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Terrestrial long-distance migrations are declining globally: in North America, nearly 75% have been lost. Yet there has been limited research comparing habitat suitability and connectivity models to identify migration corridors across increasingly fragmented landscapes. Here we use pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) migrations in prairie habitat to compare two types of models that identify habitat suitability: maximum entropy (Maxent) and expert-based (Analytic Hierarchy Process). We used distance to wells, distance to water, NDVI, land cover, distance to roads, terrain shape and fence presence to parameterize the models. We then used the output of these models as cost surfaces to compare two common connectivity models, least-cost modeling (LCM) and circuit theory. Using pronghorn movement data from spring and fall migrations, we identified potential migration corridors by combining each habitat suitability model with each connectivity model. The best performing model combination was Maxent with LCM corridors across both seasons. Maxent out-performed expert-based habitat suitability models for both spring and fall migrations. However, expert-based corridors can perform relatively well and are a cost-effective alternative if species location data are unavailable. Corridors created using LCM out-performed circuit theory, as measured by the number of pronghorn GPS locations present within the corridors. We suggest the use of a tiered approach using different corridor widths for prioritizing conservation and mitigation actions, such as fence removal or conservation easements.  相似文献   

Fragmentation of the Yellowstone River is hypothesized to preclude recruitment of endangered Scaphirhynchus albus (pallid sturgeon) by impeding upstream spawning migrations and access to upstream spawning areas, thereby limiting the length of free‐flowing river required for survival of early life stages. Building on this hypothesis, the reach of the Yellowstone River affected by Intake Diversion Dam (IDD) is targeted for modification. Structures including a rock ramp and by‐pass channel have been proposed as restoration alternatives to facilitate passage. Limited information on migrations and swimming capabilities of pallid sturgeon is available to guide engineering design specifications for the proposed structures. Migration behavior, pathways (channel routes used during migrations), and swimming capabilities of free‐ranging wild adult pallid sturgeon were examined using radiotelemetry, and complemented with hydraulic data obtained along the migration pathways. Migrations of 12–26% of the telemetered pallid sturgeon population persisted to IDD, but upstream passage over the dam was not detected. Observed migration pathways occurred primarily through main channel habitats; however, migrations through side channels up to 3.9 km in length were documented. The majority of pallid sturgeon used depths of 2.2–3.4 m and mean water velocities of 0.89–1.83 m/s while migrating. Results provide inferences on depths, velocities, and habitat heterogeneity of reaches successfully negotiated by pallid sturgeon that may be used to guide designs for structures facilitating passage at IDD. Passage will provide connectivity to potential upstream spawning areas on the Yellowstone River, thereby increasing the likelihood of recruitment for this endangered species.  相似文献   

Long distance migrations by ungulate species often surpass the boundaries of preservation areas where conflicts with various publics lead to management actions that can threaten populations. We chose the partially migratory bison (Bison bison) population in Yellowstone National Park as an example of integrating science into management policies to better conserve migratory ungulates. Approximately 60% of these bison have been exposed to bovine brucellosis and thousands of migrants exiting the park boundary have been culled during the past two decades to reduce the risk of disease transmission to cattle. Data were assimilated using models representing competing hypotheses of bison migration during 1990-2009 in a hierarchal bayesian framework. Migration differed at the scale of herds, but a single unifying logistic model was useful for predicting migrations by both herds. Migration beyond the northern park boundary was affected by herd size, accumulated snow water equivalent, and aboveground dried biomass. Migration beyond the western park boundary was less influenced by these predictors and process model performance suggested an important control on recent migrations was excluded. Simulations of migrations over the next decade suggest that allowing increased numbers of bison beyond park boundaries during severe climate conditions may be the only means of avoiding episodic, large-scale reductions to the Yellowstone bison population in the foreseeable future. This research is an example of how long distance migration dynamics can be incorporated into improved management policies.  相似文献   

1. Birds that migrate long distances use stopover sites to optimize fuel loads and complete migration as quickly as possible. Stopover use has been predicted to facilitate a time-minimization strategy in land migrants as well, but empirical tests have been lacking, and alternative migration strategies have not been considered. 2. We used fine-scale movement data to evaluate the ecological role of stopovers in migratory mule deer Odocoileus hemionus- a land migrant whose fitness is strongly influenced by energy intake rather than migration speed. 3. Although deer could easily complete migrations (range 18-144 km) in several days, they took an average of 3 weeks and spent 95% of that time in a series of stopover sites that had higher forage quality than movement corridors. Forage quality of stopovers increased with elevation and distance from winter range. Mule deer use of stopovers corresponded with a narrow phenological range, such that deer occupied stopovers 44 days prior to peak green-up, when forage quality was presumed to be highest. Mule deer used one stopover for every 5·3 and 6·7 km travelled during spring and autumn migrations, respectively, and used the same stopovers in consecutive years. 4. Study findings indicate that stopovers play a key role in the migration strategy of mule deer by allowing individuals to migrate in concert with plant phenology and maximize energy intake rather than speed. Our results suggest that stopover use may be more common among non-avian taxa than previously thought and, although the underlying migration strategies of temperate ungulates and birds are quite different, stopover use is important to both. 5. Exploring the role of stopovers in land migrants broadens the scope of stopover ecology and recognizes that the applied and theoretical benefits of stopover ecology need not be limited to avian taxa.  相似文献   

Many marine birds undertake long migrations between breeding and wintering areas, including some species that undertake long‐distance east–west or west–east movements across many degrees of longitude. To date, however, no east–west migrations have been described across the North Pacific. Geolocators were deployed on Ancient Murrelets Synthliboramphus antiquus breeding in Haida Gwaii, British Columbia, in 2013 and four were retrieved the following year. Longitude positions showed that all four moved rapidly westwards after breeding, three of them reaching waters between Japan and China by November and this location was also supported by ringing data. Return migration was rapid, beginning in February and reaching Haida Gwaii in March, providing the first evidence for bird migration spanning the entire width of the North Pacific. This is the longest migration recorded in any of the Alcidae.  相似文献   

Beringia (eastern Asia, Alaska, northwest Canada) has been a land‐bridge dispersal route between Asia and North America intermittently since the Mesozoic Era. The Quaternary, the most recent period of exchange, is characterized by large, geologically rapid climate fluctuations and sea‐level changes that alternately expose and inundate the land‐bridge region. Insights into how Quaternary land‐bridge geography has controlled species exchange and assembly of the North American flora comes from focusing on a restricted community with narrow ecological tolerances: species that are today restricted to isolated steppe habitats (dry grasslands) in the Subarctic. We evaluated (i) potential controls over current spatial distributions of steppe plants and their pollinators in Alaska and Yukon and (ii) their ecological distributions in relation to potential biogeographic histories. Taxa present in North America that are disjunct from Asia tended to have larger altitudinal ranges (tolerating colder temperatures) than taxa disjunct from farther south in North America, which were largely restricted to the warmest, lowest‐elevation sites. Ecological findings support the following biogeographic scenarios. Migration from Asia via the land‐bridge occurred during Quaternary glacial periods when conditions were colder and drier than today. While a corridor for migration of cold‐tolerant species of cold steppe and tundra, the land bridge acted as a filter that excluded warmth‐demanding species. Migration from North America occurred under warm, dry interglacial conditions; thermophilous North American disjuncts taking this route may have long histories in Beringia, or they may have migrated recently during the relatively warm and dry early Holocene, when forest cover was incomplete.  相似文献   

Stocking can be an effective management and conservation tool, but it also carries the danger of eroding natural population structure, introducing non-native strains and reducing genetic diversity. Sea trout, the anadromous form of the brown trout (Salmo trutta), is a highly targeted species that is often managed by stocking. Here, we assess the present-day population genetic structure of sea trout in a backdrop of 125 years of stocking in Northern Germany. The study area is characterized by short distances between the Baltic and North Sea river watersheds, historic use of fish from both watersheds for stocking, and the creation of a potential migration corridor between the Baltic and North Sea with the opening of the Kiel Canal 120 years ago. A survey of 24 river systems with 180 SNPs indicates that moderate but highly significant population genetic structure has persisted both within and between the Baltic and North Sea. This genetic structure is characterized by (i) heterogeneous patterns of admixture between the Baltic and North Sea that do not correlate with distance from the Kiel Canal and are therefore likely due to historic stocking practises, (ii) genetic isolation by distance in the Baltic Sea at a spatial scale of <?200 km that is consistent with the homing behaviour of sea trout, and (iii) at least one genetically distinct Baltic Sea river system. In light of these results, we recommend keeping fish of North Sea and Baltic Sea origin separate for stocking, and restricting Baltic Sea translocations to neighbouring river systems.  相似文献   

生态廊道的作用在于提供生物迁徙的路径、促进不同栖息地之间的物种交流.廊道的构建能够减轻因城市化速度加快导致景观破碎化带来的危害,对生物多样性的保护具有十分重要的意义.本文以昌黎县为研究区,以2015年土地利用现状为基础,采用生态敏感性评价和生态系统服务价值分析的综合结果确定生态源地,然后基于最小累积阻力模型(MCR)和最小成本路径方法生成潜在廊道,根据重力模型对关键廊道进行识别,最终得到研究区包括4条重要廊道和2条一般廊道在内的生态廊道体系,旨在促进昌黎县生态廊道建设工程的科学实施和保护生物多样性.结果表明:研究区生态敏感性总体一般,生态系统服务价值总体较差,两者均呈现出四周高于中间的特点.生态源地主要分布在北部碣石山风景区、东部滨海国有林场和西部水源保护地这3个区域,与研究区生态环境建设与保护规划(2011-2030年)确定的自然保护区高度吻合.研究区生态廊道总长112.66 km,其中,重要廊道47.61 km,一般廊道65.05 km,廊道的最佳宽度范围为30~60 m,生态廊道与生态源地大致构成了一个环形闭合区域,能够有效促进生物物种的迁徙和物质能量的交流.  相似文献   

Paddlefish, Polyodon spathula, of the Yellowstone-Sakakawea stock, Missouri and Yellowstone Rivers, Montana and North Dakota, were radio-tagged to assess the influence of spring discharge on duration of river residency, ascent distance, and site-fidelity during spawning migrations of 1999–2002. Contrary to expectations and reported results from other paddlefish populations, fish remained in the river for similar periods of time and ascended to similar reaches in years of higher, more sustained discharge and in years of lower, more fluctuating discharge. In all years, 65 of the 74 migrants (88%) restricted their ascent to reaches below Yellowstone River kilometer (YRkm) 55; only six migrants were found to further ascend to upriver reaches within 20 river kilometers (rkm) of the Intake Diversion Dam (YRkm 114). The lack of detectable annual differences in ascent distance over the study period despite annual differences in Yellowstone River spring flow regimes may have been partially attributed to the apparent site-fidelity demonstrated by the tagged fish over the study period. Ten of the 22 paddlefish contacted in more than one spring migration repeatedly limited their upriver movement to sites that were within 10 rkm of each other. In addition, similar to the reproductive homing tendencies documented in other large-river migratory fishes, site-fidelity occurred in different reaches of the river system. Results from this study suggest that, in years of moderate discharge, site-fidelity may be as influential as the spring flow regime in determining the reaches to which migratory paddlefish ascend. Further research is needed to investigate potential differential spawning success in fish that return to different reaches of the lower Yellowstone River.  相似文献   

Abstract The present paper reviews advances in the study of two major intercontinental disjunct biogeographic patterns: (i) between Eurasian and western North American deserts with the Mediterranean climate (the Madrean–Tethyan disjunctions); and (ii) between the temperate regions of North and South America (the amphitropical disjunctions). Both disjunct patterns have multiple times of origin. The amphitropical disjunctions have largely resulted from long‐distance dispersal, primarily from the Miocene to the Holocene, with available data indicating that most lineages dispersed from North to South America. Results of recent studies on the Mediterranean disjuncts between the deserts of Eurasia and western North America support the multiple modes of origin and are mostly consistent with hypotheses of long‐distance dispersal and the North Atlantic migration. Axelrod's Madrean–Tethyan hypothesis, which implies vicariance between the two regions in the early Tertiary, has been favored by a few studies. The Beringian migration corridor for semiarid taxa is also supported in some cases.  相似文献   

Wildlife managers need empirical data about pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) movements in North Dakota to assess whether mid-summer surveys represent occupancy of pronghorn in hunting units during the fall hunting season. Using data from 121 radiocollared pronghorn we evaluated patterns of pronghorn migrations in southwestern North Dakota from 2004 to 2007. Pronghorn exhibited 2 primary movement patterns between summer and winter ranges: migrations >15 km (45%) and movement <15 km (55%). Most migratory pronghorn moved northeast or east in the spring and southwest or west in the fall. Average distance moved for migratory pronghorn was 70.6 km (range = 17.4–253 km). Mean date of pronghorn migration in spring was 20 March (SD = 20 days) and in fall was 22 October (SD = 17 days). Nearly all migratory pronghorn (97%) returned to within 15 km of their previous summer range, whereas only 61% of pronghorn returned to within 15 km of their previous winter range. Most pronghorn moved across hunting and survey unit boundaries; however, only 7 fall migrations occurred between the aerial survey and the hunting season. During years of our study, the mid-summer survey provided representative information about hunting unit occupancy of radiocollared pronghorn for the fall hunting season. © 2011 The Wildlife Society  相似文献   

Data on the response of bird communities to surface mining and habitat modification are limited, with virtually no data examining the effects of mining on bird communities in and along riparian forest corridors. Bird community composition was examined using line transects from 1994 to 2000 at eight sites within and along a riparian forest corridor in southwestern Indiana that was impacted by an adjacent surface mining operation. Three habitats were sampled: closed canopy, riparian forest with no open water; fragmented canopy, riparian forest with flood plain oxbows; and reclaimed mined land with constructed ponds. Despite shifts in species composition, overall bird species richness, measured as the mean number of bird species recorded/transect route, did not differ among habitats and remained unchanged across years. More species were recorded solely on mined land than in either closed forest or forested oxbow habitats. Mined land provided stopover habitat for shorebirds and waterfowl not recorded in other habitats, and supported an assemblage of grassland-associated bird species weakly represented in the area prior to mining. A variety of wood warblers and other migrants were recorded in the forest corridor throughout the survey period, suggesting that, although surface mining reduced the width of the forest corridor, the corridor was still important habitat for movement of forest-dependent birds and non-resident bird species in migration. We suggest that surface mining and reclamation practices can be implemented near riparian forest and still provide for a diverse assemblage of bird species. These data indicate that even narrow (0.4 km wide) riparian corridors are potentially valuable in a landscape context as stopover habitats and routes of dispersal and movement of forest-dependent and migratory bird species.  相似文献   

Many birds have advanced their spring migration and breeding phenology in response to climate change, yet some long‐distance migrants appear constrained in their adjustments. In addition, bird species with long generation times and those in higher trophic positions may also be less able to track climate‐induced shifts in food availability. Migratory birds of prey may therefore be particularly vulnerable to climate change because: 1) most are long‐lived and have relatively low reproductive capacity, 2) many feed predominately on insectivorous passerines, and 3) several undertake annual migrations totaling tens of thousands of kilometers. Using multi‐decadal datasets for 14 raptor species observed at six sites across the Great Lakes region of North America, we detected phenological shifts in spring migration consistent with decadal climatic oscillations and global climate change. While the North Atlantic and El Niño Southern Oscillations exerted heterogeneous effects on the phenology of a few species, arrival dates more generally advanced by 1.18 d per decade, a pattern consistent with the effects of global climate change. After accounting for heterogeneity across observation sites, five of the 10 most abundant species advanced the bulk of their spring migration phenology. Contrary to expectations, we found that long‐distance migrants and birds with longer generation times tended to make the greatest advancements to their spring migration. Such results may indicate that phenotypic plasticity can facilitate climatic responses among these long‐lived predators.  相似文献   

Fishermen’s local knowledge of fishing resources may be an important source of information to improve artisanal tropical fisheries management, such as those found in Brazil, where most data on fish biology is lacking. We aim to study the local ecological knowledge that Brazilian coastal fishers have about reproductive aspects (season, places and migration) of 13 coastal fish species of commercial importance. We selected fishermen with more than 30 years of fishing practice and we interviewed a total of 67 fishermen: 29 from the southeastern coast, from the communities of Puruba, Almada, Picinguaba and Bertioga, and 38 from the northeastern coast, from the communities of Valença, Arembepe and Porto Sauípe. In the interviews, we used standardized questionnaires and showed photos of fish species. Our results indicate some general patterns in fishes’ reproduction according to fishermen knowledge: fish species spawn in open ocean, near reefs or in coastal rivers (estuaries); some fishes reproduce during the summer and others in winter, while some have more defined spawning months. The main fish migratory patterns mentioned by interviewees were: long migrations along the coast, usually in the South to North direction, short migrations among reefs, fishes that do not migrate, migrations between the shore and open ocean and migrations between the sea and coastal rivers. Fishermen’s knowledge differed among fish species: most fishermen did not know spawning places or seasons of large pelagic fishes, which raised concerns of their possible depletion. We compared such ethnoichthyological information with available scientific data, indicating promising insights about reproduction and migration of Brazilian coastal fishes. Data gathered from local fishermen may provide inexpensive and prompt information, potentially applicable to fisheries management. Our approach might be useful to several other small-scale fisheries, especially the tropical ones, where there is a high diversity of target species and a low biological and ecological knowledge about these species.  相似文献   

For migratory species, the success of population reintroduction or reinforcement through captive‐bred released individuals depends on survivors undertaking appropriate migrations. We assess whether captive‐bred Asian Houbara Chlamydotis macqueenii from a breeding programme established with locally sourced individuals and released into suitable habitat during spring or summer undertake similar migrations to those of wild birds. Using satellite telemetry, we compare the migrations of 29 captive‐bred juveniles, 10 wild juveniles and 39 wild adults (including three birds first tracked as juveniles), examining migratory propensity (proportion migrating), timing, direction, stopover duration and frequency, efficiency (route deviation), and wintering and breeding season locations. Captive‐bred birds initiated autumn migration an average of 20.6 (±4.6 se) days later and wintered 470.8 km (±76.4) closer to the breeding grounds, mainly in Turkmenistan, northern Iran and Afghanistan, than wild birds, which migrated 1217.8 km (±76.4), predominantly wintering in southern Iran and Pakistan (juveniles and adults were similar). Wintering locations of four surviving captive‐bred birds were similar in subsequent years (median distance to first wintering site = 70.8 km, range 6.56–221.6 km), suggesting that individual captive‐bred birds (but not necessarily their progeny) remain faithful to their first wintering latitude. The migratory performance of captive‐bred birds was otherwise similar to that of wild juveniles. Although the long‐term fitness consequences for captive‐bred birds establishing wintering sites at the northern edge of those occupied by wild birds remain to be quantified, it is clear that the pattern of wild migrations established by long‐term selection is not replicated. If the shorter migration distance of young captive‐bred birds has a physiological rather than a genetic basis, then their progeny may still exhibit wild‐type migration. However, as there is a considerable genetic component to migration, captive breeding management must respect migratory population structure as well as natal and release‐site fidelity.  相似文献   

This study uses survey and tagging data and cluster analysis to interpret dynamics of ontogenetic movements and seasonal migrations in snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) along the Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) continental shelves. Most historic literature from Atlantic Canada suggests snow crab undertake small-scale ontogenetic movements while observations of seasonal migrations had been near-exclusive to the inshore. Information on both types of movement in the most spatially expansive offshore region of Atlantic Canada, in NL, was lacking. We find that that both ontogenetic movements and seasonal migrations occur in most areas of the NL offshore, with ontogenetic movements generally down-slope and seasonal migrations generally up-slope. Conservative estimates of average ontogenetic movements range from 54 to 72 km for both males and females in the largest offshore regions while seasonal migrations are slightly smaller, with two independent studies on the Grand Bank producing average estimates of 43–46 km and an adjacent tagging study in a smaller inshore bay producing an average estimate of 25 km. Ontogenetic movements appear associated with a search for warm water while seasonal migrations appear associated with both mating and molting in shallow water. On average, morphometrically mature crab of both sexes move less vertical distance than morphometrically immature crab during seasonal migrations. We investigate plausible explanations for ontogenetic movements and spring migrations and detail how bottom temperature affects crab distribution and life history dynamics. We further document movement patterns from tagging studies on the burgeoning snow crab stock in the Eastern Barents Sea toward establishing consistencies in species behaviour on the global scale. Finally, we discuss explanations for historical disparities in the literature between scales of movement for snow crab in the Eastern Bering Sea of Alaska versus Atlantic Canada and advance perspectives on life history theory for the species.  相似文献   

Unusually long downstream movements totalling several hundred kilometres to >1100 km were observed during upstream homing migrations of radio‐tagged spring chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha in the Columbia and Snake Rivers, U.S.A. Downstream migrants, identified by their repeated ascension and fallback over a series of large hydroelectric dams within the migration corridor, were primarily hatchery‐origin males.  相似文献   

基于生境质量的唐县生态安全格局构建   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生态安全格局作为景观生态学的重点及热点,其识别与构建对维持区域生态安全及实现区域可持续发展具有重要作用.本研究以河北省唐县为研究区,基于2016年土地利用现状数据,利用InVEST模型评估生境质量,确定生态源地;然后选取土地利用类型、生境质量指数、植被覆盖度、距水域距离、距居民点距离、距道路距离等阻力因子构建阻力表面,并采用阻力阈值法进行生态安全分区;最后运用最小累积阻力模型(MCR)判定生态廊道,从而综合构建唐县生态安全格局.结果表明: 唐县生态源地占总面积的3.3%,主要分布在斑块面积较大的林地和水域中,河北省四大水库之一的西大洋水库也位于生态源地范围内;根据耗费阻力突变点,将研究区划分为禁止开发区、限制开发区、优化开发区和重点开发区,各区占地百分比分别为18.9%、43.6%、27.6%和9.9%;唐县潜在生态廊道总长度为333.52 km,优化后生态廊道总长度为263.91 km,有助于各种生态交流.研究结果对唐县土地资源的合理可持续利用具有重要指导意义,可为唐县土地规划布局决策提供理论和技术支撑.  相似文献   

From 1997 to 2004, we used radio telemetry to investigate movement and distribution patterns of 206 adult fluvial bull trout (mean, 449 mm FL) from watersheds representing a wide range of habitat conditions in northeastern Oregon and southwestern Washington, a region for which there was little previous information about this species. Migrations between spawning and wintering locations were longest for fish from the Imnaha River (median, 89 km) and three Grande Ronde River tributaries, the Wenaha (56 km) and Lostine (41 km) rivers and Lookingglass Creek (47 km). Shorter migrations were observed in the John Day (8 km), Walla Walla (20 km) and Umatilla river (22 km) systems, where relatively extensive human alterations of the riverscape have been reported. From November through May, fish displayed station-keeping behavior within a narrow range (basin medians, 0.5-6.2 km). Prespawning migrations began after snowmelt-driven peak discharge and coincided with declining flows. Most postspawning migrations began by late September. Migration rates of individuals ranged from 0.1 to 10.7 km/day. Adults migrated to spawning grounds in consecutive years and displayed strong fidelity to previous spawning areas and winter locations. In the Grande Ronde River basin, most fish displayed an unusual fluvial pattern: After exiting the spawning tributary and entering a main stem river, individuals moved upstream to wintering habitat, often a substantial distance (maximum, 49 km). Our work provides additional evidence of a strong migratory capacity in fluvial bull trout, but the short migrations we observed suggest adult fluvial migration may be restricted in basins with substantial anthropogenic habitat alteration. More research into bull trout ecology in large river habitats is needed to improve our understanding of how adults establish migration patterns, what factors influence adult spatial distribution in winter, and how managers can protect and enhance fluvial populations.  相似文献   

生态廊道具有维持或恢复生态连通性的功能,对于连接生物栖息地、保护物种多样性具有重要意义。现有的生态廊道研究主要集中于陆地,而海洋生态系统具有水体广泛连通、缺乏直观的景观斑块等特点,导致海洋生态廊道的研究成为长期以来的科学难题。以栖息地位于厦门湾的国家一级保护动物中华白海豚(Sousa chinensis)为对象,尝试基于物种分布模型和最小成本路径分析法建立海洋生态廊道的识别方法。研究采用物种分布模型识别厦门湾内中华白海豚的适宜生境分布区和节点,并利用模型产出的生境适宜性结果生成海洋中的阻力表面,模拟计算节点与节点间在阻力表面上的最小成本路径,从而生成物种扩散网络。研究结果显示,厦门湾中华白海豚的分布主要受到航道距离、到岸线距离和叶绿素浓度三项因素的影响,主要适宜生境位于西海域至九龙江口和大嶝海域。潜在的核心生态廊道面积93.19km2,次级生态廊道面积170.41km2,九龙江口-鼓浪屿南侧-黄厝-大小嶝岛沿线可能是厦门湾中华白海豚的主要迁移路线。在此基础上,从用海空间重叠和桥梁影响两方面开展了人类活动对廊道的干扰评估。评估结果显示旅游活动和...  相似文献   

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