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Using young plants of Lycopersicum esculentum Mill., we attempt to define a system for a new evaluation of the physiological role of polyphenols, particularly of their regulating properties on growth and development, Exogenously supplied qoinic acid causes an important increase of the phenolic content and a reduced growth of the plants. The decrease in size is proportional to the stimulation of the phenolic pool and is equally obtained using other precursors of aromatic compounds like phenylalanine and cinnamic acid. Non-precursors of polyphenols structurally related to quinic acid are ineffective. It appears from these data that polyphenol levels and growth could be related in tomato plant and that this material would be convenient for studies on interactions between growth and polyphenols.  相似文献   

Resistance induction on pepper and tomato after dipping roots into watersoluble elicitor Fractions issued from Phytophthora casici culture filtrate are generally tested for the elicitor activity on detached cotyledons, Another technic is proposed: young plants (pepper or tomato) are uprooted and their roots dipped into elicitor; after detaching the foliar organs, resistance induction is controlled against Phytophthora capsici or Phytophthora infestans. With pepper, dipping time optimum is about 48 hours; the leaves are better protected than the cotyledons. After elicitation and transplanting, resistance induction remains at the level of the leaves during about one month (50% protection) and decreases progressively beyond. Systemicity of induction is discussed and several hypothesis proposed.  相似文献   

A new assay for aminopeptidase P was established by coupling with proline iminopeptidase using Gly-Pro-chromogen (e.g. Gly-Pro-β-naphthylamide, Gly-Pro-p-nitroanilide, or .Gly-Pro-4-methyl coumarin amide) as the substrate. With each substrate, a linear relationship was established between the enzyme amounts and color development or fluorescence due to the chromogen released. This assay method did not suffer from interference by materials in culture broth. By using this assay method, aminopeptidase P was partially purified from Escherichia coli HB101 by chromatographies on DEAE-Sephadex and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). On the chromatogram with a DEAE-Sephadex column, two peaks of aminopeptidase P were observed and were named APP-I and APP-II. APP-I was further purified by HPLC using DEAE-5PW and Phenyl-5PW columns. Optimum pHs of APP-I and APP-II were 8.0 and 9.0, respectively. In contrast to APP-I which was stable around pH 10, APP-II was stable at pH 8 to 9. After incubation for 30 min at pH 8.0, fifty percent of the remaining activity of APP-I and APP-II were observed at 60°C and 50°C. APP-I and APP-II were activated 3-fold by the addition of 5 and 30 μm Mn2+. They were inhibited by EDTA, and reactivated by adding Mn2 +. The molecular weights of APP-I and APP-II were 350,000 and 210,000, respectively. Each enzymes released the amino terminal amino acid when proline is at the penultimate position. The velocity of hydrolysis by the enzymes was not significantly different for most X-Pro bonds (X = amino acid) of peptides except for Pro-Pro bond. APP-II hydrolyzed penta-(Pro-Pro-Gly) at a much higher rate than APP-I, suggesting the aminopeptidase P reported by Yaron and Mlynar (BBRC, 32, 658 (1968)) to be APP-II.  相似文献   

Nyctinastic movements of leaves of Cassia fasciculata inversed in the field of gravity. Plants of Cassia fasciculata Michx, were grown under controlled conditions with a diurnal rhythm of 14 h light and 10 h dark. The nyctinastic movements performed by the leaves were observed by time lapse photography, on plants inverted in the field of gravity and compared to those recorded on plants remaining in natural position. The movements were observed on leaves from which the petiolar gland has been removed as well as on leaves in which it has been preserved. In plants inverted in the field of gravity, the leaflet movements were not disturbed but the petiolar ones were opposite to those observed on plants in natural position and smaller in amplitude (52 and 15 degrees difference between maximum and minimum positions respectively). This was not influenced by the removal of the petiolar gland. Inverting plants greatly shortened duration of closing and time spent maximally closed while increasing both duration of opening and time spent maximally opened. Removal of the petiolar gland did not influence the opening-closing schedule of the plants in normal position but in inverted plants it caused marked changes in this schedule. These results are discussed in connection with what is known about IAA. K+ and amyloplasts and their role in causing changes in pulvinus turgor.  相似文献   

Résumé Les modalités morphologiques et chronologiques de la formation des corps jaunes ont été étudiées dans les conditions de la ponte provoquée chez la ratte.Des rattes Wistar offrant des cycles de 4 jours et préparées au début du cycle par une dose non lutéinisante d'oestradiol ont été soumises le 2ème jour de ce cycle à un stimulus copulatoire de 8 coïts.Ce stimulus suscite la formation de deux types de corps jaunes: les uns sont des corps jaunes postovulatoires édifiés aux dépens de follicules rompus; les autres sont des corps jaunes à ovule inclus formés aux dépens de follicules non encore aptes à se rompre mais déjà aptes à se lutéiniser.Ces corps jaunes se forment progressivement de la 11ème à la 24ème heure après le rapprochement sexuel. Un petit nombre d'entre eux sont déjà repérables dans les ovaires de rattes sacrifiées 11 heures après le coït. Leur nombre s'accroît au cours des 13 heures suivantes aux dépens de follicules prélutéiniques que l'on observe dans les ovaires des rattes sacrifiées 11 heures après le coït.
Summary Morphological and chronological modalities of the formation of corpora lutea were studied in the conditions of evoked ovulation in the rat. 4-day cyclic female rats of the Wistar strain received at the beginning of the cycle a non luteinizing dose of oestradiol. They mated on the afternoon of the 2th day under visual control and mating was limited to 8 acts of coïtus. Two types of corpora lutea elicited by coïtus were observed i. e. postovulatory corpora lutea and corpora lutea with included ovocytes. Their formation proceed from about the 11th to the 24th hour after coïtus. A few number of these corpora lutea were already visible on the 11th hour post coïtum. Their number progressively increased during the following hours from preluteinic follicles which appeared in great number in the ovaries of animals sacrificed on the 11th hour after coïtus.

Some sediment sequences were known in the Elbe-Saale region. They enable a subdivision of the Saale complex, that is from Neumark Nord (Geisel valley), from Weimar-Ehringsdorf and Bad Kösen-Lengefeld (Saale valley). According to it, there are two interglacials between the Saalian groundmoraine (s.str.) and the Eemian. They are characterized by a strong subcontinental climatic influence, which could not be observed in the other interglacials of the Elbe-Saale region. The interglacials are connected with find horizons from the Middle Palaeolithic. They are concisely described here with their inventories.  相似文献   

Correlation table of the different units at the oligocene-miocene boundary; paleogeographical and paleoclimatical results; discussion.  相似文献   

Influence of light intensity and wavelength on the yield of free radicals in seeds of tomato and carrot.
Seeds of tomato ( Lycopersicum esculentum L. cv. Gribovsky-1180) and carrot ( Daucus carota L. cv. Santanet) were irradiated by continuous light of different wavelengths (white, blue, green, red, far-red and He-Ne laser) and different power density. Free radical output was measured using Electron Spin Resonance spectra (ESR). The dependence of the content of free radicals (FR) on the light power density was established. The yield of FR in the seeds irradiated with monochromatic light of the same power density was inversely proportional to the wavelength. The ESR spectra showed maximum absolute number of FR for white light. Successive irradiations gave cumulative effects on the output of free radicals in both directions: increase by the action of white light and decrease by the action of red and far-red light. The contact of irradiated seeds with steam decreased the amount of FR.  相似文献   

Résumé Des femelles grégaires de Schistocerca gregaria sont injectées avec des concentrations de réserpine de 10 ou 300 g/g de poids frais aux jours 1 ou 8 après la mue imaginale. Au cours du premier cycle ovarien, la réserpine (300 g/g) ralentit significativement la croissance prévitellogénique de l'ovocyte ainsi que le dépôt du vitellus dans l'ovocyte terminal. L'augmentation habituelle de la protéinémie de l'hémolymphe, suite à la mue adulte, est retardée chez les femelles traitées au jour 1. Cependant, lorsque le traitement a lieu au jour 8, la concentration protéique antérieurement atteinte est conservée et demeure équivalente à celle des femelles témoins. Le volume d'hémolymphe ne semble pas modifié par l'administration du neuroleptique. Chez les femelles isolées au jour 1 ou 8, la vitesse de dépôt du vitellus dans les ovocytes terminaux diminue; la croissance prévitellogénique et la protéinémie ne sont pas affectées.La consommation de nourriture, mesurée par la production fécale, demeure généralement moindre chez les insectes réserpinés. Les résultats sont discutés en considérant le rôle des différentes parties du système neuro-endocrinien sur l'ovogénèse.
Summary Reserpine at two concentrations (10 and 300 g/g) was injected into the body cavity of crowded Schistocerca gregaria females 1 or 8 days after the adult molt. During the first ovarian cycle, both previtellogenic oöcyte growth and vitellogenesis were significantly reduced by the 300 g/g treatment. In females treated on day 1, haemolymph protein concentration increased more slowly than in controls, whereas treatment on day 8 did not affect the protein level. Blood volume did not differ in treated and control insects. In females isolated on day 1 or 8, yolk deposition in terminal oöcytes was reduced, whereas previtellogenic oöcyte growth and haemolymph protein concentration were not affected.Food intake as measured by faeces production was generally lower in treated locusts in comparison with the controls. Results are discussed with regard to the rôle of the neuroendocrine system in controlling oögenesis.

In the management of patients with differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC), abnormalities detected on planar whole body scan and 131I-SPECT are difficult to interpret because of a lack of anatomical landmarks and limited specificity. Integrated 131I-SPECT-CT imaging has an additional value for characterization of equivocal tracer uptake seen on planar imaging as well as for precise localization. We illustrate through an observation the incremental diagnostic value of 131I-SPECT-CT images in the diagnosis of a cervical lymph node mimicking a physiological uptake on planar views. A 35-year-old Tunisian female was followed for papillary thyroid carcinoma, for which she underwent total thyroidectomy and iratherapy. Three years after a complete remission, the thyroglobulin (Tg) level on TSH stimulation increased. Diagnostic planar images with 131I did not disclose any obvious pathological foci. Furthermore, we noticed an increased 131I-uptake in the left sub-mandibulary area, which suggested a salivary physiological activity. SPECT-CT of the neck and chest were then performed with a Symbia T camera. Fused images demonstrate that this activity corresponds to a cervical lymph node closely adjacent to sub-mandibulary gland. Management of the patient was then changed. In selected patients with DTC, hybrid imaging should be used as a complementary to planar imaging in terms of diagnostic accuracy, because of superior focus localization and additional anatomic information derived from the CT component. Integrated SPECT-CT is then a useful tool, especially in cases of unclear diagnoses, precising anatomical localization of areas of increased 131I-uptake and distinguishing malignant lesions from normal physiological uptakes. This is particularly important in an oncologic center, as ours, where we don’t yet have a positron emission tomography (PET) camera is not yet available.  相似文献   

Free and Bound Amino Acids in the Different Shoot Types of Periploca graeca: Role in the Circumnutation of Twining Shoots, and Cellular Compartmentation. A study has been made of amino acids of wall proteins, cytoplasmic TCA insoluble proteins and proteins of organelles in growing tissues from three types of shoots: short upright, twining, and creeping, all carried by the same specimen of Periploca graeca L. Each shoot type presents a specific pattern. The twining shoots are very rich in cytoplasmic TCA-insoluble proteins. The upright shoots distinguish themselves by a high level of proteins in the organelles and in the cell-wall. However, the composition of wallproteins is almost the same in the three types of shoots. This result excludes the existence of particular wall proteins (extensin, for example) in the twining and rapidly growing shoots. In these shoots the high level of free prolin is not a consequence of low incorporation in the proteins. Distribution of prolin, aspartic acid and glutamic acid between the cellular compartments (wall, hyaloplasm and organelles) has a specific pattern in each shoot type.  相似文献   

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