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PULFORD, I. D., MURPHY, K. J., DICKINSON, G., BRIGGS, J. A. & SPRINGUEL, I., 1992. Ecological resources for conservation and development in Wadi Allaqi, Egypt. The creation of Lake Nasser behind the Aswan High Dam on the River Nile has brought about significant environmental changes in Upper Egypt. A multidisciplinary project was started in 1987 to assess the environmental changes associated with periodic inundation in desert ecosystems. The data presented here provide a baseline for studies aimed at assessing the potential for, and ecological impacts of, sustainable development in the target area, and may act as a blueprint for wider-scale development. Soil, water, vegetation, animal and human resources are being monitored. There has been a major increase in plant communities dominated by riverain species, at the expense of the original desert wadi vegetation. The water has attracted human settlement, with some 200–250 people now living in the wadi. The inherent high fertility of the soil has allowed them to grow a range of crops in small plots, using a system of shifting cultivation dictated by the lake water level. While this degree of development may be sustainable, larger-scale development of the fragile wadi ecosystem demands a full assessment of appropriate management techniques.  相似文献   

A data set comprising 95 stands of desert vegetation, collected from the Wadi Allaqi Biosphere Reserve and its environs within the South-Eastern Desert of Egypt during 1985–90, was analysed using multivariate procedures (two-way indicator species analysis: TWINSPAN; detrended correspondence analysis: DCA; canonical correspondence analysis: CCA), to produce a classification of plant communities in the area, and to examine the relationships of these plant communities to natural and man-induced features of the physical environment of the area (in particular, the influence of Lake Nasser, a major impoundment of the River Nile formed in 1964). The vegetation classification produced groupings broader, in both floristic and ecological terms, than those found by earlier studies of this area. In total 78 plant species were recorded from four phytogeographic elements. Four principal vegetation groups were identified, of which one is new to the area, and is the result of major environmental changes affecting the downstream part of the Wadi Allaqi system, following periodic flooding of the wadi by Lake Nasser during the past 30 years. This community was indicated by Tamarix nilotica. There was a strongly-zoned (downstream–upstream) pattern to the vegetation within this lower part of Wadi Allaqi, which appears to be a function of the probability of flooding by the lake. The remaining three vegetation groups occur higher in the wadi basin. Groundwater-dependence appeared to be important in defining a group indicated by Acacia tortilis, as well as the Tamarix nilotica group. The two remaining groups, characterized respectively by Acacia ehrenbergiana and Cullen plicatum, represent vegetation groups which are precipitation-dependent, and which tolerate drier conditions within the Allaqi system.  相似文献   

宁夏东部风沙区荒漠草原植物群落物种多样性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过野外植被调查,研究了宁夏东部风沙区荒漠草原植物群落组成与结构、物种多样性变化;采用典范对应分析(CCA)对植物群落分布与土壤性状关系进行了分析。结果表明:(1)风沙区荒漠草原物种较为单一,多集中在6~13种;不同群落类型间地上生物量和盖度差异显著;群落内竞争性较弱的物种减少,优势种具有较高的重要值。(2)群落间物种多样性差异显著,但变化趋势并不一致;物种多样性指数与丰富度指数、均匀度指数的相关系数分别为0.975 7和0.880 2,而与优势度指数相关系数为-0.519 8。(3)CCA结果表明,土壤含水率、有机质以及氮磷钾含量较高、容重小时,植物物种相对丰富;对群落分布影响较大的环境因子是土壤水分、容重和土壤有机质,相关系数分别为-0.742 8、0.683 8、0.532 9,物种和群落二者在CCA排序轴相关性较大的土壤因子较为一致。研究认为,宁夏东部风沙区荒漠草原植物优势种在群落中的地位明显,物种丰富度对植物多样性的影响大于均匀度,土壤水分是影响该区草原植物群落分布的决定性环境因子。  相似文献   

The present study, which was conducted between 2009 and 2010, provides an analysis of the floristic composition, life forms, phenology, chorological spectrum and analysis of the vegetation in the deltaic part of Wadi Qena using multivariate analysis techniques. Twenty‐five stands were sampled to represent, as much as possible, the vegetation variation in the study area. A total of 54 species (nineteen annuals and 35 perennials) belonging to 47 genera and nineteen families were recorded. The largest families were Fabaceae and Brassicaceae (nine and seven, respectively), Asteraceae and Poaceae (six for each), Chenopodiaceae (five), and Zygophyllaceae (four). Therophytes are the predominant life form (37%) followed by chamaephytes (24%), phanerophytes (18.5%), hemicryptophytes (9.29%) and cryptophytes (5.5%). Chorological analysis revealed that Saharo‐Arabian (48%) and the Sudano‐Zambezian (19.2%) chorotypes constitute the main bulk (67.2%) of the total flora of the studied area. The majority of the perennial species behave similarly to each other in their phenology, and usually perennials sprout at the end of February, become leafy in March, flower in April and produce fruits between April and July. Three main vegetation groups resulted from classification of the dominant vegetation. Canonical correspondence analysis revealed that magnesium, potassium and pH were the most effective soil variables.  相似文献   

Plant growth in the extremely arid southern part of the Eastern Desert of Egypt is supported by the torrential moisture stored in the subsurface layers of wadi-fill deposits. The space-time stratification of the soil moisture and corresponding adaptive stratification of root systems lead to the niche separation of the species. The survivorship of all studied plants except Zilla spinosa, has a low mortality at early and middle life, but a rapid change to high mortality at a later stage. Zilla spinosa shows the high juvenile and low adult mortality which related significantly to the population density.  相似文献   

Summary A sequence of late Pliocene sediments (Qaret El-Muluk Formation) covers large areas within Wadi El-Natrun depression; at the western periphery of the Nile Delta. The exposed sequence is composed of friable sands. mudstones, shales and minor limestones with combined total thickness of approximately 50 m. The fossil content consists of fresh and brackish water elements; charophytes, ostracods, gastropods, oysters and benthonic foraminifera. Planktonic forams which suggest marine influence have been also recorded. Terrestrial and aquatic continental vertebrate fauna includes mammals, reptiles, fish and aves. Several subtypes of ichthyoliths have been discovered in this study. Both lithological and paleontological data testify to a depositional environment which belongs to a marginal region where fluvial and marine deposition meet in shallow brackish lagoons. The sediments display changes from channelled fluvial sands to deltaic interbedded sands and mudstones to lagoonal shales and limestones to lacustrine chara limestones. Vertical stacking of facies is indicative of a series of transgressive-regressive events. The transgression brought shallow lagoonal conditions to the area. The transgressions were incomplete due to high rate of fluvial input. The lagoon dried up intermittently and calcretes and red brown soils were formed. Each regression is indicated by river generated clastic influx. During periods of active fluvial input, fluvial sediments prograded lagoonward. The clastic material was probably a mixture of reworked detritus from older sediments. An admixture of first cycle material from the basement rocks of the Red Sea hills cannot be ruled out. The diversity of provenance argues for several channels of a large river which existed during the late Pliocene.  相似文献   

塔克拉玛干沙漠耐旱,耐盐植物种的选择   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
塔克拉玛干沙漠耐旱、耐盐植物种的选择刘家琼,邱国玉,石庆辉,李风琴(中国科学院兰州沙漠研究所沙坡头沙漠试验研究站,730000)SelectionofDrought-ResistantandSalt-TolerantPlantSpeciesinthe...  相似文献   

The present study deals with the analysis of the floristic composition and plant diversity of Wadi Gimal protectorate. Its major aim is to identify community types and environmental factors that affect their growth and distribution. These quantitative data provide rangers with knowledge that is necessary for monitoring and managing plant communities within the protected areas, as well as restoration of vegetation‐depleted habitats. Twenty‐seven stands were selected along the length of Wadi and its tributaries. Thirty‐five species were recorded in Wadi Gimal; with Poaceae as the dominant family and Phanerophytes dominating over other life forms. Saharo‐Arabians were the predominant chorological element. Six vegetation groups were recognized in Wadi Gimal. Zilla spinosa (VG C) which inhabited the Wadi bed had the highest species richness, species turnover, relative evenness and relative concentration of dominance. Capparis sinaica (VG A) which inhabited the mountain slope had the lowest species richness, relative evenness and relative concentration of dominance, while Salvadora persica group had the lowest species turnover. Phoenix dactylifera–Hyphaene thebaica (VG F) which dominated the deltaic part of Wadi, had the highest salinity; whilst Acacia ehrenbergiana (VG E) which dominated the upper‐stream part of the Wadi had the lowest value of salinity.  相似文献   

中国黑戈壁地区植物区系及其物种多样性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黑戈壁是戈壁中最为干旱的区域,为了系统的研究其植被及物种多样性,该研究采用无人机航拍和实地调查的方法,对中国西北内陆的黑戈壁进行了分析研究。结果表明:(1)中国西北内陆的黑戈壁地区共记录植物154种,分属28科,85属;植物生活型组成简单,主要以灌木、半灌木及多年生草本植物为主,占植物物种比例的70%以上。(2)在植物物种组成方面,与整个荒漠区比较,黑戈壁地区物种数量少,但灌木所占比例远高于荒漠区。(3)黑戈壁地区植物科、属内物种组成贫乏,科内属、种数量比较多的为藜科、菊科、豆科等。(4)黑戈壁地区优势群落的建群种为红砂、盐生草、膜果麻黄等,中国特有植物为新疆沙拐枣、哈密黄蓍、胀果甘草等,主要国家保护植物有胡杨、裸果木、胀果干草等。(5)黑戈壁地区植物区系表征科主要为蒺藜科、蓼科、麻黄科等,而属的分布型以地中海区、西亚至中亚分布及北温带分布为主,占黑戈壁地区总属的47%以上,是群落组成的优势种和建群种。(6)与其他荒漠地区植物区系相比,黑戈壁地区植物旱生种比例增加,适应类型更为贫乏,缺乏特有成分,具有明显残遗性;由于特殊极端干旱环境,形成黑戈壁地区特殊植物类群和区系特征;黑戈壁地区是荒漠地区的区域特色植物物种资源和基因资源的重要区域和保存地,而黑戈壁生态系统非常脆弱,一旦破坏,将很难恢复。  相似文献   

New material from the Pliocene fish beds of Wadi Natrun, Egypt, is described, including a new species of Alestes (Characidae). A total of 15 freshwater and at least four marine genera are now known from the site. This fauna is reviewed with particular regard to the fossil history and zoogeographical relationships of its component taxa.  相似文献   

郭浩  庄伟伟  李进 《西北植物学报》2019,39(12):2263-2270
为了深入了解古尔班通古特沙漠植物在极端环境下养分循环及限制状况,以琉苞菊(Hyalea pulchella)、假狼紫草(Nonea caspica)、尖喙牻牛儿苗(Erodium oxyrrhynchum)和飘带果(Lactuca undulata)为研究对象,分析了4种短命植物的生物量与化学计量特征变化以及二者之间的相关性。结果表明,(1)4种荒漠植物生物量分配在整个生长周期内呈一致增长规律,而根冠比(R/S)均呈下降趋势;生物量累计速率在各生长期不尽相同,但4种植物随生活史的完成最终分配比例趋同。(2)4种植物的C元素在整个生长周期内居高不下,N、P元素在植物体内总体呈下降趋势。对计量比分析发现,C∶N与C∶P间呈正相关关系,且二者都与N∶P呈负相关关系,但N∶P则相比旱生植物的平均值低。(3)生物量与化学计量比的综合排序显示:第1轴、第2轴的解释程度分别为58.89%和19.43%,可累计解释其总信息量的78.32%,表明可信度较高,但整体指标间的相关性较弱,说明4种荒漠短命植物生长过程中的化学计量比并未对生物量分配起决定作用,可能是由于干旱环境下植物的不同生存策略所引起的结果,或生物量分配的主要占比因素可能是植物自身遗传所决定的。  相似文献   

阿拉善雅布赖风沙区荒漠植物群落结构和物种多样性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据阿拉善雅布赖风沙区30个样地的调查资料,对该区荒漠植物群落物种多样性进行分析.结果表明:雅布赖风沙区天然植被物种组成简单,以旱生、盐生或超旱生的小灌木和多年生草本植物占主导地位,体现出荒漠半荒漠和草原化荒漠植物群落的特点.群落优势层片为灌木层,其物种组成以矮化的半灌木和小灌木为主(占41%~90%),受环境变化的影响较小,结构比较稳定;草本层片组成中以多年生草本为主,但一年生草本的数量却占到81.5%~98.8%,为不稳定层片.雅布赖风沙区荒漠植物群落多样性数量特征值差异较大,在植被生态建设时应关注不同生活型植被的防护效应与当地大风和沙尘暴在发生时间上的匹配性,针对半灌木、小灌木和多年生草本覆盖特有的防风性能,重视灌木和多年生草本的恢复与建设,以取得抵抗风沙、稳定当地生态环境的效果.  相似文献   

中国黑戈壁地区植物物种丰富度格局的水热解释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
我国黑戈壁地区自然环境恶劣,植物多样性格局受到极端干旱气候的影响而形成了特殊的分布格局。为了揭示黑戈壁地区极端气候对物种丰富度格局的影响,通过对5000 km样线内174个样方中的植物进行调查,结合气候数据,研究影响中国黑戈壁地区植物物种丰富度格局的气候因素以及不同生活型植物物种丰富度格局与气候关系的差异。结果表明,水热动态假说对物种丰富度格局的解释率为62.3%,未解释部分为37.7%,说明其能够很好的解释黑戈壁地区的植物群落物种丰富度格局;能量对物种丰富格局的单独解释率仅为3.5%,水分的单独解释率为16.4%,两者共同解释率为42.4%,水分和能量共同决定的水资源可利用性主导着物种丰富度格局;不同生活型植物对气候因子的响应存在显著差异,水热综合作用对草本植物丰富度格局的解释率为65.4%,但对灌木仅有37.9%,表明水热动态假说不适用于解释灌木植物的物种丰富度格局,植物对气候的适应特性及种间相互作用对物种丰富度格局有着重要的影响。  相似文献   

民勤荒漠区主要植物群落的稳定性及生态效应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以民勤荒漠区5种主要植物群落10个样方12年的定位观测资料为基础,运用植被盖度和投影盖度2个指标对荒漠区植物群落的稳定性及其生态效应进行分析,以期阐释随着全球变暖荒漠植物群落的稳定性和生态效应的变化规律。观测结果表明,沙蒿(Artemisia arenaria)的植被盖度和麻黄(Ephedra przewalskii)的植被盖度以及沙蒿的投影盖度和梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron)人工林的投影盖度显著下降,白刺(Nitraria tangutorum)的植被盖度亦下降。分析结果表明:(1)植被盖度相对较低的群落的稳定性较强,而植被盖度相对较高的群落的稳定性相对较差。(2)当年降水量是决定植被盖度及其投影盖度的关键因子。(3)单位面积的白刺的生态功能最大,其次是麻黄,再次是白刺+梭梭,单位面积的沙蒿的生态功能最低。荒漠区植被稀疏,植株枝条分布极不规则,以冠幅计算所得的植被盖度不能反映植被实际覆盖地表的状况。  相似文献   

An important late Moscovian rugose coral association is described from the Rod El Hamal Formation of the Wadi Araba area (northern Eastern Desert, Egypt). The upper part of the formation yielded a moderately abundant but poorly diversified coral fauna composed of large dissepimented solitary rugose corals. In total, six species belong to the Bothrophyllidae and the Geyerophyllidae, including three new species: Bothrophyllum suezensis, Bothrophyllum cylindricum, and Amygdalophylloides omarai. Three undeterminable Bothrophyllidae taxa are left in open nomenclature. The corals were attached to the soft substrate by talons and rootlets, either rooted and growing upward as mud-stickers or as secondary recliners. They show frequent rejuvenations and constrictions. Encrustation and/or bioerosion are scarce. Carbonate microfacies indicate a habitat in littoral and inner neritic zones adjacent to a low terrigenous hinterland. Colonial taxa are missing and tabulate corals are rare. The corals from the Rod El Hamal Formation are the only example of a late Moscovian coral fauna on the southern margin of the Palaeotethys, that is to say along the northern margin of Gondwana. The association shows similarities with northwestern Spain (Cantabrian Mountains), the Donets and Moscow basins, and thus a general attribution to the Palaeotethys realm.  相似文献   

Desert wadis are widespread in the Arabian Peninsula and play a vital role in the ecology of the region; nevertheless, these ecosystems are among the least studied. Various types of microbial mats are predominant in wadis, but information on their bacterial diversity and spatial distribution is very scarce. We investigated bacterial diversity, pigments and lipid composition of ten mats located at the down-, mid- and upstream of a desert wadi in Oman. Direct microscopy revealed the existence of different unicellular and filamentous cyanobacteria, with the dominance of the heterocystous genera Calothrix and Scytonema. The majority of MiSeq 16S rRNA sequences (44-76%) were affiliated to Cyanobacteria and Proteobacteria. While Alphaproteobacteria was the most dominant proteobacterial class (10 to 48% of total sequences), Gamma- and Deltaproteobacteria were subdominant. Cluster analysis showed that the mats’ bacterial communities at the different locations along the wadi were different and shared less than 60% of their operational taxonomic units (OTUs). Chlorophyll a and scytonemin were the most predominant pigments in all mats. Different saturated, branched and mono- and poly-unsaturated fatty acids were detected in all mats, with C16 and C18 compounds as most dominant. The detected pigments and fatty acids indicate a major role of cyanobacteria in the wadi mats and the adaptation of microorganisms therein to the harsh wadi environment. Detection of diadinoxanthin and fucoxanthin confirmed the presence of diatoms. We conclude that microbial mats are important elements in wadi ecosystems and exist in a great variety of structure and community composition.  相似文献   

库姆塔格沙漠是我国西北荒漠地区较典型的沙漠之一,本文基于实地调查并结合遥感资料,对该地区植被的物种组成及种子植物区系特征进行了研究。结果表明:(1)库姆塔格沙漠地区共有种子植物29科91属143种;该地区植物物种贫乏、生活型简单,主要以灌木、一年生及多年生草本植物为主。(2)库姆塔格沙漠地区的植物组成受水分、高温以及土壤盐分等因子影响,形成了3个主要的种子植物分布区(阿奇克谷地、阿尔金山山前洪积扇戈壁、西湖湿地),且各区的物种组成差异显著。(3)从3个主要植物分布区的物种组成与生活型组成来看,阿尔金山山前洪积扇戈壁区域植物生活型比阿奇克谷地和西湖湿地丰富;因阿尔金山山前洪积扇戈壁环境复杂,在3个区域中其物种相对丰富,科、属、种的种类较多;阿奇克谷地和西湖湿地植物的属、种相似度较高;3个区域的植物属、种总体上相似度较低。(4)库姆塔格沙漠地区种子植物区系表征科主要为藜科(Chenopodiaceae)、菊科(Compositae)、麻黄科(Ephedraceae)等;3个主要植物分布区科的分布型均以世界分布为主,属的分布型以北温带分布和地中海区、西亚至中亚分布为主,具体表现为:阿奇克谷地和西湖湿地植物属的分布型以地中海区、西亚至中亚分布为主,阿尔金山山前洪积扇戈壁植物属的分布型以北温带分布为主。(5)库姆塔格沙漠地区种子植物以旱生种所占比例较高,物种类型具有明显的残遗性;由于环境条件特殊,形成了库姆塔格沙漠地区特有的植物类群和区系特征。本研究结果为库姆塔格沙漠地区植物组成及区系研究提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

该研究采用内蒙古短花针茅荒漠草原长期试验平台2004~2015年期间不同降水年型(丰水、平水、欠水)下的植被数据,分析研究区7个主要植物21个种对的种间关系及其对降水年型的响应;应用方差比率法确定物种间的总体联结性,基于χ^2检验测定种对间的联结性,采用联结系数AC判断种对间联结的正负,运用共同出现百分率PC、Ochiai指数、Dice指数分析种对相伴出现的几率,以明确荒漠草原主要物种间的关系,揭示降水对种群间相互作用的影响机制。结果表明:(1)样方内的平均物种数在平水年达到最大,主要物种的总体联结性在丰水年呈显著正相关、平水年呈不显著正相关、欠水年呈不显著负相关,表明年降水量的下降致使种对间的关系由共存为主转变为竞争为主。(2)降水年型的变化使部分种对间的联结性发生改变,丰水年正联结的种对占57.1%,平水年降至52.4%,欠水年降至33.3%,也表明干旱胁迫导致协同共存的种对数减少,相互竞争的种对数增加。(3)降水年型的变化主要影响狭叶锦鸡儿与其他物种的共同出现几率,并以平水年最大,而对其他种对间的正相互作用无影响。  相似文献   

Wadi Moghara, Egypt, is an early Miocene fossil locality with a mammalian fauna that includes Prohylobates tandyi, one of the earliest known representatives of the Cercopithecoidea. Faunal correlations were conducted between Moghara, Gebel Zelten (Libya) and a series of East African fossil sites with established radiometric dates in order to estimate the age of the Moghara mammals, including P. tandyi. Results confirm hypotheses proposed in some previous studies that: (1) Moghara is about 18-17 Ma, approximately the same age as the Hiwegi fauna from Rusinga Island (Kenya); (2) Moghara is slightly older than Gebel Zelten (Libya) (17-15 Ma); and (3) the cercopithecoid tooth presently identified as Victoriapithecus sp. from Napak V (ca. 19 Ma) is currently the oldest known record of a fossil Old World monkey, followed by P. tandyi from Moghara (Egypt) (18-17 Ma) and Prohylobates sp. from Buluk (Kenya) (>17.2 Ma), P. simonsi from Gebel Zelten (Libya) (ca. 17-15 Ma), and V. macinnesi from Maboko (Kenya) (ca. 16-14.7 Ma).  相似文献   

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