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Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) is a powerful method for obtaining quantitative structural information on the size and shape of proteins, and it is increasingly used in kinetic studies of folding and association reactions. In this minireview, we discuss recent developments in using SAXS to obtain structural information on the unfolded ensemble and early folding intermediates of proteins using continuous-flow mixing devices. Interfacing of these micromachined devices to SAXS beamlines has allowed access to the microsecond time regime. The experimental constraints in implementation of turbulence and laminar flow-based mixers with SAXS detection and a comparison of the two approaches are presented. Current improvements and future prospects of microsecond time-resolved SAXS and the synergy with ab initio structure prediction and molecular dynamics simulations are discussed.  相似文献   

Refolding kinetics of two homologous proteins, lysozyme and alpha-lactalbumin, were studied by following the time-dependent changes in the circular dichroism spectra in the aromatic and the peptide regions. The refolding was initiated by 20-fold dilution of the protein solutions originally unfolded at 6 M guanidine hydrochloride, at pH 1.5 for lysozyme and pH 7.0 for alpha-lactalbumin at 4.5 degrees C. In the aromatic region, almost full changes in ellipticity that were expected from the equilibrium differences in the spectra between the native and unfolded proteins were observed kinetically. The major fast phase of lysozyme folding has a decay time of 15 s. The decay time of alpha-lactalbumin depends on the presence or absence of bound Ca2+: 10 s for the holoprotein and 100 s for the apoprotein. In the peptide region, however, most of the ellipticity changes of the two proteins occur within the dead time (less than 3 s) of the present measurements. This demonstrates existence of an early folding intermediate which is still unfolded when measured by the aromatic bands but has folded secondary structure as measured by the peptide bands. Extrapolation of the ellipticity changes to zero time at various wavelengths gives a spectrum of the folding intermediate. Curve fitting of the peptide spectra to estimate the secondary structure fractions has shown that the two proteins assume a similar structure at an early stage of folding and that the intermediate has a structure similar to that of partially unfolded species produced by heat and, for alpha-lactalbumin, also by acid and a moderate concentration of guanidine hydrochloride.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Simmons DA  Konermann L 《Biochemistry》2002,41(6):1906-1914
A novel technique for studying protein folding kinetics is presented. It is based on a continuous-flow setup that is coupled to an electrospray (ESI) mass spectrometer and allows initiation of a folding reaction, followed by isotopic pulse labeling. The protein is electrosprayed "quasi-instantaneously" after exposure to the deuterated solvent. This approach yields structural information from the ESI charge state distribution and from the H/D exchange levels of individual protein states, while at the same time noncovalent interactions can be monitored. This technique is used to study the reconstitution of holomyoglobin (hMb) from unfolded apomyoglobin (aMb) and free heme. MS/MS is used to establish that a short-lived folding intermediate with two heme groups attached represents a protein-bound heme dimer. This state appears to have a compactness close to that of native hMb; however, isotopic labeling indicates a significantly perturbed structure. Another intermediate is bound to a single heme group and shows a charge state distribution similar to that of unfolded aMb. Exchange levels exhibited by this state are lower than for unfolded aMb, indicating that fewer hydrogens are exposed to the solvent and/or that more of them are involved in hydrogen bonding. Native hMb leads to the formation of low charge state ions (hMb(9+), hMb(8+)) and shows low exchange levels. However, early during reconstitution, a slightly unfolded form of the heme-protein complex contributes to the observed hMb(9+) ions. A peak width analysis reveals that the structural heterogeneity of some of the observed protein species decreases as reconstitution proceeds.  相似文献   

Structural changes of barnase during folding were investigated using time-resolved small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). The folding of barnase involves a burst-phase intermediate, sometimes designated as the denatured state under physiological conditions, Dphys, and a second hidden intermediate. Equilibrium SAXS measurements showed that the radius of gyration (Rg) of the guanidine unfolded state (U) is 26.9 ± 0.7 Å, which remains largely constant over a wide denaturant concentration range. Time-resolved SAXS measurements showed that the Rg value extrapolated from kinetic Rg data to time zero, Rg,0, is 24.3 ± 0.1 Å, which is smaller than that of U but which is expanded from that of folding intermediates of other proteins with similar chain lengths (19 Å). After the burst-phase change, a single-exponential reduction in Rg2 was observed, which corresponds to the formation of the native state for the major component containing the native trans proline isomer. We estimated Rg of the minor component of Dphys containing the non-native cis proline isomer (Dphys,cis) to be 25.7 ± 0.6 Å. Moreover, Rg of the major component of Dphys containing the native proline isomer (Dphys,tra) was estimated as 23.9 ± 0.2 Å based on Rg,0. Consequently, both components of the burst-phase intermediate of barnase (Dphys,tra and Dphys,cis) are still largely expanded. It was inferred that Dphys possesses the N-terminal helix and the center of the β-sheet formed independently and that the formation of the remainder of the protein occurs in the slower phase.  相似文献   

Polypeptide collapse is generally observed as the initial folding dynamics of proteins with more than 100 residues, and is suggested to be caused by the coil-globule transition explained by Flory's theory of polymers. To support the suggestion by establishing a scaling behavior between radius of gyration (Rg) and chain length for the initial folding intermediates, the folding dynamics of heme oxygenase (HO) was characterized by time-resolved, small-angle X-ray scattering. HO is a highly helical protein without disulfide bridges, and is the largest protein (263 residues) characterized by the method. The folding process of HO was found to contain a transient oligomerization; however, the conformation within 10 ms was demonstrated to be monomeric and to possess Rg of 26.1(+/-1.1) A. Together with the corresponding data for proteins with different chain lengths, the seven Rg values demonstrated the scaling relationship to chain length with a scaling exponent of 0.35+/-0.11, which is close to the theoretical value of 1/3 predicted for globules in solutions where monomer-monomer interactions are favored over monomer-solvent interactions (poor solvent). The finding indicated that the initial folding dynamics of proteins bears the signature of the coil-globule transition, and offers a clue to explain the folding mechanisms of proteins with different chain lengths.  相似文献   

We have studied the self-association reactions of purified GDP-liganded tubulin into double rings and taxoid-induced microtubules, employing synchrotron time-resolved x-ray solution scattering. The experimental scattering profiles have been interpreted by reference to the known scattering profiles to 3 nm resolution and to the low-resolution structures of the tubulin dimer, tubulin double rings, and microtubules, and by comparison with oligomer models and model mixtures. The time courses of the scattering bands corresponding to the different structural features were monitored during the assembly reactions under varying biochemical conditions. GDP-tubulin essentially stays as a dimer at low Mg(2+) ion activity, in either the absence or presence of taxoid. Upon addition of the divalent cations, it associates into either double-ring aggregates or taxoid-induced microtubules by different pathways. Both processes have the formation of small linear (short protofilament-like) tubulin oligomers in common. Tubulin double-ring aggregate formation, which is shown by x-ray scattering to be favored in the GDP- versus the GTP-liganded protein, can actually block microtubule assembly. The tubulin self-association leading to double rings, as determined by sedimentation velocity, is endothermic. The formation of the double-ring aggregates from oligomers, which involves additional intermolecular contacts, is exothermic, as shown by x-ray and light scattering. Microtubule assembly can be initiated from GDP-tubulin dimers or oligomers. Under fast polymerization conditions, after a short lag time, open taxoid-induced microtubular sheets have been clearly detected (monitored by the central scattering and the maximum corresponding to the J(n) Bessel function), which slowly close into microtubules (monitored by the appearance of their characteristic J(0), J(3), and J (n) - (3) Bessel function maxima). This provides direct evidence for the bidimensional assembly of taxoid-induced microtubule polymers in solution and argues against helical growth. The rate of microtubule formation was increased by the same factors known to enhance taxoid-induced microtubule stability. The results suggest that taxoids induce the accretion of the existing Mg(2+)-induced GDP-tubulin oligomers, thus forming small bidimensional polymers that are necessary to nucleate the microtubular sheets, possibly by binding to or modifying the lateral interaction sites between tubulin dimers.  相似文献   

A definite proportional limit which has been observed typically in metallic materials during the transition from elastic deformation into plastic one was also detected in the load-displacement curve of the compression wood with the water content about 100% from Cryptomeria japonica D. Don. Time-resolved small-angle X-ray scattering studies demonstrated a large structural change, that is, a strong decrease in the microfibril angle in the cell wall occurring with increasing the displacement beyond the proportional limit for the compression wood loaded in uniaxial tension. Correspondingly, the mechanical properties are changed and high elongations begin to be seen. For the dried normal wood, on the other hand, only a weak decrease in the microfibril angle was observed with increasing the elongation until the fracture is initiated, where the elastic behavior was maintained.  相似文献   

Nakao M  Maki K  Arai M  Koshiba T  Nitta K  Kuwajima K 《Biochemistry》2005,44(17):6685-6692
The intermediate in the equilibrium unfolding of canine milk lysozyme induced by a denaturant is known to be very stable with characteristics of the molten globule state. Furthermore, there are at least two kinetic intermediates during refolding of this protein: a burst-phase (first) intermediate formed within the dead time of stopped-flow measurements and a second intermediate that accumulates with a rate constant of 22 s(-)(1). To clarify the relationships of these intermediates with the equilibrium intermediate, and also to characterize the structural changes of the protein during refolding, here we studied the kinetic refolding reactions using stopped-flow circular dichroism at 10 different wavelengths and obtained the circular dichroism spectra of the intermediates. Comparison of the circular dichroism spectra of the intermediates, as well as the absence of observed kinetics in the refolding from the fully unfolded state to the equilibrium intermediate, has demonstrated that the burst-phase intermediate is equivalent to the equilibrium intermediate. The difference circular dichroism spectrum that represented changes from the kinetic intermediate to the native state had characteristics of an exciton coupling band, indicating that specific packing of tryptophan residues in this protein occurred in this phase. From these findings, we propose a schematic model of the refolding of canine milk lysozyme that is consistent with the hierarchical mechanism of protein folding.  相似文献   

The native high molecular mass form of alpha-crystallin, the most important soluble protein in the eye lens, and its low molecular mass form obtained at 37 degrees C in dilute solutions were investigated by synchrotron radiation small-angle X-ray scattering. The alpha-crystallin solutions are polydisperse and good fits to the experimental data can be obtained using distributions of spheres with radii varying between about 5 and 10 nm. In spite of the polydispersity, two different ab initio methods were used to retrieve low resolution shapes from the scattering data. These shapes correspond to the z-average structure of the oligomers. In the absence of any symmetry constraints, the scattering curves of the two forms of alpha-crystallin yield bean-like shapes. The shape corresponding to the low molecular mass form has about 20% less mass at the periphery. Imposing tetrahedral symmetry on the average structures worsens the fit to the experimental data. We emphasized the apparent contradiction between hydrodynamic and molecular properties of alpha-crystallin. An explanation was put forward based on the presence of solvent-exposed flexible C-terminal extensions. We present two bead models ('hollow globule with tentacles' and 'bean with tentacles') based on NMR and cryo-electron microscopy studies and discuss how well they correspond with our data from X-ray scattering, light scattering and analytical ultracentrifugation.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that reduced hen egg white lysozyme refolds and oxidizes according to a linear model, in which the number of disulfide bonds increases sequentially. In this study, we describe the kinetics of native tertiary structure formation during the oxidative-renaturation of reduced hen egg white lysozyme, as monitored using an immunochemical pulsed-labeling method based on enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in conjunction with two monoclonal antibodies (mAb). Each of these antibodies recognizes a separate face of the native lysozyme surface and, more importantly, each epitope is composed of discontinuous regions of the polypeptide chain. Renaturation kinetics were studied under the same refolding conditions as previous investigations of the kinetics of the regain of far-UV CD, fluorescence, enzymatic activity, and disulfide bonds. Comparison of our results with the results from those studies showed that the immunoreactivity (i.e., the native fold) of the alpha-domain appeared in intermediates containing two SS bonds only (C6-C127 and C30-C115), while the immunoreactivity of the beta-domain appeared together with the formation of the third SS bond (C64-C80). Thus, the alpha-domain folds before the beta-domain during the oxidative folding of reduced lysozyme.  相似文献   

The kinetics of chain disruption and collapse of staphylococcal nuclease after positive or negative pressure jumps was monitored by real-time small-angle x-ray scattering under pressure. We used this method to probe the overall conformation of the protein by measuring its radius of gyration and pair-distance-distribution function p(r) which are sensitive to the spatial extent and shape of the particle. At all pressures and temperatures tested, the relaxation profiles were well described by a single exponential function. No fast collapse was observed, indicating that the rate limiting step for chain collapse is the same as that for secondary and tertiary structure formation. Whereas refolding at low pressures occurred in a few seconds, at high pressures the relaxation was quite slow, approximately 1 h, due to a large positive activation volume for the rate-limiting step for chain collapse. A large increase in the system volume upon folding implies significant dehydration of the transition state and a high degree of similarity in terms of the packing density between the native and transition states in this system. This study of the time-dependence of the tertiary structure in pressure-induced folding/unfolding reactions demonstrates that novel information about the nature of protein folding transitions and transition states can be obtained from a combination of small-angle x-ray scattering using high intensity synchrotron radiation with the high pressure perturbation technique.  相似文献   

Acid, guanidinium-Cl and urea denaturations of recombinant human macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) were measured using CD and fluorimetry. The acid-induced denaturation was followed by CD at 200, 222, and 278 nm and by tryptophan fluorescence. All four probes revealed an acid-denatured state below pH 3 which resembled a typical molten globule. The pH transition is not two-state as the CD data at 222 nm deviated from all other probes. Urea and guanidinium-Cl denaturations (pH 7, 25 degrees C) both gave an apparent DeltaGU app H2O of 31 +/- 3 kJ.mol-1 when extrapolated to zero denaturant concentration. However, denaturation transitions recorded by fluorescence (at the same protein concentration) occurred at lower urea or guanidinium-Cl concentrations, consistent with an intermediate in the course of MIF denaturation. CD at 222 nm was not very sensitive to protein concentration (in 10-fold range) even though size-exclusion chromatogryphy (SEC) revealed a dimer-monomer dissociation prior to MIF unfolding. Refolding experiments were performed starting from acid, guanidinium-Cl and urea-denatured states. The kinetics were multiphasic with at least two folding intermediates. The intrinsic rate constant of the main folding phase was 5.0 +/- 0.5 s-1 (36.6 degrees C, pH 7) and its energy of activation 155 +/- 12 kJ.mol-1.  相似文献   

A “coarse-grained” model of protein conformational mobility is presented. The conformational paths in five proteins, predicted using the model, are compared with those obtained by the nearest-neighbor method basing on the small-angle X-ray scattering data. The sequences of conformations evaluated with the help of these two approaches have been shown for all proteins under consideration to coincide well; yet there are exceptions, their causes having to be considered for each protein separately.  相似文献   

A solution to the "protein folding" problem, the successful prediction of tertiary and quaternary protein structure from amino acid or gene sequence, would be a major advance in biology and biotechnology. Knowledge of any intermediate structure between fully unwound and folded would aid folding calculations. The use of high intensity synchrotron x-rays from the SUNY X21 beamline at National Synchrotron Light Source has been investigated as a probe of structural changes during protein folding and unfolding in solution. A temperature jump apparatus was used to study thermally-induced folding and unfolding. Scattering of solutions of myoglobin in the angular range 20 = 1-50 mrad. was measured during temperature jumps between 26 and 76 degrees C. There are clear signs of time/temperature-dependent structural changes, in the small angle region, consistent with those from other equilibrium techniques. Analysis indicates that this experimental technique can be extended to the higher angle region where theoretical calculations indicate more detailed structural information, for example when alpha-helix formation, is present.  相似文献   

The small-angle X-ray scattering was observed from beta-casein micelles in 0.2 M phosphate buffer (pH 6.7) with varying temperatures. An oblate ellipsoid of a rigid core with a thin soft layer was proposed as a probable model of the beta-casein micellar structure, according to the results of the model optimization with simple triaxial bodies. Here the axial ratio was found to decrease and the micelle to become spherical when the polymerization proceeds with temperature. The consistency of the present model was examined with the results of hydrodynamic measurements published previously.  相似文献   

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