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The two yeast proteins Rna14p and Rna15p form part of the cleavage/polyadenylation factor IA (CF IA) complex that is involved in the 3′ processing of pre-mRNA. Association of the two proteins is mediated by a small C-terminal peptide from Rna14p and a region in Rna15p that corresponds to the hinge domain first identified within the human orthologue. Here I report the 1H, 13C and 15N spectral assignments for a bacterially co-expressed heterodimer of Rna14p/Rna15p. Further analysis of secondary chemical shifts reveals that both peptides are predominantly α-helical within the complex.  相似文献   

A large protein machinery is required for 3'-end processing of mRNA precursors in eukaryotes. Cleavage factor IA (CF IA), a complex in the 3'-end processing machinery in yeast, contains four subunits, Rna14, Rna15, Clp1, and Pcf11. Rna14 has a HAT (half a TPR) domain at the N terminus and a region at the C terminus that mediates interactions with Rna15. Rna15 contains a RNA recognition module (RRM) at the N terminus, followed by a hinge region. These two proteins are homologs of CstF-77 and CstF-64 in the cleavage stimulation factor (CstF) of the mammalian 3'-end processing machinery. We report the first crystal structure of Rna14 in complex with the hinge region of Rna15, and the structures of the HAT domain of Rna14 alone in two different crystal forms. The complex of the C-terminal region of Rna14 with the hinge region of Rna15 does not have strong interactions with the HAT domain of Rna14, and this complex is likely to function independently of the HAT domain. Like CstF-77, the HAT domain of Rna14 is also a tightly associated dimer with a highly elongated shape. However, there are large variations in the organization of this dimer among the Rna14 structures, and there are also significant structural differences to CstF-77. These observations suggest that the HAT domain and especially its dimer may have some inherent conformational variability.  相似文献   

The Rna14–Rna15 complex is a core component of the cleavage factor IA RNA-processing complex from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. To understand the assembly and RNA-binding properties, we have isolated and characterized the Rna14–Rna15 complex using a combination of biochemical and biophysical methods. Analysis of the purified complex, using transmission electron microscopy, reveals that the two proteins assemble into a kinked rod-shaped structure and that these rods are able to further self-associate. Analytical ultracentrifugation reveals that Rna14 mediates this association and facilitates assembly of an A2B2 tetramer (Mr 230000), where relatively compact Rna14–Rna15 heterodimers are in rapid equilibrium with tetramers that have a more extended shape. The Rna14–Rna15 complex, unlike the individual components, binds to an RNA oligonucleotide derived from the 3′-untranslated region of the S.cerevisiae GAL7 gene. Based on these structural and thermodynamic data, we propose that CFIA assembly regulates RNA-binding activity.  相似文献   

Small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs) associate with specific proteins forming small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein (snoRNP) particles, which are essential for ribosome biogenesis. The snoRNAs are transcribed, processed, and assembled in snoRNPs in the nucleoplasm. Mature particles are then transported to the nucleolus. In yeast, 3'-end maturation of snoRNAs involves the activity of Rnt1p endonuclease and cleavage factor IA (CFIA). We report that after inhibition of CFIA components Rna14p and Rna15p, the snoRNP proteins Nop1p, Nop58p, and Gar1p delocalize from the nucleolus and accumulate in discrete nucleoplasmic foci. The U14 snoRNA, but not U3 snoRNA, similarly redistributes from the nucleolus to the nucleoplasmic foci. Simultaneous depletion of either Rna14p or Rna15p and the nuclear exosome component Rrp6p induces accumulation of poly(A)(+) RNA at the snoRNP-containing foci. We propose that the foci detected after CFIA inactivation correspond to quality control centers in the nucleoplasm.  相似文献   

Cunningham EL  Agard DA 《Biochemistry》2003,42(45):13212-13219
Alpha-lytic protease (alphaLP) serves as an important model in achieving a quantitative and physical understanding of protein folding reactions. Synthesized as a pro-protease, alphaLP belongs to an interesting class of proteins that require pro regions to facilitate their proper folding. alphaLP's pro region (Pro) acts as a potent folding catalyst for the protease, accelerating alphaLP folding to its native conformation nearly 10(10)-fold. Structural and mutational studies suggested that Pro's considerable foldase activity is directed toward structuring the alphaLP C-terminal domain (CalphaLP), a seemingly folding-impaired domain, which is believed to contribute significantly to the high-energy folding and unfolding transition states of alphaLP. Pro-mediated nucleation of alphaLP folding within CalphaLP was hypothesized to subsequently enable the alphaLP N-terminal domain (NalphaLP) to dock and fold, completing the formation of native protease. In this paper, we find that ternary folding reactions of Pro and noncovalent NalphaLP and CalphaLP domains are unaffected by the order in which the components are added or by the relative concentrations of the alphaLP domains, indicating that neither discrete CalphaLP structuring nor docking of the two alphaLP domains is involved in the folding transition state. Instead, the rate-limiting step of these folding reactions appears to be a slow and concerted rearrangement of the NalphaLP and CalphaLP domains to form active protease. This cooperative and interdependent folding of both protease domains defines the large alphaLP folding barrier and is an apparent extension of the highly cooperative alphaLP unfolding transition that imparts the protease with remarkable kinetic stability and functional longevity.  相似文献   

RNA14 was identified as a gene involved in premessenger RNA cleavage and polyadenylation. These processing steps take place in the nucleus, but the Rna14p protein is distributed in both the nucleus and the cytoplasm. By subcellular fractionation, we show here that the cytoplasmic fraction is localised in the mitochondria. In order to understand the role played by Rna14p in mitochondria, we have searched for new thermosensitive alleles of RNA14. We isolated thirteen new mutants. Some of them are deficient in mRNA cleavage and polyadenylation at the restrictive temperature - like the first mutant identified (rna14-1). However, others do not appear to be impaired in any of the steps in RNA metabolism investigated, nor do they appear to be involved in the replication or expression of mitochondrial DNA or in respiration. The localisation data strongly suggest that, besides an essential function in mRNA polyadenylation, the Rna14p protein has a non essential function in mitochondrial metabolism.  相似文献   

RNA14 was identified as a gene involved in premessenger RNA cleavage and polyadenylation. These processing steps take place in the nucleus, but the Rna14p protein is distributed in both the nucleus and the cytoplasm. By subcellular fractionation, we show here that the cytoplasmic fraction is localised in the mitochondria. In order to understand the role played by Rna14p in mitochondria, we have searched for new thermosensitive alleles of RNA14. We isolated thirteen new mutants. Some of them are deficient in mRNA cleavage and polyadenylation at the restrictive temperature – like the first mutant identified (rna14-1). However, others do not appear to be impaired in any of the steps in RNA metabolism investigated, nor do they appear to be involved in the replication or expression of mitochondrial DNA or in respiration. The localisation data strongly suggest that, besides an essential function in mRNA polyadenylation, the Rna14p protein has a non essential function in mitochondrial metabolism.  相似文献   

Analysis of the reversible unfolding of yeast phosphoglycerate kinase leads to the conclusion that the two lobes are capable of folding independently, consistent with the presence of intermediates on the folding pathway with a single domain folded. The domains have different free energies of stabilisation. Immunological cross-reactivity, circular dichroism and thiol reactivity provide evidence for cyanogen bromide peptide 1-173, which comprises five-sixths of the N-terminal domain, containing sufficient information to refold into a native-like structure which dimerises.  相似文献   

Kinesin-1 dimerizes via the coiled-coil neck domain. In contrast to animal kinesins, neck dimerization of the fungal kinesin-1 NcKin requires additional residues from the hinge. Using chimeric constructs containing or lacking fungal-specific elements, the proximal part of the hinge was shown to stabilize the neck coiled-coil conformation in a complex manner. The conserved fungal kinesin hinge residue W384 caused neck coiled-coil formation in a chimeric NcKin construct, including parts of the human kinesin-1 stalk. The stabilizing effect was retained in a NcKinW384F mutant, suggesting important pi-stacking interactions. Without the stalk, W384 was not sufficient to induce coiled-coil formation, indicating that W384 is part of a cluster of several residues required for neck coiled-coil folding. A W384-less chimera of NcKin and human kinesin possessed a non-coiled-coil neck conformation and showed inhibited activity that could be reactivated when artificial interstrand disulfide bonds were used to stabilize the neck coiled-coil conformation. On the basis of yeast two-hybrid data, we propose that the proximal hinge can bind kinesin's cargo-free tail domain and causes inactivation of kinesin by disrupting the neck coiled-coil conformation.  相似文献   

Sorting nexins (Snxs) are a recently discovered family of conserved hydrophilic cytoplasmic proteins that have been found associated with membranes of the endocytic system and that are implicated in the trafficking of many endosomal membrane proteins, including the epidermal growth factor receptor and transferrin receptor. Snx proteins are partly defined by the presence of a p40 phox homology domain that has recently been shown to bind phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate. Most Snx proteins also contain a predicted coiled-coils domain in the carboxyl-terminal half of the protein and have been shown to form dimers with other members of the Snx family. The yeast sorting nexins Vps5p and Vps17p form a dimer and are also components of the retromer complex that mediates endosome-to-Golgi transport of the carboxypeptidase Y receptor Vps10p. To functionally define the different domains of the yeast sorting nexins Vps5p and Vps17p, we have generated various truncations to examine the role that the different domains of Vps5p/Vps17p play in their respective functions. Herein, we show that the C-terminal halves of Vps5p and Vps17p, which contain the coiled-coils domains, are necessary and sufficient for their interaction. We have also mapped the retromer assembly domain to the N-terminal half of Vps5p and found that binding of Vps5p by Vps17p synergizes the interaction between Vps5p and other retromer components. Additionally, we have examined which domain(s) of Vps5p is necessary for membrane association.  相似文献   

Regulated interactions between microtubules (MTs) and the cell cortex control MT dynamics and position the mitotic spindle. In eukaryotic cells, the adenomatous polyposis coli/Kar9p and dynein/dynactin pathways are involved in guiding MT plus ends and MT sliding along the cortex, respectively. Here we identify Bud14p as a novel cortical activator of the dynein/dynactin complex in budding yeast. Bud14p accumulates at sites of polarized growth and the mother-bud neck during cytokinesis. The localization to bud and shmoo tips requires an intact actin cytoskeleton and the kelch-domain-containing proteins Kel1p and Kel2p. While cells lacking Bud14p function fail to stabilize the pre-anaphase spindle at the mother-bud neck, overexpression of Bud14p is toxic and leads to elongated astral MTs and increased dynein-dependent sliding along the cell cortex. Bud14p physically interacts with the type-I phosphatase Glc7p, and localizes Glc7p to the bud cortex. Importantly, the formation of Bud14p-Glc7p complexes is necessary to regulate MT dynamics at the cortex. Taken together, our results suggest that Bud14p functions as a regulatory subunit of the Glc7p type-I phosphatase to stabilize MT interactions specifically at sites of polarized growth.  相似文献   

The 30-A cryo-EM-derived structure of apo-CCT-alpha-actin shows actin opened up across its nucleotide-binding cleft and binding to either of two CCT subunit pairs, CCTbeta-CCTdelta or CCTepsilon-CCTdelta, in a similar 1:4 arrangement. The two main duplicated domains of native actin are linked twice, topologically, by the connecting residues, Q137-S145 and P333-S338, and are tightly held together by hydrogen bonding with bound adenine nucleotide. We carried out a mutational screen to find residues in actin that might be involved in the huge rotations observed in the CCT-bound folding intermediate. When two evolutionarily highly conserved glycine residues of beta-actin, G146 and G150, were changed to proline, both mutant actin proteins were poorly processed by CCT in in vitro translation assays; they become arrested on CCT. A three-dimensional reconstruction of the substrate-bound ring of the apo-CCT-beta-actin complex shows that beta-actin G150P is not able to bind across the chaperonin cavity to interact with the CCTdelta subunit. beta-actin G150P seems tightly packed and apparently bound only to the CCTbeta and CCTepsilon subunits, which further indicates that these CCT subunits drive the interaction between CCT and actin. Hinge opening seems to be critical for actin folding, and we suggest that residues G146 and G150 are important components of the hinge around which the rigid subdomains, presumably already present in early actin folding intermediates, rotate during CCT-assisted folding.  相似文献   

Pex14p is a central component of the peroxisomal protein import machinery, which has been suggested to provide the point of convergence for PTS1- and PTS2-dependent protein import in yeast cells. Here we describe the identification of a human peroxisome-associated protein (HsPex14p) which shows significant similarity to the yeast Pex14p. HsPex14p is a carbonate-resistant peroxisomal membrane protein with its C terminus exposed to the cytosol. The N terminus of the protein is not accessible to exogenously added antibodies or protease and thus might protrude into the peroxisomal lumen. HsPex14p overexpression leads to the decoration of tubular structures and mislocalization of peroxisomal catalase to the cytosol. HsPex14p binds the cytosolic receptor for the peroxisomal targeting signal 1 (PTS1), a result consistent with a function as a membrane receptor in peroxisomal protein import. Homo-oligomerization of HsPex14p or interaction of the protein with the PTS2-receptor or HsPex13p was not observed. This distinguishes the human Pex14p from its counterpart in yeast cells and thus supports recent data suggesting that not all aspects of peroxisomal protein import are conserved between yeasts and humans. The role of HsPex14p in mammalian peroxisome biogenesis makes HsPEX14 a candidate PBD gene for being responsible for an unrecognized complementation group of human peroxisome biogenesis disorders.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae RIM15 gene was identified previously through a mutation that caused reduced ability to undergo meiosis. We report here an analysis of the cloned RIM15 gene, which specifies a 1,770-residue polypeptide with homology to serine/threonine protein kinases. Rim15p is most closely related to Schizosaccharomyces pombe cek1+. Analysis of epitope-tagged derivatives indicates that Rim15p has autophosphorylation activity. Deletion of RIM15 causes reduced expression of several early meiotic genes (IME2, SPO13, and HOP1) and of IME1, which specifies an activator of early meiotic genes. However, overexpression of IME1 does not permit full expression of early meiotic genes in a rim15delta mutant. Ime1p activates early meiotic genes through its interaction with Ume6p, and analysis of Rim15p-dependent regulatory sites at the IME2 promoter indicates that activation through Ume6p is defective. Two-hybrid interaction assays suggest that Ime1p-Ume6p interaction is diminished in a rim15 mutant. Glucose inhibits Ime1p-Ume6p interaction, and we find that Rim15p accumulation is repressed in glucose-grown cells. Thus, glucose repression of Rim15p may be responsible for glucose inhibition of Ime1p-Ume6p interaction.  相似文献   

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