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We describe the first definitive case of a fibrous dysplastic neoplasm in a Neandertal rib (120.71) from the site of Krapina in present-day Croatia. The tumor predates other evidence for these kinds of tumor by well over 100,000 years. Tumors of any sort are a rare occurrence in recent archaeological periods or in living primates, but especially in the human fossil record. Several studies have surveyed bone diseases in past human populations and living primates and fibrous dysplasias occur in a low incidence. Within the class of bone tumors of the rib, fibrous dysplasia is present in living humans at a higher frequency than other bone tumors. The bony features leading to our diagnosis are described in detail. In living humans effects of the neoplasm present a broad spectrum of symptoms, from asymptomatic to debilitating. Given the incomplete nature of this rib and the lack of associated skeletal elements, we resist commenting on the health effects the tumor had on the individual. Yet, the occurrence of this neoplasm shows that at least one Neandertal suffered a common bone tumor found in modern humans.  相似文献   

The juvenile A Skull from Krapina, Croatia (Krapina 1) has been the subject of considerable debate since B. Skerlj first suggested that it might not be a Neandertal. Although widely known by its original designation, the Krapina A Skull was recatalogued, along with all of the Krapina hominids, in the 1980's (Radovcic, et al., [1988]. The Krapina Hominids: An Illustrated Catalog of Skeletal Collection. Zagreb; Mladost). It is now catalogued as Krapina 1 in the archives of the Hrvatski Prirodoslovni Muzej, Zagreb, Croatia. We present a detailed, morphometric analysis of this specimen, comparing it to other Krapina specimens, juvenile late Pleistocene hominids (including Neandertals), and subadult recent humans. This analysis demonstrates that Krapina 1 possesses morphological features that are primitive retentions; others that represent derived Neandertal specializations; and still others that are typical for all European late Pleistocene humans. Morphological features associated with the browridges are intermediate between Neandertal and early modern European form. Nevertheless, a thorough analysis of the morphology of this specimen, in ontogenetic and regional contexts, leads to the conclusion that it cannot be excluded from the Neandertal range of variation. We conclude that the most parsimonious explanation for this 130 ka specimen is that it should be regarded as a Neandertal.  相似文献   

This study presents the results of the first recent analysis of stone tool assemblages from Krapina (Croatia). All assemblages are Pleistocene in age and many are associated with human remains, the Krapina Neandertals. The assemblages are described typologically and technologically, and subtle chronological changes in raw material selection and technology of tool blank production are observed. These changes involve increasingly sophisticated and selective use of lithic materials. Changing artefact assemblages are considered in light of variability in the hominids from Krapina, and are interpreted as reflecting behavioral change among Neandertals rather than between Neandertal and modern human populations.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the combined effect of water transparency and narrow macrophyte belts on zooplankton assemblages in two oxbow lakes (Krapina River, Croatia). Samples were collected in open water and among helophytes in the littoral zone from April until September 2008. Rotifers were the most abundant group of zooplankton in both lakes, and dominated in the Krapina oxbow lake 1 (KO1). Lake KO1 had significantly lower transparency, lower percentage macrophyte cover and higher chlorophyll a concentration than Krapina oxbow lake 2 (KO2). In lake KO1, variation in the horizontal distribution of cladocerans and rotifers in terms of their abundance seemed to be determined by competition between Bosmina longirostris and Keratella cochlearis, initiated by oscillation in transparency and detritus availability. In lake KO2, with higher transparency and higher percentage macrophyte cover, the abundance of small‐ and large‐bodied cladocerans increased in the littoral zone simultaneously with higher transparency, suggesting fish predation. Results of this study indicated that small differences in transparencies between the two lakes caused significant differences in horizontal distribution of the zooplankton assemblage. Even narrow helophyte belts offered a refuge to zooplankton, although lower transparencies reduced the effectiveness of macrophytes as a refuge from predators. (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Summary In the Western Dinarides the Lower Liassic carbonates are underlain by Upper Triassic “Hauptdolomit”, whereas the first appearance of the foraminiferOrbitopsella praecursor (Gümbel) marks the beginning of the Middle Liassic. Their composition, observed at several localities in Western Croatia, shows a correlation of sedimentation events, which took place during Early Liassic on the Adriatic-Dinaridic carbonate platform. Facies variability is interpreted as result of autocyclic sedimentary processes on which the carbonate platform reacted by periodical oscillations of sea-bottom near the fair-weather wavebase. As a consequence, the Lower Liassic carbonate successions in the Dinarides is characterized by stacking of two main types of coarsening-upward parasequences: (1) the basal part of the Lower Liassic succession is represented by parasequences composed of mudstones or pelletal-bioclastic wackestones as their lower members, and peloidal-bioclastic wackestone/packstones to grain-stones as their upper members; and (2) the upper part of the Lower Liassic succession with parasequences consisting of mudstones or pelletal-bioclastic wackestones overlain by ooid grainstones. Judging from the composition of parasequences and thickness relations of their members, the first type is interpreted to comprise late transgressive system tract (ITST) and/or early highstand system tract (eHST), while the second type corresponds to a late highstand system tract (1HST) and/or early lowstand system tract (eLST) of a third-order sequence.  相似文献   

As a part of multidisciplinary anthropological research of population structure on Croatian island of Rab, finger and palm prints from 548 inhabitants (225 males and 323 females) of six villages on Rab were collected and their qualitative dermatoglyphic traits analysed. We calculated frequencies of patterns (whorls, loops and arches) on fingers, frequencies of patterns in the interdigital areas, Thenar and Hypothenar of the palms and frequencies of position of the axial triradius “t” (t, t′, t″ and other t) for male and female population of each village. Statistical analysis was performed by using Chi-square test, and Hiernaux Δg biological distances between pairs of populations were determined. The results of this study show existence of statistically significant diversity among the village populations in qualitative dermatoglyphic traits both for males and females. This variability found in the population from the island of Rab can be explained by influence of the microevolutionary factors through endogamy and the way of migrational flow on the island in course of history. Subpopulation of Barbat in the eastern part of Rab, which is the closest to the mainland, is probably different because of a high migration rate from the mainland during the past centuries. Subpopulations of Lopar, Supetarska Draga and Kampor were the most isolated subpopulations, situated in three different valleys in the west of Rab, and therefore genetic drift could have been more influential there and responsible for noticed differences.  相似文献   

The population structure analysis by means of the osteometric dimensions of metacarpal bones in the population groups of the northern Adriatic island of Krk, Croatia was performed. The sample consisted of randomly sampled adult islanders (94 males and 79 females) aged from 18 to 85 years from six villages of the island of Krk. "Biological distances" were estimated by the Mahalanobis D2 analysis for bone length (L), total diaphysis width (T) and medullary canal width (M) dimensions of the second left metacarpal bone. Analysis of the osteometric dimensions of metacarpal bones as a measure of biological distance between population groups of the island of Krk indicated bio-cultural and socio-cultural events, rather than geographical distances, to be the primary determinants of anthropogenetic structure of today's population groups of the island.  相似文献   



The Neanderthal patella differs from that of extant humans by being thicker anteroposteriorly and by having more symmetric medial and lateral articular facets. However, it is still unclear to what extent these differences affect knee kinesiology. We aim at assessing the endostructural conformation of Neanderthal patellae to reveal functionally related mechanical information comparatively to the extant human condition. In principle, we expect that the Neanderthal patella (i) shows a higher amount of cortical bone and (ii) a trabecular network organization distinct from the extant human condition.

Materials and Methods

By using micro-focus X-ray tomography, we characterized the endostructure of six adult patellae from the OIS 5e Neanderthal site of Krapina, Croatia, the largest assemblage of human fossil patellae assessed so far, and compared their pattern to the configuration displayed by a sample of 22 recent humans.

Results and Discussion

The first expectation is rejected, indicating that the patellar bone might have not followed the trend of generalized gracilization of the human postcranial skeleton occurred through the Upper Pleistocene. The second prediction is at least partially supported. In Krapina the trabecular network differs from the comparative sample by showing a higher medial density and by lacking a proximal reinforcement. Such conformation indicates similar load patterns exerted in Neanderthals and extant humans by the vastus lateralis, but not by the vastus medialis, with implications on the mediolateral stabilization of the knee joint. However, the patterns of structural variation of the patellar network remain to be assessed in other Neanderthal samples.

Marshland vegetation of the class Phragmito-Magnocaricetea in the Krapina river valley was investigated during 2006 and 2007, and some sporadic investigations were made earlier. Phytosociological studies were carried out in accordance with the standard Braun-Blanquet methodology. As a result of the field work, and a small amount of data from the literature, 120 relevés were collected and 18 communities were established. For the purposes of comparison, the relevés were also classified using numerical methods. The clusters obtained mostly correspond to specific associations, but do not confirm the division into traditional vegetation alliances and orders. In the analysis of the ecological factors it is established that separation of the relevés is influenced by nutrient content, soil reaction, soil moisture, depth of water, and type of management. Analysis of the plant life forms shows, in all marshland communities, a prevalence of hemicryptophytes, geophytes and hydrophytes. The most widespread marshland communities of the investigated area are: Phalaridetum arundinaceae, Phragmitetum australis and Galio palustris-Caricetum ripariae. Furthermore, Carex randalpina community is recorded for the first time in Croatia. The most threatened marshland communities could be considered to be: Carex randalpina community, Caricetum vesicariae, Leersietum oryzoidis and Oenantho-Rorippetum. They are selected because of their very small surfaces in the investigated area and the small number of known localities within the territory of Croatia. The most invasive alien plant species in the Krapina river valley is Solidago gigantea. It spreads in potential habitats of marshland vegetation, and it is recorded in the species composition of many marshland communities. For the preservation of marshland vegetation, and especially threatened types, it is necessary to maintain the water regime of the habitats, to not remove natural plant cover due to spreading of neophytes, and to provide occasional mowing and burning.  相似文献   

New Neandertal fossils from the Mousterian site of Cova Negra in the Valencia region of Spain are described, and a comprehensive study of the entire human fossil sample is provided. The new specimens significantly augment the sample of human remains from this site and make Cova Negra one of the richest human paleontological sites on the Iberian Peninsula. The new specimens include cranial and postcranial elements from immature individuals and provide an opportunity to study the ontogenetic appearance of adult Neandertal characteristics in this Pleistocene population. Children younger than 10 years of age constitute four of the seven minimum number of individuals in the sample, and this relative abundance of children at Cova Negra is similar that in to other Neandertal sites in Europe and southwest Asia. The recognition of diagnostic Neandertal features in several of the specimens, as well as their western European context and late Pleistocene age, suggests that all the human remains from Cova Negra represent Neandertals. The archaeological evidence from Cova Negra indicates sporadic, short-term occupations of the site, suggesting a high degree of mobility among Neandertals.  相似文献   

A human mandible from the site of Cova del Gegant is described here for the first time and compared with other Middle and Upper Pleistocene representatives of the genus Homo from Europe and Southwest Asia. The specimen was recovered from sediments which also yielded Mousterian stone tools and Pleistocene fauna. The preserved morphology of the mandible, particularly in the region of the mental foramen, clearly aligns it with the Neandertals, making the Cova del Gegant the only known site in Catalonia documenting diagnostic human skeletal remains in association with Middle Paleolithic stone tools. This represents an important new addition to the human fossil record from the Iberian Peninsula and joins the Ba?olas mandible in documenting the course of human evolution in the northern Mediterranean region of Spain.  相似文献   

Rates of phenotypic evolution derive from numerous interrelated processes acting at varying spatial and temporal scales and frequently differ substantially among lineages. Although current models employed in reconstructing ancestral character states permit independent rates for distinct types of transition (forward and reverse transitions and transitions between different states), these rates are typically assumed to be identical for all branches in a phylogeny. In this paper, I present a general model of character evolution enabling rate heterogeneity among branches. This model is employed in assessing the extent to which the assumption of uniform transition rates affects reconstructions of ancestral limb morphology in the scincid lizard clade Lerista and, accordingly, the potential for rate variability to mislead inferences of evolutionary patterns. Permitting rate variation among branches significantly improves model fit for both the manus and the pes. A constrained model in which the rate of digit acquisition is assumed to be effectively zero is strongly supported in each case; when compared with a model assuming unconstrained transition rates, this model provides a substantially better fit for the manus and a nearly identical fit for the pes. Ancestral states reconstructed assuming the constrained model imply patterns of limb evolution differing significantly from those implied by reconstructions for uniform-rate models, particularly for the pes; whereas ancestral states for the uniform-rate models consistently entail the reacquisition of pedal digits, those for the model incorporating among-lineage rate heterogeneity imply repeated, unreversed digit loss. These results indicate that the assumption of identical transition rates for all branches in a phylogeny may be inappropriate in modeling the evolution of phenotypic traits and emphasize the need for careful evaluation of phylogenetic tests of Dollo's law.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein polymorphisms are emerging as suitable markers for the study of the formation of human populations. In contrast to the data available for apolipoprotein E, the data regarding apolipoprotein H (protein, apoH; gene, APOH) variations are only beginning to accumulate. By blood plasma isoelectric focusing and immunoblotting, we analyzed the distribution of apoH phenotypes in 397 individuals (192 males; 205 females) from seven villages of an autochthonous population of the eastern Adriatic island of Krk. APOH allele frequencies were: APOH*2 = 0.877, APOH*3 = 0.098, APOH*1 = 0.025, with the majority of the sample being homozygous. No significant differences between villages were observed. When these data were compared to those of other populations studied so far, a significant association between APOH allele frequencies and latitude was observed. We hypothesize that this association reflects differences in diet composition across different climatic zones.  相似文献   

Stjepan Kr?mar 《ZooKeys》2012,(234):19-57
The present paper is based on original and literature data. In Croatia the first studies on the occurrence of ixodid species were made about 80 years ago. The number of tick species recorded in Croatia considerably increased during the 1950s, 60s, 70s and 80s of the past century. A total of 21 species of hard tick belonging to 5 genera have been recorded in Croatia. Ixodes is the best represented genus, with seven species recorded. Haemaphysalis is represented by six species, followed by Rhipicephalus with four species. Dermacentor and Hyalomma are represented by two species each. The ticks were collected on 47 different host species. Eleven tick species were collected on Bos taurus and Ovis aries, followed by Capra hircus and Equus caballus with 8 species and Canis lupus familiaris with 6 species. On the remaining 42 host species one, two or three tick species were collected. The most widespread tick is Ixodes ricinus which was found on 25 different host species.  相似文献   

Entheseal changes are traditionally included in a large array of skeletal features commonly referred to as "skeletal markers of activity." However, medical studies and recent anthropological analyses of identified skeletal series suggest a complex combination of physiological and biomechanical factors underlying the variability of such "markers." The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between age, sex, physical activity, and entheseal variability. To this end, 23 postcranial entheses are examined in a large (N = 484) Italian contemporary skeletal series using standardized scoring methods. The sample comprises subjects of known age, sex and, mostly, occupation. Results show a strong relationship between age and entheseal changes. Differences between sexes are also highlighted, while the effects of physical activity appear moderate. Altogether, our study indicates that entheseal morphology primarily reflects the age of an individual, while correlation with lifetime activity remains ambiguous.  相似文献   

Digit loss is a common theme in tetrapod evolution that may involve changes in several developmental processes. The skink genus Hemiergis provides an ideal model to study these processes in closely related taxa: within three Western Australian Hemiergis species, digit quantity ranges between two and five. For three consecutive reproductive seasons, gravid females of Hemiergis were collected in the field and their embryos prepared for histological analysis of limb skeletal development (chondrogenesis and osteogenesis). Comparative studies of skeletal developmental morphology demonstrate that limbs with fewer than five digits do not result from a simple truncation of a putative ancestral (five-digit) developmental program. The developmental and adult morphologies in two-, three-, and four-digit Hemiergis are neither predicted nor explained by a simple model of heterochrony involving either chondrogenesis or osteogenesis. In postnatal Hemiergis, digit number and relative limb length do not correlate in a simple linear fashion. Instead, limb size and digit reduction may correlate with substrate conditions and burrowing behavior.  相似文献   

The level of information on biometeorologic reports and mood effects of weather conditions on the Zagreb population were assessed in a sample of 782 subjects. Only 103 (13.2%) study subjects had not been informed on biometeorologic reports. Mood effects of weather conditions were reported by more than 76% of study subjects, 18.3% of them reporting meteorosensitivity. Meteorosensitivity showed a female predominance, and increased with age and level of education. 88% of chronic patients reported discomforts caused by changes in atmospheric conditions. Apathy and sleepiness were the most common mood changes associated with weather changes, whereas humid weather was indicated as a weather type that caused most discomforts in study subjects.  相似文献   

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