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Experimental and Applied Acarology - The southern cattle tick Rhipicephalus microplus is a major problem for the cattle industry in tropical and subtropical areas worldwide. Chemical products are...  相似文献   

The susceptibility of the tick Boophilus microplus to Beauveria bassiana was evaluated by inoculating eggs, larvae and engorged females of the tick with five fungal isolates at concentrations of 106, 107 and 108 conidia/ml. Tick eggs (0.25 g) were immersed in 1 ml of a suspension of the different conidial concentrations for 1 min. Similar exposure was performed by immersion of 2000 larvae and homogeneous groups of nine engorged females in 2 and 20 ml of conidial suspension, respectively. Treated eggs, larvae and adults were placed in an incubator at 27 ± 1 °C and relative humidity above 80% for evaluation of the fungal action. All fungal isolates applied at all conidial concentrations reduced the hatching rate of larvae from treated eggs by 1.36–65.58% and increased the mortality rate of inoculated larvae by 0.8–70.49%. In the bioassay with engorged females, oviposition period was reduced by 9.69–47.80%, egg mass weight by 4.71–53.87%, estimated reproduction by 8.3–60.62%, egg production index by 5.03–54.20%, percent larval hatching by 0.27–13.96%, and the mortality rate of treated females was increased by 96.60–100%. The reduction of the estimated reproduction obtained for the treated groups ranged from 8.37 to 64.52%. The sporulation of the pathogen on dead females ranged from 3.70 to 88.88% depending on the isolate and concentration used. Isolates AM 09, CB 7 and JAB 07 were the most effective and effectiveness increased with increasing concentrations of conidia in the suspensions.  相似文献   


The aim of this work is to report the presence of resistance to fluazuron in a population of Rhipicephalus microplus in Argentina. The evidence was obtained from field and in vitro trials. In the field trial, cattle infested with ticks was treated with two commercial formulations of fluazuron. The in vitro trial (adult immersion test, AIT) was performed by using technical grade fluazuron. In the field trial, there were no significant differences between the treated and control groups between days 2 and 34 post-treatment. The only exceptions (treated group I in day 14 post-treatment, treated group II in days 23 and 29 post-treatment) had a significantly lower tick load than the untreated group, but the efficacy was not higher than 70%. Viable engorged females were collected on both groups of treated bovines in all counts, and the production of viable larvae was not precluded with the application of the two commercial formulations of fluazuron evaluated in this study. The results obtained with the in vitro assay (AIT) also indicate that the R. microplus population tested in this work has a higher level of resistance to fluazuron than another susceptible field strain. The integrated analysis of the field and in vitro trials clearly reveals the emergence of resistance to fluazuron in a R. microplus population from Argentina. This diagnosis of resistance does not imply that the fluazuron has lost its functionality at a regional scale, but it highlights the need to establish control strategies that minimize the use of this drug in order to preserve its functionality as an acaricide.


Control in vitro tick (Boophilus microplus; Acari: Ixodidae) through plant extracts. Hydro-alcohol extracts of ten tropical plants were tested by the immersion method on mature ticks (Boophilus microplus Canestrini 1887). The biological evaluation was made with raw hydro alcoholic extracts (R-OH) to determine the most promissory compounds, which later were fractioned in their polar and non-polar parts. The polar parts showed a significantly inferior effect. The species that produced the highest mortality were Zizigium aromaticum, Morus alba, Piper nigrum and the mixture of Allium sativum- Z. aromaticum (all non-polar); on oviposition: M. alba, P. nigrum and the mixture of A. sativum - Z. aromaticum (all non-polar); on eclosion: P. nigrum, Z. aromaticum, Echinacea angustiofilia, Poligonum punctatum, M. alba and the mixture of A. sativum-Z. aromaticum (all non-polar): on control percentage: P. nigrum, E. angustifolia, P. punctatum and M. alba (all non-polar, except for M. alba in which both fractions showed important activity); and finally, on the percentage of oviposition inhibition: P. nigrum, E. angustifolia, P. punctatum, Gliricidia sepium and M. alba.  相似文献   

During experimental Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus (Acari: Ixodidae) infestation on cattle, approximately 5% of engorged female ticks showed symptoms of bacterial infection. The affected ticks were unable to oviposit, secreted a distinctive yellow exudate through the genital orifice and eventually died. Microscopic analysis of tick exudate showed abundant clusters of Gram-positive cocci bacteria that were isolated and cultured on bacteriological medium. Biochemical phenotyping and 16S rRNA ribotyping analysis on cultured bacteria identified it as Staphylococcus saprophyticus. This species was also isolated from healthy tick larvae, indicating that S. saprophyticus is commonly found in ticks during different developmental stages. However, conspicuous symptoms are only found on fully engorged females. Cultured S. saprophyticus induced identical pathological symptoms when the bacteria were experimentally inoculated into healthy ticks, demonstrating it to be the causative agent of the R. microplus infectious lethal disease described in this work.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the inheritance mode of resistance to flumethrin in the Mexican Aldama Boophilus microplus strain. Two Mexican strains were used, the Chiapas susceptible (SS), and the Aldama flumethrin-resistant from Tamaulipas. Six steers weighing ca. 250 kg were randomly assigned for each of six crosses: the susceptible (SS), resistant (RR), and the F1 (RS, SR) reciprocal crosses and F2 (RS x RS and SR x SR). The reciprocal crosses were made to evaluate maternal and sex linkage effects. Bioassays tested resistant and susceptible larvae along with their hybrid F1 and F2 progeny against a series of concentrations of flumethrin (0, 0.0075, 0.00150, 0.00300, 0.00600 and 0.01200 microg/g). To test the single-gene hypothesis of resistance, a nonparametric line-cross test proposed by Collins was used. The bioassay data were subjected to probit analysis and the resistance factor and effective dominance obtained. Results of this study indicated that inheritance for flumethrin resistance in the Aldama strain was autosomal and controlled for more than one gene. The F1 and F2 larvae had similar lower resistant factor (RF 2.8-4.5) while the resistant Aldama strain was 21-fold higher (RF 81.8) than the mean of the F1 and F2. The extent of flumethrin resistance in the Aldama B. microplus strain depended upon the concentration of the pesticide used. Resistance was almost dominant at the lowest dose while almost completely recessive at the highest dose. Maternal effects were shown for egg-mass. These results shown here indicate more than one gene basis of flumethrin resistance in B. microplus ticks are present. Therefore it is necessary to locate and understand the major loci for elucidate the mechanism of resistance and improve the ability to track and delay the evolution of resistance.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to evaluate the behaviour of larvae of Rhipicephalus microplus exposed to different stimuli. A Y-olfactometer was positioned vertically and R. microplus larvae were exposed to environmental air, CO2 alone, N,N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide (DEET) alone, and CO2 combined with the repellents DEET and (E)-2-octenal. Tests were also conducted with the olfactometer positioned horizontally; in this case, however, only CO2 was tested. In all tests conducted with the Y-olfactometer positioned vertically, CO2 activated R. microplus larvae even in the presence of DEET and (E)-2-octenal, although activation was lower when these repellents were used. In the absence of CO2, larval behaviour against DEET was similar to that of the larvae in the control group. In the tests performed with the olfactometer positioned horizontally, the larvae had no significant response to the presence of CO2. The larvae were not attracted to or repelled by any compound tested in either the vertical or horizontal position of the olfactometer. The lack of horizontal displacement, attraction or repellence may have been a result of the ambush behaviour of this tick species. However, when larvae were exposed to stimuli and the olfactometer was positioned vertically, the interference of attractant and repellent stimuli in larval behaviour was assessed.  相似文献   

Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus is an obligate haematophagous arthropod and the major problem for cattle industry due to economic losses it causes. The parasite shows a remarkable adaptability to changing environmental conditions as well as an exceptional ability to survive long-term starvation. This ability has been related to a process of intracellular protein degradation called autophagy. This process in ticks is still poorly understood and only few autophagy-related (ATG) genes have been characterized. The aim of the present study was to examine the ESTs database, BmiGI, of R. microplus searching for ATG homologues. We predicted five putative ATG genes, ATG3, ATG4, ATG6 and two ATG8s. Further characterization led to the identification of RmATG8a and RmATG8b, homologues of GABARAP and MAP1LC3, respectively, and both of them belonging to the ATG8 family. PCR analyses showed that the expression level of RmATG8a and RmATG8b was higher in egg and larval stages when compared to ovary and midgut from adult ticks. This up-regulation coincides with the period in which ticks are in a starvation state, suggesting that autophagy is active in R. microplus.  相似文献   



Ticks are regarded as the most relevant vectors of disease-causing pathogens in domestic and wild animals. The cattle tick, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus, hinders livestock production in tropical and subtropical parts of the world where it is endemic. Tick microbiomes remain largely unexplored. The objective of this study was to explore the R. microplus microbiome by applying the bacterial 16S tag-encoded FLX-titanium amplicon pyrosequencing (bTEFAP) technique to characterize its bacterial diversity. Pyrosequencing was performed on adult males and females, eggs, and gut and ovary tissues from adult females derived from samples of R. microplus collected during outbreaks in southern Texas.  相似文献   

Rhipicephalus microplus is the most economically important cattle tick in the Mexican tropics. Wild ungulate species, including red deer (Cervus elaphus), are gaining popularity in diversified livestock ranching operations in Mexico. However, there is no information available on the susceptibility of red deer to infestation with the cattle tick, R. microplus, under hot, subhumid tropical conditions in Mexico. Biological data on R. microplus as an ectoparasite of cattle and red deer in a farm in the Mexican tropics are presented here. Ticks collected from red deer were identified as R. microplus (97 %) and Amblyomma cajennense (3 %), and tick species infesting cattle included R. microplus (95 %) and A. cajennense (5 %). Standard counts of R. microplus engorged females on red deer were 11 times higher than on cattle (428 ± 43 vs. 40 ± 18; p < 0.001). The reproductive efficiency index and larval hatching of R. microplus collected from cattle and red deer were similar (p > 0.05). Hemolymph samples of R. microplus collected from cattle were positive for Babesia spp. (10 %, 2/50) and all the samples from ticks infesting red deer were negative. Seventeen and ten percent of the blood samples from cattle and red deer were positive for Anaplasma marginale, respectively. The role of red deer as a host of R. microplus in Yucatan, Mexico and the importance of this host-parasite relationship relative to the epidemiology of R. microplus-borne diseases are discussed.  相似文献   

The cattle tick Rhipicephalus microplus, is one of the most damaging livestock ectoparasites. Tropical tick infestation limits the introduction of high-yield bovine varieties because they do not have immunity to the diseases transmitted by these ectoparasites. This tick is usually controlled with chemical acaricides but their indiscriminate use has created resistant populations. The discovery of new molecules that can be used for tick control is urgent. Based on the knowledge that octopamine, a biogenic amine analog to epinephrine, is central to the regulation of oviposition in several studied arthropods and that an imbalance in octopamine release causes sterility in a Drosophila model. Tyramine, octopamine and epinastine and 83 adrenergic compounds classified by their effect in the vertebrate systems were screened for their ability to block oviposition in Rhipicephalus microplus. Of these molecules, we found that 10 alpha-agonists, 3 alpha-antagonists, 5 beta-adrenergic agonists, 7 beta-antagonists and Norepinephrine were able to inhibit oviposition in this tick at pharmacological concentrations. Surprisingly, tyramine appears to be more potent than octopamine. The probable physiological causes of this inhibition are discussed. Our results suggest that although there are alpha adrenergic-like receptors in the tick, they do not behave in a manner completely analogous to their vertebrate counterparts.  相似文献   

The southern cattle tick (Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus) is a hematophagous external parasite that vectors the causative agents of bovine babesiosis or cattle tick fever, Babesia bovis and B. bigemina, and anaplasmosis, Anaplasma marginale. The southern cattle tick is a threat to the livestock industry in many locations throughout the world. Control methods include the use of chemical acaricides including amitraz, a formamidine insecticide, which is proposed to activate octopamine receptors. Previous studies have identified a putative octopamine receptor from the southern cattle tick in Australia and the Americas. Furthermore, this putative octopamine receptor could play a role in acaricide resistance to amitraz. Recently, sequence data indicated that this putative octopamine receptor is probably a type-1 tyramine receptor (TAR1). In this study, the putative TAR1 was heterologously expressed in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO-K1) cells, and the expressed receptor resulted in a 39-fold higher potency for tyramine compared to octopamine. Furthermore, the expressed receptor was strongly antagonized by yohimbine and cyproheptadine, and mildly antagonized by mianserin and phentolamine. Tolazoline and naphazoline had agonistic or modulatory activity against the expressed receptor, as did the amitraz metabolite, BTS-27271; however, this was only observed in the presence of tyramine. The southern cattle tick's tyramine receptor may serve as a target for the development of anti-parasitic compounds, in addition to being a likely target of formamidine insecticides.  相似文献   

Phospholipid-hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase (PHGPx) enzymes are associated with cellular protection by the role they play in reducing hydroperoxides of phospholipids, thereby preventing membrane lipoperoxidation. As part of their toxic effect, some pesticides stimulate peroxidation of cellular membranes. We isolated and sequenced a PHGPx gene from the cattle tick Boophilus microplus that encodes a protein of 169 amino acids, including a TGA-encoded selenocysteine at residue 46 and active site residues Gln82 and Trp135 that interact with the selenocysteine. The motif that directs the insertion of selenocysteine at the opal codon is found in the 3′-untranslated region. PHGPx sequences from pesticide-resistant and susceptible B. microplus ticks show nucleotide differences at eight positions among the strains, with five resulting in amino acid substitutions in the deduced protein sequence. Two distinct PHGPx alleles were identified in an organophosphate-resistant tick strain. Real-time PCR quantification of gene expression revealed increased PHGPx in two strains resistant to a single acaricide class. Strains resistant to two or more classes showed a reduction in PHGPx.  相似文献   

Among the ectoparasites of cattle, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus (Canestrini) (Acari: Ixodidae) remains a major cause of economic losses to livestock. The chemical control with acaricides is still the most efficient method available to control ticks. The aims of this study were to diagnose resistance to amitraz in 16 tick populations from the States of São Paulo (14) and Paraná (2), using the larval immersion technique (LIT), and evaluate the effect of synergists [piperonyl butoxide (PBO), diethyl maleate (DEM), triphenyl phosphate (TPP)] on amitraz resistant and susceptible strains of cattle tick. Most of the evaluated populations (68.7 %) showed to be resistant to amitraz, with resistance ratios ranging from 2.14 to 132. The results suggest that the test procedure by LIT is sensitive and adequate for detection and monitoring of amitraz resistance in cattle tick. No synergistic effect was observed for the synergists PBO, DEM and TPP, on the amitraz resistant (Poa) strain of cattle tick, indicating that increased detoxification metabolism was not involved in this resistance.  相似文献   

In order to determine the effect of various hosts on feeding performance of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus, we used 3 mammalian species as hosts, cattle (Qinchuan), sheep (T an), and rabbits (Japanese white rabbit) for infest-ing ticks. Five hundreds of R. microplus larvae were exposed to each animal (3 animals/host species). Tick recoveries were 11.0%, 0.47%, and 5.5% from cattle, sheep, and rabbits, respectively. The averages of tick feeding periods were not significantly different on cattle, sheep, and rabbits, 28.8, 25.3, and 26.7 days, respectively. The average weights of individual engorged female from cattle, sheep, and rabbits were 312.5, 219.1, and 130.2 mg, respectively and those of egg mass weights each to 85.0, 96.6, and 17.8 mg. The highest egg hatching rate was in the ticks from cattle (96.0%), fol-lowed by those from rabbits (83.0%) and sheep (19.2%). These data suggest that rabbits could be as an alternative host to cultivate R. microplus for evaluating vaccines and chemical and biological medicines against the tick in the laboratory, although the biological parameters of ticks were less than those from cattle.  相似文献   

The cattle tick Boophilus microplus causes significant economic losses in cattle in the tropical areas of Central and South America. Acaricides are widely used to control tick infestations, with the consequent selection of tolerant and resistant subpopulations. Detoxifying enzymes, and esterases in particular, have been associated with organophosphate resistance in Mexican isolates of B. microplus ticks. Here, we present results of the biochemical detection of esterases and oxidases in 20 isolates of larvae and adult ticks and the effect of esterase and oxidase inhibitors on larvae and adult stages of the tick. Our results indicate the presence of significant differences both in vivo and in vitro between esterase and oxidase activities of OP-susceptible and OP-resistant isolates, even when samples were collected in the same area. The importance of such differences in regionalized integrated pest management and in the US Tick Eradication Program is discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A total of 73 ethanol extracts from different anatomical parts of 44 plant species belonging to 24 families, native to the Mid-Western region of Brazil, were assessed in vitro for their effect on the reproductive cycle of engorged females of the cattle tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus, using the adult immersion test. All extracts were evaluated at the concentration of 0.2 % and, among the extracts tested, the one obtained from the fruits of Guarea kunthiana (Meliaceae) proved to be highly efficacious, showing 99.1 % of product effectiveness. Extracts from other three species were shown to be moderately active, namely Nymphaea amazonum trunk (Nymphaeaceae) [51.7 %], Strychnos pseudoquina trunk (Loganiaceae) [8.0 %] and Ocotea lancifolia leaves (Lauraceae) [34.5 %], while the remaining extracts were shown to be weakly active or inactive. This is the first report on the bioactivity of these species on egg production by engorged females of R. microplus.  相似文献   

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