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Abstract: A detailed taxonomic survey of the saxicolous European species of Buellia based on a detailed survey and assessment of the important features of the genus is presented. These include the conidia, the anatomy of the exciple, the spore wall pigmentation, ornamentation and internal wall thickening, as well as analysis of the lichen substances. As a result, 36 saxicolous species are recognized, of which Buellia griseosquamulata and B. longispora are new taxa and B. atrocinerella and B. parvula are new combinations. Buellia coniops, B. lecideina and B. punctata are transferred to the validated genus Amandinea. A key to 43 accepted species of Buellia, Amandinea and Hafellia is included.  相似文献   

The monotypic genus Tanganikallabes, endemic to Lake Tanganyika, is a poorly known member of the family Clariidae. Examination of 142 specimens housed in museum collections has revealed the presence of at least two additional species in this genus. Tanganikallabes alboperca sp. nov. is distinguished from all congeners by the length of its pelvic fins, the presence of a depigmented vertical bar on the opercular margin, and a combination of additional morphometric (pectoral spine length, preanal length, body depth at anus) and meristic (dorsal and anal fin ray counts) characters. Tanganikallabes stewarti sp. nov. is distinguished from other Tanganikallabes species by having a relatively shorter, incomplete lateral line, and shallow body depth at the anus, as well as shorter prepelvic and preanal lengths, and a longer anal fin with a higher number of fin rays. Several morphological characters, as well as genetic data from cytochrome b (mitochondrial DNA) and 18SITS15.8SITS228S (ribosomal DNA), indicate that Tanganikallabes constitutes a monophyletic group within the Clariidae and support the recognition of additional species diversity. The monophyly of Tanganikallabes, coupled with the geographical isolation of this group to a single lake satisfy the requirements for its classification as a true species flock, the latest to be described from Lake Tanganyika. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 165 , 121–142.  相似文献   

Pseudocercospora cyatheae C. Nakash. & S. Inaba on Cyathea sp. as a new species is described. Three species belonging to the genus Cercospora and allied genera are newly added to the mycoflora of Japan. They are Cercospora armoraciae on Armoracia rusticana, Passalora passaloroides on Amorpha fruticosa, and Pseudocercospora nogalesii on Cytisus scoparius.  相似文献   

In the fourth report of the present series, five species of the genus Cercospora and allied genera were added to the Japanese fungus fiora: Cercospora brunkii Ellis et Galloway, C. richardiaecola Atkinson, Pseudocercospora annonicola Hsieh et Goh, P. xenosyzygiicola Crous, and P. celosiarum (Kar et Mandal) Deighton. Three species names recorded in the early report were revised based on their nomenclature. Received: August 29, 2001 / Accepted: November 12, 2001  相似文献   

Abstract. The delphacid planthopper genus Sogatella Fennah is redefined and a key provided to males of the fourteen included species. The type-species of Sogatodes Fennah, S.molinus Fennah is considered to be a Sogatella species and consequently Sogatodes becomes a junior subjective synonym of Sogatella. The remaining species of Sogatodes are transferred to Tagosodes gen.n . (type species T.cubanus (Crawford) comb.n. ). Latistria Huang et al. or Sogatellana Kuoh. A key is provided to distinguish the four genera. A check list of species in each genus is given. Several species are important rice pests and information on biology and pest status is summarized.  相似文献   

Based on a biochemical-genetic approach, heterozygosity and divergence of structural genes of 30 enzyme loci were analyzed in six dace species. In addition, intra- and interspecific divergence of gene expression was analyzed based on a sample of 12 to 15 loci. Mean heterozygosities per individual varied as follows: Tribolodon species, Hobs = 0.007 +/- 0.007 and Hexp = 0.007 +/- 0.007; T. ezoe, Hobs = 0.045 +/- 0.016 and Hexp = 0.067 +/- 0.029. Several variants of genetic distances were estimated. Standard Nei's distances (DN) varied from 0.145 to 0.284 in four dace species studied. As related to Tribolodon dace species, the following genetic distances were obtained for two members of other genera: Pseudaspius leptocephalus, DN = 0.269; Leuciscus waleckii, DN = 0.769. Based on the distance matrices, different clustering algorithms were realized. The main feature shared by different dendrograms was a separate position of the cluster joining Far-Eastern dace species, to which P. leptocephalus and L. waleckii are successively added. Among the species studied, the proportion of loci similar by expression (E) varied from 87 to 100%. The greatest difference was found between anadromous and nonanadromous ecotypes of T. hakonensis, E = 67%. The following conclusions can be made: (1) Four studied species of the genus Tribolodon are rather well genetically differentiated. Diagnostic loci are available. (2) A nominal dace species, T. species, should be considered the fourth isolated species of this genus, which is confirmed by its recent zoological acceptance of this species. (3) The origin and divergence of dace species belonging to the genus Tribolodon are relatively late (1 to 3 Myr ago) historical events. (4) Taxonomically, the genus Tribolodon belong to the tribe Pseudaspinini together with P. leptocephalus, which is confirmed by genetic data. (5) Data on heterozygosity and the divergence of structural and regulatory elements of genome, along with the proposed scheme of speciation types, suggest the following speciation modes for the species studied: for four species, adaptive divergence and for two species, genetic transformation.  相似文献   

Five remarkable new Afrotropical species belonging to four Old World genera never recorded before for the Afrotropical region (Neophryxe, Calliethilla, Metadrinomyia, Pseudalsomyia) are described and compared with congeners. Existing keys to tropical African tachinid genera are implemented. A brief discussion on the apomorphic support to each genus is provided.  相似文献   

Ectinosomatid material was examined from extensive collections around the British Isles and from several additional world localities and museum collections, permitting a revision of the genus Halectinosoma. This paper describes 12 morphologically similar species and erects five new species. H. sarsi (Boeck) is regarded as species incertae sedis, while H. sarsi sensu Sars (1904) is redescribed as H. pseudosarsi sp. nov.; H. sarsi sensu T. & A. Scott (1894) is synonymized with H. canaliculatum (Por). H. propinquum is regarded as a junior subjective synonym of H. chrystalli (T. Scott). H. clavatum (Sars) is resurrected, having previously been regarded as a synonym of H. brunneum (Brady). A key for the identification of females belonging to this group of species is provided.  相似文献   

Species in the genera Gomphostemma, Chelonopsis and Bostrychanthera were systematically studied with reference to their flavonoid and phenolic acid compounds in order to investigate whether the profiles of these compounds would support a classification of the genus and related genera based on morphological characters. Thirty-five flavonoid glycosides, eight phenolic acids and derivatives were identified by LC-UV-MS/MS analysis of aqueous 80% MeOH extracts on the basis of their UV and mass spectra, retention times and comparison with in-house library. The occurrence of individual compounds was not particularly informative in Gomphostemma, although the overall chemical profile supported G. subgen. Pogosiphon and vicenin-2 was a characteristic component of Gomphostemma leptodon and Gomphostemma curtisii. In contrast, the flavonoids and phenolic acids of Chelonopsis were informative at infrageneric level. Glycosides of 6-substituted flavones were well represented in Ch. subgen. Aequidens, including Ch. forrestii, Ch. rosea, Ch. odontochila, Ch. lichiangensis and C. giraldii. A dicaffeoylquinic acid was produced in Ch. subgen. Chelonopsis, (for example, in Ch. longipes and Ch. Moschata), but absent from Ch. subgen. Aequidens. The same dicaffeoylquinic acid was also found in the genus Bostrychanthera and suggests a close relationship with Ch. subgen. Chelonopsis, in agreement with a recent DNA based phylogeny. There is correlation between trichome type and phenolic acid compound distribution in Chelonopsis, but this is not observed in Gomphostemma.  相似文献   

In the present study we assessed the identification by sequence analysis of the 15 species belonging to the genus Debaryomyces. We found that the following species can be identified both quickly and correctly by direct sequence comparison of the ribosomal 5.8S-ITS region: D. carsonii, D. etchelsii, D. maramus, D. melissophilus, D. occidentalis and D. yamadae. In contrast, the species D. castellii, D. coudertii, D. hansenii, D. nepalensis, D. polymorphus, D. pseudopolymorphus, D. robertsiae, D. udenii and D. vanrijiae showed high sequence similarity in ribosomal regions with one or several species. In these cases, sequence comparison of the ACT1 gene is proposed to ensure unequivocal strain designation.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the taxonomic value of a number of characters in the elucidation of relationships within the collective genus Polygonum L., and segregate genera Atraphaxis L., Calligonum L., Pteropyrum Jaub. & Spach., Oxygonum Burch., Fagopyrum Mill., Harpagocarpus Hutch. & Dandy and Polygonella Michx., 83 species of the tribe Polygoneae emend. Jaretzky were studied. The following floral characters were examined: stamen number, insertion and external morphology; structure and morphology of the floral nectaries; vasculature and surface morphology of the tepals.
Problems in floral morphology in Polygonaceae are discussed, together with relationships within the Family. The tribal division proposed by Haraldson (1978) is supported, but a new and different delimitation of genera is proposed. The present data support a division of Polygonum L. sensu lato and its related taxa into two tribes: Polygoneae (containing Polygonum L. sensu stricto, Fallopia Adans., Oxygonum Burch., Pteropyrum Jaub. & Sparh., Atraphaxis L. and Calligonum L.), and Persicarieae (containing Fagopyrum Mill., Harpagocarpus Hutch. & Dandy, Persicaria Mill. and Koenigia L.). The genus Reynoutria Houtt. is included as a section of Fallopia Adans.; Bislorta Mill., Aconogonon Reichenb. and Tovara Adans. are included within Persicaria Mill.
A number of new combinations are proposed in Persicaria and Fallopia .  相似文献   

The genus Woodwardiella Stephenson, 1925, from which oriental species were excluded by Gates (1938, 1939, 1960), is further restricted to include only five south-western Australian species, a Tasmanian species and provisionally, as species inquirenda , the Victorian W. healesi (Michaelsen, 1923) and a further Tasmanian species, W. mortoni Spencer, 1895.
Twelve species originally assignable to Woodwardiella , of which one is reduced to a junior synonym, constitute a new genus, Heteroporodrilus , known only from the southeastern portion of the Australian mainland.
Woodwardiella punctatus (Spencer, 1900) is shown to be a junior synonym of the sympatric Victorian W. smithi (Fletcher, 1889a) which is placed in the new monotypic genus Pseudoperichaeta.
Plutellus manifestus (Fletcher, 1889), which has tubular prostates and belongs to the family Acanthodrilidae s. Gates, shows close affinities with Heteroporodrilus which is referable to the family Megascolecidae s. Gates, characterized by racemose prostates. Variation in the form of the prostates can no longer be accorded even subfamilial significance and Plutellus is transferred to the subfamily Megascolecinae. Close morphological similarity demonstrated between P. manifestus and P. heteroporus Perrier, 1873, the type species of the genus, suggests a basis for restriction of the heterogeneous assemblage known as Plutellus.
Diporochaeta davallia Spencer, 1900, has close affinities with Pseudoperichaeta and, like this genus, has tufted meronephridia anteriorly.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic analysis was performed on 13 species of digenetic trematodes in the Macroderoididae, including 10 species of Alloglossidium, 2 species of Alloglossoides, and Hirudicolotrema richardsoni. The evolution of the unusual life-cycle patterns in the group was assessed in light of the proposed phylogeny. The results support previous hypotheses that taxa with a 3-host life cycle involving catfish as definitive hosts are basal to taxa with a 2-host life cycle involving invertebrates such as crustaceans and leeches as definitive hosts. Our results also strongly suggest that species maturing in leeches evolved from an ancestor that matured in crustaceans. Our phylogeny places Alloglossoides and Hirudicolotrema within Alloglossidium, showing Alloglossidium to be paraphyletic. To achieve a natural classification, Alloglossoides and Hirudicolotrema are synonymized with Alloglossidium, and a revised generic diagnosis for Alloglossidium is given.  相似文献   

国产毛莨属11种及其4个近缘属5种植物的细胞学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了国产毛莨属RanunculusL.11种及其4个远缘属-美花草属CollianthemunC.A.Meyer,侧金盏花属AdonisL.、碱毛莨属Halerpestes E.Greene,水毛莨属BatrachiumS.F.Gray5种植物的洒色体数目和形态。发现美花草C.pinpinelloides(D.Don)Hook.f.et THoms.,川滇毛莨R.potaninii Kom.,深齿毛莨R.popovii var.stracheyanus(Maxim.)W.T.Wang,高原毛莨R.tanguticus(Maxim.)Ovcx., 石龙芮R.sceleratusL.,西南毛莨R.ficariifolius Levl.et Vant.、褐鞘毛莨R.sinovaginatus W.T.Wang、三裂碱毛莨H.tricuspis(Maxim.)Hand.-Mazz.和碱毛莨H.sarmentosa(Adams)Kom.9种植物为染色体基数x=8的四倍体(2n=4x=32);短注侧金盏花A.brevistyla Franch.、丝叶毛莨R.nematolobus Hand.-Mass.、棱喙毛莨3R.trigonus Hand.-Mazz.、 茴茴蒜R.chinensis Bunge4种植物为染色体基数x=8的二倍体(2n=2x=16);毛莨R.japonicus Thunb.、黄毛莨R.laetus Wall.2种植物为染色体基数x=7的二倍体(2n=2x=14);水毛莨B.bungei(Steud.)L.Liou有二倍体(2n=2x=16)和三倍体(2n=3x=24)两种细胞型。根据染体资料,讨论了上述5属的属间关系和毛莨属中一些种的种间关系。  相似文献   

国产毛茛属11种及其4个近缘属5种植物的细胞学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了国产毛茛属Ranunculus L.11种及其4个近缘属——美花草属Callianthemum C.A.Meyer、 侧金盏花属Adonis L.、碱毛茛属Halerpestes E.Greene、水毛茛属Batrachium S.F.Gray 5种植物的染色体 数目和形态。发现美花草C.pimpinelloides(D.Don)Hook.f.et Thoms.、川滇毛茛R.potaninii Kom.、深 齿毛茛R.popovii var.stracheyanus(Maxim.)W.T. Wang、高原毛茛R.tanguticus(Maxim.)Ovcz.、石龙 芮R.sceleratus L.、西南毛茛R.ficariifolius Lévl.et Vant.、褐鞘毛茛R.sinovaginatus W.T. Wang、三裂碱毛茛H.tricuspis(Maxim.)Hand.-Mazz.和碱毛茛H.sarmentosa (Adams) Kom.9种植物为染色体基数x =8的四倍体(2n=4x=32);短柱侧金盏花A.brevistyla Franch.、丝叶毛茛R.nematolobus Hand.-Mazz.、 棱喙毛茛R.trigonus Hand.-Mazz.、茴茴蒜R.chinensis Bunge 4种植物为染色体基数x=8的二倍体(2n= 2x=16);毛茛B.japonicus Thunb.、黄毛茛R.laetus Wall.2种植物为染色体基数x=7的二倍体(2n=2x =14);水毛茛R.bungei (Steud.) L. Liou 有二倍体(2n=2x=16)和三倍体(2n=3x=24)两种细胞型。根 据染色体资料,讨论了上述5属的属间关系和毛茛属中一些种的种间关系。  相似文献   

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