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We examined how different exploratory behavioral types of largemouth bass responded to differing prey communities by determining effects on growth, survival and diet in experimental ponds. We found evidence that non-explorer largemouth bass target young-of-year bluegill early on in life, but bluegill were not an important diet item by late summer. The presence of young-of-year bluegill as prey does appear to affect the foraging strategy of the two exploring types differently. In the absence of small bluegill, both behavioral types feed primarily on benthic invertebrates and zooplankton. When small bluegill were present, we saw a shift away from zooplankton as prey for largemouth bass. However, that shift was toward more benthic invertebrates for non-exploring behavioral types and toward terrestrial insects for exploring behavioral types. Thus, it appears that prey community composition can have important effects on the way in which different behavioral types interact with their environment.  相似文献   

Sexually selected traits can be expected to increase in importance when the period of sexual behavior is constrained, such as in seasonally restricted breeders. Anolis lizard male dewlaps are classic examples of multifaceted signaling traits, with demonstrated intraspecific reproductive function reflected in courtship behavior. Fitch and Hillis found a correlation between dewlap size and seasonality in mainland Anolis using traditional statistical methods and suggested that seasonally restricted breeding seasons enhanced the differentiation of this signaling trait. Here, we present two tests of the Fitch–Hillis Hypothesis using new phylogenetic and morphological data sets for 44 species of Mexican Anolis. A significant relationship between dewlap size and seasonality is evident in phylogenetically uncorrected analyses but erodes once phylogeny is accounted for. This loss of strong statistical support for a relationship between a key aspect of dewlap morphology and seasonality also occurs within a species complex (A. sericeus group) that inhabits seasonal and aseasonal environments. Our results fail to support seasonality as a strong driver of evolution of Anolis dewlap size. We discuss the implications of our results and the difficulty of disentangling the strength of single mechanisms on trait evolution when multiple selection pressures are likely at play.  相似文献   

Hydric environments are hypothesized to have minor effects on the embryonic development of rigid-shelled turtle eggs due to the low water permeability of the eggshell. However, the water reserve in the eggs may still influence their resistance to environmentally induced dehydration. We incubated rigid-shelled turtle eggs (Pelodiscus sinensis) on different moist substrates (from ? 12 to ? 750 kPa) to test the hypothesis that small rigid-shelled eggs would be sensitive to hydric environments. The hydric treatment significantly affected the incubation period, with eggs incubated in the moistest and driest substrates taking longer to hatch than those on the medium-moisture substrates. Hatching success was slightly lower for eggs incubated in dry conditions than those in wet conditions, but the difference was not statistically significant. The heart rates of early embryos were lower on moist substrates than those on dry substrates, but this difference disappeared in late embryos. Hatchlings from the moistest substrate were larger (in carapace length and width) and heavier than those from drier substrates. However, the dry body mass of the hatchlings did not differ among the hydric treatments. The functional performance (righting response) of the hatchlings was affected by the hydric environment. The time to right was shorter for the hatchlings from the substrate of ? 12 kPa than those from ? 220 kPa. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the hydric environment may significantly affect developing embryos and the resulting hatchlings in turtle species, such as P. sinensis, with small rigid-shelled eggs.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a well-conserved catabolic process, involving the degradation of a cell''s own components through the lysosomal/vacuolar machinery. Autophagy is typically induced by nutrient starvation and has a role in nutrient recycling, cellular differentiation, degradation and programmed cell death. Another common response in eukaryotes is the extension of lifespan through dietary restriction (DR). We studied a link between DR and autophagy in the filamentous fungus Podospora anserina, a multicellular model organism for ageing studies and mitochondrial deterioration. While both carbon and nitrogen restriction extends lifespan in P. anserina, the size of the effect varied with the amount and type of restricted nutrient. Natural genetic variation for the DR response exists. Whereas a switch to carbon restriction up to halfway through the lifetime resulted in extreme lifespan extension for wild-type P. anserina, all autophagy-deficient strains had a shorter time window in which ageing could be delayed by DR. Under nitrogen limitation, only PaAtg1 and PaAtg8 mediate the effect of lifespan extension; the other autophagy-deficient mutants PaPspA and PaUth1 had a similar response as wild-type. Our results thus show that the ageing process impinges on the DR response and that this at least in part involves the genetic regulation of autophagy.  相似文献   

Tolerance of ectotherm species to cold stress is highly plastic according to thermal conditions experienced prior to cold stress. In this study, we investigated how cold tolerance varies with developmental temperature (at 17, 25 and 30 °C) and whether developmental temperature induces different metabolic profiles. Experiments were conducted on the two populations of the parasitoid wasp, Venturia canescens, undergoing contrasting thermal regimes in their respective preferential habitat (thermally variable vs. buffered). We predicted the following: i) development at low temperatures improves the cold tolerance of parasitoid wasps, ii) the shape of the cold tolerance reaction norm differs between the two populations, and iii) these phenotypic variations are correlated with their metabolic profiles. Our results showed that habitat origin and developmental acclimation interact to determine cold tolerance and metabolic profiles of the parasitoid wasps. Cold tolerance was promoted when developmental temperatures declined and population originating from variable habitat presented a higher cold tolerance. Cold tolerance increases through the accumulation of metabolites with an assumed cryoprotective function and the depression of metabolites involved in energy metabolism. Our data provide an original example of how intraspecific cold acclimation variations correlate with metabolic response to developmental temperature.  相似文献   

This review looks at the contribution of microbiological sampling to the safety of retail foods in England and Wales. It compares sampling methods available and assesses the value of testing as part of outbreaks of foodborne disease, as part of routine management by local authorities, as part of work done or commissioned by the food industry, and as part of research. It confirms that microbiological testing has a role during outbreaks as it makes a significant contribution to help identify foods and other areas of greatest risk for future study. The review suggests that routine testing by local authorities is often of limited use and could be improved by more targeted surveillance. Testing could be better used to validate primary control methods, such as Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system. Any public health benefit from testing in the food industry is often restricted by client confidentiality. Microbial research on foods is important as it can lead to significant improvements in safety. Current microbiological methods are slow and, in future, rapid molecular methods may make an even bigger contribution to the control of foodborne disease.  相似文献   

According to recent studies on animal personalities, the level of behavioral plasticity, which can be viewed as the slope of the behavioral reaction norm, varies among individuals, populations, and species. Still, it is conceptually unclear how the interaction between environmental variation and variation in animal cognition affect the evolution of behavioral plasticity and expression of animal personalities. Here, we (1) use literature to review how environmental variation and individual variation in cognition explain population and individual level expression of behavioral plasticity and (2) draw together empirically yet nontested, conceptual framework to clarify how these factors affect the evolution and expression of individually consistent behavior in nature. The framework is based on simple principles: first, information acquisition requires cognition that is inherently costly to build and maintain. Second, individual differences in animal cognition affect the differences in behavioral flexibility, i.e. the variance around the mean of the behavioral reaction norm, which defines plasticity. Third, along the lines of the evolution of cognition, we predict that environments with moderate variation favor behavioral flexibility. This occurs since in those environments costs of cognition are covered by being able to recognize and use information effectively. Similarly, nonflexible, stereotypic behaviors may be favored in environments that are either invariable or highly variable, since in those environments cognition does not give any benefits to cover the costs or cognition is not able to keep up with environmental change, respectively. If behavioral plasticity develops in response to increasing environmental variability, plasticity should dominate in environments that are moderately variable, and expression of animal personalities and behavioral syndromes may differ between environments. We give suggestions how to test our hypothesis and propose improvements to current behavioral testing protocols in the field of animal personality.  相似文献   

Fish species may contain considerable amounts of trace elements, such as selenium (Se), arsenic (As), and mercury (Hg). The present study investigated the relationships between dietary intake of these elements and cutaneous bleeding time and blood lipids in 32 healthy volunteers. For 6 wk, one group (n=11) consumed approx 250 g Se-rich fish daily, providing them with an average Se intake of 115±31 μg Se/d, Hg intake of 18±8 μg/d, and As intake of 806±405 μg/d, all values analyzed in 4-d duplicate food collections. To study the effect of Se alone, one group (n=11) included Se-rich bread in their normal diet, giving them a Se intake (135±25 μg/d) that was comparable to the fish group. A control group (n=10) ate their normal diet, providing 77±25 gmg Se/d, 3.1±2.5 μg Hg/d, and 101±33 μg As/d. The dietary As load strongly correlated both with bleeding times and changes in bleeding times (r=0.48,p<0.01 andr=0.54,p<0.002, respectively). Dietary Hg showed a positive correlation with LDL-cholesterol (r=0.55,p<0.01), whereas dietary Hg in the fish group showed a strong negative relationship with HDL-cholesterol (r=?0.76,p<0.01). Selenium seemed to have only a modest effect on bleeding time. Our results suggest that mercury and arsenic from fish may be factors contributing to or modifying some of the known effects of fish ingestion.  相似文献   

Although consequences of limited dietary protein and carbohydrate to performance are well studied for terrestrial insect herbivores, the importance of phosphorus (P) remains poorly understood. We examined the significance of dietary P to performance in fifth-instar nymphs of the grasshopper Melanoplus bivittatus fed artificial diets. Consumption, digestion, developmental rate, and growth in response to different levels of P nested within standard-Protein and carbohydrate diets were determined. Developmental rate was slowest on high-P diets; protein:carbohydrate concentration and P in diets affected frass production and consumption. Approximate digestibility and conversion of digested food were primarily influenced by the protein:carbohydrate quality of the diet but not P. Mass gain was marginally lower in the low-Protein:high carbohydrate diet used in this study. At the individual level, other than small effects to developmental rate at high concentrations for M. bivittatus, dietary P otherwise seems to have little effect on nymphal performance. To the degree that it is important, effects of dietary P depend on the concentrations of protein and carbohydrate in the diet.  相似文献   

Eyespots are taxonomically widespread color patterns consisting of large concentric rings that are commonly assumed to protect prey by influencing the behaviors of predators. Although there is ample experimental evidence supporting an anti‐predator function of eyespots in terrestrial animals, whether eyespots have a similar deterring function in aquatic animals remains unclear. Furthermore, studies in terrestrial systems suggest that the protective function of eyespots depends on ambient light conditions where predators encounter them, but this effect has never been tested in aquatic environments. Here, we examine how eyespots influence behavioral responses in an aquatic environment under different visual environments, using laboratory‐reared three‐spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) as model predators. Specifically, we experimentally examined behavioral responses of sticklebacks toward artificial prey patterns (control vs. eyespots) under two different light environment treatments (low vs. high). We found that eyespots did not postpone attacks from sticklebacks. However, sticklebacks approaching eyespots stopped more frequently than sticklebacks approaching prey items with a control pattern. Sticklebacks were (marginally) slower to attack prey in the low‐light treatment, but the light level did not influence stickleback behavioral responses toward eyespots. We conclude that eyespots can modulate some behaviors of an aquatic predator, albeit with a different functional role from that previously demonstrated in terrestrial species.  相似文献   

The main factors affecting the mechanical (and other) properties of bone, including antler, are the proportions of ash (especially Ca and P) and collagen content. However, some trace minerals may also play more important roles than would be expected, given their low levels in bone and antler. One such trace mineral is Cu. Here, we studied the effects of Cu supplementation on the mechanical and structural characteristics, and mineral content of antlers from yearling and adult (4 years of age) red deer fed a balanced diet. Deer (n=35) of different ages (21 yearlings and 14 adults) were studied. A total of 18 stags (11 yearlings and 7 adults) were injected with Cu (0.83 mg Cu/kg BW) every 42 days, whereas the remaining 17 (10 yearlings and 7 adults) were injected with physiological saline solution (control group). The Cu content of serum was analysed at the beginning of the trial and 84 days after the first injection to assess whether the injected Cu was mobilized in blood. Also, the mechanical and structural properties of antlers and the mineral content in their cortical walls were examined at three (yearlings) or four (adults) points along the antler beam. The effect of Cu supplementation was different in yearlings and adults. In yearlings, supplementation increased the Cu content of serum by 28%, but did not affect antler properties. However, in adults, Cu supplementation increased the Cu content of serum by 38% and tended to increase the cortical thickness of antlers (P=0.06). Therefore, we conclude that, even in animals receiving balanced diets, supplementation with Cu could increase antler cortical thickness in adult deer, although not in yearlings. This may improve the trophy value of antlers, as well as having potential implications for bones in elderly humans, should Cu supplementation have similar effects on bones as those observed in antlers.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to test the hypothesis that salt-dependent hypertension, in rats with an unresponsive renin-angiotensin system, is characterized by a "whole body autoregulation" hemodynamic profile. To test this hypothesis, rats were chronically instrumented to continuously measure cardiac output (CO) and arterial pressure (AP). A venous catheter was implanted for infusion of saline vehicle (Veh; n = 8) or treatment [enalapril (2 mg.kg-1.day-1) plus ANG II: ANG-NORM (5 ng.kg-1.min-1 ANG II, n = 8) or ANG-HI (10 ng.kg-1.min-1 ANG II, n = 9)] to pharmacologically clamp plasma ANG II. After a 10-day recovery period on a 0.1% NaCl diet, AP and CO were measured continuously for 5 days of control (0.1% NaCl), 7 days of high salt (4.0% NaCl), and 5 days of recovery (0.1% NaCl). Hemodynamics did not change in the Veh group at any time. AP increased by approximately 20 mmHg in the ANG-NORM and ANG-HI groups when NaCl was increased. Hypertension was mediated by an increase in CO of approximately 12% at steady state, with no change in total peripheral resistance (TPR) during the high salt period. AP returned to control levels when dietary sodium was decreased, mediated by a approximately 10% decrease in TPR, with CO remaining elevated. There was no difference in the hemodynamic responses to increased salt between the ANG-HI and ANG-NORM groups. We conclude that the whole body autoregulation hypothesis does not explain the hemodynamic profile of salt-dependent hypertension in rats with an unresponsive renin-angiotensin system.  相似文献   

Quah  W. C.  Chew  L. L.  Chong  V. C.  Chu  C.  Teoh  C. Y.  Ooi  A. L. 《Environmental Biology of Fishes》2022,105(1):55-76
Environmental Biology of Fishes - Anthropogenic perturbations and climate change have altered the zooplankton community structure in the Klang Strait during the past 30&nbsp;years, in that the...  相似文献   

Tryptophan (Trp) is an essential amino acid which metabolises via the kynurenine pathway to generate a number of bioactive substances referred to as kynurenines. Among those are 3-hydroxykynurenine (3-HKyn) and quinolinic acid, which are neurotoxic, as well as kynurenic acid (Kyna) and xanthurenic acid (XA), which, similarly to nicotinamide (NAm), show neuroprotective and anti-depressive effects. Routine exercise is known to modulate Trp metabolism in skeletal muscle and is thus believed to reduce the risk of depressive states in humans and laboratory animals. Analogously, it was hypothesised that exercise can influence Trp metabolism in horses as well. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of two different types of exercise on Trp metabolism in horses of the same breed. A total of 32 purebred Arabian horses were involved in the study. The 22 three-year-old racehorses were subjected to short-time intense exercise. Ten other horses were made to perform endurance competitions at a distance of 80 km. Blood samples were collected at rest and following the end of the exercise period. Plasma concentrations of Trp, kynurenine (Kyn), Kyna, 3-HKyn, XA and NAm were determined using Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Electrospray Ionisation-Tandem Mass Spectrometry. Short-time intense exercise led to an increase in plasma concentrations of Kyn, Kyna and XA. The endurance effort induced an increase in Kyna and a decrease in Trp and NAm levels. Both types of exercise, short-time intensive exercise and endurance exercise induced an increase in Trp metabolites, especially Kyna, and did not induce an increase in Trp level. Thus, from a pathophysiological perspective of the kynurenine pathway’s influence on mental state, both types of exercise induced beneficial effects in horses.  相似文献   

Łukasz Rejt 《Biologia》2006,61(2):221-224
Hoarding by urban kestrels and its subsequent exploitation significantly increases the frequency and regularity of feeding during the early stage of the nestling period. Twelve kestrels’ nests situated in various part of the city were chosen to test whether hoarding could affect the chicks’ condition. Four nests (with 22 nestlings) were provided with food — one dead mouse per chick per day (F group) and 8 (43 nestlings) were used as a control group (NF). Nestlings were weighed daily, and the length of their tarsus was also measured when the oldest chick in the nest was 11 days old. 50% of the NF nests experienced a decrease in the number of nestlings but no nestlings were lost in any of the F nests. However, no significant differences were found between the groups either in body mass or tarsus length. A possible reason was the behaviour of the adults which could be interpreted as the regulation of the frequency of prey delivery depending on its presence or absence in the nest.  相似文献   

The containment of damaging oxygen species by antioxidant nutrients has led to the speculation that the RDA for these specific nutrients may be overly low. Among these nutrients are vitamin E, vitamin C, and to a lesser extent beta-carotene and selenium. Evidence for the role of these nutrients in cancer and heart disease is evaluated. The case is presented for an increase of two-fold for the vitamin C RDA and between three and five-fold for vitamin E; for establishing 15 mg as the RDA for beta-carotene; for no change in the vitamin A RDA; and for further study on selenium.  相似文献   

Plants with different photosynthetic pathways could produce different amounts and types of root exudates and debris which may affect soil respiration rates. Therefore, wetland vegetation succession between plants with different photosynthetic pathways may ultimately influence the wetland carbon budget. The middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River has the largest floodplain wetland group in China. Tian'e Zhou wetland reserve (29°48'N, 112°33′E) is located in Shishou city, Hubei province and covers about 77.5 square kilometers. Hemathria altissima (C4) was found gradually being replaced by Carex argyi (C3) for several years in this place. An in situ experiment was conducted in Tian'e Zhou wetland to determine the change of soil respiration as the succession proceeds. Soil respiration, substrate‐induced respiration, and bacterial respiration of the C4 species was greater than those of the C3 species, but below‐ground biomass and fungal respiration of the C4 species was less than that of the C3 species. There were no significant differences in above‐ground biomass between the two species. Due to the higher photosynthesis capability, higher soil respiration and lower total plant biomass, we inferred that the C4 species, H. altissima, may transport more photosynthate below‐ground as a substrate for respiration. The photosynthetic pathway of plants might therefore play an important role in regulating soil respiration. As C. argyi replaces H. altissima, the larger plant biomass and lower soil respiration would indicate that the wetland in this area could fix more carbon in the soil than before.  相似文献   

Journal of Insect Conservation - In ecology, dealing with sample design is a constant challenge, especially in interaction networks, where most studies suffer from undersampling. Different sampling...  相似文献   

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