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The mammal's high elevation(hypoxia) adaptation was studied by using the immu-nological and the molecular biological methods to understand the significance of Hsp(hypoxia) ad-aptation in the organic high elevation,through the mammal heat shock response.(1) From high ele-vation to low elevation(natural hypoxia) :Western blot and conventional RT-PCR and real-time fluo-rescence quota PCR were adopted.Expression difference of heat shock protein of 70(Hsp70) and natural expression of brain tissue of Hsp70 gene was determined in the cardiac muscle tissue among the different elevation mammals(yak) .(2) From low elevation to high elevation(hypoxia induction) :The mammals(domestic rabbits) from the low elevation were sent directly to the areas with different high elevations like 2300,3300 and 5000 m above sea level to be raised for a period of 3 weeks be-fore being slaughtered and the genetic inductive expression of the brain tissue of Hsp70 was deter-mined with RT-PCR.The result indicated that all of the mammals at different elevations possessed their heat shock response gene.Hsp70 of the high elevation mammal rose abruptly under stress and might be induced to come into being by high elevation(hypoxia) .The speedy synthesis of Hsp70 in the process of heat shock response is suitable to maintain the cells' normal physiological functions under stress.The Hsp70 has its threshold value.The altitude of 5000 m above sea level is the best condition for the heat shock response,and it starts to reduce when the altitude is over 6000 m above sea level.The Hsp70 production quantity and the cell hypoxia bearing capacity have their direct ratio.  相似文献   

The olfactory bulb is one of the most vulnerable brain regions in age‐related proteinopathies. Proteinopathic stress is mitigated by the heat shock protein (Hsp) family of chaperones. Here, we describe age‐related decreases in Hsc70 in the olfactory bulb of the female rat and higher levels of Hsp70 and Hsp25 in middle and old age than at 2–4 months. To model proteotoxic and oxidative stress in the olfactory bulb, primary olfactory bulb cultures were treated with the proteasome inhibitors lactacystin and MG132 or the pro‐oxidant paraquat. Toxin‐induced increases were observed in Hsp70, Hsp25, and Hsp32. To determine the functional consequences of the increase in Hsp70, we attenuated Hsp70 activity with two mechanistically distinct inhibitors. The Hsp70 inhibitors greatly potentiated the toxicity of sublethal lactacystin or MG132 but not of paraquat. Although ubiquitinated protein levels were unchanged with aging in vivo or with sublethal MG132 in vitro, there was a large, synergistic increase in ubiquitinated proteins when proteasome and Hsp70 functions were simultaneously inhibited. Our study suggests that olfactory bulb cells rely heavily on Hsp70 chaperones to maintain homeostasis during mild proteotoxic, but not oxidative insults, and that Hsp70 prevents the accrual of ubiquitinated proteins in these cells.


陈芳  陆永跃 《昆虫学报》2014,57(11):1253-1264
【目的】为了研究热激蛋白 Hsp70, Hsp70-4和Hsp90在棉花粉蚧Phenacoccus solenopsis抵抗逆温中的作用。【方法】在测序棉花粉蚧转录组的基础上,分析了该虫热激蛋白Hsp70基因家族的2个序列[Pshsp70(GenBank登录号为KJ909505)和Pshsp70-4(GenBank登录号为KJ909506)]和Hsp90基因家族的1个序列,[Pshsp90(GenBank登录号为KJ909507)],采用实时荧光定量 PCR(RT-qPCR)检测了在不同温度(18和32℃恒温, 37, 39, 41, 43和45℃热激1 h 后26℃恢复1 h)下棉花粉蚧不同发育阶段(2龄若虫、3龄若虫、雌成虫)3种热激蛋白基因的表达量。【结果】Pshsp70 cDNA序列包含1 923 bp的开放阅读框,编码641个氨基酸,理论分子量和等电点分别为70.9 kDa和5.65; Pshsp70-4 cDNA序列包含1 962 bp的开放阅读框,编码654个氨基酸,理论分子量和等电点分别为71.8 kDa和5.38;Pshsp90 cDNA序列包含2 172 bp的开放阅读框,编码724个氨基酸,理论分子量和等电点分别为83.5 kDa和4.93。Pshsp70 和Pshsp70-4均含有Hsp70基因家族高度保守的基序,Pshsp70编码的氨基酸序列与烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci和家蚕Bombyx mori等昆虫的Hsp70 的氨基酸序列一致性为 85%;Pshsp70-4编码的氨基酸序列与白蜡蚧Ericerus pela和点蜂缘蝽Riptortus pedestris等昆虫的Hsp70的氨基酸序列一致性高达95%;Pshsp90也含有Hsp90基因家族高度保守的基序,Pshsp90编码的氨基酸序列与赤拟谷盗Tribolium castaneum和东亚小花蝽Orius sauteri等昆虫的Hsp90 的氨基酸序列一致性为 87%。热激蛋白基因表达量分析结果表明,在18℃恒温条件下,粉蚧2龄若虫的3个PsHsps基因的mRNA相对表达量均比对照(26℃)低,在32℃恒温条件下,各龄期的Hsp70基因的相对表达量均显著高于对照。在37~45℃下热激1 h并在26℃下恢复1 h,棉花粉蚧3个龄期的3个热激蛋白PsHsps基因的相对表达量随温度的升高总体呈增加趋势,相关性分析表明,除Pshsp70-4在雌成虫中的表达量与热胁迫温度的相关系数为0.225外,各龄期中3个基因的表达量与温度的相关系数均大于0.6,显著相关;43℃和45℃胁迫下,各龄期的3个热激蛋白基因相对表达量均显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。【结论】棉花粉蚧热激蛋白基因的表达与温度呈正相关,在该虫应对高温中起着重要作用。  相似文献   

Partial obstruction of the rabbit bladder outlet induces a rapid hypertrophy characterized by increased bladder mass, increased smooth muscle content, and increased collagen deposition. In addition, partial outlet obstruction induces decreased contractile responses to both field stimulation and postsynaptic receptor stimulation. Although the morphological and contractile responses to partial outlet obstruction have been well characterized, there is little information on the cellular and molecular mechanisms of these changes. In a previous study, we demonstrated that one of the earliest genes to be expressed following partial outlet obstruction in rabbits was the gene expressing stress protein-70 (HSP-70). In order to further define the genetic and molecular basis of these responses, the expression of stress gene products HSP-70 and HSP-90 in rabbit urinary bladder subjected to partial outlet obstruction has been quantitatively evaluated by Western blot coupled with laser densitometry using anti-HSP-70 and-90 monoclonal antibodies. The data show that stress gene products HSP-70 and HSP-90 are constitutively expressed in control rabbit bladder tissue and transiently increased following partial outlet obstruction. Increased content of HSP-70 was detected at 6 hr after obstruction and reached a maximum (2.7-fold over the control level) at 24 hr. Increased HSP-90 was also detected at 6 hr but reached a maximum (4.5-fold over the control level) at 12 hr. By 7 day post-obstruction, the content of these two proteins returned to the control levels. This study suggests that alterations of stress gene expression resulting in increased HSP-70 and 90 may play an important role in the response of the bladder to partial outlet obstruction.  相似文献   

Pigs from a population consisting of eight US breeds or strains and three Chinese breeds were examined by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of the heat shock protein HSP70 gene(s). Limited polymorphisms with PstI and PvuII restriction enzymes were observed, but there were no polymorphisms with BomIII and BglI.  相似文献   

Hyperthermia is a proteotoxic stress that is lethal when exposure is extreme but also cytoprotective in that sublethal exposure leads to the synthesis of heat shock proteins, including HSP70, which are able to inhibit stress-induced apoptosis. CDK5 is an atypical cyclin-dependent kinase family member that regulates many cellular functions including motility and survival. Here we show that exposure of a human lymphoid cell line to hyperthermia causes CDK5 insolubilization and loss of tyrosine-15 phosphorylation, both of which were prevented in cells overexpressing HSP70. Inhibition of CDK5 activity with roscovitine-sensitized cells to heat induced apoptosis indicating a protective role for CDK5 in inhibiting heat-induced apoptosis. Both roscovitine and heat shock treatment caused increased accumulation of NOXA a pro-apoptotic BH3-only member of the BCL2 family. The increased abundance of NOXA by CDK5 inhibition was not a result of changes in NOXA protein turnover. Instead, CDK5 inhibition increased NOXA mRNA and protein levels by decreasing the expression of miR-23a, whereas overexpressing the CDK5 activator p35 attenuated both of these effects on NOXA and miR-23a expression. Lastly, overexpression of miR-23a prevented apoptosis under conditions in which CDK5 activity was inhibited. These results demonstrate that CDK5 activity provides resistance to heat-induced apoptosis through the expression of miR-23a and subsequent suppression of NOXA synthesis. Additionally, they indicate that hyperthermia induces apoptosis through the insolubilization and inhibition of CDK5 activity.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of adaptive stabilization of structures (PhASS) develops during adaptation of the organism to intermittent restraint stress. The PhASS manifests itself in a considerably increased resistance of the heart to a broad spectrum of harmful factors. In the present work, the content of hsp70 and their role in the development of PhASS during adaptation to intermittent restraint stress and to intermittent hypoxia were studied. In adaptation to restraint stress, five hsp70 isoforms with pI ranging from 5.7 to 6.3 were accumulated in the myocardium. The heart simultaneously became strikingly resistant to reperfusion paradox and heat shock. In adaptation to hypoxia, only two hsp70 isoforms with pI about 5.8 were accumulated. The resistance to reperfusion paradox was not increased and the resistance to heat shock was increased only moderately. These data suggest a role of different hsp70 isoforms in the mechanism of PhASS as well as adaptive protection of the heart.Abbreviation hsp70 heat shock proteins - PhASS Phenomenon of Adaptive Stabilization of Structures - CK Creatine Kinase  相似文献   

冯宏祖  刘映红  何林  杨大兴  李明  卢文才 《昆虫学报》2008,51(11):1164-1169
选用朱砂叶螨Tetranychus cinnabarinus阿维菌素抗性品系和敏感品系,测定了热预刺激后其在极限高温下的存活率,并应用SDS-PAGE技术研究了热激蛋白(HSPs)的种类及其含量。结果表明:非致死的热预刺激能显著提高朱砂叶螨耐极限温度的能力。两个品系在不同温度热激处理后,其蛋白质种类和含量发生了变化。正常情况下,朱砂叶螨敏感品系与阿维菌素抗性品系相比缺失8条条带;敏感品系热激后,增加了分子量分别为97.2,74.3,62.4,53.0和30.3 kDa的5条条带; 抗性品系热激后没有特异蛋白带的产生,但进一步高温胁迫后有些蛋白表达增强。此结果有助于解释朱砂叶螨抗性品系存在高温适合度优势现象。  相似文献   

唐婷  柳峰松  任国栋 《昆虫学报》2008,51(4):365-371
谢氏宽漠王Mantichorula semenowi Reitter是一种沙漠指示性甲虫。本研究由该种甲虫体内克隆到两种不同的HSP70基因片段,分别为MsHSP70MsHSC70。同源性发现表明这两个基因片段与已报道的其他昆虫的热休克蛋白核苷酸序列高度同源。半定量RT-PCR分析显示:经42℃热激1 h 后立即诱导MsHSP70表达至最高峰;在恢复到室温的1~4 h 内MsHSP70表达量逐渐降低,但仍然高于未热激对照组。而MsHSC70在42℃热激1 h后表达受到抑制,但在恢复2 h和4 h时有少量的表达,分别仅为未热激对照组的0.25和0.28倍。结果提示MsHSP70MsHSC70在保护细胞方面具有不同的作用。本实验结果为谢氏宽漠王在极端的沙漠环境胁迫下的抗逆适应性研究提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

The expression of constitutive HSP-70 in the urinary bladder was determined by SDS-PAGE and western blotting using a mouse monoclonal antibody against HSP-70. The western blot analysis showed that the mouse anti-HSP-70 cross-reacted with a 70 kDa protein present in the extracts of the urinary bladder muscle and mucosa. Densitometric scanning of the western blots allowed us to specifically quantitate the relative amounts of the HSP-70. The quantitation of the HSP-70 by combining immunoblotting and densitometry using a laser scanner is reproducible and this technique requires only a small amount of tissue. The amounts of HSP-70 can be estimated from a standard curve of nanogram(ng) of HSP-70 vs absorption from the immunoblots. The amounts of HSP-70 in the muscular and mucosal layers in the body of the urinary bladder are more than those in the base of the bladder. The presence of HSP-70 in the muscle and mucosal epithelium of the bladder was demonstrated by immunohistochemical analysis of freshly removed tissue from the base and the body of bladder from normal animals.  相似文献   

[目的]探究热激蛋白70 (heat shock protein 70,HSP70)基因在美国白蛾Hyphantria cunea抵御高温胁迫过程中的作用,为揭示美国白蛾的扩散机制以及预测潜在分布区提供理论支撑.[方法]利用PCR技术克隆美国白蛾HSP70基因,并进行生物信息学分析;利用qPCR技术检测新蜕皮的美国白蛾...  相似文献   

Summary 1. Altered mRNA levels in postmortem brain tissue from persons with Alzheimer's disease (AD) or other neurological diseases are usually presumed to be characteristic of the disease state, even though both agonal state (the physiological state immediately premortem) and postmortem interval (PMI) (the time between death and harvesting the tissue) have the potential to affect levels of mRNAs measured in postmortem tissue. Although the possible effect of postmortem interval on mRNA levels has been more carefully evaluated than that of agonal state, many studies assume that all mRNAs have similar rates of degradation postmortem.2. To determine the postmortem stability of inducible heat shock protein 70 (hsp70) mRNAs, themselves unstablein vivo at normal body temperature, rats were heat shocked in order to induce synthesis of the hsp70 mRNAs. hsp70 mRNA levels in cerebellum and cortex were then compared to those of their heat shock cognate 70 (hsc70) mRNAs, as well as to levels of 18S rRNAs, at 0 and at 24 hr postmortem.3. Quantiation of northern blots after hybridization with an hsp70 mRNA-specific oligo probe indicated a massive loss of hsp70 mRNA signal in RNAs isolated from 24-hr postmortem brains; quantitation by slot-blot hybridization was 5- to 15-fold more efficient. Even using the latter technique, hsp70 mRNA levels were reduced by 59% in 24-hr-postmortem cerebellum and by 78% in cortex compared to mRNA levels in the same region of 0-hr-postmortem brain. There was little reduction postmortem in levels of the hsp70 mRNAs or of 18S rRNAs in either brain region.4.In situ hybridization analysis indicated that hsp70 mRNAs were less abundant in all major classes of cerebellar cells after 24 hr postmortem and mRNAs had degraded severalfold more rapidly in neurons than in glia. There was no corresponding loss of intracellular 18S rRNA in any cell type.5. We conclude from these results that the effect of postmortem interval on mRNA degradation must be carefully evaluated when analyzing levels of inducible hsp70 mRNAs, and perhaps other short-lived mRNAs, in human brain.  相似文献   

Interaction of human Bag3 with small heat shock proteins HspB6, HspB8 and its K141E mutant was analyzed by different biochemical methods. The data of size-exclusion chromatography indicate that the wild type HspB8 forms tight complexes with Bag3. K141E mutant of HspB8 and especially HspB6 weaker interact with Bag3. The data of chemical crosslinking and analytical ultracentrifugation indicate that in vitro the stoichiometry of complexes formed by HspB8 and Bag3 is variable and is dependent on concentration of protein partners. Interaction of Bag3 and HspB8 is accompanied by increase of thermal stability measured by intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence and increased resistance to limited chymotrypsinolysis. The data of size-exclusion chromatography, analytical ultracentrifugation and limited proteolysis indicate that Bag3 belongs to the group of intrinsically disordered proteins. It is supposed that having unordered structure Bag3 might weakly interact with different small heat shock proteins which recognize unfolded proteins and this interaction is especially strong with intrinsically disordered HspB8. The complexes formed by Bag3 and HspB8 might have variable stoichiometry and can participate in different processes including clearing of the cell from improperly folded proteins.  相似文献   

为探讨核定位信号在热休克蛋白 70 (HSP70) 抑制 H2O2 所致核仁损伤中的作用,采用分子克隆技术分别构建了 4 个真核表达载体, pcDNA3.1(-)-HSP70WT (HSP70 野生型), pcDNA3.1(-)-HSP70ΔNLS (核定位信号缺失突变体 ), pEGFP-N1-HSP70WT, pEGFP-N1- HSP70ΔNLS. 向传代培养的 C2C12肌源细胞培养液中加入终浓度为 1.0 mmol/L 的 H2O2 模拟体外氧化应激 . 甲苯胺蓝染色细胞核仁发现,正常细胞仅有一个位于中央的、浓染致密的核仁颗粒 . 过氧化氢处理后 3 h ,可见明显的核仁分离 . 热休克反应处理的细胞及转 pcDNA3.1( - )-HSP70WT 细胞则能明显抑制氧化应激所致的核仁分离 . 荧光蛋白示踪及核仁蛋白质免疫印迹分析显示, H2O2处理后 1 h , HSP70WT 由正常时的细胞浆定位转为细胞核及核仁定位,而 HSP70ΔNLS 在 H2O2处理后仍定位于细胞浆,同时丧失了抑制核仁分离的作用 . 上述结果提示,野生型 HSP70 能显著抑制氧化应激所致细胞核仁分离,核定位信号通过介导 HSP70 向细胞核及核仁移位而决定 HSP70 对核仁损伤的保护作用 .  相似文献   

李明  卢文才  冯宏祖  袁亮  王进军  何林 《昆虫学报》2008,51(12):1235-1242
为了研究朱砂叶螨Tetranychus cinnabarinus(Boisduval)热激蛋白HSP70的表达与其适应高温和低温胁迫的关系,我们利用物种的同源性及RACE 技术,获得朱砂叶螨热激蛋白HSP70基因1个,命名为TCHSP70-4(GenBank 登录号为EU977182)。该基因全长2 182 bp,包含1 959 bp的开放阅读框,编码653个氨基酸,理论分子量为70.9 kDa,等电点为5.4,含有HSP70家族高度保守的基序。运用real-time PCR分析冷激(4℃)和热激(40℃)1 h后TCHSP70-4在朱砂叶螨体内的表达量。结果显示冷激后TCHSP70-4表达量明显下降,而热激后TCHSP70-4表达量却明显上升。这些结果一方面表明该基因属于诱导型HSP70基因,另一方面揭示了朱砂叶螨分别受到冷和热胁迫后体内TCHSP70-4的表达及所起的保护作用是不同的。  相似文献   

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