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R. Shine  P. Harlow 《Oecologia》1993,96(1):122-127
Gravid females of the viviparous scincid lizard Eulamprus heatwolei were maintained in the laboratory, with some females allowed to bask for 8 h/day and others for only 2 h/day. Maternal basking regimes influenced the gestation period, and significantly affected the body shapes, activity levels and running speeds of the offspring born to these females. Neonates from females with lesser basking opportunities were relatively short and fat, were very active, and were relatively fast runners. Effects of the embryos' thermal regime on the young lizards' morphology and running speed were still detectable two months after birth. Thus, much of the morphological and behavioral variation among neonatal reptiles may arise from phenotypically plastic responses to the thermal environments experienced during embryonic development, rather than from heritable genetic differences among individuals. Hence, selection on maternal thermoregulatory behavior may be an important avenue for adaptive modifications to neonatal phenotypes in reptiles.  相似文献   

In ectotherms, environmental temperature is the most prominent abiotic factor that modulates life-history traits. We explored the influence of environmental temperature on reproduction in the Madagascar ground gecko (Paroedura picta) by measuring reproductive traits of females at constant temperatures (24, 27, 30 °C). Females of this species lay clutches of one or two eggs within short intervals. For each female, we measured egg mass for the first five clutches. For one clutch, we also measured the energetic content of eggs via bomb calorimetry. Temperature positively influenced the rate of egg production, but females at 30 °C laid smaller eggs than did females at either 24 or 27 °C. Dry mass of eggs scaled allometrically with wet mass, but this relationship was similar among thermal treatments. Females at all temperatures produced eggs with similar energy densities. Females at 24 °C allocated less energy per time unit (≈8 mW) to reproduction than did females from higher temperatures (≈12 mW). However, females at either 24 or 27 °C allocated significantly more energy per egg than did females at 30 °C. Our results demonstrate that a complex thermal sensitivity of reproductive rate can emerge from distinct thermal sensitivities of egg size, egg composition and clutch frequency.  相似文献   

It is well established that animal guts are phenotypically plastic, adjusting inter-alia to diet quality. However, the relative contributions due to the two principal dimensions of diet “quality”—nutrient concentration and nutrient balance—remain to be teased apart. We report an experiment using synthetic foods in which the balance and overall concentration (in relation to indigestible cellulose) of protein and digestible carbohydrate were varied orthogonally, and the effects on the dry mass of locust guts measured. There were three principal results: (1) larger guts were associated with dilute compared with concentrated diets, suggesting a compensatory response to ameliorate the impact of reduced diet quality; (2) there was, by contrast, an anti-compensatory response to nutrient imbalance, where larger guts were associated with surplus protein intake; (3) the experimental group given the food that contained low protein and low cellulose, the composition that predicted the smallest guts, showed a bimodal response in which half of the insects had guts that were larger than expected for their cellulose intake, suggesting that they were able to respond to a protein-related cue in the absence of significant dietary fibre. We discuss these results in relation to regulatory theory.  相似文献   

入侵种喜旱莲子草对光照强度的表型可塑性反应   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对外来人侵种喜旱莲子草[Alternanthera philoxeroides(Mart.)Griseb.]在不同强度光照处理中的表型可塑性反应进行了研究。结果表明:在高光照(100%)、中等光照(60.4%)、低光照(35.4%)和弱光照(16.5%)条件下,随光照强度的降低,分枝强度、基株株长、茎节长度随之下降,总生物量及根、茎、叶生物量显著减少;中等光强度处理喜旱莲子草根冠比显著低于其他处理;弱光条件下喜旱莲子草生长迟缓,呈直立状。研究结果表明,光照强度是影响喜旱莲子草种群生存与维持、生长和成功入侵、扩散的重要因子,同时也说明光照强度较低的生态系统喜旱莲子草入侵成功的机会很小。  相似文献   

A 20-month recapture analysis of 1001 individually marked mesquite lizards (Sceloporus grammicus) suggests that variation in thermal quality across three altitudes influences survival probability. Each additional unit of deviation from the temperature selected by these lizards in previous laboratory experiments (i.e. decreased thermal quality) meant an increase of roughly 1.01% in survival probability. Survival probabilities ranged from 0.80 to 0.90 at the lowest elevation site (2600 m), from 0.76 to 0.87 at the middle elevation site (3100 m) and from 0.90 to 0.94 at the highest elevation site (4150 m). These results suggest that in poor thermal quality environments mesquite lizards may employ thermoregulatory strategies (behavioral, physiological and/or morphological) to decrease their metabolic expenditure and their exposure to predators, maximizing survival. These findings highlight the relevance of thermal quality of the habitat in determining survival probability of ectotherms.  相似文献   

Downes S  Hoefer AM 《Oecologia》2007,153(3):775-785
We examined how a weed affected the basking and activity of a diurnal lizard, and the potential cascading effects of these shifts for life history strategies and expression of morphology. Hatchlings of the diurnal lizard Lampropholis delicata were raised to maturity in outdoor enclosures that mimicked high, moderate and low invasion by a sprawling plant (blue periwinkle, Vinca major). Skinks depend on sunlight for growth and maintenance. Periwinkle differs from displaced grassland by being structurally complex and blocking sunlight. Lizards restricted to the enclosure floor achieved preferred body temperatures only when exposure to periwinkle was moderate or low. However, lizards in high invasion enclosures could reach preferred body temperatures by climbing plants and basking on exposed canopy. This shift in basking strategy resulted in lizards growing longer hind limbs compared with animals that rarely (moderate invasion) and never (low invasion) climbed plants. Consequently, lizards reared in high invasion enclosures sprinted faster than conspecifics reared in lower invasion environments. Throughout the study there was no significant variation among treatments in the tendency of animals to be moving when they were not hidden. However, lizards in high invasion treatments hid more often during the day, were lighter in body mass, and females had lighter clutch masses and offspring than did those from moderate and low invasion enclosures. Thus, microhabitat degradation can drive a cascade of changes to an animal’s ecology.  相似文献   

Life history plasticity is the developmental production of different phenotypes by similar genotypes in response to different environments. Plasticity is common in early post-embryonic or adult development. Later in the developmental stage, the transition from developmentally plastic to canalized (i.e., inflexible) phases is often associated with the attainment of a threshold level of storage. Thresholds are often described simply as total body mass or cumulative consumption of food. The physiological characteristics of thresholds, such as the contributions of the growth of particular organs or the production rate of proteins, are largely unstudied. To address the physiology underlying a threshold-induced developmental transition, total vitellogenin production in response to diet quality in the lubber grasshopper was studied. For individuals that differed in age or dietary protein, somatic mass, ovarian mass, fat body mass, mass-specific vitellogenin production, vitellogenin titer, and storage protein titer were measured. Age and diet strongly affected these parameters, with ovarian mass and fat body mass contributing most to the differences. During mid vitellogenesis, females were highly plastic in response to changing food quality. Only during late vitellogenesis were females unresponsive to changes in food quality. Fat body mass was a more important component of plasticity than was mass-specific vitellogenin production. Because these two variables together make up total vitellogenin production, the greater contribution of fat body mass than mass-specific vitellogenin production suggests that growth factors may be more important than tissue stimulators in producing developmental changes in total vitellogenin production. To our knowledge, this is the first study to demonstrate that mass gain of an organ is more important to developmental plasticity than is the output of that same organ.  相似文献   

Reproductive success is determined by a complex interplay between multiple sexual traits that promote mate acquisition and, following copulation, provide control over paternity. The intensity of sexual competition that individuals experience often fluctuates, and here we investigate how this influences the expression of reproductive traits and their relationships. We show in the fowl, Gallus gallus, that males of different social status, which experience different intensities of sexual competition, before and after copulation, have different reproductive phenotypes. Dominant males are more vigilant, feed less, and have larger sexual ornaments than subordinate males. Experimentally manipulating social status revealed that these differences were phenotypically plastic, indicating multiple sexual traits were dependent on the social environment. We integrated these data with previous published findings on changes in sperm numbers and velocity to show that relationships between traits were different for males when they were dominant and when they were subordinate. Furthermore, when males switched status a complex array of negative and positive correlations between the degree traits changed was observed. Our results suggest that variation in the intensity of sexual competition generates reversible plasticity in reproductive phenotypes and that relationships between sexual traits may be variable and influence the evolution of reproductive strategies.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of water constraints on yearling Lacerta vivipara, a widespread species of lizard inhabiting European peat bogs and heath land. We conducted a laboratory experiment to investigate plasticity of growth rate, activity level and preferred body temperature. We subjected individuals of two source habitats (dry vs humid) to two laboratory conditions of water supply resulting in different air relative humidity and water availability (high vs low). We observed that a low water supply induced a lower growth rate and lower activity level, suggesting that growth limitation is correlated with adaptive responses to avoid dehydration. However, individuals from the two habitats selected different body temperatures when restricted in water and showed different ratios between growth and activity. This suggests that there is population variability in phenotypic plasticity with respect to water availability in the habitat. Field observations conducted in six natural populations, classified into two groups (dry vs humid habitat) also suggest that growth rate in nature is constrained by water availability. Received: 8 June 1998 / Accepted: 16 November 1998  相似文献   

Recently, a general model based on scaling of metabolic rate and reaction kinetics that predicts dependence of various biological rates on temperature and body size has been proposed as a core of the “Metabolic Theory of Ecology” (MTE). However, its thermal component has been rarely explicitly tested and its usefulness for prediction of thermal effect on key life-history traits such as reproductive rate and hence fitness is still questionable. Here, we tested its applicability to temperature-dependent rate of clutch production in a tropical gecko. The thermal effects on reproductive rates in reptiles are only poorly known and difficult to estimate, because most species lay clutches largely infrequently. Females of the Madagascar ground gecko (Paroedura picta) lay clutches in unusually short intervals, which allowed us to use this species as a model for estimation of dependence of rate of clutch production on temperature. We kept adult females at three constant temperatures (24, 27, 30 °C) and recorded their reproductive characteristics. Increasing temperature positively influences rate of clutch production, but in a manner not predicted by a simple model of reaction kinetics. The results in P. picta suggest that predictions of fitness consequences of shifts in thermal environment can be more complicated than expected under the general relationship of the MTE.  相似文献   

The study of developmental sequences of physiological traits could be an important way of placing comparative developmental physiology (CDP) within the research agenda being forged by work on developmental plasticity. Here we focus on the concept of heterokairy defined by Spicer & Burggren in 2003 as changes in the timing of physiological development in an individual. The role of this concept in the future of the CDP is discussed. First we provide an historical perspective of the ideas that have led to the investigation of sequences in CDP. This is followed by a re-examination and clarification of the definition of physiological heterokairy before empirical case studies that (explicitly or implicitly) demonstrate physiological heterokairy are reviewed. We suggest that physiological heterokairy can be demonstrated through a wide range of invertebrate and vertebrate examples. However, care must be taken when inferring that heterokairy as a pattern is always the result of heterokairic processes as there is evidence that physiological heterokairy could result from the altered timing of both homologous or analogous physiological mechanisms. We conclude by discussing the potential link between heterokairy and heterochrony and suggest that the investigation of this link should be a major goal for workers in both CDP and developmental plasticity.  相似文献   

Hatchling Sceloporus undulatus elongatus from Washington Co., Utah and S. u. garmani from Woods Co., Oklahoma were raised to maturity and reproduction under identical laboratory conditions with ad libitum food availability. Growth, allometry, age and size of maturity, clutch size and egg mass were compared among lab-raised cohorts from the two populations, among lab-raised and field-caught animals (including their field-caught mothers) and, for growth, with values obtained by previously published field studies on the same or nearby populations. For all traits population differences observed in previous field studies and current field samples resulted from both a plastic response to proximate environmental conditions and intrinsic (possibly genetic) difference. The most plastic traits were growth and age of maturity. Cohorts from both populations expressed the ability to mature in less than 6 months in the laboratory but only the S.u. garmani express early maturity in the field. Allometric differences generated during growth in the lab were not observed in field samples but may reflect an adaptive physiological difference. The least plastic trait was egg mass. The only trait for which the rank order of the difference in the field was reversed in the lab was growth rate. S.u. elongatus grew significantly faster than S.u. garmani in the lab but much slower in the field. The tendency of S.u. garmani females to breed at minimum size of maturity may be greater than that of S.u. elongatus.  相似文献   

The univariate and multivariate study of variation for phenotypic plasticity is central to providing a clear understanding of hypotheses about the genetic control and evolution of reaction norms in natural populations. Arabidopsis thaliana is an ideal organism for the study of Genotype × Environment interactions (i.e., genetic variation for plasticity), because of the ease with which it can be grown in large numbers and due to the amount of information already available on its genetics, physiology and developmental biology. In this paper, we report on the plasticity, genetic variation and G × E interactions of four populations of A. thaliana in response to three environmental gradients (water, light and nutrients), each characterized by four levels of the controlled parameter. We measured nine traits and obtained their reaction norms. Path analysis was used to study the plasticity of character correlations. We found a tendency for A. thaliana reaction norms to be linear (either flat, i.e. no plasticity, or with a significant slope), in accordance with previous studies. We detected substantial amounts of genetic variation for plasticity in the light and nutrient gradients, but not in the water gradient. Dramatic restructuring of character correlations was induced by changes in environmental conditions, although some paths tended to be stable irrespective of the environment, thereby suggesting some degree of canalization.  相似文献   

According to the “barrel model”, an organism may be represented by a container, with input energy constraints (foraging, digestion, and absorption) symbolized by funnels connected in tandem, and energy outputs (maintenance, growth, and reproduction) symbolized by a series of spouts arranged in parallel. Animals can respond to changes in environmental conditions, through adjustments in the size of the funnels, the fluid stored inside the barrel, or the output flow through the spouts. In the present study, we investigate the interplay among these processes through the analysis of seasonal changes in organ size and metabolic rate in a lizard species (Liolaemus bellii) that inhabits extremely seasonal environments in the Andes range. We found that digestive organ size showed the greatest values during spring and summer, that is, during the foraging seasons. Energy reserves were larger during summer and autumn, and then decreased through winter and spring, which was correlated with overwintering maintenance and reproductive costs. Standard metabolic rate was greater during the high-activity seasons (spring and summer), but this increase was only noticeable at higher environmental temperatures. The ability of many lizard species to reduce their maintenance cost during the cold months of the year, beyond what is expected from temperature decrease, is probably related to their success in coping with highly fluctuating environments. Here, we demonstrate that this ability is correlated with high physiological flexibility, which allows animals to adjust energy acquisition, storing and expenditure processes according to current environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Fish body shape is affected by the genetic makeup of an individual as well as environmental influences, such as diet, development, growth rate and nutrition. Fishes in the family Cichlidae exhibit tremendous morphological diversity in body shape and morphology related to feeding. Certain aspects of cichlid feeding morphology have been shown to be plastic in response to different diets but plasticity in body shape has not been examined previously. Plasticity affects ecological interactions, the direction and rate of evolution, and has ramifications for characters used in systematic studies. I examined the effect of different diets: chironomid larvae (bloodworms) and brine shrimp nauplii, on body shape in two species of the Neotropical cichlid genus Geophagus which differ in the size at which young begin feeding on external food sources. The fry of G. brasiliensis , a substrate spawner, begin to feed on external food sources earlier than the fry of G. steindachneri , a mouthbrooder. I hypothesized that the difference in size at first feeding could lead to a difference in the amount of plasticity inducible in the two species. The magnitudes of changes were mostly similar, although G. brasiliensis responded to the different diets with slightly greater changes in some of the head measurements. The pattern of changes in the two species were also similar, with fish fed ferine shrimp nauplii developing longer and shallower heads and shallower bodies and tails than fish fed chironomid larvae. I also examined the consequences of considering family and age as additional factors besides diet in G. steindachneri. Considering family or age as additional factors in the analyses did not change the conclusion that different diets induce differences, albeit small ones, in body shape. I argue that morphological plasticity is dependent on behavioural flexibility and that it may enhance evolutionary morphological diversification.  相似文献   

Plants from a sun and shade population were grown in two environments differing in the ratio of red to far-red light (R/FR ratio). A low R/FR ratio, simulating vegetation shade, promoted the formation of long, upright-growing leaves and allocation towards shoot growth, whereas a high R/FR ratio had the opposite effects. The increase in plant height under the low R/FR ratio was accompanied by a reduction in the number of leaves. Population differences in growth form resembled the differences between plants grown in different light environments: plants from the shade population had rosettes with long erect leaves, whereas plants from the sun population formed prostrate rosettes with short leaves. Plants from the shade population were more responsive to the R/FR ratio than plants from the sun population: the increases in leaf length, plant height, and leaf area ratio under a low R/FR ratio were larger in the shade population. However, differences in plasticity were small compared to the population difference in growth form itself. We argue that plants do not respond optimally to shading and that developmental constraints might have limited the evolution of an optimal response. Received: 8 December 1996 / Accepted: 31 March 1997  相似文献   

1. Past work on the thermal preferences of Dipsosaurus dorsalis (Biard & Giard) has indicated that intense, exhaustive exercise causes these lizards to select a body temperature (33·5 °C) which is cooler than their preferred activity temperature of 40°C during the first 1–2 h of exercise recovery.
2. In order to test the hypothesis that the thermal regime selected by exhausted D. dorsalis is beneficial to the process of exercise recovery, lizards were forced to undergo both exhaustive and sprinting exercise at their preferred body temperature of 40°C. The peak speeds attained and the total distances travelled by these animals during these two different exercise protocols were measured and the animals were then forced to undergo a second bout of either sprinting or exhaustive exercise, following a 30–330 min recovery at either 20°C, 40°C or under a variable thermal regime which duplicated that selected by animals following exercise.
3. Animals recovering at a constant 40°C regained their ability to repeat exhaustive activity in less than 85 min, while animals recovering under the other two thermal regimes required between 85 and 100 min of recovery to be able to repeat this activity. Animals recovering at both 40°C and under the variable thermal regime regained their ability to repeat sprint behaviour within 60 min of recovery, while animals recovering at 20°C required more than 100 min of recovery to be able to repeat sprint behaviour.
4. These results formed the basis of the conclusion that the post-exercise behaviour selected by D. dorsalis retards the rate at which the animals recover their ability to repeat exhaustive exercise when compared with recovery at a constant 40°C but does not retard their ability to repeat sprint exercise.  相似文献   

Weakly electric gymnotiform fish specialize in the regulation and modulation of the action potentials that make up their multi-purpose electric signals. To produce communication signals, gymnotiform fish modulate the waveforms of their electric organ discharges (EODs) over timescales spanning ten orders of magnitude within the animal’s life cycle: developmental, reproductive, circadian, and behavioral. Rapid changes lasting milliseconds to seconds are the result of direct neural control of action potential firing in the electric organ. Intermediate-term changes taking minutes to hours result from the action of melanocortin peptides, the pituitary hormones that induce skin darkening and cortisol release in many vertebrates. Long-term changes in the EOD waveform taking days to weeks result from the action of sex steroids on the electrocytes in the electric organ as well as changes in the neural control structures in the brain. These long-term changes in the electric organ seem to be associated with changes in the expression of voltage-gated ion channels in two gene families. Electric organs express multiple voltage-gated sodium channel genes, at least one of which seems to be regulated by androgens. Electric organs also express multiple subunits of the shaker (Kv1) family of voltage-gated potassium channels. Expression of the Kv1 subtype has been found to vary with the duration of the waveform in the electric signal. Our increasing understanding of the mechanisms underlying precise control of electric communication signals may yield significant insights into the diversity of natural mechanisms available for modifying the performance of ion channels in excitable membranes. These mechanisms may lead to better understanding of normal function in a wide range of physiological systems and future application in treatment of disease states involving pathology of excitable membranes.  相似文献   

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