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Summary Photorefraction and photokeratometry were performed on two juvenile tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus, 7 years of age, total length approx. 27 cm). Sphenodon is the only surviving genus of the Rhynchocephalia, an order of reptiles. Both existing species are endangered and are found only in New Zealand. Even though Walls (1942) has stated that the ciliary muscle is relatively weak in tuataras, we observed 8 D of accommodation. The eyes were found to focus independently and we could induce an anisometropia of 6 D. The average corneal power of the tuatara was found to be 101 D.  相似文献   


High mortality and abnormal growth patterns commonly found in captive juvenile tuatara were hypothesised to be due in part to the effects of long‐term chronic stress of captivity. This study compared plasma concentrations of the reptilian adrenal steroid, corticosterone, in wild juvenile tuatara on Stephens Island, Cook Strait, and in captive juveniles of Stephens Island origin, held in New Zealand institutions, in February and August 1992. Seasonal variation in plasma concentration of corticosterone in wild juveniles in four seasons of the year was also examined. This is the first study of seasonal cycles in plasma corticosterone in a wild juvenile reptile. Plasma corticosterone concentrations were significantly higher in captive juvenile females (4.21 ± 0.27 ng/ml; mean ± SE) compared with wild juvenile females (2.44 ± 0.42 ng/ml) in February (P < 0.05), but not in August, and there was no difference in concentration between captive and wild juvenile males in either month. There was significant seasonal variation in plasma corticosterone in wild juvenile females (P < 0.05). However, there was no seasonal variation observed in wild juvenile males, and the magnitude of the variation in plasma corticosterone was low in both sexes (1.28 ± 0 ng/ml ‐4.65 ±3.41 ng/ml). Although mean plasma corticosterone was higher in captive juvenile females compared with wild juvenile females in February 1992, the value in captive females was within the range of mean plasma corticosterone concentrations observed in the seasonal study, and may be therefore due to asynchronicity of seasonal cycles, rather than stress. Further research is required; however, lack of correlation between plasma corticosterone concentrations and either growth rate or density indicate that captive juvenile tuatara in New Zealand are not suffering from pronounced chronic stress.  相似文献   


Results from a survey of the tuatara populations on Hongiora and Ruamahua-iti Islands, conducted in March 1986, do not support an earlier report that the Hongiora population is declining (Crook 1973). On Hongiora, 49 captures were made of 43 tuatara over 12 man-hours, and on Ruamahua-iti, 67 captures of 60 tuatara were made over 12.5 man-hours. The mean body lengths of Hongiora tuatara (male=250.4 mm, female=220.8 mm) were significantly larger than those of Ruamahua-iti animals (male= 187.6mm, female= 179.3 mm). We question the interpretation that the smaller average size of tuatara on Ruamahua-iti Island indicates that they are younger than those on Hongiora Island.  相似文献   

Study of the histology, histochemistry, and fine structure of caudal epidermal regeneration in Sphenodon punctatus through restoration of a scaled form reveals that the processes involved resemble those known in lizards. Following establishment of a wound epithelium (WE), subjacent scale neogenesis involves epidermal downgrowths into the dermis. Although the process is extremely slow, and most new scales do not overlap, their epidermal coverings reestablish epidermal generation (EG) formation. As in lizards, the flat, alpha-keratogenic, WE cells contain lipids as revealed by their affinity for Sudan III. A few mucous cells that store large PAS-positive mucus-like granules also occur in WE. During differentiation of WE cells, among the bundles of 70-nm tonofilaments are many lamellar bodies (LBs) and mucous granules (MGs) that discharge their contents into the cytoplasm and extracellular spaces producing a strongly PAS-positive keratinized tissue. Richness of epidermal lipids coexistent with mucus is a primitive characteristic for amniote vertebrates, probably related to functions as a barrier to cutaneous water loss (CWL). As scale neogenesis begins, beneath the superficial WE appear 3-5 layers of irregularly shaped cells. These contain tonofilament bundles surrounded by small, round keratohyalin-like granules (KHLGs) and a keratinized matrix with beta-keratin packets and a 3-5-nm thick keratin granulation. This mixture of alpha- and beta-keratogenic capacities resembles that seen in the innermost cells of a normal tuatara epidermal generation. As in the latter, but in contrast to both normal and regenerating lizard epidermis, no definable shedding complex with interdigitating clear layer and oberhautchen cells occurs (Alibardi and Maderson, 2003). The tortuous boundaries, and merging beta-keratin packets, identify subjacent keratinizing cells as precursors of the typical stratified, squamous beta-layer seen in long-term regenerated caudal skin wherein the entire vertical sequence of epidermal layers resembles that of normal scales. The sequence of events in caudal epidermal regeneration in S. punctatus resembles that documented for lizards. Observed differences between posttrauma scale neogenesis and scale embryogenesis are responses to functional problems involved in, respectively, restoring, or forming, a barrier to CWL while accommodating rapid somatic growth.  相似文献   


Observations on Stephens Island, Cook Strait, in December 1978 show that although the tuatara is generally most active at night, many animals spend much of the day at or beyond burrow entrances, apparently to increase their body temperature. During the day, tuataras tend to move further from burrows which are under shaded forest than from those in open pasture. By day, mean body temperatures (±SE) ranged from 17.2±0.5°C in forest shade to 24.6±1.1°C in full sunlight; the maximum body temperature recorded was 26.3°C. The significance of these observations is discussed.  相似文献   

Investigating the mating system of a population provides insight into the evolution of reproductive patterns, and can inform conservation management of threatened or endangered species. Combining behavioural and genetic data is necessary to fully understand the mating system and factors affecting male reproductive success, yet behavioural data are often difficult to collect for threatened species. In the present study, we use behavioural data and paternity analyses to characterize the mating system of a high density population of a long-lived, ancient reptile (tuatara, Sphenodon punctatus ). We further investigate the phenotypic traits (including body size, body condition, tail length, and ectoparasite load) that affect male reproductive success. Our behavioural data reflect a seasonally monogamous system with low levels of polyandry and polygyny that are consistent with male mate guarding. Male reproduction is highly skewed (only 25–30% of males are successful), and body size is the primary predictor of male reproductive success. Based on the genetic data, multiple paternity was found in only 8% of clutches, and the results of the paternity analyses showed monandrous clutches from socially polyandrous females. Our behavioural and genetic results revealed complexities in female mating patterns that support the potential for cryptic female choice or sperm competition. This warrants further experimental investigation into the mechanisms underlying reptile fertilization and the disparities between social and genetic polyandry in wild populations.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 98 , 161–170.  相似文献   

Animals that can be active both during day and night offer unique opportunities to identify factors that influence activity pattern. By experimental manipulations of temperatures under constant photoperiod, we aimed to determine if emergence, activity and thermoregulatory behaviour of juvenile tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus) varied at different temperatures (20 °C, 12 °C and 5 °C). To help clarify its activity pattern, we compared tuatara with two lizard species endemic of the South Island of New Zealand for which activity pattern is known and clearly defined: the nocturnal common gecko Woodworthia “Otago/Southland” and the diurnal McCann׳s skink Oligosoma maccanni. Tuatara showed similar responses to both species of lizards. Similar to the diurnal skinks, tuatara emerged quickly at 20 °C and 12 °C while nocturnal geckos took more time to emerge. Like nocturnal geckos, tuatara continued to be active at 5 °C, but only during the day. Interestingly, tuatara shifted from diurno-nocturnal activity at 20 °C and 12 °C to being strictly diurnal at 5 °C. We suggest that this temperature-dependent strategy maximises their survival during cold periods.  相似文献   


Wounds on a juvenile tuatara discovered dead on Lady Alice Island, Chickens group, Hauraki Gulf, appear to have been inflicted by kiore. Flesh was stripped from the right abdominal wall of the tuatara exposing its ribs and liver, and part of its tail and eight digits were missing.  相似文献   

Abstract The conservation of threatened vertebrate species and their threatened parasites requires an understanding of the factors influencing their distribution and dynamics. This is particularly important for species maintained in conservation reserves at high densities, where increased contact among hosts could lead to increased rates of parasitism. The tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus) (Reptilia: Sphenodontia) is a threatened reptile that persists at high densities in forests (~ 2700 tuatara/ha) and lower densities in pastures and shrubland (< 200 tuatara/ha) on Stephens Island, New Zealand. We investigated the lifecycles and seasonal dynamics of infestation of two ectoparasites (the tuatara tick, Amblyomma sphenodonti, and trombiculid mites, Neotrombicula sp.) in a mark‐recapture study in three forest study plots from November 2004 to March 2007, and compared infestation levels among habitat types in March 2006. Tick loads were lowest over summer and peaked from late autumn (May) until early spring (September). Mating and engorgement of female ticks was highest over spring, and larval tick loads subsequently increased in early autumn (March). Nymphal tick loads increased in September, and adult tick loads increased in May. Our findings suggest the tuatara tick has a 2‐ or 3‐year lifecycle. Mite loads were highest over summer and autumn, and peaked in March. Prevalences (proportion of hosts infected) and densities (estimated number of parasites per hectare) of ticks were similar among habitats, but tick loads (parasites per host) were higher in pastures than in forests and shrub. The prevalence and density of mites was higher in forests than in pasture or shrub, but mite loads were similar among habitats. We suggest that a higher density of tuatara in forests may reduce the ectoparasite loads of individuals through a dilution effect. Understanding host–parasite dynamics will help in the conservation management of both the host and its parasites.  相似文献   

Six new microsatellite DNA loci are isolated from a genomic library of the sphenodontid reptile tuatara (Sphenodon) and presented here as a tool for identifying individuals for future paternity and kinship studies. These loci, in combination with four previously published loci, are sufficient to discriminate between clutch-mate siblings from Stephens Island and Brothers Island populations. These populations represent high and low levels of genetic diversity in tuatara populations respectively. An estimate of minimum number of fathers of each clutch found no evidence for multiple paternity in any clutch. These newly isolated loci complete the development of an array of genetic tools for use in tuatara to enhance ongoing conservation and management of wild, translocated and captive populations.  相似文献   

A comparative study has been made of the major lipid fractions and their fatty acid compositions in the yolk of eggs from ostriches under wild and farmed conditions. There were no differences in the lipid contents and proportions of the lipid fractions between the two groups of yolks. In both groups of yolks triacylglycerol and phospholipid were the major fractions. In the eggs from the wild ostriches, all the lipid fractions displayed substantial concentrations of C18 polyunsaturated fatty acids, triacylglycerol being particularly rich in linolenic acid and phospholipid rich in linoleic acid; phospholipid displayed substantial concentrations also of C20 and C22 polyunsaturates. There were considerable differences in the fatty acid compositions between the yolks. Those from the farmed birds displayed lower proportions of C18 polyunsaturates, particularly linolenic acid, throughout the lipid fractions. Compensatory increases were displayed most obviously in the concentrations of oleic acid and palmitoleic acid as well as other acids. The distinctive and extensive changes in fatty acid composition, particularly relating to the polyunsaturates, are discussed with respect to overall dietary requirements and specificities for embryo metabolism and possible effects on reproductive performance.  相似文献   

Histochemical and TEM analysis of the epidermis of Sphenodon punctatus confirms previous histological studies showing that skin-shedding in this relic species involves the periodic production and loss of epidermal generations, as has been well documented in the related Squamata. The generations are basically similar to those that have been described in the latter, and their formation involves a cyclic alternation between beta- and alpha-keratogenesis. The six differences from the previously described squamate condition revealed by this study include: 1) the absence of a well-defined shedding complex; 2) the persistence of plasma membranes throughout the mature beta-layer, including the oberhautchen; 3) the concomitant presence of lipogenic lamellar bodies and PAS-positive mucous granules in most presumptive alpha-keratinizing cells; 4) the presence of the secreted contents of these organelles in the intercellular domains of the three derived tissues, the homologues of the squamate mesos, alpha-, and lacunar cells; 5) the paucity of lamellated lipid deposits in such domains; 6) the presence of keratohyalin-like granules (KHLG) in the presumptive lacunar, clear, and oberhautchen cells. In toto, the absence of many of the precisely definable, different pathways of cytogenesis discernible during squamate epidermal generation production might be interpreted as primitive for lepidosaurs. However, when the evolutionary significance of each of the six differences listed is evaluated separately, it becomes clear that the epidermis of S. punctatus possesses primitive amniote, shared and derived lepidosaurian, and some unique characters. This evaluation further elucidates the concept of a lepidosaurian epidermal generation as a derived manifestation of the sauropsid synapomorphy of vertical alternation of keratin synthesis and shows that further study of keratinocyte differentiation in the tuatara may contribute to our understanding of the origin and evolution of beta-keratinization in sauropsid amniotes.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of different levels of substitution of fish oil by vegetable oils rich in oleic, linoleic and linolenic acids on gilthead seabream plasma and leukocyte fatty acid compositions and prostaglandin (PG) and leptin production. Juvenile seabream of 24 g initial body mass were fed four iso-energetic and iso-proteic experimental diets for 281 days. Fatty acid composition of plasma lipids was markedly affected by the inclusion of vegetable oils (VO). ARA (arachidonate), EPA (eicosapentaenoate) and DHA (docosahexaenoate) were preferentially incorporated into polar lipids of plasma, and DHGLA (di-homogammalinoleate) accumulated with increased vegetable oil inclusion. Dietary treatments resulted in alterations of DHGLA/ARA ratios, but not ARA/EPA. ARA-derived PGE2 production in plasma was not affected by vegetable oils, in agreement with similar eicosanoid precursor ratio (ARA/EPA) in leukocytes total lipids and plasma phospholipids among fish fed with the different dietary treatments. Feeding vegetable oils leads to a decrease in plasma EPA which in turn reduced plasma PGE3 concentration. Moreover, PGE3 was the major prostaglandin produced in plasma of fish fed fish oil based diet. Such findings point out the importance of EPA as a precursor of prostaglandins in marine fish, at least for the correct function of the blood cells, and correlates well with the predominant role of this fatty acid in immune regulation in this species. A negative correlation was found between plasma PGE2 and leptin plasma concentration, suggesting that circulating levels of leptin may act as a metabolic signal modulating PGE2 release. The present study has shown that increased inclusion of vegetable oils in diet for gilthead seabream may profoundly affect the fatty acid composition of plasma and leukocytes, specially HUFA (highly unsaturated fatty acids), and consequently the production of PGE3, which can be a major PG in plasma. Alteration in the amount and type of PG produced can be at least partially responsible for the changes in the immune system and health parameters of fish fed diets with high inclusion of VO.  相似文献   

As an alternative to pharmacological treatment to diseases, lifestyle interventions, such as dietary changes and physical activities, can help maintain healthy metabolic conditions. Recently, the emerging analyses of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from breath and short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) from plasma/feces have been considered as useful tools for the diagnosis and mechanistic understanding of metabolic diseases. Furthermore, diet-induced changes of SCFAs in individuals with diagnosed metabolic abnormalities have been correlated with the composition changes of the gut microbiome. More interestingly, the analysis of exhaled breath (breathomics) has gained attention as a useful technique to measure the human VOC profile altered as a result of dietary interventions. In this mini-review, we examined recent clinical trials that performed promising dietary interventions, SCFAs analysis in plasma/feces, and VOC profile analysis in exhaling breath to understand the relationship between dietary intervention and metabolic health.  相似文献   

Porcelia macrocarpa (Warm.) R. E. Fries (Annonaceae) is an endemic plant in Brazil where its tasty pulp has been eaten fresh. The hexane extract from its flowers was subjected to chromatographic procedures to afford four acetylene derivatives identified as octadec-9-ynoic (stearolic acid – 1), (11E)-octadec-11-en-9-ynoic (santalbic acid – 2), 8-hydroxyoctadec-9,11-diynoic (3) and 8-hydroxyoctadec-17-en-9,11-diynoic (isanolic acid – 4) acids by NMR and HRESIMS. Among tested compounds against trypomastigote forms of T. cruzi, octadec-9-ynoic acid (1) displayed higher potential with IC50 = 27.6 µM and a selectivity index (SI) higher than 7. Compounds 2 and 3 showed IC50 of approximately 60 µM while compound 4 was inactive. The lethal action of the compound 1 was investigated using spectrofluorometric techniques to detect ROS content, plasma membrane permeability and plasma membrane potential by flow cytometry. Compound 1 showed no alteration in the production of ROS of treated trypomastigotes and no alteration of the plasma membrane permeability was observed as detected by the fluorescent probe SYTOX-green after 120 min of incubation. However, by using the potential-sensitive fluorescent probe DiSBAC2(3), compound 1 caused depolarization of the plasma membrane potential when compared to untreated parasites. Our results demonstrated the anti-T. cruzi effects of compounds 1–3 isolated from flowers of P. macrocarpa and indicated that the lethal effect of compound 1 in T. cruzi could be associated to the plasma membrane disturbance of the parasite.  相似文献   

We investigated whether the parasite load of an individual could be predicted by its position in a social network. Specifically, we derived social networks in a solitary, territorial reptile (the tuatara, Sphenodon punctatus), with links based on the sharing of space, not necessarily synchronously, in overlapping territories. Tuatara are infected by ectoparasitic ticks (Amblyomma sphenodonti), mites (Neotrombicula spp.) and a blood parasite (Hepatozoon tuatarae) which is transmitted by the tick. We recorded the location of individual tuatara in two study plots twice daily during the mating season (March) in 2 years (2006 and 2007) on Stephens Island, New Zealand. We constructed weighted, directed networks to represent pathways for parasite transmission, where nodes represented individual tuatara and edges connecting the nodes represented the extent of territory overlap among each pair of individuals. We considered a network-based hypothesis which predicted that the in-strength of individuals (the sum of edge weights directed towards a node) in the derived network would be positively related to their parasite load. Alternatively, if the derived social network did not reflect actual parasite transmission, we predicted other factors such as host sex, size or territory size may better explain variation in parasite infection patterns. We found clear positive relationships between the in-strength of tuatara and their tick loads, and infection patterns with tick-borne blood parasites. In particular, the extent that individuals were connected to males in the network consistently predicted tick loads of tuatara. However, mite loads of tuatara were significantly related to host sex, body size and territory size, and showed little association with network measures. The results suggest that the pathway of transmission of parasites through a population will depend on the transmission mechanism of the parasite, but that social networks provide a powerful predictive tool for some parasites.  相似文献   

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