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To explore the structural mechanisms underlying the assembly and activation of family A GPCR dimers, we used the rat M(3) muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (M3R) as a model system. Studies with Cys-substituted mutant M3Rs expressed in COS-7 cells led to the identification of several mutant M3Rs that exclusively existed as cross-linked dimers under oxidizing conditions. The cross-linked residues were located at the bottom of transmembrane domain 5 (TM5) and within the N-terminal portion of the third intracellular loop (i3 loop). Studies with urea-stripped membranes demonstrated that M3R disulfide cross-linking did not require the presence of heterotrimeric G proteins. Molecular modeling studies indicated that the cross-linking data were in excellent agreement with the existence of a low-energy M3R dimer characterized by a TM5-TM5 interface. [(35)S]GTPγS binding/Gα(q/11) immunoprecipitation assays revealed that an M3R dimer that was cross-linked within the N-terminal portion of the i3 loop (264C) was functionally severely impaired (~50% reduction in receptor-G-protein coupling, as compared to control M3R). These data support the novel concept that agonist-induced activation of M3R dimers requires a conformational change of the N-terminal segment of the i3 loop. Given the high degree of structural homology among family A GPCRs, these findings should be of broad significance.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease is the most common progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the abnormal deposition of amyloid plaques, likely as a consequence of an incorrect processing of the amyloid-β precursor protein (AβPP). Dysfunctions in both the ubiquitin–proteasome system and autophagy have also been observed. Recently, an extensive cross-talk between these two degradation pathways has emerged, but the exact implicated processes are yet to be clarified. In this work, we gained insight into such interplay by analyzing human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells stably transfected either with wild-type AβPP gene or 717 valine-to-glycine AβPP-mutated gene. The over-expression of the AβPP mutant isoform correlates with an increase in oxidative stress and a remodeled pattern of protein degradation, with both marked inhibition of proteasome activities and impairment in the autophagic flux. To compensate for this altered scenario, cells try to promote the autophagy activation in a HDAC6-dependent manner. The treatment with amyloid-β42 oligomers further compromises proteasome activity and also contributes to the inhibition of cathepsin-mediated proteolysis, finally favoring the neuronal degeneration and suggesting the existence of an Aβ42 threshold level beyond which proteasome-dependent proteolysis becomes definitely dysfunctional.  相似文献   

Vascular risk factors play a critical role in the development of cognitive decline and AD (Alzheimer's disease), during aging, and often result in chronic cerebral hypoperfusion. The neurobiological link between hypoperfusion and cognitive decline is not yet defined, but is proposed to involve damage to the brain's white matter. In a newly developed mouse model, hypoperfusion, in isolation, produces a slowly developing and diffuse damage to myelinated axons, which is widespread in the brain, and is associated with a selective impairment in working memory. Cerebral hypoperfusion, an early event in AD, has also been shown to be associated with white matter damage and notably an accumulation of amyloid. The present review highlights some of the published data linking white matter disruption to aging and AD as a result of vascular dysfunction. A model is proposed by which chronic cerebral hypoperfusion, as a result of vascular factors, results in both the generation and accumulation of amyloid and injury to white matter integrity, resulting in cognitive impairment. The generation of amyloid and accumulation in the vasculature may act to perpetuate further vascular dysfunction and accelerate white matter pathology, and as a consequence grey matter pathology and cognitive decline.  相似文献   

Lou XY  Ma JZ  Payne TJ  Beuten J  Crew KM  Li MD 《Human genetics》2006,120(3):381-389
Based on our previously identified linkage regions for nicotine dependence (ND), we selected six and five single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the muscarinic cholinergic receptor subtype M1 (CHRM1) and nicotinic cholinergic receptor β1 (CHRNB1), respectively, to determine the association of the two genes with ND in a total of 2,037 subjects from 602 nuclear families of either African-American (AA) or European-American (EA) origin. Individual SNP- and/or haplotype-based analyses indicated that the CHRNB1 was significantly associated with ND, which was assessed by smoking quantity (SQ), the Heaviness of Smoking Index (HSI), and the Fagerström Test for ND (FTND), in both ethnic samples. The association of rs2302763 in the CHRNB1 was significant with adjusted SQ in the EA sample after correction for multiple testing (= 0.013). Haplotype A-T-A formed by SNPs rs2302765, rs2302762, and rs9217 in the CHRNB1 was significantly associated with the high risk allele for all the three ND measures (minimum = 0.009, 0.006, and 0.008 for SQ, HSI and FTND, respectively) in the AA sample while haplotype A-T-A formed by rs2302765, rs2302763, and rs9217 was significantly positively associated with ND (minimum = 0.005, 0.016, and 0.016 for SQ, HSI and FTND, respectively) in the EA sample. The CHRM1 exhibited significant protective associations of haplotype C-C-A-T-G-G formed by all six SNPs of this gene with at least one ND measure in the AA sample after Bonferroni correction (minimum = 0.008, 0.013, and 0.009 for SQ, HSI and FTND, respectively), but no significant association was found in the EA sample. The significant associations, together with their location of linked region to ND, suggest that the CHRNB1 and CHRM1 are likely candidates for further investigation.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is caused by the accumulation of β-amyloid protein (Aβ) in the brain. The aggregation of β-amyloid protein to higher molecular weight fibrillar forms is also considered to be an important step in the pathogenesis of the disease. The memory problems associated with AD are likely to be caused by changes in synaptic plasticity. Recent studies suggest that Aβ binds to the α 7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (α 7 nAChR), which plays an important role in synaptic plasticity and memory. A loop domain localized towards the C-terminus of the extracellular region of the receptor has been identified as forming part of a putative Aβ-binding site. In cell culture experiments, the binding of Aβ to the α 7 nAChR has been found to cause an increase in the level of acetylcholinesterase, which is also increased around amyloid plaques in the AD brain. These studies indicate that the Aβ-binding site on the α 7 nAChR receptor is an important new target for therapeutic development in AD.  相似文献   

Despite an archive of over 73,000 research papers published in the last two decades on the subject of Alzheimer's disease (AD), little clinical progress has been made relative to how people get sporadic AD and what can be done to help them avoid it. This review spotlights strategic steps that could be a turning point in the dramatic lowering of Alzheimer prevalence. The main strategy includes application of four pillars of prevention: 1) early identification of AD vascular risk factors; 2) early detection of AD vascular risk factors; 3) early intervention of AD vascular risk factors based on evidence-based medical decisions; 4) patient follow-up to assess and modify interventions as needed. Tandem to these four pillars of prevention, a proactive lifestyle consisting of a healthy diet coupled to physical and mental activity should be applied as part of any therapeutic intervention. We are persuaded by mounting and compelling evidence that AD is a multifactorial disorder kindled by vascular risk factors that generate chronic brain hypoperfusion (CBH) during advanced aging. A pathobiological cascade of biochemical events in the presence of CBH that leads to oxidative stress and neurodegeneration appears to involve multiple biofactors including micronutrients, trace metals, lipids, and pro-oxidants, as reviewed in this special issue of BioFactors. Modulation of these biofactors may help prevent or control incipient AD. ? 2012 International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.  相似文献   

Human M(3) muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (M3R), present in both the central and the peripheral nervous system, is involved in several neurodegenerative and autoimmune diseases. Recently, M3R overexpression has been suggested to play a role in certain forms of cancer, showing promise as a new potential pharmacological target. However, the lack of structural information hampered to develop a new potent selective and potent antagonist. We describe here different strategies for overexpressing functional M3R on the perspective of future biophysical studies. To achieve this goal, four tagged M3R genes were engineered and codon optimized. Different heterologous expression systems, including mammalian cells and viral transfection, were employed to overexpress M3R. Although codon optimization resulted in only twofold to threefold increase of M3R expression, we found that epitope tagging of the synthetic M3R, especially with hemagglutinin and Flag epitope tags, could improve M3R expression levels. On the other hand, viral transfection led to a yield of 27 pmol/mg protein that is the highest level reported so far for this receptor subtype in mammalian cells. Taking together several of the strategies used can help increasing M3R expression, not only to start purification efforts but also for secondary structural analysis trial and functional analyses.  相似文献   

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal neurodegenerative disease of unknown cause, characterized by the selective and progressive death of both upper and lower motoneurons, leading to a progressive paralysis. Experimental animal models of the disease may provide knowledge of the pathophysiological mechanisms and allow the design and testing of therapeutic strategies, provided that they mimic as close as possible the symptoms and temporal progression of the human disease. The principal hypotheses proposed to explain the mechanisms of motoneuron degeneration have been studied mostly in models in vitro, such as primary cultures of fetal motoneurons, organotypic cultures of spinal cord sections from postnatal rodents and the motoneuron-like hybridoma cell line NSC-34. However, these models are flawed in the sense that they do not allow a direct correlation between motoneuron death and its physical consequences like paralysis. In vivo, the most widely used model is the transgenic mouse that bears a human mutant superoxide dismutase 1, the only known cause of ALS. The major disadvantage of this model is that it represents about 2%–3% of human ALS. In addition, there is a growing concern on the accuracy of these transgenic models and the extrapolations of the findings made in these animals to the clinics. Models of spontaneous motoneuron disease, like the wobbler and pmn mice, have been used aiming to understand the basic cellular mechanisms of motoneuron diseases, but these abnormalities are probably different from those occurring in ALS. Therefore, the design and testing of in vivo models of sporadic ALS, which accounts for >90% of the disease, is necessary. The main models of this type are based on the excitotoxic death of spinal motoneurons and might be useful even when there is no definitive demonstration that excitotoxicity is a cause of human ALS. Despite their difficulties, these models offer the best possibility to establish valid correlations between cellular alterations and motor behavior, although improvements are still necessary in order to produce a reliable and integrative model that accurately reproduces the cellular mechanisms of motoneuron degeneration in ALS.  相似文献   

McFarland MJ  Barker EL 《Life sciences》2005,77(14):1640-1650
The endocannabinoids are endogenous agonists of the cannabinoid receptors and some members of the transient receptor potential, vanilloid type (TRPV), family of cation channels. Endocannabinoids along with their target receptors comprise a signaling system that is not well characterized. There have been many advances in our collective understanding of endocannabinoid signaling in the last decade and experimental evidence is mounting that pharmacological augmentation of endocannabinoid tone might have a significant therapeutic benefit in several disease states. However, the mechanisms responsible for the biosynthesis, cellular uptake, and intracellular processing of endocannabinoids are not well understood and have been the source of much debate. Recent studies have revealed a role for detergent insoluble membrane domains called lipid rafts in various aspects of signaling associated with the endocannabinoid anandamide. Intact detergent insoluble membrane domains appear to play a role in an anandamide-induced signaling cascade that is independent of G protein-coupled cannabinoid receptors or TRPV channels. Furthermore, detergent insoluble membrane domain-related endocytosis and recycling to lipid rafts appear to regulate the organization and localization of anandamide metabolites. We will discuss the implications that these findings have on the way we view endocannabinoid signaling, trafficking, and processing.  相似文献   

MT7 is a selective human muscarinic acetylcholine receptor 1 (hM1) allosteric binder with subnanomolar affinity. Understanding the binding mode of hM1–MT7 will give insights to discover small molecular ligand for hM1. MT7 is a peptide, and hM1 is a G-protein-coupled membrane receptor. Therefore, we have employed homology modeling, protein–protein docking, explicit membrane molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, and molecular mechanic/Poisson-Boltzmann surface area energy decomposition analysis approaches to reveal the hM1–MT7 binding mode. The binding mode is consistent with the experimental data. We have discovered that the binding mode consists of three interaction regions in five residue interaction clusters. By analyzing the cluster representative structures, the cluster residues form an interaction network, which shows a multiple-point-to-site binding mode. Hydrogen binding statistical analysis reveals that E170 (hM1) and R34 (MT7) are both locked in electrostatic cages with counter charges, respectively. This is confirmed by the dynamic distances calculation between these residues, and biological mutant experiments.  相似文献   

Active or passive immunization against the beta-amyloid peptide (Abeta) has been proposed as a method for preventing and/or treating Alzheimer's disease (AD). In addition to lowering brain Abeta and amyloid burden in transgenic mouse models of AD, a beneficial effect of immunization on previously characterized memory impairment(s) has also been reported in these mice. Whether these preclinical data will predict efficacy in AD patients remains to be seen. A clinical trial of active immunization (vaccination) was halted, owing to a serious adverse event (meningoencephalitis), raising questions about the safety of this approach. Two recent reports suggest that immunotherapy-based approaches to treating and preventing AD will require careful antigen and antibody selection, to maximize efficacy and minimize serious adverse events. However, given the potential efficacy of this approach, we believe that immunotherapy for AD should not be prematurely abandoned.  相似文献   

Marijuana is the most widely used illicit drug in the U.S., and marijuana use by women is on the rise. Women have been found to be more susceptible to the development of cannabinoid abuse and dependence, have more severe withdrawal symptoms, and are more likely to relapse than men. The majority of research in humans suggests that women are more likely to be affected by cannabinoids than men, with reports of enhanced and decreased performance on various tasks. In rodents, females are more sensitive than males to effects of cannabinoids on tests of antinociception, motor activity, and reinforcing efficacy. Studies on effects of cannabinoid exposure during adolescence in both humans and rodents suggest that female adolescents are more likely than male adolescents to be deleteriously affected by cannabinoids. Sex differences in response to cannabinoids appear to be due to activational and perhaps organizational effects of gonadal hormones, with estradiol identified as the hormone that contributes most to the sexually dimorphic effects of cannabinoids in adults. Many, but not all sexually dimorphic effects of exogenous cannabinoids can be attributed to a sexually dimorphic endocannabinoid system in rodents, although the same has not yet been established firmly for humans. A greater understanding of the mechanisms underlying sexually dimorphic effects of cannabinoids will facilitate development of sex-specific approaches to treat marijuana dependence and to use cannabinoid-based medications therapeutically.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial dysfunction and synaptic damage have been described as early events in Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathogenesis. Recent research using AD postmortem brains, and AD mouse and cell models revealed that amyloid beta (Aβ) and tau hyperphosphorylation are involved in mitochondrial dysfunction and synaptic damage in AD. Further, recent research also revealed that the protein levels of mitochondrial outer membrane protein, voltage-dependent anion channel 1 (VDAC1), are elevated in the affected regions of AD postmortem brains and cortical tissues from APP transgenic mice. In addition, emerging research using AD postmortem brains and AD mouse models revealed that VDAC1 is linked to Aβ and phosphorylated tau, blocks the mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT) pores, disrupts the transport of mitochondrial proteins and metabolites, impairs gating of VDAC, and causes defects in oxidative phosphorylation, leading to mitochondrial dysfunction in AD neurons. The purpose of this article is to review research that has investigated the relationship between VDAC1 and the regulation of MPT pores in AD progression.  相似文献   

Chuang JY  Lee CW  Shih YH  Yang T  Yu L  Kuo YM 《PloS one》2012,7(3):e33120
Accumulation of amyloid-β (Aβ) peptides in the brain is one of the central pathogenic events in Alzheimer's disease (AD). However, why and how Aβ aggregates within the brain of AD patients remains elusive. Previously, we demonstrated hemoglobin (Hb) binds to Aβ and co-localizes with the plaque and vascular amyloid deposits in post-mortem AD brains. In this study, we further characterize the interactions between Hb and Aβ in vitro and in vivo and report the following observations: 1) the binding of Hb to Aβ required iron-containing heme; 2) other heme-containing proteins, such as myoglobin and cytochrome C, also bound to Aβ; 3) hemin-induced cytotoxicity was reduced in neuroblastoma cells by low levels of Aβ; 4) Hb was detected in neurons and glial cells of post-mortem AD brains and was up-regulated in aging and APP/PS1 transgenic mice; 5) microinjection of human Hb into the dorsal hippocampi of the APP/PS1 transgenic mice induced the formation of an envelope-like structure composed of Aβ surrounding the Hb droplets. Our results reveal an enhanced endogenous expression of Hb in aging brain cells, probably serving as a compensatory mechanism against hypoxia. In addition, Aβ binds to Hb and other hemoproteins via the iron-containing heme moiety, thereby reducing Hb/heme/iron-induced cytotoxicity. As some of the brain Hb could be derived from the peripheral circulation due to a compromised blood-brain barrier frequently observed in aged and AD brains, our work also suggests the genesis of some plaques may be a consequence of sustained amyloid accretion at sites of vascular injury.  相似文献   

Clinical studies have established the role of cigarette smoking as a risk factor in the progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD). We have shown that nicotine promotes mesangial cell proliferation and hypertrophy via nonneuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs). The α7-nAChR is one of the most important subunits of the nAChRs. These studies were designed to test the hypothesis that nicotine worsens renal injury in rats with 5/6 nephrectomy (5/6Nx) and that the α7-nAChR subunit is required for these effects. We studied five different groups: Sham, 5/6Nx, 5/6Nx + nicotine (Nic; 100 μg/ml dry wt), 5/6Nx + Nic + α7-nAChR blocker methyllicaconitine (MLA; 3 mg·kg(-1)·day(-1) sq), and Sham + Nic. Blood pressure was measured by the tail-cuff method, and urine was collected for proteinuria. After 12 wk, the rats were euthanized and kidneys were collected. We observed expression of the α7-nAChR in the proximal and distal tubules. The administration of nicotine induced a small increase in blood pressure and resulted in cotinine levels similar to those found in the plasma of smokers. In 5/6Nx rats, the administration of nicotine significantly increased urinary protein excretion (onefold), worsened the glomerular injury score and increased fibronectin (~ 50%), NADPH oxidase 4 (NOX4; ~100%), and transforming growth factor-β expression (~200%). The administration of nicotine to sham rats increased total proteinuria but not albuminuria, suggesting direct effects on tubular protein reabsorption. These effects were prevented by MLA, demonstrating a critical role for the α7-nAChR as a mediator of the effects of nicotine in the progression of CKD.  相似文献   

A hypothesis is proposed that reconciles the epidemiological observation of elevated homocysteine in Alzheimer's disease (AD) with clinical features of the disease, particularly evidence of increased oxidative stress. We propose homocysteine is involved in an iron dysregulation/oxidative stress cycle that has a central role in the pathogenesis of AD. The implications of the hypothesis and some strategies for testing it are discussed.  相似文献   

Zekry D  Epperson TK  Krause KH 《IUBMB life》2003,55(6):307-313
Because of population ageing, dementias are likely to become a major scourge of the 21st century. Causes of dementia include Alzheimer's disease, cerebrovascular disease, and lesser known entities such as frontotemporal dementia or dementia with Lewy bodies. Neuroinflammation is likely to play an important role in the pathogenesis of dementia by the killing of neurons through inflammatory mechanisms. Such a role of neuroinflammation is well documented for Alzheimer's disease, and it is likely to play a role in other types of dementia as well. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) play a key role in inflammatory tissue destruction. The phagocyte NADPH oxidase NOX2 is the best studied ROS-generating system. In the central nervous system, it is expressed in microglia and--to a lesser extent--in neurons. Indeed, there is emerging experimental evidence for a role of NOX2 in Alzheimer's and cerebrovascular disease. Recently, six novel ROS-generating NADPH oxidases with homology to NOX2 have been discovered. Several of them are also expressed in the central nervous system. In this article, we hypothesize a role of NOX-type NADPH oxidases in inflammatory neuronal loss. We review presently available evidence and suggest that NOX-type NADPH oxidases may become promising pharmacological targets for the treatment and prevention of dementia.  相似文献   

Chronic psychosocial stress is increasingly being recognised as a risk factor for sporadic Alzheimer's disease (AD). The hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis (HPA axis) is the major stress response pathway in the body and tightly regulates the production of cortisol, a glucocorticoid hormone. Dysregulation of the HPA axis and increased levels of cortisol are commonly found in AD patients and make a major contribution to the disease process. The underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. In addition, within the general population there are interindividual differences in sensitivities to glucocorticoid and stress responses, which are thought to be due to a combination of genetic and environmental factors. These differences could ultimately impact an individuals’ risk of AD. The purpose of this review is first to summarise the literature describing environmental and genetic factors that can impact an individual's HPA axis reactivity and function and ultimately AD risk. Secondly, we propose a mechanism by which genetic factors that influence HPA axis reactivity may also impact inflammation, a key driver of neurodegeneration. We hypothesize that these factors can mediate glucocorticoid priming of the immune cells of the brain, microglia, to become pro-inflammatory and promote a neurotoxic environment resulting in neurodegeneration. Understanding the underlying molecular mechanisms and identifying these genetic factors has implications for evaluating stress-related risk/progression to neurodegeneration, informing the success of interventions based on stress management and potential risks associated with the common use of glucocorticoids.  相似文献   

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