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A novel basic phospholipase A2 (PLA2) isoform was isolated from Bothrops jararacussu snake venom and partially characterized. The venom was fractionated by HPLC ion-exchange chromatography in ammonium bicarbonate buffer, followed by reverse-phase HPLC to yield the protein Bj IV. Tricine SDS-PAGE in the presence or absence of dithiothreitol showed that Bj IV had a molecular mass of 15 and 30 kDa, respectively. This enzyme was able to form multimeric complexes (30, 45, and 60 kDa). Amino acid analysis showed a high content of hydrophobic and basic amino acids as well as 14 half-cysteine residues. The N-terminal sequence (DLWSWGQMIQETGLLPSYTTY . . .) showed a high degree of homology with basic D49 PLA2 myotoxins from other Bothrops venoms. Bj IV had high PLA2 activity and produced moderate myonecrosis in skeletal muscle, but showed no neuromuscular activity in mouse phrenic nerve-diaphragm preparations. Bj IV showed allosteric enzymatic behavior, with maximal activity at pH 8.2 and 35-45°C. Full PLA2 activity required Ca2+ but was inhibited by Cu2+ and Zn2+, and by Cu2+ and Mg2+ in the presence and absence of Ca2+, respectively. Crotapotins from Crotalus durissus terrificus rattlesnake venom significantly inhibited the enzymatic activity of Bj IV. The latter observation suggested that the binding site for crotapotin in this PLA2 was similar to that in the basic PLA2 of the crotoxin complex from C. d. terrificus venom. The presence of crotapotin-like proteins capable of inhibiting the catalytic activity of D49 PLA2 could partly explain the low PLA2 activity of Bothrops venoms.  相似文献   

Natural inhibitors occupy an important place in the potential to neutralize the toxic effects caused by snake venom proteins and enzymes. It has been well recognized for several years that animal sera, some of the plant and marine extracts are the most potent in neutralizing snake venom phospholipase A(2) (svPLA(2)). The implication of this review to update the latest research work which has been accomplished with svPLA(2) inhibitors from various natural sources like animal, marine organisms presents a compilation of research in this field over the past decade and revisiting the previous research report including those found in plants. In addition to that the bioactive compounds/inhibitor molecules from diverse sources like aristolochic alkaloid, flavonoids and neoflavonoids from plants, hydrocarbones -2, 4 dimethyl hexane, 2 methylnonane, and 2, 6 dimethyl heptane obtained from traditional medicinal plants Tragia involucrata (Euphorbiaceae) member of natural products involved for the inhibitory potential of phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) enzymes in vitro and also decrease both oedema induced by snake venom as well as human synovial fluid PLA(2). Besides marine natural products that inhibit PLA(2) are manoalide and its derivatives such as scalaradial and related compounds, pseudopterosins and vidalols, tetracylne from synthetic chemicals etc. There is an overview of the role of PLA(2) in inflammation that provides a rationale for seeking inhibitors of PLA(2) as anti-inflammatory agents. However, more studies should be considered to evaluate antivenom efficiency of sera and other agents against a variety of snake venoms found in various parts of the world. The implications of these new groups of svPLA(2) toxin inhibitors in the context of our current understanding of snake biology as well as in the development of new novel antivenoms therapeutics agents in the efficient treatment of snake envenomations are discussed.  相似文献   

Phospholipase A2 (PLA2), a common toxic component of snake venom, has been implicated in various pharmacological effects. In this study, a basic myotoxic PLA2, named EcTx-I was isolated from Echis carinatus snake venom by using gel filtration on Superdex G-75, and reverse phase HPLC on C18 and C8 Sepharose columns. PLA2, EcTx-I was 13,861.72 molecular weight as estimated by MALDI-TOF (15 kD by SDS-PAGE), and consisted of 121 amino acid residues cross-linked by seven disulfide bonds. The N-terminal sequences revealed significant homology with basic myotoxic PLA2s from other snake venoms. The purified PLA2 EcTx-I was evaluated (250 μg/ml) for bactericidal activity of a wide variety of human pathogens against Burkholderia pseudomallei (KHW&TES), Enterobacter aerogenes, Escherichia coli, Proteus vulgaris, Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus. EcTx-I showed strong antibacterial activity against B. pseudomallei (KHW) and E. aerogenes among the tested bacteria. Other Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria showed only a moderate effect. However, the Gram-positive bacterium E. aerogenes failed to show any effect on EcTx-I protein at tested doses. The most significant bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect of EcTx-I was observed at MICs of >15 μg/ml against (B. pseudomallei, KHW) and MICs >30 μg/ml against E. aerogenes. Mechanisms of bactericidal and membrane damaging effects were proved by ultra-structural analysis. EcTx-I was able to induce cytotoxicity on THP-1 cells in vitro as well as lethality in BALB/c mice. EcTx-I also induced mild myotoxic effects on mouse skin, but was devoid of hemolytic effects on human erythrocytes up to 500 μg/ml. It is shown that the toxic effect induced by E. carinatus venom is due to the presence of myotoxic PLA2 (EcTx-I). The result also corroborates the hypothesis of an association between toxic and enzymatic domains. In conclusion, EcTx-I displays a heparin binding C-terminal region, which is probably responsible for the cytotoxic and bactericidal effects.  相似文献   

A crotoxin homolog was purified from the Crotalus durissus collilineatus venom using molecular exclusion and reverse-phase HPLC. This crotoxin contained one PLA2 (Cdcolli III F6) and four crotapotin isoforms, whereas crotoxin from Crotalus durissus terrificus venom had three PLA2 isoforms and two crotapotin isoforms. SDS-PAGE showed that the C. d. collilineatus PLA2 and crotapotin had relative molecular mass of 15 and 9 kDa, respectively. Neither the PLA2 (Cdcolli III F6) nor the crotapotins (Cdcolli III F3 and F4) had any neurotoxicity in mouse phrenic nerve-diaphragm preparations when tested alone. However, when PLA2 and crotapotin were coincubated before testing, the neurotoxicity was restored to a level similar to test in the venom in native crotoxin. The two crotapotins (Cdcolli III F3 and F4) differed in their ability to inhibit PLA2 activity, perhaps because of variations in their affinities for this enzyme. Cdcolli III F6 showed allosteric enzymatic behavior, with maximal activity at pH 8.3 and 36°C. Full PLA2 activity required the presence of a low Ca2+ concentration and was inhibited by Cu2+ and Zn2+ and by Cu2+ and Mg2+ in the presence and absence of Ca2+, respectively. These results indicate that crotoxin from C. d. collineatus venom is very similar enzymatically to crotoxin from C. d. terrificus.  相似文献   

Ammodytoxin is a presynaptically neurotoxic (beta-neurotoxic) snake venom secretory phospholipase A(2) (sPLA(2)). We detected a 25 kDa protein which binds the toxin with very high affinity (R25) in porcine cerebral cortex. Here we show that R25 is an integral membrane protein with intracellular localisation. It is the first sPLA(2) receptor known to date that localises to intracellular membranes. Centrifugation on sucrose gradients was used to fractionate porcine cerebral cortex. The subcellular composition of the fractions was determined by following the distribution of organelle-specific markers. The distribution of R25 in the fractions matched the distribution of the mitochondrial marker succinate dehydrogenase, but not the markers for plasma membrane, lysosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, synaptic and secretory vesicles. R25 most likely resides in mitochondria, which are known to be targets for sPLA(2) neurotoxins in the nerve ending and are potentially implicated in the process of beta-neurotoxicity.  相似文献   

A novel phospholipase A2, designated as Oh-DE-2, was isolated from the venom ofOphiophagus hannah (king cobra) by successive chromatography on SP-Sephadex C-25, DE-52, and Q-Sepharose columns. Oh-DE-2 with pI 5.1 showed an apparent molecular weight of 14 kD as revealed by SDS-PAGE and gel filtration. The amino acid sequence was homologous with those of PLA2s from Elapidae venoms. Oh-DE-2 was effectively inactivated byp-bromophenacyl bromide, indicating that the conserved His-48 is essential for its enzymatic activity. However, modification of the conserved Trp-19 did not cause a precipitous drop in the enzymatic activity of Oh-DE-2 as observed with PLA2s fromNaja naja atra andBungarus multicinctus venoms. A quenching study showed that the microenvironment of Trp in Oh-DE-2 was inaccessible to acrylamide, iodide, or cesium, a finding which was different from those observed with PLA2s fromN. naja atra andB. multicinctus venoms. These results might suggest that, unlike other PLA2 enzymes, Trp-19 in Oh-DE-2 is not directly involved in its enzymatic mechanisms.  相似文献   

Agkistrodon snake venoms contain a variety of phospholipases (PLA(2)), some of which are myotoxic. In this study, we used reverse-phase HPLC to purify PLA(2) from the venom of Agkistrodon halys. The enzyme named as AgkTx-II, a basic Asp49 PLA(2), has a molecular masses of 13,869.05. The amino acid sequence and molecular mass of AgkTx-II was identical to those of an Asp49 basic myotoxic PLA(2) previously isolated from this venom. Antibacterial activities were tested by susceptibility and broth-dilution assays. AgkTx-II exerted a potent antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus vulgaris, Proteus mirabilis, and Burkholderia pseudomallei. The MIC values of AgkTx-II ranged between 85 and 2.76muM and was most effective against S. aureus, P. vulgaris, P. mirabilis (MIC of 21.25muM) and B. pseudomallei (MIC of 10.25muM). This AgkTx-II rapidly killed S. aureus, P. vulgaris and B. pseudomallei in a dose-dependent manner. The effect of the AgkTx-II on bacterial membranes was evaluated by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. AgkTx-II caused morphological alterations apparent on their cellular surfaces, suggesting a killing mechanism based on membrane permeabilization and damage. Cytotoxicity was measured by XTT tetrazolium (2,3-bis[2-methoxy-4-nitro-5-sulfophenyl]-2H-tetrazolium-5-carboxanilide) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) assays using U-937 cells (monocytes). The AgkTx-II did not affect cell viability up to 500muM concentrations but cell death was evident at 1000muM concentration after 24 and 48h. Furthermore, the repeated exposure of AgkTx-II (2-14muM) treated mice showed different tissue alterations, mainly at the brain and kidney; the toxicological potential of AgkTx-II remains to be elucidated. The AgkTx-II exhibits no hemolytic action even at high doses (10-100muM) in human erythrocytes. However, the AgkTx-II is believed to exert its bactericidal effect by permeabilizing the bacterial membrane by forming pores. In addition, the basic PLA(2) AgkTx-II displays a bactericidal effect, which may be either dependent or independent of catalysis.  相似文献   

The most common manifestation of Loxosceles spider envenoming is a dermonecrotic lesion at the bite site. Dermonecrotic toxins from Loxosceles gaucho venom were purified and characterized by mass spectrometry (capillary liquid chromatography followed by mass spectrometry detection). Two components were purified: a major one of 31,444 Da, called loxnecrogin A, and a minor one of 31,626 Da, called loxnecrogin B, being probably two isoforms of the toxin. The N-terminal sequence of loxnecrogin A showed similarity with N termini of other sphingomyelinolytic dermonecrotic toxins isolated from venoms of different Loxosceles species. The internal sequences did not present any statistically significant hits in sequence databases searches. However, loxnecrogin A partial sequence showed high similarity to regions of L. intermedia LiD1 recombinant protein sequence, recently described in the literature but not yet deposited in databanks.  相似文献   

A phospholipase A2 was isolated from the snake venom of Chinese Agkistrodon blomhoffii Ussurensis by column chromatography using DEAE Sephadex A-50 ion-exchange chromatography, Sephadex G-75 gel filtration chromatography and Mono Q ion-exchange chromatography, and designated as Akbu-PLA2. It showed an average molecular mass of 13,980 ± 3 amu determined by MALDI TOF mass spectrometry. Protein identification results from HPLC-nESI-MS/MS analysis indicated that the Akbu-PLA2 was a new snake venom acidic PLA2. Seven peptides were sequenced from Akbu-PLA2 by HPLC-nESI-MS/MS analysis. Sequencing alignment indicated that Akbu-PLA2 shared homolog peptides of phospholipases A2 from the venoms of Gloydius ussurensis, Gloydius halys, Gloydius halys (halys viper), Deinagkistrodon acutus and Agkistrodon halys Pallas. Akbu-PLA2 has an optimum hydrolytic activity temperature of ∼45 °C. The intrinsic fluorescences of Tyr and Trp residues of Akbu-PLA2 showed emission wavelengths red-shifted by 13.6 and 1.6 nm from those of free Tyr and Trp, respectively. Akbu-PLA2 was shown to contain one Ca2+ per monomer by ICP-AES measurement. The Ca2+ ion was found to be critical for both the hydrolytic activity and the structure of Akbu-PLA2. Ca2+ increased the emission fluorescence intensity and the hydrophobicity of the environment of Akbu-PLA2. The hydrolytic activity of Akbu-PLA2 was accelerated due to the addition of Ca2+ ion by enhancing the substrate binding. However, a protein component with the molecular weight two-fold relative to that of Akbu-PLA2 was found to be difficult to eliminate for the purification of Akbu-PLA2. HPLC-nESI-MS/MS detected the same peptides from it as from Abku-PLA2, which indicated that it should be a homodimer of Akbu-PLA2. A proteomic approach, 2D SDS-PAGE coupled to HPLC-nESI-MS/MS, supported the co-existence of the Akbu-PLA2 monomer and dimer in the crude snake venom. Results from the combination of phosphoprotein and glycoprotein specific stains combined with the HPLC-nESI-MS/MS method indicated that both the Akbu-PLA2 monomer and dimer were both phosphorylated and glycosylated. The addition of exogenous Ca2+ ion was found to be able to promote the dimer formation of Akbu-PLA2. We conclude that a novel PLA2 was successfully obtained. The systemically biochemical, proteomic, structural and functional characterization results from Akbu-PLA2 reveal new threads and provide valuable inputs for the study of snake venom phospholipases A2.  相似文献   

A basic toxin from Russell's viper venom of 7.2 kDa (RVV-7) has been purified to homogeneity after partial unfolding by 4 M urea followed by filtration through Centricon-30 membrane. Its N-terminal sequence showed strong homology with snake venom cytotoxins. Cytotoxic activity of RVV-7 has been demonstrated with B16F10 melanoma cells. PLA2 activity was observed in cytotoxin (CX3) from Naja kauthia bearing sequence homology with RVV-7. Phospholipase A2 and trypsin inhibitory activities were also observed with RVV-7. Chemical modification and inhibition studies suggested independent functional sites for these activities. A qualitative assessment of tumor growth inhibition by RVV-7 has been made.  相似文献   

Phospholipase A2 (PLA2) fromBungarus multicinctus snake venom was subjected to Lys modification with 4-chloro-3,5-dinitrobenzoate and trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid, and one major carboxydinitrophenylated (CDNP) PLA2 and two trinitrophenylated (TNP) derivatives (TNP-1 and TNP-2) were separated by high-performance liquid chromatography. The results of amino acid analysis and sequence determination revealed that CDNP-PLA2 and TNP-1 contained one modified Lys residue at position 6, and both Lys-6 and Lys-62 were modified in TNP-2. It seemed that the Lys-6 was more accessible to modified reagents than other Lys residues in PLA2. Modification of Lys-6 caused a 94% drop in enzymatic activity as observed with CDNP-PLA2 and TNP-1. Alternatively, the enzyme modified on both Lys-6 and Lys-62 retained little PLA2 activity. Either carboxydinitrophenylation or trinitrophenylation did not significantly affect the secondary structure of the enzyme molecule as revealed by the CD spectra, and Ca2+ binding and antigenicity of Lys-6-modified PLA2 were unaffected. Conversion of nitro groups to amino groups resulted in a partial restoration of enzymatic activity of CDNP-PLA2 to 32% of that of PLA2. It reflected that the positively charged side chain of Lys-6 might play an exclusive role in PLA2 activity. The TNP derivatives could be regenerated with hydrazine hydrochloride. The biological activity of the regenerated PLA2 is almost the same as that of native PLA2. These results suggest that the intact Lys-6 is essential for the enzymatic activity of PLA2, and that incorporation of a bulky CDNP or TNP group on Lys-6 might give rise to a distortion of the interaction between substrate and the enzyme molecule, and the active conformation of PLA2.  相似文献   

A new D49 PLA(2) was purified from the venom of Calloselasma rhodostoma after two chromatographic steps. Molecular exclusion chromatography was done through a Protein-Pack 300 SW column (0.78 cm x 30 cm), eluting with 0.25 M ammonium bicarbonate, pH 7.9, at a flow rate of 0.3 ml/min. Reverse-phase HPLC was then performed on mu-Bondapack C-18. The sample was determined to have a molecular mass of 13,870.94 Da MALDI-TOF by mass spectrometry, and the amino acid composition showed that Cr-IV 1 presented a high content of Lys, Tyr, Gly, Pro, and 14 half-Cys residues, typical of a basic PLA(2). Cr-IV 1 presented a sequence of 122 amino acid residues: DLWEFGQMILKETGSLPFPY YTTYGCYCGV GGRGGKPKDA TDRCCFVHDC CYGKLTGCPK TNDRYSYSRL DYTIVCGEGG PCKQICECDK AAAVCFRENL RTYNKKYRYHLKPFCKEPAE TC and a calculated pI value of 8.0. Cr-IV 1 had PLA(2) activity in the presence of a synthetic chromogenic substrate (4-nitro-3-(octanoyloxy)benzoic acid) and showed a rapid cytolytic effect on mouse skeletal muscle myoblasts and myotubes in culture. In mice, Cr-IV 1 induced myonecrosis and edema upon intramuscular and intravenous injections, respectively. The LD(50) of Cr-IV 1 was determined to be 0.07 mg/k body weight by intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injection. The combination of structural and functional information obtained herein classifies Cr-IV 1 as a new member of the D49 PLA(2) family, as it presents the typical behavior of a phospholipase A(2) from this family.  相似文献   

Wei JF  Li T  Wei XL  Sun QY  Yang FM  Chen QY  Wang WY  Xiong YL  He SH 《Biochimie》2006,88(10):1331-1342
Group IIA phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) are major components in Viperidae/Crotalidae venom. In the present study, a novel PLA(2) named promutoxin with Arg at the site 49 has been purified from the venom of Protobothrops mucrosquamatus by chromatography. It consists of 122 amino acid residues with a molecular mass of 13,656 Da assessed by MALDI-TOF. It has the structural features of snake venom group IIA PLA(2)s, but has no PLA(2) enzymatic activity. Promutoxin shows higher amino acid sequence identity to the K49 PLA(2)s (72-95%) than to D49 PLA(2)s (52-58%). Promutoxin exhibits potent myotoxicity in the animal model with as little as 1 microg of promutoxin causing myonecrosis and myoedema in the gastrocnemius muscle of mice. Promutoxin is also able to stimulate the release of IL-12, TNFalpha, IL-6 and IL-1beta from human monocytes, and induce IL-2, TNFalpha and IL-6 release from T cells, indicating that this snake venom group IIA PLA(2) is actively involved in the inflammatory process in man caused by snake venom poisoning.  相似文献   

Phospholipase A2 (PLA2) is one of the main components of bee venom. Here, we identify a venom PLA2 from the bumblebee, Bombus ignitus. Bumblebee venom PLA2 (Bi-PLA2) cDNA, which was identified by searching B. ignitus venom gland expressed sequence tags, encodes a 180 amino acid protein. Comparison of the genomic sequence with the cDNA sequence revealed the presence of four exons and three introns in the Bi-PLA2 gene. Bi-PLA2 is an 18-kDa glycoprotein. It is expressed in the venom gland, cleaved between the residues Arg44 and Ile45, and then stored in the venom sac. Comparative analysis revealed that the mature Bi-PLA2 (136 amino acids) possesses features consistent with other bee PLA2s, including ten conserved cysteine residues, as well as a highly conserved Ca2+-binding site and active site. Phylogenetic analysis of bee PLA2s separated the bumblebee and honeybee PLA2 proteins into two groups. The mature Bi-PLA2 purified from the venom of B. ignitus worker bees hydrolyzed DBPC, a known substrate of PLA2. Immunofluorescence staining of Bi-PLA2-treated insect Sf9 cells revealed that Bi-PLA2 binds at the cell membrane and induces apoptotic cell death.  相似文献   

Summary Cis-unsaturated fatty acids, but not saturated fatty acids, inhibited phospholipase A2 activity (PLA2) in vitro, and may function as endogenous suppressors of lipolysis. To probe the possible role of lipid peroxidation in the regulation of myocardial lipid catabolism, a neutral-active and Ca2+-dependent PLA2 was extracted from rat heart and was partially purified by sulfopropyl cation exchange chromatography. Myocardial PLA, activity was inhibited in a dose-dependent manner by oleic, linoleic, linolenic, and arachidonic acids; the IC50 for arachidonic acid was approx 65 M. Palmitic acid was not inhibitory. When arachidonic acid was incubated at 37°C, exposed to air, there was a time- and pH-dependent peroxidation of the arachidonic acid as monitored by turbidity, thiobarbituric acid reactivity, and thin layer chromatography. Peroxidation was increased as the pH was lowered from 7.5 to 4.5, and was accompanied by a decrease in PLA2 inhibitory potency. Thus, arachidonate incubated for 24 hours at pH's 4.5, 6.0 and 7.5 lost 84%, 32%, and 20% respectively, of its inhibitory potency. Therefore, in vitro acidosis promotes the oxidation of cis-unsaturated fatty acids and relieves their inhibitory or suppressive activity toward PLA2s. Increased lipid peroxidation of unesterified unsaturated fatty acids during acidosis may therefore promote lipolysis observed during myocardial ischemia and reperfusion injury.  相似文献   

Disulfide bonds are known to be crucial for protein stability. To probe the contribution of each of the five disulfide bonds (C9-C31, C30-C70, C37-C63, C61-C95, and C105-C113) in bee venom phospholipase A2 to stability, variants with deleted disulfide bonds were produced by substituting two serine residues for each pair of cysteine residues. The mutations started from the pseudo-wild-type variant (pWT) with the mutation I1A (Markert et al., Biotechnol. Bioeng. 98 (2007) 48-59). All variants were expressed in Escherichia coli, refolded from inclusion bodies and purified as pWT. The activity of the variants ranged from 12 to 82% of pWT. From the transition curves of guanidine hydrochloride-induced unfolding, the contributions of the individual disulfide bonds to conformational stability were estimated. They increased in the sequence C9-C31 < C105-C113 < C30-C70 ≈ C37-C63 < C61-C95. For two disulfide bonds (C9-C31, C105-C113) the effects were confirmed on additionally produced variants with the substitution of cysteine by alanine. Despite distinct differences in stability, all variants showed similar cooperativity in unfolding. Selected variants were also probed for proteolytic stability toward thermolysin. The removal of disulfide bonds increased the proteolytic susceptibility of the native proteins in the same way as the stability decreased. From the comparison of the results with literature data on phospholipase A2 from bovine pancreas possessing seven disulfide bonds, it was concluded that conserved disulfide bonds in homologous proteins fulfill related functions in conformational stability.  相似文献   

Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) and its reduced form dihydrolipoic acid (DHLA) are powerful antioxidants both in hydrophilic and lipophylic environments with diverse pharmacological properties including anti-inflammatory activity. The mechanism of anti-inflammatory activity of ALA and DHALA is not known. The present study describes the interaction of ALA and DHALA with pro-inflammatory secretory PLA(2) enzymes from inflammatory fluids and snake venoms. In vitro enzymatic inhibition of sPLA(2) from Vipera russellii, Naja naja and partially purified sPLA(2) enzymes from human ascitic fluid (HAF), human pleural fluid (HPF) and normal human serum (HS) by ALA and DHLA was studied using (14)C-oleate labeled Escherichia coli as the substrate. Biophysical interaction of ALA with sPLA(2) was studied by fluorescent spectral analysis and circular dichroism studies. In vivo anti-inflammatory activity was checked using sPLA(2) induced mouse paw edema model. ALA but not DHLA inhibited purified sPLA(2) enzymes from V. russellii, N. naja and partially purified HAF, HPF and HS in a dose dependent manner. This data indicated that ALA is critical for inhibition. IC(50) value calculated for these enzymes ranges from 0.75 to 3.0 microM. The inhibition is independent of calcium and substrate concentration. Inflammatory sPLA(2) enzymes are more sensitive to inhibition by ALA than snake venom sPLA(2) enzymes. ALA quenched the fluorescence intensity of sPLA(2) enzyme in a dose dependent manner. Apparent shift in the far UV-CD spectra of sPLA(2) with ALA indicated change in its alpha-helical confirmation and these results suggest its direct interaction with the enzyme. ALA inhibits the sPLA(2) induced mouse paw edema in a dose dependent manner and confirms the sPLA(2) inhibitory activity in vivo also. These data suggest that ALA may act as an endogenous regulator of sPLA(2) enzyme activity and suppress inflammatory reactions.  相似文献   

Phospholipase A2 is an "interfacial" enzyme and its binding to negatively charged surfaces is an important step during catalysis. The Gln48 phospholipase A2 from the venom of Vipera ammodytes meridionalis plays the role of chaperone and directs a toxic His48 PLA2 onto its acceptor. In the venom the two phospholipases A2 exist as a postsynaptic neurotoxic complex, Vipoxin. The X-ray structure of Gln48 PLA2, complexed to sulphate ions, which mimic the negatively charged groups of anionic membranes, has been determined by the molecular replacement method and refined to 1.9A resolution. The protein forms a homodimer stabilized by ionic, hydrophobic, and hydrogen-bond interactions. The structure reveals two anion-binding sites per subunit. These sites are probably involved in interactions with the negatively charged membrane surface and, in this way, in the "targeting" of the toxic component to the receptors of the postsynaptic membranes. In the absence of the chaperone subunit the toxin changes the target of the physiological attack. A comparison of the homodimeric Gln48 PLA2 structure with that of the heterodimeric Vipoxin reveals differences in regions involved in the pharmacological activity of the toxin. This fact, except the active site histidine substitution, can explain the absence of toxicity in the Gln48 protein in comparison to the His48 phospholipase A2.  相似文献   

日本蝮蛇蛇毒碱性磷脂酶A2同源物的分离及鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We purified and characterizated a phospholipase A2 homologue from Agkistrodon blomhoffii ussurensis snake venom. We used Hitrap SP cation exchange and Superdex 75 columns chromatography to obtain a basic protein, used SDS-PAGE to analyse molecular mass, and IEF (Isoelectric focusing electrophoresis) IEF to identify isoelectric point. The molecular mass was 16 kDa, and the isoelectric point was 8.56. We detected its phospholipase A2 activity on egg yolk phospholipids, hemolytic activity on washed erythrocytes, and anticoagulant effect on pig platelet-rich plasma, as well as the N-terminal sequence with protein sequencer. The results showed that it had no phospholipase A2 activity and hemolytic activity, but had obvious anticoagulant effect on in witro. The N terminal sequence (21 amino acid residues) compared with other phospholipases A2 demonstrated that the protein was homogenous with BPLA2s from Agkistrodon halys Palls.  相似文献   

Venomous snakes such as Gloydius brevicaudus have three distinct types of phospholipase A2 inhibitors (PLIα, PLIβ, and PLIγ) in their blood so as to protect themselves from their own venom phospholipases A2 (PLA2s). Expressions of these PLIs in G. brevicaudus liver were found to be enhanced by the intramuscular injection of its own venom. The enhancement of gene expressions of PLIα and PLIβ in the liver was also found to be induced by acidic PLA2 contained in this venom. Furthermore, these effects of acidic PLA2 on gene expression of PLIs were shown to be unrelated to its enzymatic activity. These results suggest that these venomous snakes have developed the self-protective system against their own venom, by which the venom components up-regulate the expression of anti-venom proteins in their liver.  相似文献   

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