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Prey abundance and the strength of interference in a foraging shorebird   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Interference is an important component of food competition but is often difficult to detect and measure in natural animal populations. Although interference has been shown to occur between oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus L. feeding on mussels Mytilus edulis L., four previous studies have not detected interference between oystercatchers feeding on cockles Cerastoderma edule L. In contrast, this study detected interference between cockle-feeding oystercatchers in the Baie de Somme, France. Prey stealing (kleptoparasitism), one of the main causes of interference between mussel-feeders, also occurred between oystercatchers in the Baie de Somme. The kleptoparasitism rate was related to the natural variation in the food supply, tending to be higher when cockles were rare. Feeding rate was negatively related to competitor density, so providing evidence for interference, but, as in mussel-feeders, only above a threshold density of about 50–100 birds ha−1. The strength of interference at a fixed competitor density was related to the cockle food supply, usually being greater when cockles were rare. Previous studies probably failed to detect interference between cockle-feeders because competitor densities were too low, or cockles were too abundant, or because they were not conducted during late winter when interference is most intense. The study shows that natural variation in the food supply can influence the strength of interference within an animal population and provides support for those behaviour-based interference models which predict that the strength of interference will be greatest when competitor densities are high and prey scarce.  相似文献   

The interference ideal free distribution (IFD) model of Sutherlandmakes a number of predictions that have yet to be tested andthat have implications for the validity of subsequent extensionsto the theory. We tested these predictions in a study usingdifferent densities of the parasitoid wasp, Venturia canescens,foraging on patches containing different densities of its host,Plodia interpunctella. Our results support a number of the interferenceIFD model's general predictions. Gain rate decreased becauseof increased interference at higher density. Although gain rateson the two patches differed slighdy, this would be expectedallowing for some sampling behavior and perceptual constraints.Early in each experiment when patch assessment is likely tooccur, wasp movement was higher and gain rates lower. However,the more specific prediction of Sutherland's model, that proportionalpatch use should be constant and independent of density, wasnot upheld. Contemporary IFD models use only one of severalequally valid potential relationships between gain rate, interference,and competitor density. The results of this study provide supportfor the additive model developed by Tregenza et al. (companionarticle).  相似文献   

Dominance and/or interference parameters play a pivotal rolein most ideal free distribution models, but there has beenscant empirical study of the exact manner in which they jointlyoperate. We investigate how foraging effort and success variedamongst individuals of different dominance rankings in groupsof 1-3 wild blackbirds (Turdus merula) attracted to patchesof hidden food. Foraging effort (number of feeding movementsper unit time), as opposed to vigilance tradeoffs, was greaterwhen an individual fed with a subordinate conspecific thanwhen it fed alone, but tended to be less when it fed with adominant individual. Within dyads, changes in foraging effortwere associated with the direction of the dominance relationship,but not the relative difference in dominance rank between thetwo individuals. Similarly, amongst threesomes, top-rankedbirds (but not the lowest-ranked individual) showed higherforaging effort compared to when foraging alone. Top-ranked birds also profited from a greater increase in foraging success(food items per unit effort) than bottom-ranked birds whenfeeding in threesomes than when feeding alone. Dominant birdsshowed increased foraging success, but not effort, after displacinga subordinate. Our results suggest that an individual's foragingeffort is determined by the interplay of group vigilance benefitsand interference costs, the latter being more expensive for subordinate individuals. The foraging success of dominant birdsmay further increase if they use subordinates as food-finders.We discuss the implications of our findings for interferenceparameters in current Ideal Free Distribution models.  相似文献   

Interference and the ideal free distribution: models and tests   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
We review the assumptions and predictions of five competitivedistribution models that predict how optimal foragers will bedistributed across resource patches when gains are reduced byinterference. This review revealed a number of previously ignoredpredictions and assumptions: in particular, there should beno change in relative patch use as competitor density changes.A new model is proposed in which interference results from thecosts of encounters with other foragers and where the gainson a patch are independent of the costs of interference. Thismodel predicts that as density increases, there will be increasedproportional use of lower-quality patches. Past empirical studiesof interference distributions are reanalyzed; none of the studiesprovides strong support for any of the existing ideal free-distributionmodels. We suggest that previous results are more consistentwith the predictions of our new model.  相似文献   

I address the selection of plants with different characteristics by herbivores of different body sizes by incorporating allometric relationships for herbivore foraging into optimal foraging models developed for herbivores. Herbivores may use two criteria in maximizing their nutritional intake when confronted with a range of food resources: a minimum digestibility and a minimum cropping rate. Minimum digestibility should depend on plant chemical characteristics and minimum cropping rate should depend on the density of plant items and their size (mass). If herbivores do select for these plant characteristics, then herbivores of different body sizes should select different ranges of these characteristics due to allometric relationships in digestive physiology, cropping ability and nutritional demands. This selectivity follows a regular pattern such that a herbivore of each body size can exclusively utilize some plants, while it must share other plants with herbivores of other body sizes. I empirically test this hypothesis of herbivore diet selectivity and the pattern of resource use that it produces in the field and experimentally. The findings have important implications for competition among herbivores and their population and community ecology. Furthermore, the results may have general applicability to other types of foragers, with general implications for how biodiversity is influenced.  相似文献   

植物根系养分捕获塑性与根竞争   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
王鹏  牟溥  李云斌 《植物生态学报》2012,36(11):1184-1196
为了更有效地从土壤中获取养分, 植物根系在长期的进化与适应中产生了一系列塑性反应, 以响应自然界中广泛存在的时空异质性。同时, 植物根系的养分吸收也要面对来自种内和种间的竞争。多种因素都会影响植物根竞争的结果, 包括养分条件、养分异质性的程度、根系塑性的表达等。竞争会改变植物根系的塑性反应, 比如影响植物根系的空间分布; 植物根系塑性程度差异也会影响竞争。已有研究发现根系具有高形态塑性和高生理塑性的植物在长期竞争过程中会占据优势。由于不同物种根系塑性的差异, 固定的对待竞争的反应模式在植物根系中可能并不存在, 其响应随竞争物种以及土壤环境因素的变化而变化。此外, 随着时间变化, 根系塑性的反应及其重要性也会随之改变。植物对竞争的反应可能与竞争个体之间的亲缘关系有关, 有研究表明亲缘关系近的植物可能倾向于减小彼此之间的竞争。根竞争对植物的生存非常重要, 但目前还没有研究综合考虑植物的各种塑性在根竞争中的作用。另外根竞争对群落结构的影响尚待深入的研究。  相似文献   

Groups of cod, Gadus morhua L, presented with two feeding patches with a food abundance ratio of 2:1, distributed themselves between the patches in a ratio of 2.5:1. This is slightly higher than the 2:1 ratio predicted by the ideal free distribution theory. Large differences were observed in competitive ability between individual fish. A strong correlation was found between feeding success of individuals and time spent in a feeding patch. The more successful competitors caught about 2.5 times as many food items in the rich patch as in the poor patch. The less successful competitors caught an equal amount of food in both patches. All competitors, however, spent significantly more time in the rich patch. These results suggest that hunting success is the most important factor in assessing patch quality. However, it is not the only parameter which cod use in deciding where to feed.  相似文献   


Enriched nutrient patches within natural soil represent an important source of nutrients for tree growth. In the present study, pot experiments in a heterogeneous nutrient environment were conducted to investigate the influence of light conditions and interspecific competition on the root foraging traits and seedling growth of Pinus massoniana and Schima superba. The root foraging scale and the whole-seedling biomass of both species were decreased by shading. The result of this treatment was a lower sensitivity to nutrient heterogeneity in plants that underwent the shading treatment than in plants that were exposed to full-light conditions. The above-ground biomass and whole-seedling biomass of S. superba were not affected by competition with P. massoniana. In contrast, the above-ground biomass and whole-seedling biomass of P. massoniana were negatively affected by competition with S. superba. The more rapid rate of root extension and the more efficient resource uptake of S.superba appear to explain this effect. The species-specific patterns of the influence of environmental factors on foraging ability and seedling growth should be given thorough consideration and should be applied to afforestation and to the management of tree plantations.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the classical 2-resource-1-consumer apparent competition community module with the Holling type II functional response. Two types of resource regulation (top-down vs. combined top-down and bottom-up) and two types of consumer behaviors (inflexible consumers with fixed preferences for resources vs. adaptive consumers) are considered. When resources grow exponentially and consumers are inflexible foragers, one resource is always outcompeted due to strong apparent competition. Density dependent resource growth relaxes apparent competition so that resources can coexist. As multiple attractors (either equilibria or limit cycles) coexist, population dynamics and community composition depend on initial population densities. Population dynamics change dramatically when consumers forage adaptively. In this case, the results both for top-down, and combined top-down and bottom-up regulation are similar and they show that species persistence occurs for a much larger set of parameter values when compared with inflexible consumers. Moreover, population dynamics will be chaotic when resource carrying capacities are high enough. This shows that adaptive consumer switching can destabilize population dynamics.  相似文献   

昆虫群落中天敌间的致死干扰竞争作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
致死干扰竞争作用(lethal interference competition)是近些年来才被人们认识到的更为复杂的种间竞争关系, 是昆虫天敌间竞争的一种极端形式, 广泛存在于寄生性天敌昆虫之间。本文从其定义、 作用机制、 方式及其与害虫生物防治的相互关系几个方面介绍了天敌群落中的这一典型的种间相互关系。根据作用机制的不同, 可将致死干扰竞争作用分为外竞争和内竞争; 其通常的作用方式包括多寄生(超寄生)、 复寄生、 杀卵作用、 寄主取食、 物理攻击和生理抑制等。深入全面地研究这一种间关系对于有效生防作用物的筛选和引入, 以及整个生防系统群落的稳定性具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Resource characteristics and competitive pressure can affect an ant colony's foraging strategy. This study examined the ability of the wood ant Formica integroides to respond, at both the colony and individual levels, to changes in competitive pressure for access to terrestrial and arboreal resources.
2. Because foraging behaviours depend on resource characteristics, foraging for different resource types (e.g. terrestrial and arboreal habitats) produces different spatial or territorial arrangements. In this study, terrestrial contests for resources followed an interference-exploitation tradeoff, while arboreal foragers defended entire trees as absolute territories.
3. Competitive pressure for access to arboreal resources was shown to increase with distance from F. integroides nests.
4. In this study, the ability of F. integroides to defend a resource varied with body size. Large foragers were better defenders than small foragers. For groups of foragers, the ability to defend a resource increased with the ratio of large to small foragers.
5. In response to competitive pressure, F. integroides colonies altered the size distribution of arboreal, but not terrestrial, foragers. An increase in competitive pressure was matched by an increase in the number of large foragers allocated to trees. This response to competition affected the relationship between body size and distance from the nest for arboreal foragers.
6. Foraging behaviours for individual arboreal foragers also varied with competitive pressure. As competition increased, large arboreal foragers spent more time in direct contact with the resource rather than standing between resource patches.  相似文献   

Many spatially complex environments are fractal, and consumers in these environments face scale-dependent trade-offs between encountering high densities of small resource patches versus low densities of large resource patches. I address the effects of these trade-offs on foraging by incorporating scale-dependent encounter of resources in fractal landscapes into classical optimal foraging theory. This model is then used to predict optimal scales of perception (foraging scale) and patch choice in response to spatial features of landscapes. The model predicts that, for a given density of resources, landscapes with greater extent and fractal dimension and that contain patchy (low fractal dimension) resources favour large foraging scales and specialization on a small proportion of resource patches. Fragmented (low fractal dimension) landscapes of small extent with dispersed (high fractal dimension) resources favour smaller foraging scales and generalists that use a large proportion of available resource patches. These predictions synthesize the results of other spatially explicit consumer–resource models into a simple framework and agree reasonably well with results of several empirical studies. This study thus places optimal foraging theory in a spatial context and suggests evolutionary mechanisms of consumers' responses to important spatial phenomena (e.g. habitat fragmentation, resource aggregation). This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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