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细纹豆芫菁和大斑芫菁的性行为   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对细纹豆芫菁EpicautamannerheimiM kl和大斑芫菁MylabrisphalerataPallas的求偶和交配过程进行了描述。列举了芫菁亚科 5族 1 3属 3 4种芫菁的性行为 ,并讨论了雄成虫在形态构造上对求偶和交配行为的适应性行为。  相似文献   

杨兆芬 《昆虫学报》1991,34(2):166-172
在美国密苏里哥伦比亚州立石桥公园一枝黄花(Solidago sp.)植物样地内,采集研究美国豆芫菁(Epicauta pennsylvanica)并测量其三项计量指标.统计结果表明,无论交配与否,同性别个体的头宽,第一触角节宽部与自身的干体重呈正相关(p<0.05).配对的雌、雄之间在身体干重、头宽和第一触角节宽间均无明显的相关性(p>0.05).室内的交配时间与雌、雄干重无明显相关性(p>0.05).因此,虽可能存在雄虫的单向性选择性,美国豆芫菁应属于随机交配型.作者不同意D.K.Mclain认为美国豆芫菁为选型交配的观点,并从种的生物学特性方面提出依据.  相似文献   

将采自野外的同一批细纹豆芫菁在虫用半人工饲料饲养,取刚结束交配(A组),交配结束后单养4天(B组)和未交配(C组)的两性成虫的血淋巴和各器官,分别测其斑蝥素含量,结果显示,斑蝥素含量在两性个体内和配偶间的器官间呈规律性地起伏,探讨了规律发生的过程和起因。  相似文献   

将采自野外的同一批细纹豆芫菁成虫用半人工饲料饲养,取刚结束交配(A组)、交配结束后单养4天(B组)和未交配(C组)的两性成虫的血淋巴和各器官,分别测其斑蝥素含量。结果显示,斑蝥素含量在两性个体内和配偶间的器官间呈规律性地起伏。探讨了规律发生的过程和起因。  相似文献   

短翅豆芫菁生物学特性研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
短翅豆芫菁 Epiauta aptera Kaszab系芫菁科豆芫菁属昆虫 ,为民间常用中草药。具有破血逐瘀 ,消症散结 ,壮阳利尿 ,攻毒等功效。主治症瘕、恶疮、闭经、疥癣等。近年来国内外医药专家多用芫菁素和以芫菁素为原料合成的一系列药物治疗肝癌、肺癌、乳腺癌以及直肠癌等均取得了较好的疗效 ,总有效率在 45 %~ 65 %。由于芫菁资源日趋枯竭 ,用药量不断增大 ,市场供求矛盾突出 ,为了开发利用新的药源 ,1 987~1 997年作者先后对四川、云南、广西等地的芫菁资源做了实地考察 ,并对其中分布广、贮量大的种类的生物学做了较为详细的研究 ,现将有关…  相似文献   

红头豆芫菁成虫芫菁素含量的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
芫菁素在红头豆芫菁体内主要贮存在雄虫的生殖腺和卵内。与野生群体两性芫菁素的平均含量相比较,刚交配过的雄虫失去体内70%的芫菁素,其雌配偶体内芫菁素含量相应升高43%。红头豆芫菁可用作中药材。经110℃烘干后的雄虫,用酸水解后提取的芫菁素含量比直接提取的含量增高4倍。  相似文献   

记述中国云南豆芫菁属1新种:隐纹豆芫菁Epicautacryptogramaca,sp.nov.。新种与陈氏豆芫菁E.cheniTan,1958在外形上相似,两者的主要区别是:前者唇基和上唇扁平并有刻点和毛,后者唇基前缘光滑厚实,上唇基部和端部光滑;前者触角被一色的黑短毛,后者基部3节则密生浅色毛;前者前足第1跗节正常,后者则变为宽卵形;前者的足完全黑色,后者的后足胫节棕至棕黄。模式标本保存在河北大学博物馆。  相似文献   

记述云南豆芫菁属1新种,即缘毛豆芫菁,新种Epicauta seriata sp.nov.;编制了凹跗豆芫菁组Epicauta interrupta group已知种检索表;并对钩刺豆芫菁E.curvispina Kaszab和墨江豆芫菁E.mojiangensis Tan雌性进行了补充描述.模式标本保存于河北大学博物馆.  相似文献   

记述云南豆芫菁属1新种,即缘毛豆芫菁,新种Epicauta seriata sp.nov.;编制了凹跗豆芫菁组Epicauta interrupta group已知种检索表;并对钩刺豆芫菁E.curvispina Kaszab和墨江豆芫菁E.mojiangensis Tan雌性进行了补充描述。模式标本保存于河北大学博物馆。  相似文献   

中华豆芫菁的室内人工养殖研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
室内人工养殖中华豆芫菁Epicauta chinensis Laporte的结果表明:成虫喜食苜蓿、大豆叶,也取食甜菜和马铃薯的叶;最适宜的投食方式是将植物插入盛水的瓶内;幼虫喜食东亚飞蝗卵块,尤其是顶端微露于土表的卵块最易被中华豆芫菁1龄幼虫找到并取食。不同温度、土壤含水量对中华豆芫菁卵的发育速率及孵化率均有明显影响。卵的发育速率和孵化率随温度升高呈偏锋曲线变化,孵化率则随土壤含水量增加呈直线上升。温度为32℃、土壤含水量11%的处理最有利于卵的生长发育,在该条件下,卵的发育速率为0.045455,孵化率达到99.0%。从试验结果计算出卵的发育起点温度为19.3℃,卵期有效积温为108.1日度。成虫适宜饲养密度为15~30头/m^3,幼虫在每杯中只养1头。  相似文献   

The relationships between natural service fertility of beef bulls and the components of breeding soundness evaluation, age, preweaning average daily gain, yearling weight and scores of two libido tests were studied in two seedstock herds. In one of the herds (YBH), 15 yearling bulls were rotated during six-week breeding season so that each group of five bulls served the cows for a period of one week and rested for two weeks before the next exposure. Five older bulls (one 3-year old and four 2-year old) were assigned to the other herd (MBH) during the entire breeding season (six weeks). The progeny of each bull were identified by blood typing.Calf crop was 6.4% higher (P=0.14) in the MBH compared with that in the YBH. There were large differences in fertility between the bulls in the MBH. The 3-year old bull sired 40.9% of the calves, presumably due to his high social dominance order. The third group of yearling bulls, which served the herd during the third and sixth weeks of breeding, sired the highest number of calves (49.4%) compared with the other two groups (28.4% and 22.2%). In each of the groups one and two of the yearling bulls, one bull did not produce any progeny, while another one sired 44% of the calves. The correlation coefficients between fertility of the bulls and the traits used to predict their fertilizing capacity were generally small and inconsistent in different groups, when the effect of age in the mixed age group was removed. The correlation coefficients of bull fertility with scrotal circumference and reproductive system score were higher and more consistent in different groups as compared with the other traits studied.  相似文献   

王香萍  张钟宁 《昆虫知识》2004,41(4):295-298
对鳞翅目昆虫延迟交配对昆虫生殖力、卵孵化率、交配成功率、成虫寿命等进行了总结。雌虫延迟交配降低雌虫的生殖力、卵的孵化率及与雄虫成功交配率,但可以延长雌虫寿命。雄虫延迟交配降低雌虫的生殖力、卵的孵化率、产卵时间,雄虫的精子质量下降但寿命有所增加。已发现延迟交配在迷向法中控制害虫起着重要的作用,对进一步认识迷向法中不同作用机理以及延迟交配在迷向法防治害虫中的潜力进行了探讨。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Mated females of Culex tarsalis Coq. (Diptera, Culicidae) were receptive to additional insemination after gonotrophic activity. Sexual receptivity was not renewed in mated, aged nulliparous females. Insemination was determined by the detection in females of sperm labelled with adenine-3H(G) after matings with radio-labelled males. When females were deprived of males after their first insemination, the production of fertile eggs was reduced and oviposition activity was altered throughout successive gonotrophic cycles.  相似文献   

Male mating strategies and the mating system of great-tailed grackles   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Great-tailed grackles (Quiscalus mexicanus) are sexually dimorphic,dichromatic, colonially nesting blackbirds. In this study, males pursued three basic types of conditional mating strategies,each of which employed a different set of mating tactics. Territorialmales defended one or more trees in which several females nested.They achieved reproductive success by siring the offspringof their social mates and through extrapair fertilization.Resident males lived in the colony but did not defend territoriesor have social mates. Transient males passed through the colony, staying no more than a few days, and probably visited more thanone colony. Residents appeared to queue for access to territories,but transients did not. Residents and transients gained allpaternity through extrapair fertilizations and provided noparental care. Territorial males sired the majority of offspring,but residents and transients also sired small numbers of nestlings. Territorial males were larger and had longer tails than nonterritorialmales. The number of social mates was related to body size,and males that sired nestlings were heavier and had longertails than males with no genetic reproductive success. Malesthat gained paternity through extrapair fertilization wereheavier and had longer tails than males that did not. The matingsystem of great-tailed grackles can best be categorized as "non-faithful-female frank polygyny."  相似文献   

Abstract:  The influence of different mating durations on fecundity and fertility has been studied in two aphidophagous ladybirds, Cheilomenes sexmaculata and Coelophora saucia . Pre-oviposition period decreased while fecundity and fertility increased with increase in mating duration in both the ladybird species. The increase in fecundity with longer mating durations is probably due to the female response because of cryptic female choice. Mating of 10-s duration resulted in oviposition but of unviable eggs probably because of lack of sperm transfer. A minimum duration of 1 min of mating was probably essential for fertilization of the eggs. Absence of spermatophore in the reproductive tract of females is indicative of direct sperm transfer in both the ladybird species. Trend of fertility (similar fertility at 1 and 5 min followed by increase at 60 min which was again similar to that at complete mating) indicates probable sperm transfer in spurts in C. sexmaculata while continuous transfer in C. saucia is indicated by continuous increase in fertility with increase in mating duration.  相似文献   

Abstract The effects of delayed mating on the copulation duration, female fertility, fecundity, egg fertility, longevity and the number days alive after mating of females of diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella, were studied. When male mating was delayed, the female fertility, fecundity, egg fertility, longevity and number days alive after mating of DBM decreased, and there was a negative correlation between the age of the moth with those variables except copulation duration. When female mating was delayed, the female fertility, fecundity, percent egg fertility and number days alive after mating of DBM also decreased, but the longevity increased, which also showed a negative relationship between the age of the moth with the variables except copulation duration and longevity. When both males and females delayed mating, the female fertility and fecundity decreased; egg fertility was affected marginally, and the longevity of females increased. The moth age was negatively correlated with those variables.  相似文献   

Under maternal inheritance, mitochondrial genomes are prone to accumulate mutations that exhibit male‐biased effects. Such mutations should, however, place selection on the nuclear genome for modifier adaptations that mitigate mitochondrial‐incurred male harm. One gene region that might harbor such modifiers is the Y‐chromosome, given the abundance of Y‐linked variation for male fertility, and because Y‐linked modifiers would not exert antagonistic effects in females because they would be found only in males. Recent studies in Drosophila revealed a set of nuclear genes whose expression is sensitive to allelic variation among mtDNA‐ and Y‐haplotypes, suggesting these genes might be entwined in evolutionary conflict between mtDNA and Y. Here, we test whether genetic variation across mtDNA and Y haplotypes, sourced from three disjunct populations, interacts to affect male mating patterns and fertility across 10 days of early life in D. melanogaster. We also investigate whether coevolved mito‐Y combinations outperform their evolutionarily novel counterparts, as predicted if the interacting Y‐linked variance is comprised of modifier adaptations. Although we found no evidence that coevolved mito‐Y combinations outperformed their novel counterparts, interactions between mtDNA and Y‐chromosomes affected male mating patterns. These interactions were dependent on male age; thus male reproductive success was shaped by G × G × E interactions.  相似文献   

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