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The effects of grisorixin, a monocarboxylic ionophore, were studied on isolated working rat hearts perfused with a suspension of washed pig erythrocytes (10% hematocrit). Grisorixin (2.5 microM) induced a transient stimulation of heart work, maximal at 5 min, expressed by an increase in heart rate (+21%) and aortic flow (+17%) and by an increase in coronary flow, maximal at 10 min (+47%). Concomitantly, myocardial Vo2 was slightly enhanced and the myocardial creatine phosphate level dropped (2 min). The lactate production increased by 82% (5 min) then dropped to the control value (10 min) and increased again till the 45th min (+211%), indicating a cardiac metabolic drift towards anaerobic glycolysis due to partial inhibition of the oxidative metabolism. Owing to its properties as an ionophore, grisorixin also induced a strong and rapid increase of potassium concentration in the perfusate and a decrease of sodium. Grisorixin was tested on hearts submitted to 20 min of hypoxic conditions. The hypoxia was rather mild and induced only very slight modifications of the ultrastructure. In the control series, heart rate and aortic flow decreased regularly while coronary flow and lactate production increased. Upon reoxygenation, the heart performances were rapidly restored. Grisorixin was administered according to four different protocols. When injected at the onset of hypoxia or 5 min later, it was able to maintain the aortic flow during the first minutes and induce a higher coronary dilation. These beneficial effects were short-lasting and no deleterious effects were found on the ultrastructure of hearts subjected to grisorixin whether after hypoxia or after reoxygenation.  相似文献   

To what extent does glutamine turnover keep pace with oxidative metabolism in the rat heart? To address this question, the following groups of substrates were presented to the isolated, working rat heart: 1) glucose (5 mM), insulin (40 microU/ml), and [2-13C]acetate (5 mM; high workload, n = 5); 2) pyruvate (2.5 mM) and [2-13C]acetate (5 mM; normal workload, n = 5); or 3) propionate (1 mM) and [2-13C]acetate (2.5 mM; normal workload, n = 3). In a subset of these experiments, the exchange of glutamate and glutamine was quantified by separation with ion exchange chromatography and analysis by GC-MS. There was an apparent equilibration of mass isotopomers of glutamate and glutamine after 50 min of perfusion, although the extent of equilibration was not determined. The fractional enrichment in glutamine was 31% of the enrichment of glutamate with the three different perfusates. From high-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance spectra, we found a ratio of glutamine to glutamate content of 94.1, 53.4, and 96.9%, respectively, for each experimental group. In experiments for which l-[1-13C]glutamine (5 mM) was included in the perfusate of group 2, [1-13C]glutamine was detected in the heart, but transfer of 13C from glutamine to glutamate was not detected (n = 4). We conclude that, in the perfused working heart, production of glutamine by amidation of glutamate takes place and can be detected, whereas the reverse process, generation of glutamate from glutamine, remains undetected.  相似文献   

To determine whether a rat heart model can provide load-insensitive measurements of cardiac function, a recently developed biventricular perfused preparation was tested. Using 29 Sprague-Dawley rat hearts perfused with modified Krebs-Henseleit buffer, ventricles functioned simultaneously with adjustable independent preload (venous reservoirs) and afterload (compliance chambers). Ultrasonic crystal pairs provided continuous left (LV) and right ventricular (RV) short-axis dimensions. LV and RV pressure-length loops (loop area = work) were generated from paired intraventricular pressure and short-axis dimensions. Load-insensitive measurements were obtained from the slopes (elastance) and x-intercepts (L0) of regression lines generated from the end-systolic coordinates of these pressure-length loops over ranges of RV and LV preloads. Measurements were made after 15 min of stable function and after 20 min of warm (37°C) ischemia. During perturbations in LV afterload, there were linear changes in dP/dt, but loop work remained relatively unchanged. RV dP/dt and work varied little with physiologic ranges of afterload. Increased RV afterload had little effect on LV function. Ischemia affected LV function more than RV function using these measurements. Elastance, however, increased after ischemia with diastolic creep (increased L0) for both ventricles. Load-insensitive and other sophisticated hemodynamic measurements are possible with this new preparation.  相似文献   

There is a sudden release of intracellular constituents upon reoxygenation of isolated perfused hypoxic heart tissue (O2 paradox) or on perfusion with calcium-free medium after a period of hypoxia. Rat hearts were perfused by the method of Langendorff (Pfluegers Arch. 61: 291-332, 1895) with Krebs-Henseleit medium containing 10 mM glucose. Hearts were equilibrated for 30 min, followed by 90 min of hypoxia or 60 min of hypoxia and 30 min of reoxygenation. The massive enzyme release observed upon reoxygenation after 60 min of hypoxia was prevented by infusing 0.5 or 5 mM cyanide 5 min before reoxygenation. Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release commenced immediately upon withdrawal of cyanide. Hearts perfused with calcium-free medium throughout hypoxia did not release increased amounts of LDH at reoxygenation. Perfusing heart tissue with medium containing 0 or 25 microM calcium, but not 0.25 or 2.5 mM, after 50 min of hypoxia initiated a release of cardiac LDH, which was not further enhanced by reoxygenation. Enzyme release was significantly inhibited when the calcium-free perfusion medium included 10 mM 2-deoxyglucose (replacing glucose), 0.5 mM dinitrophenol, or 2.5 mM cyanide. Histologically, hearts perfused with calcium-free medium after 50 min of hypoxia showed areas of severe necrosis and contracture without any evidence of the contraction bands that were seen in hearts reoxygenated in the presence of calcium. Cardiac ATP and creatine phosphate (PCr) levels were significantly decreased after 50-60 min of hypoxia.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The properties of H2O2 production in the "haemoglobin-free", "non-circulatory" perfused liver of rats were examined. The H2O2 production with 1 mM-lactate and 0.15 mM-pyruvate was 82nmol/min per g of liver or 333nmol/min per 100g body wt. in the liver of fed rats at 30 degrees C. This rate decreased to almost half in the livers of starved and phenobarbital-pretreated rats. When H2O2 production was stimulated by urate infusion, almost all of the H2O2 produced by the uricase reaction was decomposed by the catalase reaction. During the demethylation reaction of aminopyrine, no change in H2O2 production was detected by the present method; thus microsomal H2O2 production observed in isolated subcellular fractions appeared not to contribute significantly to the H2O2 production in the whole organ. Whereas the rate of the glycolate-dependent H2O2 production was halved at an intracellular O2 concentration that caused a 10 percent increase in the reduction state of cytochrome c, the half-maximal rate of H2O2 production with lactate and pyruvate was observed at an O2 concentration that caused a 40 percent increase in the reduction state of cytochrome c in the liver. No further increase in the rates of H2O2 production was obtained by increasing O2 pressure up to 5 times 10(5) Pa. The rate of ethanol oxidation through the catalase "peroxidatic" reaction varied, depending on the substrate availability. The maximal capability of this pathway in ethanol oxidation reached approx. 1.5 mumol/min per g of liver, when a mixture of urate, glycollate and octanoate was infused to enhance H2O2 production.  相似文献   

Congestive heart failure (CHF) is one of the most common causes of death in western countries. The aim of this study was to establish and validate the working heart model in rat hearts with CHF. In the rat model the animals show parameters and symptoms that can be extrapolated to the clinical situation of patients with end-stage heart failure. The focus of attention was the evaluation of cardiodynamics (e.g.contractility) in the isolated 'working heart' model. The geometric properties of the left ventricle were measured by planimetry (stereology). Formulae available in the past for determining certain parameters in the working heart model (e.g.external heart work) have to be fitted to the circumstances of the infarcted rat hearts with its different organ properties.CHF was induced in Wistar Kyoto (WKY/NHsd) and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR/NHsd) by creating a permanent (8 week) occlusion of the left coronary artery, 2 mm distal to the origin from the aorta, by a modified technique (Itter et al. 2004). This resulted in a large infarction of the free left ventricular wall.We were able to establish and adapt a new and predictive working heart model in spontaneously hypertensive rat hearts with myocardial infarction (MI) 8-12 weeks after coronary artery ligation. At this stage the WKY rat did not show any symptoms of CHF. The SHR rat represented characteristic parameters and symptoms that could be extrapolated to the clinical situation of patients with end-stage heart failure (NYHA III-IV). Upon inspection, severe clinical symptoms of CHF such as dyspnoea, subcutaneous oedema, palebluish limbs and impaired motion were prominent. On necropsy the SHR showed lung oedema, hydrothorax, large dilated left and right ventricular chambers and hypertrophy of the septum. In the working heart model the infarcted animals showed reduced heart power, diminished contractility and enhanced heart work, much more so in the SHR/NHsd than in the Wistar Kyoto rat (WKY/NHsd).The aim for the future is to find a causal therapy of heart failure treatment. At present, only palliative therapy is possible for patients with heart failure. For this reason the working heart model in CHF rat hearts should provide a valuable method for early testing of new therapeutic approaches for patients with CHF.  相似文献   

Nicotinic acid (niacin) has been shown to decrease myocyte injury. Because interventions that lower the cytosolic NADH/NAD(+) ratio improve glycolysis and limit infarct size, we hypothesized that 1) niacin, as a precursor of NAD(+), would lower the NADH/NAD(+) ratio, increase glycolysis, and limit ischemic injury and 2) these cardioprotective benefits of niacin would be limited in conditions that block lactate removal. Isolated rat hearts were perfused without (Ctl) or with 1 microM niacin (Nia) and subjected to 30 min of low-flow ischemia (10% of baseline flow, LF) and reperfusion. To examine the effects of limiting lactate efflux, experiments were performed with 1) Ctl and Nia groups subjected to zero-flow ischemia and 2) the Nia group treated with the lactate-H(+) cotransport inhibitor alpha-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamate under LF conditions. Measured variables included ATP, pH, cardiac function, tissue lactate-to-pyruvate ratio (reflecting NADH/NAD(+)), lactate efflux rate, and creatine kinase release. The lactate-to-pyruvate ratio was reduced by more than twofold in Nia-LF hearts during baseline and ischemic conditions (P < 0.001 and P < 0.01, respectively), with concurrent lower creatine kinase release than Ctl hearts (P < 0.05). Nia-LF hearts had significantly greater lactate release during ischemia (P < 0.05 vs. Ctl hearts) as well as higher functional recovery and a relative preservation of high-energy phosphates. Inhibiting lactate efflux with alpha-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamate and blocking lactate washout with zero flow negated some of the beneficial effects of niacin. During LF, niacin lowered the cytosolic redox state and increased lactate efflux, consistent with redox regulation of glycolysis. Niacin significantly improved functional and metabolic parameters under these conditions, providing additional rationale for use of niacin as a therapeutic agent in patients with ischemic heart disease.  相似文献   

We assessed ANG II type 1 (AT(1)) and type 2 (AT(2)) receptor (R) expression and functional recovery after ischemia-reperfusion with or without AT(1)R/AT(2)R blockade in isolated working rat hearts. Groups of six hearts were subjected to global ischemia (30 min) followed by reperfusion (30 min) and exposed to no drug and no ischemia-reperfusion (control), ischemia-reperfusion and no drug, and ischemia-reperfusion with losartan (an AT(1)R antagonist; 1 micromol/l), PD-123319 (an AT(2)R antagonist; 0.3 micromol/l), N(6)-cyclohexyladenosine (CHA, a cardioprotective adenosine A(1) receptor agonist; 0.5 micromol/l as positive control), enalaprilat (an ANG-converting enzyme inhibitor; 1 micromol/l), PD-123319 + losartan, ANG II (1 nmol/l), or ANG II + losartan. Compared with controls, ischemia-reperfusion decreased AT(2)R protein (Western immunoblots) and mRNA (Northern immunoblots, RT-PCR) and impaired functional recovery. PD-123319 increased AT(2)R protein and mRNA and improved functional recovery. Losartan increased AT(1)R mRNA (but not AT(1)R/AT(2)R protein) and impaired recovery. Other groups (except CHA) did not improve recovery. The results suggest that, in isolated working hearts, AT(2)R plays a significant role in ischemia-reperfusion and AT(2)R blockade induces increased AT(2)R protein and cardioprotection.  相似文献   

There has been increased interest in melatonin recently, since it was shown to be a potent scavenger of toxic free radicals. Melatonin has been found to be effective in protecting against pathological states due to reactive oxygen species release. The present study was performed in order to determine whether melatonin or 5-methoxy-carbonylamino-N-acetyl-tryptamine (5-MCA-NAT), a structurally related indole compound, protect against ischemia-reperfusion injury in the isolated rat heart. Wistar rats were treated in vivo with either melatonin (1 or 10 mg/kg, i.p.) or 5-MCA-NAT (10 mg/kg, i.p.) or their vehicle, 30 min before their hearts were excised and perfused according to the Langendorff technique. Two different protocols were then applied. In the first one, a regional ischemia (5 min)-reperfusion (30 min) sequence was performed in order to record incidence and duration of reperfusion arrhythmias. In the second one, infarct size was assessed after a regional ischemia (30 min)-reperfusion (120 min) sequence. Results show a spectacular protection against ischemia-reperfusion injuries (on arrhythmias as well as on infarct size) in rats pre-treated with 10 mg/kg of melatonin or 5-MCA-NAT. In conclusion, both melatonin and its structural analog, 5-MCA-NAT, appear to confer protection against ischemia-reperfusion injury in the isolated rat heart. This observation suggests that melatonin could have a potential clinical application in the treatment of myocardial ischemia, even if the mechanisms underlying this protection remain to be determined.  相似文献   

1. An improved perfusion system for the isolated rat heart is described. It is based on the isolated working heart of Neely, Liebermeister, Battersby & Morgan (1967) (Am. J. Physiol. 212, 804-814) and allows the measurement of metabolic rates and cardiac performance at a near-physiological workload. The main improvements concern better oxygenation of the perfusion medium and greater versatility of the apparatus. Near-physiological performance (cardiac output and aortic pressure) was maintained for nearly 2 h as compared with 30 min or less in the preparations of earlier work. 2. The rates of energy release (O2 uptake and substrate utilization) were 40-100% higher than those obtained by previous investigators, who used hearts at subphysiological workloads. 3. Values are given for the rates of utilization of glucose, lactate, oleate, acetate and ketone bodies, for O2 consumption and for the relative contributions of various fuels to the energy supply of the heart. Glucose can be replaced to a large extent by lactate, oleate or acetate, but not by ketone bodies. 4. Apart from quantitative differences there were also major qualitative differences between the present and previous preparations. Thus insulin was not required for maximal rates of glucose consumption at near-physiological, in contrast with subphysiological, workloads when glucose was the sole added substrate. When glucose oxidation was suppressed by the addition of other oxidizable substrates (lactate, acetate or acetoacetate), insulin increased the contribution of glucose as fuel for cardiac energy production at high workload. 5. In view of the major effects of workload on cardiac metabolism, experimentation on hearts performing subphysiologically or unphysiologically is of limited value to the situation in vivo.  相似文献   

Whereas ATP consumption increases with neural activity and is buffered by phosphocreatine (PCr), it is not known whether PCr synthesis by ubiquitous mitochondrial creatine kinase (uMtCK) supports energy metabolism in all neurons. To explore the possibility that uMtCK expression in neurons is modulated by activity and during development, we used immunocytochemistry to detect uMtCK-containing mitochondria. In the adult brain, subsets of neurons including layer Va pyramidal cells, most thalamic nuclei, cerebellar Purkinje cells, olfactory mitral cells and hippocampal interneurons strongly express uMtCK. uMtCK is transiently expressed by a larger group of neurons at birth. Neurons in all cortical layers express uMtCK at birth (P0), but uMtCK is restricted to layer Va by P12. uMtCK is detected in cerebellar Purkinje cells at birth, but localization to dendrites is only observed after P5 and is maximal on P14. Hippocampal CA1 and CA3 pyramidal neurons contain uMtCK-positive mitochondria at birth, but this pattern becomes progressively restricted to interneurons. Seizures induced uMtCK expression in cortical layers II–III and CA1 pyramidal neurons. In the cortex, but not in CA1, blockade of seizures prevented the induction of uMtCK. These findings support the concept that uMtCK expression in neurons is (1) developmentally regulated in post-natal life, (2) constitutively restricted in the adult brain, and (3) regulated by activity in the cortex and hippocampus. This implies that mitochondrial synthesis of PCr is restricted to those neurons that express uMtCK and may contribute to protect these cells during periods of increased energy demands.  相似文献   

Breathing air with a high oxygen tension induces an inflammatory response and injures the microvessels of the lung. The resulting development of smooth muscle cells in these segments contributes to changes in vasoreactivity and increased pulmonary artery pressure. This in vivo study determines the temporal and spatial expression of endogenous endothelial nitric oxide synthase (NOS III) and inducible NOS (NOS II), important enzymes regulating vasoreactivity and inflammation, in the adult rat lung during the development of experimental pulmonary hypertension induced by oxidant injury. We analyzed the cellular distribution of these NOS isoforms, using specific antibodies, and assessed enzyme activity at baseline and after 1-28 days of hyperoxia (FIO2 0.87). The number of NOS III-immuno-positive endothelial cells increased early in hyperoxia and then remained high. By day 28, the relative number of these cells had increased from 40% in proximal vessels and 13-16% in distal alveolar vessels of the normal lung to 73-86% and 40-59%, respectively, in hyperoxia. Pulmonary alveolar macrophages (PAMs), normally few in number and only weakly immunopositive for NOS II or III in the normal lung, increased in number in hyperoxia and were strongly immunopositive for each isoform. These morphological data were supported by a temporal increase in total and calcium-independent NOS activity. Thus NOS expression and activity significantly increased in hyperoxia as pulmonary hypertension developed, and NOS III expression increased selectively in vascular endothelial cells, while both NOS isoforms were expressed by the PAM population. We conclude that this increase in expression of a potent vasodilator, an antiproliferative agent for smooth muscle cells, and an antioxidant molecule represents an adaptive response to protect the lung from oxidant-induced vascular and epithelial injury.  相似文献   

Mammalian gene expression in hypoxic conditions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The isolated working rat heart is a useful experimental model which allows contractile function to be measured in hearts perfused at physiologically relevant workloads. To maintain these high workloads the heart is required to generate a tremendous amount of energy. In vivo this energy is derived primarily from the oxidation of fatty acids. In many experimental situations it is desirable to perfuse the isolated working heart in the presence of physiologically relevant concentrations of fatty acids. This is particularly important when studying energy metabolism in the heart, or in determining how fatty acids alter the outcome of myocardial ischemic injury [1, 2]. The other major source of energy for the heart is derived from the oxidation of carbohydrates (glucose and lactate), with a smaller amount of ATP also being derived from glycolysis. Two byproducts of both fatty acid and carbohydrate metabolism are H2O and CO2. By labeling the glucose, lactate, or fatty acids in the perfusate with 3H or 14C the experimenter can quantitatively collect either 3H2O or 14CO2 produced by the heart. By using radioisotopes that are labeled at specific hydrogen or carbon molecules on the various energy substrates, and by knowing the specific activity of the radiolabeled substrate used, it is possible to determine the actual rate of flux through these individual pathways. This paper will describe the experimental protocols for directly measuring fatty acid and carbohydrate metabolism in isolated working rat hearts.  相似文献   

Previously published reports have claimed that human placental villi are capable of adapting to hypoxia by thinning of the placental barrier which normally separates the fetal from the maternal circulation. In order to examine this effect further, terminal villi from three normal mature placentas were cultured for periods of 1, 6 and 12 h at different oxygen tensions. Diffusion distance and capillary volume fraction were measured on 1 micron plastic sections on a blind basis, but no statistically significant differences were observed between the cultured sample groups and control material. It is concluded that placental villi show no adaptation to acute hypoxia when maintained in organ culture in vitro. It is possible, however, that they undergo changes in vivo, secondary to vasodilatation of the umbilical arteries and placental arterioles.  相似文献   

This paper aims to study of the effects of ischemia‐reperfusion on the post‐rest inotropy and to characterize post‐rest B1:B2 ratio as an index of intracellular Ca2+ overload. When the rest interval between the cardiac beats is increased, the magnitude of the post‐rest beats is increased. First beat (B1) is maximally potentiated with exponental decline of the second (B2) and subsequent beats, thereby establishing a normal B1:B2 ratio of post‐ rest inotropy of the cardiac muscle. The rest potentiation of B1 and subsequent decay in the magnitude B2 is thought to develop from the time‐dependent changes in the Ca2+‐uptake and release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). Ca2+‐kinetics of SR can be modulated by a variety of interventions which produce Ca2+ loading of the SR. Methods: Isolated perfused (K‐H buffer, 34°C) rat hearts were paced at 1 Hz (steady state frequency). Interbeat intervals between 1s and 10s were introduced and the recovery in the left ventricular contractile force (Pmax) of post‐rest B1 and B2 for each interval was recorded. Their relative relationship was computed and compared under control and experimental conditions. Results: High extracellular Ca2+ (2.50 to 7.0 mM) or low extracellular Na+ (50% of control), and ischemia (60 min, 34°C) ‐ reperfusion (30 min, 34°C) caused the reversal of the control relationship of the B1 to B2, with B2 being more potentiated than B1, accompanied by the appearance of after‐contractions during the rest intervals of 4s or more. The mean (± SE) control B1:B2 ratio (at 4s interval) of 1.12 ± 0.05 was significantly (P<0.001) reduced to 0.93 ± 0.07; 0.89 ± 0.01; and 0.96 ± 0.02 after high Ca2+ (6 mM) perfusion, low Na+(50%) perfusion and ischemia‐reperfusion respectively. Simultaneous perfusion with ryanodine (1 μM) abolished the after‐contractions and significantly increased the reduced ratios. The time course of changes in B1:B2 ratio after graded ischemia‐reperfusion showed a significant fall in the ratio between 30 and 60 min of ischemia. A parallel change in Pmax and a significant rise in the left ventricular end‐diastolic pressure, indicating an irreversible phase of the injury was recorded. No significant changes in B1:B2 ratio were detected during the reversible phase (<30 min) of the ischemia‐reperfusion injury. Conclusions: Ischemia‐reperfusion induces significant alterations in the relative ratio of the post‐rest contractions of the left ventricle in isolated perfused rat heart. The altered ratios were characterized to predict the irreversibility of the reperfusion injury and to index the extent of Ca2+‐loading of the sarcoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

A method of continuously measuring left ventricular (LV) pressure in an isolated buffer-perfused working rat heart is described. Transvalvular placement of a micromanometer through the aorta is the unique feature of this procedure. Advantages include catheter stability and lack of myocardial trauma. Changes in cardiac function were quantified by exposing hearts to either isoproterenol (10(-9) M) or halothane (1.5% vol/vol). To examine if any obstruction to LV outflow was caused by the micromanometer, cardiac performance was assessed during pullback from the ventricle to the aorta. Complications such as aortic insufficiency and ventricular arrhythmias were also studied. The results indicate that the transvalvular placement of a micromanometer can provide continuous, high-fidelity reproduction of LV pressure in this small-organ preparation. The presence of the micromanometer did not significantly alter cardiac performance, and proper catheter placement was achieved easily in a high percentage (> 90%) of cases.  相似文献   

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