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For cultivation-independent and highly parallel analysis of members of the genus Burkholderia , an oligonucleotide microarray (phylochip) consisting of 131 hierarchically nested 16S rRNA gene-targeted oligonucleotide probes was developed. A novel primer pair was designed for selective amplification of a 1.3 kb 16S rRNA gene fragment of Burkholderia species prior to microarray analysis. The diagnostic performance of the microarray for identification and differentiation of Burkholderia species was tested with 44 reference strains of the genera Burkholderia , Pandoraea , Ralstonia and Limnobacter . Hybridization patterns based on presence/absence of probe signals were interpreted semi-automatically using the novel likelihood-based strategy of the web-tool PhyloDetect. Eighty-eight per cent of the reference strains were correctly identified at the species level. The evaluated microarray was applied to investigate shifts in the Burkholderia community structure in acidic forest soil upon addition of cadmium, a condition that selected for Burkholderia species. The microarray results were in agreement with those obtained from phylogenetic analysis of Burkholderia 16S rRNA gene sequences recovered from the same cadmium-contaminated soil, demonstrating the value of the Burkholderia phylochip for determinative and environmental studies.  相似文献   

To evaluate PCR-generated artifacts (i.e., chimeras, mutations, and heteroduplexes) with the 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA)-based cloning approach, a model community of four species was constructed from alpha, beta, and gamma subdivisions of the division Proteobacteria as well as gram-positive bacterium, all of which could be distinguished by HhaI restriction digestion patterns. The overall PCR artifacts were significantly different among the three Taq DNA polymerases examined: 20% for Z-Taq, with the highest processitivity; 15% for LA-Taq, with the highest fidelity and intermediate processitivity; and 7% for the conventionally used DNA polymerase, AmpliTaq. In contrast to the theoretical prediction, the frequency of chimeras for both Z-Taq (8.7%) and LA-Taq (6.2%) was higher than that for AmpliTaq (2.5%). The frequencies of chimeras and of heteroduplexes for Z-Taq were almost three times higher than those of AmpliTaq. The total PCR artifacts increased as PCR cycles and template concentrations increased and decreased as elongation time increased. Generally the frequency of chimeras was lower than that of mutations but higher than that of heteroduplexes. The total PCR artifacts as well as the frequency of heteroduplexes increased as the species diversity increased. PCR artifacts were significantly reduced by using AmpliTaq and fewer PCR cycles (fewer than 20 cycles), and the heteroduplexes could be effectively removed from PCR products prior to cloning by polyacrylamide gel purification or T7 endonuclease I digestion. Based upon these results, an optimal approach is proposed to minimize PCR artifacts in 16S rDNA-based microbial community studies.  相似文献   

Mucosa-associated microbiota from different regions of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract of adult broilers was studied by analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences. The microbiota mainly comprised Gram-positive bacteria along the GI tract. Fifty-one operational taxonomic units (OTUs) (from 98 clones) were detected in the ceca, as compared with 13 OTUs (from 49 clones) in the crops, 11 OTUs (from 51 clones) in the gizzard, 14 OTUs (from 52 clones) in the duodenum, 12 OTUs (from 50 clones) in the jejunum and nine OTUs (from 50 clones) in the ileum. Ceca were dominantly occupied by clostridia-related sequences (40%) with other abundant sequences being related to Faecalibacterium prausnitzii (14%), Escherichia coli (11%), lactobacilli (7%) and Ruminococcus (6%). Lactobacilli were predominant in the upper GI tract and had the highest diversity in the crop. Both Lactobacillus aviarius and Lactobacillus salivarius were the predominant species among lactobacilli. Candidatus division Arthromitus was also abundant in the jejunum and ileum.  相似文献   

The study describes a rapid approach for detection of common enteric bacterial pathogens, which involves partial amplification of the 16S rRNA gene by PCR using a colony from selective medium followed by restriction enzyme (RE) digestion using the EcoRI, HindIII and SalI enzymes. On the basis of RE digestion analysis different genera namely, Escherichia, Salmonella, Shigella, Vibrio, Campylobacter, Arcobacter, Yesinia and Listeria were differentiated.  相似文献   

为了更好地了解拟诺卡氏菌属(Nocardiopsis)各物种间的系统发育关系,该属现有有效描述种的gyrB,sodrpoB基因的部分序列被测定,结合16S rRNA基因,对拟诺卡氏菌属进行了系统发育重建。研究发现拟诺卡氏菌属gyrB,sodrpoB基因的平均相似性分别为87.7%、87.3%和94.1%,而16S rRNA基因的平均相似性则达到96.65%,3个看家基因均比16S rRNA具有更高的分歧度。比较基于不同基因的系统树发现,由gyrB基因得到的系统树拓扑结构与16S rRNA得到的结构在亚群上基本一致。因此,gyrB基因在拟诺卡氏菌属的系统分类上比16S rRNA基因更具优越性。  相似文献   

张璐瑶  吴林玲  毕富玺  闫颖 《中国微生态学杂志》2021,33(12):1385-1390, 1397
目的通过对细菌性阴道病(BV)患者肠道菌群及阴道菌群16S rDNA扩增子测序,分析其结构、多样性、相关性以及BV对肠道菌群的影响,为今后治疗BV提供新的思路。方法选取符合纳入标准的BV患者11例(BV组),健康者9例(C组),留存阴道分泌物及新鲜粪便进行16S rDNA基因检测分析。结果C组阴道菌群以乳杆菌属为主,BV与加德纳菌属、普雷沃菌属、Sneathia、窄食单胞菌属(Stenotrophomonas)、阿托波菌属、Shuttleworthia、巨型球菌属密切相关。BV组肠道、阴道菌群丰富度均高于C组。Alpha多样性分析中C组和BV组肠道菌群、阴道菌群的Shannon指数组间比较,χ2值为29.137, P=0.000<0.05,两组阴道菌群Shannon指数组间比较差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),BV组高于C组。物种多样性曲线反映本研究样本测序数据量的合理性,表明BV组的肠道菌群多样性、丰富度均高于C组,主坐标分析表明C组肠道与阴道的菌群结构差距较大,BV组肠道与阴道的菌群结构有相似之处,且两组肠道菌群结构接近。BV组阴道菌群中厚壁菌门丰度较C组低,放线菌门、拟杆菌门较C组高;BV组肠道菌群中拟杆菌门丰度较C组低;C组肠道中拟杆菌门明显高于阴道,厚壁菌门明显低于阴道; BV组阴道菌群中放线菌门丰度高于C组,差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论BV阴道菌群与肠道菌群具有相关性,BV可能引起肠道菌群结构比例和多样性的改变。  相似文献   

The bacterial flora and biomass in mountain snow from the Tateyama Mountains, Toyama Prefecture, Japan, one of the heaviest snowfall regions in the world, were analyzed by amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis followed by 16S rRNA gene sequencing and DNA quantification by real-time PCR. Samples of surface snow collected in various months during the melting season contained a psychrophilic bacterium, Cryobacterium psychrophilum, and two psychrotrophic bacteria, Variovorax paradoxus and Janthinobacterium lividum. Bacterial colonies that developed in an in situ meltwater medium at 4 degrees C were revealed to be V. paradoxus. The biomasses of C. psychrophilum, J. lividum, and V. paradoxus, as estimated by real-time PCR, showed large increases during the melting season from March to October (2.0 x 10(5)-fold, 1.5 x 10(5)-fold, and 1.0 x 10(4)-fold increases, respectively), suggesting their rapid growth in the surface snow. The biomasses of C. psychrophilum and J. lividum increased significantly from March to April, reached a maximum in August, and dropped at the end of the melting season. In contrast, the biomass of V. paradoxus did not increase as rapidly during the early melting season but continued to increase from June until October. The differences in development observed among these bacterial species suggest that their growth was promoted by different nutrients and/or environmental conditions in the snow. Since these three types of bacteria have also been reported to be present in a glacier in Antarctica and a Greenland ice core, they seem to be specialized members of the snow biota that are distributed in snow and ice environments in various parts of the world.  相似文献   

Two 16S rRNA gene-based PCR primer sets (Brod541F/Amx820R and A438f/A684r) for detecting anammox bacteria were compared using sediments from Mai Po wetlands (MP), the South China Sea (SCS), a freshwater reservoir (R2), and sludge granules from a wastewater treatment plant (A2). By comparing their ability in profiling anammox bacteria, the recovered diversity, community structure, and abundance of anammox bacteria among all these diverse samples indicated that A438f/A684r performed better than Brod541F/Amx820R in retrieving anammox bacteria from these different environmental samples. Five Scalindua subclusters (zhenghei-I, SCS-I, SCS-III, arabica, and brodae) dominated in SCS whereas two Scalindua subclusters (zhenghei-II and wagneri) and one cluster of Kuenenia dominated in MP. R2 showed a higher diversity of anammox bacteria with two new retrieved clusters (R2-New-1 and R2-New-2), which deserves further detailed study. The dominance of Brocadia in sample A2 was supported by both of the primer sets used. Results collectively indicate strongly niche-specific community structures of anammox bacteria in different environments, and A438f/A684r is highly recommended for screening anammox bacteria from various environments when dealing with a collection of samples with diverse physiochemical characteristics.  相似文献   

We report the application of a nucleic acid-based assay that enables direct detection and identification of bacterial pathogens in fish kidney tissue without the need for bacterial culture. The technique, known as terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP), employs the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using a primer pair that targets 2 highly conserved regions of the gene that encodes for the 16S small subunit of the bacterial ribosome. Each primer is 5' labeled with a different fluorescent dye, which results in each terminus of the resulting amplicon having a distinguishable fluorescent tag. The amplicon is then digested with a series of 6 restriction endonucleases, followed by size determination of the 2 labeled terminal fragments by capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence detection. Comparison of the lengths of the full set of 12 terminal fragments with those predicted based on analyses of GenBank submissions of 16S sequences leads to presumptive identification of the pathogen to at least the genus, but more typically the species level. Results of T-RFLP analyses of genomic DNA from multiple strains of a number of fish bacterial pathogens are presented. The assay is further demonstrated on fish kidney tissue spiked with a known number of cells of Flavobacterium psychrophilum where a detection limit of ca. 30 CFU mg(-1) of tissue was estimated. A similar detection limit was observed for several other gram-negative pathogens. This procedure was also used to detect Aeromonas salmonicida and Renibacterium salmoninarum in the kidney tissue of 2 naturally infected salmonids.  相似文献   

Small subunit ribosomal genes were explored using PCR-RFLP to facilitate the characterization of bacteria cultured from reared fry of the Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus). Concern has been expressed about pathogen invasion in larvae lacking a counteracting normal flora that may aid the immune system in producing robust noninfected individuals. In this study, pure cultured representatives of normal flora that were previously found to be antagonistic towards a pathogenic Vibrio sp. were subjected to a whole cell PCR protocol amplifying approximately 1500 bp of 16S rDNA. Amplified DNA was digested by AluI, BstUI, CfoI, and RsaI, to generate restriction profiles. Before the isolates were characterized, a survey was performed to test the discriminative efficiency of the RFLP. Efficient detection of polymorphism and the resolution of species and subspecies were achieved. Using the RFLP on 103 isolates generated as many as 22 genotypes. Based on the restriction profiles, a taxonomic tree incorporating 19 reference strains was constructed. Partial sequencing found this tree to be dominated by gamma-Proteobacteria in clusters of Vibrio-, Pseudomonas-, and Alteromonas-affiliated species. Only nine isolates fell outside these genera, including the three isolates Shewanella alga, Deleya marina, and Marinomonas protea. These species have not previously been reported as halibut flora. The most frequently isolated genotype resembled Vibrio salmonicida.  相似文献   

Field-collected mosquitoes of the two main malaria vectors in Africa, Anopheles gambiae sensu lato and Anopheles funestus, were screened for their midgut bacterial contents. The midgut from each blood-fed mosquito was screened with two different detection pathways, one culture independent and one culture dependent. Bacterial species determination was achieved by sequence analysis of 16S rRNA genes. Altogether, 16 species from 14 genera were identified, 8 by each method. Interestingly, several of the bacteria identified are related to bacteria known to be symbionts in other insects. One isolate, Nocardia corynebacterioides, is a relative of the symbiont found in the vector for Chagas' disease that has been proven useful as a paratransgenic bacterium. Another isolate is a novel species within the gamma-proteobacteria that could not be phylogenetically placed within any of the known orders in the class but is close to a group of insect symbionts. Bacteria representing three intracellular genera were identified, among them the first identifications of Anaplasma species from mosquitoes and a new mosquito-Spiroplasma association. The isolates will be further investigated for their suitability for a paratransgenic Anopheles mosquito.  相似文献   

Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology - A bench-scale granular autotrophic nitrogen removal bioreactor (completely autotrophic nitrogen removal over nitrite (CANON) system) used for the treatment...  相似文献   

Synthetic oligonucleotide probes specific for vagococci were designed from 16S rRNA sequence data. Molecular hybridizations with PCR-amplified rDNA targets provided an unequivocal means of differentiating vagococci from related lactic acid bacteria (eg. Carnobacterium, Enterococcus, Lactococcus) and identification at the generic and species levels.  相似文献   

Aims: To locate and identify putative autochthonous bacteria within the grass grub gut that may have a role in symbiosis. Methods and Results: Polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) fingerprinting was used to investigate bacterial diversity in the grass grub larval gut. The microbial community profiles from five geographically distinct populations were compared and the influence of feeding was analysed. Bacterial community in the midgut was highly variable between locations and was affected by feeding. The hindgut contained a more diverse but stable bacterial community that was less affected by external conditions. Forty-seven distinct DGGE bands, representing different bacterial genotypes, could be distinguished from all samples, with 34 different bands occurring in the hindgut. The 22 most common bands were isolated and DNA was sequenced. Sequence analysis revealed that most bacteria (16/22) were affiliated to the Clostridiales with the predominant bacteria affiliated to the genus Clostridium. The remaining bacteria were aligned to the Betaproteobacteria, Deltaproteobacteria and Bacteroidetes. Conclusions: The grass grub larva has an autochthonous microflora with predominance of Clostridium spp. in the hindgut. Significance and Impact of the Study: Occurrence of an autocthonous microflora in the grass grub hindgut suggests a symbiotic relationship which could help explain the ability of larval scarabs to feed on recalcitrant organic matter.  相似文献   

Summary DNA was isolated from chloroplasts of Euglena gracilis var. bacillaris (ATCC No. 10616). The structure of the rDNA was studied using partial denaturation mapping and heteroduplex analysis. Seven GC-rich stretches representing the rDNA were apparent in the partial denaturation pattern. To analyse the structure of the rDNA in detail, heteroduplexes with the E. coli rrnD operon cloned in the plasmid pBK8 were prepared. Five complete rRNA operons were found. In addition one extra 16S rRNA gene was located between the second and third complete operons and another extra 16S rRNA gene was upstream of all five operons. Each one was associated with a small inverted repeat structure.  相似文献   

AIMS: The indigenous flora of freshly chilled cold-smoked salmon just after the vacuum packaging, and the spoilage flora after storage, in vacuum package at 7 degrees C for 19 days, were to be investigated with two different sampling strategies. METHODS AND RESULTS: Identification was performed using 16S rRNA sequencing of both isolated bacteria and bacterial DNA from tissue extract. The indigenous flora of fresh cold-smoked vacuum-packed salmon was dominated by, in order, Brochothrix thermosphacta, Yersinia ruckeri, Photobacterium and Carnobacterium, whereas the spoilage flora of the same product stored at 7 degrees C for 19 days was dominated by Lactobacillus and Photobacterium. The two sampling strategies showed similar results on the fish flora. Several new types of Photobacterium sequences, closely related to Photobacterium iliopiscarium and Photobacterium phosphoreum, were found from both the freshly processed and the stored salmon, indicating that smoked salmon harbours at least three different, as yet unknown, Photobacterium species. CONCLUSIONS: Ten per cent of the bacterial flora multiplying on chilled, vacuum-packed, cold-smoked salmon comprised unknown species. The two sampling strategies complement each other. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: As cold-smoked salmon is consumed without heat-treatment, the presence of undefined bacteria in high numbers should be considered in public health assessments.  相似文献   

Several methyl-branched saturated C32, C33, and C34 hydrocarbons have been identified from larvae and mandibular glands of Heliothis virescens (F.) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) that trigger a short-range host-seeking response of its parasitoid, Cardiochiles nigriceps, Viereck (Hymenoptera: Branconidae). Although the individual components elicited a response, a mixture of the most active C32, C33, and C34 hydrocarbons was significantly more active than the individual components; some mixtures were as active as the contents of the mandibular gland of the host.
Zusammenfassung Isomere Monomethylalkane in den Larven und in der Mandibeldrüse von Heliothis virescens, die bei ihrem Parasitoid, Cardiochiles nigriceps, nach Kontakt eine wirtsuchende Wirkung besitzen, wurden identifiziert. Mischungen mehrerer, als aktiv erkannter Substanzen (z.B. 12-Methyl C31+12-Methyl C32+13-Methyl C33, optimal zusammen 500 ng) wirkten stärker als die einzelnen Komponenten und konnten die Wirkung des Mandibulardrüseninhalts erreichen.

基于16S rRNA基因高通量测序研究狞猫肠道微生物多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈磊  刘咪  沙未来  高迎  陈佳欣  朱静 《微生物学报》2019,59(9):1685-1694
[目的]研究狞猫肠道微生物多样性特征。[方法]对7只健康成年野生狞猫(2只雄性,5只雌性;2只来自济南野生动物园,5只来自威海野生动物园)粪便微生物16S rRNA基因V3-V4区进行高通量测序,对狞猫肠道微生物多样性进行研究。[结果] 7只狞猫共获得肠道微生物16S rRNA基因V3-V4区有效序列1458741条,平均208392条,序列平均长度433 bp。通过以97%的序列相似性进行分类,获得操作分类单元(OTU)平均 233个。经序列比对和分类鉴定,这些OTU都属于细菌域,包括13个门,26个纲,43个目,75个科,119个属。其中,丰度最高的细菌门是厚壁菌门(Firmicutes,平均占61.7%)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria,12.42%)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes,7.79%)、梭杆菌门(Fusobacteroidetes,7.79%)和变形菌门(Proteobacteria,7.53%)。丰度最高的科依次是消化链球菌科(Peptostreptococcaceae,平均占16.15%),梭菌科I(Clostridiaceae_I,14.78%),毛螺菌科(Lachnospiraceae,13.13%),红蝽杆菌科(Coriobacteriaceae,12.31%)等。丰度最高的属是柯林斯氏菌属(Collinsella,11.44%),艰难梭菌属(Peptoclostridium,10.91%),狭窄梭菌属1(Clostridium_sensu_stricto_1,10.3%),拟杆菌属(Bacteroides,7.41%),消化链球菌属(Peptostreptococcus,5.21%)等。7只狞猫的肠道微生物中有平均15.35%的OTU没有归类到属。样本间聚类分析结果表明,来自同一动物园的样本聚为一支。[结论]本文通过高通量测序技术研究了狞猫肠道微生物的组成和多样性特征,为狞猫的救护饲养和消化生理学研究提供基础数据。  相似文献   

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