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The data from finding a female round goby in June 2010 near the dam in the Central Reach of the Rybinsk Reservoir are presented. The presence of mature reproductive products may indicate the possibility of the successful acclimatization of this species in the Rybinsk Reservoir.  相似文献   

Distributions, population densities, invasive potentials and adverse impacts of invasive Ponto‐Caspian gobies on native fauna in the Sava River basin remain unknown, whereby 23 locations in the Sava basin were sampled during a three‐year period (2011–2013). Among the five Ponto‐Caspian goby species previously reported in Croatia, only Neogobius fluviatilis (291), Neogobius melanostomus (177) and Ponticola kessleri (21) specimens were collected. Proterorhinus semilunaris and Babka gymnotrachelus were not found. N. fluviatilis was dominant among the invasive gobies at the majority of locations and almost omnipresent (apart from the upper Sava reaches) in the Sava basin. N. melanostomus was found only in the navigable Sava reaches, but its distribution range still seems to be expanding. The status of P. kessleri invasion remains unclear, as it was only found in 2011 at three locations in the lower Sava reaches. No significant (P > 0.05) increase in average catch‐per‐unit‐effort (CPUE) values was observed during the three‐year period. There is some evidence that a decline in Gobio gobio populations might be expected in response to increasing N. fluviatilis population densities. The findings suggest that further range expansions by the Ponto‐Caspian gobies can be expected in Croatia and the implementation of measures to limit their spreading should be considered.  相似文献   

Parasite fauna of round goby Neogobius melanostomus (Pallas, 1814) in the Danube River was investigated in both its native range (two sites in the Bulgarian stretch of the Danube) and non‐native range of distribution (Croatian, Slovak and Austrian stretches) during 2005 and 2006. The aim was to identify possible changes in parasite communities associated with the introduction of a host into the new environment. A total of 29 metazoan parasite species were found to parasitize round goby in the Danube River; twelve of these parasite species were found in both the native and non‐native range of distribution. Introduction of a novel parasite species to the non‐native range via the round goby was not found. Eight parasite species occurred only in the native range and nine species only in the non‐native range of the round goby distribution. Losses of native parasite species in non‐native round goby populations and/or acquiring of novel parasite species in a new environment were not significant. Thirteen parasite taxa were recorded for the first time in round gobies. Three parasite taxa (Diplostomum spp., Pomphorhynchus laevis and Raphidascaris acus) were found in high prevalence and abundance at each sampling site in both the native and non‐native range. Parasite species diversity was assessed for each sampling site and season using three diversity indices (the Shannon, Simpson and Equitability indices), with the highest same‐season values found in a non‐native site in Slovakia (1.38, 0.69 and 0.60, respectively) and the lowest in a native site in Bulgaria (0.28, 0.12 and 0.14, respectively). Species diversity was higher in both non‐native round goby populations (Slovak and Austrian) compared to native Bulgarian populations. However, diversity indices values varied among almost all sampling sites.  相似文献   

Plasticity in life‐history traits appears to be very important for adaptation of invasive species to a novel environment. Predictable changes in life‐history traits have been observed in the progression of invasions in several fish species. Nevertheless, the novel environment of the invaded areas can pose a challenge to the invaders caused by sudden perturbations in the ecological conditions. The aim of this study was to examine whether a sudden environmental disruption would reflect in significant changes in the reproductive parameters of the females of an invasive round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) population. Samples were collected from the middle section of the River Danube (Bratislava, Slovakia) from the 2008 post‐spawning period to the end of spawning in 2010. The results support the prediction that after a strong environmental perturbation, the females increase their absolute as well as relative numbers of oocytes and their real absolute fecundity; the differences in all of these parameters were statistically significant. Another strong environmental disruption occurred in June 2010, although the response differed from that of 2009. In 2009, the females responded by increasing their oocyte numbers; in 2010, they extended their reproductive season by producing an extra batch of eggs. This can be explained by the different timing of the sudden perturbations. In summation, a coincidence between the environmental perturbations and the significant changes in their reproductive traits was found in the round goby females in the two subsequent years. This indicates that the round goby can respond rapidly to environmental disruptions, and that such reproductive flexibility likely helps the species in its successful invasions.  相似文献   

In the Baltic, the first observation of the round goby (Neogobius melanostomus, Pallas 1814) was made in 1990. Within the past decade the species became invasive and spread rapidly throughout the Baltic Sea. Studies about the fishes potential impacts on resident species promote the need for an increasing knowledge of their basic stock structures such as growth rates, longevity and mortality, which all rely on accurate estimates of age. Former studies on the round goby have used several different age reading techniques. In this study, we compared three standard otolith preparation methods for ageing and present the best procedure for the invasive round goby. The results showed significant differences in age estimates of the same fish between the different preparation methods and between readers. The estimation of the first annulus, the first year, was the most problematic. The overall agreement was lowest when reading the whole otoliths while the best performance was achieved with sectioned and stained preparation method. Depending on method used the growth estimates also differed. The results question comparability between previous studies and highlight the importance of harmonised aging procedures for the round goby for obtaining correct estimates of population parameters such as growth rate, age at maturity, and longevity.  相似文献   

The growth response of juvenile round gobies was tested in various salinities to assess the potential performance of the species in widely differing salinities in the Baltic Sea and adjacent waters. An experimental approach analysed the survival, daily food intake and growth of juvenile Neogobius melanostomus from the brackish water region of the Kiel Canal, Germany. Round gobies (TL = 61.5 ±5.3 mm; n = 40) were fed ad libitum (diet = mysid shrimp; energy content = 4.7 cal per mg dry weight) at salinity levels of 0.1, 7.5, 15 and 30 over 12 weeks. Two replicate tanks (125 × 30 × 30 cm; 100 L) were maintained for each salinity level, each holding five specimens at a mean temperature of 19.90°C (±0.64°C; n = 136). Survival at all levels was 100%, except for 0.1 with 90%. Mean daily food intake (% of body weight) increased from salinity level 0.1 to 15 (from 17.76% to 19.95%); specimens at level 30 showed a more diversified and lower mean food intake (18.44%). Mean cumulative body weight gain appeared greatest at a level of 7.5 (224.52%), closely followed by 0.1 (206.57%) and 15 (191.92%). In contrast, fish growth was significantly lower at a salinity level of 30 (100.57%). Results of the experiment indicate that salinity tolerance estimates of the round goby made by other authors are too low regarding specimens that stem from brackish habitats. Growth patterns of some specimens, even in the salinity 30 treatment, show that a further spread of this species into regions with higher salinities is quite possible.  相似文献   

Previous studies of the round goby (Neogobius melanostomus Pallas, 1814), an invasive fish species in the Laurentian Great Lakes of North America, have shown that this species has the ability to both synthesize and smell steroids that have a 5 beta-reduced and 3 alpha-hydroxyl (5 beta,3 alpha) configuration. An enzyme-linked immunoassay (EIA) for 3 alpha-hydroxy-5 beta-androstane-11,17-dione (11-O-ETIO) has been used to show a substantial rise in the rate of release of immunoreactive compounds into the water when males are injected with salmon gonadotropin releasing hormone analogue. Similar increases were noted for 11-ketotestosterone and 17,20 beta-dihydroxypregn-4-en-3-one. Partitioning of the extracts between diethyl ether and water showed the presence of both free and conjugated immunoreactive 11-O-ETIO. Only conjugated immunoreactivity was found in urine (implying that free steroid is released via the gills). The identity of the conjugates was probed by using HPLC, EIA, and mass spectrometry and removal of sulfate and glucosiduronate groups. Immunoreactivity in the conjugated fraction was found to be due mainly to 3 alpha,17beta-dihydroxy-5 beta-androstan-11-one 17-sulfate. However, the evidence was also strong for the presence in water extracts of substantial amounts of 3 alpha-hydroxy-5 beta-androstane-11,17-dione 3-glucosiduronate (which could be detected only by EIA after removal of the glucosiduronate group with beta-glucuronidase). There were also small amounts of 3 alpha-hydroxy-5 beta-androstane-11,17-dione 3-sulfate and 3 alpha,17beta-dihydroxy-5 beta-androstan-11-one 17-glucosiduronate. These studies give some idea of the types, amounts, and ratios of 11-O-ETIO derivatives that are released by reproductive N. melanostomus and will aid further research into the putative pheromonal roles of 5 beta,3 alpha-reduced androgens in this species.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Marine Biology - Bioindication assessment of two areas in the Taganrog Bay (Sea of Azov) was carried out using biochemical parameters (activity of antioxidant enzymes (superoxide...  相似文献   

This first comprehensive study of the peripheral olfactory organ from a representative of the large and economically important order of teleost fishes, the Perciformes, shows a compact structure with olfactory sensory neurons distributed widely throughout the olfactory chamber. The spatial organization of the nasal cavity in the bottom-dwelling round goby (Gobiidae, Neogobius melanostomus) was examined using impression material injection, immunocytochemistry, and transmission electron microscopy. The olfactory chamber contains a single olfactory lamella; prominent dorsocaudal lachrymal and ethmoidal accessory nasal sacs are situated ventrocaudal to the chamber. The location of the olfactory mucosa within the olfactory chamber is novel for teleost fish, as it extends beyond the ventral surface to the lateral and dorsal regions. Microvillar olfactory sensory neurons and ciliated olfactory sensory neurons were identified by transmission electron microscopy and the spatial distribution of these two cell types was assessed through immunocytochemistry against olfactory receptor coupled G-proteins. Both G(alphaolf)-immunoreactive ciliated olfactory sensory neurons and the G(alphao)-immunoreactive microvillar form were located throughout the olfactory epithelium. Ciliated crypt cells were G(alphao) immunoreactive and were found throughout the olfactory epithelium of some specimens. The widespread occurrence of olfactory sensory neurons in the olfactory chamber supports the idea that olfactory signaling is important to the survival of the round goby. The prominence of the lachrymal and ethmoidal accessory nasal sacs indicates the capacity to regulate the flow of odorant molecules over the sensory surface of the olfactory sensory neurons, possibly through a pump-like mechanism driven by opercular activity associated with gill ventilation.  相似文献   

In the previous decade, four species of non-native gobies have invaded the middle section of the river Danube and its tributaries. An effective tool for understanding biological invasions is the evaluation of various biological traits (morphological, life history, ontogenetic) within an epigenetic context. The present study examines the external morphology of monkey goby Neogobius fluviatilis (Pallas, 1814) from the mouth of the River Hron, the morphological differences among three goby species (monkey, bighead and round) and the relevance of these differences for invasive potential. Monkey goby reach their definite phenotype very early in their ontogeny and thus represent a strongly precocial (specialized) species with direct development. The morphological differences between monkey and two other goby species also reflect its strong specialization for sandy substrata and smaller prey types. Thus, monkey goby are not expected to spread to new areas as fast as the round and bighead gobies, and their distribution is likely to be limited to sandy and/or sandy-gravel substrata. If this assumption is correct, then the potential adverse impact of monkey goby on native fauna or even ecosystem is likely to be less than that of the bighead and round gobies. Handling editor: K. Martens  相似文献   

Although biochemical properties of 2-Cys peroxiredoxins have been extensively studied in various cell lines and organisms, redox-induced structural transitions of peroxiredoxin II (PrxII) in human erythrocytes certainly warrant further investigation. In this work, cytosol and membrane ghosts of both fresh erythrocytes (cells obtained just after blood collection) and 28-day stored erythrocytes were analyzed by proteomics tools. We demonstrated that in fresh red blood cells PrxII exhibits four different oligomeric states in cytosol, whereas no PrxII complexes are in the membrane. The highest molecular weight PrxII protein complex (440 kDa) was proven to derive from the association between tetrameric catalase (CAT, 232 kDa) and decameric PrxII, whereas oligomers at 140, 100 and 67 kDa resulted to be homo-polymeric complexes composed of variable copies of PrxII monomeric subunits. Interestingly, the 440 kDa complex contained both reduced and oxidized (disulphide-linked dimers) PrxII decamers. Upon oxidative stress (28-day storage), the PrxII oligomers at 100 kDa in the cytosol disappeared and the CAT-PrxII hetero-oligomeric complex at 440 kDa is converted to a higher molecular weight structure (480 kDa) due to the presence therein of cross-linked species of PrxII and hemoglobin. More interestingly, oxidized red cell membranes contained the CAT-PrxII complex detected in 0-day cytosol as a consequence of protein recruitments induced by oxidative stress, however it showed a greater percentage of PrxII dimers. Finally, since the adoption of distinct PrxII structures is known to be closely related to different functions, peroxidase activity assays were performed demonstrating a positive reaction for oligomers at 440 kDa (both in cytosol and membrane compartment) and at 140 kDa. Our results contribute to clarify structural and functional switching of peroxiredoxin II in erythrocytes, thus possibly opening new scenarios in the biological roles played by this protein in defense mechanisms against oxidative stress, especially with the reference to red cell storage lesions.  相似文献   

The sand goby, Pomatoschistus minutus , was used in aquarium experiments to study the importance of body size for the ability of males to gain access to nest sites and mates. When several male and female P. minutus were allowed to reproduce together, on average, half of the males built nests, and half of those males obtained eggs in their nests. Males with nests were significantly larger than males without nests, and nests with eggs belonged to males larger than the males with empty nests. In another experiment, when two males were competing for one nest, the largest male occupied the nest when both fish were put into the aquarium simultaneously. However, when the smaller male had been allowed to establish a nest before the larger male was introduced, the small male could usually retain the nest. Males with a body length < 50 mm did not build nests at all in the early part of the breeding season. In female choice experiments, no preference for larger males was found. Thus, male-male competition for nest sites and behavioural differences between different sized males seem to be the main factors influencing the non-random mating success in male P. minutus.  相似文献   

Hypothermia is employed as a method to diminish metabolism rates and preserve tissues and cells. However, low temperatures constitute a stress that produces biochemical changes whose extension depends on the duration and degree of cold exposure and is manifested when physiological temperature is restored. For many cellular types, cold induces an oxidative stress that is dependent on the elevation of intracellular iron, damages macromolecules, and is prevented by the addition of iron chelators. Pisum sativum Ferredoxin-NADP(H) Reductase (FNR) has been implicated in protection from injury mediated by intracellular iron increase and successfully used to reduce oxidative damage on bacterial, plant and mammalian systems. In this work, FNR was expressed in Cos-7 cells; then, they were submitted to cold incubation and iron overload to ascertain whether this enzyme was capable of diminishing the harm produced by these challenges. Contrary to expected, FNR was not protective and even exacerbated the damage under certain circumstances. It was also found that the injury induced by hypothermia in Cos-7 cells presented both iron-dependent and iron-independent components of damage when cells were actively dividing but only iron-independent component when cells were in an arrested state. This is in agreement with previous findings which showed that iron-dependent damage is also an energy-dependent process.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to obtain a basic knowledge of the hematology of Cichlasoma dimerus. The morphological features of blood cells were described according to the observations made by light and electron microscopy. Erythrocytes, thrombocytes and four types of leucocytes: lymphocytes, monocytes, heterophils and eosinophils, were distinguished and characterized. Thrombocytes are the most abundant blood cells after erythrocytes and are recognized easily from lymphocytes by morphological features and size. Heterophils and eosinophils are PAS positive. Hematological indices (RBC, WBC, PCV, Hb, MCV, MCH, MCHC and leucocyte differential count) were measured in one blood sample from 30 adult fish captured in Esteros del Riachuelo, Corrientes, Argentina (27 degrees 25'S, 58 degrees 15'W). The reference interval and the mean were determined for each hematological parameter evaluated. Contrary to other species, the percent of heterophils was found to be high in relation to the percent of lymphocytes. Low lymphocyte counts occurred in C. dimerus, as compared to these found in other fishes. Compared to most teleosts, this species has similar mean values for PCV and Hb and slightly higher for RBC. Statistical analysis revealed that differences in hematological parameters between male and female fish were not significant.  相似文献   

The stomach contents were examined in 373 walleye pollack larvae of different sizes. The diet of pollack larvae included more than 20 plankters of different sizes. Phytoplankton was the major food source of 4- to 6-mm-long larvae. The proportion of phytoplankton in the larval diet decreased as the larvae grew, and the late larval stages shifted entirely to a diet of zooplankton. As the larvae increased in size, the spectrum of food organisms changed from smaller to larger sizes. In the larvae 4 to 31 mm long, the length of prey varied from 0.1 (Coscinodiscus) to 6.0 mm (Neocalanus plumchrus). The average daily repleteness of pollack larvae varied from 32 to 210. The minimum repleteness was registered in 4- to 6-mm-long larvae with mixed feeding (endogenous and exogenous); in 30- to 35-mm-long fish the repleteness was the greatest. The daily food rations calculated for the most abundant size groups of larvae ranged from 4.3 to 6.6% of their body weight.  相似文献   

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