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Litter quality and diversity are major factors structuring decomposer communities. However, little is known on the relationship between litter quality and the community structure of soil protists in tropical forests. We analyzed the diversity, density, and community structure of a major group of soil protists of tropical montane rainforests, that is, testate amoebae. Litterbags containing pure and mixed litter of two abundant tree species at the study sites (Graffenrieda emarginata and Purdiaea nutans) differing in nitrogen concentrations were exposed in the field for 12?months. The density and diversity of testate amoebae were higher in the nitrogen-rich Graffenrieda litter suggesting that nitrogen functions as an important driving factor for soil protist communities. No additive effects of litter mixing were found, rather density of testate amoebae was reduced in litter mixtures as compared to litterbags with Graffenrieda litter only. However, adding of high-quality litter to low-quality litter markedly improved habitat quality, as evaluated by the increase in diversity and density of testate amoebae. The results suggest that local factors, such as litter quality, function as major forces shaping the structure and density of decomposer microfauna that likely feed back to decomposition processes.  相似文献   

Forest and savanna biomes dominate the tropics, yet factors controlling their distribution remain poorly understood. Climate is clearly important, but extensive savannas in some high rainfall areas suggest a decoupling of climate and vegetation. In some situations edaphic factors are important, with forest often associated with high nutrient availability. Fire also plays a key role in limiting forest, with fire exclusion often causing a switch from savanna to forest. These observations can be captured by a broad conceptual model with two components: (1) forest and savanna are alternative stable states, maintained by tree cover-fire feedbacks, (2) the interaction between tree growth rates and fire frequency limits forest development; any factor that increases growth (e.g. elevated availability of water, nutrients, CO(2)), or decreases fire frequency, will favour canopy closure. This model is consistent with the range of environmental variables correlated with forest distribution, and with the current trend of forest expansion, likely driven by increasing CO(2) concentrations. Resolving the drivers of forest and savanna distribution has moved beyond simple correlative studies that are unlikely to establish ultimate causation. Experiments using Dynamic Global Vegetation Models, parameterised with measurements from each continent, provide an important tool for understanding the controls of these systems.  相似文献   

A familiar face is instantly recognized in a crowd. This cannot be achieved through a feature by feature comparison of the observed face with either an average face (norm-based model of face recognition) or with a set of similarly constructed faces stored in memory (exemplar-based model of face recognition). A modified norm-based model is thus proposed. Instead of memorizing an average face, the normal variations for each facial feature are used to construct a multidimensional volume of face-space devoid of unusual features, here defined as features whose metrics lie below the 5th or above the 95th percentiles for that feature. A face consisting of 100 independently variable features will thus have, on average, 10 unusual features. Face identification then becomes exception-reporting. It requires only 10 such rare features to render a given face a one in 1013 faces (P=0.0510=9.8×10−14). In a world containing 6.7×109 people, such a face would be unique. Faces remembered in this way can have their unusual features exaggerated or attenuated without loss of identity. This is the basis of caricatures and anti-caricatures. It also means that individuals belonging to a foreign race, possessing several features with modes beyond the “usual range” of the own-race population, will all look alike. Features that render a face unique in the own-race population are now shared by everyone in the foreign race.Average faces are more beautiful than the faces used in the averaging process. This makes evolutionary sense. Natural selection increases the frequency of fit features at the expense of maladaptive features. “Usual features” are therefore fitter than “unusual features”, and play an important role in mate selection. Such an existing fundamental sexual attribute could easily have been harnessed for the fast and efficient recognition of individuals in the community.  相似文献   

Three hectares of Amazonian terra firme forest and an adjacent one-half hectare of várzea forest were quantitatively inventoried at O Deserto, on the Rio Xingu, Pará, Brazil. In the terra firme forest, 1420 individual trees greater than ten cm dbh, in 39 families and 265 species, were inventoried. In the várzea forest, there were 220 individual trees, in 17 families and 40 species.Cenostigma macrophyllum andOrbignya sp. were the most important species in the terra firme forest;Mollia lepidota andLeonia glycycarpa were most important in the várzea forest. Among one-hectare subplots of the total three-hectare terra firme sample, the number of trees ranged from 393 to 460, the number of families was a constant 33, and the number of species ranged from 118 to 162. This variation indicates that one-hectare samples are too small to be used to estimate the species richness of the total forest. The terra firme forest was richer in species and had a greater stature than the várzea forest.  相似文献   

Tropical dry forests are biologically important biomes sustaining a high rate of endemic species. However, these forests are highly threatened by human activities that negatively impact them on distinct levels, including the genetic diversity. Within the framework of landscape genetics (that seeks to evaluate the relation of characteristics of the environmental matrix with population genetics), we used ISSR markers to evaluate the relationship between the alteration of tropical dry forest by human-induced activities (conserved vs. disturbed) with the genetic structure of four breeding sites of the southern pygmy mouse Baiomys musculus. Averaging among the 105 loci used, the unbiased heterozygosis per population (0.247–0.305) was statistically similar among the four sites, as well as between conserved and disturbed conditions (2-way ANOVA F (3,16)?=?1.47, P?=?0.1984). The genetic differentiation among the four breeding sites was high (F ST?=?0.1122; 95?% CI 0.082–0.146) considering the geographical scale evaluated (ca. 4?km). Both, a factorial correspondence analysis and a model-based clustering analysis showed the existence of four genetic groups (one per breeding site). However, no association of genetic structure with disturbance conditions was revealed by these analyses. The absence of differences in mean genetic diversity and the lack of association of genetic structure with habitat transformation suggest that B. musculus has enough behavioral plasticity and enough genetic diversity to respond to environmental heterogeneity caused by human activities. We discussed conditions in which habitat transformation could indeed favor B. musculus.  相似文献   

The use of social information is a prerequisite to the evolution of culture. In humans, social learning allows individuals to aggregate adaptive information and increase the complexity of technology at a level unparalleled in the animal kingdom. However, the potential to use social information is related to the availability of this type of information. Although most cultural evolution experiments assume that social learners are free to use social information, there are many examples of information withholding, particularly in ethnographic studies. In this experiment, we used a computer-based cultural game in which players were faced with a complex task and had the possibility to trade a specific part of their knowledge within their groups. The dynamics of information transmission were studied when competition was within- or exclusively between-groups. Our results show that between-group competition improved the transmission of information, increasing the amount and the quality of information. Further, informational access costs did not prevent social learners from performing better than individual learners, even when between-group competition was absent. Interestingly, between-group competition did not entirely eliminate access costs and did not improve the performance of players as compared with within-group competition. These results suggest that the field of cultural evolution would benefit from a better understanding of the factors that underlie the production and the sharing of information.  相似文献   

The potential for mutational processes to influence patterns of neutral or adaptive phenotypic evolution is not well understood. If mutations are directionally biased, shifting trait means in a particular direction, or if mutation generates more variance in some directions of multivariate trait space than others, mutation itself might be a source of bias in phenotypic evolution. Here, we use mutagenesis to investigate the affect of mutation on trait mean and (co)variances in zebrafish, Danio rerio. Mutation altered the relationship between age and both prolonged swimming speed and body shape. These observations suggest that mutational effects on ontogeny or aging have the potential to generate variance across the phenome. Mutations had a far greater effect in males than females, although whether this is a reflection of sex‐specific ontogeny or aging remains to be determined. In males, mutations generated positive covariance between swimming speed, size, and body shape suggesting the potential for mutation to affect the evolutionary covariation of these traits. Overall, our observations suggest that mutation does not generate equal variance in all directions of phenotypic space or in each sex, and that pervasive variation in ontogeny or aging within a cohort could affect the variation available to evolution.  相似文献   

Spatial patterns of adult plants are a consequence of several ecological processes related to seed dispersal and recruitment. Dispersal limitation, mediated by dispersal syndrome, is considered a key factor in the formation of adult plant spatial patterns. Although this initial pattern determined by dispersal has been thoroughly studied, the subsequently modification by the effect of additional ecological factors, such as habitat heterogeneity is less understood. We explored the relative importance of dispersal syndrome and spatial heterogeneity on the realization of spatial patterns of adult trees in an Ecuadorian tropical dry forest. The spatial distribution of 28 species was modeled with four different spatial point processes each: homogeneous Poisson (HPP), inhomogeneous Poisson (IPP), homogeneous Poisson cluster (HPCP), and inhomogeneous Poisson cluster process (IPCP). These models allowed us to discern between effects of random processes, habitat heterogeneity, limited dispersal, and joint effects of habitat heterogeneity and limited dispersal. We employed Akaike's information criterion (AIC) to select the model which best fit the spatial pattern of each species. The best model of each species was used to analyze differences in cluster size and degree of aggregation, between dispersal syndromes. Seventy‐five percent of the species showed inhomogeneous patterns. IPCP yielded the best fit for the spatial distribution of 50% of species in the studied forest and was the prevalent model for the three dispersal syndromes. Thus, the effect of spatial heterogeneity was prevalent in the distribution of most species in this dry tropical forest. Only 21% of species had spatial patterns compatible with random mechanisms associated to limited dispersal around parent sources. Clearly, ignoring habitat heterogeneity could bias the analysis of relationships between dispersal syndrome and species patterns.  相似文献   

Fire is a natural factor maintaining biodiversity and several ecological processes. The Brazilian Cerrado, considered the savanna with the highest biodiversity, is characterized by climatic seasonality, vegetation mosaics and topographic variations that together with fire determine its different plant physiognomies. The Chapada das Mesas National Park (CMNP), located in the south of the state of Maranhão (Brazil), has different savanna plant physiognomies with high ecological potential and archaeological and water wealth. The aim of the present study was to reconstruct the fire history over 28 years for the park and its surroundings (20 km buffer area), endeavouring to understand the impact of the creation of this National Park on its fire regime. Landsat satellite images were used from the TM, ETM + and OLI sensors to map the fire scars, which were identified and vectorized manually. The database created was used to analyze the total annual burned area, burned area percentage, density ignition, mean burn scar area and fire frequency during the mapped period. In total, 86 % of the CMNP was burn at least once between 1990 and 2017, while 72 % of the buffer area was burn. The creation of the park had significant effects on the density ignition when the periods before (1990–2005) and after (2006–2017) its creation were compared, and showed no significant effects on total annual area burned and average burn scar area. Despite the amount of burned area over time did not change significantly between the years before and after, the main change was observed in the fire seasonality after the creation of the park. In the park, 38 % of the area had a frequency of burn areas higher than ten times in the 28-year interval while 13 % of the buffer area was burn more than 10 times. In contrast, 23 % and 15 % had a fire frequency of 2 to 4 times on the buffer and the park respectively. Although the park was created to mitigate the human impacts of fire, the geographic isolation, the current occupation of the park by local populations and the pressure from agricultural expansion in the surroundings are influencing these conservation measures. Understanding the spatial–temporal distribution of fire in protected areas of the Cerrado contributes to improving management, preservation and conservation actions, so that in future studies other factors can be included to better understand the dynamic of fire occurrence in the region of the CMNP and in other protected areas of the Cerrado.  相似文献   

Changes in species composition and density of trees >10 cm gbh in a tropical dry evergreen forest in Puthupet, south India are interpreted for the period between 1992 and 2002. A 1-ha plot was inventoried in 1992 and was recensused in 2002. During the 10-year interval tree taxa diversity as well as stand density increased, but the basal area value decreased. Tree species richness increased by 21% (from 24 to 29 species) by an addition of eight species and local extinction of three species. The tree density increased just by eight individuals (from 1330 stems ha−1 in 1992 to 1338 ha−1 in 2002), but the basal area decreased by 8% (from 37.5 to 34.5 m2 ha−1). Many species (11 numbers) have increased in abundance rather than decreased. Many surviving species seem to have considerable stability in abundance at the local scale. The density of smaller stems (10 29 cm gbh) increased by 15.3%, while that of the larger trees decreased drastically (81.6%). Ninety percent of the missing stems were from the middlestorey of the forest. Tree density changes among the three ecological guilds revealed a decrease in stem density and an increase in basal area in the lowerstorey; while the middlestorey exhibited a reverse trend. Family-wise, tree density changes revealed that the majority of families (67%) showed an increase in stem density. Long-term studies on tree population changes are essential to estimate tree mortality and recruitment rates, which will provide a greater insight in tropical forest dynamics.  相似文献   

Investigation on the volume properties of protein hydration layers is reported. Presented results are based on combination of Monte Carlo modeling and available experimental data. Six globular proteins with known data are chosen for analysis. Analyzing the model and the experimental results we found that water molecules bound to proteins by hydrogen bond are preferentially located at the places with local depressions on the protein surface. Consequently, the hydration level is not strictly proportional to the area of charged and polar surfaces, but also depends on the shape of the molecular surface. The thickness of the thermal volume layer as calculated in the framework of the scaled particle theory is 0.6-0.65 A for chosen proteins. The obtained value is significantly lower than that presented for proteins in earlier papers (where proportionality between the hydration level and the area of charged and polar surfaces was assumed), but is close to the value published for small solute molecules. Discussion including the influence of protein size and the thermal motion of the surface is presented.  相似文献   

The montane forest in central Veracruz, Mexico is a hotspot of biodiversity. We asked whether lower and upper montane forests could be distinguished in this ecoregion. Variables of vegetation and seasonality in precipitation were tested across 14 sites between 1,250- and 2,550-m elevations. A total of 1,639 individuals and 128 tree species was recorded. There was a unimodal pattern in the richness of species, genera, and families; their richness was positively correlated with precipitation in the wettest quarter of the year, though there were no differences in the basal area and density. Rarefaction, species turnover, nonmetric multidimensional scaling, and a cluster histogram suggest two major groups: lower elevation forests that are less diverse, have low beta diversity and are more similar in composition, with Clethra macrophylla, Liquidambar styraciflua, and Quercus lancifolia as indicator species; and higher elevation forests that are more diverse, have high species turnover, and include forests with Quercus corrugata and Prunus rhamnoides, and forests with Fagus grandifolia, Persea americana, and Ternstroemia sylvatica as indicator species. However, other communities (an Oreomunnea mexicana at the upper site, and a limestone site in the lower forests), exemplify the high regional heterogeneity. We conclude that elevation and seasonality in precipitation produce a directional change in richness and indicator species, but not in vegetation structure. Lower montane forests differed from cloud forests at upper elevations. However, other factors should be included—mainly biogeographic affinities, historic and recent anthropogenic disturbance—to conclusively distinguish them. Montane forest can still be considered very heterogeneous and very high in beta diversity.  相似文献   

Although the European common lizard, Lacerta vivipara, is among the most common Eurasian reptile species, we know little about how these lizards cope with very low temperatures. In this study we examined microenvironmental conditions, body temperature, behavior, and cold strategies to see whether strategies of freezing and supercooling, while normally considered to be mutually exclusive, may in fact be adopted simultaneously by the common lizard. Following up on an earlier study of a lowland population, this time we used a mountain population (850 m) to discover differences in overwintering strategies between the two populations. Differential scanning calorimetry conducted during the hibernation period (vs. the activity period) showed that the blood of highland lizards had an increased ability to resist ice formation, confirming an ecophysiological effect most likely mediated by physical properties of the blood. Mean blood glucose level of unfrozen L. vivipara in the field increased significantly (about fourfold) from 8.5+/-0.7 mmol l(-1) in September to 33.2+/-5.6 mmol l(-1) in March. The blood glucose level then experienced a significant decline as it fell to 6. 2+/-0.8 mmol l(-1) after hibernation in April. Glucose, in conclusion, seems to play a role of cryoprotectant rather than antifreeze.  相似文献   

In the dry forest of Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica, the understory shrub Jacquinia nervosa presents an inverse pattern of phenology that concentrates vegetative growth and reproduction during the dry season. In this study, we tested the "escape from herbivory" hypothesis as a potential explanation for the inverse phenological pattern of J. nervosa. We monitored leaf, flower and fruit production in 36 adult plants from October 2000 to August 2001. Leaves of six randomly selected branches per plant were marked and monitored every two weeks to measure the cumulative loss in leaf area. To analyze pre-dispersal seed predation we collected 15 fruits per plant and counted the total number of healthy and damaged seeds, as well as the number and type of seed predators found within the fruits. Leaf, flower, and fruit production occurred during the first part of the dry season (end of November to February). The cumulative herbivory levels were similar to those observed in other tropical dry forest tree species that concentrate leaf production during the wet season, and were concentrated on young leaves, which lost an average of 36.77 % of their area (SD = 34.35 %, N = 195). Chewing beetles of the genus Epicauta (Meloidae) were the most important herbivores. In mature leaves, most of the damage was caused by the beetle Coptocycla rufonotata (Chrysomelidae). Fruits took 4 months to develop during the dry season (January-March 2001) but continue increasing in size well into the first 3 months of the wet season (May-July). Average seed number per ripe fruit was 9 (SD = 5, N = 500). Seed predation in mature fruits was 42 % (SD = 47 %, N = 122). Most seeds were damaged by moth larvae of the family Tortricidae. Only 3 % of the flowers became fruits. This was influenced by the low level of flower synchrony (0.38+/-0.26, N = 36 plants), but neither leaf synchrony (0.88+/-0.06, N = 36 plants) nor plant size influenced fruit numbers. The significant damaged produced by insect herbivores in young leaves, fruits, and seeds, as well as the low reproductive index observed in J. nervosa, shows that the inverse leafing phenology of this species is not consistent with the "escape hypothesis" since J. nervosa was considerably attacked during the dry season. Considering the strong seasonality of the tropical dry forest and the heliophyte character of J. nervosa, it is more likely that this phenological strategy evolved in response to seasonal fluctuations in light availability, light quality, and daylength.  相似文献   

Seasonally dry tropical forests (SDTF) currently occupy only 10% of the original area of their natural distribution. In the Marañón river valley, north western of Peru, occurs one of the most important SDTF of the neotropics. It has an endemic woody flora that represent 32% of the species, being threatened by its increasing fragmentation, and the knowledge of the ecology, forestry and conservation of the tree species is scarce. In this context this work presents the result of evaluation of the wood anatomy with emphasis to growth ring analysis, dating trees and stem growth rate determination of four tree species: Anadenanthera colubrina (Vell.) Brenan, Cedrela kuelapensis T.D. Penn. & Daza, Cordia iguaguana Melch. Ex I.M. Johnst., and Esenbeckia cornuta Eng., the last three being endemic and threatened with extinction. Our results determined that Cedrela kuelapensis showed the highest radial growth of the stem in relation to the other congeners of the neotropical region. Lower stem growth was observed for E. cornuta trees, according to the pattern of other tropical species. The results also indicate that populations of C. iguaguana and Esenbeckia cornuta in the zone are mainly composed by young trees exhibiting strong anthropic pressure due to the quality of their timber and, in consequence, more efforts are needed in the management of these resources to guarantee their sustainability.  相似文献   

A variety of human activities have detrimental impacts on populations of species the park is designed to protect. These impacts range from direct hunting for trophy or subsistence needs, through vehicular collisions, to the direct loss of habitat due to forestry and agricultural activity. These impacts reduce the effective size of the parks and require changes in management policy that deal both with the direct cause of the problem and the underlying social conflicts that the presence of parks can place on humans in the surrounding communities. Recent studies from the Serengeti illustrate that increases in anti-poaching patrols increase the risk of poacher detection and lead to dramatic declines in levels of poaching. The economic arguments that support investment in anti-poaching patrols, rather than increased sentences for poachers who are caught, can be generalized to examine the costs and benefits of other changes in natural resource management that arise when attempting to manage the impact of anthropogenic activities in and around national parks.  相似文献   



Do the assemblages of pollination modes in restored (tree plantings) and secondary (naturally regenerated) forests change in comparison to primary forests, and how do these assemblages relate to species turnover at regional scale?


Southeast region of Brazil.


We classified tree species found in a total of 40 forest sites (18 primary, 11 restored, 11 secondary) according to pollination mode, based on the literature. We calculated and compared functional dissimilarity distances, amounts of species and accumulated abundance of pollination modes, and functional indices of richness and evenness between forest types.


Functional dissimilarity distances were much smaller than species dissimilarity distances within forest types (mean <20%, >80%, respectively), indicating a small variation in pollination modes between sites. Functional indices of richness and evenness did not differ between forest types. However, significant changes were found in the species and abundance proportions of several pollination modes. Primary forests were characterized by the predominance of generalized insect‐pollinated species, followed by secondary proportions of bee, wind and moth pollination; other pollination modes were underrepresented. In restored forests, reductions were found in generalized insect, moth, wind, fly, pollen‐consuming insect and very‐small insect pollination, whereas the species pollinated by bees and bats more than doubled. Smaller changes were found among secondary forests, including reductions in moth, fly and fig‐wasp pollination, whereas there were incremental changes in bee, beetle, big animal and small insect pollination.


Our results indicate a rather stable assemblage of pollination modes and also high ecological redundancy among trees regardless of the species replacement at the regional scale. Major changes among restored forests are probably in response to larger disturbance effects and/or restoration practices conducted in these sites. In contrast, smaller changes among secondary forests could be in response to smaller disturbance effects and natural selection processes, and also seem to suggest that highly resilient degraded areas are more likely to recuperate their functional diversity through natural regeneration alone. In both cases, however, efforts to recover such patterns should be encouraged to avoid possible negative effects in plant–pollinator interactions.  相似文献   

Modern biotechnology has been a topic of public and political debate around the world for over 30 years; continuing scientific breakthroughs keep it high on the agenda. Policy responses have been diverse, fragmented and incoherent, at levels ranging from local regions to agencies of the United Nations, but particularly in national administrations and the European Union. Reactions have been ambivalent, combining fears about conjectural risks with concern to maintain competitiveness and exploit beneficial applications. Adverse public perceptions have become a significant influence on policy, in combination with more cynical and self-interested motives of some of the players in policy debates. Future options, in Europe and elsewhere, are constrained by past and continuing mistakes and over-reactions.  相似文献   

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