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Experiments were undertaken to determine the effect of stock plant etiolation and stem banding, prior to cutting propagation, on the auxin dose-response of rooting in Carpinus betulus L. Fastigiata stem cuttings. Stock plants were forced in a greenhouse, etiolated for 10 days and banded with black, light-tight Velcro for 8 weeks. Indole-3-butyric acid was applied to cuttings at concentrations ranging from 0 to 79 mM. Rooting percentages and numbers increased to a peak reponse at 20 mM in light-grown and 40 mM in etiolated shoots, followed by an inhibition at higher concentrations for all except etiolated and banded shoots. Cuttings prepared from shoots which had been etiolated or banded rooted better than controls at low and optimal IBA concentrations. Cuttings from shoots receiving both etiolation and banding also yielded higher rooting percentages and more roots per rooted cutting. Furthermore, etiolation and banding reduced the sensitivity of cuttings to supra-optimal auxin-induced inhibition of adventitious root initiation.  相似文献   

Root development of ‘Red Lady’ papaya plants grown on a hillside   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Red Lady papaya (Carica papaya L.) seedlings were grown for 7 weeks in one experiment and 17 weeks in a second experiment on a 60% to 70% sloped hillside. Depth and lateral root developmental characteristics were determined to establish a more informed basis for developing management procedures during hillside production of papaya. A trench was dug perpendicular to the contour line, and positioned 10 cm from the stem base of each plant. A 1 cm layer of soil was removed from the profile wall, and the roots on the trench profile were mapped. Thereafter, the intact half of each root system was excavated to determine the dry mass and length distribution. Roots were separated into the taproot system, and the lateral roots of the uphill and downhill sides. The downhill portion of lateral roots accounted for 56% of total length and 64% of total mass after 7 weeks, and 71% of total length and 69% of total mass after 17 weeks. Some lateral roots on the uphill side of the plants developed with a negative gravitropic orientation to maintain a portion of the root system, close to the surface of the slope. After 17 weeks, 34% of the roots on the uphill side of the trench profile walls were located above a horizontal plane positioned at the stem base. Root growth of Red Lady papaya plants growing on hillsides was maintained in all directions, including up the slope. The results signify that there may be no need to modify fertilizer placement practices for hillside production of papaya. However, the higher concentration of roots on the downhill side of these plants indicates a need for placement of soil moisture sensors for irrigation scheduling in uphill and downhill sites.  相似文献   

1.  The phenotype of the ‘assimilated bithorax’ stock is due in part to a number of genes, on all the chromosomes, which act directly on the individuals containing them, and partly to a recessive X-chromosome condition which causes a maternal effect.
2.  Attempts to break down the maternal-effect condition by crossing-over were unsuccessful.
3.  The maternal effect condition, when made homozygous in a wild-type background, causes the appearance of some bithoraxes in the next generation.
4.  The condition may have arisen by mutation during the course of the selection by which the assimilated stock was built up, but it may have been present in very low frequency in the initial population.
5.  The offspring of females homozygous for the maternal-effect condition do not produce a higher percentage of bithoraxes, following ether treatment, than do flies of similar genotype from other mothers.

A human in vivo somatic cell assay based on the enumeration of variant erythrocytes lacking expression of an allelic form of the cell-surface sialoglycoprotein, glycophorin A, was applied to the study of blood samples from patients obtained prior to, during, and following chemotherapy for malignant disease in order to determine the effect of mutagenic chemical agents on the frequency of variant cells. In 22 patients assayed prior to therapy, the mean variant cell frequency was 11.9 per million, which was not significantly different from that observed in healthy controls. In an initial cross-sectional survey, blood samples were obtained at various times during and after therapy from 30 patients diagnosed with a variety of malignancies who were treated with one or more known mutagenic agents including adriamycin, bleomycin, cis-platinum, cyclophosphamide, dacarbazine, etoposide, lomustine, mechlorethamine, melphalan, mitomycin C, and procarbazine. Significant elevations in the mean frequency of variant cells over pre-therapy and normal levels were observed in samples obtained during and after therapy. In a time-series study, 14 breast cancer patients treated with CAF (cyclophosphamide, adriamycin, 5-fluorouracil), CMF (cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, 5-fluorouracil), or VMF (vinblastine, methotrexate, 5-fluorouracil) adjuvant chemotherapy were sampled repeatedly during and after therapy. For the CAF and CMF patients an increase in the frequency of variant cells was observed with a lag in the appearance of induced variants after initiation of therapy; variant frequencies gradually increased during therapy reaching a maximum at or shortly after the end of therapy, then declined to near pre-therapy levels within 6 months. The maximum level of induced variants ranged from 2- to 7-fold over pre-therapy or normal levels depending on the combination of agents used. The breast cancer patients treated with both adriamycin  相似文献   

This article reports the effect of cold storage at 4 °C from December to April on chestnut cuttings. Rooting was found to increase after four months preceded by treatment with 4000 mg l-1 IBA. ThePhaseolus test of the biological activity of extracts of the cuttings showed the inhibition exerted by the acid fraction of the fresh (December) cuttings to have been replaced by a rootpromoting effect in cuttings stored for 4 months at low temperature. Cold storage thus seems to favour rooting.  相似文献   

Plant and Soil - Rare earth elements (REEs) and normalized REE patterns determined in plant and soil samples represent powerful tools to trace biogeochemical processes during weathering, soil...  相似文献   

Traditional measures of plant diversity from phytosociological relevés are used to compare floristical richness and diversity between different oak-hornbeam forest stands of Thiérache (Northern France). Five sets of physiognomically similar forests are distinguished according to the geological substrate: schists and sandstones, loess on schists, loess on calcareous rocks, jurassic limestones, cretaceous marls and clays. Plant species diversity is investigated at two scale levels: a phytocoenotic level and a synusial one which is supposed to partly avoid a possible silviculture-related bias. Two pools of sets may be distinguished: a calcareous and a non-calcareous one. The calcareous shows the highest floristical diversity, and the non-calcareous one the highest phytosociological richness. For each inter-pool pair of sets, plant species diversity is significantly different at the phytocoenotic level as well as at the level of herbaceous or shrubby synusiae, but not at the arborescent one. Through the coppice-with-standards practice, silviculture was the main determining factor for arborescent synusiae while the herbaceous and shrubby synusiae, which support the major part of the diversity, remained strongly influenced by the substrate. It is suggested that silviculture has got a masking effect on plant species diversity within oak-hornbeam managed forests by making uniform tree layers that outshine the understory vegetation diversity.  相似文献   

This study presents the results of a pilot learning intervention for improving children’s ideas about plant protection. The research was executed in two phases. The first phase aimed at exploring children’s ideas about plant protection. These ideas were taken into account for the design and development of a digital learning environment. The second phase concerned the development, implementation and evaluation of the learning environment. In the first phase, 262 participants (10–12 years old) were asked to write a short text about ‘Environmental protection’. During the second phase, twenty-six participants (10–12 years old) were asked to write a text on ‘How we can protect the endemic plants’, before and after the implementation of the learning activities. Responses were content analysed and their meaning was classified according to the coding scheme of Blanchet-Cohen, Ragan, and Amsden (Children, Youth and Environments 2003; 13: 1–7). The results of the first phase showed that participants mentioned individual lifestyle actions of environmental protection and, therefore, the learning environment should emphasise the importance of other types of environmental protection (eg political actions, legislation, social actions). The proposed learning activities enriched participants’ awareness about the importance of social and legal actions for plant protection.  相似文献   

This paper studies the relationship between single motherhood and children's height-for-age z-scores in Brazil. In order to isolate the causal effect between family structure and children's condition, we estimate an econometric model that uses male preference for firstborn sons and local sex ratios to instrument the probability of a woman becoming a single mother. Our results have a local average treatment effect interpretation (LATE). We find that children being raised by a single mother (whose marital status is affected by a firstborn girl and a low sex ratio) have a height-for-age z-score that is lower than that of children of similar characteristics that cohabit with both progenitors. We claim that the increasing trend of single motherhood in Brazil should be of concern in health policy design.  相似文献   

The role of ligand affinity in altering αPS2CβPS integrins’ lateral mobility was studied using single particle tracking (SPT) with ligand-functionalized quantum dots (QDs) and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) with fluorescent protein tagged integrins. Integrins are ubiquitous transmembrane proteins that are vital for numerous cellular functions, including bidirectional signaling and cell anchorage. Wild-type and high ligand affinity mutant (αPS2CβPS-V409D) integrins were studied in S2 cells. As measured by SPT, the integrin mobile fraction decreased by 22 % and had a 4× slower diffusion coefficient for αPS2CβPS-V409D compared to wild-type integrins. These differences are partially the result of αPS2CβPS-V409D integrins’ increased clustering. For the wild-type integrins, the average of all diffusion coefficients measured by SPT was statistically similar to the ensemble FRAP results. A 75 % slower average diffusion coefficient was measured by SPT compared to FRAP for αPS2CβPS-V409D integrins, and this may be the result of SPT measuring only ligand-bound integrins, in contrast all ligand-bound and ligand-unbound integrins are averaged in FRAP measurements. Specific binding of the ligand-functionalized QDs was 99 % for integrin expressing cells. The results prove that the ligand binding affinity affects the lateral dynamics of a subset of integrins based on the complementary SPT and FRAP data.  相似文献   

Summary Callus regenerated near the base of senescing petals of flower bud explants of German Red carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) produced adventitious flowering microshoots on MS-medium containing benzylaminopurine (8.9 M) and naphthaleneacetic acid (2.7 M). When these microshoots were subcultured with some callus, additional adventitious flowering microshoots were produced from the callus. The production of adventitious flowering shoots continued for many subcultures spanning a period of more than two years. Uniconazole (6.9 M) increased the number of adventitious shoots formed by as much as two-fold but decreased shoot length by about 50%. In contrast, GA3 (2.9 M) decreased adventitious shoot formation and increased shoot length. Regardless of the growth regulator treatment, virtually all of the adventitious shoots produced flower buds. Thus, the growth regulators influenced flowering only indirectly by altering the number of adventitious shoots produced in vitro. These results demonstrate that the flowering habit of the adventitious shoots of German Red carnation is highly persistent and the flowering stimulus continues to be transmitted to the newly formed microshoots through the callus.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of the Case-Based Learning (CBL) method for the topic of ‘B6, B9 and B12 Vitamins’ on students’ academic achievement in a biochemistry course for an associate degree level in health. To this end, a case study with the title ‘The Reasons for Depression: Do We Know What They Are?’ was developed and implemented. The study had a one-group pre-test and post-test research design. The ‘Vitamins’ Achievement Test’ (VAT) and a Structured Interview Form were used as data collection tools. First-year students of Medical Laboratory Techniques at the Ahmet Erdogan Vocational School of Health Services at Bulent Ecevit University (N = 34) who were aged between18 and 20 made up the study group. The VAT and the Structured Interview Form were analysed using content analysis and the paired-samples t-test was used for the VAT. The results indicated that the frequency of students’ responses in the ‘clear understanding’ category improved in the VAT post-test and it was concluded that there was a significant positive difference in the post-test scores of students. The results of the structured interview indicated that most of the students had positive opinions about the method, material and case study.  相似文献   

M. Bodner  E. Beck 《Oecologia》1987,72(3):366-371
Summary The effect of supercooling and freezing on the photosynthetic capability of representatives of the permanent frost hardy giant rosette plants Dendrosenecio keniodendron, D. brassica and Lobelia telekii, of the tropical alpine regions was investigated with the non-invasive chlorophyll a fluorescence technique. While supercooling, normal chlorophyll a fluorescence kinetics exhibiting the sequence 0, I, (D), P, S, M, were recorded, however with some retardation of both, the fast and the slow characteristics as compared to those obtained at day-time temperature. As long as the leaves remained unfrozen, the rise of the variable fluorescence F from the level 0 to P was inversely related to a drop of the temperature from about 0°C to-8°C. The increase of F with lower temperature is understood to result from a decrease of the velocity of the quenching reactions while photoreduction of the primary electron acceptor appeared to be unimpeded. The second fluorescence maximum (M), usually interpreted to indicate the commencement of the biochemical reactions of photosynthesis was consistenly to be observed during supercooling. Fluoescence induction kinetics of frozen leaves showed only fast rise to presumably F max which was not followed by a significant decay for as long as 4 min. The lack of substantial quenching indicates that in the freeze-dehydrated state neither reoxidation of the primary acceptor nor energetization of the thylakoid membrane was accomplished. This effect however was immediately and fully reserved upon thawing of the leaves when the usual fluorescence induction kinetics as well as normal rates of CO2-uptake were observed. Thus the permanent frost-hardy afroalpine plants do not exhibit any even short-term memory effect of the nocturnal frost on such a delicate process as is photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC) - Shoot proliferation is a very important micropropagation phase, decisive for economic efficiency of this method for a given taxon. To obtain a high...  相似文献   

Suppose a finite set X is repeatedly transformed by a sequence of permutations of a certain type acting on an initial element x to produce a final state y. For example, in genomics applications, X could be a set of genomes and the permutations certain genome ‘rearrangements’ or, in group theory, X could be the set of configurations of a Rubik’s cube and the permutations certain specified moves. We investigate how ‘different’ the resulting state y′ to y can be if a slight change is made to the sequence, either by deleting one permutation, or replacing it with another. Here the ‘difference’ between y and y′ might be measured by the minimum number of permutations of the permitted type required to transform y to y′, or by some other metric. We discuss this first in the general setting of sensitivity to perturbation of walks in Cayley graphs of groups with a specified set of generators. We then investigate some permutation groups and generators arising in computational genomics, and the statistical implications of the findings.  相似文献   

Dimorphism on dominance and agonistic behaviour in mammals tends to be strongly biased toward males. In this review, we focus on a select few species of mammals in which females are as or more aggressive than males, and/or are dominant to males, and explore the role of androgenic hormones in mediating this important difference. While the data are not as clear-cut as those published on traditional laboratory mammals, our review highlights important endocrine substrates for both organizational and activational influences of steroids on female aggressive behaviour. We highlight areas in which further observations and experiments are crucial, especially the potential facilitative effects of androgens on female aggression. Finally, new and innovative techniques, including molecular genetics and receptor pharmacology, portend important insights into the ways in which androgenic hormones regulate aggressive behaviour in ‘atypical’ female mammals.  相似文献   


My aim in this contribution is to clarify in which way social scientific measurements of immigrant integration operate as a form of ‘social imagination’, that is, of the routinized and professionalized visualization of social life. Through such measurements, images of ‘society’ are produced that feed into larger social imaginaries. My discussion takes as an example Dutch discourse and research on integration. Crucial to the constitution of society in the Netherlands and many other Western European countries is what I call a culturist discourse that has many similarities to racism. This discourse demarcates the boundaries of society by rendering objectively observable the non-integrated who are considered to reside ‘outside society’. The image of society thereby produced is that of a morally cleansed realm: social problems are relegated to the domain ‘outside society’, consisting of persons in need of integration.  相似文献   

An earlier article described the mid-twentieth century origins of the method of “paradigms” in paleobiology, as a way of making testable hypotheses about the functional morphology of extinct organisms. The present article describes the use of “paradigms” through the 1970s and, briefly, to the end of the century. After I had proposed the paradigm method to help interpret the ecological history of brachiopods, my students developed it in relation to that and other invertebrate phyla, notably in Euan Clarkson’s analysis of vision in trilobites. David Raup’s computer-aided “theoretical morphology” was then combined with my functional or adaptive emphasis, in Adolf Seilacher’s tripartite “constructional morphology.” Stephen Jay Gould, who had strongly endorsed the method, later switched to criticizing the “adaptationist program” he claimed it embodied. Although the explicit use of paradigms in paleobiology had declined by the end of the century, the method was tacitly subsumed into functional morphology as “biomechanics.”  相似文献   

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