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延迟自动自交和欺骗传粉吸引在被子植物多数类群中有相关报道,但是至今没有发现两种繁育策略在同一物种中共存现象。本研究通过对照试验检测新西兰岩石百合雄蕊附属物和花冠闭合运动是否分别具有欺骗吸引和延迟自交功能。研究结果表明,新西兰岩石百合黄色的雄蕊附属物拟态花粉(或花药),约93%的昆虫访花行为源自黄色花药附属物的欺骗吸引,雄蕊附属物的报酬拟态功能有效提高昆虫拜访频率并促进异交。同时,研究发现新西兰岩石百合花期结束时花瓣闭合促使雌雄隔离距离的缩小,花瓣自然闭合的花朵平均结籽数(20.62)显著高于闭合前去雄处理花朵(11.79)。我们的结果表明延迟自动自交与欺骗传粉吸引两种繁育策略在新西兰岩石百合中共存。  相似文献   

Delayed autonomous pollination and deceptive pollination are assumed to be relatively common in flowering plants, but no species have been reported to use both of these cunning reproductive strategies. In this study, we examined whether delayed selfing and mimicry were used concurrently in Arthropodium cirratum. Flowers of A.cirratum were manipulated to assess whether their stamen appendages and corolla closing movements were functional in deceptive pollination and delayed selfing, respectively. Our results indicated that anther or pollen imitation of the yellow stamen appendages contributed to 93 per cent of successful mimetic attraction, and this mimicry was an important driver of cross pollination of the species. In addition, we observed closure of the perianth relocated the stamens over the stigma at the end of anthesis, which significantly increased the average seed number per fruit of intact flowers over flowers emasculated before closure (20.62 versus 11.79). Our findings confirmed the coexistence of delayed autonomous self pollination and deceptive pollination in A.cirratum. Our results also suggested that delayed selfing could add fitness benefits for this mimetic attraction species.  相似文献   

New Zealand's endemic, duetting kokako (Callaeas cinerea wilsoni) produce one of the longest known bird songs (ca 30 s) and duets that differ strikingly from those of most duetters in their unusual length and non‐repetitive structure, long pauses between component phrases, and the great flexibility in sex roles. Here we present a structural analysis of the vocalizations of 17 kokako pairs collected during natural song bouts and in response to conspecific playback, to gain insight into the functional role of this extraordinary vocal behavior. Males tend to sing a greater proportion of the duet than females. Like many duetting species, kokako have a moderately sized repertoire of phrases (mean repertoire size =18) and pair members tend to sing antiphonally rather than in unison. Sharing of phrase types is high among neighboring kokako ( = 86%) and repertoires are not sex specific, as is typical of some but not all duetting species. Timing characteristics, broad sharing of phrase types, and countersinging behavior strongly suggest that kokako duets play an important role in territory defense. Additionally, differences in pairs’ sex role and phrase sequence flexibility suggest that these aspects of duet performance may reflect pair‐bond length or commitment, and require a time investment by pair members.  相似文献   

Synopsis Halaelurus dawsoni has a restricted geographic range, occurring only in south-eastern New Zealand. It is primarily a demersal inhabitant of the upper continental slope, plateaus, and ridges at 250–800 m depth. Halaelurus dawsoni is a voracious carnivore that feeds on a wide variety of crustaceans and fishes. Maximum recorded length is 418 mm total length, and males and females grow to similar maximum lengths. Length at 50% maturity is about 340–350 mm for males and 330–360 mm for females. The reproductive mode of H. dawsoni is single oviparity, with one leathery egg case being carried per uterus. It appears that most embryonic development occurs after egg cases are deposited on the seabed. The reproductive mode of species of Halaelurus in the subgenus Halaelurus is multiple oviparity, whereas for those in the subgenus Bythaelurus it is single oviparity or aplacental viviparity. It has been suggested that single oviparity is a primitive reproductive mode, and that aplacental viviparity evolved from it via the intermediate stage of multiple oviparity. However, the relationship between reproductive mode and Halaelurus subgenus suggests that aplacental viviparity may have evolved directly from single oviparity in the subgenus Bythaelurus without passing through a multiple oviparous stage.  相似文献   

Kiwi are rare and strictly protected birds of iconic status in New Zealand. Yet, perhaps due to their unusual, nocturnal lifestyle, surprisingly little is known about their behaviour or physiology. In the present study, we exploited known correlations between morphology and physiology in the avian inner ear and brainstem to predict the frequency range of best hearing in the North Island brown kiwi. The mechanosensitive hair bundles of the sensory hair cells in the basilar papilla showed the typical change from tall bundles with few stereovilli to short bundles with many stereovilli along the apical-to-basal tonotopic axis. In contrast to most birds, however, the change was considerably less in the basal half of the epithelium. Dendritic lengths in the brainstem nucleus laminaris also showed the typical change along the tonotopic axis. However, as in the basilar papilla, the change was much less pronounced in the presumed high-frequency regions. Together, these morphological data suggest a fovea-like overrepresentation of a narrow high-frequency band in kiwi. Based on known correlations of hair-cell microanatomy and physiological responses in other birds, a specific prediction for the frequency representation along the basilar papilla of the kiwi was derived. The predicted overrepresentation of approximately 4-6 kHz matches potentially salient frequency bands of kiwi vocalisations and may thus be an adaptation to a nocturnal lifestyle in which auditory communication plays a dominant role.  相似文献   

We describe and illustrate four new species, Peliosanthes choriandra, P. tatianae and Tupistra orlovii from central to northern Laos, and Rohdea filosa from northern Vietnam. These are all very local in distribution and endemic to the respective countries. We also report new localities and their ecological conditions for five other species of Peliosanthes (P. argenteostriata, P. hirsuta, P. irinae, P. micrantha and P. nivea) recently described from Laos and/or Vietnam. Furthermore, Peliosanthes nivea is recorded as new to the flora of Laos.  相似文献   

Global food demand, climatic variability and reduced land availability are driving the need for domestication of new crop species. The accelerated domestication of a rice-like Australian dryland polyploid grass, Microlaena stipoides (Poaceae), was targeted using chemical mutagenesis in conjunction with high throughput sequencing of genes for key domestication traits. While M. stipoides has previously been identified as having potential as a new grain crop for human consumption, only a limited understanding of its genetic diversity and breeding system was available to aid the domestication process. Next generation sequencing of deeply-pooled target amplicons estimated allelic diversity of a selected base population at 14.3 SNP/Mb and identified novel, putatively mutation-induced polymorphisms at about 2.4 mutations/Mb. A 97% lethal dose (LD97) of ethyl methanesulfonate treatment was applied without inducing sterility in this polyploid species. Forward and reverse genetic screens identified beneficial alleles for the domestication trait, seed-shattering. Unique phenotypes observed in the M2 population suggest the potential for rapid accumulation of beneficial traits without recourse to a traditional cross-breeding strategy. This approach may be applicable to other wild species, unlocking their potential as new food, fibre and fuel crops.  相似文献   

We assessed the distribution, population size and conservation status of Candidula coudensis, a recently described endemic land snail from Portugal. From March 2013 to April 2014, surveys were carried out in the region where the species was described. We found an extent of occurrence larger than originally described, but still quite small (13.5 km2). The species was found mainly in olive groves, although it occurred in a variety of other habitats with limestone soils, including grasslands, scrublands and stone walls. Minimum population estimate ranged from 110,000–311,000 individuals. The main identified potential threats to the species include wildfires, pesticides and quarrying. Following the application of IUCN criteria, we advise a conservation status of either “Least Concern” or “Near-threatened” under criterion D (restricted population).  相似文献   

We examined the stomach contents of 121 New Zealand (NZ) sea lions ( Phocarctos hookeri ) caught by the squid fishery during the summer/autumn 1997–2006 around the Auckland Islands (51°S, 166°E). Dietary variation was assessed among juveniles, lactating females, nonlactating females and males, and between areas on the Auckland Islands shelf. The digested fraction of the contents consisted mostly of opalfish ( Hemerocoetes spp.) (50.1% by number [ N ], 4.7% by mass [ M ]), rattail ( Coelorinchus spp.) (12.0% N , 2.4% M ), arrow squid ( Nototodarus sloani ) (14.1% N , 17.9% M ), octopus ( Enteroctopus zealandicus ) (2.1% N , 27.8% M ), and red cod ( Pseudophycis bachus ) (3.8% N , 4.3% M ). Opalfish was found in greater proportions in the stomachs of females (lactating: 58.1% N , nonlactating: 62.4% N ) and juveniles (56.9% N ) than males (14.5% N ). Juveniles caught smaller opalfish and rattail than adults did. Over all classes, sea lions ate larger prey in the east than in the north of the Auckland Islands shelf. The common prey—arrow squid and rattail—constitute an abundant resource at the edges of the Auckland Islands shelf, where lactating NZ sea lions forage. Although these key areas are far from the rookeries and impacted by the squid fishery, they may provide the only reliable resource able to support the cost of benthic foraging behavior in the deepest diver of all otariids.  相似文献   

Synopsis New Zealand snapper, Pagrus auratus, were captured by trawling from NE New Zealand over two successive spawning seasons, and examined for acute temporal changes in gonad condition. Fish with oocytes completing final oocyte maturation predominated during the morning, with a peak in ovulated fish occurring just after midday. Afternoon catches were dominated by fish in which the most advanced oocytes had yet to begin final maturation. This suggests that ovulation is synchronised to occur soon after midday, and the high proportion (up to 100% of the catch) of fish with particular gonad stages captured at any one time indicates that daily spawning involves most of the population. Diurnal changes in oocyte diameter support a daily spawning rhythm, with numbers of large hydrated oocytes peaking in the late morning, followed by the disappearance of these oocyte stages in the afternoon. Snapper captured alive by longlining were returned to the laboratory to examine the relationship between ovulation and probable time of spawning. Unovulated fish generally ovulated close to midday on the day of capture (morning captures), or the following day (afternoon captures). The viability of ovulated eggs (proportion undergoing division after fertilization) decreased markedly after oviduct residence times of over 8 hours. This suggests that natural spawning occurs before the late evening. The results of this study are consistent with anecdotal evidence suggesting that spawning occurs every day during the late afternoon or early evening, and is similar to the reproductive patterns displayed by a number of closely related sparids. Department of Zoology, University of Otago, PO Box 56, Dunedin, New Zealand  相似文献   

中国特有濒危植物伯乐树根的生态解剖学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伯乐树(Bretschneidera sinensis Hemsl.)是中国特有濒危的第三纪孑遗植物。本研究采用石蜡切片、整体封片、扫描电镜和激光共聚焦扫描等技术研究其根的表面特征和形态结构,从生态解剖学角度揭示其对生境的适应和特殊要求。结果显示伯乐树作为特殊的菌根型木本植物,根尖表面无根毛分化;初生结构包括表皮、皮层和中柱三部分,系原始的发育类型,其皮层明显排列为两轮且存在自然的间隙,皮层内有含黑芥子酶的分泌细胞,中柱内有髓。菌根菌以单菌丝或菌丝网侵入根表皮,并刺激表皮分泌沉积了较厚的无定形物质,入侵后可在皮层间隙内大量分枝,还能进一步形成泡囊结构;菌根菌在寄主细胞内常包围在淀粉粒的周围吸收营养,同时部分菌丝在细胞内被分解形成小泡和碎屑,为寄主细胞提供营养以形成共生关系。根据以上特征,应在就地保护和迁地保育中深入研究适宜伯乐树的土壤条件,以促进菌根的发生和发育。  相似文献   


Oribotritia contortula n. sp., O. contraria n. sp., O. teretis n. sp., Rhysotritia bifurcata n. sp., Microtritia contraria n. sp., M. glabrata n. sp., Hoplophthiracarus bisulcus n. sp., Austrophthiracarus pulchellus n. sp., and Notophthiracarus claviger n. sp. are described from New Zealand.

The genera of Oribotritia Jacot, Rhysotritia Märkel & Meyer, Hoplophthiracarus Jacot, and Austrophthiracarus Balogh & Mahunka are new records for New Zealand.  相似文献   


Interpopulational, interspecific comparison of the habitats, structural features, and distribution of Tomenthypnum in North America and eastern Asia indicate that T. falcifolium and T. nitens are present in both areas. The Chinese populations occur in habitats similar to North American T. falcifolium. Statistical and multivariate analyses of seven characters indicate that the Chinese populations are intermediate with, but distinct from the North American populations of T. nitens and T. falcifolium. We conclude that taxonomically, the Chinese populations belong within the concept of T. falcifolium, and when further collections are known from eastern Asia, may belong to a geographically isolated subspecific taxon.  相似文献   


Previous confusion over the nomenclature and status of the New Zealand copper butterflies is reviewed. Lycaena rauparaha n. comb., which has been regarded as a variety of L. salustius in recent literature, is reinstated and adult, larval, and pupal characters are described. Its distinctions from L. salustius and L. feredayi are tabulated and a key to this species complex is given.  相似文献   

Animals that establish new sites near the edge of the species' range may be vulnerable to disturbance as they are low in numbers and are not tied to the sites. Pinniped distributions world‐wide are changing as many species are recolonizing areas of their former ranges and establishing new colonies. Little research is available on the impact that vessel presence may pose on pinnipeds at such sites. This study documents responses of New Zealand fur seals to vessels in the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand, at a recently established breeding colony. Fur seal behavior at the breeding location was recorded in the presence of vessels. GLMM and GAM analyses revealed that fur seal responses varied with month, time of day, duration of vessel exposure, and the distance to the vessel. Age and sex of the seals, and the number of seals present also influenced fur seal response. Fur seals at this site became disturbed when vessels approached to the 10–20 m distance category, and a precautionary minimum approach distance of 50 m has been suggested. This research provides direction for monitoring and minimizing impacts of vessels on fur seals, especially where new sites are being colonized.  相似文献   

Abstract. A new chalcidoid family, Rotoitidae fam.n., is described from New Zealand. The probable systematic affinities of Rotoitidae are discussed and the type genus and a single included species, Rotoita basalis gen. et sp.n., are described and illustrated.  相似文献   


The New Zealand antlion, Weeleus acutus (Walker), is redescribed and its relationships are discussed. Notes on the larva are given.  相似文献   

The striking diversification of leaf shape in juveniles of the hybrids between Parsonsia heterophylla A. Cunn. and P. capsularis (Forst. f.) R. Br. is described and illustrated. The applicability of Turing's diffusion reaction theory of morphogenesis was tested, and it was found that the diversity could be explained as a result of interactions between sine-wave-like gradients of morphogens in the leaf primordia. Precession in the onset of sexual maturity leads to the fixation of juvenile leaf characters. This neotenic process combined with natural selection may then lead to speciation and adaptive radiation, as in the Australian Parsonsia spp. The operation of these processes in other New Zealand genera and in Australian Proteaceae is discussed in relation to adaptive radiation and evolution.  相似文献   

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