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In the analysis of DNAase II digestion of chromatin, as described in the preceding paper, interactions between adjacent nucleosomes play an important part. In order to understand the mechanism of DNAase II cleavage we next investigated the role of histone H1 in these interactions and characterized the nucleoprotein particles arising in the course of DNAase II action.H1-free chromatin prepared by three different procedures, using either 0.6 m-NaCl, transfer RNA or an ion-exchange resin, can be cleaved by DNAase II only at the internucleosomal cleavage site leading to 200-bp2 digestion patterns regardless of the ionic conditions. When H1 was added back to the three chromatin preparations the 100-bp cleavage pattern could be restored only with material prepared by the resin method at low concentrations of salt. Addition of polylysine instead of H1 has the same effect, but only with material prepared by that method. A direct correlation between extended and condensed states of chromatin as monitored by electron microscopy and DNAase II cleavage in the 200 and 100-bp modes, respectively, could be established.The continuity of the nucleosome chains in DNAase II-digested chromatin is maintained in spite of intranucleosomal cleavage in the terminal section of the core DNA, even in the absence of H1. Addition of 3 m-urea, however, disrupts the nucleosome chains at the intranucleosomal cleavage sites and leads to the formation of novel nucleoprotein particles as seen in sucrose gradient centrifugations. Those sedimenting between mononucleosomes and dinucleosomes contain, almost exclusively, DNA of 300 bp (mouse) or 315 bp (chicken erythrocyte). They can be formed from particles sedimenting in the absence of urea in the dinucleosome region by either a dissociation process or a massive conformational change.On the basis of the results presented here and in the preceding paper a mechanism for DNAase II cleavage of chromatin in the 200-bp and 100-bp modes is proposed and discussed in the context of structural features of chromatin recognized by DNAase II.  相似文献   

The intermediates in the ribosome assembly in exponentially growing Escherichia coli have been identified by centrifuging a crude lysate, pulse-labeled with a radioactive RNA base, through a sucrose gradient and analyzing for precursor rRNA in the gradient fractions by gel electrophoresis. The major intermediate in the assembly of the 50 S subunit cosediments with the mature subunit, whereas two minor precursor species sediment between the 30 S and 50 S peaks. The assembly of the 30 S subunit proceeds via a minor intermediate sedimenting slightly behind the mature subunit and a major precursor particle that cosediments with the mature 30 S subunit.The fraction of the rRNA contained in these precursor particles was determined by direct determination of the amount of rRNA in the precursor particles, and from the labeling kinetics of their rRNA. The direct estimation indicated that about 2% of the total 23 S type RNA, and 3 to 5% of the total 16 S type RNA is harboured in precursor particles. In the kinetic experiments the specific activity of the nucleoside triphosphates and of the different ribosomal particles was followed after addition of a radioactive RNA precursor to the growth medium. The results were compared with a digital simulation of the flow of isotopes through the assembly pathways. This method indicated that approximately 2% of the total 23 S type RNA, as well as 2% of the total 16 S type RNA, is contained in the precursor particles.  相似文献   

7 S RNA accumulates at non-permissive temperatures in an RNAase E strain containing the recombinant plasmid pJR3Δ which carries a single 5 S rRNA gene and expression sequences. 7 S RNA is a processing intermediate that contains the complete sequence of 5 S rRNA as well as a stem-and-loop structure encoded by the terminator of rrnD. 7 S RNA can be processed in vitro by RNAase E. Structural analysis of the products (5 S rRNA and the stem) of in vitro processing of 7 S RNA revealed that the cleavage site of RNAase E in 7 S RNA is 3 nucleotides downstream from the 3′ end of the mature 5 S rRNA. The cleavage generates 3′-hydroxyl and 5′-phosphate termini.  相似文献   

We have previously reported the identification of two closely related RNA binding proteins from Trypanosoma brucei which we have termed p34 and p37. The predicted primary structures of the two proteins are highly homologous with one major difference, an 18-amino-acid insert in the N-terminal region of p37. These two proteins have been localized to the nucleus based on immunofluorescence microscopy. To gain insight into their function, we have utilized UV crosslinking, coimmunoprecipitation, and sucrose density gradients to identify T. brucei RNA species that associate with p34 and p37. These experiments have demonstrated a specific interaction of both p34 and p37 with the 5S ribosomal RNA and indicate that other RNA species are unlikely to be specifically bound. This suggests a role for p34 and p37 in the import and/or assembly pathway of T. brucei 5S rRNA in ribosome biogenesis.  相似文献   

In Rhodobacter capsulatus and Rhizobium leguminosarum, an internal transcribed spacer consisting of helices 9 and 10 is removed during 23S rRNA processing, which leads to the occurrence of a 5.8S-like rRNA. The particular rRNA maturation steps are not known, with exception of the initial RNase III cleavage in helix 9. We found that GC-rich stem-loop structures of helix 9, which are released by RNase III, are immediately degraded. The degradation of helix 10 is slower and its kinetics differs in both species. Nevertheless, the helix 10 processing mechanism is conserved and includes cleavages by RNase E.  相似文献   

Brassica napus   can be applied to other known plant sequences. The conservation of those sequences suggests a functional role for them possibly by providing recognition structures for endogenous RNases involved in the 4.5S rRNA-5S rRNA maturing process. Most of the processing signals detected here are located at single-stranded regions of a proposed secondary structure. Received: 1 June 1999 / Revision received: 14 December 1999 / Accepted: 18 December 1999  相似文献   

裸子植物5S rRNA基因序列变异及二级结构特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在高等植物中,5SrRNA基因一级结构是高度保守的,二级结构也相当一致。通过比较18种裸子植物5SrRNA基因序列和二级结构变异,发现55%的核苷酸位点是可变的,这种变异有68%发生在干区(双链区),其中一些变异,如双链的互补性核苷酸替代,GU配对等能够维系5SrRNA二级结构的稳定性。环区相对保守,这与5SrRNA三级结构折叠或在转录翻译过程中蛋白质、RNA的结合相关。另外,首次报道了松属环E区核苷酸的变异性,这可能与其他区域的变异一样,是假基因造成的结果。5SrRNA基因信息可反映大分类群的系统进化关系,但由于基因长度短,信息量小,其在近缘种系统分类的应用受到限制。  相似文献   

应用Gupta等和Tanaka等建立的RNA序列双向直读技术,并辅以部分酶解法、化学法等,测定了芹菜叶细胞质的5SrRNA的全序列:与菠菜和蕃茄细胞质已知5SrRNA序列进行了比较,发现它们之间在序列上有高度的保守性。  相似文献   

Summary We have cloned and determined the nucleotide sequence of 18 DNA fragments hybridizing to 5S rRNA from twoAspergillus species-A. wentii andA. awamori. Four of the analyzed sequences were pseudogenes. The gene sequences of these two species were very similar and differed fromAspergillus nidulans at both constant and microheterogeneous sites.  相似文献   

The small-angle and wide-angle X-ray scattering of tRNAphe (yeast) and ribosomal 5S RNA (rat liver) in solution have been analysed and compared. tRNAphe in solution is folded into a compact L-shaped structure similar to its structure in crystals. The geometry of the secondary structure of the double helical regions is also equivalent to the A-form in the crystalline state. Despite differences between the molar mosses of 5S rRNA (40 000 g mol?1) and tRNAphe (25 000 g mol?1), and the fact that the 5S rRNA molecule is more anisometric than the tRNAphe molecule, there are many structural similarities. The geometrical parameters of the secondary structure of double helical regions in both RNA molecules are almost identical; the mean rise per base pair is about 0.253–0.28 nm and the mean turn angle is about 32.5–33.5. Identical cross-sectional radii of gyration, Rsq,1 ≈ 1.16 nm and Rsq,2 = 0.92 nm, identical molar mass per unit length, MΔx = 2500 g mol?1 nm?1, and a mean thickness of the molecules D ≈ 1.65 nm suggest a similar, nearly coplanar organization of isolated, double helical arms. Furthermore, there are compact regions in the central parts of both molecules, which are the sites of tertiary interactions in the tRNAphe molecule and are a potential site of tertiary interactions in the SS rRNA molecule for stabilization of the complicated L-shape of the two molecules. Both molecules have a pseudo-twofold axis,w hich may play a role in recognition for binding of specific proteins.  相似文献   

Ramakanth Madhugiri 《FEBS letters》2009,583(14):2339-2342
Sinorhizobium meliloti harbours genes encoding orthologs of ribonuclease (RNase) E and RNase J, the principle endoribonucleases in Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis, respectively. To analyse the role of RNase J in S. meliloti, RNA from a mutant with miniTn5-insertion in the RNase J-encoding gene was compared to the wild-type and a difference in the length of the 5.8S-like ribosomal RNA (rRNA) was observed. Complementation of the mutant, Northern blotting and primer extension revealed that RNase J is necessary for the 5′-end maturation of 16S rRNA and of the two 23S rRNA fragments, but not of 5S rRNA.  相似文献   

The article presents translational and rotational diffusion coefficients of 5S rRNA determined experimentally by the method of dynamic light scattering (DLS) and its comparison with the values predicted for different models of this molecule. The tertiary structure of free 5S rRNA was proposed on the basis of the atomic structures of the 5S rRNA from E. coli and H. marismortui extracted from the ribosome. A comparison of the values of DT, tauR, and Rg predicted for different models with experimental results for the free molecule in solution suggests that free 5S rRNA is less compact than that in the complex with ribosomal proteins. In general, the molecules of 5S rRNA consist of three domains: a short one and two longer ones. As follows from a comparison of the results of our simulations with experimental values, in the molecule in solution the two closest helical fragments of the longer domains remain collinear, whereas the short domain takes a position significantly deviated from them.  相似文献   

为了揭示多拷贝基因的进化方式, 对濒危植物木根麦冬(Ophiopogon xylorrhizus Wang et Dai) 3个居群、6个个体的294个5S rR NA 基因拷贝及其姐妹种林生麦冬(O. sylvicola Wang et Tang)的45个拷贝进行了DNA测序和序列分析,并以这个迄今发表的最大的单个物种的5S rRNA基因数据,以PAUP程序重建了分子系统发育树.结果表明: 1)所得序列呈高度多样性,长度变化在307~548碱基之间,仅13对(3.8%)相同,序列分化指数较高:木根麦冬是0.078,林生麦冬是0.032,两物种间是0.149; 2)100%的统计值支持两物种的5S rRNA 基因分别来自于祖先种的一个拷贝,即"建立者拷贝",这个拷贝在物种形成之后进行了一系列连续的扩增,形成一个直系的基因家族,而祖先种的其他拷贝在物种形成后被丢失; 3)不同拷贝是独立进化的,序列间的一致化过程很弱,这在串联重复的rR N A基因中是罕见的; 4)木根麦冬居群间曾存在频繁的基因交流,使5S rRNA 基因的许多拷贝扩散于不同居群,维持着种内较高的遗传多样性.可以认为是某些近期发生的变化,阻止了居群间的基因交流,导致该物种广泛的自交,发生自交衰退,并最后导致濒危.  相似文献   

We have determined the sequences of 5S rRNA and spliced leader (SL) RNA genes, and adjacent intergenic regions for representatives of all known trypanosomatid genera parasitizing insects. The genetic loci have been analyzed separately as well as by a combined approach. Several isolates, assigned by morphology to different genera (Leptomonas spp., Blastocrithidia spp.), seem to belong to a single species with an unexpectedly wide host and geographical range. An unnamed trypanosomatid isolated from rats in Egypt was found to belong to the genus Herpetomonas, so far associated with insect hosts only. It is closely related to Herpetomonas ztiplika, a parasite of a blood-sucking biting midge. Apparently several different trypanosomatid species can infect one insect species, as exemplified by Leptomonas sp. PL and Wallaceina sp. Wsd, which were isolated from different specimens of Salda littoralis on the same locality and day. However, since the same species of Leptomonas was obtained from insect hosts belonging to different genera, some insect trypanosomatids may have low host specificity. Our data revealed additional discrepancies between molecular phylogenetic data and cell morphology, rendering current trypanosomatid taxonomy unreliable.  相似文献   

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