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Pneumocystis jirovecii is a fungus which causes severe opportunistic infections in immunocompromised humans. The brl1 gene of P. carinii infecting rats was identified and characterized by using bioinformatics in conjunction with functional complementation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The ectopic expression of this gene rescues null alleles of essential nuclear membrane proteins of the Brr6/Brl1 family in both yeasts.  相似文献   

Translational control by specific eIF2alpha phosphorylation on serine 51 has been characterized in all eukaryotes with the significant exception of plants. In order to evaluate the capability of plant eIF2alpha to functionally control translation, the wild type (51S) and a nonphosphorylatable mutant (51A) of wheat eIF2alpha were expressed in a yeast genetic system. Expression of either wheat protein did not handicap growth under conditions that repress the eIF2alpha phosphorylation pathway. However, under conditions that induce specific eIF2alpha phosphorylation only strains expressing wheat 51S were able to grow between 2 and 4 days. Growth was dependent upon activity of yeast eIF2alpha kinase GCN2 and resulted in the increased translation of GCN4. The association between plant eIF2alpha and yeast eIF2B is supported by their specific coimmunoprecipitation from transgenic yeast cells. These data support the similarity among eukaryotic translational initiation processes and strengthen the concept that plants may contain an eIF2alpha phosphorylation pathway.  相似文献   

The opportunistic fungus Pneumocystis is the etiologic agent of an interstitial plasma cell pneumonia that primarily afflicts immunocompromised individuals. Like other fungi Pneumocystis maintains a H(+) plasma membrane gradient to drive nutrient uptake and regulates intracellular pH by ATP-dependent proton efflux. Previously, we identified a Pneumocystis gene, PCA1, whose predicted protein product was homologous to fungal proton pumps. In this study, we show by functional complementation in a Saccharomyces strain whose endogenous PMA1 proton pump activity is repressed that the Pneumocystis PCA1 encodes a H(+)-ATPase. The properties of PCA1 characterized in this system closely resemble those of yeast PMA1. Yeast expressing PCA1 grow at low pH and are able to acidify the external media. Maximal enzyme activity (V(max)) and efficiency of substrate utilization (K(m)) in plasma membranes were nearly identical for PCA1 and PMA1. PCA1 contains an inhibitory COOH-terminal domain; removal of the final 40 amino acids significantly increased V(max) and growth at pH 6.5. PCA1 activity was inhibited by proton pump inhibitors omeprazole and lansoprazole, but was unaffected by H(+)/K(+)-ATPase inhibitor SCH28080. Thus, H(+) homeostasis in Pneumocystis is likely regulated as in other fungi. This work also establishes a system for screening PCA1 inhibitors to identify new anti-Pneumocystis agents.  相似文献   

Various in vitro mutated human cytochrome c genes which encode displaced amino acid residues at the 14th, 17th, 28th, 37th, 38th, 56th, and/or 84th residues were constructed, and their degrees of complementation of yeast CYC1 deficiency were examined. Invariant Cys-17 and Arg-38 could not be replaced by alanine and tryptophan, respectively, without function impairment. Cytochrome c containing Ala-14 instead of conserved Cys-14, Gly-38 or Lys-38 instead of Arg-38, and Ser-84 instead of invariant Gly-84 were partly functional. These results indicate that these invariant or conserved residues are important. Cytochromes c containing Cys-56 instead of native Gly-56 was partly functional. Cytochrome c containing Arg-37 and Gly-38 instead of Gly-37 and Arg-38 was slightly functional. Replacement of variable Thr-28 and Gly-37 by Ile-28 and Arg-37, respectively, produced no effects. Our results are as a whole consistent with the view that conserved residues are important and variable residues are less important for cytochrome c to function.  相似文献   

Cloning of yeast glycolysis genes by complementation   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
In hepatocytes isolated from fed rats, low concentrations of oxalate (50 to 100 μM) greatly enhance ketogenesis and decrease fatty acid synthesis. These metabolic changes are due to pyruvate carboxylase inhibition. Dichloroacetate, which can be catabolized into oxalate enhances ketogenesis only when cells are enriched with lactate and pyruvate and has no obvious effect on lipogenesis. The enhancement of ketogenesis, in both cases, is due to an imbalance between pyruvate dehydrogenase and pyruvate carboxylase but with oxalate, the primary event is oxaloacetate shortage and with dichloroacetate, mitochondrial acetyl CoA excess. This work demonstrates that the studied effects of dichloroacetate are not mediated by oxalate and that low concentrations of oxalate alter the lipid metabolism of hepatocytes.  相似文献   

Functional studies of yeast glucokinase.   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Glucose phosphorylation capacity is known to be in excess of glucose flux in Saccharomyces cerevisiae wild type but not in a mutant strain lacking the two hexokinases but still having glucokinase. Nonetheless, we show here that in the latter strain, as in the wild type, the internal concentration of glucose is apparently low during growth on glucose and that additional glucokinase activity does not increase glucose flux. The glucokinase-dependent strain accumulates substantial amounts of glucose internally in batch culture after exhaustion of glucose, as well as from maltose. In both of these situations, low concentrations of radioactive glucose provided to the medium are used with incomplete, if any, mixing with the internal pool. Furthermore, in contrast to activity of hexokinase and other enzymes, little glucokinase activity is revealed by toluene treatment of cells. These results may point to a connection between glucose entry and its phosphorylation by glucokinase, but separate explanations for the various findings are also possible.  相似文献   

A cDNA clone (bra) encoding a small GTP-binding protein was isolated from Brassica napus by screening a root cDNA library with a degenerate oligonucleotide probe that corresponds to a highly conserved GTP-binding domain of the Ras superfamily. Sequence analysis shows that the clone contains an open reading frame of 219 amino acid residues with the estimated molecular mass of 24379 Da and this coding region contains all the conserved motifs of the Ras superfamily. The deduced amino acid sequence of the bra gene is most closely related to the Ypt/Rab family that functions in the vesicular transport (46% and 47% amino acid identity to the yeast Ypt1 and to the human Rab1, respectively) and is more distantly related to the other Ras-related families. The protein encoded by the bra gene, when expressed in Escherichia coli, shows the ability to bind GTP. Furthermore, when the bra gene is introduced into Saccharomyces cerevisiae under the regulation of the yeast GAL1 promoter, the gene can complement the temperature-sensitive yeast mutation ypt1-1 that has defects in vesicular transport function. The amino acid sequence similarity and the functional complementation of the yeast mutation suggest that this gene is likely to be involved in the vesicular transport in plants. Genomic Southern analysis shows that this gene is a member of a small gene family in Brassica napus.  相似文献   

Hong JS  Park SJ  Parajuli N  Park SR  Koh HS  Jung WS  Choi CY  Yoon YJ 《Gene》2007,386(1-2):123-130
The DesVIII is an auxiliary protein which enhances the transfer of TDP-d-desosamine catalyzed by DesVII glycosyltransferase in the biosynthesis of macrolide antibiotics, neomethymycin, methymycin and pikromycin, in Streptomyces venezuelae ATCC 15439. Homologues of the desVIII gene are present in a number of aminosugar-containing antibiotic biosynthetic gene clusters including eryCII from the erythromycin producer Saccharopolyspora erythraea, oleP1 from the oleandomycin producer Streptomyces antibioticus, dnrQ from the doxorubicin producer Streptomyces peucetius, and tylMIII from the tylosin producer Streptomyces fradiae. In order to gain further insight into the function of these DesVIII homologues, interspecies complementation experiments were carried out by expressing each gene in a desVIII deletion mutant strain of S. venezuelae. Complementation by expressing EryCII, OleP1, and DnrQ in this mutant strain restored the production of glycosylated macrolides to an approximate level of 66%, 26% and 26%, respectively, compared to self-complementation by DesVIII. However, expression of TylMIII did not restore the antibiotic production. These results suggest that the DesVIII homologues (except for TylMIII) can functionally replace the native DesVIII for glycosylation to proceed in vivo and their functions are similar in acting as glycosyltransferase auxiliary proteins. The requirement of glycosyltransferase auxiliary protein seems to be more widespread in polyketide biosynthetic pathways than previously known.  相似文献   

A complex of three phosphoproteins (P0, P1 and P2) constitutes the stalk region at the GTPase center of the eukaryotic large ribosomal subunit, amongst which the protein P0 plays the most crucial role. Earlier studies have shown the functional complementation of the conditional P0-null mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (W303dGP0) with orthologous P0 genes from fungal and mammalian organisms, but not the protozoan parasite Leishmania infantum. In this paper we show that the PfP0 gene from the protozoan malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum can functionally complement the conditional P0-null W303dGP0 mutant of S. cerevisiae. Unlike the above orthologous genes, PfP0 gene could also rescue the D67dGP0 strain, which in addition to being a conditional null for ScP0 gene, is a null-mutant for both ScP1alpha and beta genes. However, under stress conditions such as high temperature, salt and osmolarity, PfP0 gene could not rescue D67dGP0 strain. Ribosomes purified from W303dGP0 carrying PfP0 gene did not contain ScP1 protein, indicating a lack of binding of ScP1 to PfP0 protein. Yeast 2-hybrid analysis further confirmed the lack of binding of ScP1 to PfP0 protein. The polymerizing activities of ribosomes with ScP0 or PfP0 protein, in the absence of ScP1 protein, were found to be about 40-45% that of ribosomes with all the yeast P-proteins. In its sensitivity to the inhibitor sordarin, PfP0 was similar to the P0 protein from the fungus Aspergillus fumigatus. These results indicate a closer functional relationship of P. falciparum P0 gene to fungal P0 genes.  相似文献   

ApoB mRNA editing involves site-specific deamination of cytidine 6666 producing an in-frame translation stop codon. Editing minimally requires APOBEC-1 and APOBEC-1 complementation factor (ACF). Metabolic stimulation of apoB mRNA editing in hepatocytes is associated with serine phosphorylation of ACF localized to editing competent, nuclear 27S editosomes. We demonstrate that activation of protein kinase C (PKC) stimulated editing and enhanced ACF phosphorylation in rat primary hepatocytes. Conversely, activation of protein kinase A (PKA) had no effect on editing. Recombinant PKC efficiently phosphorylated purified ACF64 protein in vitro, whereas PKA did not. Mutagenesis of predicted PKC phosphorylation sites S154 and S368 to alanine inhibited ethanol-stimulated induction of editing suggesting that these sites function in the metabolic regulation of editing. Consistent with this interpretation, substitution of S154 and S368 with aspartic acid stimulated editing to levels comparable to ethanol treatment in control McArdle RH7777 cells. These data suggest that phosphorylation of ACF by PKC may be a key regulatory mechanism of apoB mRNA editing in rat hepatocytes.  相似文献   

Summary The ino1 locus of yeast has been demonstrated to be the structural gene for the repressible enzyme, L-myo-inositol-1-phosphate synthase (Donahue and Henry 1981 a). We have screened a large number of allelic representatives of the ino1 locus for the presence of protein which cross reacts with antibody produced in response to purified wild type inositol-1-phosphate synthase. Approximately 50% of all ino1 representatives screened by immunoprecipitation produce a protein of 62,000 molecular weight, identical in size to the wild type enzyme subunit. These mutants (termed crm+) were tested for expression of the 62,000 MW protein under conditions which are repressing for the wild type enzyme (greater than 25 M exogenous inositol). The protein produced by the crm+ mutants, like the active enzyme in wild type yeast, is repressed in the presence of high levels of exogenous inositol. In addition, we have reassessed the interallelic complementation pattern observed among mutants at the ino1 locus. The entire pattern of interallelic complementation is temperature sensitive.  相似文献   

The release of the complete genome sequence of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has ushered in a new phase of genome research in which sequence function will be assigned. The goal is to determine the biological function of each of the >6,000 open reading frames in the yeast genome. Innovative approaches have been developed that exploit the sequence data and yield information about gene expression levels, protein levels, subcellular localization and gene function for the entire genome.  相似文献   

Just as Saccharomyces cerevisiae itself provides a model for so many processes essential to eukaryotic life, we anticipate that the methods and the mindset that have moved yeast biological research "beyond the genome" provide a prototype for making similar progress in other organisms. In this review I describe the experimental processes, results and utility of the current large-scale experimental approaches that use genomic data to provide a functional analysis of the yeast genome. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The yeast cadmium factor (Ycf1p) is a vacuolar protein involved in resistance to Cd(2+) and to exogenous glutathione S-conjugate precursors in yeast. It belongs to the superfamily of ATP binding cassette transporters, which includes the human cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator and the multidrug resistance-associated protein. To examine the functional significance of conserved amino acid residues in Ycf1p, we performed an extensive mutational analysis. Twenty-two single amino acid substitutions or deletions were generated by site-directed mutagenesis in the nucleotide binding domains, the proposed regulatory domain, and the fourth cytoplasmic loop. Mutants were analyzed phenotypically by measuring their ability to grow in the presence of Cd(2+). Expression and subcellular localization of the mutant proteins were examined by immunodetection in vacuolar membranes. For functional characterization of the Ycf1p variants, the kinetic parameters of glutathione S-conjugated leukotriene C(4) transport were measured. Our analysis shows that residues Ile(711), Leu(712), Phe(713), Glu(927), and Gly(1413) are essential for Ycf1p expression. Five other amino acids, Gly(663), Gly(756), Asp(777), Gly(1306), and Gly(1311), are critical for Ycf1p function, and two residues, Glu(709) and Asp(821), are unnecessary for Ycf1p biogenesis and function. We also identify several regulatory domain mutants in which Cd(2+) tolerance of the mutant strain and transport activity of the protein are dissociated.  相似文献   

Dinoflagellates are protists with permanently condensed chromosomes that lack histones and whose nuclear membrane remains intact during mitosis. These unusual nuclear characters have suggested that the typical cell cycle regulators might be slightly different than those in more typical eukaryotes. To test this, a cyclin has been isolated from the dinoflagellate Gonyaulax polyedra by functional complementation in cln123 mutant yeast. This GpCyc1 sequence contains two cyclin domains in its C-terminal region and a degradation box typical of mitotic cyclins. Similar to other dinoflagellate genes, GpCyc1 has a high copy number, with approximately 5000 copies found in the Gonyaulax genome. An antibody raised against the N-terminal region of the GpCYC1 reacts with a 68kDa protein on Western blots that is more abundant in cell cultures enriched for G2-phase cells than in those containing primarily G1-phase cells, indicating its cellular level follows a pattern expected for a mitotic cyclin. This is the first report of a cell cycle regulator cloned and sequenced from a dinoflagellate, and our results suggest control of the dinoflagellate cell cycle will be very similar to that of other organisms.  相似文献   

Functional analysis of mitochondrial protein import in yeast   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In order to facilitate studies on protein localization to and sorting within yeast mitochondria, we have designed an experimental system that utilizes a new vector and a functional assay. The vector, which we call an LPS plasmid (for leader peptide substitution), employs a yeast COX5a gene (the structural gene for subunit Va of the inner membrane protein complex cytochrome c oxidase) as a convenient reporter for correct mitochondrial localization. Using in vitro mutagenesis, we have modified COX5a so that the DNA sequences encoding the wild-type subunit Va leader peptide can be precisely deleted and replaced with a given test sequence. The substituted leader peptide can then be analyzed for its ability to direct subunit Va to the inner mitochondrial membrane (to target and sort) by complementation or other in vivo assays. In this study we have tested the ability of several heterologous sequences to function in this system. The results of these experiments indicate that a functional leader peptide is required to target subunit Va to mitochondria. In addition, leader peptides, or portions thereof, derived from proteins located in other mitochondrial compartments can also be used to properly localize this polypeptide. The results presented here also indicate that the information necessary to sort subunit Va to the inner mitochondrial membrane does not reside in the leader peptide but rather in the mature subunit Va sequence.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial F(1)F(0)-ATP synthase is a multimeric enzyme complex composed of at least 16 unique peptides with an overall molecular mass of approximately 600 kDa. F(1)-ATPase is composed of alpha(3)beta(3)gammadeltaepsilon with an overall molecular mass of 370 kDa. The genes encoding bovine F(1)-ATPase have been expressed in a quintuple yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae deletion mutant (DeltaalphaDeltabetaDeltagammaDeltadeltaDeltaepsilon). This strain expressing bovine F(1) is unable to grow on medium containing a non-fermentable carbon source (YPG), indicating that the enzyme is non-functional. However, daughter strains were easily selected for growth on YPG medium and these were evolved for improved growth on YPG medium. The evolution of the strains was presumably due to mutations, but mutations in the genes encoding the subunits of the bovine F(1)-ATPase were not required for the ability of the cell to grow on YPG medium. The bovine enzyme expressed in yeast was partially purified to a specific activity of about half of that of the enzyme purified from bovine heart mitochondria. These results indicate that the molecular machinery required for the assembly of the mitochondrial ATP synthase is conserved from bovine and yeast and suggest that yeast may be useful for the expression, mutagenesis, and analysis of the mammalian F(1)- or F(1)F(0)-ATP synthase.  相似文献   

Z Pan  C Chang 《FEBS letters》1999,459(3):405-410
Arabidopsis thaliana MEK1 encodes a MAPKK homolog whose role in plants is currently unknown. High (but not low) expression of MEK1 rescued the Deltawis1 (MAPKK) mutant of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe Win1/Wis4-Wis1-Sty1 stress-activated MAPK pathway. Rescue was dependent upon upstream and downstream components of the pathway, suggesting that MEK1 might function in a homologous MAPK pathway in plants. When MEK1 was expressed at a low level, rescue of Deltawis1 was achieved by co-expressing Arabidopsis CTR1 (a putative MAPKK kinase (MAPKKK)). CTR1 constructs alone did not rescue the pathway, indicating that CTR1 augmented MEK1 function. Further data indicated that this enhancement was not due to CTR1 kinase activity.  相似文献   

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