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Brassica rapa plants were exposed for a 52 h period (as pretreatment) to a differential temperature (DT) between roots (5°C) and shoots (20°C), while control plants were maintained with both shoot and roots at 20°C (warm grown = WG). Measured at 20°C, volume flow of xylem exudate from roots of DT plants was enhanced compared with that from WG plants, while transpiration flows were similar in pretreated and control plants. Both transpiration and exudation flows were dependent upon shoot/root ratio. Differences in the volume flow of exudate were principally related to increases in root hydraulic conductance. Anion fluxes (notably nitrate) into xylem exudate of DT plants were significantly greater than those into exudate of WG plants. This enhancement of nitrate flow from the pretreated roots was associated with a two-fold increase in nitrate uptake rate. The relationship of the cold-induced change in nitrate uptake capacity with shoot/root ratio is discussed in terms of control of nitrate absorption by shoot sink strength.  相似文献   

Possible interactions of two synthetic plant-growth retardants during the short-term response of Brassica rapa L. ssp. oleifera (DC.) Metzger plants to low root-zone temperature were investigated by pretreating with mefluidide or paclobutrazol. Water and solute transfers were studied by measuring xylem sap volume flow (under root pressure exudation) and ion flow from the roots. Relations with nitrate uptake rate were also considered. Root pretreatment with paclobutrazol strongly restricted the cold-inducible processes which normally restore water and solute flow from the root xylem. Paclobutrazol decreased the rates of nitrate uptake and exudation flow from the root xylem (principally by reducing root hydraulic conductivity) with dramatic consequences for ion flow, especially that of nitrate.
The effects of root ABA pretreatment on plant response to root cooling were then studied separately or in association with a pretreatment with paclobutrazol. Despite a slight decrease in nitrate uptake rate, ABA pretreatment of the roots enabled the plant to develop rapid mechanisms for adaptation to cold constraint at the root level. Moreover, this action of exogenous ABA greatly reduced the effect of a simultaneous paclobutrazol pretreatment and partly restored water and solute flows.
Thus, the improvement of plant resistance to cold conditions brought about by treatments with mefluidide and paclobutrazol (previously shown in long-term experiments) cannot simply be explained by their short-term effects.  相似文献   

Brassica rapa L. (rapid-cycling Brassica), was grown in environmentally controlled chambers to determine the interactive effects of ozone (O3) and increased root temperature (RT) on biomass, reproductive output, and photosynthesis. Plants were grown with or without an average treatment of 63 ppb O3. RT treatments were 13°C (LRT) and 18°C (HRT). Air temperatures were 25°C/15°C day/night for all RT treatments.
Ozone affected plant biomass more than did root temperature. Plants in O3 had significantly smaller total plant d. wt, shoot weight, leaf weight, leaf area and leaf number than plants grown without O3. LRT plants tended to have slightly smaller total plant d. wt, shoot weight, root weight, leaf weight, leaf area, and leaf number than HRT plants. For all variables, LRT plants grown in O3 had the smallest biomass, and plants grown in HRT without O3 had the largest biomass.
Ozone reduced both fruit weight and fruit number; LRT also reduced fruit weight but had no effect on fruit number. Ozone reduced photosynthesis but RT had no effect. Conductance and internal CO2 were unaffected by O3 or RT.
These studies indicate that plant growth with LRT might be more reduced in the presence of O3 than growth in plants with HRT, which might be able to compensate for O3-caused reductions in photosynthesis to avoid decreased biomass and reproductive output.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine if plant roots have to take up nitrate at their maximum rate for achieving maximum yield. This was investigated in a flowing-solution system which kept nutrient concentrations at constant levels. Nitrate concentrations were maintained in the range 20 to 1000 μM. Maximum uptake rate for both species was obtained at 100 μM. Concentrations below 100 μM resulted in decreases in uptake rate per cm root (inflow) for both spinach and kohlrabi by 1/3 and 2/3, respectively. However, only with kohlrabi this caused a reduction in N uptake and yield. Thus indicating that this crop has to take up nitrate at the maximum inflow. Spinach, however, compensated for lower inflows by enhancing its root absorbing surface with more and longer roots hairs. Both species increased their root length by 1/3 at low nitrate concentrations.  相似文献   

Root morpho-topology and net nitrate uptake of two citrus seedlings, Volkamer Lemon and Carrizo Citrange, grown at two nitrogen supplies (NO3-N 5 M and 1000 M, respectively) were studied. Root morphological and topological parameters were gauged by an image-specific analysis system (WinRHIZO). Net nitrate uptake was estimated using the nitrate depletion method. The main findings showed that Carrizo seedlings had a dichotomous branching root system characterized by high root tip numbers and long 2nd order lateral roots. Conversely, Volkamer root systems had a herringbone structure with a long tap root and 1st order lateral root. Nitrate treatment did not seem to affect the pattern of the two genotypes, except for the 2nd order lateral roots (Carrizo more than Volkamer) and root/shoot ratio and root mass ratio (Volkamer more than Carrizo) that were significantly different at low nitrate supply. Nitrate treatments induced a diverse net nitrate uptake regulation between citrus rootstocks. Indeed, at low nitrate supply, Carrizo showed a more efficient nitrate acquisition process in terms of: 1) higher net nitrate uptake maximum of the inducible high affinity transport system or full induction (A), (2) higher cumulative nitrate uptake (At) and (3) lower t1 parameter defined as the half time of the net nitrate uptake rate of the inducible transport system during the induction phase, compared to Volkamer. Conversely, at the high nitrate level, only the genotypical difference of the t1 parameter was maintained. The results suggested that, at the low nitrate level, the morphological root traits such as higher 2nd order lateral roots and greater root tip numbers of the Carrizo compared with Volkamer seedlings, enhance the capacity to absorb nitrate from nutrient solution.  相似文献   

The results presented in this work were obtained with two citrus genotypes, the chloride-tolerant Cleopatra mandarin (Citrus reshni Hort. ex Tan.) and the chloride-sensitive Carrizo citrange [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osb. × Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.]. The data show that chloride uptake under salinization is driven by passive forces. In both species, net rates of chloride root uptake increased linearly, without saturation, with the increase of external NaCl concentrations (30–240 mol m–3). Uptake rates, on a μ g g root dry weight–1 h–1 basis, in Cleopatra and Carrizo decreased (from 38 to 21) and increased (from 21 to 35), respectively, with the increase (about three-fold) of the shoot to root ratio. With the appropriate shoot to root ratio in each genotype, it was demonstrated that at identical external doses of NaCl, Cl uptake rates and Cl xylem concentrations in the two species were very similar. Root pruning and defoliation showed that the amount of chloride taken by the plant was a function of the size of the root system, whereas leaf chloride concentration, the parameter responsible for salt damage, was dependent upon leaf biomass. Measurements of water transpiration suggested that chloride root uptake and leaf accumulation might be linked to water absorption and transpiration rates, respectively. The data indicate that plant morphology is a crucial factor determining salt-tolerance in citrus.  相似文献   

Wanek  Wolfgang  Popp  Marianne 《Plant and Soil》2000,221(1):13-24
Increased levels of rhizospheric dissolved inorganic carbon have repeatedly been demonstrated to enhance plant growth by up to 80%, although carbon from dark fixation accounts for only 1–3% of total plant carbon gain. This study, therefore, aimed at investigating the effects of bicarbonate on nitrate uptake, assimilation and translocation to shoots. Clonal saplings of poplar (Populus canescens(Ait.) Sm.) and elder (Sambucus nigraL.) were grown hydroponically for 35 days in a nutrient solution containing 0, 0.5 and 1 mM bicarbonate and 2 mM nitrate as the sole nitrogen source at pH 7.0. Net nitrate uptake, root nitrate accumulation and reduction, and export of nitrogenous solutes to shoots were measured after incubating plants with 15N-labelled nitrate for 24 h. Net nitrate uptake increased non-significantly in plant species (19–61% compared to control plants) in response to 1 mM bicarbonate. Root nitrate reduction and nitrogen export to shoots increased by 80 and 95% and 15 and 44% in poplar and elder, respectively. With enhanced root zone bicarbonate, both species also exhibited a marked shift between the main nitrate utilising processes. Poplar plants increasingly utilised nitrate via nitrate reduction (73–88% of net nitrate uptake), whereas the proportions of export (20–9%) and storage in roots (7–3%) declined as plants were exposed to 1 mM external bicarbonate. On the other hand, elder plants exhibited a significant increase of root nitrate reduction (44–66%) and root nitrate accumulation (6–25%). Nitrate translocation to elder shoots decreased from 50 to 8% of net nitrate uptake. The improved supply of nitrogen to shoots did not translate into a significant stimulation of growth, relative growth rates increased by only 16% in poplar saplings and by 7% in elder plants. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effects of a change in the distribution of nitrate within the root zone on N uptake and growth were studied using young lettuce plants after reducing the proportion of their root systems supplied with nitrate from 100 to ca 10% in split-root experiments in the glasshouse. The main effects of the localized nitrate supply were concentrated in a 2-week period immediately after the treatment was imposed, when a temporary reduction in nitrate uptake caused the gradual development of N deficiency and a decline in plant growth rate. The plants adapted to the change in nitrate distribution, initially by increasing unit absorption rates (uptake rates per unit weight of root) and more gradually by increasing production of new roots in the high-nitrate zone. As a result, relative N uptake rates and relative growth rates were restored to the same levels as for control plants (given a spatially uniform N supply throughout) after ca 12d, even though only ca 12–15% of their roots were exposed to nitrate at this time. Thereafter, the plants continued to adapt by concentrating new root growth in the nitrate-containing zone, ultimately allowing unit absorption rates to return to normal. There was no evidence of any significant N deficiency in the plants after the initial adaptive response was complete, even though the total-N concentrations of the plants given the localized supply were consistently less than those given the uniform N treatment, and nitrate concentrations in the petiole sap were generally lower in leaves on one side of the plant (because of limited lateral movement of nitrate between xylem vessels during its transport to the shoot). The delay in the initiation of an adaptive response caused a significant check in growth, and the resulting relative weight differences were maintained throughout the subsequent life of the plant. Plants in all treatments matured on the same date, so yields for those grown with the localized supply were less than those of the control, and could not be recovered by delaying final harvest without unacceptable loss of quality. The pattern of the changes in N uptake and plant growth, and the effect on final yield, were similar to those exhibited by young lettuce plants subjected to a temporary interruption in nitrate supply, suggesting that the reduction in final yield for plants grown with the localized supply was largely the effect of the check in growth which occurred whilst the Plants were adapting to the change in nitrate distribution during the early part of the experiment. This implies that the rate of dry matter production of young lettuce plants can be altered by N treatment without affecting their rate of physiological development.  相似文献   

Levels of nitrate reductase activity (N.R.A.) were measured in shoots and roots of P sufficient and P deficient rape plants and changes in N.R.A. examined in relation to the onset of H ion efflux from the roots. Rates of xylem exudation were measured and the sap analysed for nitrate, amino-N and phosphate content. The optimum concentration of phosphate in the leaves for N.R.A. was about 0.7%. Both high and low concentrations of phosphate within the leaves inhibited N.R.A in those leaves. This inhibition of N.R.A led to the accumulation of nitrate in the older parts of the shoots of P sufficient plants. Less accumulation of nitrate occurred in the P deficient plants since nitrate uptake by the plants decreased before any fall in N.R.A. Xylem exudation rates halved within 18 hours of depriving the plants of phosphate, and, since the composition of the sap remained constant, this indicated a reduced flux of nitrate into the xylem. The rate of xylem exudation continued to fall and by the end of the experiment was approximately one tenth of the rate in the P sufficient plants. The onset of H ion efflux from the terminal portions of the root preceded any effect on N.R.A by 2 days.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

An updated version of a mechanistic structural–functional model was developed to predict nitrogen (N) uptake throughout the growth cycle by a crop of winter oilseed rape, Brassica napus, grown under field conditions.


The functional component of the model derives from a revisited conceptual framework that combines the thermodynamic Flow–Force interpretation of nitrate uptake isotherms and environmental and in planta effects on nitrate influx. Estimation of the root biomass (structural component) is based upon a combination of root mapping along the soil depth profile in the field and a relationship between the specific root length and external nitrate concentration. The root biomass contributing actively to N uptake was determined by introduction of an integrated root system age that allows assignment of a root absorption capacity at a specific age of the root.

Key Results

Simulations were well matched to measured data of N taken up under field conditions for three levels of N fertilization. The model outputs indicated that the two topsoil layers (0–30 and 30–60 cm) contained 75–88 % of the total root length and biomass, and accounted for 90–95 % of N taken up at harvest.


This conceptual framework provides a model of nitrate uptake that is able to respond to external nitrate fluctuations at both functional and structural levels.  相似文献   

We investigated whether six arctic plant species have the potential to induce nitrate reductase (NR) activity when exposed to NO3 --nitrogen under controlled environment conditions, using an in vivo assay that uses the rate of NO2 --accumulation to estimate potential NR activity. We also assessed the effect of low root temperatures on NR activity, growth and nitrogen uptake (using 15N applications) in two of the selected species. Five of the six species (Cerastium alpinum, Dryas intergrifolia, Oxyria digyna, Saxifraga cernua and Salix arctica) were capable of inducing NR activity when exposed to solutions containing 0.5 mM NO3 - at 20°C for 10 days. Although in vivo NR activity was not induced in Saxifraga oppositifolia under controlled conditions, we conclude that it was capable of growing successfully on NO3 -, due to the presence of moderate rates of NR activity observed in both NH4 +-grown and NO3 --treated plants. Exposure of O. digyna and D. integrifolia to 3°C root temperatures for two weeks, with the shoots kept at 20°C, resulted in root and leaf NR activity rates of NO3 --treated plants being reduced to rates exhibited by NH4 +-grown plants. Although these decreases in NR in both species appeared to be due to limitations in NO3 --uptake and growth rate (rather than direct low-temperature inhibition of NR synthesis per se), direct low-temperature inhibition of root NR synthesis could not be ruled out. In contrast to the temperature insensitivity of NH4 + uptake in D. integrifolia, NO3 --uptake in D. integrifolia was inhibited by low root temperatures. We conclude that the selected arctic species have the genetic potential to utilize NO3 --nitrogen, and that low root temperatures, in conjunction with other environmental limitations, may be responsible for the lack of induction of NR in D. integrifolia and Salix arctica under field conditions.  相似文献   

Lainé  P.  Ourry  A.  Boucaud  J.  Salette  J. 《Plant and Soil》1998,202(1):61-67
Roots of higher plants are usually exposed to varying spatial and temporal changes in concentrations of soil mineral nitrogen. A split root system was used to see how Lolium multiflorum Lam. roots adapt to such variations to cope with their N requirements. Plants were grown in hydroponic culture with their root system split in two spatially separated compartments allowing them to be fed with or without KNO3. Net NO3 - uptake, 15NO3 - influx and root growth were studied in relation to time. Within less than 24 h following deprivation of KNO3 to half the roots, the influx in NO3 - fed roots was observed to increase (about 200% of the influx measured in plant uniformly NO3 - supplied control plant) thereby compensating the whole plant for the lack of uptake by the N deprived roots. Due to the large NO3 - concentrations in the roots, the NO3 - efflux was also increased so that the net uptake rate increased only slightly (35% maximum) compared with the values obtained for control plants uniformly supplied with NO3 -. This increase in net NO3 - uptake rate was not sufficient to compensate the deficit in N uptake rate of the NO3 - deprived split root in the short term. Over a longer period (>1 wk), root growth of the part of the root system locally supplied with NO3 - was stimulated. An increase in root growth was mainly responsable for the greater uptake of nitrate in Lolium multiflorum so that it was able to fully compensate the deficit in N uptake rate of the NO3 - deprived split root.  相似文献   

The effects of suboptimal root zone temperatures (RZTs) on net translocation rates from the roots to the shoots and the concentrations of Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu were examined in maize grown in nutrient solution or soil. Plants were grown at 12 °C, 18 °C and 24 °C RZT. At each RZT, the growth-related shoot demand for nutrients was varied by independently modifying the temperature of the shoot base (SBT) including the apical shoot meristem. The net translocation rates of Mn and Zn from the roots to the shoots were reduced at low RZTs, irrespective of the SBT and of the substrate (soil or nutrient solution). Obviously, the net translocation rates of Mn and Zn at low RZT were mainly regulated by temperature effects on the roots and not by the chemical nutrient availability in the rhizosphere or by shoot growth rate as controlled by SBTs. When both RZT and SBT were reduced, the decrease in net translocation rates of Mn and Zn was similar to the decline in the shoot growth rate and concentrations of Mn and Zn in the shoot fresh matter were not greatly affected or were even increased by low RZT. However, at high SBT and low RZT in nutrient solution, the depressed net translocation rates of Mn and Zn combined with the increased shoot growth resulted in significantly decreased concentrations of Mn and Zn in the shoot, indicating that Mn and Zn may become deficient even at high chemical availability. By contrast to Mn and Zn, the net translocation rates of Fe and Cu at all RZTs were markedly enhanced by increased SBTs. Accordingly, the concentrations of Fe and Cu in the shoot fresh matter were not greatly affected by RZTs, irrespective of the SBTs. These results indicate that the ability of roots to supply Fe and Cu to the shoot was internally regulated by the growth related shoot demand per unit of roots. Deceased 21 September 1996 Deceased 21 September 1996  相似文献   

为探讨海藻养分吸收能力并以高效养分过滤器筛选为目标,以N饥饿和N饱和的石莼为材料,研究了3种光照及温度因子及其交互作用对不同N素营养限制状态下石莼NO3-吸收动力学特征的影响。结果表明:N饱和条件下,随着光照的增强,石莼对NO3-的最大吸收速率也增加;30℃条件下,光照强度的增加虽然使得其最大吸收速率提高,但Vmax/Km在中等光强下最大;20℃最有利于石莼对NO3-的吸收。N饥饿条件下,石莼对NO3-的吸收速率显著大于非饥饿状态。在10℃和20℃条件下,呈现与N饱和条件下相似的规律,但在30℃条件下,中等光强石莼对NO3-的最大吸收速率最高。在10℃和20℃条件下,增加光强促进石莼对NO3-的吸收,但30℃条件下光强的增加并未起到促进作用。饥饿状态下的石莼的NO3-吸收速率较高,当石莼吸收NO3-饱和时,依然可以以较低的速率继续吸收环境中的NO3-。  相似文献   

Abstract Changes in the net uptake rate of K+ and in the average tissue concentration of K+ were measured over 14 d in response to changes in root temperature with oilseed rape (Brassica napus L. cv. Bien venu) and barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Atem). Plants were grown in flowing nutrient solutions containing 2.5 mmol m?3 K+ and were acclimatized over 49 d (rape) or 28 d (barley) to low root temperature (5°C) prior to steady–state treatments at root temperatures between 3 °C and 25 °C, with common air temperature. Uptake of K+ was monitored continuously over 14 d and nitrogen was supplied as NH4++ NO?3 or NH+4 or NO?3. Unit absorption rates of K+ increased with time and with root temperature up to Day 4 or 5 following the change in root temperature. Thereafter they usually approached steady-state, with Q10? 2.0 between 7 °C and 17°C, although rates became similar between 7 °C and 13°C. Uptake of K+ by rape plants was invariably greater under NO?3 nutrition compared with NH+4. The percentage K+ in the plant dry matter increased with temperature from 2% at 3 °C to 4% at 25 °C in rape, but there was less effect of temperature on the average concentrations of K+ in the plant fresh weight or plant water content. Concentrations of K+ in the leaf water fraction of rape plants decreased with increasing root temperature, but in barley they increased with increasing root temperature. Concentrations of K+ in the root water fraction were relatively stable with respect to root temperature. The results are discussed in terms of compensatory changes in K+ uptake following a change in root temperature and the relationships between growth, shoot: root ratio and K+ composition of the plant.  相似文献   

The immediate and posteffects of various concentrations of NaNO2 on ion uptake of wheat ( Triticum aestivum L. cv. GK Öthalom) seedlings were studied at different pH values. Without pretreatment, the higher the concentration of NaNO2 the greater was the decrease in uptake of K+ into the roots, both at pH 4 and pH 6. At pH 6 but not at pH 4 the reverse was true when the seedlings were pretreated with NaNO2. Due to the high Na+ content of the roots, an effect of Na+ in this process cannot be excluded. Nitrite was taken up by the roots more rapidly than nitrate. Nitrite at 0.1 m M in the medium induced the development of an uptake system for both NO2 and NO3 in wheat roots. At higher concentrations pretreatment with NO2 decreased NO3 uptake by the roots, but NO3 did not inhibit the uptake of NO2. The toxic effect of NO2 was strongly pH dependent. Lower pH of the external solution led to an increased inhibition by NO2 of both ion uptake and growth of seedlings. The inhibitory effect of NO2 differed considerably for roots and shoots. The roots and especially the root hairs were particularly sensitive to NO2 treatment.  相似文献   

Shoot and root growth are differentially sensitive to water stress. Interest in the involvement of hormones in regulating these responses has focused on abscisic acid (ABA) because it accumulates in shoot and root tissues under water-limited conditions, and because it usually inhibits growth when applied to well-watered plants. However, the effects of ABA can differ in stressed and non-stressed plants, and it is therefore advantageous to manipulate endogenous ABA levels under water-stressed conditions. Studies utilizing ABA-deficient mutants and inhibitors of ABA synthesis to decrease endogenous ABA levels, and experimental strategies to circumvent variation in plant water status with ABA deficiency, are changing the view of the role of ABA from the traditional idea that the hormone is generally involved in growth inhibition. In particular, studies of several species indicate that an important role of endogenous ABA is to limit ethylene production, and that as a result of this interaction ABA may often function to maintain rather than inhibit shoot and root growth. Despite early speculation that interaction between these hormones may influence many of the effects of water deficit, this topic has received little attention until recently.  相似文献   

Guo  S.  Brück  H.  Sattelmacher  B. 《Plant and Soil》2002,239(2):267-275
In order to investigate the effect of N form on dry matter (DM) formation and water uptake rate, French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. `Sotaxa') plants were grown with a split-root system. Three treatments were compared: sole nitrate (NO 3) supply (NN), sole ammonium (NH+ 4) supply (AA) and spatially separated supply of NO 3 and NH+ 4 (NA). The pH of the nutrient solutions was kept constant at 6.3 using a pH-stat system. 9 days after onset of the treatments, NN plants had higher root (36%) and shoot dry matter (11%) than AA plants. N form drastically influenced partitioning of assimilates: in the NA treatment, the root half exposed to NO 3 revealed a 170% higher DM than the root half exposed to NH+ 4. N form affected stable carbon-isotope discrimination () of leaf tissue. In leaves of plants which were supplied with NH+ 4 (AA; NA) was significantly more negative (–29.4, –29.6) than in NN treatment (–28.2). We explain this effect by differences in stomatal conductance. We suppose that the significantly less negative of root tissue under NH+ 4 supply is most probably related to higher PEP-case activity. The water uptake rate was higher in NN than in AA grown plants. This effect was found in both, short- and long-term experiments. In case of NA plants, the water uptake in the root part being exposed to NO 3 was 104% higher than in those receiving NH+ 4. At least in the case of the NA treatment we can exclude shoot growth effects as being responsible for differences in water uptake. We therefore assume that differences in root hydraulic conductivity are responsible for the observed effects.  相似文献   

Summary Effects of root temperature on the growth and morphology of roots were measured in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Plants were grown in flowing solution culture and acclimatized over several weeks to a root temperature of 5°C prior to treatment at a range of root temperatures between 3 and 25°C, with common shoot temperature. Root temperature affected root extension, mean radius, root surface area, numbers and lengths of root hairs. Total root length of rape plants increased with temperature over the range 3–9°C, but was constant at higher temperatures. Root length of barley increased with temperature in the range 3–25°C, by a factor of 27 after 20 days. Root radii had a lognormal distribution and their means decreased with increasing temperature from 0.14 mm at 3°C to 0.08 mm at 25°C. The density of root hairs on the root surface increased by a factor of 4 in rape between 3 and 25°C, but in barley the highest density was at 9°C. The contribution of root hairs to total root surface area was relatively greater in rape than in barley. The changes in root system morphology may be interpreted as adaptive responses to temperature stress on nutrient uptake, providing greater surface area for absorption per unit root weight or length.  相似文献   

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