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We have used immunofluorescence in parallel with transmission and scanning electron microscopy to characterize the unusual cytoplasmic and nucleolar accumulation of Simian virus 40 (SV40) virion protein (C antigen) at restrictive temperatures (39 to 41 C) in monkey cells infected with a temperature-sensitive mutant of SV40 defective in virion assembly, tsB11. Cytoplasmic and nucleolar accumulation of C antigen did not occur in wild-type-infected cells at any temperature. Wild-type- and tsBll-infected cells were not distinguishable at 33 C by immunofluorescence or electron microscopy. Temperature-shift experiments using metabolic inhibitors of DNA (cytosine arabinonucleoside, 20 mug/ml), RNA (actinomycin D, 5 mug/ml), and protein synthesis (cycloheximide, 2 x 10(-4) to 10 x 10(-4) M) were used to investigate the requirements for ongoing DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis in the distribution of virion protein between the nucleus, nucleolus, and cytoplasm. The transport of C antigen from the nucleolus and cytoplasm into the nucleus was complete after a temperature shift-down (41 and 39 to 33 C). Limited virus particle formation occurred after the shift-down in the presence of actinomycin D and cycloheximide, indicating some of the 39 to 41 C synthesized virion protein could be used for capsid assembly at 33 C in the absence of further virion protein synthesis. Nucleolar and cytoplasmic accumulations of C antigen occurred in the absence of drugs after a shift-up (33 to 39 C and 41 C) indicating a continuous requirement for the tsB11 mutant function. Furthermore, the virion protein synthesized at 33 C remained confined to the nucleus when the cells were shifted to 39 and 41 C in the presence of actinomycin D or cycloheximide. In the presence of cytosine arabinonucleoside, however, the virion protein accumulated in large aggregates in the nucleus and nucleolus after the shift-up, but did not migrate into the cytoplasm as it did in drug-free tsB11-infected control cells. Colchicine (10(-3) M) had no effect on the abnormal accumulation of C antigen during shift-up or shift-down experiments suggesting that microtubular transport plays little if any role in the abnormal transport of tsB11 virion protein from cytoplasm to nucleus. Although virus particles were never observed by electron microscopy and V antigen was not detected by immunofluorescence at 39 or 41 C in tsB11-infected cells, dense amorphous accumulations were formed in the nucleoli and cytoplasm. We suggest that the tsB11 function is continuously required for the normal transport of SV40 virion protein between the cytoplasm, nucleolus, and nucleus and for the assembly of capsids and virions. Several possible mechanisms for the altered tsB11 function or protein are discussed. One of the virion proteins may also be involved in some presently undetermined nucleolar function during SV40 productive infection.  相似文献   

The temperature-sensitive early mutant, ts(*)101, was characterized during productive infection in monkey cells, and the results are presented in an accompanying paper. This paper demonstrates that although 101 mutant virions adsorb normally to confluent Balb/3T3 mouse cells at both permissive (33 C) and restrictive (38.5 C) temperatures, T antigen synthesis and transformation, abortive and stable, are inhibited at both temperatures (host-range inhibition). T antigen synthesis is temperature sensitive, whereas abortive and stable transformation are not. Clones of 101-transformed Balb/3T3 cells were isolated, and virus was rescued from all clones at both permissive and restrictive temperatures. The rescued virus was as temperature sensitive as the original transforming 101 virions.  相似文献   

Passage of the simian virus 40 (SV40) temperature-sensitive (ts) mutant tsD202 at the permissive temperature in each of three permissive lines of SV40-transformed monkey CV1 cells resulted in the emergence of temperature-insensitive virus, which plated like wild-type SV40 at the restrictive temperature on normal CV1 cells. In independent experiments, the amount of temperature-insensitive virus that appeared after passage on transformed cells was from 10(3)- to 10(6)-fold greater than the amount of ts-revertant virus that appeared after an equal number of passages in nontransformed CV1 cells. The virus rescued by passage on transformed cells bred true upon sequential plaque purification, plated on normal CV1 cells with single-hit kinetics at the restrictive temperature, and displayed no selective growth advantage on transformed cells compared to non-transformed cells. Hence, the reversion of the ts phenotype is neither due to complementation effects nor to the selection of preexisting revertants, which grow better on transformed cells. In the accompanying article (T. Vogel et al., J. Virol. 24:541-550, 1977), we present biochemical evidence that the rescue of tsD202 mediated by passage on transformed cells is due to recombination with the resident SV40 genome. Parallel experiments in which tsA, tsB, and tsC SV40 mutants were passaged in each of the three permissive lines of SV40-transformed monkey cells resulted in either only borderline levels of rescue (tsA mutants) or no detectable rescue (tsB and tsC mutants). Evidence is presented that the resident SV40 genome of the transformed monkey lines is itself a late ts mutant, and we suggest that this accounts for the lack of detectable rescue of the tsB and tsC mutants. We furthermore suggest that the borderline level of rescue observed with two tsA mutants is related to a previous finding (Y. Gluzman et al., J. Virol. 22:256-266, 1977) which indicated that the resident SV40 genome of the permissive transformed monkey cells is defective in the function required for initiation of viral DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Heating to 45 C induced in virus-free clones of simian virus 40 (SV40) transformed BSC1 cells the synthesis of SV40 viral antigen, as evidenced by immunofluorescence. Up to 3.8% of the cells exhibited viral antigen 72 hr after heating to 45 C for 30 min. Depletion of arginine from the medium of the heated cells enhanced and increased the percentage of cells synthesizing viral antigen to 11%. Cytosine arabinoside completely inhibited the induction of the viral antigen. No infectious virus was recovered from the cells in which synthesis of viral antigen was induced. However, small amounts of infectious SV40 virus were rescued from the BSC1 transformed cells by fusion with rabbit kidney cells or by treatment with mitomycin C.  相似文献   

Simian virus 40 (SV40) strains have been rescued from various clonal lines of mouse kidney cells that had been transformed by ultraviolet (UV)-irradiated SV40. To learn whether some of the rescued SV40 strains were mutants, monkey kidney (CV-1) cells were infected with the rescued virus strains at 37 C and at 41 C. The SV40 strains studied included strains rescued from transformed cell lines classified as "good," "average," "poor," and "rare" yielders on the basis of total virus yield, frequency of induction, and incidence of successful rescue trials. Four small plaque mutants isolated from "poor" yielder lines and fuzzy and small plaque strains isolated from an "average" and a "good" yielder line, respectively, were among the SV40 strains tested. Virus strains rescued from all classes of transformed cells were capable of inducing the transplantation antigen, and they induced the intranuclear SV40-T-antigen, thymidine kinase, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) polymerase, and cellular DNA synthesis at 37 C and at 41 C. With the exception of four small plaque strains rescued from "poor" yielders, the rescued SV40 strains replicated their DNA and formed infectious virus with kinetics similar to parental SV40 at either 37 or 41 C. The four exceptional strains did replicate at 37 C, but replication was very poor at 41 C. Thus, only a few of the rescued virus strains exhibited defective SV40 functions in CV-1 cells. All of the virus strains rescued from the "rare" yielder lines were similar to parental SV40. Several hypotheses consistent with the properties of the rescued virus strains are discussed, which may account for the significant variations in virus yield and frequency of induction of the transformed cell lines.  相似文献   

Temperature-sensitive mutants of simian virus 40 (SV40) have been classified as those that are blocked prior to viral DNA synthesis at the restrictive temperature, "early" mutants, and those harboring a defect later in the replication cycle, "late" mutants. Mutants of the A and D complementation groups are early, those of the B, C, and BC groups are late. Our results confirm earlier reports that A mutants are defective in a function required for the initiation of each round of viral DNA synthesis. D mutants, on the other hand, continue viral DNA replication at the restrictive temperature after preincubation at the permissive temperature. The length of time required for D function to be expressed at the permissive temperature-after which infection proceeds unabated on shifting of the cultures to the restrictive temperature-is 10 to 20 h. The viral DNA synthesized in D mutants under these conditions progresses in normal fashion through replicative intermediate molecules to mature component I and II DNA molecules.  相似文献   

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) was extracted from virus-free simian virus 40 (SV40)-transformed hamster, mouse, and monkey cells and was inoculated into simian cells in the presence of diethylaminoethyl (DEAE)-dextran; infectious SV40 was recovered by using DNA from cell lines which fail to yield virus by the fusion technique as well as from cell lines which readily yield virus by fusion. The rescued virus was identified as SV40 by three methods: (i) neutralization of plaque formation by specific antiserum; (ii) induction of synthesis of viral-specific antigens detected by immunofluorescence; and (iii) presence of papovavirus particles seen by the electron microscope. Treatment of the transformed cell DNA with deoxyribonuclease or omission of the DEAE-dextran prevented the rescue of virus. Large amounts of transformed cell DNA were required (>10 mug/culture of 10(6) cells) to effect rescue of SV40 by passage through monkey cells. A linear response was obtained between the input of DNA with inocula between 10 and 45 mug of DNA/culture and the yield of SV40 recovered. Biological activity was demonstrable irregularly when the transformed cell DNA was assayed directly in the presence of DEAE-dextran. The DNA induced plaque formation in about 50% of the trials as well as the synthesis of SV40 tumor and viral antigens in rare simian cells. The infectious DNA appeared to be associated with cellular DNA. The infectivity was found in the pellet of precipitated DNA obtained by the Hirt technique and was inactivated by boiling for 15 min. These properties are characteristic of linear cellular DNA and not of free, circular SV40 DNA.  相似文献   

A temperature-sensitive mutant of simian virus 40 (SV40), ts(*)101, has been characterized during productive infection in monkey kidney cells. The mutant virion can adsorb to and penetrate the cell normally at the restrictive temperature, but cannot induce the synthesis of cellular deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) nor initiate the synthesis of SV40-specific tumor, virion, or U antigens or viral DNA. First-cycle infection with purified ts(*)101 DNA is normal at the restrictive temperature, but the resulting progeny virions are still temperature-sensitive. The mutant neither complements nor inhibits other temperature-sensitive SV40 mutants or wild-type virions. The affected protein in the ts(*)101 mutant may be a regulatory structural protein, possibly a core protein, that is interacting with the viral DNA.  相似文献   

Simian virus 40 (SV40) was rescued from heterokaryons of transformed mouse and transformed human cells. To determine whether the rescued SV40 was progeny of the SV40 genome resident in the transformed mouse cells, the transformed human cells, or both, rescue experiments were performed with mouse lines transformed by plaque morphology mutants of SV40. The transformed mouse lines that were used yielded fuzzy, small-clear, or large-clear plaques after fusion with CV-1 (African green monkey kidney) cells. The transformed human lines that were used did not release SV40 spontaneously or after fusion with CV-1 cells. From each mouse-human fusion mixture, only the SV40 resident in the transformed mouse cells was recovered. Fusion mixtures of CV-1 and transformed mouse cells yielded much more SV40 than those from transformed human and transformed mouse cells. The rate of SV40 formation was also greater from monkey-mouse than from human-mouse heterokaryons. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) from SV40 strains which form fuzzy, largeclear, or small-clear plaques on CV-1 cells was also used to infect monkey (CV-1 and Vero), normal human, and transformed human cell lines. The rate of virion formation and the final SV40 yields were much higher from monkey than from normal or transformed human cells. Only virus with the plaque type of the infecting DNA was found in extracts from the infected cells. Two uncloned sublines of transformed human cells [W18 Va2(P363) and WI38 Va13A] released SV40 spontaneously. Virus yields were not appreciably enhanced by fusion with CV-1 cells. However, clonal lines of W18 Va2(P363) did not release SV40 spontaneously or after fusion with CV-1 cells. In contrast, several clonal lines of WI38 Va13A cells did continue to shed SV40 spontaneously.  相似文献   

Hybrids between mouse cells and simian virus 40 (SV40)-transformed rat cells were made, and their properties and chromosome constitution were investigated over many generations. Their hybrid nature was confirmed by enzyme studies. During a period of 1 year a loss of 10 to 20% of the total number of chromosomes was observed. The SV40 tumor antigen was present and remained present in the hybrids. The parental and hybrid cells were studied for agglutination with concanavalin A, for growth in soft agar, and for serum requirement. These growth and surface characteristics of the transformed cells appeared in the hybrids.  相似文献   

Simian virus 40 (SV40) transformed V 11 F 1 clone 1 subclone 7 rat cells (subclone 7) do not synthesize normal-size large T antigen (M(r), 90,000); instead, they produce a 115,000 M(r) super T antigen (115K super T antigen). This super T antigen is SV40 virus coded, and its synthesis results from rearrangement and amplification of integrated viral DNA sequences in subclone 7 (May et al., Nucleic Acids Res. 9:4111-4128, 1981). In this study the functional activities of 115K super T antigen were compared with the functional activities of SV40 large T antigen. Transfection experiments were performed with (i) cosmid SVE 5 Kb and plasmid pSVsT, both containing the super T antigen gene and (ii) plasmids pSV1 and pSV40, both containing the large T antigen gene. Transfection of pSVsT DNA or SVE 5 Kb DNA into secondary cultures of rat kidney cells induced the formation of transformed cell foci with an efficiency that was about 50% of the efficiency of pSV1 DNA or pSV40 DNA. Concomitant with the transforming activity, two other activities were also retained by super T antigen, namely, the ability to enhance the level of host cellular protein p53 and the capacity to bind to p53. In contrast, pSVsT and SVE 5 Kb DNAs were markedly deficient in the capacity to support tsA58 DNA replication in CV1-P cells at a nonpermissive temperature (41 degrees C), as shown by cotransfection experiments. The yield of virus produced in these experiments was 400-fold less than the yield obtained in parallel experiments with pSV40 or pSV1. However, SVE 5 Kb and pSVsT have a functional SV40 replication origin, as shown by their efficient replication in COS 1 cells which provided functional large T antigen. Super T antigen also possesses a specific affinity for sequences of SV40 viral origin. Our results suggest that under certain conditions, evolutionary changes in T antigen take place and that these changes could be restricted to the phenotypic requirement of maintaining a structure that is able to induce cell transformation, to form a complex with p53, and to enhance the cellular level of p53. Therefore, there appears to be a close relationship among the activities of T antigen involved in transforming cells, in binding to p53, and in enhancing the p53 cellular level. Moreover, this set of activities appears to be separable from the replicative ability of T antigen, based on the observation that 115K super T antigen is markedly defective for initiating viral DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Small amounts of infectious simian virus 40 (SV40) were recovered from parental cultures of SV40-transformed human embryonic lung (WI38 Va13A) cells, from 12 primary clones, from 17 secondary clones, and from 18 tertiary clones. The cloning experiments demonstrated that the capacity for spontaneous virus production is a hereditary property of WI38 Va13A cells. Infectious virus was not recovered from every clone at every passage. Repeated trials at different passage levels were necessary to detect virus production. Approximately one in 10(5) to 10(6) of the cells of the clonal lines initiated plaque formation when plated on the CV-1 line of African green monkey kidney cells. No increase in infectious center formation was observed after the clonal lines were treated with bromodeoxyuridine, iododeoxyuridine, or mitomycin C or after heterokaryon formation of treated cells with CV-1 cells. The clonal lines of WI38 Va13A cells were susceptible to superinfection by SV40 deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). To determine whether only those cells which spontaneously produced virus supported the replication of superinfecting SV40 DNA, cultures were infected with DNA from a plaque morphology mutant and a temperature-sensitive mutant of SV40. After infection by SV40 DNA, approximately 100 to 4,400 times more transformed cells formed infectious centers than were spontaneously producing virus. To determine whether the resident SV40 genome or the superinfecting SV40 genome was replicating, infectious centers produced by SV40 DNA-infected WI38 Va13A cells on CV-1 monolayers were picked and the progeny virus was analyzed. Only the superinfecting SV40 was recovered from the infectious centers, indicating that in the majority of superinfected cells the resident SV40 was not induced to replicate.  相似文献   

The amount of simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA present in various SV40-transformed mouse cell lines and “revertants” isolated from them was determined. The number of viral DNA copies in the different cell lines ranged from 1.35 to 8.75 copies per diploid quantity of mouse cell DNA and from 2.2 to 14 copies per cell. The revertants had the same number of viral DNA copies per diploid quantity of mouse cell DNA as their parental cell lines. (However, they showed an increased number of viral DNA copies per cell due to their increased amount of DNA.) By using separated strands of SV40 DNA, the extent of each DNA strand transcribed into stable RNA species was determined for the transformed and “revertant” cell lines. From 30 to 80% of the “early” strand and from 0 to 20% of the “late” strand was present as stable RNA species in the cell lines tested. There was no alteration in the pattern of the stable viral RNA species present in three concanavalin A-selected revertants, whereas in a fluorodeoxyuridine-selected revertant there appeared to be less viral-specific RNA present in the cells.  相似文献   

Physical interactions of simian virus 40 (SV40) large tumor (T) antigen with cellular DNA polymerase α-primase (Pol/Prim) and replication protein A (RPA) appear to be responsible for multiple functional interactions among these proteins that are required for initiation of viral DNA replication at the origin, as well as during lagging-strand synthesis. In this study, we mapped an RPA binding site in T antigen (residues 164 to 249) that is embedded within the DNA binding domain of T antigen. Two monoclonal antibodies whose epitopes map within this region specifically interfered with RPA binding to T antigen but did not affect T-antigen binding to origin DNA or Pol/Prim, ATPase, or DNA helicase activity and had only a modest effect on origin DNA unwinding, suggesting that they could be used to test the functional importance of this RPA binding site in the initiation of viral DNA replication. To rule out a possible effect of these antibodies on origin DNA unwinding, we used a two-step initiation reaction in which an underwound template was first generated in the absence of primer synthesis. In the second step, primer synthesis was monitored with or without the antibodies. Alternatively, an underwound primed template was formed in the first step, and primer elongation was tested with or without antibodies in the second step. The results show that the antibodies specifically inhibited both primer synthesis and primer elongation, demonstrating that this RPA binding site in T antigen plays an essential role in both events.  相似文献   

Primary rat kidney cells and mouse 3T3 cells can be transformed by DNA of simian virus 40 when use is made of the calcium technique (Graham and van der Eb, 1973). The transformation assay in primary rat cells is reproducible, but the dose response is not linear.  相似文献   

Stromal cell lines were established from bone marrow of temperature-sensitive T-antigen gene transgenic mice. These stromal cell lines consisted of fibroblasts, endothelial cells, and preadipocytes. We found that these stromal cell lines exhibited phenotypic changes depending on the inactivation of T-antigen and growth condition; one preadipocyte line was induced toward adipocytes and osteogenic cells, and several preadipocyte and endothelial cell lines were induced toward muscle cells and adipocytes. Some cell lines showed bipotential characters. These results indicated that stromal cells consisting of bone marrow hematopoietic microenvironment are derived from multipotent mesenchymal stem cells.  相似文献   

Infectious deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) was extracted from green monkey kidney (CV-1) cultures at various times after the cultures were infected with simian virus 40 (SV40) at input multiplicities of 0.01 and 0.1 plaque-forming unit (PFU) per cell. A pronounced decrease in infectious DNA was observed from 3 to 16 hr after virus infection, suggesting that structurally altered intracellular forms may have been generated early in infection. Evidence is also presented that SV40 DNA synthesis requires concurrent protein synthesis. DNA replication was studied in the presence and absence of cycloheximide in: (i) SV40-infected and uninfected cultures of CV-1 cells; (ii) cultures synchronized with 1-β-d-arabinofuranosylcytosine (ara-C) for 24 to 30 hr prior to the addition of cycloheximide; and (iii) in heterokaryons of SV40-transformed hamster and susceptible monkey kidney cells. DNA synthesis was determined by pulse-labeling the cultures with 3H-thymidine at various times from 24 to 46 hr after infection. In addition, the total infectious SV40 DNA was measured. Addition of cycloheximide, even after early proteins had been induced, grossly inhibited both SV40 and cellular DNA syntheses. The activities of thymidine kinase, DNA polymerase, deoxycytidylate deaminase, and thymidylate kinase were measured; these enzyme activities remained high for at least 9 hr in the presence of cycloheximide. SV40 DNA prelabeled with 3H-thymidine before the addition of cycloheximide was also relatively stable during the time required for cycloheximide to inhibit further DNA replication.  相似文献   

The nondefective adenovirus 2 (Ad2)-simian virus 40 (SV40) hybrid virus, Ad2(+)ND(1), does not induce heat-labile SV40 T antigen but does induce a previously uncharacterized heat-stable SV40 antigen-the SV40 "U" antigen. This antigen is detectable by both immunofluorescence and complement fixation by using sera from hamsters with SV40 tumors. Sera from hamsters bearing SV40 tumors can be divided into two groups, those that react with both SV40 T and U antigens (T(+)U(+) sera) and those that react with SV40 T antigen only (T(+)U(-) sera). SV40 U-specific sera from monkeys immunized with Ad2(+)ND(1)-infected cells do not react with SV40 T antigen by immunofluorescence but do react with an antigen in the nucleus of SV40-transformed cells and with an early, cytosine arabinoside-resistant antigen present in the nucleus of SV40-infected cells. A heat-stable SV40 antigen detectable by complement fixation with T(+)U(+) hamster sera is present in extracts of SV40-induced hamster tumors and in cell packs of SV40-infected or -transformed cells. SV40 U-antigen synthesis by Ad2(+)ND(1) virus is partially sensitive to inhibitors of deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis, whereas U-antigen synthesis by SV40 virus is an early cytosine arabinoside-resistant event. As an early SV40 antigen differing from SV40 T antigen, U antigen may play a role in malignant transformation mediated by SV40.  相似文献   

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