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《Life sciences》1994,54(15):PL235-PL240
The role of phencyclidine (PCP) in the control of the spike-and-wave spindling episodes (S&W) which can be spontaneously recorded in the electrocorticogram (ECoG) of DBA/2J mice was investigated. PCP (0.1–0.5-1.0–5.0 mg/kg/i.p.) dose dependently reduced both S&W number and duration of DBA/2J mice. PCP reduction is significant 30–60 min after drug administration and lasts for the whole duration of the recording period (240 min). These results suggest that PCP may play an important regulatory role on brain excitability.  相似文献   

Recent advances in mouse genomics have revealed considerable variation in the form of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) among common inbred strains. This has made it possible to characterize closely related strains and to identify genes that differ; such genes may be causal for quantitative phenotypes. The mouse strains DBA/1J and DBA/2J differ by just 5.6% at the SNP level. These strains exhibit differences in a number of metabolic and lipid phenotypes, such as plasma levels of triglycerides (TGs) and HDL. A cross between these strains revealed multiple quantitative trait loci (QTLs) in 294 progeny. We identified significant TG QTLs on chromosomes (Chrs) 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, and 19, and significant HDL QTLs on Chrs 3, 9, and 16. Some QTLs mapped to chromosomes with limited variability between the two strains, thus facilitating the identification of candidate genes. We suggest that Tshr is the QTL gene for Chr 12 TG and HDL levels and that Ihh may account for the TG QTL on Chr 1. This cross highlights the advantage of crossing closely related strains for subsequent identification of QTL genes.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that the adult DBA/2J and A/J strains of mice differ in carotid body volume and morphology. The question has arisen whether these differences develop during the prenatal or postnatal period. Investigating morphological development of the carotid body and contributing genes in these mice can provide further understanding of the appropriate formation of the carotid body. We examined the carotid body of these mice from 1 day to 4 wk old for differences in volume, morphology, and gene expression of Gdnf family, Dlx2, Msx2, and Phox2b. The two strains showed divergent morphology starting at 1 wk old. The volume of the carotid body increased from 1 wk up to 2 wk old to the level of 4 wk old in the DBA/2J mice but not in the A/J mice. This corresponds with immunoreactivity of LC3, an autophagy marker, in A/J tissues at 10 days and 2 wk. The differences in gene expression were examined at 1 wk, 10 days, and 2 wk old, because divergent growth occurred during this period. The DBA/2J's carotid body at 1 wk old showed a greater expression of Msx2 than the A/J's carotid body. No other candidate genes showed consistent differences between the ages and strains. The difference was not seen in sympathetic cervical ganglia of 1 wk old, suggesting that the difference is carotid body specific. The current study indicates the critical postnatal period for developing distinctive morphology of the carotid body in these mice. Further studies are required to further elucidate a role of Msx2 and other uninvestigated genes.  相似文献   

Fluid licking in mice is an example of a rhythmic behavior thought to be under the control of a central pattern generator. Inbred strains of mice have been shown to differ in mean or modal interlick interval (ILI) duration, suggesting a genetic-based variation. We investigated water licking in the commonly used inbred strains C57BL/6J (B6) and DBA/2J (D2), using a commercially available contact lickometer. Results from 20-min test sessions indicated that D2 mice lick at a faster rate than B6 mice (10.6 licks/s vs. 8.5 licks/s), based on analysis of the distribution of short-duration ILIs (50-160 ms). This strain difference was independent of sex, extent of water deprivation or total number of licks. D2 mice also displayed a faster lick rate when the strains were tested with a series of brief (5 s) trials. However, when ingestion over the entire 20-min session was analyzed, it was evident that D2 mice had an overall slower rate of ingestion than B6 mice. This was because of the tendency for D2 mice to have more very long pauses (>30 s) between sequences of licking bursts. Overall, it appeared that D2 mice licked more efficiently, ingesting more rapidly during excursions to the spout that were fewer and farther between.  相似文献   

Adult susceptible mice (DBA/2J) infected with MPSV (myeloproliferative sarcoma virus), a defective RNA tumour virus, develop splenomegaly and progressive disruption of the haematologic system culminating in death. The present study was specifically directed toward determining the effects of the virus on erythroid differentiation. Early and late precursor cells (erythroid burst-forming units; BFU-E and colony-forming units; CFU-E, respectively) were evaluated by the ability of bone marrow and spleen cells to form colonies of fully differentiated erythroid cells in vitro. MPSV caused substantial modification of both the BFU-E and CFU-E populations in the bone marrow and spleen of infected animals. Changes were detected in the CFU-E population preceding any significant increase in spleen weight. In the bone marrow, the proportion of CFU-E cells increased almost twofold by days 5-10 after virus infection but decreased by day 15. In the spleen, CFU-E frequency rose 40-fold by days 10-15 and then declined steadily prior to death. At the peak of CFU-E expansion, a small proportion of the population appeared to be erythropoietin (Ep) independent, although there was no evidence of a complete switch to Ep-independence which occurs in Friend virus-induced erythroleukemia. Dose-response curves showed that none of these data could be explained in terms of a changing responsiveness to Ep. However, evidence is presented that indicates that BFU-E from MPSV-infected animals lose or have a reduced requirement for burst-promoting activity (BPA) relative to normal cells although their progeny still need Ep for terminal erythroid differentiation.  相似文献   

The DBA/2J mouse is a commonly used animal model in glaucoma research. The eyes of DBA/2J mice show severe age-related changes that finally lead to the degeneration of retinal ganglion cells and the optic nerve. Recent electroretinogram studies identified functional deficits, which suggest that also photoreceptor cells are involved in the pathological processes occurring in the DBA/2J mouse retina. In a comparative study, we examined anatomical and molecular changes in the retinae of DBA/2J and C57BL/6 control mice with light and electron microscopy and with PCR analyses. In the retina of the DBA/2J mouse, we found a thinning of the outer plexiform layer, the first synaptic layer in the transfer of visual signals, and age-dependent and progressive degenerative structural changes at rod photoreceptor ribbon synapses. The structural ribbon changes represent a photoreceptor synaptic phenotype that has not yet been described in this animal model of secondary angle-closure glaucoma. Furthermore, genes of the classical complement cascade were upregulated in the photoreceptor cells of aging DBA/2J mice, suggesting a putative link between ribbon synapse degradation and the innate immune system.  相似文献   

The study was carried out in mice C57BL/6J and DBA/2J for comparative analysis of two interference processes: latent inhibition and extinction of passive avoidance produced with an unconditioned aversive stimulus of different parameters (0.5 and 0.25 mA). With a strong training to new stimulus, impairment of extinction has been detected only in mice DBA/2J. Reduction in the strength of punishment during training was accompanied by acceleration of extinction in mice C57BL/6J and its appearance in mice DBA/2J. The learning of passive avoidance in strong and weak reinforcement was the same for both strains of mice. Interline differences were found also in the analysis of latent inhibition. With strong and weak training to conditional stimulus, lost of novelty by repeated an 8-fold pre-exposures to the experimental chamber, in DBA/2J mice, in contrast to C57BL/6J, latent inhibition was disrupted. In addition, DBA/2J mice showed impairment of extinction with weak training to non-relevant stimulus.  相似文献   

Graft-vs-host disease (GVHD) is a common occurrence after bone marrow transplantation despite the use of MHC-matched donors and recipients. This indicates that non-MHC loci play an important role in the regulation and development of GVHD. Non-MHC loci have been shown to regulate GVHD in a murine model where acute GVHD results from i.v. injection of C57BL/6J spleen cells into B6D2F1/J [C57BL/6J X DBA/2J)F1) recipients while chronic GVHD results from injection of DBA/2J spleen cells. In contrast to the hyperproduction of Ig and auto-antibodies that is characteristic of the chronic GVHD that occurs after injection of DBA/2J cells, injection of DBA/2Ha cells was found to induce CTL and suppressor cells characteristic of the acute GVHD that results from injection of C57BL/6 cells into B6D2F1/J recipients. Genetic analysis indicated that one autosomal locus is responsible for the different GVHD responses of DBA/2J and DBA/2Ha cells and that the DBA/2Ha allele is dominant. Further studies indicate that the different responses by DBA/2J and DBA/2Ha cells is not due to functional differences between the two sets of cells but by a radiosensitive B6D2F1 recipient immune response which discriminates between the DBA/2J and DBA/2Ha spleen cells.  相似文献   

The genetic control of sex-chromosomal univalency was examined in the primary spermatocytes of the mouse. The C57BL/6J strain expresses 3% X-Y univalency and DBA/2J expresses 37% univalency. The reciprocal F1 and the eight types of reciprocal backcross males were examined. In the C57BL/6J--DBA/2J strain pair, X--Y univalency is controlled by three genetic systems. Autosomal factors of unknown number that are dominant in DBA/2J increase the probability of univalency from 3% in C57BL/6J to 12%. The DBA/2J-Y chromosome, in place of the C57BL/6J-Y chromosome, has an additive effect to increase the probability of univalency from 12 to 37% in the DBA/2J strain. Two X-chromosome factors that differ between C57BL/6J and DBA/2J regulate the probability of univalency. The X-chromosome factors appear to be separated by sufficient distance so that, with the DBA/2J-Y chromosome and dominant DBA/2J autosomal factors, there are two recombinant classes of X--Y univalency at 20 and 60%. The genetic factors in the univalency trait may be involved in the regulation or structure of the terminal attachment sites between the X and Y chromosomes.  相似文献   

Collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) generated in rats or mice has long been a model system for the study of rheumatoid arthritis in humans. In particular, this system has been used to study the mechanisms and effects of anti-arthritic drugs in the treatment of the disease. Sodium aurothiomalate (ATM) is an agent often used to treat rheumatoid arthritis in humans; however, it possesses inherent toxicities which limits its usefulness. Liposome-encapsulated drugs are currently being developed to minimize the toxicities associated with a variety of potentially beneficial drugs. We have chosen to encapsulate ATM into small unilamellar vesicles (SUVs) to determine whether greater efficacy would be achieved in treating CIA with SUV ATM as compared to using the free drug. SUVs were prepared from hydrogenated egg phosphatidylcholine and cholesterol. These SUVs were very stable. Vesicles stored at 4 degrees C lost only 0.09% of encapsulated ATM (SUV ATM) after 14 days and were able to reduce collagen-induced arthritis in these mice. Animals treated by i.m. injections of SUV ATM exhibited a 50% reduction in symptoms. More importantly, histological examination of knee joints of the affected animals verified that SUV ATM treatment prevented cellular infiltration of lymphocytes into the synovia of the collagen-sensitized mice. Conditioned media from spleen cell cultures was assayed for the presence of inflammatory lymphokines that might be affected by SUV ATM to account for the success in suppressing collagen-induced arthritis.  相似文献   

Microsomes from the renal cortex of DBA/2J mice can metabolize chloroform through oxidative and reductive pathways, similar to hepatic microsomes. The oxidative or reductive nature of CHCl3 activation is strictly dependent on the oxygenation of the incubation mixture, as indicated by the formation of qualitatively different adducts to phos-pholipids (PLs). The protein and lipid binding levels measured in kidney microsomes from control females differed significantly from the binding levels observed with kidney microsomes from male and testosterone-treated female DBA/2J mice in aerobic conditions only. Therefore, the sex-dependent CHCl3-induced acute nephrotoxicity seems related only with the oxidative CHCl3activation. The levels of adducts to PL polar heads and to protein showed a strict correlation with each other. Therefore, the assay of adducts to PL polar heads may be used as a substitute for the assay of adducts to protein. This might be especially convenient when studying the effects of both phosgene and the trichloromethyl radicals.  相似文献   

Sodium taste transduction is thought to occur via an amiloride-sensitive, sodium-selective pathway and an amiloride-insensitive, cation nonselective, anion-dependent pathway(s). It has been shown by others that amiloride, an epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) blocker, significantly reduces the chorda tympani nerve response to lingually applied NaCl in C57BL/6 (B6) mice but not in DBA/2 (D2) mice, suggesting that the latter strain might not possess functional ENaCs in taste receptor cells. We psychophysically measured and compared taste detection thresholds of NaCl and sodium gluconate (NaGlu) prepared with and without 100 microM amiloride in these two strains (eight/strain). Mice were trained and tested in a two-response operant signal detection procedure conducted in a gustometer. Surprisingly, no strain effect was found for the detection thresholds of both salts (approximately 0.05-0.06 M). Moreover, these thresholds were increased by almost an order of magnitude by amiloride adulteration of the solutions. This marked effect of amiloride on sodium detection thresholds suggests that ENaCs are necessary for normal sensitivity to sodium salts in both strains. In addition, because NaGlu is thought to stimulate primarily the amiloride-sensitive pathway, especially at low concentrations, the similarity of NaCl and NaGlu thresholds (r > 0.81 both strains) suggests that ENaCs are also sufficient to support the detection of sodium in weak solutions by B6 and D2 mice.  相似文献   

The epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) blocker amiloride has been shown to increase the behaviorally measured NaCl detection threshold in mice. In this study, a conditioned taste aversion (CTA) paradigm was used to examine whether 100 microM amiloride has a perceptible taste that could contribute to this observed decrease in behavioral responsiveness. Eighty-four C57BL/6J (B6) and 64 DBA/2J (D2) mice were divided into eight groups (n=8-12 per group), in which half received an injection of 0.15 M LiCl (2 mEq/kg) and the other half an equivalent saline injection, in three conditioning trials. The four conditioned stimuli were 100 microM amiloride hydrochloride, water, 0.1 and 0.3 M NaCl. Neither strain demonstrated acquisition of a CTA to amiloride in a brief-access (BA) taste test (5 s trials in the gustometer). Although 0.3 M NaCl is inherently aversive, its pairing with LiCl led to significantly further decreases in licking during the BA test on salt trials in both strains. The D2 strain clearly avoided 0.1 M NaCl, whereas avoidance of this stimulus was more equivocal in B6 mice. The inefficacy of amiloride to serve as a conditioned stimulus in taste aversion learning involving three LiCl pairings suggests that the effects of this ENaC blocker on taste-related behavioral responses to NaCl are likely due to its pharmacological interference with sodium taste transduction.  相似文献   

An ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) induced dominant lethal dose response experiment was conducted in strain DBA/1J male mice. Two methods of scoring for dominant lethals, the classic method (dissecting females at mid-pregnancy) and an alternative method (inspection of uterine scars after litters were weaned) were compared. Results indicate that strain DBA/1J has a similar sensitivity to EMS-induced dominant lethals as has been previously reported for other mouse genotypes. Of the two methods used to score dominant lethals, the classic method is more sensitive.  相似文献   

In a previous study, DBA/2J and A/J inbred mice showed extremely different hypoxic ventilatory responses, suggesting variations in their carotid bodies. We have assessed the morphological and functional differences of the carotid bodies in these mice. Histological examination revealed a clearly delineated carotid body only in the DBA/2J mice. Many typical glomus cells and glomeruli appeared in the DBA/2J but not in the A/J mice. The size of the carotid body in the DBA/2J and A/J mice was 6.3 +/- 0.5 x 10(6) and 1.5 +/- 0.3 x 10(6) micro m(3), respectively. The area immunostained for tyrosine hydroxylase, an estimation of the glomus cell quantity, was four times larger in the DBA/2J mice than in the A/J mice. The individual data points in the DBA/2J mice segregated from those in the A/J mice. ACh increased intracellular Ca(2+) in most clusters (81%) of cultured carotid body cells from the DBA/2J mice, but only in 18% of clusters in the A/J mice. These data suggest that genetic determinants account for the strain differences in the structure and function of the carotid body.  相似文献   

Using a variety of double and triple labeling techniques, we have reevaluated the death of retinal neurons in a mouse model of hereditary glaucoma. Cell-specific markers and total neuron counts revealed no cell loss in any retinal neurons other than the ganglion cells. Within the limits of our ability to define cell types, no group of ganglion cells was especially vulnerable or resistant to degeneration. Retrograde labeling and neurofilament staining showed that axonal atrophy, dendritic remodeling, and somal shrinkage (at least of the largest cell types) precedes ganglion cell death in this glaucoma model. Regions of cell death or survival radiated from the optic nerve head in fan-shaped sectors. Collectively, the data suggest axon damage at the optic nerve head as an early lesion, and damage to axon bundles would cause this pattern of degeneration. However, the architecture of the mouse eye seems to preclude a commonly postulated source of mechanical damage within the nerve head.  相似文献   

Native type II collagen is tolerogenic when given orally or i.p. to DBA/1J mice and induces autoimmune arthritis when given s.c. in CFA. The tolerogenic epitope is contained in cyanogen bromide fragment 11 (CB11) and is structurally mimicked by PGEQGPK within the platelet aggregation-associated protein (PAAP) on Streptococcus sanguis. To learn whether S. sanguis modulates transmucosally the Ag-specific development of autoimmune arthritis, DBA/1J pups were given live S. sanguis, CB11, or type II collagen intragastrically. Feeding S. sanguis at 6 days postpartum delayed the onset of arthritis, and reduced the rate, final severity, and percentage of affected limbs. Next, PAAP(+) S. sanguis and type II collagen were tested for T cell cross-reactivity. T cells primed with the tolerogenic epitope of type II collagen proliferated more when incubated with PAAP(+) S. sanguis than with PAAP(-) Streptococcus gordonii or type II collagen, suggesting an Ag-specific transmucosal tolerogenic effect. In neonatal mice, therefore, bacterial surface Ags that mimic self can transmucosally stimulate Ag-specific inhibitory T cells. In adult mice immunized with type II collagen, these Ag-specific inhibitory T cells manifest later as attenuated arthritis. The PAAP(+) S. sanguis appear to activate adult memory, rather than naive, type II collagen-specific T cells, suggesting that systemic challenge with commensal self-mimicking microorganisms may perpetuate existing autoimmunity, but not initiate autorecognition.  相似文献   

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