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In the vertebrate embryo, segmentation is built on repetitive structures, named somites, which are formed progressively from the most rostral part of presomitic mesoderm, every 90 minutes in the avian embryo. The discovery of the cyclic expression of several genes, occurring every 90 minutes in each presomitic cell, has shown that there is a molecular clock linked to somitogenesis. We demonstrate that a dynamic expression pattern of the cycling genes is already evident at the level of the prospective presomitic territory. The analysis of this expression pattern, correlated with a quail/chick fate-map, identifies a 'wave' of expression travelling along the future medial/lateral presomitic axis. Further analysis also reveals the existence of a medial/lateral asynchrony of expression at the level of presomitic mesoderm. This work suggests that the molecular clock is providing cellular positional information not only along the anterior/posterior but also along the medial/lateral presomitic axis. Finally, by using an in vitro culture system, we show that the information for morphological somite formation and molecular segmentation is segregated within the medial/lateral presomitic axis. Medial presomitic cells are able to form somites and express segmentation markers in the absence of lateral presomitic cells. By contrast, and surprisingly, lateral presomitic cells that are deprived of their medial counterparts are not able to organise themselves into somites and lose the expression of genes known to be important for vertebrate segmentation, such as Delta-1, Notch-1, paraxis, hairy1, hairy2 and lunatic fringe.  相似文献   

In the basal chordate amphioxus (Branchiostoma), somites extend the full length of the body. The anteriormost somites segment during the gastrula and neurula stages from dorsolateral grooves of the archenteron. The remaining ones pinch off, one at a time, from the tail bud. These posterior somites appear to be homologous to those of vertebrates, even though the latter pinch off from the anterior end of bands of presomitic mesoderm rather than directly from the tail bud. To gain insights into the evolution of mesodermal segmentation in chordates, we determined the expression of ten genes in nascent amphioxus somites. Five (Uncx4.1, NeuroD/atonal-related, IrxA, Pcdhdelta2-17/18, and Hey1) are expressed in stripes in the dorsolateral mesoderm at the gastrula stage and in the tail bud while three (Paraxis, Lcx, and Axin) are expressed in the posterior mesendoderm at the gastrula and neurula stages and in the tail bud at later stages. Expression of two genes (Pbx and OligA) suggests roles in the anterior somites that may be unrelated to initial segmentation. Together with previous data, our results indicate that, with the exception that Engrailed is only segmentally expressed in the anterior somites, the genetic mechanisms controlling formation of both the anterior and posterior somites are probably largely identical. Thus, the fundamental pathways for mesodermal segmentation involving Notch-Delta, Wnt/beta-catenin, and Fgf signaling were already in place in the common ancestor of amphioxus and vertebrates although budding of somites from bands of presomitic mesoderm exhibiting waves of expression of Notch, Wnt, and Fgf target genes was likely a vertebrate novelty. Given the conservation of segmentation gene expression between amphioxus and vertebrate somites, we propose that the clock mechanism may have been established in the basal chordate, while the wavefront evolved later in the vertebrate lineage.  相似文献   

The paraxial mesoderm of the neck and trunk of mouse embryos undergoes extensive morphogenesis in forming somites. Paraxial mesoderm is divided into segments, it elongates along its anterior posterior axis, and its cells organize into epithelia. Experiments were performed to determine if these processes are autonomous to the mesoderm that gives rise to the somites. Presomitic mesoderm at the tailbud stage was cultured in the presence and absence of its adjacent tissues. Somite segmentation occurred in the absence of neural tube, notochord, gut and surface ectoderm, and occurred in posterior fragments in the absence of anterior presomitic mesoderm. Mesodermal expression of Dll1 and Notch1, genes with roles in segmentation, was largely independent of other tissues, consistent with autonomous segmentation. However, surface ectoderm was found to be necessary for elongation of the mesoderm along the anterior-posterior axis and for somite epithelialization. To determine if there is specificity in the interaction between ectoderm and mesoderm, ectoderm from different sources was recombined with presomitic mesoderm. Surface ectoderm from only certain parts of the embryo supported somite epithelialization and elongation. Somite epithelialization induced by ectoderm was correlated with expression of the basic-helix-loop-helix gene Paraxis in the mesoderm. This is consistent with the genetically defined requirement for Paraxis in somite epithelialization. However, trunk ectoderm was able to induce somite epithelialization in the absence of strong Paraxis expression. We conclude that somitogenesis consists of autonomous segmentation patterned by Notch signaling and nonautonomous induction of elongation and epithelialization by surface ectoderm.  相似文献   

A number of genes that are involved in somitogenesis in vertebrates are cyclically expressed in the presomitic mesoderm. These include homologues of the Drosophila genes fringe and hairy. We have analysed here two genes that belong to these classes in the zebrafish, namely the apparent orthologues of lunatic fringe (l-fng) and of c-hairy1 (called her9). However, unlike the respective mouse and chicken genes, they are not expressed cyclically in the presomitic mesoderm. Instead, both genes are mainly expressed in the central nervous system. her9 is predominantly expressed in the fore- and midbrain, and transiently in the hindbrain. Thus, the previously identified and only very distantly related her1 gene of zebrafish has more similarities to the expression of the c-hairy1 gene than its apparent orthologue her9, indicating that sequence similarity and similarity of function are not necessarily linked in this case. l-fng expression is found in alternating pre-rhombomeres, comparable to the equivalent mouse gene expression and in the anterior compartments of the mature somites, which was also shown for the chicken l-fng gene. The latter expression indicates that it might be involved in boundary definition and cell fate decision processes, rather than in pre-patterning of the somites. Interestingly, a similar role has previously been inferred for the grasshopper homologue of l-fng. This suggests that the function of l-fng in boundary definition of the somites might be ancestral, while its recruitment to the pre-patterning process of the somites might be a derived feature in higher vertebrates.  相似文献   

Axial structures (neural tube/notochord) and surface ectoderm activate myogenesis in the mouse embryo; their action can be reproduced, at least in part, by several molecules such as Sonic hedgehog and Wnts. Recently, soluble Wnt antagonists have been identified. Among those examined only Frzb1 was found to be expressed in the presomitic mesoderm and newly formed somites and thus its possible role in regulating myogenesis was investigated in detail. When presomitic mesoderm or newly formed somites were cultured with axial structures and surface ectoderm on a feeder layer of C3H10T1/2 cells expressing Frzb1, myogenesis was abolished or severely reduced in presomitic mesoderm and the three most recently formed somites. In contrast, no effect was observed on more mature somites. Inhibition of myogenesis did not appear to be associated with increased cell death since the final number of cells in the explants grown in the presence of Frzb1 was only slightly reduced in comparison with controls. In order to examine the possible function of Frzb1 in vivo, we developed a method based on the overexpression of the soluble antagonist by transient transfection of WOP cells with a Frzb1 expression vector and injection of transfected cells into the placenta of pregnant females before the onset of maternofoetal circulation. Frzb1, secreted by WOP cells, accumulated in the embryo and caused a marked reduction in size of caudal structures. Myogenesis was strongly reduced and, in the most severe cases, abolished. This was not due to a generalized toxic effect since only several genes downstream of the Wnt signaling pathway such as En1, Noggin and Myf5 were downregulated; in contrast, Pax3 and Mox1 expression levels were not affected even in embryos exhibiting the most severe phenotypes. Taken together, these results suggest that Wnt signals may act by regulating both myogenic commitment and expansion of committed cells in the mouse mesoderm.  相似文献   

Establishing the anterior/posterior (A/P) boundary of individual somites is important for setting up the segmental body plan of all vertebrates. Resegmentation of adjacent sclerotomes to form the vertebrae and selective migration of neural crest cells during the formation of the dorsal root ganglia and peripheral nerves occur in response to differential expression of genes in the anterior and posterior halves of the somite. Recent evidence indicates that the A/P axis is established at the anterior end of the presomitic mesoderm prior to overt somitogenesis in response to both Mesp2 and Notch signaling. Here, we report that mice deficient for paraxis, a gene required for somite epithelialization, also display defects in the axial skeleton and peripheral nerves that are consistent with a failure in A/P patterning. Expression of Mesp2 and genes in the Notch pathway were not altered in the presomitic mesoderm of paraxis(-/-) embryos. Furthermore, downstream targets of Notch activation in the presomitic mesoderm, including EphA4, were transcribed normally, indicating that paraxis was not required for Notch signaling. However, genes that were normally restricted to the posterior half of somites were present in a diffuse pattern in the paraxis(-/-) embryos, suggesting a loss of A/P polarity. Collectively, these data indicate a role for paraxis in maintaining somite polarity that is independent of Notch signaling.  相似文献   

Cell interactions involving Notch signaling are required for the demarcation of tissue boundaries in both invertebrate and vertebrate development. Members of the Fringe gene family encode beta-1,3 N-acetyl-glucosaminyltransferases that function to refine the spatial localization of Notch-receptor signaling to tissue boundaries. In this paper we describe the isolation and characterization of the zebrafish (Danio rerio) homologue of the lunatic fringe gene (lfng). Zebrafish lfng is generally expressed in equivalent structures to those reported for the homologous chick and mouse genes. These sites include expression along the A-P axis of the neural tube, within the lateral plate mesoderm, in the presomitic mesoderm and the somites and in specific rhombomeres of the hindbrain; however, within these general expression domains species-specific differences in lfng expression exist. In mouse, Lfng is expressed in odd-numbered rhombomeres, whereas in zebrafish, expression occurs in even-numbered rhombomeres. In contrast to reports in both mouse and chicken embryos showing a kinematic cyclical expression of Lfng mRNA in the presomitic paraxial mesoderm, we find no evidence for a cyclic pattern of expression for the zebrafish lfng gene; instead, the zebrafish lfng is expressed in two static stripes within the presomitic mesoderm. Nevertheless, in zebrafish mutants affecting the correct formation of segment boundaries in the hindbrain and somites, lfng expression is aberrant or lost.  相似文献   

Bipotent axial stem cells residing in the caudal epiblast during late gastrulation generate neuroectodermal and presomitic mesodermal progeny that coordinate somitogenesis with neural tube formation, but the mechanism that controls these two fates is not fully understood. Retinoic acid (RA) restricts the anterior extent of caudal fibroblast growth factor 8 (Fgf8) expression in both mesoderm and neural plate to control somitogenesis and neurogenesis, however it remains unclear where RA acts to control the spatial expression of caudal Fgf8. Here, we found that mouse Raldh2-/- embryos, lacking RA synthesis and displaying a consistent small somite defect, exhibited abnormal expression of key markers of axial stem cell progeny, with decreased Sox2+ and Sox1+ neuroectodermal progeny and increased Tbx6+ presomitic mesodermal progeny. The Raldh2-/- small somite defect was rescued by treatment with an FGF receptor antagonist. Rdh10 mutants, with a less severe RA synthesis defect, were found to exhibit a small somite defect and anterior expansion of caudal Fgf8 expression only for somites 1–6, with normal somite size and Fgf8 expression thereafter. Rdh10 mutants were found to lack RA activity during the early phase when somites are small, but at the 6-somite stage RA activity was detected in neural plate although not in presomitic mesoderm. Expression of a dominant-negative RA receptor in mesoderm eliminated RA activity in presomitic mesoderm but did not affect somitogenesis. Thus, RA activity in the neural plate is sufficient to prevent anterior expansion of caudal Fgf8 expression associated with a small somite defect. Our studies provide evidence that RA restriction of Fgf8 expression in undifferentiated neural progenitors stimulates neurogenesis while also restricting the anterior extent of the mesodermal Fgf8 mRNA gradient that controls somite size, providing new insight into the mechanism that coordinates somitogenesis with neurogenesis.  相似文献   

Orthotopic grafts of wheat germ agglutinin-colloidal gold conjugate (WGA-gold) labelled cells were used to demonstrate differences in the segmental fate of cells in the presomitic mesoderm of the early-somite-stage mouse embryos developing in vitro. Labelled cells in the anterior region of the presomitic mesoderm colonized the first three somites formed after grafting, while those grafted to the middle region of this tissue were found mostly in the 4th-7th newly formed somites. Labelled cells grafted to the posterior region were incorporated into somites whose somitomeres were not yet present in the presomitic mesoderm at the time of grafting. There was therefore an apparent posterior displacement of the grafted cells in the presomitic mesoderm. Colonization of somites by WGA-gold labelled cells was usually limited to two to three consecutive somites in the chimaera. The distribution of cells derived from a single graft to two somites was most likely due to the segregation of the labelled population when cells were allocated to adjacent meristic units during somite formation. Further spreading of the labelled cells to several somites in some cases was probably the result of a more extensive mixing of mesodermal cells among the somitomeres prior to somite segmentation.  相似文献   

Segmentation consists on the progressive formation of repetitive embryonic structures, named somites, which are formed from the most rostral part of the presomitic mesoderm. Somites are subdivided into anterior and posterior compartments and several genes are differentially expressed in either compartment. This has provided evidence for the importance of establishing the anterior-posterior polarity within each somite, which is critical for the correct segmented pattern of the adult vertebrate body. Although all somites appear morphologically similar, fate map studies have shown that the first 4 somites do not give rise to segmented structures, in contrast to more posterior ones. Moreover, in several somitogenesis-related mutants the anterior somites are not affected while posterior somites present clear defects or do not form at all. Altogether these data suggest relevant differences between rostral and caudal somites. In order to check for molecular differences between anterior and posterior somites, we have performed a detailed expression pattern analysis of several Notch signalling related genes. For the first time, we show that the somitic expression pattern profile is not the same along the anterior-posterior axis and that the differences are not observed always at the same somite level.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid activates myogenesis in vivo through Fgf8 signalling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Retinoic acid (RA) has been shown to regulate muscle differentiation in vitro. Here, we have investigated the role of RA signalling during embryonic myogenesis in zebrafish. We have altered RA signalling from gastrulation stages onwards by either inhibiting endogenous RA synthesis using an inhibitor of retinaldehyde dehydrogenases (DEAB) or by addition of exogenous RA. DEAB reduces expression of the myogenic markers myoD and myogenin in somites, whereas RA induces increased expression of these genes and strongly induces premature myoD expression in the presomitic mesoderm (psm). The expression dynamics of myf5 in presomitic and somitic mesoderm suggest that RA promotes muscle differentiation, a role supported by the fact that RA activates expression of fast myosin, while DEAB represses it. We identify Fgf8 as a major relay factor in RA-mediated activation of myogenesis. We show that fgf8 expression in somites and anterior psm is regulated by RA, and find that in the absence of Fgf8 signalling in the acerebellar mutant RA fails to promote myoD expression. We propose that, in the developing embryo, localised synthesis of RA by Raldh2 in the anterior psm and in somites activates fgf8 expression which in turn induces the expression of myogenic genes and fast muscle differentiation.  相似文献   

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