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Evaporative water loss is an essential strategy to maintain stable body temperature in heat-exposed rodents. However, the thermoregulatory role and adjustment of evaporative heat loss capacity is unclear during prolonged heat exposure. Here, we studied the role of evaporative water loss in thermoregulation in Mongolian gerbils during heat acclimation. After 3 weeks of heat acclimation, gerbils exhibited a lower body temperature than the controls, and no difference in evaporative losses of water from the lung or saliva spreading compared with the controls. Heat acclimation did not alter the expression of aquaporin-1 and aquaporin-5 in the lungs and the expression of aquaporin-5 in the salivary glands. The expression of aquaporin-2 in the kidneys was kept stable, while the expression of aquaporin-1 in the kidneys was down-regulated. In addition, resting metabolic rate and non-shivering thermogenesis of heat-acclimated gerbils were reduced to 51% and 55% of the control group, respectively. Taken together, heat-acclimated Mongolian gerbils can reduce the metabolic thermogenesis without enhancing the evaporative water loss capacity for thermoregulation.  相似文献   

To better understand the physiological characteristics of the silky starling(Sturnus sericeus), its body temperature(Tb), basal metabolic rate(BMR), evaporative water loss(EWL) and thermal conductance(C) elicited by different ambient temperatures(Ta)(5-30 °C) were determined in the present study. Our results showed that they have a high Tb(41.6±0.1 °C), a wide thermal neutral zone(TNZ)(20-27.5 °C) and a relatively low BMR within the TNZ(3.37±0.17 mL O2/g·h). The EWL was nearly stable below the TNZ(0.91±0.07 mg H2O/g·h) but increased remarkably within and above the TNZ. The C was constant below the TNZ, with a minimum value of 0.14±0.01 mL O2/g·h·°C. These findings indicate that the BMR, Tb and EWL of the silky starling were all affected by Ta, especially when Ta was below 20 °C and the EWL plays an important role in thermal regulation.  相似文献   

The calculation and comparison of physiological characteristics of thermoregulation has provided insight into patterns of ecology and evolution for over half a century. Thermoregulation has typically been explored using linear techniques; I explore the application of non-linear scaling to more accurately calculate and compare characteristics and thresholds of thermoregulation, including the basal metabolic rate (BMR), peak metabolic rate (PMR) and the lower (Tlc) and upper (Tuc) critical limits to the thermo-neutral zone (TNZ) for Australian rodents. An exponentially-modified logistic function accurately characterised the response of metabolic rate to ambient temperature, while evaporative water loss was accurately characterised by a Michaelis-Menten function. When these functions were used to resolve unique parameters for the nine species studied here, the estimates of BMR and TNZ were consistent with the previously published estimates. The approach resolved differences in rates of metabolism and water loss between subfamilies of Australian rodents that haven’t been quantified before. I suggest that non-linear scaling is not only more effective than the established segmented linear techniques, but also is more objective. This approach may allow broader and more flexible comparison of characteristics of thermoregulation, but it needs testing with a broader array of taxa than those used here.  相似文献   

Basal metabolic rate (BMR) is thought to be a major hub in the network of physiological mechanisms connecting life history traits. Evaporative water loss (EWL) is a physiological indicator that is widely used to measure water relations in inter- or intraspecific studies of birds in different environments. In this study, we examined the physiological responses of summer-acclimatized Hwamei Garrulax canorus to temperature by measuring their body temperature (Tb), metabolic rate (MR) and EWL at ambient temperatures (Ta) between 5 and 40 °C. Overall, we found that mean body temperature was 42.4 °C and average minimum thermal conductance (C) was 0.15 ml O2 g−1 h−1 °C−1 measured between 5 and 20 °C. The thermal neutral zone (TNZ) was 31.8–35.3 °C and BMR was 181.83 ml O2 h−1. Below the lower critical temperature, MR increased linearly with decreasing Ta according to the relationship: MR (ml O2 h−1)=266.59–2.66 Ta. At Tas above the upper critical temperature, MR increased with Ta according to the relationship: MR (ml O2 h−1)=−271.26+12.85 Ta. EWL increased with Ta according to the relationship: EWL (mg H2O h−1)=−19.16+12.64 Ta and exceeded metabolic water production at Ta>14.0 °C. The high Tb and thermal conductance, low BMR, narrow TNZ, and high evaporative water production/metabolic water production (EWP/MWP) ratio in the Hwamei are consistent with the idea that this species is adapted to warm, mesic climates, where metabolic thermogenesis and water conservation are not strong selective pressures.  相似文献   

Thermogenic characteristics and evaporative water loss were measured at different temperatures in Tupaia belangeri. The thermal neutral zone (TNZ) of T. belangeri was 30–35 °C. Mean body temperature was 39.76±0.27 °C and mean body mass was 100.86±9.09 g. Basal metabolic rate (BMR) was 1.38±0.03 ml O2/g h. Average minimum thermal conductance (Cm) was 0.13±0.01 ml O2/g h °C. Evaporative water loss in T. belangeri increased when the temperature rose; the maximal evaporative water loss was 3.88±0.41 mg H2O/g h at 37.5 °C. The results may reflect features of small mammals in the sub-tropical plateau region: T. belangeri had high basal metabolic rate and high total thermal conductance, compared with the predicted values based on their body mass whilst their body temperatures are relatively high; T. belangeri has high levels of evaporative water loss and poor water-retention capacity. Evaporative water loss plays an important role in temperature regulation.  相似文献   

The honey possum is the only non-volant mammal to feed exclusively on a diet of nectar and pollen. Like other mammalian and avian nectarivores, previous studies indicated that the honey possum’s basal metabolic rate was higher than predicted for a marsupial of equivalent body mass. However, these early measurements have been questioned. We re-examined the basal metabolic rate (2.52 ± 0.222 ml O2 g−1 h−1) of the honey possum and confirm that it is indeed higher (162%) than predicted for other marsupials both before and after accounting for phylogenetic history. This, together with its small body mass (5.4 ± 0.14 g; 1.3% of that predicted by phylogeny) may be attributed to its nectarivorous diet and mesic distribution. Its high-basal metabolic rate is associated with a high-standard body temperature (36.6 ± 0.48°C) and oxygen extraction (19.4%), but interestingly the honey possum has a high point of relative water economy (17.0°C) and its standard evaporative water loss (4.33 ± 0.394 mg H2O g−1 h−1) is not elevated above that of other marsupials, despite its mesic habitat and high dietary water intake.  相似文献   

FOK is an inbred rat strain with a genotypic adaptation to hot environments. The present study investigated the mechanism of the high heat tolerance of the FOK rat. Male FOK and WKAH rats were used. They were loosely restrained and placed individually in a direct calorimeter with an ambient temperature of 24°C. Their hypothalamic temperature, evaporative and nonevaporative heat loss and heat production were measured. After thermal equilibrium had been attained, the rats were warmed for 30 min with a chronically implanted intraperitoneal electric heater(internal heating). At least 90 min after the heating, the jacket water temperature surrounding the calorimeter chamber was gradually raised from 24°C to 36°C in 80 min (external warming). During the internal heating, changes in the thermoregulatory parameters did not differ between the groups. During the external warming, the evaporative heat loss of the FOK rat was significantly greater than that of the WKAH rat, while changes in nonevaporative heat loss and heat production did not differ between the groups. The results suggest that in the FOK rat, the improved heat tolerance is attributable to an enhanced evaporative heat loss response, but not to a facilitation of nonevaporative heat loss or of metabolic depression. Received: 8 March 1999 / Accepted: 14 July 1999  相似文献   

Proper adjustment of thermoregulatory mechanisms ensures the survival of mammals when they are subjected to seasonal changes in their natural environment. To understand the physiological and ecological adaptations of Eothenomys olitor, we measured their metabolic rate, thermal conductance, body temperature (Tb) and evaporative water loss at a temperature range of 5–30 °C in summer. The thermal neutral zone (TNZ) of E. olitor was 20–27.5 °C, and the mean body temperature was 35.81±0.15 °C. Basal metabolic rate (BMR) was 2.81±0.11 ml O2/g h and mean minimum thermal conductance (Cm) was 0.18±0.01 ml O2/g h °C. Evaporative water loss (EWL) in E. olitor increased when the ambient temperature increased. The maximal evaporative water loss was 6.74±0.19 mg H2O/g h at 30 °C. These results indicated that E. olitor have relatively high BMR, low body temperature, low lower critical temperature, and normal thermal conductance. EWL plays an inportant role in temperature regulation. These characteristics are closely related to the living habitat of the species, and represent its adaptive strategy to the climate of the Yunnan-Kweichow Plateau, a low-latitude, high-altitude region where annual temperature fluctuations are small, but daily temperature fluctuations are greater.  相似文献   

During exercise, sweat output often exceeds water intake, producing a water deficit or hypohydration. The water deficit lowers both intracellular and extracellular fluid volumes, and causes a hypotonic-hypovolemia of the blood. Aerobic exercise tasks are likely to be adversely effected by hypohydration (even in the absence of heat strain), with the potential affect being greater in hot environments. Hypohydration increases heat storage by reducing sweating rate and skin blood flow responses for a given core temperature. Hypertonicity and hypovolemia both contribute to reduced heat loss and increased heat storage. In addition, hypovolemia and the displacement of blood to the skin make it difficult to maintain central venous pressure and thus cardiac output to simultaneously support metabolism and thermoregulation. Hyperhydration provides no advantages over euhydration regarding thermoregulation and exercise performance in the heat.  相似文献   

Body cooling before exercise (i.e. pre-cooling) reduces physiological strain in humans during endurance exercise in temperate and warm environments, usually improving performance. This study examined the effectiveness of pre-cooling humans by ice-vest and cold (3 degrees C) air, with (LC) and without (LW) leg cooling, in reducing heat strain and improving endurance performance in the heat (35 degrees C, 60% RH). Nine habitually-active males completed three trials, involving pre-cooling (LC and LW) or no pre-cooling (CON: 34 degrees C air) before 35-min cycle exercise: 20 min at approximately 65% VO2peak then a 15-min work-performance trial. At exercise onset, mean core (Tc, from oesophagus and rectum) and skin temperatures, forearm blood flow (FBF), heart rate (HR), and ratings of exertion, body temperature and thermal discomfort were lower in LW and LC than CON (P<0.05). They remained lower at 20 min [e.g. Tc: CON 38.4+/-0.2 (+/-S.E.), LW 37.9+/-0.1, and LC 37.8+/-0.1 degrees C; HR: 177+/-3, 163+/-3 and 167+/-3 b.p.m.), except that FBF was equivalent (P=0.10) between CON (15.5+/-1.6) and LW (13.6+/-1.0 ml.100 ml tissue(-1) x min(-1)). Subsequent power output was higher in LW (2.95+/-0.24) and LC (2.91+/-0.25) than in CON (2.52+/-0.28 W kg(-1), P=0.00, N=8), yet final Tc remained lower. Pre-cooling by ice-vest and cold air effectively reduced physiological and psychophysical strain and improved endurance performance in the heat, irrespective of whether thighs were warmed or cooled.  相似文献   

During nesting, many temperate and tropical shorebirds are exposed to direct solar radiation and face heat stress. The aim of our study was to determine whether belly-soaking (wetting of ventral plumage) contributes to reducing excess body heat in Kentish plovers Charadrius alexandrinus. We captured incubating plovers on sunny days at their exposed nests, and placed them inside cloth bags at ground level in exposed sites for 5 min. This produced an increase in the ambient temperature experienced by the plovers, as well as an increase in the body temperature of the plovers. We simulated belly-soaking by submerging the ventral parts in water for about 10 s immediately after removing the birds from the bag. The body temperature of the plovers was lowered after simulated belly-soaking. Our results indicate that belly-soaking is a behavioural strategy to quickly reduce body temperature in heat-stressed plovers.  相似文献   

Heart rate, increased body-core temperature and sweating are the physiological responses to heat stress and they are collectively known as physiological strain. Our goal was to study levels of physiological strain in young farm workers aged 15–21 y. We also verified that heart rate is the response that exceeds threshold limits earliest as seen in previous studies. Personal monitoring for heat-strain measures directly physiological strain as it occurs and gives further information about each worker's state. When estimating levels of physiological strain, certain limits concerning heart rate were adjusted considering the young ages of the workers studied.  相似文献   

Lagidium viscacia inhabits where water and food availability is low. We hypothesize that this rodent should minimize metabolic rate and water loss in order to cope with such extreme environments. We observed that Lagidium viscacia has (1) a comparatively lower basal metabolic rate (67%) and thermal conductance (78%) of predicted; (2) a higher pulmocutaneous evaporation rate which is 36% (mesic) and 63% (xeric); and (3) energetic cost of maintaining the water balance similar to that expected for rodents from xeric environments (2.8 cal/g h). In summary, Lagidium viscacia has physiological traits that favour energy and water economy to cope with such extreme habitats.  相似文献   

Oxygen consumption, evaporative water loss and body temperature were investigated in four subpopulations of sedentary Fiscal Shrike in South Africa across an altitudinal gradient from east to west. Subpopulations were found to be significantly different in the physiological parameters investigated. Fiscal Shrikes from the more mesic habitats at low altitude (Durban and Merrivale) were found to have higher basal metabolic rates, evaporative water loss and body temperatures, compared with shrikes from semi-arid areas of low habitat productivity at high altitude (Estcourt and Harrismith). Fiscal Shrikes also displayed significant differences in circadian rhythms of oxygen consumption, evaporative water loss and body temperature. Fiscal Shrikes showed seasonal acclimatisation of thermoregulatory parameters, increasing their basal metabolic rates and oxygen consumption in cold conditions, and reducing their body temperatures from summer to winter. Deviations of physiological parameters from those predicted by allometry were attributed to the plasticity at a phenotypic level that allows survival in a range of environmental conditions associated with unpredictable resource availability in southern Africa.  相似文献   

基础代谢率(BMR)是恒温动物维持正常生理机能的最小产热速率,是动物在清醒时维持身体各项基本功能所需的最小能量值。"能量需求"假设认为,鸟类短期BMR的调整可以通过改变内部器官的大小来适应能量需求。以白头鹎(Pycnonotus sinensis)为研究对象,分别在10℃和30℃的不同环境中适应4周后,测定了其BMR、蒸发失水(EWL)和内部器官(心、肝、肾、胃、小肠和整体消化道)的重量,同时分析了白头鹎内部器官的变化及与BMR的关系。驯化4周后,白头鹎暖温组(30℃)的体重有明显降低的趋势;经协方差校正体重后,低温组(10℃)单位体重BMR与整体BMR明显高于暖温组,同时两组间EWL表现出显著差异。协方差分析表明,低温组白头鹎的肝脏、肾脏、小肠及总消化道重量显著高于暖温组。低温引起白头鹎能量需求增加,内部器官发生相应改变,要求摄入更多的氧气以维持代谢平衡,导致散失更多的蒸发水。  相似文献   

The thermoregulatory characteristics of three species of Cryptomys from Zambia and Angola are examined and, together with published data on four other species of Cryptomys from southern Africa, used to determine whether scaling occurs in this genus of subterranean rodents. The thermoregulatory properties of acclimated giant Zambian mole-rats, Cryptomys mechowi ( =267 g), Angolan mole-rats, Cryptomys bocagei ( =94 g) and Zambian common mole-rats Cryptomys hottentotus amatus ( =77 g) are as follows. Mean resting metabolic rates (RMRs) within the respective thermoneutral zones were 0.60±0.08 cm3 O2 g-1 h-1 (n=12) for C. mechowi; 0.74±0.06 cm3 O2 g-1 h-1 (n=8) for C. bocagei and 0.63±0.06 cm3O2 g-1 h-1 (n=21) for C. h. amatus. The thermoneutral zones (TNZs) of all three species are narrow: 29–30°C for C. mechowi; 31.5–32.5°C for C. bocagei and 28–32° C for C. h. amatus. The increase in mean RMR at the lowest temperatures tested (15° C for C. mechowi, 18° C for C. bocagei and C. h. amatus) was 2.35, 2.2 and 3.82 times their RMR in the TNZ respectively. Body temperatures are low, 34±0.53° C (n=24) for C. mechowi, 33.7±0.32° C (n=20) for C. bocagei and 33.8±0.43° C (n=40) for C. h amatus. At the lower limit of thermoneutrality, conductances are 0.09±0.01 cm3 O2 g-1 h-1 °C-1 (n=30) in C. mechowi; 0.12±0.01 cm3 O2 g-1 h-1 °C-1 (n=20) in C. bocagei and 0.12±0.03 cm3 O2 g-1 h-1 °C-1 (n=32) in C. h. amatus. The range in mean body mass among the seven species of Cryptomys examined for scaling was 60 g (C. darlingi) to 267 g (C. mechowi). There is no clear relationship between RMR within the TNZ and body mass. The resultant relationship is represented by the power curve RMR=2.45 mass-0.259.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine diurnal variation in several thermal and metabolic parameters of the golden hamster, Mesocricetus auratus. Metabolic rate, core temperature, and evaporative water loss were measured during night and day at several ambient temperatures. Wet minimal thermal conductance, dry minimal thermal conductance, basal metabolic rate, minimal net heat production and the lower critical temperature difference were estimated from these measurements. Wet and dry minimal thermal conductance, evaporative water loss, core temperature, basal metabolic rate, and lower critical temperature difference were greater during the active phase than during the resting phase. The diurnal variation in wet minimal thermal conductance was much smaller than that predicted from published allometric equations. The diurnal variation in wet minimal thermal conductance was 9% of the 24-h mean. The diurnal variation in dry minimal thermal conductance was 26% of the 24-h mean. The higher active-phase core temperature and basal metabolic rate may function to enhance peak metabolic performance during the active phase. The lower resting phase metabolism and core temperature may reduce energetic costs. The greater active-phase lower critical temperature difference may be a result of the greater active-phase basal metabolic rate. Diurnal variation in minimal thermal conductance may be caused by changes in peripheral circulation.Abbreviations BMR basal metabolic rate - T difference between core and ambient temperatures - T 1c lower critical temperature difference - EWL evaporative water loss - MTC minimal thermal conductance - MR metabolic rate - Q ev evaporative heat loss - RQ respiratory quotient - T a ambient temperature - T c core temperature - T 1c lower critical temperature  相似文献   

Cape gannet Morus capensis chicks depend entirely on fish prey and metabolic water for water requirements during development. Water loss through evaporative cooling due to heat stress is substantial. We measured water flux and field metabolic rates (FMR) of Cape gannet chicks and adults to determine if gannets developed water saving strategies. The water economy index (WEI, g kJ?1) decreased with chick age according to the model WEI = 0.676 – 0.272 × log10(t), indicating that water efficiency increased with age. At fledging, the WEI of chicks was at the level expected of adult desert birds. Desert birds maintain a low WEI by also having a low FMR, whereas Cape gannet chicks have FMR comparable to other seabird species’ nestling requirements. We propose that maintaining low WEI is adaptive for Cape gannets because (1) chicks need to balance water loss through evaporative cooling, (2) fledglings need to overcome a period of up to a week when they cannot ingest any water and (3) adults spend extended periods in the breeding colony during which water can become a limiting factor. Understanding the physiological mechanism of maintaining low WEI will become increasingly important with future rising temperatures.  相似文献   

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