prey attacks per flight of the Amani Sunbird was 2.8 times greater than that of the Collared Sunbird. The Amani Sunbird, however, used increased search and attack rates in the understory compared with the mid‐ and upper‐canopies, but the Collared Sunbird foraged similarly throughout all strata. We hypothesize that the increased foraging rate of the Amani in the understory reflects increased foraging costs due to interference from the Collared Sunbird in that stratum. Furthermore, the Collared Sunbird exploits rich patches by moving frequently from place to place. The Amani Sunbird forages slowly, with reduced travel rates, and with a greater number of prey captures within a patch. Arthropod density did not differ among the vegetative strata, but was higher in Brachystegia spiciformis and Hymenaea verrucosa than in six other tree species. We hypothesize that the Amani Sunbird appears dependent upon continued tall B. spiciformis trees within the canopy of the Arabuko‐Sokoke Forest.  相似文献   

Termites and the turnover of dead wood in an arid tropical environment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
R. D. Buxton 《Oecologia》1981,49(3):379-384
Summary The role of sunbirds (Nectariniidae) in the pollination ecology of Strelitzia nicolai (Musaceae) was studied for one year in a coastal dune forest in Zululand, South Africa. It was found that S. nicolai produced large quantities of low quality nectar (1.74 j/l); that nectar production was highest during the day-time; and that the flowers displayed several characteristics attractive to bird-visitors. The flowers were large, conspicuous and provided the birds with a perch, facilitating easy access to the nectar. Flowers were visited by four species of sunbirds: Olive Sunbird Nectarinia olivacea, Grey Sunbird N. veroxii, Black Sunbird N. amethystina, and Collared Sunbird Anthreptes collaris. Sunbirds visited the flowers throughout the year, and apparently cued into changes in the flower angle as an indication of nectar flow rates. Sunbirds perched on the flowers in a manner which effected pollination, the pollen being transferred to the stigma via the birds' feet. Besides the sunbirds, there were other visitors (bushbabies, monkeys and insects) to the flowers, but they did not visit the flowers frequently nor did they appear to be significant pollinators. The high seed set of S. nicolai in the study area attests to the efficacy of the sunbirds as pollinators.  相似文献   

Sunbirds play a major role in the pollination of Old World nectivorous plants. However, with the exception of the Cape Floristic Region there is a major knowledge gap around African nectivore interaction networks—a stark contrast from the abundance of neotropical hummingbird–plant networks. Here, we describe a sunbird pollen transfer network (PTN) which we use in conjunction with a sunbird flower visitation network (FVN) to explore levels of sunbird specialization within an Afromontane forest habitat. Both networks were generalized compared with similar‐sized hummingbird networks, reflecting the wide range of flower types visited, the generalist diet, and bill characteristics of sunbirds. Three sunbird species from the genus Cinnyris accounted for 85% of flower visits and 77% of all pollen transported. Of the 17 plant species across both networks, 15 are predominantly pollinated by insects while Anthonotha noldeae (Fabaceae–Caesalpinioideae) and Globimetula braunii (Loranthaceae) depend on sunbirds for seed set. Sunbird species average bill lengths varied between 14.5 mm (the variable sunbird) and 23.6 mm (the Green‐headed Sunbird), but, while more pollen was carried on longer bills, we found no evidence for a relationship between bill length and type of flower visited. Both networks were nested. Some specialization was observed in both networks although this does not appear to be driven much by sunbird–flower trait matching. Overall, our results suggest that in contrast to nectivores elsewhere, factors such as phenology and/or environment, rather than morphology, may play important roles in limiting potential sunbird–flower interactions and need further investigation.  相似文献   

In southern Africa, Aloe marlothii flowers during the dry winter season and offers copious dilute nectar to a variety of birds. Avian abundance and community composition were monitored at an A. marlothii forest at Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve, South Africa. Sampling occurred during two summer months (February–March) when no flowers were present, and six months (May–October) that spanned the winter flowering. We hypothesized that an influx of occasional nectarivores to the A. marlothii forest during flowering would lead to significant changes in the avian community. Overall bird abundance increased 2–3 fold at the peak of nectar availability (August). We recorded 38 bird species, of 83 species detected during transects, feeding on A. marlothii nectar; this diverse assemblage of birds belonged to 19 families, including Lybiidae, Coliidae, Pycnonotidae, Sylviidae, Cisticolidae, Muscicapidae, Sturnidae, Ploceidae and Fringillidae. Surprisingly, only two species of sunbird (Nectariniidae) were observed feeding on A. marlothii nectar, and both occurred in low abundance. We predicted that competition for nectar resources would be high, but few aggressive inter- and intra-specific interactions occurred between birds while feeding on inflorescences. During peak flowering, insect feeders (insectivores, omnivores, nectarivores) fed on nectar during the cold morning when insect activity was low, whilst non-insect feeders (frugivores and granivores) fed on nectar in the middle of the day. Our study highlights the importance of A. marlothii nectar as a seasonal food and water source for a diverse assemblage of occasional nectarivores.  相似文献   

 We assessed nectar and honey potential of Phacelia tanacetifolia, an American plant, under Mediterranean conditions. Its flowering occurred during the major flowering season unless intensely irrigated, whereas duration and flower life span were shorter compared to continental conditions. Mediterranean climate limitations to nectar secretion were assessed on plants grown under natural conditions (xeric) vs. regular irrigation. May flowering xeric plants produced less nectar per flower than the irrigated ones, but had the same nectar potential per surface area. On the contrary, at the cost of intense irrigation, July flowering plants produced much higher nectar per flower and per surface area compared to xeric ones. In all flowering periods and sections honeybees were the most constant and numerous visitors, visiting the flowers mainly for nectar, whereas solitary bees were scarce. Based on our results, we suggest that although the plant may be a good nectar source for honeybees in some cases, we have serious reservations for a generalised use in the Mediterranean. Received September 3, 2002; accepted November 18, 2002 Published online: June 2, 2003  相似文献   

Three species of nectar-feeding bats migrate from tropical and subtropical Mexico into the Sonoran and Chihuahuan deserts during the spring and summer months. We examined geographic and seasonal changes in the diet of one migrant species, Leptonycteris curasoae, using carbon stable isotope techniques to determine the relative importance of C3 and CAM (Cactaceae, Agavaceae) plants in its diet. We also examined the diet of a non-migratory nectar-feeding bat, Glossophaga soricina, from southern Mexico using the same techniques. We found that L. curasoae feeds extensively or exclusively on CAM plants during migration and in the northern part of its range and feeds mostly on C3 plants in southern Mexico. This bat is a year-round resident on Baja California where it is a CAM specialist. The non-migrant G. soricina feeds mostly on C3 plants year-round. Phenological data suggest that certain species of columnar cacti and at least one group of paniculate Agaves on the Mexican mainland provide a spatio-temporally predictable nectar corridor along which nectarivorous bats may migrate in the spring and fall, respectively. Different flowering schedules of Agaves in Baja California appear to promote year-round dietary specialization and perhaps non-migratory behavior in nectar-feeding bats living there.  相似文献   

(1) On the Canary Islands and Madeira typical bird-flowers occur in at least twelve species of six genera, although true flower-birds are absent. This inconsistency is in part elucidated by field observations on exotic and wild plants of Tenerife. —(2) In the Botanical Garden of Orotava it could be observed that various ornithophilous plants, which were introduced there, were visited by indigenous birds for nectar and in one case (Orthostemon) for food tissue. Of the three bird species involved, an endemic race of Chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita) and resident Blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla) exploit, and pollinate, flowers legitimously, while the Wild Canary (Serinus canaria) is predominantly a destructive nectar robber. —(3) The insular Chiffchaff also proved to be a regular pollinator in the wild, at least ofCanarina canariensis andIsoplexis canariensis, two ornithophilous paleoendemics. Ornithophily, thus, is naturally practised on the island, though by birds basically insectivorous. —(4) A list of Macaronesian plants bearing the more or less complete ornithophilous syndrome is presented, including newly recognizedTeucrium heterophyllum andScrophularia calliantha. —(5) On biogeographical and faunistic grounds it is presumed that the modern visitors of Canarian bird flowers are secondary rather than the original partners of the continental tertiary flora in which these plants originated. Palearctic immigrants, when becoming resident on the islands during and since the Pleistocene, adopted facultative nectar feeding, entering an orphaned food niche. Casual flower visits in Europe suggest a certain predisposition of the Chiffchaff and the Blackcap for the exploitation of flowers. — (6) The ability of unspecialized birds to acquire nectardrinking spontaneously and to pass this habit on to their offspring, is demonstrated by a population of Tree Sparrows (Passer montanus) which have visited ornithophilousKniphofia (Liliaceae) in Berlin for several years.

Nectar-feeding vertebrates respond to variation in nectar sugarcontent by modulating volumetric intake. In some nectar feedinganimals, the intake response to sugar concentration can be accuratelypredicted from simple mathematical models that rely on knowledgeof gut morphology, in vitro rates of sugar digestion, and dailyenergy expenditures. Because most of the floral nectars consumedby vertebrates are dilute, these animals ingest large amountsof water while feeding. The water turnover rates of hummingbirdsfeeding on dilute nectar are more similar to those of amphibiousand aquatic organisms than to those of terrestrial vertebrates.Dilute nectars can pose osmoregulatory challenges for nectarivores.Nectarivorous birds exhibit renal traits that are well suitedto dispose of large water loads and that appear inadequate toproduce concentrated urine. Nectar-feeding birds prefer concentratedover dilute sugar solutions. However, the concentration differencethat they can discriminate is smaller at low than at high concentration.We hypothesize that this pattern is a consequence of the functionalform of intake responses that often results in deceleratingsugar intakes with increasing sugar concentration. The diminishingreturns in floral attractivity that may result from increasednectar concentration may be one of the reasons why the nectarsof hummingbird pollinated flowers are dilute in spite of thepreference of birds for higher concentrations. The intake responsesof nectar-feeding birds capture the integration of a behavioralresponse with the physiological processes that shape it. Becausethe behavior of nectar-feeding birds can have consequences forthe plants that they visit, the intake response may also havecoevolutionary effects.  相似文献   

Recently, it was argued that extrinsic factors, such as high foraging costs, lead to elevated field metabolic rates (FMR). We tested this suggestion by comparing the FMR of nectar-feeding and fruit-eating bats. We hypothesized that the foraging effort per energy reward is higher for nectar-feeding mammals than for fruit-eating mammals, since energy rewards at flowering plants are smaller than those at fruiting plants. Using the doubly labelled water method, we measured the FMR of nectar-feeding Glossophaga commissarisi and fruit-eating Carollia brevicauda, which coexisted in the same rainforest habitat and shared the same daytime roosts. Mass-specific FMR of G. commissarisi exceeded that of C. brevicauda by a factor of almost two: 5.3±0.6 kJ g−1 day−1 for G. commissarisi and 2.8±0.4 kJ g−1 day−1 for C. brevicauda. Since nectar-feeding bats imbibe nectar droplets of only 193 J energy content during each flower visit, a G. commissarisi bat has to perform several 100 flower visits per night to meet its energy requirement. The fruit-eating C. brevicauda, on the other hand, needs to harvest only 3–12 Piper infructescenses per night, as the energy reward per Piper equals ca. 6–30 kJ. We argue that the flowering and fruiting plants exert different selective forces on the foraging behaviour and energetics of pollinators and the seed dispersers, respectively. A comparison between nectar-feeding and non-nectar-feeding species in various vertebrate taxa demonstrates that pollinators have elevated FMRs.  相似文献   

David S. Dobkin 《Oecologia》1984,64(2):245-254
Summary Flowering patterns of four Heliconia (Heliconiaceae) species in Trinidad, West Indies were examined for their predictability and availability to the nectarivores that rely on Heliconia floral nectar. Principal flower visitors are trapling hermit hummingbirds; inflorescences are inhabited by nectarivorous hummingbird flower mites that move between inflorescences by riding in the hummingbirds' nares. Heliconia inflorescences flower for 40–200 days, providing long-term sources of copious nectar (30–60 l per flower), but each Heliconia flower lasts only a single day. As an inflorescence ages the interval increases between open flowers within a bract; wet-season inflorescences produce open flowers more slowly than dry-season conspecifics.Estimated daily energy expenditures for hermit hummingbirds demonstrate that slow production of short-lived open flowers plus low inflorescence density preclude territorial defense of Heliconia by the hermits. Heliconia flowering patterns are viewed as a means of (i) regulating reproductive investment by the plants through staggered flower production over long periods of time, and (ii) maintaining outcrossing by necessitating a traplining visitation pattern by its hummingbird pollinators. I suggest that Heliconia exhibit a two-tiered pollination system by using hermit hummingbirds primarily for outcrossing and using hummingbird flower mites primarily for self-pollination.  相似文献   

锦鸡儿(Caragana sinica(Buchoz) Rehd)传粉生物学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对唐家河国家自然保护区内锦鸡儿(Caragana sinica(Buchoz)Rehd)的花期、访问者、有效传粉者种类及行为、花蜜分泌节律和繁育系统等进行定点观察和实验处理。结果表明:锦鸡儿单花花期约5d,种群花期约20d。拥有以吸蜜为主的条蜂属(Anthophora)、熊蜂属(Bombus)和太阳鸟属(Aethopyga)3种传粉者功能群。综合访花频率和花粉落置数,茜条蜂(Pyganthophora rubricus Dours)和蓝喉太阳鸟(Aethopyga gouldiae)为主要有效传粉者,熊蜂(Bombus)为次要有效传粉者;蚂蚁(formicidae)和西方蜜蜂(Apis mellifera Linnaeus)为主要盗蜜者。套袋处理结果表明,花蜜分泌日变化中,最大花蜜量发生在16:00左右;花蜜随单花花期变化中,花蜜体积最大发生于单花第5天;分泌均呈递增趋势。花蜜分泌节律与访花频率呈正相关。繁育系统检测显示,花粉胚珠比为3779±320.92,柱头最适可授期在开花第2—3天;结合不同授粉处理表明:锦鸡儿自交不亲和,需要传粉者,为蜂媒兼鸟媒植物。  相似文献   

Field observations showed that three South African orchid species,Satyrium carneum, S. coriifolium andS. princeps, are pollinated by sunbirds. Foraging sunbirds insert their bills into the labellum chamber of the flowers and suck nectar from the labellum spurs with their tongues. The column overarches the entrance to the labellum and pollinaria become affixed to the upper mandible of the bill. Birds often attempt to remove pollinaria by rubbing their bills against a branch, but are mostly unsuccessful due to the large plate-like viscidia which attach the pollinaria very firmly to the bill. Other modifications for bird pollination in theseSatyrium species may include the red, carmine or orange colour of the flowers, sturdy inflorescence stems used for perching and large amounts of dilute nectar in the spurs. EachSatyrium species was pollinated by several species of sunbird, and despite some differences in flowering time, occasional hybrids occur at a site whereS. carneum andS. coriifolium share the same sunbird pollinators.  相似文献   

Insular floras, characterized by simple pollination networks, sometimes include novel mutualistic agents such as nonspecialist nectarivores. In this study we confirmed the effective pollination of Isoplexis canariensis by opportunistic nectar-feeding birds in Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. This plant is among the ornithophilous species of the Canarian flora that lack past and present specialist nectarivorous birds. Experimental hand pollinations revealed self-compatibility, but cross-pollinated flowers produced a greater percentage of viable seeds than self-pollinated ones. Flowers were visited by five species of birds (Phylloscopus canariensis, Parus caeruleus, Sylvia melanocephala, Serinus canarius, and Fringilla coelebs) and by the endemic lizard (Gallotia galloti, Lacertidae). Insect pollination was absent, and the few insect visitors acted as nectar thieves or secondary nectar robbers. Birds represented 93.1% of total visits, with the Canarian Chiffchaff, Ph. canariensis, being the most frequent visitor. Flowers visited by birds set more, larger, and heavier fruit than flowers from which birds were excluded. Bird visitation also enhanced seed viability. These results demonstrate the active role of these opportunistic birds as effective pollinators of this Canarian bird-flower species. Further, the results reveal the need to consider the effect of these birds on the evolution of ornithophilous floral traits in absence of specialist nectarivores.  相似文献   

Many tropical plants are pollinated by birds and several bird phylogenetical lineages have specialised to a nectar diet. The long-assumed, intimate ecological and evolutionary relationship between ornithophilous plants and phenotypically specialised nectarivorous birds has nevertheless been questioned in recent decades, where such plant–pollinator interactions have been shown to be highly generalised. In our study, we analysed two extensive interaction datasets: bird–flower and insect–flower interactions, both collected on Mt Cameroon, west-central Africa. We tested if: 1) insects and birds interact with distinct groups of plants; 2) plants with a typical set of ornithophilous floral traits (i.e. bird pollination syndrome) interact mainly with birds; 3) birds favour plants with bird pollination syndrome and; 4) if and how the individual floral traits and plant level nectar production predict bird visitation. Bird-visited plants were typically also visited by insects, while approximately half of the plants were visited by insects only. We confirmed the validity of the bird pollination syndrome hypothesis, as plants with bird-pollination syndrome traits were visited by birds at a higher rate and mostly hosted a lower frequency of visiting insects. However, these ornithophilous plants were not more attractive than the other plants for nectar-feeding birds. Nectar production per plant individual was a better predictor of bird visitation than any other floral trait traditionally related to the bird pollination syndrome. Our study thus demonstrated the highly asymmetrical relationship between ornithophilous plants and nectarivorous birds.  相似文献   

Previously published data on flowering phenology and pollination of neotropical families are reviewed and compared with new observations, in order to evaluate some trends of pollination strategies in neotropical savannas and forests. Central American forestBignoniaceae apparently diminish competition between sympatric species with identical pollination strategies by alternating flowering. On the other hand, in theBignoniaceae of Brazilian cerrado savannas coincident flowering is more common, suggesting different pollination strategies. Bees specialized in nectar robbery are associated withBignoniaceae, particularly mass-flowering species. These nectar robbers stimulate pollinator movements between flowers and thus increase pollen-flow. The flowering phenology of theMalpighiaceae from forests and savannas apparently follows the phenology of theAnthophorinae (mainlyCentridini)-bees, on which this plant group almost exclusively depends for pollination in the Neotropics. As the flowers of different genera and species are very uniform, the bees quite indiscriminately pollinate coexistingMalpighiaceae taxa. In theMalvaceae, the more primitive tree or shrub habit and an allogamous reproduction system is quite significantly associated with an ornithophilous pollination mode. Hummingbirds in the Neotropics have probably influenced the origin of the primitive bird-pollinatedMalvaceae flower. In conjunction with the diversification of theMalvaceae and their migration into more open regions, pollination by bees has apparently become more prominent. ChiropterophilousMalvaceae seem to have developed more recently from ornithophilous ancestors within the neotropical forest regions. As a result of this ecological radiation, parallel modifications of the basic ornithophilous flower principle can be traced in different groups of theMalvaceae. Dynastinae-beetles are pollinators of South and Central American species ofAnnona, Cymbopetalum, Caladium, Talauma, Philodendron, Victoria, Nymphaea, Cyclanthus, Bactris and others. In many cases the relationship between flowers and theirDynastinae visitors is not very specific, principally reflecting differences in the faunistic spectrum of diverse regions and vegetation types. The attraction of these beetles as flower visitors in several unrelated groups of Angiosperms must have occurred repeatedly. It is suggested that the flower visiting species of this beetle group may have acquired their preference for certain pungent or aromatic flower odours by their feeding habits during the larval stage.  相似文献   

Community‐level studies have shown that plant–pollinator interactions are much more generalized than previously expected. Consequently, many authors have questioned the significance of phenotypic complementarity between plants and pollinators and abundance effects in pollination interactions. Here, we compare the behaviour of three sunbird species feeding on the nectar of five plant species in afromontane vegetation. We studied the feeding behaviour with and without consideration of plant abundance (i.e. diet selectivity and diet composition, respectively). The aims of the study were to estimate: (1) how relative resource abundance influences flower selectivity; (2) the degree of phenotypic matching; and (3) whether different plant resource assessment methods give different answers to this question. The results showed that, although sunbirds frequently feed on both morphologically adapted and nonadapted plants, food selectivity data are consistent with the hypothesis of phenotypic complementarity. Moreover, we found that the type of plant abundance measurement can change conclusions in some cases, as individual plants differ in their growth habits and nectar production. This effect was most obvious for the assessment of selectivity of the northern double‐collared sunbird (Cinnyris reichenowi) and for Hypoestes aristata, a plant producing inflorescences composed of a large number of small flowers possessing small amounts of nectar per flower (a high abundance of flowers, but a low abundance of nectar relative to the remaining plant community). © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ?? , ??–??.  相似文献   

Nectar production has been proposed as an adaptation to attract pollinators that benefit from this resource. Energetic investments may be expensive, so some species such as Prosopis glandulosa have developed a dimorphic system of nectar production, which is expected to affect floral visitor behaviour and then plant fitness. We quantified bee diversity during a 2 year period in a population of the honey mesquite in order to determine changes in bee diversity due to the presence of nectar, bee preferences to collect either nectar of pollen, and to determine between year variations of bee faunas. Floral visitors were captured at three different times of the day during the flowering seasons of 1994 and 1995, in a population of Prosopis glandulosa which has a 1:1 proportion of nectar: nectarless individuals. Pollinators were clearly distinct between nectar morphs, bee species diversity and relative abundance of visits were significantly greater on nectarful than on nectarless plants, with species on nectarless individuals being a subset of those in the nectarful morph. Our results suggest differences in the function of floral rewards (i.e., nectar and pollen) to attract floral visitors. For the Chihuahuan arid environment, mesquite provides floral rewards with ease, quantity and quality for close to 10% of all bee fauna making them important components of these communities.  相似文献   

Summary We studied bumblebee foraging on two sympatrically and simultaneously flowering species, Melampyrum pratense (Scrophulariaceae) and Viscaria vulgaris (Caryophyllaceae) during the flowering season of Viscaria in south-west Sweden. We distinguished between healthy and Ustilago-infected Viscaria plants. Both species shared the main insect visitor, queens of Bombus hortorum, which collected nectar from both species but pollen from Melampyrum only. The pattern of visitation changed over the season: bumblebees preferred Viscaria early on, but changed to Melampyrum later in the season, probably because of the higher sugar content of Melampyrum nectar and the possibility of collecting both nectar and pollen from the same flower. Pollen collecting is probably of increasing importance since the need of pollen for the developing larvae will increase with time. Flowers of Viscaria received fewer visits in plots with other species than in pure Viscaria plots during one year and received more visits early than late in the season during both years. Melampyrum flowers received similar amounts of visits in mixed and pure environments. They also received more visits early than late, although this was probably a result of pollinator satiation since Melampyrum became very abundant with time. Ustilago-infected plants received far fewer visits but because of its long flowering time the proportion of open flowers receiving visits was still high. Viscaria flowers received significantly more visits than flowers of other species when bumblebees made heterospecific flower visits from Ustilago-infected plants; thus Ustilago spores were probably effectively dispersed from infected to healthy plants by the pollinators. The mechanism behind competition for pollination in this system was competition through pollinator preference, since the visitation rate to Viscaria actually decreased, but also competition through improper pollen transfer (grains of both species were found on the bodies of bumblebees) since the incidence of switching between the two species increased, probably resulting in an increased misplacement of conspecific pollen grains with time.  相似文献   

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