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Zaprionus indianus is a drosophilid native to the Afrotropical region that has colonized South America and exhibits a wide geographical distribution. In contrast, Z. sepsoides is restricted to certain African regions. The two species differ in the size of their testes, which are larger in Z. indianus than in Z. sepsoides. To better understand the biology and the degree of differentiation of these species, the current study evaluated spermatogenesis in males of different ages by conventional staining techniques and ultrastructural analysis. Spermatogenesis and the ultrastructure of spermatozoa were similar in the two species, and the diploid number was confirmed to be 2n = 12. A greater number of spermatozoa were observed in young Z. indianus (1–3 days old) compared to Z. sepsoides males, which showed a higher frequency of cells at the early stages of spermatogenesis. The head of the sperm was strongly marked by silver staining, lacto-acetic orcein and the Feulgen reaction; the P.A.S. reaction revealed glycogen granules in the testes of both species. Both species presented similar arrangement of microtubules (9+9+2), two mitochondrial derivatives of different size and 64 spermatozoa per bundle. Such similarity within the genus Zaprionus with other species of Drosophila, indicates that these structures are conserved in the family Drosophilidae. The differences observed the number and frequency of sperm cells in the early stages of spermatogenesis, between the young males of Z. indianus and Z. sepsoides, are features that may interfere with reproductive success and be related to the invasive potential of Z. indianus.  相似文献   

We describe for the first time the sexual behavior and the courtship song of males of the African fly Zaprionus indianus (Gupta), a recent invader of South America. The male courtship song is formed by monocyclic pulses and the courtship behavior is simple when compared to that of species of Drosophila. Two interpulse interval (IPI) distributions were observed: pre-mounting and mounting. No significant difference was observed between the pre-mounting IPIs of males that descended from three geographical populations from South America. We also observed the songs produced by females and the homosexual behavior exhibited by males. A sequence of bursts is produced by females as a refusal signal against males, while males emit a characteristic song that identifies sex genus, which differs from the courtship song. The short courtship and mating latencies recorded reveal vigorous males and receptive females, respectively.  相似文献   

在过去的十年中, Zaprionus indianus这一温带适应性果蝇已经入侵印度次大陆, 并扩大了其在该地区的分布。Z. indianus能成功入侵是由于它具有很强的适应性和对极端生理条件的耐受性。对Z. indianus (温带狭域分布种类) 和黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster (全球广域分布种类)在极端温度下未成熟期和成虫期发育阈值的比较研究表明, 两者的死亡率和发育起点温度存在显著差异。为了检测越冬期间未成熟期和成虫期抗逆性和存活率的变化, 以采自印度温带和热带不同地点的Z. indianus种群进行饲养实验。在温带地区的田间养虫笼中以及恒定的实验室条件下监测这些种群的卵孵化率和成虫存活率, 直至全部成虫死亡。结果表明, 由于温带地区卵孵化率和存活率高, 导致总的孵化率和存活率在不同纬度间存在显著差异。卵至成虫发育实验结果表明, 低温条件下产下的卵在温度适中时成功发育成成虫。由此可见, 这种昆虫在未成熟期具有的气候适应性以及在成虫期具有的抗逆性可为该物种提供季节性保护。考虑到气候变暖情况, 即温度增加0.6℃, 温度的少许改变都可能导致种群存活能力的显著增强和发育历期缩短。这些结果可解释Z. indianus为什么能够轻易突破障碍并适应新的环境。  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated that phenotypic plasticity and genotype by environment interaction are important for coping with new and heterogeneous environments during invasions. Zaprionus indianus Gupta (Diptera: Drosophilidae) is an Afrotropical invasive fly species introduced to the South American continent in 1999. This species is generalist and polyphagous, since it develops and feeds in several different fruit species. These characteristics of Z. indianus suggest that phenotypic plasticity and genotype by environment interaction may be important in this species invasion process. In this sense, our aim was to investigate the role of genetic variation for phenotypic plasticity (genotype by environment interaction) in Z. indianus invasion of the South American continent. Specifically, we quantified quantitative genetic variation and genotype by environment interactions of morphological and life history traits in different developmental environments, that is, host fruits. This was done in different populations in the invasive range of Z. indianus in Argentina. Results showed that Z. indianus populations have considerable amounts of quantitative genetic variation. Also, genotype by environment interactions was detected for the different traits analyzed in response to the different developmental environments. Interestingly, the amounts and patterns of these parameters differed between populations. We interpreted these results as the existence of differences in evolutionary potential between populations that have an important role in the short‐ and long‐term success of the Z. indianus invasion process.  相似文献   

Total synaptonemal complex (SC) lengths were estimated from Oreochromis aureus Steindachner (which has a WZ/ZZ sex determination system), O. mossambicus Peters and O. niloticus L. (both of which have XX/XY sex determination systems). The total SC length in oocytes was greater than that in spermatocytes in all three species (194 ± 30 μm and 134 ± 13 μm, 187 ± 22 μm and 127 ± 17 μm, 193 ± 37 μm and 144 ± 19 μm, respectively). These sex-specific differences did not appear to be influenced by the type of sex determination system (the female/male total SC length ratio was 1.45 in O. aureus, 1.47 in O. mossambicus and 1.34 in O. niloticus) and do not correlate with the lack of any overall sex-specific length differences in the current Oreochromis linkage map. Although based on data from relatively few species, there appears to be no consistent relationship between sex-specific SC lengths and linkage map lengths in fish. Neomale (hormonally masculinized genetic female) O. aureus and O. mossambicus had total SC lengths of 138 ± 13 μm and 146 ± 13 μm respectively, more similar to normal males than to normal females. These findings agree with data from other vertebrate species that suggest that phenotypic sex, rather than genotype, determines traits such as total SC length, chiasmata position and recombination pattern, at least for the autosomes.  相似文献   

The African Zaprionus indianus (Diptera, Drosophilidae) was introduced into the Neotropical Region by the end of the 1990’s, and it became abundant in several types of altered and natural environments. In the Cerrado, the second South American biome in extension, it has been found mainly in open vegetation and during the rainy season. In the current work, we showed that Z. indianus utilizes a major native fruit of the Brazilian Cerrado (Solanum lycocarpum) primarily, all over the fructification period and states of fruit’s decay, confirming the adaptative versatility of this invading fly in new environments.  相似文献   

J. P. Gupta  A. Kumar 《Genetica》1987,74(1):19-25
Zaprionus indianus, a member of the family Drosophilidae, is one of the commonest and most widespread species in India. It exploits a variety of fermenting fruits in nature. The nucleolar organizer regions (NORs), mitotic and polytene chromosomes were studied. A standard map of the polytene chromosomes has been constructed in order to locate break-points precisely for naturally occurring chromosomal rearrangements. Analysis of population samples of this species from four different geographical areas has revealed the presence of a single paracentric inversion in the second chromosome. Our quantitative data on the above inversion have confirmed the excess of inversion heterozygotes in nature.  相似文献   

Zaprionus indianus was first recorded in Brazil in 1999 and rapidly spread throughout the country. We have obtained data on esterase loci polymorphisms (Est2 and Est3), and analyzed them, using Landscape Shape Interpolation and the Monmonier Maximum Difference Algorithm to discover how regional invasion occurred. Hence, it was apparent that Z. indianus, after first arriving in São Paulo state, spread throughout the country, probably together with the transportation of commercial fruits by way of the two main Brazilian freeways, BR 153, to the south and the surrounding countryside, and the BR 116 along the coast and throughout the north-east.  相似文献   

Loh R  Bitner-Mathé BC 《Genetica》2005,125(2-3):271-281
Zaprionus indianus (Diptera: Drosophilidae) is an African species that was introduced in Brazil near the end of the 1990’s decade. To evaluate the adaptive potential of morphological traits in natural populations of this recently introduced species, we have investigated wing size and shape variation at Rio de Janeiro populations only two years after the first record of Z. indianus in Brazil. Significant genetic differences among populations from three distinct ecological habitats were detected. The heritability and evolvability estimates show that, even with the population bottleneck that should have occurred during the invasion event, an appreciable amount of additive genetic variation for wing size and shape was retained. Our results also indicated a greater influence of environmental variation on wing size than on wing shape. The importance of quantitative genetic variability and plasticity in the successful establishment and dispersal of Z. indianus in the Brazilian territory is then discussed.  相似文献   

Colonizing species often go through genetic bottlenecks when new territories are invaded. The South American continent has been recently colonized by a generalist African drosophilid, Zaprionus indianus, which has become an agricultural pest in Brazil in the last five years. In this paper we used allozyme electrophoresis to estimate levels of genetic differentiation of Z. indianus collected from sites 4 300 km apart in Brazil. We also compared the level of polymorphism of the Brazilian populations with that found in laboratory strains from Africa and Asia, to verify if a significant decrease in gene variability has taken place during the invasion process. The populations were polymorphic for three out of the 11 loci investigated. Genetic distances and FST indices among Brazilian populations were small and generally non significant, suggesting a colonization from one single propagule followed by a rapid demographic expansion. Ancestral and old populations from Africa and Asia were slightly more heterozygous than those from Brazil. Compared to other drosophilids, Z. indianus appears to be characterized by a low proportion (25%) of polymorphic loci. We suggest that the propagule introduced to Brazil had a sufficient size to carry almost all the polymorphism from the (unknown) origin population, although not the precise allelic frequencies.  相似文献   

Galego LG  Ceron CR  Carareto CM 《Genetica》2006,126(1-2):89-99
The aim of this study was to characterize esterases in Zaprionus indianus, a drosophilid recently introduced into Brazil. A further aim was study the variation of activity of esterases in the presence of inhibitors and their expression according to sex, sexual activity and age of individual flies. Polymorphisms were detected in two esterase loci (Est-2 and Est-3) and monomorphisms in four others (Est-1, Est-4, Est-5 and Est-6). Biochemical tests using α- and β-naphthyl acetate and the inhibitors malathion, eserine sulphate and PMSF allowed us to classify EST-2 and EST-5 as β-esterases, both carboxyl-esterases, and EST-1, EST-3, EST-4 and EST-6 as α-esterases. EST-1 and EST-3 were classified as carboxyl-esterases and EST-4 and EST-6 as cholinesterases. EST-5 activity was more pronounced in males and EST-2 was restricted to them or to recently copulated females. EST-4, rarely detected, was not characterized. Based on their biochemical characteristics possible roles for these enzymes are suggested.  相似文献   

The genus Zaprionus consists of approximately 60 species of drosophilids that are native to the Afrotropical region. The phylogenetic position of Zaprionus within the Drosophilidae family is still unresolved. In the present study, ultrastructural features of spermatozoa of 6 species of Zaprionus as well as the species Drosophila willistoni and Scaptodrosophila latifasciaeformis were analyzed. The ultrastructure revealed that the species have the same flagellar ultrastructure. Two mitochondrial derivatives, one larger than the other, close to the axoneme were present, primarily in D. willistoni (subgenus Sophophora). Except for Z. davidi and Z. tuberculatus, the analyzed species had paracrystalline material in both mitochondrial derivatives. Moreover, the testes showed 64 spermatozoa per bundle in all of the species. In the cluster analysis, 6 Zaprionus species were grouped closely, but there were some incongruent positions in the cladogram. The results indicated that sperm ultrastructure is an important tool for elucidating the phylogeny and taxonomy of insects.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Overwintering of the mosquitoes Anopheles atroparvus van Thiel and Culiseta annulata Schrank, both of which feed on blood throughout the year, is compared.
2 The aquatic stages, males and gonoactive females of A.atroparvus disappear before winter, leaving a generation of inseminated, nulliparous, diapausing females to overwinter. Blood meals taken by diapausing females merely serve to maintain fat reserves. After re-activation in March–April, gonoactive life expectancy appears to be rather short. Aquatic development at this season is slow and eggs laid in the spring do not significantly affect adult densities until June.
3. Aquatic stages, males and gonoactive females of C.annulata are present throughout the year. This species appears to be able to overwinter without recourse to diapause, females passing the winter in alternating, or lasting, states of cold-induced quiescence or normal gonoactivity.  相似文献   

In 35 Hawaiian Drosophilaspecies collected from natural populations, all reproductively mature females were inseminated. Onset of receptivity to insemination broadly correlated with the vitellogenic stage of ovarian development, but species and species groups varied in the exact stage of vitellogenesis at which earliest insemination took place. A striking exception was observed in two picture-winged species of the adiastolasubgroup, which were precociously inseminated in previtellogenesis, close to the time of adult eclosion. For a given species, the range of ovarian stages from earliest receptivity to insemination of all females, termed the insemination period, also varied among species. This variability may be due to physiological variation between females in hormonal levels, low population densities, and lek behavior of males, or it may reflect variation in degree of female discrimination toward male courtship attempts. Consideration of the quantities of sperm observed stored in the female sperm storage organs, relative to the numbers of eggs produced, indicates obligatory multiple insemination for some species, notably the fungus breeders. In other species groups, there is no apparent necessity for remating, although it may occur.This paper is No. IV in the series Studies of Oogenesis in Natural Populations of Drosophilidae.  相似文献   

  1. To manage biological invasions effectively, the impacts of alien species on the demography and traits of native species must be known, but determining those impacts can be challenging. We used a comparative approach to gain insight into the impacts that an alien toad (Bufo japonicus formosus) might have on native Japanese predatory amphibians. We compared the susceptibility of native predator species to alien toad toxins in the alien-invaded range and the susceptibility of closely related native predator species to the toxins in the alien toad's native range to investigate the impacts of an alien on a native species.
  2. Bufo japonicus formosus is native to Honshu, but was recently introduced to Hokkaido and Sado. In laboratory experiments, we compared individual mortality of predators exposed to a toad hatchling between novel predators on the toad-invaded islands and ecologically similar congeneric or conspecific species on Honshu, where the toad is native. We also compared (1) the percentage of individuals that consumed a toad hatchling and (2) toxin resistance (i.e. survival and growth of individuals after toad consumption) between these two groups of predators, as mechanistic components behind the susceptibility of the predators to the toxic prey.
  3. The mortality of Rana pirica from all populations after consumption of a toad hatchling was almost 100%, and that of Hynobius retardatus ranged from 14 to 90%, depending on the population. In contrast, the mortality of Rana ornativentris and Hynobius nigrescens was near 0% regardless of population. These differences between congeneric predators were mostly due to differences in their toxin resistance.
  4. These results suggest that the alien toad is a potential threat to the novel amphibian predators on Hokkaido, although they also imply that the novel predators on Hokkaido have the potential to develop toxin resistance through adaptive evolution. However, this counteradaptation may have a higher chance of evolving in H. retardatus than in R. pirica because of differences in their genetic backgrounds.

Drosophila buzzatii Patterson & Wheeler, a cactophilic species that feeds and breeds in the rotting tissues of various Opuntia cactus species, was inadvertently introduced to Australia from Argentina sometime during the period 1931–1936. After a bottleneck at introduction, its spread through the cactus distribution was probably very rapid as a result of natural dispersal from the site of introduction and from three other foci colonized from the introduction site by human intervention. By 1940, the Opuntia distribution and consequently that of D. buzzatii was reduced to spatially isolated populations, with probable further bottlenecking of at least some of the D. buzzatii populations. Allozyme data (primarily six polymorphic loci) from flies collected during April 1972 to February 1996 at 67 localities were used to examine current population differentiation and relationships, as well as to infer aspects of their demographic history. Although there is significant isolation‐by‐distance, genetic relationships among the populations are not simply related to geographical distance, implying that genetic drift has contributed to population differentiation. However, the biotic and, to an extent, the physical environment are not the same in Australia as in Argentina. Consequently, exposure to novel environments has led to local adaptation and further population differentiation. Genetic variation and the structure of Australian populations apparently are determined by founder effects (drift) at the level of individual breeding sites (cactus rots), by diversifying selection among rots within a locality, as well as by drift and geographically varying selection among localities. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109 , 682–698.  相似文献   

A molecular phylogeny for the drosophilid genus Zaprionus was inferred using a mitochondrial (CO-II) and a nuclear (Amyrel) gene using 22 available species. The combined molecular tree does not support the current classification, dubbed phylogenetic, based entirely upon a morphocline of forefemoral ornamentation. For species for which DNA was not available, phylogenetic positioning was only assigned using morphological characters. In order to avoid conflict between DNA and morphology in the combined analyses (supermatrix method), we developed a new method in which few morphological characters were sampled according to an a priori homoplasy assessment on the consensus molecular tree. At each internal node of the tree, a number of synapomorphies was determined, and species with no molecular sequences were grafted thereon. Analogously to tree vocabulary, we called our method 'morphological grafting'. New species groups and complexes were then defined in the light of our findings. Further, divergence times were estimated under a relaxed molecular clock, and historical biogeography was reconstructed under a maximum likelihood model. Zaprionus appears to be of recent origin in the Oriental region during the Late Miocene ( approximately 10 MYA), and colonization of Africa started shortly after ( approximately 7 MYA) via the maritime route of the Indian Ocean Islands. Most of the morphological and ecological diversification took place, later, in Western Africa during the Quaternary cyclic climatic changes. Furthermore, some species became recent invaders, with one, Zaprionus indianus, has successfully invaded South and North America during the last decade.  相似文献   

Previous feeding studies showed the polyalcohol erythritol was toxic when ingested by adult laboratory fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster). We asked whether erythritol could additionally affect fly population growth either through larval toxicity or through effects on adult reproduction. Females did not avoid laying on food substrates with 1M erythritol; laying rate on 1M erythritol food was similar to control food when females were given free‐choice access. Eggs laid or placed on 0.5 M to 2.5 M erythritol foods hatched at normal rates, suggesting erythritol was not toxic to eggs upon contact. Drosophila melanogaster larvae readily consumed food containing 1 M erythritol, but none of these larvae reached pupation. Longevity of larvae feeding on in 1 M erythritol food was significantly reduced relative to controls, and mean ± SE larval lifespan on erythritol was 1.54 ± 0.10 days (max. = 3 days). Exposing cohorts of second‐instar larvae to food with varying concentrations of erythritol showed the LD50 (at 24 hr) concentration was approximately 0.6 M. Taken together, these results suggest erythritol could be employed in effective larval‐sink baits. Adults flies fed with erythritol produced significantly fewer eggs on days when they fed on 1 M erythritol, and egg production was significantly reduced for one additional day after the adults were moved to control food. These findings suggest erythritol is rapid and effective at temporarily suppressing D. melanogaster reproduction, increasing its potential for use in effective insect population control.  相似文献   

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