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Evaluating HER2 gene amplification is an essential component of therapeutic decision-making for advanced or metastatic gastric cancer. A simple method that is applicable to small, formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded biopsy specimens is desirable as an adjunct to or as a substitute for currently used HER2 immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization protocols. In this study, we developed a microfluidics-based digital PCR method for determining HER2 and chromosome 17 centromere (CEP17) copy numbers and estimating tumor content ratio (TCR). The HER2/CEP17 ratio is determined by three variables—TCR and absolute copy numbers of HER2 and CEP17—by examining tumor cells; only the ratio of the latter two can be obtained by digital PCR using the whole specimen without purifying tumor cells. TCR was determined by semi-automatic image analysis. We developed a Tumor Content chart, which is a plane of rectangular coordinates consisting of HER2/CEP17 digital PCR data and TCR that delineates amplified, non-amplified, and equivocal areas. By applying this method, 44 clinical gastric cancer biopsy samples were classified as amplified (n = 13), non-amplified (n = 25), or equivocal (n = 6). By comparison, 11 samples were positive, 11 were negative, and 22 were equivocally immunohistochemistry. Thus, our novel method reduced the number of equivocal samples from 22 to 6, thereby obviating the need for confirmation by fluorescence or dual-probe in situ hybridization to < 30% of cases. Tumor content chart-assisted digital PCR analysis is also applicable to multiple sites in surgically resected tissues. These results indicate that this analysis is a useful alternative to HER2 immunohistochemistry in gastric cancers that can serve as a basis for the automated evaluation of HER2 status.  相似文献   

As DNA sequencing technology has markedly advanced in recent years2, it has become increasingly evident that the amount of genetic variation between any two individuals is greater than previously thought3. In contrast, array-based genotyping has failed to identify a significant contribution of common sequence variants to the phenotypic variability of common disease4,5. Taken together, these observations have led to the evolution of the Common Disease / Rare Variant hypothesis suggesting that the majority of the "missing heritability" in common and complex phenotypes is instead due to an individual''s personal profile of rare or private DNA variants6-8. However, characterizing how rare variation impacts complex phenotypes requires the analysis of many affected individuals at many genomic loci, and is ideally compared to a similar survey in an unaffected cohort. Despite the sequencing power offered by today''s platforms, a population-based survey of many genomic loci and the subsequent computational analysis required remains prohibitive for many investigators.To address this need, we have developed a pooled sequencing approach1,9 and a novel software package1 for highly accurate rare variant detection from the resulting data. The ability to pool genomes from entire populations of affected individuals and survey the degree of genetic variation at multiple targeted regions in a single sequencing library provides excellent cost and time savings to traditional single-sample sequencing methodology. With a mean sequencing coverage per allele of 25-fold, our custom algorithm, SPLINTER, uses an internal variant calling control strategy to call insertions, deletions and substitutions up to four base pairs in length with high sensitivity and specificity from pools of up to 1 mutant allele in 500 individuals. Here we describe the method for preparing the pooled sequencing library followed by step-by-step instructions on how to use the SPLINTER package for pooled sequencing analysis (http://www.ibridgenetwork.org/wustl/splinter). We show a comparison between pooled sequencing of 947 individuals, all of whom also underwent genome-wide array, at over 20kb of sequencing per person. Concordance between genotyping of tagged and novel variants called in the pooled sample were excellent. This method can be easily scaled up to any number of genomic loci and any number of individuals. By incorporating the internal positive and negative amplicon controls at ratios that mimic the population under study, the algorithm can be calibrated for optimal performance. This strategy can also be modified for use with hybridization capture or individual-specific barcodes and can be applied to the sequencing of naturally heterogeneous samples, such as tumor DNA.  相似文献   



HER2/Neu (ErbB-2) overexpression, which occurs in 15–20% of breast cancer cases, is associated with better response to treatment with the drug trastuzumab. PhosphoHER2 (pHER2) has been evaluated for prediction of response to trastuzumab. Both markers are heterogeneously detected and are potentially subject to loss as a consequence of delayed time to fixation. Here, we quantitatively assess both markers in core needle biopsies (CNBs) and matched tumor resections to assess concordance between the core and the resection and between HER2 and pHER2.


A selected retrospective collection of archival breast cancer cases yielded 67 cases with both core and resection specimens. Both HER2 and pTyr1248HER2 were analyzed by the AQUA® method of quantitative immunofluorescence on each specimen pair.


Both HER2 immunoreactivity (P<0.0001) and pTyr1248HER2 immunoreactivity (P<0.0001) were lower in resections relative to CNB specimens. However, clinical implications of this change may not be evident since no case changed from 3+ (CNB) to negative (resection). Assessment of pTyr1248HER2 showed no direct correlation with HER2 in either CNB or resection specimens.


The data suggest that measurement of both HER2 and phospho- Tyr1248HER2, in formalin-fixed tissue by immunological methods is significantly affected by pre-analytic variables. The current study warrants the adequate handling of resected specimens for the reproducible evaluation of HER2 and pHER2. The level of pTyr1248HER2, was not correlated to total HER2 protein. Further studies are required to determine the significance of these observations with respect to response to HER2 directed therapies.  相似文献   

Pooled Genomic Indexing (PGI) is a novel method for physical mapping of clones onto known sequences. PGI is carried out by pooling arrayed clones and generating shotgun sequence reads from the pools. The shotgun sequences are compared to a reference sequence. In the simplest case, clones are placed on an array and are pooled by rows and columns. If a shotgun sequence from a row pool and another shotgun sequence from a column pool match the reference sequence at a close distance, they are both assigned to the clone at the intersection of the two pools. Accordingly, the clone is mapped onto the region of the reference sequence between the two matches. A probabilistic model for PGI is developed, and several pooling designs are described and analyzed, including transversal designs and designs from linear codes. The probabilistic model and the pooling schemes are validated in simulated experiments where 625 rat bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones and 207 mouse BAC clones are mapped onto homologous human sequence.  相似文献   

Biobanks of human biospecimens involving tissue taken from surgery require close relationships with diagnostic pathology practices. As most of the tissue will be analysed using genetic or genomic technologies there is the possibility that new information is created that could be of relevance to the donors. Although attention has been recently focused on the responsibilities that may arise from researchers and biobanks in terms of giving back individual genetic research results (IGRRs) to research participants, little has been said in relation to the role of pathology services. In this Commentary, we summarise the issues with respect to pathology services and what guidelines and professional practice documents say about their responsibilities. We also provide points to consider in the development of an ethically defensible plan for giving back individual research results.  相似文献   

Unlocking the vast genomic diversity stored in natural history collections would create unprecedented opportunities for genome-scale evolutionary, phylogenetic, domestication and population genomic studies. Many researchers have been discouraged from using historical specimens in molecular studies because of both generally limited success of DNA extraction and the challenges associated with PCR-amplifying highly degraded DNA. In today''s next-generation sequencing (NGS) world, opportunities and prospects for historical DNA have changed dramatically, as most NGS methods are actually designed for taking short fragmented DNA molecules as templates. Here we show that using a standard multiplex and paired-end Illumina sequencing approach, genome-scale sequence data can be generated reliably from dry-preserved plant, fungal and insect specimens collected up to 115 years ago, and with minimal destructive sampling. Using a reference-based assembly approach, we were able to produce the entire nuclear genome of a 43-year-old Arabidopsis thaliana (Brassicaceae) herbarium specimen with high and uniform sequence coverage. Nuclear genome sequences of three fungal specimens of 22–82 years of age (Agaricus bisporus, Laccaria bicolor, Pleurotus ostreatus) were generated with 81.4–97.9% exome coverage. Complete organellar genome sequences were assembled for all specimens. Using de novo assembly we retrieved between 16.2–71.0% of coding sequence regions, and hence remain somewhat cautious about prospects for de novo genome assembly from historical specimens. Non-target sequence contaminations were observed in 2 of our insect museum specimens. We anticipate that future museum genomics projects will perhaps not generate entire genome sequences in all cases (our specimens contained relatively small and low-complexity genomes), but at least generating vital comparative genomic data for testing (phylo)genetic, demographic and genetic hypotheses, that become increasingly more horizontal. Furthermore, NGS of historical DNA enables recovering crucial genetic information from old type specimens that to date have remained mostly unutilized and, thus, opens up a new frontier for taxonomic research as well.  相似文献   

以95%酒精保存的黄鳝(M onopterus albus)和斑鳢(Channa maculates)标本为材料,采用先沉降DNA再去除杂质的方法从鱼类标本中提取基因组DNA。基因组DNA的琼脂糖凝胶电泳和紫外分光光度法检测以及PCR扩增结果显示,本方法提取的鱼类基因组DNA的电泳主带清晰明亮;A260/A280值在1.7830-2.0144之间;PCR扩增产物条带清晰明亮,且单一整齐没有拖带,表明本方法可从酒精保存的鱼类标本中提取比较纯净的DNA,能够满足一般分子生物学试验需要。与传统苯酚/氯仿法相比,本方法操作简单快速,避免了苯酚等物质对后续实验的影响,可作为一种常规动物组织DNA提取方法。  相似文献   

New biomarkers are frequently being developed in laboratory settings for the early diagnosis of diseases. However, the assay can be so expensive to assess in some cases that the evaluation of a large number of assays becomes unfeasible. Under this setting pooling biospecimens becomes an appealing alternative. In this paper, we present the methodology to allow for general pooling strategies and different data structures, which include balanced and unbalanced pooling cases. An estimate of the area under the ROC curve of a single biomarker with its asymptotic mean and variance is provided. Furthermore, we develop a test statistic for comparing the areas under the ROC curves of two biomarkers. The methods are illustrated with data from a study evaluating biomarkers for coronary heart disease.  相似文献   

Characterization of Pseudomonas Species Isolated from Clinical Specimens   总被引:22,自引:10,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
More than 90 morphological and physiological characters of 227 strains of pseudomonads isolated from clinical specimens and 16 reference strains are described. The clinical isolates included P. aeruginosa (apyocyanogenic), P. fluorescens, P. putida, P. pseudomallei, P. cepacia, P. acidovorans, P. alcaligenes, P. pseudoalcaligenes, P. stutzeri, P. putrefaciens, P. maltophilia, and P. diminuta.  相似文献   

The Gram-negative bacterium Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae is the etiologic agent of porcine contagious pleuropneumoniae, a lethal respiratory infectious disease causing great economic losses in the swine industry worldwide. In order to better interpret the genetic background of serotypic diversity, nine genomes of A. pleuropneumoniae reference strains of serovars 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13 were sequenced by using rapid high-throughput approach. Based on 12 genomes of corresponding serovar reference strains including three publicly available complete genomes (serovars 3, 5b, and 7) of this bacterium, we performed a comprehensive analysis of comparative genomics and first reported a global genomic characterization for this pathogen. Clustering of 26,012 predicted protein-coding genes showed that the pan genome of A. pleuropneumoniae consists of 3,303 gene clusters, which contain 1,709 core genome genes, 822 distributed genes, and 772 strain-specific genes. The genome components involved in the biogenesis of capsular polysaccharide and lipopolysaccharide O antigen relative to serovar diversity were compared, and their genetic diversity was depicted. Our findings shed more light on genomic features associated with serovar diversity of A. pleuropneumoniae and provide broader insight into both pathogenesis research and clinical/epidemiological application against the severe disease caused by this swine pathogen.Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, a Gram-negative facultative anaerobic encapsulated coccobacillus, belongs to the Actinobacillus genus of the Pasteurellaceae family (19). A. pleuropneumoniae is a primary bacterial etiologic agent of porcine contagious pleuropneumonia, a severe respiratory disease leading to great economic losses to the global swine industry (7). The cases usually display pleuropneumonia and pulmonary lesions characterized by serious hemorrhage and necrosis. To date, several factors involved in the virulence of A. pleuropneumoniae have been described, including Apx exotoxins, capsular polysaccharides (CPS), lipopolysaccharides (LPS), outer membrane proteins, iron-acquisition proteins and adhesin factors (11, 19, 24). However, the genetic differences of pathogenesis remain poorly characterized and are worth interpreting from the perspective of comparative genomics for this bacterium.Thus far, 15 serovars and two biotypes of A. pleuropneumoniae have been recognized, with great variations in virulence and interlocal distributions (6). The predominant serovar-specific antigens are composed of CPS, which could rigorously define serovars of A. pleuropneumoniae (6, 34). Antigenic differences in the LPS can further determine A. pleuropneumoniae subtypes within a same capsular serovar (13). The metabolic and virulent characteristics of this pathogen have been systematically described based on the prior knowledge and two complete genomes (18, 47), but the molecular basis and evolutionary mechanism of serotypic diversity are still not well explained due to the lack of sequence information. To investigate the associations of serovar diversity with the underlying genetic components, more serovar-related genomic islands involved in the biosynthesis of capsular and lipopolysaccharide antigens should be decoded at the pan-genome level of A. pleuropneumoniae. At present, through the next-generation of sequencing technique (454 GS FLX pyrosequencing platform), more and more bacterial species, subspecies or typical strains have been quickly sequenced, such as eight species in the Yersinia genus (9), 17 strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae (22), and 5 strains from different Francisella tularensis subspecies (8). Multiple genome sequences from different strains of a single species can offer comprehensive information to explore the relationship between genotypes and phenotypes and to further discover additional genetic markers for clinical purpose.In the present study, we sequenced the A. pleuropneumoniae genomes of nine reference strains of serovars 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13. Together with three public complete genome sequences of A. pleuropneumoniae serovars 3, 5b, and 7, the analysis of comparative genomics was performed to report a global genomic characterization of this pathogenic bacterium. The acquisition and loss of genome compositions that contribute to virulence and serovar diversity were identified. The genetic loci involved in the biogenesis of capsule and O-specific polysaccharide were compared, and their vital roles in serotypic diversity were investigated.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2014,6(5):844-854
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Intrinsic protein phosphorylation was studied in synaptosomal membrane fragments made from cerebral cortex tissue taken from the following species: human (biopsy specimens), ox, rat, rabbit, guinea pig and mouse. Membrane fragments from all species exhibited a qualitatively similar range of protein acceptors phosphorylated by cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase activity; contrary to a previous report, no evidence for cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase activity was found in the human material. With the exception of membrane fragments prepared from ox brain, all the preparations exhibited the same range of Ca2+-dependent protein kinase activity. Ox brain obtained from a slaughterhouse yielded membranes containing no Ca2+-dependent protein kinase activity, but this may have been due to unavoidable postmortem losses.  相似文献   

冠状病毒是一种可以引起人呼吸系统、消化系统等疾病的病原体。目前,对冠状病毒的了解还不够深入,尚不清楚新型冠状病毒(SARS-CoV-2)与其他人冠状病毒在生物学特点和感染机制、流行病学与临床特点等方面的异同,通过概括包括SARS-CoV-2在内的几种冠状病毒的特点,并分析SARS-CoV-2在特殊人群中的易感性及预后等特点,为临床研究和鉴别诊断提供参考和依据。  相似文献   

冠状病毒是一种可以引起人呼吸系统、消化系统等疾病的病原体。目前,对冠状病毒的了解还不够深入,尚不清楚新型冠状病毒(SARS-CoV-2)与其他人冠状病毒在生物学特点和感染机制、流行病学与临床特点等方面的异同,通过概括包括SARS-CoV-2在内的几种冠状病毒的特点,并分析SARS-CoV-2在特殊人群中的易感性及预后等特点,为临床研究和鉴别诊断提供参考和依据。  相似文献   

Kingella kingae is a betaproteobacterium from the order Neisseriales, and it is an agent of invasive infections in children. We sequenced the genome from the septic arthritis strain 11220434. It is composed of a 1,990,794-bp chromosome but no plasmid, and it contains 2,042 protein-coding genes and 52 RNA genes, including 3 rRNA genes.  相似文献   

黄唇鱼(Bahaba flavolabiata)为国家二级重点保护野生动物、IUCN(世界自然保护联盟)红色名录的极度濒危物种(CR)。基于其样本数量极其有限,全基因组研究可以提供大量与重要性状相关的功能基因和分子标记,从而揭示其重要生命现象的遗传机制。采用二代测序技术于2018年5月完成了黄唇鱼基因组精细图的测序,分析结果表明,测序得到约202 Gb的高质量数据,总测序深度约为317×;组装得到的基因组大小为637.43 Mb,Contig N50约为88 Kb,Scaffold N50约为4.65 Mb;重复序列约142.72 Mb,占比22.39%,预测得到23743个基因、920个t RNA、85个rRNA、176个假基因;98.46%的基因可以注释到NR、GO等数据库中;有67个基因家族是黄唇鱼所特有的。本研究从单碱基错误率、核心基因完整性及二代Reads比对分析3个方面对黄唇鱼基因组精细图的组装结果进行了评估,结果显示所组装的基因区的完整性较好。黄唇鱼基因组序列图谱的绘制完成,对于黄唇鱼自然资源的保护和种质资源挖掘具有极其重要的科学意义。  相似文献   

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