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We studied the expression of the genes encoding the A and B chains of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) in a number of human leukemia cell lines. Steady-state expression of the A-chain RNA was seen only in the promonocytic leukemia cell line U937 and in the T-cell leukemia cell line MOLT-4. It has previously been reported that both PDGF A and PDGF B genes are induced during megakaryoblastic differentiation of the K562 erythroleukemia cells and transiently during monocytic differentiation of the promyelocytic leukemia cell line HL-60 and U937 cells. In this study we show that PDGF A RNA expression was induced in HL-60 and Jurkat T-cell leukemia cells and increased in U937 and MOLT-4 cells after a 1- to 2-h stimulation with an 8 pM concentration of transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta). PDGF A RNA remained at a constant, elevated level for at least 24 h in U937 cells, but returned to undetectable levels within 12 h in HL-60 cells. No PDGF A expression was induced by TGF-beta in K562 cells or in lung carcinoma cells (A549). Interestingly, essentially no PDGF B-chain (c-sis proto-oncogene) RNA was expressed simultaneously with PDGF A. In the presence of TGF-beta and protein synthesis inhibitors, PDGF A RNA was superinduced at least 20-fold in the U937 and HL-60 cells. PDGF A expression was accompanied by secretion of immunoprecipitable PDGF to the culture medium of HL-60 and U937 cells. The phorbol ester tumor promoter tetradecanoyl phorbol acetate also increased PDGF A expression with similar kinetics, but with a mechanism distinct from that of TGF-beta. These results suggest a role for TGF-beta in the differential regulation of expression of the PDGF genes.  相似文献   

The effects of phorbol ester on cell growth inhibition by transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-beta 1) in human hepatoma cell lines, Mahlavu and PLC/PRF/5, were investigated. TGF-beta 1 (2.5 to 10 pM) alone could not inhibit the growth of Mahlavu cells, whereas in the presence of 12-O-tetradecanoyl phorbol 13-acetate (TPA) at 1 ng/ml, TGF-beta 1 could suppress their growth in a dose-dependent manner. The growth of PLC/PRF/5 cells could be inhibited by addition of TGF-beta 1 (2.5 to 10 pM) alone in a dose-dependent manner, and this action was not affected by TPA (1 ng/ml). The TGF-beta 1 inhibition induced by TPA in Mahlavu cells could not be cancelled by addition of protein kinase C inhibitor, 1-(5-isoquinolinesulfonyl)-2-methylpiperazine (H7) (10 microM) or staurosporin (1 nM). Thus, TPA could induce TGF-beta 1 inhibition of cell growth in Mahlavu cells which did not respond to TGF-beta 1 alone, and activation of protein kinase C does not seem to be behind this TPA action.  相似文献   

TGFβ can promote and/or suppress prostate tumor growth through multiple and opposing actions. Alterations of its expression, secretion, regulation or of the sensitivity of target cells can lead to a favorable environment for tumor development. To gain a better insight in TGFβ function during cancer progression, we have used different cultured human prostate cells: preneoplastic PNT2 cells, the androgen-dependent LNCaP and the androgen-independent PC3 and DU145 prostate cancer cell lines. We have studied by specific ELISA assays in conditioned media (CM), the secretion of TGFβ1 and TGFβ2 in basal conditions and after hormonal treatment (DHT or E2) and the expression of TGFβ1 mRNA by Northern blot. We have also compared the effect of fibroblast CM on TGFβ secretion by the different cell types. Compared to PNT2 cells, cancer cell lines secrete lower levels of active TGFβ which are not increased in the presence of fibroblast CM. LNCaP cells respond to androgen or estrogen treatment by a 10-fold increase of active TGFβ secretion while PC3 and DU145 are unresponsive. In conclusion, prostate cancer cell lines have lost part of their ability to secrete and activate TGFβ, and to regulate this secretion through stromal–epithelial interactions. Androgen-sensitive cancer cells may compensate this loss by hormonal regulation.  相似文献   

Type beta transforming growth factor (TGF beta) has been shown to be both a positive and negative regulator of cellular proliferation and differentiation. The effects of TGF beta also are cell-type specific and appear to be modulated by other growth factors. In the present study, we examined the potential of TGF beta for control of myogenic differentiation. In mouse C-2 myoblasts, TGF beta inhibited fusion and prevented expression of the muscle-specific gene products, creatine kinase and acetylcholine receptor. Differentiation of the nonfusing muscle cell line, BC2Hl, was also inhibited by TGF beta in a dose-dependent manner (ID50 approximately 0.5 ng/ml). TGF beta was not mitogenic for either muscle cell line, indicating that its inhibitory effects do not require cell proliferation. Inhibition of differentiation required the continual presence of TGF beta in the culture media. Removal of TGF beta led to rapid appearance of muscle proteins, which indicates that intracellular signals generated by TGF beta are highly transient and require continuous occupancy of the TGF beta receptor. Northern blot hybridization analysis using a muscle creatine kinase cDNA probe indicated that TGF beta inhibited differentiation at the level of muscle-specific mRNA accumulation. These results provide the first demonstration that TGF beta is a potent regulator of myogenic differentiation and suggest that TGF beta may play an important role in the control of tissue-specific gene expression during development.  相似文献   

Both transforming growth factor beta (TGF beta) and TGF alpha mRNA are expressed in human breast cancer cell lines. We have investigated the relationship of mRNA abundance for these growth modulators to the proliferation rate of a number of human breast cancer cell lines. Furthermore, we have investigated the relationship of regulation of TGF beta and TGF alpha mRNA to growth inhibition caused by progestins and nonsteroidal antiestrogens in T-47D human breast cancer cells. The abundance of TGF beta and TGF alpha mRNA in human breast cancer cell lines was not related directly to proliferation rate of the cells in culture or estrogen receptor positivity or negativity. The relationship of TGF beta and TGF alpha mRNA to growth inhibition caused by antiestrogens and progestins was investigated in T-47D human breast cancer cells. We observed that in T-47D human breast cancer cells the abundance of TGF beta mRNA is decreased in a time- and dose-dependent fashion by progestins but remains unaltered by nonsteroidal antiestrogens. Treatment of T-47D cells for 24 h with 10 nM medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) reduced the level of TGF beta mRNA to one third that present in untreated cells. The same treatment increased TGF alpha mRNA 3-fold above untreated controls in a time- and dose-dependent fashion and nonsteroidal antiestrogens caused a small decrease. The regulation of both TGF alpha and TGF beta mRNA was not directly related to inhibition of growth by progestins and antiestrogens in T-47D cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The human teratocarcinoma stem cell line Tera-2 clone 13 is induced by retinoic acid to differentiate in vitro into endodermal or neuroectodermal cell types. In the absence of externally added growth factors, Tera-2 clone 13 cells proliferated at the same rate as in the presence of serum growth factors. Analysis of serum-free medium conditioned by Tera-2 clone 13 cells showed the presence of a polypeptide immunologically and biochemically related to platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF). In addition transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta), but no TGF-alpha production could be detected. Tera-2 clone 13 cells specifically expressed high levels of the A-chain mRNA, but not the B-chain mRNA of PDGF. During retinoic acid induced differentiation the level of A-chain mRNA became markedly reduced. In contrast the TGF-beta mRNA levels increased significantly upon differentiation. The implications of these findings are discussed in terms of regulation of growth and differentiation in early embryos as well as in (human) teratocarcinomas.  相似文献   

The cell biology of transforming growth factor beta   总被引:49,自引:0,他引:49  
The TGF beta family of polypeptide growth factors regulates a remarkable diversity of cellular functions, many of which are not directly associated with cell growth. The present review has summarized many of the recent studies that have just begun to conceptually integrate this expanding array of TGF beta functions into the context of a three-dimensional, multicellular organ or tissue, be it normal or diseased. This fascinating research strongly implicates TGF beta as a key modulator of a wide variety of important physiologic and pathophysiologic processes.  相似文献   

We have examined the ability of transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF-beta 1) and platelet-derived growth factor-BB (PDGF-BB) to regulate the expression of various integrins in cultured rabbit vascular smooth muscle cells (SMC). We found that expression of the alpha v beta 3 integrin complex was induced by both growth factors, although TGF-beta 1 appeared to be the more potent inducer. mRNA level of the beta 3 integrin subunit was undetectable in quiescent cells and enhanced by both growth factors, while the alpha v integrin subunit mRNA level did not change with growth factor addition. Therefore, appearance of the alpha v beta 3 integrin protein complex after growth factor stimulation was due to increased expression of the beta 3 integrin subunit mRNA. The TGF-beta 1 induced increase in beta 3 integrin mRNA was delayed, but did not require prior protein synthesis, since cycloheximide was unable to block the increase in beta 3 mRNA level. By contrast, PDGF-BB induced a more rapid increase in beta 3 integrin mRNA level that peaked by 6 h after growth factor addition and no detectable beta 3 integrin mRNA remained after 24 h. Interestingly, the PDGF-BB induced elevation of beta 3 integrin, although more rapid, was completely inhibited by cycloheximide. Expression of the alpha 5 integrin subunit in response to growth factors was very similar to beta 3. However, in contrast to beta 3 and alpha 5, neither TGF-beta 1 nor PDGF-BB were able to alter the expression of the beta 1 integrin subunit in vascular SMC. However, in TGF-beta 1 treated cells, there was a large increase in expression of a 190 kDa polypeptide that was associated with the beta 1 integrin subunit. This 190 kDa polypeptide was not detected in PDGF treated SMC or in TGF-beta 1 treated fibroblasts. The alpha 1 integrin subunit has a MW of approximately 190 kDa and is capable of complexing with beta 1. Analysis of the alpha 1 integrin subunit mRNA level indicated that it was indeed induced by TGF-beta 1, but not by PDGF-BB, suggesting that the 190 kDa polypeptide may be the alpha 1 integrin subunit. These results indicate that TGF-beta 1 and PDGF-BB are potent but distinct activators of integrin expression in vascular SMC.  相似文献   

Regulatory mechanisms for human CYP27A1 enzyme have not yet been fully investigated. Our approach was to add different hormones and cytokines to cultured human monocyte-derived macrophages, and assess the effects on the CYP27A1 by measuring the production of 27-hydroxylated cholesterol in the media. Of the different hormones and cytokines tested, only transforming growth factor beta1 (TGF-beta1) had a clear effect on CYP27A1. Further experiments showed a significant increase in 27-hydroxylated cholesterol products (27-hydroxycholesterol and 3beta-hydroxy-5-cholestenoic acid). A concomitant increase in CYP27A1 mRNA levels was also seen and this positive effect was confirmed using a human CYP27A1 luciferase reporter gene expressed in HepG2 cells. Experiments with progressive deletion/luciferase reporter gene constructs indicated that a TGF-beta1 responsive sequence might be localized in a region about 400 bp upstream of the CYP27A1 translation start. The possibility is discussed that induction of CYP27A1 by TGF-beta1 may be responsible for some of the anti-atherogenic properties of this cytokine.  相似文献   

Type beta transforming growth factor (beta TGF) purified from human platelets to homogeneity as judged by NH2-terminal amino acid sequence analysis has been labeled with 125I to characterize its interaction with cellular receptors. Binding of 125I-beta TGF to target cells is temperature- and time-dependent, specific, saturable, and reversible. About 1.6-1.9 X 10(4) binding sites/cell with high affinity for beta TGF (Kd = 5.6-7.8 X 10(-11) M and 9.1-14 X 10(-11) M, respectively) are found in NRK-49F and BALB/c 3T3 cells. beta TGF receptors do not appear to undergo acute down-regulation by the ligand. Specific binding of 125I-beta TGF has been observed in several human, rat, and mouse fibroblast lines and in some, but not all, tumor-derived cell lines examined. 125I-beta TGF has been cross-linked to intact cells and isolated membrane preparations using disuccinimidyl suberate. Cells and isolated membranes from human, rat, and mouse origin affinity labeled with 125I-beta TGF exhibit a major labeled species of approximately 280 kilodaltons that has the properties of high affinity and specificity expected from a physiologically relevant beta TGF receptor. Minor labeled species of 70-90 kilodaltons are also labeled by 125I-beta TGF, but they correspond to molecular species with low apparent affinity (Kd approximately 10(-8) M) for 125I-beta TGF.  相似文献   



Transforming growth factor beta (TGFβ) plays a central role in morphogenesis, growth, and cell differentiation. This cytokine is particularly important in cartilage where it regulates cell proliferation and extracellular matrix synthesis. While the action of TGFβ on chondrocyte metabolism has been extensively catalogued, the modulation of specific genes that function as mediators of TGFβ signalling is poorly defined. In the current study, elements of the Smad component of the TGFβ intracellular signalling system and TGFβ receptors were characterised in human chondrocytes upon TGFβ1 treatment.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor (TGF) type beta, a potent growth modulator, has recently been shown to inhibit the proliferation and function of several types of immune cells. This report investigates the effect of human platelet purified TGF-beta on CSF-1-induced proliferation in liquid cultures. We used two cell types to study TGF-beta effects, bone marrow precursors and a c-myc partially transformed CSF-1-dependent macrophage cell line designated BMM-8. We found that CSF-1-dependent proliferation of both cell types was strongly inhibited by TGF-beta in a dose-dependent manner. Approximately 1.6 and 8 pM TGF-beta inhibited 50% of CSF-1 proliferation of the bone marrow precursors and BMM-8, respectively. Inhibition appeared to be reversible, as bone marrow and BMM-8 cells proliferated in response to CSF-1 after preincubation of the cells in TGF-beta. Interestingly, inhibition of hematopoietic cells was observed only after a lag period of 24 to 48 h after onset of cultures. TGF-beta inhibition was partially diminished when increasing amounts of CSF-1 were added to the cultures. TGF-beta inhibition did not involve secondary inhibitory factors such as IFN or PG, both of which have been previously shown to suppress CSF responsiveness. Finally, flow cytometric analysis of the cell cycle indicated that within 48 h, TGF-beta-treated BMM-8 cells were prevented from entering S phase. These results suggest that TGF-beta may play an important role in the negative regulation of macrophage production.  相似文献   

We have investigated the actions of transforming growth factor (TGF) type alpha on epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor mRNA expression in MDA-468 human mammary carcinoma cells in serum-free media. We found that exposure of MDA-468 cells to TGF alpha results in elevated levels of EGF receptor mRNA. This increase in mRNA accumulation showed time and dose dependence. Addition of TGF beta 1 enhanced the accumulation of EGF receptor mRNA induced by TGF alpha in a time- and dose-dependent manner. We also found that triiodothyronine at physiological concentrations exerts synergistic control on the action of TGF alpha alone, or in association with TGF beta 1, on EGF receptor mRNA expression. Similarly, retinoic acid treatment also enhanced in a time- and dose-dependent manner the TGF alpha-dependent response of EGF receptor mRNA and acted synergistically with TGF beta 1. The results described here suggest that optimum regulation of EGF receptor gene expression by TGF alpha is a complex process involving synergistic interactions with heterologous growth factors and hormones.  相似文献   

Genetic or environmental factors that affect the endowment of oocytes, their assembly into primordial follicles, or their subsequent entry into the growing follicle pool can disrupt reproductive function and may underlie disorders such as primary ovarian insufficiency. Mouse models have been instrumental in identifying genes important in ovarian development, and a number of genes now associated with ovarian dysfunction in women were first identified as causing reproductive defects in knockout mice. The transforming growth factor beta (TGFB) family consists of developmentally important growth factors that include the TGFBs, anti‐Müllerian hormone (AMH), activins, bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), and growth and differentiation factor 9 (GDF9). The ovarian primordial follicle pool is the source of oocytes in adults. Development of this pool can be grossly divided into three key processes: (1) establishment of oocytes during embryogenesis followed by (2) assembly and (3) activation of the primordial follicle. Disruptions in any of these processes may cause reproductive dysfunction. Most members of the TGFB family show pivotal roles in each of these areas. Understanding the phenotypes of various mouse models for this protein family will be directly relevant to understanding how disruptions in TGFB family signaling result in reproductive diseases in women and will present new areas for development of tailored diagnostics and interventions for infertility. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 79: 666–679, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor beta1 (TGFB1) is a multi-functional cytokine that regulates cell proliferation, apoptosis and immune system responses. In the breast, the mammary epithelium is the primary source of TGFB1 and increased expression is associated with increased breast cancer risk. This study was conducted to investigate the roles of epithelial cell-derived TGFB1 in regulation of epithelial cell activity and macrophage phenotype in the mammary gland. Tgfb1 null mutant and wildtype mammary epithelium was transplanted into contra-lateral sides of the cleared mammary gland of TGFB1 replete scid mice. Transplanted tissue was analysed for markers of proliferation and apoptosis to determine the effect of Tgfb1 null mutation on epithelial cell turnover, and was analysed by immunohistochemistry to investigate the location, abundance and phenotype of macrophages. The number of proliferating and dying ductal epithelial cells, determined by BrdU and TUNEL, was increased by 35% and 3.3-fold respectively in mammary gland transplanted with Tgfb1 null epithelium compared to wildtype epithelium (p < 0.05). Abundance of F4/80+ macrophages in between Tgfb1 null epithelial cells compared to wildtype epithelial cells was increased by 50%. The number of iNOS+ and CCR7+ cells in the stroma surrounding Tgfb1 null alveolar epithelium was increased by 78% and 2-fold respectively, and dendriform MHC class II+ cells within ductal epithelium were decreased by 30%. We conclude that epithelial cell-derived TGFB1 in the mammary gland has two functions: (1) regulation of cellular turnover of epithelial cells, and (2) regulation of local macrophage phenotype. These findings shed new light on the diversity of roles of TGFB1 in the mammary gland which are likely to impact on breast cancer risk.  相似文献   

Intracellular transforming growth factors (TGFs) were extracted from a human rhabdomyosarcoma cell line and purified to apparent homogeneity by using gel filtration, cation-exchange, and high-performance liquid chromatography. Two types of transforming growth factor activities, TGF-alpha and TGF-beta, were detected. The intracellular polypeptides which belonged to the TGF-alpha family required TGF-beta for full activity in inducing nonneoplastic normal rat kidney fibroblasts to grow in soft agar. These peptides also bound to the membrane receptor for epidermal growth factor. As determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels, the apparent molecular weight of these intracellular TGF-alpha's was 18 000. Intracellular TGF-beta required either epidermal growth factor or TGF-alpha for stimulation of soft agar growth. The intracellular TGF-beta was purified to homogeneity as judged by a single peak after reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography and a single band on a sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel. The intracellular TGF-beta from the human tumor cell line was similar in all respects tested (migration on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels, stimulation of soft agar growth, binding to the membrane receptor for TGF-beta, and amino acid composition) to intracellular TGF-beta from normal human placenta.  相似文献   

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