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Summary A feature of some species of eusocial Hymenoptera is a high level of intra-colonial genetic diversity, and correlated diversity in the level of the stimulus required for individuals to initiate work. Here we explore the effects of intracolonial variability on the responsiveness of colonies to changing needs in task allocation using computer simulation. Our simulations show that colonies comprised of individuals of uniform task threshold are poor at adapting to changing colony needs – that is, they did not allocate the appropriate numbers of workers to tasks. On the other hand, colonies comprised of many groups of differing task threshold adapt quickly and more appropriately to changes in task need. Our simulations suggest that intracolonial genetic variability may be an important component of an efficient task allocation system for some species of social Hymenoptera. We speculate that the benefits of an improved task allocation system may have contributed to the high levels of polyandry and polygyny seen in some of these insects.Received 17 August 2001; revised 25 March and 13 October 2003; accepted 3 November 2003.  相似文献   

In some group-living organisms, labor is divided among individuals. This allocation to particular tasks is frequently stable and predicted by individual physiology. Social insects are excellent model organisms in which to investigate the interplay between physiology and individual behavior, as division of labor is an important feature within colonies, and individual physiology varies among the highly related individuals of the colony. Previous studies have investigated what factors are important in determining how likely an individual is, compared to nestmates, to perform certain tasks. One such task is foraging. Corpulence (i.e., percent lipid) has been shown to determine foraging propensity in honey bees and ants, with leaner individuals being more likely to be foragers. Is this a general trend across all social insects? Here we report data analyzing the individual physiology, specifically the percent lipid, of worker bumble bees (Bombus impatiens) from whom we also analyze behavioral task data. Bumble bees are also unusual among the social bees in that workers may vary widely in size. Surprisingly we find that, unlike other social insects, percent lipid is not associated with task propensity. Rather, body size closely predicts individual relative lipid stores, with smaller worker bees being allometrically fatter than larger worker bees.  相似文献   

A model of division of labour in insect societies, based on variable response thresholds is introduced. Response thresholds refer to the likelihood of reacting to task-associated stimuli. Low-threshold individuals perform tasks at a lower level of stimulus than high-threshold individuals. Within individual workers, performing a given task induces a decrease in the corresponding threshold, and not performing the task induces an increase in the threshold. This combined reinforcement process leads to the emergence of specialized workers, i.e. workers that are more responsive to stimuli associated with particular task requirements, from a group of initially identical individuals. Predictions of the dynamics of task specialization resulting from this model are presented. Predictions are also made as to what should be observed when specialists of a given task are removed from the colony and reintroduced after a varying amount of time: the colony does not recover the same state as that prior to the perturbation, and the difference between before and after the perturbation is more strongly marked as the time between separation and reintroduction increases.  相似文献   

In social insects, groups of workers perform various tasks such as brood care and foraging. Transitions in workers from one task to another are important in the organization and ecological success of colonies. Regulation of genetic pathways can lead to plasticity in social insect task behaviour. The colony organization of advanced eusocial insects evolved independently in ants, bees, and wasps and it is not known whether the genetic mechanisms that influence behavioural plasticity are conserved across species. Here we show that a gene associated with foraging behaviour is conserved across social insect species, but the expression patterns of this gene are not. We cloned the red harvester ant (Pogonomyrmex barbatus) ortholog (Pbfor) to foraging, one of few genes implicated in social organization, and found that foraging behaviour in harvester ants is associated with the expression of this gene; young (callow) worker brains have significantly higher levels of Pbfor mRNA than foragers. Levels of Pbfor mRNA in other worker task groups vary among harvester ant colonies. However, foragers always have the lowest expression levels compared to other task groups. The association between foraging behaviour and the foraging gene is conserved across social insects but ants and bees have an inverse relationship between foraging expression and behaviour.  相似文献   

Honey bee division of labor is characterized by temporal polyethism, in which young workers remain in the hive and perform tasks there, whereas old workers perform more risky outside tasks, mainly foraging. We present a model of honey bee division of labor based on (1) an intrinsic process of behavioral development and (2) inhibition of development through social interactions among the workers in a colony. The model shows that these two processes can explain the main features of honey bee temporal polyethism: the correlation between age and task performance; the age at which a worker first forages and how this age varies among hives; the balanced allocation of workers to hive tasks and foraging; the recovery of a colony from demographic perturbations; and the differentiation of workers into different behavioral roles. The model provides a baseline picture of individual and colony behavior that can serve as the basis for studies of more fine-grained regulation of division of labor.  相似文献   

The response threshold model is a potential mechanism for task allocation in social insects, and it assumes that workers vary in the levels of task stimuli to which they respond. Furthermore, response thresholds of individual workers may change over time through self-reinforcement (experience), such that workers become more sensitive to task stimuli. However, in addition to self-reinforcement, aging is another process that occurs through time. Distinguishing whether response thresholds change within workers due to self-reinforcement or aging may give insight into the flexibility of this task allocation mechanism. Using a ventilation paradigm, we manipulated workers of Bombus impatiens to have either repeated or lack of exposures to increases in nest air temperature, thereby allowing us to manipulate experience and thus self-reinforcement. Nest air temperature was the task stimulus, and ventilation (fanning) was the behavioral response. We found that ventilation response thresholds do not decrease either with age or experience in workers of B. impatiens, contrary to what has been reported for B. terrestris workers (Weidenmüller, 2004). Instead, we found high levels of intra-individual variation in response thresholds. Our results also show that workers with lower average response thresholds respond to heating events with higher probability than those with higher ventilation thresholds. These results provide insight into the role of the response threshold framework for task allocation; we also discuss how response probabilities may play a role in task allocation among workers.  相似文献   

The ecological success of social insects is often attributed to an increase in efficiency achieved through division of labor between workers in a colony. Much research has therefore focused on the mechanism by which a division of labor is implemented, i.e., on how tasks are allocated to workers. However, the important assumption that specialists are indeed more efficient at their work than generalist individuals—the “Jack-of-all-trades is master of none” hypothesis—has rarely been tested. Here, I quantify worker efficiency, measured as work completed per time, in four different tasks in the ant Temnothorax albipennis: honey and protein foraging, collection of nest-building material, and brood transports in a colony emigration. I show that individual efficiency is not predicted by how specialized workers were on the respective task. Worker efficiency is also not consistently predicted by that worker''s overall activity or delay to begin the task. Even when only the worker''s rank relative to nestmates in the same colony was used, specialization did not predict efficiency in three out of the four tasks, and more specialized workers actually performed worse than others in the fourth task (collection of sand grains). I also show that the above relationships, as well as median individual efficiency, do not change with colony size. My results demonstrate that in an ant species without morphologically differentiated worker castes, workers may nevertheless differ in their ability to perform different tasks. Surprisingly, this variation is not utilized by the colony—worker allocation to tasks is unrelated to their ability to perform them. What, then, are the adaptive benefits of behavioral specialization, and why do workers choose tasks without regard for whether they can perform them well? We are still far from an understanding of the adaptive benefits of division of labor in social insects.  相似文献   

We briefly review the literature on the division of labour in ant colonies with monomorphic worker populations, and show that there are anomalies in current theories and in the interpretation of existing data sets. Most ant colonies are likely to be in unstable situations and therefore we doubt if an age-based division of labour can be sufficiently flexible. We present data for a type of small ant colony in a highly seasonal environment, concentrating on individually marked older workers. We show that contrary to expectation such workers undertake a wide variety of tasks and can even retain their ability to reproduce, even whilst younger workers are actively foraging. Our analysis shows that old workers occupy four distinct spatial stations within the nest and that these are related to the tasks they perform. We suggest that correlations between age and task in many ant colonies might simply be based on ants foraging for work, i.e. actively seeking tasks to perform and remaining faithful to these as long as they are profitably employed. For this reason, employed older workers effectively displace unemployed younger workers into other tasks. In a companion paper, Tofts 1993,Bull. math. Biol. develops an algorithm that shows how foraging for work can be an efficient and flexible mechanism for the division of labour in social insects. The algorithm creates a correlation between age and task purely as a by-product of itsmodus operandi.  相似文献   

Most ant genera are thought to have monomorphic workers, indicating perhaps a high degree of flexibility in task allocation, and the well-studied genus Temnothorax is an example of this. However, considerable size variation may exist between individuals. In addition, though workers can show flexible behavior, it has been shown that individuals may consistently differ in their task profiles. Here we test whether body size variation among workers affects foraging behavior. Two main hypotheses were tested: first, whether larger ants forage at greater distance from the nest, and second, whether larger individuals show a higher propensity to work outside of the nest. Our results showed that ant body size does not significantly affect foraging distance. However, larger ants were more likely to be found outside the nest. Though Temnothorax ants are a common model system, this is the first study demonstrating task allocation based on body size, which is fixed in adults. Our study suggests that particularly small species may have to be examined carefully for body size variation before concluding that body size is uniform and therefore irrelevant for task allocation.  相似文献   

Task allocation is the process that adjusts the number of workers in each colony task in response to the environment. There is no central coordination of task allocation; instead workers use local cues from the environment and from other workers to decide which task to perform. We examine two aspects of task allocation: the sensitivity to the environment of task distribution, and the rate of response to environmental changes. We investigate how these two aspects are influenced by: (1) colony size, and (2) behavioral rules used by workers, i.e. how a worker uses cues from the environment and from social interactions with other workers in deciding which task to perform. We show that if workers use social cues in their choice of task, response time decreases with increasing colony size. Sensitivity of task distribution to the environment may decrease or not with colony size, depending on the behavioral rules used by workers. This produces a trade-off in task allocation: short response times can be achieved by increasing colony size, but at the cost of decreased sensitivity to the environment. We show that when a worker's response to social interactions depends on the local environment, sensitivity of task distribution to the environment is not affected by colony size and the trade-off is avoided.  相似文献   

Models of sex‐allocation conflict are central to evolutionary biology but have mostly assumed static decisions, where resource allocation strategies are constant over colony lifespan. Here, we develop a model to study how the evolution of dynamic resource allocation strategies is affected by the queen‐worker conflict in annual eusocial insects. We demonstrate that the time of dispersal of sexuals affects the sex‐allocation ratio through sexual selection on males. Furthermore, our model provides three predictions that depart from established results of classic static allocation models. First, we find that the queen wins the sex‐allocation conflict, while the workers determine the maximum colony size and colony productivity. Second, male‐biased sex allocation and protandry evolve if sexuals disperse directly after eclosion. Third, when workers are more related to new queens, then the proportional investment into queens is expected to be lower, which results from the interacting effect of sexual selection (selecting for protandry) and sex‐allocation conflict (selecting for earlier switch to producing sexuals). Overall, we find that colony ontogeny crucially affects the outcome of sex‐allocation conflict because of the evolution of distinct colony growth phases, which decouples how queens and workers affect allocation decisions and can result in asymmetric control.  相似文献   

Individual experience alone can generate lasting division of labor in ants   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Division of labor, the specialization of workers on different tasks, largely contributes to the ecological success of social insects [1, 2]. Morphological, genotypic, and age variations among workers, as well as their social interactions, all shape division of labor [1-12]. In addition, individual experience has been suggested to influence workers in their decision to execute a task [13-18], but its potential impact on the organization of insect societies has yet to be demonstrated [19, 20]. Here we show that, all else being equal, ant workers engaged in distinct functions in accordance with their previous experience. When individuals were experimentally led to discover prey at each of their foraging attempts, they showed a high propensity for food exploration. Conversely, foraging activity progressively decreased for individuals who always failed in the same situation. One month later, workers that previously found prey kept on exploring for food, whereas those who always failed specialized in brood care. It thus appears that individual experience can strongly channel the behavioral ontogeny of ants to generate a lasting division of labor. This self-organized task-attribution system, based on an individual learning process, is particularly robust and might play an important role in colony efficiency.  相似文献   

Collision avoidance models derived from the study of insect brains do not perform universally well in practical collision scenarios, although the insects themselves may perform well in similar situations. In this article, we present a detailed simulation analysis of two well-known collision avoidance models and illustrate their limitations. In doing so, we present a novel continuous-time implementation of a neuronally based collision avoidance model. We then show that visual tracking can improve performance of these models by allowing an relative computation of the distance between the obstacle and the observer. We compare the results of simulations of the two models with and without tracking to show how tracking improves the ability of the model to detect an imminent collision. We present an implementation of one of these models processing imagery from a camera to show how it performs in real-world scenarios. These results suggest that insects may track looming objects with their gaze.  相似文献   

In social insects, colonies commonly show temporal polyethism in worker behavior, such that a worker follows a predictable pattern of changes between tasks as it ages. This pattern usually leads from workers first doing a safe task like brood care, to ending their lives doing the most dangerous tasks like foraging. Two mechanisms could potentially underlie this pattern: (1) age‐based task allocation, where the aging process itself predisposes workers to switch to more dangerous tasks; and (2) foraging for work, where ants switch to tasks that need doing from tasks which have too many associated workers. We tested the relative influence of these mechanisms by establishing nests of Camponotus floridanus with predetermined combinations of workers of known age and previous task specialization. The results supported both mechanisms. Nests composed of entirely brood‐tending workers had the oldest workers preferentially switching to foraging. However, in nests initially composed entirely of foragers, the final distribution of tenders and foragers was not different from random task‐switching and therefore supportive of foraging for work. Thus, it appears that in C. floridanus there is directionality to the mechanisms of task allocation. Switching to more dangerous tasks is age‐influenced, but switching to less dangerous tasks is age‐independent. The results also suggest that older workers are more flexible in their task choice behavior. Younger workers are more biased towards choosing within‐nest tasks. Finally, there are effects of previous experience that tend to keep ants in familiar tasks. Task allocation based on several mechanisms may balance between: (1) concentrating the most worn workers into the most dangerous tasks; (2) increasing task performance levels; and (3) maintaining behavioral flexibility to respond to demographic perturbations. The degree to which behavior is flexible may correlate to the frequency of such perturbations in a species.  相似文献   

The efficiency of social insect colonies critically depends on their ability to efficiently allocate workers to the various tasks which need to be performed. While numerous models have investigated the mechanisms allowing an efficient colony response to external changes in the environment and internal perturbations, little attention has been devoted to the genetic architecture underlying task specialization. We used artificial evolution to compare the performances of three simple genetic architectures underlying within-colony variation in response thresholds of workers to five tasks. In the 'deterministic mapping' system, the thresholds of individuals for each of the five tasks is strictly genetically determined. In the second genetic architecture ('probabilistic mapping'), the genes only influence the probability of engaging in one of the tasks. Finally, in the 'dynamic mapping' system, the propensity of workers to engage in one of the five tasks depends not only on their own genotype, but also on the behavioural phenotypes of other colony members. We found that the deterministic mapping system performed well only when colonies consisted of unrelated individuals and were not subjected to perturbations in task allocation. The probabilistic mapping system performed well for colonies of related and unrelated individuals when there were no perturbations. Finally, the dynamic mapping system performed well under all conditions and was much more efficient than the two other mapping systems when there were perturbations. Overall, our simulations reveal that the type of mapping between genotype and individual behaviour greatly influences the dynamics of task specialization and colony productivity. Our simulations also reveal complex interactions between the mode of mapping, level of within-colony relatedness and risk of colony perturbations.  相似文献   

Summary Social organization allows a division of labor between reproduction and foraging, as well as a task allocation among foraging individuals. Therefore, a colony simultaneously exploiting various resources can use different ways of getting them. This work analyzes wood ant foraging tactics both at the collective and the individual level. The main issues are: (1) How does a wood ant colony respond to stable vs temporally and spatially variable resources in terms of worker force allocation? (2) How is retrieval of ephemeral but rich resources effected at the individual level? The results show a correspondence between resource stability and behavior. Ants visited stable resources continually and recruited to ephemeral ones. They also visited empty food sites at a low frequency suggesting territoriality and constant scanning. The results suggest that recruitment may involve defence of the resource, since only a small fraction of all the workers available carry the food home. Additional ants arriving at the resource are recruited from inside the nest, not by reallocating outdoor workers. The foragers also form two separate groups, one site-persistent and another site-flexible. These two forager groups may reflect specialization on two different kinds of diet: honeydew or insect prey (spatially and temporally stable vs unstable resources, respectively).Formica truncorum is thus an example of how sociality allows the use of two different foraging strategies simultaneously: one that is based on recruitment to ephemeral resources and another that is based on search persistance and memory.  相似文献   

Kim  B.  Kim  K. W.  Choe  J. C. 《Insectes Sociaux》2012,59(2):263-268
We examined the foraging behavior of the Korean yellowjacket, Vespula koreensis, to determine whether this species displays temporal polyethism. Using video-recordings of the entrances of artificial nest boxes installed in the field, we investigated the association between the tasks performed by workers and age. We identified three foraging tasks (pulp, nectar and prey foraging). Pulp foraging was performed by younger foragers, while nectar and prey foraging were performed by older foragers. We measured the foraging time (time spent outside of the nest during a single foraging bout) and the weight of the materials that foragers brought into the nest for each task to estimate the cost of the task. Pulp foraging was less costly than nectar or prey foraging by both measures. Taken together, the results suggest that yellowjacket foragers tend to perform low-cost task in their early foraging days and high-cost task later. Our results add to a growing literature showing temporal polyethism in social insects.  相似文献   

The primitively eusocial wasp Ropalidia marginata shows an age-based division of labor in which workers allocate tasks according to their relative ages (age ranks). This age polyethism seems quite flexible because in colonies devoid of old workers, young individuals can perform the tasks normally performed by older workers. Social interactions appear to be a plausible mechanism by which workers can assess their relative ages. To explore possible proximate mechanisms that can potentially generate such a flexible, age-based task allocation, the activator-inhibitor model was adapted to the social biology of R. marginata and tested using computer simulations. The model generated a clear age polyethism including the phenomena of precocious foragers in colonies with only young individuals and reverted nurses in colonies consisting of only old individuals. A simple extension of the model to allow the brood:adult ratio to modulate the rates of social interactions, shows how increasing task demands can be met by a decrease in the ages of first performance of, and an increase in the proportions of individuals engaged in, various tasks. These results show how a pattern of division of labor based on relative age can be generated and modulated by social interactions. Copyright 1999 Academic Press.  相似文献   

Successful social groups must respond dynamically to environmental changes. However, a flexible group response requires the coordination of many individuals. Here we offer a static analytical model that integrates variation in environment-based cues for performance of a task with genetically and environmentally based variation in individual responses, and predicts the resultant colony behavior for that task. We also provide formulae for computing effective number of alleles in a haplo-diploid colony founded by any number of parents. Variable colony resources combined with variation among worker phenotypes generate known patterns of colony flexibility, allowing us to explicitly test how the number of loci, dominance/codominance, and the phenotype's environment influences group response. Our model indicates that the number of loci strongly influences colony behavior. For one or two loci, the proportion of workers foraging for pollen remain constant over vast increases in colony pollen stores, but then drops dramatically when the pollen stores increase past a specific threshold. As the number of loci controlling pollen foraging increases, graded increases in pollen stores result in a graded drop in the proportion of the worker population foraging for pollen. The effect of number of alleles is less strong, a result we discuss in light of the fact that a low number of effective alleles are expected in a colony. Comparisons of our model with empirical honey bee (Apis mellifera) data indicate that worker foraging response to pollen stores is driven by one or two loci, each with dominant allelic effects. The growing body of evidence that genotype has strong effects on task performance in social insect colonies, and the variation in within-colony genetic diversity across social insect taxa, make our model broadly applicable in explaining social group coordination.  相似文献   

Colony size is a fundamental attribute of insect societies that appears to play an important role in their organization of work. In the harvester ant Pogonomyrmex californicus, division of labor increases with colony size during colony ontogeny and among unmanipulated colonies of the same age. However, the mechanism(s) integrating individual task specialization and colony size is unknown. To test whether the scaling of division of labor is an emergent epiphenomenon, as predicted by self-organizational models of task performance, we manipulated colony size in P. californicus and quantified short-term behavioral responses of individuals and colonies. Variation in colony size failed to elicit a change in division of labor, suggesting that colony-size effects on task specialization are mediated by slower developmental processes and/or correlates of colony size that were missing from our experiment. In contrast, the proportional allocation of workers to tasks shifted with colony size, suggesting that task needs or priorities depend, in part, on colony size alone. Finally, although task allocation was flexible, colony members differed consistently in task performance and spatial tendency across colony size treatments. Sources of interindividual behavioral variability include worker age and genotype (matriline).  相似文献   

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