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Polymeric and monomeric V(V) chiral salen complexes‐catalyzed enantioselective ethyl cyanoformylation of aldehydes using ethyl cyanoformate as a source of cyanide was accomplished in the presence of several basic cocatalysts viz., NaOH, KOH, basic Al2O3 and hydrotalcite. Excellent yield (>95%) of chiral ethyl cyanohydrincarbonate with high enantioselectivity up to 94% was achieved in 24–36 h when hydrotalcite was used as an additive. The polymeric catalyst 1 is more reactive than the monomeric catalyst 2 to produce chiral ethyl cyanohydrincarbonate in high optical purity. The chiral polymeric catalyst 1 and cocatalysts hydrotalcite and basic alumina used in this study were recoverable and recyclable several times with retention of its performance. Chirality, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Reaction of the oxo-molybdenum(V) precursor [MoTp*(O)Cl2] [Tp* = hydrotris(3,5-dimethyl-1-pyrazolyl)borate] with H2NC6H4R-4 (R = OEt; OPr) in refluxing toluene in the presence of Et3N afforded the binuclear oxo-bridged oxo(arylimido) molybdenum(V) complexes [Tp*Mo(O)Cl](μ-O)[Tp*Mo(NC6H4OR-4)Cl]. Surprisingly, a similar reaction between [MoTp*(O)Cl2] and C6H5NH2 yielded the previously reported compound [{MoTp*(O)Cl}2(μ-O)] as the only product. The new compounds were characterized by microanalytical data, mass spectrometry, IR and 1H NMR spectroscopy. Cyclic voltammetric studies of the new compounds, of the previously reported compounds [Tp*Mo(O)Cl](μ-O)[Tp*Mo(NAr)Cl] (Ar = C6H4OMe-4, C6H4F-3, C6H4Cl-4, C6H4Br-4, and C6H4I-3), and of [{MoTp*(O)Cl}2(μ-O)] revealed a reversible one-electron oxidation process that is little affected by the nature of the substituent on the aryl group, whereas it is greatly affected by replacement of the imido ligand with an oxo ligand. The [{MoTp*(O)Cl}2(μ-O)] compound also shows a one-electron reduction process.  相似文献   

The oxidation of thiocyanate by iron(V) (Fe(V)) was studied as a function of pH in alkaline solutions by a premix pulse radiolysis technique. The rates decrease with an increase in pH. The rate law for the oxidation of SCN by Fe(V) was obtained as −d[Fe(V)]/dt = k10{[H+]2/([H+]2 + K2[H+] + K2K3)}[Fe(V)][SCN], where k10 = 5.72 ± 0.19 × 106 M−1 s−1, pK2 = 7.2, and pK3 = 10.1. The reaction precedes via a two-electron oxidation, which converts Fe(V) to Fe(III). Thiocyanate reacts approximately 103× faster with iron(V) than does with iron(VI).  相似文献   

(where mnt = 1,2-dicyanoethylenedithiolate) (1), reacts with HX (X = SPh, Cl, Br) to form a series of complexes, . In acidic-alcoholic medium 1 with thiophenol yields another series of compounds, . Under similar conditions tertiary-butanol does not coordinate where a complex can only be isolated in the presence of bromide as . The use of excess of methanesulfonic acid in the presence of HSPh or HSEt facilitates methanesulfonate coordination in complexes, . All these complexes are structurally characterized by single crystal X-ray study. These complexes show pH dependent hydrolytic reaction leading to quantitative reversal to the starting complex, 1. Complexes 2a-c respond to hydrolysis in CH2Cl2 with the intermediate formation of EPR active molybdenum(V) species.  相似文献   

Industrial progress has resulted in threatening concentrations of toxic metals in various areas of the world. Bioremediation is an economical alternative to chemical methods. Bacteria resistant to As(III), As(V), Cr, Co, Cu, Cd, Hg, Ni, Pb, Se, and Zn were isolated from the wastewater treatment plant of Kasur, Pakistan. Highest resistance against all metals was exhibited by MX-1, MX-3, MX-4, and MX-5. The isolates possessed dual ability to oxidize as well as to reduce As. Highest As(V) reduction (454 µM) was exhibited by MX-1, while most As(III) oxidation was shown by MX-3 (170 µM). The isolates were also capable of reducing Cr(VI), and maximum Cr(VI) reduction (500 µM) was exhibited by MX-3. Transformation of DH5α with MX-1 plasmid showed that resistance genes for As(III), As(V), Cr, Cd, Se, Hg, and Ni were plasmid borne, while in case of MX-3, resistance genes for As(III), As(V), Co, Cu, Se, Pb, Zn, and Ni were present on plasmid. MX-1 and MX-3 were also positive for auxin production (37 and 32.96 µg ml?1, respectively). MX-3 was also found to produce hydrogen cyanide (HCN) and solubilized phosphate. These isolates promoted plant (Vigna radiata) growth both in the presence and absence of the metals. MX-1, MX-3, and MX-5 were identified as Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus safensis, and Bacillus cereus through 16S rRNA gene sequencing, respectively. Such bacteria having multiple traits of resisting multiple metals, dual ability to oxidize/reduce As, and reduce Cr(VI) along with the ability to support plant growth are good tools for remediation of metal-contaminated sites and its cultivation.  相似文献   

Four hydrazone ligands: 2-benzoylpyridine benzoyl hydrazone (HBPB), di-2-pyridyl ketone nicotinoyl hydrazone (HDKN), quinoline-2-carbaldehyde benzoyl hydrazone (HQCB), and quinoline-2-carbaldehyde nicotinoyl hydrazone (HQCN) and four of their complexes with vanadyl salts have been synthesized and characterized. Single crystals of HBPB and complexes [VO(BPB)(μ2-O)]2 (1) and [VO(DKN)(μ2-O)]2·½H2O (2) were isolated and characterized by X-ray crystallography. Each of the complexes exhibits a binuclear structure where two vanadium(V) atoms are bridged by two oxygen atoms to form distorted octahedral structures within cis-N2O4 donor sets. In most complexes, the uninegative anions function as tridentate ligands, coordinating through the pyridyl- and azomethine-nitrogen atoms and enolic oxygen whereas in complex [VO(HQCN)(SO4)]SO4·4H2O (4) the ligand is coordinated in the keto form. Complexes [VO(QCB)(OMe)]·1.5H2O (3) and 4 are found to be EPR active and showed well-resolved axial anisotropy with two sets of eight line pattern.  相似文献   

Nucleolin associates with various DNA repair, recombination, and replication proteins, and possesses DNA helicase, strand annealing, and strand pairing activities. Examination of nuclear protein extracts from human somatic cells revealed that nucleolin and Rad51 co-immunoprecipitate. Furthermore, purified recombinant Rad51 associates with in vitro transcribed and translated nucleolin. Electroporation-mediated introduction of anti-nucleolin antibody resulted in a 10- to 20-fold reduction in intra-plasmid homologous recombination activity in human fibrosarcoma cells. Additionally, introduction of anti-nucleolin antibody sensitized cells to death induced by the topoisomerase II inhibitor, amsacrine. Introduction of anti-Rad51 antibody also reduced intra-plasmid homologous recombination activity and induced hypersensitivity to amsacrine-induced cell death. Co-introduction of anti-nucleolin and anti-Rad51 antibodies did not produce additive effects on homologous recombination or on cellular sensitivity to amsacrine. The association of the two proteins raises the intriguing possibility that nucleolin binding to Rad51 may function to regulate homologous recombinational repair of chromosomal DNA.  相似文献   

The synthesis, characterization and catalytic activity of a series of tetra-halogeno-dimethyl salen cobalt (II) complexes are reported in this paper. The investigated complexes of cobalt (II) with Schiff bases are: αα′-di-methyl Salen cobalt (II) [Co(dMeSalen)], 3,3′,5,5′-tetra chloro α,α′-di-methyl Salen cobalt (II), [Co(tCldMeSalen)], 3,3′-di-bromo 5,5′-di-chloro α,α′-di-methyl Salen cobalt (II), [Co(tBrdMeSalen)], 3,3′,5,5′-tetra bromo α,α′-di-methyl Salen cobalt (II), [Co(tBrdMeSalen)] and 3,3′,5,5′-tetra iodo α,α′-di-methyl Salen cobalt (II), [Co(tIdMeSalen)] (where Salen is bis(salicylaldehyde)ethylenediamine). The characterization of the complexes was performed by elemental analysis, cyclic voltammetry, UV-Vis, IR and EPR spectroscopies. The study was made in DMF, and pyridine was used for coordination as axial base. The redox potential is influenced by the substituent grafted on aromatic ring and in the azomethynic position and also by the molecules coordinating in axial position (solvent, DMF, or pyridine). The catalytic oxygenation of 2,6-di-tert-butylphenol by these complexes leads to the obtention of benzoquinone and diphenoquinone products. The cobalt (II) complexes form reversible adducts with molecular oxygen.  相似文献   

The Cr(V) complexes, bis(2-ethyl-2-hydroxybutyrato)oxochromate(V) ([OCrV(ehba)2]) and (2,2-bis(hydroxymethyl)-2-(bis(2-hydroxyethyl)amino)ethanolato)oxochromate(V) ([OCrV(BT)]2−), were reacted with a series of deoxyribonucleotide triphosphates. Oxidation of deoxyribose at C4′ was observed by measuring the amount of thiobarbituric acid reactive species (TBARS) produced in these reactions. For both compounds, the TBARS obtained with purine nucleotides was between 2.25 and 3.5 times greater than what was observed with pyrimidine nucleotide. This result suggests that the identity of the nucleic acid base can influence the hydrogen atom abstraction at C4′. Overall, the amount of product obtained with [OCrV(BT)]2− was significantly less than what was observed with [OCrV(ehba)2], indicating that these two Cr(V) model complexes may oxidize DNA differently.  相似文献   

A paramagnetic octahedral oxochromium(IV) complex with dianionic tetradentate ligand salen (where H2salen is N,N′-bis(salicylidene)-1,2-ethylenediamine) has been synthesized. This compound [CrO(OH2)(salen)] (1) is characterized by elemental analysis, magnetic moment measurement, IR, UV-Vis and EPR spectroscopic studies. Measured room temperature (RT) magnetic moment value is 2.96 BM for 1 indicates a d2 system with a triplet ground state. The magnetic moment value rules out a large spin-orbit coupling. The RT and LNT powder EPR spectra of 1 in X-band clearly shows two lines, one around g = 1.965 and the other with larger intensity at g = 4.26 ± 0.10. The first line at g = 1.965 corresponds to the |0> ↔ |±1> transition from the Kramers doublet |±1>, while the broad and intense line at low field with the g-value of 4.26 ± 0.10 is due to the forbidden transition |−1> ↔ |+1>. Compound 1 displays two successive reductions at −0.76 and −1.63 V (versus Ag/AgCl), respectively, while it undergoes only one irreversible oxidation as evident from the well-defined anodic wave at +1.48 V in its cyclic voltammogram.  相似文献   

The study describes the effects of 10-wk dietary supplementation with fructans (inulin and oligofructose, 5% and 10%, respectively) as well as the biomimetic Cr(III) propionate complex (0.5 and 5 mg Cr/kg diet) on blood glucose, insulin, glucose transmembrane transport, and β-oxidation of fatty acids in healthy male rats. No significant differences in blood serum glucose concentrations were found. Rats fed diets supplemented with the biomimetic complex (5 mg Cr/kg diet) had markedly decreased serum insulin level by 15%, whereas the red blood cells (RBCs) glucose transmembrane transport and β-oxidation of fatty acids in white blood cells (WBCs) were elevated by 9% and 77%, respectively. These effects were accompanied by a slight decrease of the insulin-resistance index. Oligofructose and the high-fructan diet (10%) were more effective in increasing the RBCs glucose transmembrane transport vs inulin and lowfructan diet (5%). Also, β-oxidation of fatty acids in WBCs was increased by 37.5% in groups fed the high-fructan diet (10%). The results suggest that dietary fructans and the biomimetic Cr(III) complex exerted beneficial effects on glucose and lipid metabolism, increasing the efficiency of their utilization.  相似文献   

Three new dihydroxamic acids (HO(CH3)NCO-(CH2)2-CO-NH-(CH2)x-CON(CH3)OH where the x values are 4; 3 and 2, and the compounds are abbreviated as 2,4-DIHA, 2,3-DIHA and 2,2-DIHA), containing the peptide group in a certain position to one of the two functional groups and in different distances to the other one, were synthesized and their complexation with Fe(III), Mo(VI) and V(V) was studied by pH-potentiometric, spectrophotometric and in some cases by CV methods to evaluate the redox behaviour of the Fe(III) complexes and assess their potential biological activity as siderophore models. All these compounds are structural models for the natural siderophore, desferrioxamine B (DFB). The results were compared to those of the complexes of 2,5-DIHA having the same connecting chain structure and length as DFB has, and the effects of the length of the connecting chain on the co-ordination mode and on the stability of the complexes formed were evaluated.Very similar stability of the mono-chelated complexes formed with all these dihydroxamic acids was found. All the results obtained suggest that one dihydroxamic acid (even the 2,2-DIHA) is able to complete the four coordination sites of a MoO2 2+ core forming simple mononuclear complexes. Favoured monomeric structures of the bis-chelated complexes of these dihydroxamic acids are also suggested with V(V) having the smallest ionic radius among the three metal ions studied. In the case of iron(III), however, clear indication was obtained for the slightly different complexation behaviour of 2,2-DIHA. Namely, the formation of the mononuclear bis-chelated complex with this shortest ligand seems to have sufficient strain to induce the formation of bimetallic species such as [Fe(2,2-DIHA)2Fe)]2+.  相似文献   

Potassium ferrate. K2FeO4, is found to oxidize phenol in aqueous solution (5.5 ± pH ± 10) by a process which is second order in both reactants; -d[Fevt]/dt=ki[FeVI][phenol], kI = 107M-1s-1. Product analysis by HPLC showed a mixture of hydroxylated products, principally paraquinone. and biphenols that indicate that oxidation of phenol occurs by both one-electron and two-electron pathways. The two-electron oxidant. producing both para- and ortho-hydroxylated phenols is considered to be ferrate(V) which is itself produced by the initial one-electron reduction of ferrate(VI). The rate of ferrate(V) reaction with phenol was determined by pre-mix stopped flow pulse-radiolysis and found to be k7 = (3.8 ± 0.4)± 105M-1s-1.  相似文献   

The study was undertaken to investigate the oxidation and reduction of cholecystokinin (CCK) both as pure standards and as endogenous porcine peptides. Furthermore an attempt was made to prevent oxidation of the endogenous porcine peptides in the extraction procedure. CCK-8 and CCK-33 standards were always oxidized in weak solutions, CCK-8 varying from 26% to 67% oxidized and CCK-33 from 18% to 70%. Similarly, tissue extracts of porcine brain and duodenum contained oxidized forms of the peptide. CCK standards were readily oxidized in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. Oxidized CCK-8 standard and CCK-8 in porcine brain was 90% reduced and oxidized CCK-33 standard and in duodenal extracts was reduced by 70% by a 40 hour incubation with 0.725 mol/l dithiothreitol at 37 degrees C. Extraction of CCK peptides in the presence of 65 mmol/l dithiothreitol resulted in almost complete prevention of oxidation with over 95% of the peptides being obtained in the reduced state. This additive is therefore recommended for all tissue quantitation studies.  相似文献   

Enantiomerically pure secondary alcohols are essential compounds in organic synthesis and are used as chiral auxiliaries and synthetic intermediates in the pharmaceutical, agrochemical, and fine chemical industries. One of the attractive and practical approaches to achieving optically pure secondary alcohols is oxidative kinetic resolution of racemic secondary alcohols using chiral Mn(III) salen complexes. In the last decade, several chiral Mn(III) salen complexes have been reported with excellent enantioselectivity and activity in the homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis of the oxidative kinetic resolution of racemic secondary alcohols. This review article is an overview of the literature on the recent development of chiral Mn(III) salen complexes for oxidative kinetic resolution of racemic secondary alcohols. The catalytic activity of monomeric, dimeric, macrocyclic, polymeric, and silica/resin supported chiral Mn(III) salen complexes is discussed in detail.  相似文献   

New molybdenum complexes were prepared by the reaction of [MoVIO2(acac)2] or (NH4)2[MoVOCl5] with different N-substituted pyridoxal thiosemicarbazone ligands (H2L1 = pyridoxal 4-phenylthiosemicarbazone; H2L2 = pyridoxal 4-methylthiosemicarbazone, H2L3 = pyridoxal thiosemicarbazone). The investigation of monomeric [MoO2L1(CH3OH)] or polymeric [MoO2L1-3] molybdenum(VI) complexes revealed that molybdenum is coordinated with a tridentate doubly-deprotonated ligand. In the oxomolybdenum(V) complexes [MoOCl2(HL1-3)] the pyridoxal thiosemicarbazonato ligands are tridentate mono-deprotonated. Crystal and molecular structures of molybdenum(VI) [MoO2L1(CH3OH)]·CH3OH, and molybdenum(V) complexes [MoOCl2(HL1)]·C2H5OH, as well as of the pyridoxal thiosemicarbazone ligand methanol solvate H2L3·MeOH, were determined by the single crystal X-ray diffraction method.  相似文献   

The mononuclear [Mn(6′Me2indH)(H2O)2(CH3CN)](ClO4)2 (6′Me2indH: 1,3-bis(6′-methyl-2′-pyridylimino)isoindoline) complex has been prepared and characterized by various techniques such as elemental analysis, IR, UV-visible and ESR spectroscopy. The title compound was suitable as catalyst for the catalytic oxidation of 3,5-di-tert-butylcatechol (3,5-DTBCH2) to 3,5-di-tert-butyl-1,2-benzoquinone (3,5-DTBQ) (catecholase activity), and o-aminophenol (OAPH) to 2-aminophenoxazine-3-one (APX) (phenoxazinone synthase activity) with dioxygen at ambient condition in good yields. Kinetic measurements revealed first-order dependence on the catalyst and dioxygen concentration and saturation type behavior with respect to the corresponding substrate. It was also found that the added triethylamine in both systems accelerates the reaction.  相似文献   

Methionine sulfoxide reductases, enzymes that reverse the oxidation of methionine residues, have been described in a wide range of species. The reduction of the diastereoisomers of oxidized methionine is catalyzed by two different monomeric methionine sulfoxide reductases (MsrA and MsrB) and is best understood as an evolutionary response to high levels of oxygen either in the Earth’s atmosphere or possibly in more localized environments. Phylogenetic analyses of these proteins suggest that their distribution is the outcome of a complex history including many paralogy and lateral gene transfer events. Electronic Supplementary Material Electronic Supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users. [Reviewing Editor: Dr. Martin Kreitman]  相似文献   

The present work investigates the adsorption of As(V) onto the dried powder of alligator weed root as bio-sorbent, using acid pre-treated alligator weed root powder as the reference. The isotherm study suggested there is a favorable As(V) adsorption happened on the AWR surface. The batch adsorption experimental results indicated that the ionic strength has little impact on the adsorption, while the solution pH has a significant effect on the adsorption with apparent inhibition appearing in both extreme acidic and alkaline pH region. In addition, the properties of the biosorbent were characterized by various techniques including SEM-EDS, FT-IR, and ICP detection. The analysis results suggested that the metals including Mn, Fe, and Al enrich over the alligator weed root surface in the morphology of metal (hydro) oxide. Based on the nature of the biosorbent and As(V) besides the adsorption performance, the metal (hydro) oxides over biosorbent surface is suggested as the essential role to drive the adsorption. With the metal (hydro) oxides denuded in the pre-treatment, the biosorbent loses its adsorption capability for As(V) totally.  相似文献   

The reaction of Mn(NO3)2 · 4H2O, 2,2′-bipyridine (bpy) and sodium dicyanamide (dca) in aqueous medium yielded the {[Mn(bpy)3][Mn(dca)3]2}n (1). The single-crystal X-ray analysis of 1 revealed that the anionic part of the complex, [Mn(dca)3], features infinite 2D sheets with a honeycomb-like porous structure having a void space of ca. 12 Å in which [Mn(bpy)3]2+ cations are encapsulated to yield a fascinating molecular assembly. MnII ions possess an octahedral geometry both in the anionic and cationic components of complex 1. In the anionic component, each MnII ion is bridged by three pairs of dicyanamide anions in an end-to-end fashion with two other MnII ions from adjacent [Mn(dca)3] moieties. This type of linking propagates parallel to the bc crystallographic plane to form 2D sheets. [Mn(bpy)3]2+ is found to have somewhat “squeezed” upon encapsulation. No measurable magnetic interaction was evidenced through variable temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements. However, in addition to the broad g ≈ 2 resonance typical of magnetically diluted [Mn(bpy)3]2+ cations, EPR spectroscopy evidenced exchange narrowing of the [Mn(dca)3] resonance at g ≈ 2 thus indicating operation of weak magnetic interactions extended over the whole 2D network through the dca bridges.  相似文献   

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