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This study assesses the impact of a changing climate on fish fauna by comparing the past mean state of fish assemblage to a possible future mean state. It is based on (1) local scale observations along an Inner-Alpine river called Mur, (2) an IPCC emission scenario (IS92a), implemented by atmosphere-ocean global circulation model (AOGCM) ECHAM4/OPYC3, and (3) a model-chain that links climate research to hydrobiology. The Mur River is still in a near-natural condition and water temperature in summer is the most important aquatic ecological constraint for fish distribution. The methodological strategy is (1) to use downscaled air temperature and precipitation scenarios for the first half of the twenty-first century, (2) to establish a model that simulates water temperature by means of air temperature and flow rate in order to generate water temperature scenarios, and (3) to evaluate the impact on fish communities using an ecological model that is driven by water temperature. This methodology links the response of fish fauna to an IPCC emission scenario and is to our knowledge an unprecedented approach. The downscaled IS92a scenarios show increased mean air temperatures during the whole year and increased precipitation totals during summer, but reduced totals for the rest of the annual cycle. These changes result in scenarios of increased water temperatures, an altered annual cycle of flow rate, and, in turn, a 70 m displacement in elevation of fish communities towards the river’s head. This would enhance stress on species that rely on low water temperatures and coerce cyprinid species into advancing against retreating salmonids. Hyporhithral river sectors would turn into epipotamal sectors. Grayling (Thymallus thymallus) and Danube salmon (Hucho hucho), presently characteristic for the Mur River, would be superceded by other species. Native brown trout (Salmo trutta), already now under pressure of competition, may be at risk of losing its habitat in favour of invaders like the exotic rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), which are better adapted to higher water temperatures. Projected changes in fish communities suggest an adverse influence on salmonid sport fishing and a loss in its high economic value.  相似文献   

Ocean warming and acidification are general consequences of rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations. In addition to future predictions, highly productive systems such as the Humboldt Current System are characterized by important variations in both temperature and pCO2 level, but how these physical–chemical ocean changes might influence the transmission and survival of parasites has not been assessed. This study experimentally evaluated the effects of temperature (14, 18 and 25 °C) and the combined effects of temperature (∼15 and 20 °C) and pCO2 level (∼500 and 1400 microatmospheres (µatm) on the emergence and survival of two species of marine trematodes—Echinostomatidae gen. sp. and Philophthalmidae gen. sp.—both of which infect the intertidal snail Echinolittorina peruviana. Snails were collected from intertidal rocky pools in a year-round upwelling area of the northern Humboldt Current System (23°S). Two experiments assessed parasite emergence and survival by simulating emersion-immersion tidal cycles. To assess parasite survival, 2 h old cercariae (on average) were taken from a pool of infected snails incubated at 20–25 °C, and their mortality was recorded every 6 h until all the cercariae were dead. For both species, a trade-off between high emergence and low survival of cercariae was observed in the high temperature treatment. Species-specific responses to the combination of temperature and pCO2 levels were also observed: the emergence of Echinostomatidae cercariae was highest at 20 °C regardless of the pCO2 levels. By contrast, the emergence of Philophthalmidae cercariae was highest at elevated pCO2 (15 and 20 °C), suggesting that CO2 may react synergistically with temperature, increasing transmission success of this parasite in coastal ecosystems of the Humboldt Current System where water temperature and pH are expected to decrease. In conclusion, our results suggest that integrating temperature-pCO2 interactions in parasite studies is essential for understanding the consequence of climate change in future marine ecosystem health.  相似文献   

The fish species Notothenia angustata inhabits temperate waters (10 °C), yet retains physiological traits that show it once existed at sub-zero temperatures. We determined the free-ranging activity, heart rate and metabolism of N. angustata and compared it with Notothenia coriiceps, an ecologically and morphologically congeneric cousin that still inhabits sub-zero waters. Firstly, the association between heart rate (fH) and oxygen consumption (MO2) was first determined in the laboratory. The fish were then released into their respective environments and fH recorded by a miniature archival electronic tag, from which the metabolic rate of the free-ranging fish was extrapolated. Free-ranging activity of wild fish was monitored throughout the study using implanted acoustic tags and a static hydrophone array. Results showed that the difference in standard metabolic rate (SMR) between N. angustata and N. coriiceps fitted the Arrhenius model for inter-species thermal sensitivity in fish (Q10 = 1.76). However, the inter-species disparity in total metabolic rate (TMR) was far greater. This was attributable to N. angustata swimming at higher speeds and covering a 5-fold greater area over 24 h compared with N. coriiceps. As a result, activity (and associated feeding) comprised a far larger portion of TMR in N. angustata (27.9%) than for N. coriiceps (5.7%). We conclude that the increased time spent swimming by N. angustata was presumably to forage for food to acquire sufficient energy to fuel its elevated SMR. This resulted in a much greater inter-species difference in TMR than may be predicted by the disparity in environmental temperature.  相似文献   

The life history of the long‐snouted seahorse Hippocampus guttulatus was characterized using mark‐recapture data collected within a focal study site and catch data from 53 additional sites in the Ria Formosa coastal lagoon, southern Portugal. Population structure in benthic habitats was characterized by high local densities (0·3–1·5 m?2), equal sex ratios and few juveniles <70 mm. Adult H. guttulatus maintained small (19·9 ± 12·4 m2), strongly overlapping home ranges during multiple reproductive seasons. Recruited (benthic) juveniles exhibited significantly lower site fidelity than adults. A Ford‐Walford plot of standard length (LS) at time t against LS measured during the previous year from tagged juveniles and adults led to estimates of the von Bertalanffy parameters K = 0·571 and L = 197·6 mm. The growth rate of planktonic juveniles (inferred from previous studies), was greater than predicted by the von Bertalanffy model, providing evidence of an ontogenetic shift in growth trajectory. The instantaneous rate of natural mortality, M, ranged from 1·13 to 1·22 year?1(annual survival rate = 29·4–32·2%). Sexes did not differ in movement, growth or survival patterns. On average, H. guttulatus measured 12·2 ± 0·8 mm at birth. Planktonic juveniles recruited to vegetated habitat at 96·0 ± 8·0 mm (0·25 years), had mature brood pouches (males only) at 109·4 mm (0·49 years), began maintaining home ranges and reproducing at 125–129 mm (0·85–0·94 years), and lived for 4·3–5·5 years. Early age at maturity, rapid growth rates, and short generation times suggested that H. guttulatus may recover rapidly when direct (e.g. exploitation) and indirect (e.g. by‐catch and habitat damage) effects of disturbance cease, but may be vulnerable to extended periods of poor recruitment.  相似文献   

Esa Koskela 《Oecologia》1998,115(3):379-384
To estimate the optimality of brood size, it is essential to study the effects of brood size manipulation on offspring survival and reproductive success. Moreover, testing the generality of the hypothesis of reproductive costs requires experimental data from a diversity of organisms. Here I present data on the growth, survival and reproductive success of bank vole Clethrionomys glareolus individuals from manipulated litters. Furthermore, the survival of mothers whose litter size was manipulated was studied. At weaning, the mean weight of pups from enlarged litters was lower and from reduced litters higher compared to control litters. After winter, at the start of the breeding season, individuals from enlarged litters, especially males, were still lighter than individuals from the other two treatments. Litter enlargements did not increase the number of reproducing female offspring per mother, nor did the litter sizes of female offspring differ between treatments. There were no differences between treatments in winter survival of offspring after weaning, but among female offspring, weaning weight explained the survival probabilities over winter. A higher weight of females at winter determined the probability of starting to reproduce in spring. The survival of mothers did not seem to be influenced by litter manipulation performed the previous year. According to the results, mothers nursing enlarged or reduced litters do not gain any fitness benefits in terms of number of offspring surviving to breeding. The results are consistent with the majority of experiments conducted in birds, which have found costs of enlarged brood appearing as offspring trade-offs rather than parent trade-offs. Received: 14 December 1997 / Accepted: 1 March 1998  相似文献   

Population density is an ecological variable that is hypothesized to be a major agent of selection on offspring size. In high-density populations, high levels of intraspecific competition are expected to favor the production of larger offspring. In contrast, lower levels of intraspecific competition and selection for large offspring should be weaker and more easily overridden by direct selection for increased fecundity in low-density populations. Some studies have found associations between population density and offspring size consistent with this hypothesis. However, their interpretations are often clouded by a number of issues. Here, we use data from a 10-year study of nine populations of the least killifish, Heterandria formosa, to describe the associations of offspring size with habitat type, population density, and predation risk. We found that females from spring populations generally produced larger offspring than females from ponds; however, the magnitude of this difference varied among years. Across all populations, larger offspring were associated with higher densities and lower risks of predation. Interestingly, the associations between the two ecological variables (density and predation risk) and offspring size were largely independent of one another. Our results suggest that previously described genetic differences in offspring size are due to density-dependent natural selection.  相似文献   

There is little extant empirical literature examining the associations between life history strategies and symptoms of psychopathology. The current study (N = 138) investigated the associations between life history strategies, symptoms of psychopathology, aggression, incidence of self-harm behaviour, and attachment (perceived parental support) in sample drawn from the general population and community mental health service providers. The results from the study indicate those with a faster life strategy report greater levels of aggression and symptoms of psychopathology. Further, perceptions of poorer parental support were associated with a faster life history strategy. Implications for life history theory, conceptualising psychopathology, and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

Argulus coregoni is an ectoparasite primarily infesting freshwater salmonids. Sexually reproducing parasites such as A. coregoni are confronted with a dilemma between finding a mate and the costs involved in doing so; if mating partners are unavailable on a host, by leaving to search for a mate on a new host, the parasite is exposed to risks such as predation and energy loss. The utilization of chemical cues could enhance the probability of finding a host and/or a suitable mating partner and thus decrease the level of costs associated with detachment from the host. In this study we constructed a Y-maze arena to determine if adult A. coregoni respond to mate- and host-related chemical cues. We also tested the directional response towards light, since it has been suggested that photic cues are the most important cues for juvenile A. coregoni locating a host. Our results showed that both sexes were attracted to light and fish odour. Free-swimming A. coregoni males responded to chemical cues produced by adult females but not vice versa. The hierarchy of these stimuli was analyzed by pitting the cues against one another in the Y-maze, showing that light was the most salient stimulus for both male and female parasites. Moreover, male parasites were more strongly attracted towards light and fish odour than female odour. In another experiment in a semi-natural environment, we examined whether the ability of A. coregoni males to detect female odour influences their host choice. Free-swimming males did not preferentially infest fish infected with female parasites over parasite-free fish. We suggest that a hierarchy of stimulus responses exists, whereby free-swimming parasites first respond to host-related signals and most dominantly to visual cues. However, cues connected to mate finding may become a priority for late adult stages and/or once the parasite has attached to the host.  相似文献   

Summary As a quantitative approach to the life history, the present paper numerically analyzed a relation among growth, reproduction and mortality for nine fish populations with a technique of optimal control theory, the discrete maximum principle. The analytical method used was derived on the postulate that natural selection maximized the net reproductive rate subject to a few constraints. A comparison between the theoretical and observed survival rate showed that the former was discernibly lower than the latter in all the populations except the three species. For the reasons mentioned below, however, the analyzed life history data should not be interpreted as a refutation of the adopted postulate and the method. First, it is generally very difficult to obtain a good estimate of the rate with traditional methods. Moreover, it is probable in most fish populations that the rate considerably changes with age even in the adult stage though it is usually estimated on the assumption that it is constant in a certain age range. Second, an intense fishing pressure possibly alters the life history characteristics of fish populations to some extent.  相似文献   

G. Wiegleb  H. Brux  W. Herr 《Plant Ecology》1991,97(2):161-172
The changes in habitat quality of lowland rivers in Lower Saxony (Germany) during the past 40 years are outlined. Almost all chemical, physical, and morphological parameters have changed, resulting in most cases in an enhanced potential productivity, accompanied by a complex disturbance regime. Historical reconstruction of the change in river vegetation is presented to compare the frequency of macrophyte species 40 years ago with the situation of today. For a total of 289 sampling sites, the floristic change was exactly reconstructed. Nearly all species show a decline in frequency. This trend is also recognizable in Potamogeton, with the exception of two narrow-leaved species.An attempt is made to explain both decline and maintenance in terms of life history characters (vital attributes) allowing the species to react to the changing habitat conditions. The successful species are characterized by certain life history characteristics which enable them to survive under the current disturbance regime. Most important aspects of life history are the ability to reproduce by means of turions and other fragments, a long-lived, deep-rooting rhizome system, phenotypic plasticity of above-ground parts, synchronous shoot polymorphism, and the potential to regenerate quickly from remaining buds after disturbance. The decline of formerly frequent species can be attributed mainly to the lack of certain key characters; however, physiological characters also may be important. The extirpation of some rare species could also be caused by random fluctuations in small populations. The general importance of population ecological research, particularly demography, life history theory, and the modelling of clonal populations in conservation ecology is stressed.  相似文献   

Life history variation can be genetically based, or it may be due to environmental effects on the phenotype. In this paper we examine life history variation in relation to differences in habitat in the parasitoid Asobara tabida. Differences in the spatial distribution of host patches, the length of the season, host suitability, and competition between parasitoids all contribute to the selection for differences in life history between strains from northern and southern Europe. Strains were compared with respect to the allocation between reproduction and survival in experimental environments that varied with regard to the availability of food or to the number of hosts offered per day. Upon emergence parasitoids originating from southern Europe have higher egg loads and smaller fat reserves than parasitoids originating from northern Europe. Parasitoids from both southern and northern Europe show plasticity in allocation: food shortage causes a decrease in egg production, and rich breeding opportunities an increase in egg production. This plasticity is greater in the northern strain. Fat reserves play a central role in the physiology of this allocation. Fat can be used for both reproduction and survival. There is no oosorption, so once fat is allocated to reproduction it can no longer be used for survival. Differences in plasticity in allocation can therefore be considered as differences in the timing of egg production.  相似文献   

The development of a coral community was monitored for 6 years (1998–2004) on 46 m2 of artificial settlement substrate in Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles. Growth and survival of recruits (n=1385) belonging to 16 different species were quantified in relation to characteristics of the benthic community developing around them. The early life history dynamics (i.e. growth rate, growth strategy and survival) of corals differed among species although these differences were small for species occupying similar habitats (i.e. underside versus topside of substratum). In contrast to recruit survival, juvenile growth rates were highly variable and unrelated to benthic community structure, at least at the scale of this study. Competing benthic organisms affected coral recruitment success through space preemption (mainly by macroalgae) or recruit overgrowth (mainly by sponges). The results highlight the small spatial scale (mm–cm) at which the processes responsible for recruitment success or failure occur and emphasize the need to include such small-scale observations in studies of coral early life-phase dynamics.  相似文献   

Mussels, such as Mytilus edulis, are common keystone species on open coasts and in estuaries and are frequently used in environmental monitoring programmes. Mussels experience a wide range of environmental conditions at these locations, including rapid changes in salinity and physical disturbance (both natural and from aquaculture practices).This paper addressed the hypothesis that reduced salinity will lower mussel blood immune function and influence mussel blood metabolic responses, and that this will in turn increase the susceptibility of mussels to other stresses such as physical disturbance. To test these hypotheses, experiments were conducted in controlled laboratory tank conditions and mussel blood was analysed using a combination of metabolic fingerprinting with FT-IR and immunological assay techniques.Reducing seawater salinity to half that of normal caused a significant reduction in several measures of immune function, including the concentration of haemocytes, percentage of eosinophilic haemocytes and phagocytosis. Mechanical shaking of mussels for 10 min caused a reduction in the level of respiratory burst activity. However, there was no evidence of additive or interactive effects of lowered salinity with shaking on the immune response. Analysis of mussel blood metabolic fingerprints revealed differences in response to half salinity (vs. full salinity) but there were no detectable effects of shaking. Increasing frequency and magnitude of flood events at coastal sites due to climate change could lead to longer, and more frequent, periods of reduced salinity. The potential impact on the immune function of this keystone species within or near estuaries could have knock-on effects on the wider ecosystem including altered nutrient cycling, changes in biodiversity and aquaculture production.  相似文献   

Aim We determined whether dissimilarity in species composition between parasite communities depends on geographic distance, environmental dissimilarity or host faunal dissimilarity, for different subsets of parasite species with different levels of host specificity. Location Communities of fleas parasitic on small mammals from 28 different regions of the Palaearctic. Method Dissimilarities in both parasite and host species composition were computed between each pair of regions using the Bray–Curtis index. Geographic distances between regions were also calculated, as were measures of environmental dissimilarity consisting of the pairwise Euclidean distances between regions derived from elevation, vegetation and climatic variables. The 136 flea species included in the dataset were divided into highly host‐specific species (using 1–2 host species per region, on average), moderately host‐specific species (2.2–4 hosts per region) and generalist species (>4 hosts per region). The relative influence of geographic distance, host faunal dissimilarity and environmental dissimilarity on dissimilarity of flea species composition among all regions was analysed for the entire set of flea species as well as for the three above subsets using multiple regressions on distance matrices. Results When including all flea species, dissimilarity in flea species composition was affected by all three independent variables, although the pure effect of dissimilarity in host species composition was the strongest. Results were different when the subsets of fleas differing in host specificity were treated separately. In particular, dissimilarity in species composition of highly host‐specific fleas increased solely with environmental dissimilarity, whereas dissimilarity for both moderately specific and non‐specific fleas increased with both geographic distance and dissimilarity in host species composition. Main conclusions Host specificity seems to dictate which of the three factors considered is most likely to affect the dissimilarity between flea communities. Counter‐intuitively, environmental dissimilarity played a key role in determining dissimilarity in species composition of highly host‐specific fleas, possibly because, although their presence in a region relies on the occurrence of particular host species, their abundance is itself mostly determined by climatic conditions. Our results show that deconstructing communities into subsets of species with different traits can make it easier to uncover the mechanisms shaping geographic patterns of diversity.  相似文献   

Synopsis Bergmann-type ecogeographic patterns are common among small resident rocky-shore fishes in the Gulf of California where triplefin blennies (Tripterygiidae) represent a significant component of the community. Using estimates of adult body size from samples throughout the Gulf, four triplefin species, three more than previously reported, showed significant correlations of body size with latitude. The intensity and form of the relationships are given. Measuring the length of the largest individual in samples rather than using average body weight per individuals in samples offers a better estimate of adult body size.  相似文献   

  1. Climate change has the potential to shape the future of infectious diseases, both directly and indirectly. In aquatic systems, for example, elevated temperatures can modulate the infectivity of waterborne parasites and affect the immune response of zooplanktonic hosts. Moreover, lake warming causes shifts in the communities of primary producers towards cyanobacterial dominance, thus lowering the quality of zooplankton diet. This may further affect host fitness, resulting in suboptimal resources available for parasite growth.
  2. Previous experimental studies have demonstrated the respective effects of temperature and host diet on infection outcomes, using the zooplankter Daphnia and its microparasites as model systems. Although cyanobacteria blooms and heat waves are concurrent events in nature, few attempts have been made to combine both stressors in experimental settings.
  3. Here, we raised the zooplankter Daphnia (two genotypes) under a full factorial design with varying levels of temperature (the standard 19°C and elevated 23°C), food quality (Scenedesmus obliquus as high-quality green algae, Microcystis aeruginosa and Planktothrix agardhii as low-quality cyanobacteria) and exposed them to the parasitic yeast Metschnikowia bicuspidata. We recorded life history parameters of the host as well as parasite traits related to transmission.
  4. The combination of low-quality cyanobacterial diets and elevated temperature resulted in additive detrimental effects on host fecundity. Low-quality diets reduced parasite output, while temperature effects were context dependent. Overall, we argue that the combined effects of elevated water temperature and poor-quality diets may decrease epidemics of a common fungal parasite under a climate change scenario.

Moina hutchinsoni, a North American species distributed in saline and alkaline waters, was isolated from temporary puddles in the former Texcoco Lake basin near Mexico City. Its growth under laboratory conditions was assayed at different salinity values. Two culture media were tested: reconstituted hard-water plus sea salts and diluted natural brine. The alga Ankistrodesmus falcatus was supplied as food at a concentration of 0.4 x 106 cells ml-1. Salinity levels ranged from 2 to 20. For all experiments, twenty replicates, consisting of one neonate female individually placed in a glass container with 80 ml culture volume, were used. All vessels were reviewed daily and the progeny counted and removed. Culture media and food were renewed each day. Data on the survival and reproduction of M. hutchinsoni were recorded during its entire life cycle. The high average longevity (22.6) days, number of clutches (17.8), and average total progeny (138.9 neonates). were recorded at a salinity of 10 of natural brine water. In the synthetic medium reconstituted hard water plus sea salts, the highest average longevity 9.2 days, one of the highest number of clutches (9.6), and the highest average total progeny (29.5) neonates. were recorded at a salinity of 4. Reproduction and survival was affected by salinity and the culture medium, with the best results recorded in diluted natural brine. The information presented here is the first biological data surveyed for this euryhaline species in experimental conditions.  相似文献   

北部湾秋季底层鱼类多样性和优势种数量的变动趋势   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据1992年、2001年和2006年秋季在北部湾进行的底拖网调查数据,对该海域鱼类的种类组成、物种多样性、优势种及其数量的变动趋势进行分析。1992年共记录鱼类171种,隶属17目77科;2001年记录鱼类156种,隶属18目71科;2006年记录157种,隶属17目67科。3个年代记录的鱼类均以鲈形目的种类数最多,其中1992年为96种(占56.14%)、2001年90种(占57.69%)和2006年89种(占56.69%)。鱼类的Pielou均匀度指数(J')和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H')的变化趋势一致:以2001年最高,为0.72和3.64;其次为1992年,为0.64和3.27;2006年最低,分别为0.52和2.64。丰富度指数(D)呈逐年下降的趋势:为1992年的21.03,2001年的20.74和2006年的19.61。建立非线性回归模型对北部湾3个年代出现的6种共有优势种(发光鲷Acropoma japonicum、带鱼Trichiurus haumela、二长棘鲷Parargyrops edita、黄斑鲾Leiognathus bindus、竹荚鱼Trachurus japonicus和黄带绯鲤Upeneus sulphureus)的数量变化趋势进行分析。结果表明:北部湾鱼类中的经济价值较高的优势种逐渐被低值和小型的鱼类所替代,但繁殖力较强和寿命较短的鱼类变动较小。在6种共同优势种中,黄斑鲾和发光鲷的渔获率呈上升趋势;带鱼和黄带绯鲤的渔获率呈下降趋势;而二长棘鲷和竹荚鱼的渔获率基本保持不变。研究结果表明,北部湾鱼类的优势种更替明显,总体变化趋势是k选择种类(以红笛鲷和黑印真鲨等为代表)逐渐被r选择种类(发光鲷、鲾科和天竺鱼科等为代表)所替代,即寿命长、个体大和营养级高的鱼类数量减少,寿命短、个体小和营养级较低的种类增多。  相似文献   

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