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Sargassum muticum (Yendo) Fensholt is an introduced brown seaweed with a very distinctive seasonal growth cycle on European shores. The present study links the dynamics of a population of S. muticum with the seasonal growth cycle of the species and the density-dependent processes operating throughout this cycle. Results indicate that both growth cycle and intraspecific competition influenced the structure and population dynamics. Size inequality increased during the slow growth phase (autumn–winter) of the 2-year study. Mechanisms generating inequality of size could be the existence of asymmetric competition and the inherent differences in growth rates between old (regenerated) and new thalli (recruits). Inequality of size distributions decreased progressively during the last months of the growth phase (spring–summer) and could be related to a process of self-thinning. There was a negative biomass–density relationship (as a measure of biomass accumulation-driven mortality) that confirms the importance of self-thinning as a major demographic factor in the S. muticum population.  相似文献   

Module dynamics of the fucoid alga SARGASSUM SUBREPANDUM (Forssk.) C. Agardh was studied in the southern Red Sea. Seasonal variation in thallus density and size was determined, and the initiation, growth, reproduction, and shedding of modules (primary laterals) were ascertained, using a tagging approach. Possible effects of different size‐related parameters on module initiation, growth, reproduction, and shedding were analyzed in the context of contradicting results for other macroalgae, in comparison with terrestrial plants. Thallus density varied little; most of the seasonal variation occurred at the modular level. A restricted period of new module formation early in the cooler season was followed by fast growth and reproduction. Massive shedding of modules occurred toward the end of the cooler season leading to strongly reduced biomass in summer. There was some evidence that high module numbers inhibited new module formation and enhanced the maximum module elongation rate (fastest‐growing module per thallus). On the other hand, elongation rates generally decreased, and apical tissue losses increased with increasing module length. This response was observed over a wide size range, suggesting grazing losses. There was no evidence of suppressed growth in small modules due to intraspecific competition. Elongation rates remained unaffected by reproductive status, indicating that there was no direct trade‐off between growth and reproduction. Module survivorship was independent of module number and size, but fertile modules were more persistent than vegetative ones. We conclude that module dynamics are determined by seasonal changes in the environment, size‐dependent processes, and interactions among the modules.  相似文献   

Module dynamics in the fucoid alga Turbinaria triquetra (J. Agardh) Kützing were studied on a shallow reef flat in the southern Red Sea. Seasonal patterns in thallus density and size were determined, and the initiation, growth, reproduction, and shedding of modules were studied using a tagging approach. The effects of module density and module/thallus size on module initiation, growth, reproduction, and shedding were analyzed, and the occurrence of intraspecific competition among modules was examined. Seasonal variation occurred mainly at the modular level. There was a restricted period of new module formation in the cooler season, followed by fast growth and reproduction, massive shedding of modules from the end of the cooler season onward, and strongly reduced biomass in summer. There was no evidence of suppressed growth in small modules due to intraspecific competition. Module density and thallus/module size had opposite effects on elongation rates. High module densities enhanced maximum elongation rates (fastest‐growing module per thallus), resulting in longer thalli. On the other hand, elongation rates decreased and tissue loss increased with increasing module length. Reproduction had no clear effect on elongation rates, indicating that there was no direct trade‐off between reproduction and growth. The apparent size‐dependence of reproduction was due to delayed fertility in young modules. Module initiation and shedding were independent of module density. Shedding was also independent of module size and reproductive status. We conclude that seasonal changes in the environment affect module initiation, growth, reproduction, and shedding, whereas density and size‐dependent processes mainly affect growth rates.  相似文献   

Abstract The results make it clear that there are total 11 families, 29 genera and 43 species of spiders in the rice field of Dong Fang Hong Farm. Among them, there are 8 families, 19 genera and 28 species in the early rice field, and 10 families, 27 genera and 36 species in the late rice field. The spatial distribution pattern of mixed spider populations in rice fields was different during different development stages of rice plant. During the prophase, metaphase and anaphase of early rice plant development, the spatial distribution pattern of mixed spider populations was aggregative, random and aggregative respectively. During the prophase, metaphase and anaphase of late rice plant development, the spatial distribution pattern was uniform, aggregative and uniform respectively.  相似文献   

稻田蜘蛛混合种群空间分布模式动态分析(英文)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
结果表明,在东方红农场稻田中总共有11科29属43种蜘蛛,其中早稻田中有8科19属43种,晚稻田中有10科27属36种。在水稻的不同发育阶段蜘蛛混合种群的空间分布模式存在差异。在早稻发育的前期、中期和后期,稻田蜘蛛混合种群的空间分布模式分别是聚集的、随机的和聚集的;在晚稻发育的前期、中期和后期,其空间分布模式依次是均匀的、聚集的和均匀的。同时,对其空间分布模式动态进行了初步分析。  相似文献   

东灵山辽东栎林主要树种种群11年动态变化   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
 该研究在北京东灵山区一个30 m×40 m的纯辽东栎(Quercus liaotungensis)林永久性样地内进行,林龄为80年左右。样地中高于2 m的成树密度在1991、1997和2002年3次调查中呈逐年递减趋势,这种降低主要是由辽东栎个体的死亡引起的;而树木总胸径面积呈逐年增加趋势,主要是存活个体生长的结果。从1991年到2002年,辽东栎种群的优势度变化不大,且种群径级结构为单峰曲线,差异不显著。为了探讨这种径级分布格局形成的机制,应用离散模型对辽东栎种群的胸径年平均生长率G(t, x)、年平均死亡率M(t, x)及年平均生长率方差D(t, x)进行了计算,发现辽东栎种群的死亡率曲线呈倒J-型,个体的年平均生长率与胸径呈显著的线性正相关(p<0.01)。离散模型的系数分析和G(t, x)-D(t, x)的关系曲线分析均表明辽东栎种群内存在非对称种内竞争,即大胸径个体对小胸径个体的生长有抑制作用,这种作用主要是由相对较高的种群密度引起的对光资源的竞争。非对称种内竞争有利于维持辽东栎种群和整个群落的稳定状态。  相似文献   

甘蓝和白菜上桃蚜种群的空间格局及其时序动态   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
刘树生  汪信庚 《昆虫学报》1996,39(2):158-165
1999-1992年在杭州郊区菜区连续调查了10茬结球甘蓝、19茬白菜上桃蚜Myzus Persicae种群的分布图式。利用这些数据计算出多项空间聚集指标,分析了各项指标与密度的相关性,然后选择受密度影响较小的负二项分布的K值,描述了种群的空间格局及其时序动态。两类蔬菜上桃蚜种群全年呈聚集分布;但聚集强度变化有明显的季节规律。一年中5月和11月前后有两个明显的扩散高峰;在蚜虫迁离本田的6~7月和重新迁入本田的9-10月前后则有两个聚集高峰。在一季作物上的聚集强度随时间的变化过程因季节而异,春夏季为高一低一高,秋冬季从高往低呈持续下降,而冬春季则呈上下随机波动趋势,文中最后对桃蚜种群空间图式及其时序动态特征的成因,尤其是气温和植株营养条件变化的影响进行了讨论。  相似文献   

本研究据已收集到的数据,用非参数统计方法确定了黑颈鹤种群的性比为1:1,避免了大量取样。根据黑颈鹤的特点,我们将其种群分成4个年龄组,并求出了各年龄组的存活率和繁殖率,据此建立了描述黑颈鹤种群动态的数学模型。用模型计算得出在乌蒙山区越冬的黑颈鹤种群的自然增长率为1.85‰;理想的种群结构为幼鹤、亚成鹤、成鹤、老鹤分别占总数的15.5%、21.5%、60.2%、2.8%,最后预测了乌蒙山黑颈鹤种群在1988~2000年越冬期的数量。1989年1月经实地调查该种群总数为310只,而预测值为303只,误差约2%。  相似文献   

本文提出一种用香蒲 (Typhadomingensis)花粉饲养花蓟马 (F .bispinosa)的方法 ,恒温饲养表明 ,在1 5℃时 ,该蓟马的世代历期长达 3 7 5d ,雌成虫平均寿命为 3 0d ;在 2 0℃和 2 5℃恒温下 ,世代历期分别为1 8 9和 1 3 8d ,雌成虫寿命分别为 2 9 0和 2 3 3d。平均产卵量在 2 5℃时达到最高 (1 2 3 2头 雌 ) ,而在其他几种恒温下产卵量显著减少。在佛罗里达南部 ,终年可见该蓟马在鬼针三叶草 (BidenspilosaL .)花上发生 ,而种群高峰期在三月中旬到四月初 ,平均每朵花中蓟马成虫数最高时可达 48 7头。  相似文献   

Abstract Frankliniella bispinosa was reared at five constant temperatures using pollen of Typha domingensis as food. At 15°C, 37.5 days are required for completing the life cycle and the adult females survived for about 30 days. The immature stage and the female longevity were significantly reduced when temperature increased and they were only 9.2 and 3.9 days, respectively, at 35°C. The maximal number of eggs (123.2/female) were laid at 25°C, as compared with 29.5, 42.1, 11.6 eggs per female, respectively, at 15°C, 20°C and 30°C. F. bispinosa occurs on Bidens pilosa flowers all the year round in south Florida. However, the population is more abundant from mid-March to early April.  相似文献   

陕南马尾松种群结构与动态的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
马尾松是陕西南森林群落演替过程中的先锋树种,但在山坡中上部及山脊等立地条件较差的生境中能够。其稳定性表在两个方面:(1)时间上-年龄结构呈倒J型,即拥有众多的幼苗幼树和少量上层木;(2)空间上-个体分布格局,即同龄个体所组成的斑块间的交替更新;这种稳定性属于地域性特征。种群结构动态变化的主要动力是种内竞争。  相似文献   

负二项分布与昆虫种群空间格局分析的研究现状   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对农业有害生物及其天敌种群密度的正确估计是实施IPM(有害生物综合治理)方案的先决条件,因此,抽样方法一直被列为昆虫学,生态学和植物保护科学中最重要的基本  相似文献   

Palmaria palmata (Linnaeus) O. Kuntze (Rhodophyta, Palmariaceae) is a seaweed commercially harvested for human consumption. Its population density, size structure, and frond dynamics were investigated from May 1999 to May 2001 at one intertidal locality in the northern coast of Spain, which is within the southern distributional boundary of the species in the eastern Atlantic coasts. The effect of size, age, and the life‐history phase (haploid vs. diploid) on frond growth and mortality were also evaluated. The study was carried out by mapping and monitoring fronds in the field. New fronds (macroscopic recruits or sprouts) appeared in spring, but subsequent mortality of these young fronds and detachment of the host plant led to lower density values in January. Palmaria palmata exhibited a distinctive seasonal growth cycle, with positive net growth from March to August and breakage from August to March. Interannual differences were also detected, with higher net growth in 2000 than in 1999. Net growth was apparently independent of age, reproductive status (fertile vs. reproductive), and life‐history phase (haploid vs. diploid) but was dependent on size, as longer fronds showed minor growth or greater breakage than small ones. Mortality, on the other hand, was more dependent on age than on size in the period analyzed (March–May 2000). Results of the study indicate that both size and age should be included as state variables and temporal changes in transition probabilities considered in the development of demographic models of the species.  相似文献   

武汉东湖短尾秀体溞的种群变动和生产量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄祥飞 《生态学报》1989,9(2):132-138
测定浮游动物的生产量是水生态系统结构、功能和生物生产力研究中的一个重要环节,通过生产量的测算可客观地评价不同种群对系统作用的大小。短尾秀体溞在我国广为分布,但其生产量在我国尚未见报道,为此笔者测定研究了东湖麦秋季的优势枝角类——短尾秀体溞(Diaphanosoma brachyurum)的种群变化和生产量。在1983—1985年间,这种秀体搔在Ⅰ站的平均种群密度依次为7.67±12.39,11.15±20.58和10.14±11.19个/升;Ⅱ站则分别为7.36±11.07,7.37±16.16和9.69±14.65个/升。最高种群密度Ⅰ站可达95.7个/升,Ⅱ站为70.6个/升。 短尾秀体溞体长与体重(干重)的回归方程为:log W=2.0411logL 0.6462 用累计总增长法测定了这种溞在1983—1985年5—10月的总生产量。Ⅰ站依次为1.193,1.120和1.692毫克/升·年;Ⅱ站则分别为1.029,0.978和1.602毫克/升·年。 短尾秀体溞(5—10月)的P/B系数,1983年Ⅰ站为77.54,Ⅱ站为59.37;1984年Ⅰ、Ⅱ站分别为63.20和50.17;1985年Ⅰ站达78.29,Ⅱ站为71.59。  相似文献   

本文根据种群生命系统的概念和分析,组建了模拟褐飞虱(Nilaparvata lugens St(?)l)种群动态的计算机模型。该模型包括一个多列矩阵和一组差分方程。多列矩阵用于描述褐飞虱种群的龄期重叠现象及其年龄——虫态结构;差分方程用于计算种群的增长过程。在建模时,我们把10日度作为褐飞虱发育的一个年龄,用天作为模拟的时间步长,同时利用了褐飞虱特定龄期的发育速率,根据生命表数据计算的特定龄期存活率、长翅型成虫的迁飞类型及数量、雌成虫的生殖力等有关资料。经过采用福建省龙海、福州和沙县三个地方1896—1990的实际观测资料与模型的预测结果进行比较,验证了该模型的有效性和准确性;通过改变模型的主要输入变量,得到了各种不同的输出结果,由此对模型的行为及真实性作了分析。笔者认为该模型可用于进一步研究褐飞虱的生物学、生态学以及综合治理的基础,稍作改进,也可用于描述其它昆虫的种群生命系统。  相似文献   

兴安落叶松种群格局的分形特征——关联维数   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
种群格局关联维数揭示出个体空间关联的尺度变化规律,表明种群个体的空间相关程度。采用关联维数对大兴安岭兴安落叶松种群格局的研究表明,各类兴安落叶松林中兴安落叶松种群格局具有较高的关联维数(接近2),个体空间关联程度较高,其次序为杜鹃-兴安落叶松林(1.746)>草类-兴安落叶松林(1.740)>越桔-兴安落叶松林(1.550)>杜香-兴安落叶松林(1.468)。兴安落叶松-白桦林中兴安落叶松种群格局的关联维数较小(<1.512,远离2),个体间关联较弱,处于劣势伴生地位。通过将各天然森林类型与兴安落叶松人工林比较显示,个体空间相关程度由高至低的次序为兴安落叶松人工林(1.762)>兴安落叶松天然林(1.626)>兴安落叶松-白桦林(1.434),揭示出兴安落叶松种群在不同森林类型中个体空间关联的尺度变化的差异。文中还对综合运用各种分形维数揭示种群格局尺度变化特征的问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

松嫩平原碱化草甸天然虎尾草种群密度制约特征的研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
杨允菲  张宝田 《生态学报》1992,12(3):266-272

太白山红桦种群结构与空间分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
林玥  任坚毅  岳明 《植物生态学报》2008,32(6):1335-1345
 为了揭示太白山红桦(Betula albo-sinensis)种群的维持机制, 结合径级结构、静态生命表和存活曲线, 对太白山红桦种群结构进行了研究; 并应用单变量、双变量K函数对不同径级立木与残干的空间格局、空间关联性进行了多尺度分析。研究显示, 太白山红桦种群在幼苗幼树阶段死亡率较高, 进入中龄期后死亡率有所降低, 随着年龄增长, 死亡率逐渐增加, 直至年龄极限。其存活曲线基本接近Deevey I型(曲线凸型)。其个体死亡方式主要为掘根和折干(由大雪所致), 能够为种群更新提供潜在空间。除海拔2 250 m立木整体格局呈集群分布外, 该地区红桦立木与残干在不同尺度下的整体格局均为随机分布。不同发育阶段的个体均呈集群分布, 表现为斑块状同龄群。在红桦更新所需的最适林窗大小尺度上, 红桦立木与残干的空间关联性为显著正相关。以上结果表明: 太白山红桦种群具有同龄集群生长的特性, 种群由时空上不连续的局部斑块同龄个体组成, 其更新有赖于以掘根及折干方式死亡个体所形成的林窗斑块, 这种以局部林窗斑块更新维持种群整体稳定的特性, 可能是其长期稳定存在的重要机制。  相似文献   

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