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Bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) are currently protected in the United States under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act of 1940 and Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918. Given these protections and the increasing development of wind energy throughout the United States, it is important for regulators and the wind industry to understand the risk of bald eagle collisions with wind turbines. Prior probability distributions for eagle exposure rates and collision rates have been developed for golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). Given similar information has not been available for bald eagles, the current recommendation by the USFWS is to use the prior probability distributions developed using data collected on golden eagles to predict take for bald eagles. But some evidence suggests that bald and golden eagles may be at different risk for collision with wind turbines and the prior probability distributions developed for golden eagles may not be appropriate for bald eagles. We developed prior probability distributions using data collected at MidAmerican Energy Company's operating wind energy facilities in Iowa, USA, from December 2014 to March 2017 for bald eagle exposure rates and collision rates. The prior probability distribution for collision rate developed for bald eagles has a lower mean collision rate and less variability relative to that developed for golden eagles. We determined that the prior probability distributions specific to bald eagles from these operating facilities are a better starting point for predicting take for bald eagles at operating wind energy facilities in an agricultural landscape than those developed for golden eagles. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Soaring birds migrate in massive numbers worldwide. These migrations are complex and dynamic phenomena, strongly influenced by meteorological conditions that produce thermal and orographic uplift as the birds traverse the landscape. Herein we report on how methods were developed to estimate the strength of thermal and orographic uplift using publicly available digital weather and topography datasets at continental scale. We apply these methods to contrast flight strategies of two morphologically similar but behaviourally different species: golden eagle, Aquila chrysaetos, and turkey vulture, Cathartes aura, during autumn migration across eastern North America tracked using GPS tags. We show that turkey vultures nearly exclusively used thermal lift, whereas golden eagles primarily use orographic lift during migration. It has not been shown previously that migration tracks are affected by species-specific specialisation to a particular uplift mode. The methods introduced herein to estimate uplift components and test for differences in weather use can be applied to study movement of any soaring species.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Researchers have suggested golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) populations may be declining in portions of their range. However, there are few baseline data describing golden eagle populations across their range in the western United States. We used aerial line transect distance methodology with a double-observer modification to estimate golden eagle population numbers in 4 bird conservation regions of the western United States. We conducted surveys from 16 August to 8 September 2003, after most golden eagles had fledged and before fall migration. The goal of our sampling strategy was to provide >80% power (α = 0.1) to detect an annual rate of total population change >3% per year over a 20-year period. We observed 172 golden eagles across 148 transects and estimated 27,392 golden eagles (90% CI: 21,352-35,140) occurred in the study area during the late summer and early fall of 2003. Following the surveys, we used Monte Carlo simulation to determine the statistical power to detect trends in the golden eagle populations if yearly surveys were continued over a 20-year monitoring period. The simulation indicated the desired power could be achieved under the current methodology and sample size. The methods utilized in this study can be implemented for other raptor species when population estimates that include nonbreeding members of a population are needed. The results of this study can be utilized by professionals to help manage golden eagle populations and to develop conservation strategies.  相似文献   

Proactive conservation planning for species requires the identification of important spatial attributes across ecologically relevant scales in a model-based framework. However, it is often difficult to develop predictive models, as the explanatory data required for model development across regional management scales is rarely available. Golden eagles are a large-ranging predator of conservation concern in the United States that may be negatively affected by wind energy development. Thus, identifying landscapes least likely to pose conflict between eagles and wind development via shared space prior to development will be critical for conserving populations in the face of imposing development. We used publically available data on golden eagle nests to generate predictive models of golden eagle nesting sites in Wyoming, USA, using a suite of environmental and anthropogenic variables. By overlaying predictive models of golden eagle nesting habitat with wind energy resource maps, we highlight areas of potential conflict among eagle nesting habitat and wind development. However, our results suggest that wind potential and the relative probability of golden eagle nesting are not necessarily spatially correlated. Indeed, the majority of our sample frame includes areas with disparate predictions between suitable nesting habitat and potential for developing wind energy resources. Map predictions cannot replace on-the-ground monitoring for potential risk of wind turbines on wildlife populations, though they provide industry and managers a useful framework to first assess potential development.  相似文献   

We evaluate the areas with potential negative impacts in a golden eagle population derived of the development of wind farms. At present, the entire golden eagle Galician population (5–6 pairs) is located within an area of about 2,000 km2. Grid squares of 10 × 10 km UTM in the province were scored for current and future wind turbine density and probability of occurrence of golden eagle. This probability was obtained using cartographic models of habitat selection for two different historic periods. Potential risk index (PRI) was calculated for each grid square by multiplying the wind turbine density score by the probability of occurrence score. With the PRIs obtained a cartographic model of potential impact of wind farms on the golden eagle population was constructed. No significant correlation was observed between current wind turbine density and the probability of occurrence of golden eagle. A significant positive correlation was observed between current and future wind turbine density and the probability of occurrence of golden eagle. The areas with highest potential risk are eastern and the central mountains of Ourense where the species breeds. The risk model presented could be applied to future wind farm proposals and monitor potential interactions of golden eagles with wind farms in the Province of Ourense.  相似文献   

Capsule: We describe ecological factors associated with movements of a globally declining raptor species, the Eastern Imperial Eagle Aquila heliaca.

Aims: To describe the movements, habitat associations and resource selection of Eastern Imperial Eagles marked in Central Asia.

Methods: We used global positioning system (GPS) data sent via satellite telemetry devices deployed on Eastern Imperial Eagles captured in Kazakhstan to calculate distances travelled and to associate habitat and weather variables with eagle locations collected throughout the annual cycle. We also used resource selection models to evaluate habitat use of tracked birds during autumn migration. Separately, we used wing-tagging recovery data to broaden our understanding of wintering locations of eagles.

Results: Eagles tagged in Kazakhstan wintered in most countries on the Arabian Peninsula, as well as Iran and India. The adult eagle we tracked travelled more efficiently than did the four pre-adults. During autumn migration, telemetered eagles used a mixture of vegetation types, but during winter and summer, they primarily used bare and sparsely vegetated areas. Finally, telemetered birds used orographic updrafts to subsidize their autumn migration flight, but they relied on thermal updrafts during spring migration.

Conclusion: Our study is the first to use GPS telemetry to describe year-round movements and habitat associations of Eastern Imperial Eagles in Central Asia. Our findings provide insight into the ecology of this vulnerable raptor species that can contribute to conservation efforts on its behalf.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Raptors and other large birds in soaring flight take advantage of upward drafts of air called thermals to maintain altitude with minimal flapping. I used a Doppler light detection and ranging (lidar) system to characterize a thermal in which raptors were soaring. Doppler lidar allows imaging of wind fields to reveal the structure of updrafts and downdrafts in a thermal. The thermal I monitored was in the form of a horizontal convective roll created at a transition from clear sky to partly cloudy sky, and gave both lift and lateral motion to the soaring birds. The thermal was 700 m high with a vertical wind speed that peaked at 3 m/s, so raptors could have soared to and maintained that altitude as the horizontal wind moved the thermal. My results suggest that imaging wind fields with Doppler lidar can be a useful tool for studying thermals and how they are used by soaring birds. An effective combination for further study of bird flight interaction with wind phenomena would be to add lidar measurements to an established means of tracking bird flight by radio or GPS transmitters, aircraft tracking, or radar.  相似文献   

1. Predation plays an integral role in many community interactions, with the number of predators and the rate at which they consume prey (i.e. their functional response) determining interaction strengths. Owing to the difficulty of directly observing predation events, attempts to determine the functional response of predators in natural systems are limited. Determining the forms that predator functional responses take in complex systems is important in advancing understanding of community interactions. 2. Prey survival has a direct relationship to the functional response of their predators. We employed this relationship to estimate the functional response for bald eagle Haliaeetus leucocepalus predation of Canada goose Branta canadensis nests. We compared models that incorporated eagle abundance, nest abundance and alternative prey presence to determine the form of the functional response that best predicted intra-annual variation in survival of goose nests. 3. Eagle abundance, nest abundance and the availability of alternative prey were all related to predation rates of goose nests by eagles. There was a sigmoidal relationship between predation rate and prey abundance and prey switching occurred when alternative prey was present. In addition, predation by individual eagles increased as eagle abundance increased. 4. A complex set of interactions among the three species examined in this study determined survival rates of goose nests. Results show that eagle predation had both prey- and predator-dependent components with no support for ratio dependence. In addition, indirect interactions resulting from the availability of alternative prey had an important role in mediating the rate at which eagles depredated nests. As a result, much of the within-season variation in nest survival was due to changing availability of alternative prey consumed by eagles. 5. Empirical relationships drawn from ecological theory can be directly integrated into the estimation process to determine the mechanisms responsible for variation in observed survival rates. The relationship between predator functional response and prey survival offers a flexible and robust method to advance our understanding of predator-prey interactions in many complex natural systems where prey populations are marked and regularly visited.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding is a molecular method that rapidly identifies an individual to a known taxon or its closest relative based on a 650-bp fragment of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI). In this study, DNA barcodes of members of the family Accipitridae, including Haliastur indus (brahminy kite), Haliaeetus leucogaster (white-bellied sea eagle), Ichthyophaga ichthyaetus (grey-headed fish eagle), Spilornis holospilus (crested serpent-eagle), Spizaetus philippensis (Philippine hawk-eagle), and Pithecophaga jefferyi (Philippine eagle), are reported for the first time. All individuals sampled are kept at the Philippine Eagle Center in Davao City, Philippines. Basic local alignment search tool results demonstrated that the COI sequences for these species were unique. The COI gene trees constructed using the maximum-likelihood and neighbour-joining (NJ) methods supported the monophyly of the booted eagles of the Aquilinae and the sea eagles of the Haliaeetinae but not the kites of the Milvinae.  相似文献   

Soaring birds that undertake long-distance migration should develop strategies to minimize the energetic costs of endurance flight. This is relevant because condition upon completion of migration has direct consequences for fecundity, fitness and thus, demography. Therefore, strong evolutionary pressures are expected for energy minimization tactics linked to weather and topography. Importantly, the minute-by-minute mechanisms birds use to subsidize migration in variable weather are largely unknown, in large part because of the technological limitations in studying detailed long-distance bird flight. Here, we show golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) migratory response to changing meteorological conditions as monitored by high-resolution telemetry. In contrast to expectations, responses to meteorological variability were stereotyped across the 10 individuals studied. Eagles reacted to increased wind speed by using more orographic lift and less thermal lift. Concomitantly, as use of thermals decreased, variation in flight speed and altitude also decreased. These results demonstrate how soaring migrant birds can minimize energetic expenditures, they show the context for avian decisions and choices of specific instantaneous flight mechanisms and they have important implications for design of bird-friendly wind energy.  相似文献   

Weather can shape movements of animals and alter their exposure to anthropogenic threats. Bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) are increasingly at risk from collision with turbines used in onshore wind energy generation. In the midwestern United States, development of this energy source typically occurs in upland areas that bald eagles use only intermittently. Our objective was to determine the factors that cause wintering bald eagles to occupy riparian areas and riskier, upland areas. We tracked 20 bald eagles using telemetry in the Upper Midwest (MN, IA, MO, WI, IL, USA) during winter 2014–2015 and 2015–2016 and evaluated habitat use by eagles in response to variation in weather and time of year. Eagles used riparian areas more when wind speed and atmospheric pressure were low. Exclusive use of uplands was more frequent during weather systems with low pressure and high humidity and after long periods of cold weather. There was a non-linear response to time of year (measured by days before migration) in the frequency of exclusive use of uplands or riparian areas. Probability of exclusive use of either landscape was generally constant within 95 days prior to migration. The probability of use of riparian areas, however, was markedly less during dates >100 days before migration. Our results suggest that eagles are most likely to be exposed to wind energy developments located in upland areas during low pressure systems, after long periods of cold weather, and several months before the onset of spring migration. This information helps to better understand the factors influencing bald eagle habitat use in winter and will be useful to managers and developers wishing to establish effective strategies to avoid, minimize, and mitigate take, and to survey for mortalities at wind energy developments. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Although wind farms in Spain have increased in numbers in recent years, their impact on birds, particularly large raptors, has received relatively little attention in the scientific literature. We study the potential impact of 72 wind energy developments planned for the south-east of Spain covering 128 golden eagle and 152 Bonelli’s eagle territories using nearest neighbour distances (NND) as an indicator of potential future interactions (abandonment, displacement and collision risk). Our analyses indicate low levels of potential interactions between wind farms and large eagles, and suggest that, of the two species studied, golden eagles will be the more affected because a greater proportion of wind farms will be constructed close to the breeding territories of this species. In the light of these findings, we discuss various management strategies in order to improve the compatibility of harvesting wind energy with the conservation of both species.  相似文献   

Bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) are recovering from severe population declines, and are exerting pressure on food resources in some areas. Thousands of bald eagles overwinter near Puget Sound, primarily to feed on chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) carcasses. We used modeling techniques to examine how anticipated climate changes will affect energetic demands of overwintering bald eagles. We applied a regional downscaling method to two global climate change models to obtain hourly temperature, precipitation, wind, and longwave radiation estimates at the mouths of three Puget Sound tributaries (the Skagit, Hamma Hamma, and Nisqually rivers) in two decades, the 1970s and the 2050s. Climate data were used to drive bald eagle bioenergetics models from December to February for each river, year, and decade. Bald eagle bioenergetics were insensitive to climate change: despite warmer winters in the 2050s, particularly near the Nisqually River, bald eagle food requirements declined only slightly (<1%). However, the warming climate caused salmon carcasses to decompose more rapidly, resulting in 11% to 14% less annual carcass biomass available to eagles in the 2050s. That estimate is likely conservative, as it does not account for decreased availability of carcasses due to anticipated increases in winter stream flow. Future climate-driven declines in winter food availability, coupled with a growing bald eagle population, may force eagles to seek alternate prey in the Puget Sound area or in more remote ecosystems.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms result from adaptations to biotic and abiotic environmental conditions that cycle through the day, such as light, temperature, or temporal overlap between interacting species. At high latitudes, close to or beyond the polar circles, uninterrupted midsummer daylight may pose a challenge to the circadian rhythms of otherwise nocturnal species, such as eagle owls Bubo bubo. By non‐invasive field methods, we studied eagle owl activity in light of their interactions with their main prey the water vole Arvicola amphibius, and their competitor the white‐tailed eagle Haliaeetus albicilla during continuous midsummer daylight on open, treeless islands in coastal northern Norway. We evaluated circadian rhythms, temporal overlap, exposure, and spatial distribution. The owls maintained a nocturnal activity pattern, possibly because slightly dimmer light around midnight offered favourable hunting conditions. The eagles were active throughout the 24‐h period as opposed to the strictly diurnal rhythm reported elsewhere, thus increasing temporal overlap and the potential for interference competition between the two avian predators. This may indicate an asymmetry, with the owls facing the highest cost of interference competition. The presence of eagles combined with constant daylight in this open landscape may make the owls vulnerable to interspecific aggression, and contrary to the available literature, eagle owls rarely exposed themselves visually during territorial calls, possibly to avoid detection by eagles. We found indications of spatial segregation between owls and eagles reflecting differences in main prey, possibly in combination with habitat‐mediated avoidance. Eagle owl vocal activity peaked in the evening before a nocturnal peak in visual observations, when owls were active hunting, consistent with the hypothesis of a dusk chorus in nocturnal bird species. The owls may have had to trade‐off between calling and foraging during the few hours around midnight when slightly dimmer light reduced the detection risk while also providing better hunting conditions  相似文献   

Unlike smaller raptors, which can readily use flapping flight, large raptors are mainly restricted to soaring flight due to energetic constraints. Soaring comprises of two main strategies: thermal and orographic soaring. These soaring strategies are driven by discrete uplift sources determined by the underlying topography and meteorological conditions in an area. High‐resolution GPS tracking of raptor flight allows the identification of these flight strategies and interpretation of the spatiotemporal occurrence of thermal and orographic soaring. In this study, we develop methods to identify soaring flight behaviors from high‐resolution GPS tracking data of Verreaux’s eagle Aquila verreauxii and analyze these data to understand the conditions that promote the use of thermal and orographic soaring. We use these findings to predict the use of soaring flight both spatially (across the landscape) and temporally (throughout the year) in two topographically contrasting regions in South Africa. We found that topography is important in determining the occurrence of soaring flight and that thermal soaring occurs in relatively flat areas which are likely to have good thermal uplift availability. The predicted use of orographic soaring was predominately determined by terrain slope. Contrary to our expectations, the topography and meteorology of eagle territories in the Sandveld promoted the use of soaring flight to a greater extent than in territories in the more mountainous Cederberg region. Spatiotemporal mapping of predicted flight behaviors can broaden our understanding of how large raptors like the Verreaux’s eagle use their habitat and how that links to energetics (as the preferential use of areas that maximize net energy gain is expected), reproductive success, and ultimately population dynamics. Understanding the fine‐scale landscape use and environmental drivers of raptor flight can also help to predict and mitigate potential detrimental effects of anthropogenic developments, such as mortality via collision with wind turbines.  相似文献   

Cotesia rubecula Marshall (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) is a specialist larval parasitoid of the butterfly Pieris rapae L. which itself feeds almost exclusively upon cruciferous plants. Female wasps are attracted to the odour of host-infested plant (plant-host complex: PHC) and the probability of flights in a wind tunnel depends on females' prior oviposition experience with the PHC and on the concentration of the PHC odour. This study considers the effect of both factors on characteristics of oriented flight upwind towards the PHC. The flight track parameters that we measured and calculated were not significantly affected by these factors. C. rubecula females exhibited high average flight velocity and relatively straight flight tracks. There was a considerable variability between individuals, however, in their odour-modulated upwind flight tracks. Some females generated a zigzagging upwind flight track similar to those commonly observed from male moths responding to female sex pheromone. Other females flew along a straight track directly upwind. The flight tracks of most female wasps were intermediate between these extremes. The full range of these flight performances was observed to all experimental treatments.  相似文献   

Abstract. In the field over short grass, pheromone-stimulated oriental fruit moth males, Grapholita molesta (Busck), flying under high windspeeds tended to steer courses more into the wind and to increase their airspeeds compared with those flying in low windspeeds.Thus, optomotor anemotaxis enabled the males to steer relatively consistent upwind track angles and to maintain an upwind progress of between c. 50–100 cm/s despite variable wind velocities.Zigzagging flight tracks were observed at both 10 m and 3 m from the source, as were tracks with no apparent zigzags.Transitions from casting to upwind flight or vice-versa were observed.The durations of the intervals between reversals during both upwind zigzagging flight and casting were consistent with those observed in previous wind-tunnel experiments.The control of altitude was more precise during upwind zigzagging flight than during casting.In general, the side-to-side deviations in the tracks were greater than the up-and-down deviations, with both the side-to-side and vertical distances and their ratios being consistent with previous wind-tunnel studies of pheromone-mediated flight.One difference between the field and laboratory flight tracks was that males in the field exhibited much higher airspeeds than in the wind tunnel.Males occasionally were observed to progress downwind faster than the wind itself, and further analysis showed that they were steering a downwind course in pheromone-free air following exposure to pheromone, which is the first time this has been recorded in moths.We propose that such downwind flight may aid in the relocation of a pheromone plume that has been lost due to a wind-shift, by enabling the moth to catch up to the pheromone as it recedes straight downwind away from the source.  相似文献   

To maximize fitness, flying animals should maximize flight speed while minimizing energetic expenditure. Soaring speeds of large-bodied birds are determined by flight routes and tradeoffs between minimizing time and energetic costs. Large raptors migrating in eastern North America predominantly glide between thermals that provide lift or soar along slopes or ridgelines using orographic lift (slope soaring). It is usually assumed that slope soaring is faster than thermal gliding because forward progress is constant compared to interrupted progress when birds pause to regain altitude in thermals. We tested this slope-soaring hypothesis using high-frequency GPS-GSM telemetry devices to track golden eagles during northbound migration. In contrast to expectations, flight speed was slower when slope soaring and eagles also were diverted from their migratory path, incurring possible energetic costs and reducing speed of progress towards a migratory endpoint. When gliding between thermals, eagles stayed on track and fast gliding speeds compensated for lack of progress during thermal soaring. When thermals were not available, eagles minimized migration time, not energy, by choosing energetically expensive slope soaring instead of waiting for thermals to develop. Sites suited to slope soaring include ridges preferred for wind-energy generation, thus avian risk of collision with wind turbines is associated with evolutionary trade-offs required to maximize fitness of time-minimizing migratory raptors.  相似文献   

Odor-modulated upwind flight of the sphinx moth,Manduca sexta L.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. Male and female Manduca sexta flew upwind in response to the odor of female sex-pheromone gland extract or fresh tobacco leaf respectively, and generated very similar zigzagging tracks along the odor plume. 2. After loss of odor during flight, males and females alike: (1) first flew slower and steered their flight more across the wind, then (2) stopped moving upwind, and finally (3) regressed downwind. 3. Males flying upwind in a pheromone plume in wind of different velocities maintained their ground speed near a relatively constant 'preferred' value by increasing their air speed as the velocity of the wind increased, and also maintained the average angle of their resultant flight tracks with respect to the wind at a preferred value by steering a course more precisely due upwind. 4. The inter-turn duration and turn rate, two measures of the temporal aspects of the flight track, were maintained, on average, with remarkable consistency across all wind velocities and in both sexes. The inter-turn durations also decreased significantly as moths approached the odor source, suggesting modulation of the temporal pattern of turning by some feature of the odor plume. This temporal regularity of turning appears to be one of the most stereotyped features of odor-modulated flight in M. sexta.  相似文献   

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