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The loss of DNA helicase II (UvrD) in Escherichia coli results in sensitivity to UV light and increased levels of spontaneous mutagenesis. While the effects of various uvrD alleles have been analyzed in vivo, the proteins produced by these alleles have not been examined in any detail. We have cloned one of these alleles, uvrD252, and determined the site of the mutation conferring the phenotype. In addition, the protein it encodes has been purified to homogeneity and characterized in vitro. The mutation responsible for the phenotype was identified as a glycine-to-aspartic-acid change in the putative ATP-binding domain. In comparison to wild-type DNA helicase II, the UvrD252 enzyme exhibited reduced levels of ATPase activity and a large increase in the Km for ATP. The ability of UvrD252 to unwind DNA containing single-stranded regions, as well as DNA containing only nicks, was reduced in comparison to that of the wild-type enzyme. Possible interpretations of these results in relation to the phenotypes of the uvrD252 mutant are discussed. This represents the first detailed analysis of the biochemical properties of a mutant DNA helicase II protein.  相似文献   

We have examined the duplex DNA unwinding (helicase) properties of the Escherichia coli helicase II protein (uvrD gene product) over a wide range of protein concentrations and solution conditions using a variety of duplex DNA substrates including fully duplex blunt ended and nicked circular molecules. We find that helicase II protein is able to initiate on and completely unwind fully duplex DNA molecules without the requirement for a covalently attached 3' single-stranded DNA tail. This DNA unwinding activity is dependent upon Mg2+ and ATP and requires that the amount of protein be in excess of that needed to saturate the resulting single-stranded DNA. Unwinding experiments on fully duplex blunt ended DNA with lengths of 341, 849, 1625, and 2671 base pairs indicate that unwinding occurs at the same high ratios of helicase II protein/nucleotide, independent of DNA length (50% unwinding requires approximately 0.6 helicase II monomers/nucleotide in 2.5 mM MgCl2, 10% glycerol, pH 7.5, 37 degrees C). Helicase II protein is also able to unwind completely a nicked circular DNA molecule containing 2671 base pairs. At lower but still high molar ratios of helicase II protein to DNA, duplex DNA molecules containing a single-stranded (ss) region attached to a 3' end of the duplex are preferentially unwound in agreement with the results obtained by S. W. Matson [1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 10169-10175). This preferential unwinding of duplex DNA with an attached 3' ssDNA most likely reflects the availability of a high affinity site (ssDNA) with the proper orientation for initiation; however, this may not reflect the type of DNA molecule upon which helicase II protein initiates DNA unwinding in vivo. The effects of changes in NaCl, NaCH3COO, and MgCl2 concentration on the ability of helicase II protein to unwind fully duplex DNA and duplex DNA with a 3' ssDNA tail have also been examined. Although the unwinding of fully duplex and nicked circular DNA molecules reported here occurs at higher helicase II protein to DNA ratios than have been previously used in most studies of this protein in vitro, this activity is likely to be relevant to the function of this protein in vivo since very high levels of helicase II protein accumulate in E. coli during the SOS response to DNA damage (approximately 2-5 x 10(4) copies/cell).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Three mutants producing thermosensitive DNA-dependent Adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) I were screened from a collection of temperature-sensitive mutants of Escherichia coli K12. ATPase I purified to near homogeneity from one of the mutants (JE11000) possesses both thermosensitive DNA-dependent ATPase and DNA helicase activities. We have shown that ATPase I is encoded by the uvrD gene as first suggested by Oeda et al. (1982): (i) the thermosensitive ATPase I mutation present in JE11040 lies in or very close to the uvrD gene, (ii) ATPase I activity is absent in uvrD210, uvrD156, and uvrD252 mutants. Thus the thermosensitive mutations correspond to new uvrD mutations. However, the mutation present in JE11040 confers neither UV sensitivity nor mutator phenotype at high temperature. Evidence is presented that the mutant ATPase I is stabilized in vivo at 42 degrees C.  相似文献   

Identification of the gene for DNA helicase II of Escherichia coli   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Using a modification of the solid-phase radioimmune assay of Broome and Gilbert [Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA, 75, 2746 (1978)] to screen the plaques of lambda recombinant phages for the presence of an elevated level of helicase-II-specific antigen, we have identified the gene for helicase II in a library of Escherichia coli DNA. The DNA selected was subcloned from lambda into plasmid vectors; restriction analysis located the DNA region encoding helicase II in a PvuII fragment identical in size (2900 base pairs) and restriction pattern to that which contains the uvrD gene. Plasmids carrying this DNA fragment complemented the increased sensitivity to ultraviolet irradiation and the mutator phenotype of uvrD mutants. Furthermore, uvrD502 mutant cells were found to liberate no helicase II activity upon extraction. Following transformation with the cloned DNA, active helicase II was recovered from the mutant cells. These results support the view that helicase II is encoded by uvrD.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli helD (encoding helicase IV) and uvrD (encoding helicase II) genes have been deleted, independently and in combination, from the chromosome and replaced with genes encoding antibiotic resistance. Each deletion was verified by Southern blots, and the location of each deletion was confirmed by P1-mediated transduction. Cell strains containing the single and double deletions were viable, indicating that helicases II and IV are not essential for viability. Cell strains lacking helicase IV (delta helD) exhibited no increase in sensitivity to UV irradiation but were slightly more resistant to methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) than the isogenic wild-type cell strain. As expected, cell strains containing the helicase II deletion (delta uvrD) were sensitive to both UV irradiation and MMS. The introduction of the helicase IV deletion into a delta uvrD background had essentially no effect on the UV and MMS sensitivity of the cell strains analyzed. The double deletions, however, conferred a Rec- mutant phenotype for conjugational and transductional recombination in both recBC sbcB(C) and recBC sbcA backgrounds. The Rec- mutant phenotype was more profound in the recBC sbcB(C) background than in the recBC sbcA background. The recombination-deficient phenotype indicates the direct involvement of helicase II and/or helicase IV in the RecF pathway [recBC sbcB(C) background] and RecE pathway (recBC sbcA background) of recombination. The modest decrease in the recombination frequency observed in single-deletion mutants in the recBC sbcB(C) background suggests that either helicase is sufficient. In addition, helicase IV has been overexpressed in a tightly regulated system. The data suggest that even modest overexpression of helicase IV is lethal to the cell.  相似文献   

Regulation of the Escherichia coli uvrD gene in vivo.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

A temperature-sensitive uvrD mutant, HD323 uvrD4, was isolated from the uvrD mutant HD4 uvrD3. The temperature sensitivity of the uvrD4 gene product was reversible. The suppressor mutation uvrD44 which rendered the uvrD3 mutant temperature-sensitive could be separated from the uvrD3 mutation by replacing the PstI fragment, which encodes the C-terminal half of the UvrD protein. The uvrD44 mutation was found to make host bacteria lethal at non-permissive temperatures only when cloned on a low copy vector pMF3. The nucleotide sequence of the uvrD3 and uvrD4 mutant genes was determined. The nucleotide change found in the uvrD3 at +1235, GAA to AAA, only alters the amino acid sequence from Glu at 387 to Lys. The uvrD44 has another nucleotide change at +1859, GAA to AAA (Glu at 595 to Lys), which is considered to be the suppressor mutation uvrD44.  相似文献   

The sequence of a 2.67-kilobase section of the Escherichia coli chromosome that contains the rep gene has been determined. This gene codes for a protein of predicted Mr 72,800, a DNA helicase, which is also a single-stranded DNA-dependent ATPase. The sequenced region contains an open reading frame of the correct length and orientation to encode the Rep protein. A secondary structure for the protein can be formulated from the amino acid sequence. We have compared both the primary and the secondary structures of Rep with other proteins and find the greatest homology between Rep and E. coli helicase II, the product of the uvrD gene.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli MutL loads DNA helicase II onto DNA   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Previous studies have shown that MutL physically interacts with UvrD (DNA helicase II) (Hall, M. C., Jordan, J. R., and Matson, S. W. (1998) EMBO J. 17, 1535-1541) and dramatically stimulates the unwinding reaction catalyzed by UvrD in the presence and absence of the other protein components of the methyl-directed mismatch repair pathway (Yamaguchi, M., Dao, V., and Modrich, P. (1998) J. Biol. Chem. 273, 9197-9201). The mechanism of this stimulation was investigated using DNA binding assays, single-turnover helicase assays, and unwinding assays involving long duplex DNA substrates. The results indicate that MutL binds DNA and loads UvrD onto the DNA substrate. The interaction between MutL and DNA and that between MutL and UvrD are both important for stimulation of UvrD-catalyzed unwinding. MutL does not clamp UvrD onto the substrate; and therefore, the processivity of unwinding is not increased in the presence of MutL. The implications of these results are discussed, and models are presented for the mechanism of MutL stimulation as well as for the role of MutL as a master coordinator in the methyl-directed mismatch repair pathway.  相似文献   

T7 phage DNA eroded with lambda exonuclease (to create 3'-protruding strands) or exonuclease III (to create 5'-protruding strands) was treated under unwinding assay conditions with DNA helicase II. Single-stranded DNA-binding protein (of Escherichia coli or phage T4) was added to disentangle the denatured DNA and the complexes were examined in the electron microscope. DNA helicase II complexes filtered through a gel column before assay retain the ability to generate forks suggesting that DNA helicase II unwinds in a preformed complex by translocating along the bound DNA strand. The enzyme initiates preferentially at the ends of the lambda-exonuclease-treated duplexes and is found at a fork on the initially protruding strand. It also initiates at the ends of the exonuclease-III-treated duplexes where, as with approximately 5% of the forks traceable back to a single-stranded gap, it is found on the initially recessed strand. The results are consistent with the view that DNA helicase II unwinds in the 3'-5' direction relative to the bound strand. They also confirm that the enzyme can initiate at the end of a fully base-paired strand. At a fork, DNA helicase II is bound as a tract of molecules of approximately 110 nm in length. Tracts of enzyme assemble from non-cooperatively bound molecules in the presence of ATP. During unwinding, DNA helicase II apparently can translocate to the displaced strand which conceivably can deplete the leading strand of the enzyme. Continued adsorption of enzyme to DNA might replenish forks arrested by strand switch of the unwinding enzyme.  相似文献   

An in vitro assay specific for the product of the uvrD gene of Escherichia coli has been developed. This assay, derived from properties of uvrD mutants revealed by in vivo experiments, is based on the necessity for a functional UvrD protein for complete rejoining of covalently closed circular DNA during the excision repair of UV-induced damage. Extracts prepared from gently lysed uvrD101 mutant cells are capable of restoring UV-damaged DNA to its covalently closed circular form when provided with a functional UvrD protein from other repair-deficient cell extracts or from partially purified protein fractions. This assay was employed to monitor the activity of the UvrD protein after several steps of fractionation. The partially purified UvrD protein does not complement extracts deficient in DNA polymerase I or temperature-sensitive in DNA ligase; it does, however, complement extracts from strains mutant at the uvrE and recL loci, which are considered allelic with the uvrD locus.  相似文献   

The domain structures of the Escherichia coli Rep and Helicase II proteins and their ligand-dependent conformational changes have been examined by monitoring the sensitivity of these helicases to proteolysis by trypsin and chymotrypsin. Limited treatment of unliganded Rep protein (73 kDa) with trypsin results in cleavage at a single site in its carboxyl-terminal region, producing a 68-kDa polypeptide which is stabilized in the presence of ATP, ADP, or adenosine 5'-O-thiotriphosphate) (ATP gamma S). The purified 68-kDa Rep tryptic polypeptide retains single-stranded (ss) DNA binding, DNA unwinding (helicase), and full ATPase activities. When bound to ssDNA, the Rep protein can be cleaved by trypsin at an additional site in its carboxyl-terminal region, producing a 58-kDa polypeptide that also retains ssDNA binding and ATPase activities. This 58-kDa Rep tryptic polypeptide can also be produced by further tryptic treatment of the 68-kDa Rep tryptic polypeptide when the latter is bound to ssDNA. This 58-kDa polypeptide displays a lower affinity for ssDNA indicating that the 10-kDa carboxyl-terminal peptide facilitates Rep protein binding to ssDNA. The 58-kDa Rep tryptic polypeptide is also stabilized in the presence of nucleotides. Based on these and previous studies that showed that the 68-kDa Rep tryptic polypeptide cannot support DNA replication in a system that is dependent upon the phi X174 cis-A protein (Arai, N. & Kornberg, A. (1981) J. Biol. Chem. 256, 5294-5298), we conclude that the carboxyl-terminal end (approximately 5 kDa) of the Rep protein is not required for its helicase or ATPase activities. However, we suggest that this region of the Rep protein is important for its interactions with the phi X174 cis-A protein. Limited treatment of unliganded Helicase II protein (82 kDa) with chymotrypsin results in cleavage after Tyr254, producing a 29-kDa amino-terminal polypeptide and a 53-kDa carboxyl-terminal polypeptide, which remain associated under nondenaturing conditions. This chymotrypsin cleavage reduces the ssDNA binding activity and eliminates the ssDNA-dependent ATPase and helicase activities of the Helicase II protein. The binding of ATP, ADP, ATP gamma S, and/or DNA to Helicase II protein results in protection of this site (Tyr254) from cleavage by chymotrypsin. Limited treatment of Helicase II protein with trypsin results in cleavage near its carboxyl-terminal end producing two polypeptides with apparent Mr = 72,000, in a manner similar to that observed with the Rep protein; these polypeptides are also stabilized by binding ATP or single-stranded DNA.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Transcriptional control of the uvrD gene of Escherichia coli   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
H M Arthur  P B Eastlake 《Gene》1983,25(2-3):309-316

Helicases are thought to function as oligomers (generally dimers or hexamers). Here we demonstrate that although Escherichia coli DNA helicase II (UvrD) is capable of dimerization as evidenced by a positive interaction in the yeast two-hybrid system, gel filtration chromatography, and equilibrium sedimentation ultracentrifugation (Kd = 3.4 microM), the protein is active in vivo and in vitro as a monomer. A mutant lacking the C-terminal 40 amino acids (UvrDDelta40C) failed to dimerize and yet was as active as the wild-type protein in ATP hydrolysis and helicase assays. In addition, the uvrDDelta40C allele fully complemented the loss of helicase II in both methyl-directed mismatch repair and excision repair of pyrimidine dimers. Biochemical inhibition experiments using wild-type UvrD and inactive UvrD point mutants provided further evidence for a functional monomer. This investigation provides the first direct demonstration of an active monomeric helicase, and a model for DNA unwinding by a monomer is presented.  相似文献   

The direction of the DNA-unwinding reaction catalysed by Escherichia coli DNA helicase II was studied using gapped linear DNA molecules with short duplex ends as substrate. The results suggest that DNA helicase II unwinds with 3'-5' polarity relative to the single strand of the DNA partial duplex. At high enzyme DNA ratio the enzyme also unwinds the duplex connected to the 3' end of the single strand and, as further studies show, fully duplex linear DNA. The fraction of DNA unwound decreases as the length of the duplex substrate increases. The preference of DNA helicase II for a short duplex can obscure the fact that the typical substrate is duplex connected to the 5' end of a single strand.  相似文献   

TraI (DNA helicase I) is an Escherichia coli F plasmid-encoded protein required for bacterial conjugative DNA transfer. The protein is a sequence-specific DNA transesterase that provides the site- and strand-specific nick required to initiate DNA strand transfer and a 5' to 3' DNA helicase that unwinds the F plasmid to provide the single-stranded DNA that is transferred from donor to recipient. Sequence comparisons with other transesterases and helicases suggest that these activities reside in the N- and C-terminal regions of TraI, respectively. Computer-assisted secondary structure probability analysis identified a potential interdomain region spanning residues 304-309. Proteins encoded by segments of traI, whose N or C terminus either flanked or coincided with this region, were purified and assessed for catalytic activity. Amino acids 1-306 contain the transesterase activity, whereas amino acids 309-1504 contain the helicase activity. The C-terminal 252 amino acids of the 1756-amino acid TraI protein are not required for either helicase or transesterase activity. Protein and nucleic acid sequence similarity searches indicate that the occurrence of both transesterase- and helicase-associated motifs in a conjugative DNA transfer initiator protein is rare. Only two examples (other than R100 plasmid TraI) were found: R388 plasmid TrwC and R46 plasmid (pKM101) TraH, belonging to the IncW and IncN groups of broad host range conjugative plasmids, respectively. The most significant structural difference between these proteins and TraI is that TraI contains an additional region of approximately 650 residues between the transesterase domain and the helicase-associated motifs. This region is required for helicase activity.  相似文献   

We describe a method for generating gene replacements and deletions in Escherichia coli. The technique is simple and rapid and can be applied to most genes, even those that are essential. What makes this method unique and particularly effective is the use of a temperature-sensitive pSC101 replicon to facilitate the gene replacement. The method proceeds by homologous recombination between a gene on the chromosome and homologous sequences carried on a plasmid temperature sensitive for DNA replication. Thus, after transformation of the plasmid into an appropriate host, it is possible to select for integration of the plasmid into the chromosome at 44 degrees C. Subsequent growth of these cointegrates at 30 degrees C leads to a second recombination event, resulting in their resolution. Depending on where the second recombination event takes place, the chromosome will either have undergone a gene replacement or retain the original copy of the gene. The procedure can also be used to effect the transfer of an allele from a plasmid to the chromosome or to rescue a chromosomal allele onto a plasmid. Since the resolved plasmid can be maintained by selection, this technique can be used to generate deletions of essential genes.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli rnt gene, which encodes the RNA-processing enzyme RNase T, is cotranscribed with a downstream gene. Complete sequencing of this gene indicates that its coding region encompasses 1,538 amino acids, making it the longest known protein in E. coli. The gene (tentatively termed lhr for long helicase related) contains the seven conserved motifs of the DNA and RNA helicase superfamily II. An approximately 170-kDa protein is observed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of 35S-labeled extracts prepared from cells in which lhr is under the control of an induced T7 promoter. This protein is absent when lhr is interrupted or when no plasmid is present. Downstream of lhr is the C-terminal region of a convergent gene with homology to glutaredoxin. Interruptions of chromosomal lhr at two different positions within the gene do not affect the growth of E. coli at various temperatures in rich or minimal medium, indicating that lhr is not essential for usual laboratory growth. lhr interruption also has no effect on anaerobic growth. In addition, cells lacking Lhr recover normally from starvation, plate phage normally, and display normal sensitivities to UV irradiation and H2O2. Southern analysis showed that no other gene closely related to lhr is present on the E. coli chromosome. These data expand the known size range of E. coli proteins and suggest that very large helicases are present in this organism.  相似文献   

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