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Altogether 153 (60%) out of a sample of 253 people aged 70 years and over living in their own homes were found to have impaired hearing when tested by pure-tone audiometry. This is almost twice the prevalence found in all other studies, in which deafness was assessed clinically or by self-reporting. The prevalence of deafness increased with age. Evidence of organic brain syndrome (dementia), as determined by questionnaire, was present in 39 (16%) out of 245 respondents, and of depression in 82 (35%). Dementia and depression were both age related. An apparent association between deafness and dementia was shown to be due to age alone. A significant relation between deafness and depression was independent of age and socioeconomic state. The use of audiometric techniques of assessment established that an association exists between deafness and depression that is not simply a function of differential reporting reflecting the emotional state of the respondent.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among work stress, sex life satisfaction, and mental health of married nurses. Demographic information, work stress, sex life satisfaction, sexual desire and mental health measured using the Chinese Health Questionnaire, data were collected from 100 married nurses in Taiwan. FINDINGS: Sex life satisfaction and age were negatively correlated, but sex life satisfaction and sexual desire were positively correlated. The mental health of over-committed nursing staff was not affected. Higher reward for effort was positively correlated with sex life satisfaction. CONCLUSIONS: No matter whether job stress was high or low, receiving a higher reward for effort led to better sex life satisfaction, which had a satisfying positive effect on the nurses' lives. To improve nursing care quality at the hospital, nursing administrators should assist nurses in confronting work stress via positive adjustment, which is associated with the nurses' sexual harmony, and quality of life.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the ADL ability characteristics of the elderly by comparing the characteristics to achieve basic activities between the independent and institutionalized dependent elderly from the viewpoints of gender and age differences. The subjects were 697 Japanese dependent elderly living at welfare institutions for the aged, and 482 independent elderly living at home. Seventy-four activities were selected from nine ADL domains. The survey for the independent elderly was conducted in health or culture education classes, and for the elderly without these classes, a general delivery survey was conducted. The independent elderly provided their own data. The survey for the dependent elderly was conducted in welfare institutions and the staff working at the subjects' institutions responded. In two-way ANOVA of rates of items, significant gender differences were found in some changing and holding posture activities in the independent elderly group, and in activities using upper extremities in the dependent elderly group. ADL ability in the independent elderly group significantly decreases with aging, but this trend is unclear in the dependent elderly group. In the independent elderly group, indications of a decrease appear in activities with lower limbs from the 70s, and appear in the most of basic activities from the 80s. Furthermore, differences in achievement levels of each activity with aging were found in both elderly groups. These findings may suggest that there are remarkable individual differences in ADL ability of the elderly with aging.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to confirm the effects of ADL (Activity of Daily Living) and gender on circadian rhythms of the elderly in a nursing home. Twenty-one elderly volunteers, aged over 65 years, were divided in four groups depending on their ADL and gender: subjects with almost no problem in ADL (H males, H females) and those who were almost bedridden (L males, L females). Oral temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, time of sleep and wake, subjective sleepiness, overall feeling and vitality were measured every 4 hours during the day continuously for six days. The circadian rhythm was calculated by using the least squares fit of cosine function. Subjective sleep quality was also surveyed. In the sleep/wake rhythm, the mesor was significantly higher in L males compared to the other groups and the amplitude was significantly lower in L females compared to other groups. The subjective sleepiness was higher in L males compared to the other groups and L females showed a higher sleepiness compared to H females. No significant difference among the group was observed in subjective sleep quality. In conclusion, these results indicate that the subjective sleepiness and sleep/wake rhythm differ depending on ADL and gender, although no significant difference was observed in physiological parameters. ADL and gender based difference in subjective sleepiness and sleep/wake rhythm should be taken into account with regard to the care of the elderly in nursing homes.  相似文献   

Objective: This study used a precise weighing method to assess whether tooth loss was related to nutrient intake in elderly Japanese subjects. Material and methods: Fifty‐seven subjects aged 74 years were randomly selected from a longitudinal interdisciplinary study of ageing. Complete 3‐day food intake data were obtained by a precise weighing method. The dietary intakes of energy and nutrients were calculated based on the Standard Tables of Food Composition in Japan (5th ed.). A clinical evaluation of the number of teeth present was carried out. Multiple regression standardised coefficients for each nutrient was estimated based on a continuous scale adjusted for gender, smoking habits, and educational level. After dividing the subjects into two groups according to the number of teeth present (0–19, 20+), the difference in the intake of nutrients and the amount of food consumed per day was evaluated. Results: The number of teeth present had a significant relationship with the intake of several nutrients. In particular, total protein, animal protein, sodium, vitamin D, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, niacin, and pantothenic acid were significantly associated with the number of teeth present and with the two groups (0–19, 20+). The intake of vegetables and fish, shellfish, and their products was significantly lower among subjects with fewer teeth. Conclusion: This study suggests that there was a significant relationship between nutrient intake, such as minerals and vitamins from food, and tooth loss.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To describe the mental health of a community sample of carers of elderly people with dementia, depression, or physical disability and to compare that with the mental health of other adults living in the household and of those living alone. DESIGN--Assessment of psychiatric morbidity and physical disability with standardised questionnaire in randomly selected enumeration districts; subjects were interviewed at home. SETTING--London Borough of Islington. SUBJECTS--700 people aged > or = 65 and other coresidents. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE--Depression measured with standardised interview. RESULTS--The prevalence of depression was not significantly higher in carers overall (15%) than in coresidents (11%). Being a woman carer was a significant predictor of psychiatric illness. Depression was more common in the carers of people with a psychiatric disorder than in coresidents (24% v 11%, P < 0.05) and in those living alone (19%). Depression was most common (47%) in women carers of people with dementia. CONCLUSION--The increase in psychiatric morbidity reported in carers of people with psychiatric disorders may reflect the lack of a confiding relationship.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to evaluate the utility of the activities of daily living (ADL) index for partially dependent elderly people (ADL-PDI) when applied longitudinally to an institutionalized partially dependent (PD) group, and to determine the characteristics of the longitudinal change in ADL ability of the PD group. The subjects were ten Japanese PD living at welfare institutions for the aged such as accredited nursing homes and health facilities (mean age was 82.2 +/- 2.32 years in total; 84.3 +/- 4.18 years for five males; 80.3 +/- 2.33 years for five females). The questionnaire consisted of the ADL-PDI, the Barthel index (BI), physical independence, dementia independence, anamnesis, body impairments, use of assisting devices, the institutionalized period, and type of medical rehabilitation and medical treatment, and was administered to the subjects twice during their institutionalized period. All testers were staff working at the subjects' institution, such as occupational therapists, physiotherapists and nurses. The result of the longitudinal ADL assessment was that ADL-PDI may evaluate the longitudinal change in ADL ability on a unidimensional scale. The utility of the standard for discriminating the functional level of the elderly using the ADL-PDI score, which was indicated in our previous study (Sato et al., 2001), was supported by longitudinal data. Furthermore, the BI was superior to the ADL-PDI in evaluating the disabled elderly with lower functional levels. However, the ADL-PDI was better than the BI in evaluating the disabled elderly with a higher functional level and was considered to have wider applications in evaluating the ADL ability of the elderly.  相似文献   

目的:探讨急性脑梗死患者不同时间卒中后抑郁(PSD)发病与血清炎性细胞因子水平、神经功能缺损、日常生活能力的相关性。方法:用Hamilton抑郁量表(HDRS)筛查280例符合条件的急性脑梗死患者急性期与恢复期PSD的发病情况,并同时测定血清炎性细胞因子hs-CRP、TNF-α、IL-6的水平,NIHSS评分进行神经功能缺损评估,Barthel指数进行日常生活能力的评估,分析PSD的发生与各因素之间的相关性,采用多因素logistic回归分析进行危险因素分析。结果:脑梗死恢复期PSD的发病率高于急性期,但无明显差异。急性期PSD组血清炎性细胞因子水平高于非PSD组,有显著性差异,而急性期、恢复期神经功能缺损和日常生活能力与非PSD组比较均有显著性差异;急性期血清TNF-α、IL-6和Barthel指数,恢复期NIHSS评分、Barthel指数与PSD发生的OR值分别1.765、1.646、1.817、1.188、2.015。结论:PSD的发病机制在病程的不同时间可能存在着差异,急性期血清升高的炎性细胞因子水平和降低的日常生活能力,恢复期神经功能缺损的程度和降低的日常生活能力是不同时间PSD发病的危险因素。  相似文献   



The purpose of this study was to examine HRQOL depending on whether the participants have family members with disabilities or not. In addition, we examined the relationship between HRQOL and social networks among family caregivers in Japan.


The study has a cross-sectional design. Survey forms were distributed to 9205 people aged 30 and older who visited a dispensing pharmacy within fifteen areas of Japan. We collected data on gender, age, job status, and care giving status for persons with disabilities. Moreover, we assessed support size, social support, and HRQOL. Out of the 2029 questionnaires returned, 1763 (male: 663, female: 1100, mean age = 63.06 ± 13.34) were valid for statistical analyses (the available response rate was 19.15%).


A significant difference in HRQOL was identified between family caregivers and non-family caregivers. Further, in males (N = 101), the results confirmed that only social support predicted the PCS and MCS scores, while other variables did not predict either score. On the other hand, in females (N = 144), it was found from the second step of hierarchical multiple regression analysis that only age explained the PCS score, while job status and support size explained the MCS score.


It is reasonable to conclude that the HRQOL of family caregivers was lower than that of non-family caregivers, and that the HRQOL of family caregivers was estimated by their social networks.

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(4):500-522
Living saurian reptiles exhibit a wide range of diets, from carnivores to strict herbivores. Previous research suggests that the tooth shape in some lizard clades correlates with diet, but this has not been tested using quantitative methods. I investigated the relationship between phenotypic tooth complexity and diet in living reptiles by examining the entire dentary tooth row in over 80 specimens comprising all major dentigerous saurian clades. I quantified dental complexity using orientation patch count rotated (OPCR), which discriminates diet in living and extinct mammals, where OPCR‐values increase with the proportion of dietary plant matter. OPCR was calculated from high‐resolution CT‐scans, and I standardized OPCR‐values by the total number of teeth to account for differences in tooth count across taxa. In contrast with extant mammals, there appears to be greater overlap in tooth complexity values across dietary groups because multicusped teeth characterize herbivores, omnivores, and insectivores, and because herbivorous skinks have relatively simple teeth. In particular, insectivorous lizards have dental complexities that are very similar to omnivores. Regardless, OPCR‐values for animals that consume significant amounts of plant material are higher than those of carnivores, with herbivores having the highest average dental complexity. These results suggest reptilian tooth complexity is related to diet, similar to extinct and extant mammals, although phylogenetic history also plays a measurable role in dental complexity. This has implications for extinct amniotes that display a dramatic range of tooth morphologies, many with no modern analogs, which inhibits detailed dietary reconstructions. These data demonstrate that OPCR, when combined with additional morphological data, has the potential to be used to reconstruct the diet of extinct amniotes. J. Morphol. 278:500–522, 2017. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

宁夏盐池近年来植被与气候变化分析   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
使用1981年到2004年的植被指数(NDVI)资料,分析了盐池县植被指数的历史演变情况,发现从1981年以来植被覆盖的状况在变好,尤其是近4a的春季最明显,植被指数在0.2~0.3级别的年平均面积较前20a增大了1.9倍(887km^2).统计分析发现年平均NDVI与降水量、气温、相对湿度呈正相关,与蒸发量呈负相关,并且植被覆盖增加对能见度改善的影响非常显著.从季节平均来看,春季的降水与夏季的NDVI、夏季降水与秋季的NDVI具有显著的正相关,夏季降水是决定夏季和秋季以及全年植被覆盖的关键因子.  相似文献   

We examined the distribution of sialoglycoconjugates in the cerebellum of 9-week-old and 30-month-old rats using light microscopy and electron microscopy in combination with two lectins, Maackia amurensis lectin (MAL) for Sia(alpha)2-3Gal and Sambucus sieboldiana agglutinin (SSA) for Sia(alpha)2-6Gal. Each lectin showed characteristic staining patterns. In young adult rats, MAL stained a strongly granular layer, a weakly molecular layer, and the medullary lamina, while SSA more strongly stained the medullary lamina than the molecular and granular layers. After aging, different staining patterns were obtained. Intense SSA reactivity was observed in the granular layer and intense MAL reactivity was observed in the medullary lamina of the aged groups. The reactivity of Purkinje cells with MAL was downregulated in the aged rats. These results indicated that Sia(alpha)2-3Gal and Sia(alpha)2-6Gal were expressed in distinct regions of the rat cerebellum and that their expression patterns changed in the aged brain.  相似文献   

A sheltered residence for older persons is a living arrangement in between independent living and a residential institution. There is little knowledge about the health of elderly living in these residences. We studied the physical, functional and psychosocial health of 401 persons living in a sheltered residence for elderly in Zwolle through a standardised interview. We compared the health of these elderly to the health of independently living elderly in the same region studied in the Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam and adjusted for sex, age and married state. We found an impaired functional health and more chronic illnesses among elderly living in a sheltered residence. In addition, more medication was used (OR = 2.4). The studied elderly felt more often depressed (OR = 1.9) or lonely (OR = 1.7). Their mental state was more frequently impaired (OR = 1.7), they visited health professionals more often and received more help for personal care (OR = 2.0) and housekeeping (OR = 1.6). We conclude that people living in sheltered residences form a distinct group of elderly, characterised by impaired physical, functional and psychosocial health. Planners of future care must be aware of this vulnerable group.  相似文献   

1. The relationship between red cell aging and enzyme activities was studied in rabbit, guinea-pig, hamster, rats (F344/N and SD), and mice (BALB/c and DBA/2). 2. The activities of six enzymes: glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PD), 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6-PGD), hexokinase (Hx), glutamate oxaloacetate transminase (GOT), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE), were measured in the red cells of different ages which were obtained either by centrifugation or experimental anaemia. 3. Hx, AChE and GOT activities were much higher in younger red cells than in older cells, hence the activities of these enzymes may be used as an indicator of age of the cells.  相似文献   






175例精神分裂症患者中出现认知损害91例(52.00%),未出现认知损害84例(48.00%)。认知损害组患者sMCI评分低于非认知损害组(P<0.05)。两组患者肠道菌群α多样性比较差异无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。两组对象肠道菌群的特征性物种在门水平为拟杆菌门(LDA = 2.54),厚壁菌门(LDA = 4.25);在纲水平为拟杆菌纲(LDA = 3.57),梭菌纲(LDA = 4.31);在科水平为产碱杆菌科(LDA = 4.23)和梭菌科(LDA = 2.76);在属水平为萨特菌属(LDA = 3.18)。认知损害组患者肠道拟杆菌门丰度高于非认知损害组,厚壁菌门丰度低于非认知损害组;拟杆菌纲丰度高于非认知损害组,梭菌纲丰度低于非认知损害组;产碱杆菌科丰度高于非认知损害组,梭菌科丰度低于非认知损害组;萨特菌属丰度高于非认知损害组(均P<0.05)。Logistics回归分析显示,高丰度的拟杆菌门、拟杆菌纲、产碱杆菌科、萨特菌属是精神分裂症患者发生认知损害的危险因素(OR>1,均P<0.05);高丰度的厚壁菌门、梭菌纲是精神分裂症患者发生认知损害的保护因素(OR<1,均P<0.05)。




To prevent "life style-related diseases", it is necessary to evaluate not only the factors directly related to sleep but also the relationship between sleep and other life style-related factors (such as smoking, alcohol drinking, food habits, and exercise routines). There have been no extensive studies conducted on these relationships. A survey was conducted on 2,000 employees of a large plant over a 6-year period to provide data that would allow one to analyze correlation between hours of sleep and other life style factors, such as smoking, alcohol drinking, dietary habit, and exercise. It focused on a serial evaluation, with special reference to the correlation between sleep and smoking and drinking habits, exercise, and food habits. In relation to smoking or an alcohol drinking habit, no significant correlation was found between those who did not get enough sleep and those who got adequate sleep. For the dietary habits, the group with insufficient hours of sleep was related to a less than satisfactory frequency of meal taking, irregularity of eating, snacking habits, excessive seasoning of food, and consumption of insufficient quantities of vegetables. Conversely, it was recognized that those who have satisfactory food habits are more likely to enjoy an appropriate amount of sleep. Those who fail to get sufficient sleep engage in food habits that are more likely to cause life style-related diseases.  相似文献   

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