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The phytoplankton communities of five water hollows and a river from the Rancho Hambre peat bog (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina) are compared as to species composition and densities, as well as morphological, chemical and physical data.A total of 212 taxa is reported, the river having the highest species richness (105) and algal density (6374 ind. ml–1). Water hollows showed remarkable differences in the structure of their phytoplankton communities.A cluster analysis, based on species presence-absence, clearly distinguishes the river from the water hollows. The hollows fall into groups. One contains the shallow ones the other, the smallest, deepest ones.Correlation analyses between biotic and abiotic variates shows strong correlations between the relative frequencies of some major groups (Chrysophyceae, Euglenophyceae, Tribophyceae) and the values of abiotic variables (alkalinity, pH, conductivity and dissolved phosphate).  相似文献   

Peat bogs are regarded as extreme environments due to their low pH and low nutrient concentration, and thus hold a unique biota adapted to these particular conditions. The island of Tierra del Fuego encompasses the southernmost extensive peat bog area in the world, and is therefore particularly interesting from a biogeographical viewpoint. Within the same peat bog, different environment types can be identified: clear ponds, vegetated ponds and Sphagnum patches. In this study we compare the abundance, richness and species diversity of microinvertebrates (Copepoda, Cladocera and Rotifera) in these three types of environments from two peat bogs (Andorra and Rancho Hambre). Out of the 29 taxa recorded, 19 were common to both peat bogs, including four cladocerans endemic to Southern Patagonia and three rotifers endemic to Fuegian peat bogs. The rotifers were the dominant group in all environment types from Rancho Hambre, while in Andorra the Sphagnum moss was dominated by copepods, particularly harpacticoids. The results revealed that the environment type rather than peat bog was the key factor at explaining differences in species richness and diversity among microinvertebrate communities. This study highlights the importance of Sphagnum moss as a low diversity extreme environment which supports highly endemic species.  相似文献   

Gabriela Mataloni 《Hydrobiologia》1998,391(1-3):157-170
Microalgal communities from seven water hollows have been studied in six peat bogs located in the southwest of the Tierra del Fuego Province (Argentina). The evolution of these systems towards terrestrial conditions includes a gradual increase in conductivity and decrease in pH along a gradient from the open water to the drier surroundings. For the microalgae sampled along these gradients, these changes are reflected by the decrease in species richness and the rise in the relative frequencies of a few taxa well adapted to harsh conditions. Also, all sampling stations from the different water hollows were compared in terms of floristic composition and relative frequencies of the different taxa. Both cluster analysis and Principal Components Analysis revealed marked differences among water hollows for these features, which can be associated with morphometric and chemical parameters related to their evolutionary stage, rather than with their geographical distribution.  相似文献   

Two new species of Penicillium Link ex Fries are described and illustrated. They were recovered from sandy soils in the Chilean and Argentinian Tierra del Fuego. They clearly differ from all species of the genus described so far and are, therefore, described and proposed as two new taxa: Penicillium turris-painensis sp. nov and Penicillium lapatayae sp. nov.  相似文献   

Bahía San Sebastián (BSS), a shallow and protected environment on the eastern coast of Tierra del Fuego (Argentina), is a prime habitat for several species of nearctic migratory birds that visit the area during summer to feed in its huge intertidal mudflats. The area has also great economic value due to the extraction and transport of hydrocarbons. Twenty-three dredge stations were analysed and presence/absence data were used to classify stations and species by cluster analysis. Two algae and 113 taxa of macrobenthic invertebrates from 12 animal phyla were identified. Species richness was one order of magnitude higher (mean 29.0 sp st−1) in stations located outside or in the southern unprotected section of BSS than in most muddy or sandy stations within the bay (mean 3.7 sp st−1). Hard bottom stations outside BSS were dominated by a rich assemblage of sessile filter-feeders, mainly bryozoans, hydrozoans, ascidians, sponges, and the bivalve Aulacomya atra. Soft bottom areas inside BSS were mainly populated by relatively few species of deposit-feeders, such as the orbiniid polychaete Phylo felix, which was particularly frequent and widespread. Shells of the clam Mulinia edulis are very common, representing one of the few hard substrata available for sessile species on soft bottoms. Epibenthic assemblages within BSS were dominated by the detritivorous isopod Serolis paradoxa and the crab Eurypodius latreillei. The macrobenthic fauna of BSS can be regarded as typical of the Magellan region, showing affinities with those of other localities around Tierra del Fuego, the Straits of Magellan and the southern Chilean fjords.  相似文献   

In late Jan and early Feb 2005 samples for isolation of dictyostelid cellular slime molds (dictyostelids) were collected in five different provinces and from six national parks (all located 39-55°S) in Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. Southern beech (Nothofagus) forests represented the primary vegetation type investigated, but some samples were obtained from Patagonian steppe, alpine meadows, Valdivian temperate rainforests and coniferous forests dominated by Araucaria, Austrocedrus and Fitzroya. Among the dictyostelids isolated from the samples we collected were seven species new to science. These species (Dictyostelium austroandinum, D. chordatum, D. fasciculoideum, D. gargantuum, D. leptosomopsis, D. valdivianum and Polysphondylium patagonicum) are described herein on the basis of both morphology and molecular (SSU rDNA) data. One of the new species, D. gargantuum, is one of the largest representatives of the group reported to date. Another unusual species, D. chordatum, produces long interwoven sorocarps that do not appear to respond to a spacing gas similar to the condition first noted in D. implicatum.  相似文献   

Human disconnection from nature is thought to have contributed to the environmental crises we currently face, and increasing connection with nature has been proposed as one way of promoting pro-environmental behavior, nature conservation, and social-ecological sustainability. Some efforts to increase connection with nature (“nature relatedness”) have centered on exploring the social-ecological importance of soundscapes, but there is a paucity of empirical evidence supporting the theoretical linkage between soundscape perception and nature relatedness. Using prerecorded and in situ soundscape prompts, we conducted a street intercept survey in Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina to assess: 1) the relative importance of senses in experiences of nature, 2) the relationship between nature relatedness and soundscape perception, 3) differences in soundscape perception between various soundscapes, and 4) possible sociodemographic influences on sense importance, nature relatedness, and soundscape perception. Participants reported that hearing was of secondary importance to vision in experiences of nature. We also found that nature relatedness was positively correlated with the valuation of soundscapes—particularly more natural ones—but not with the discernment of soundscapes or identification of where soundscapes were recorded. Valuation of more natural soundscapes was higher than valuation of more technophonically dominated soundscapes, while soundscape discernment and location identification were higher for soundscapes that were likely more familiar to listeners. Sociodemographic influences on these variables were minor, but women reported higher sense importance, and having a nature-based occupation was associated with higher nature relatedness and valuation of a soundscape from a penguin colony. Our study highlighted a number of potential research areas concerning soundscape perception, including differences between prerecorded and in situ soundscape prompts, defining various aspects of soundscape perception, and the relative influences of sound sources and quantitative acoustic parameters on soundscape perception. Further research is certainly needed to account for global diversity in cultures and soundscapes, but we found some promising empirical support for the use of natural-soundscape-focused educational programs in efforts to promote nature relatedness.  相似文献   

The spectacled porpoise (Phocoena dioptrica, Lahille, 1912) is one of the cetacean species about which least is known. Most information on the biology and ecology of this species has been obtained from stranded specimens and sightings at sea. In this study, analysis of 380 bp fragment of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region sequences (N = 50) was performed to provide a preliminary assessment of the genetic variation in spectacled porpoise specimens found stranded or by caught on the coast of Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. Results showed high levels of mtDNA diversity, as expected in large size and stable populations, and similar to other species of porpoises. The star-like shape phylogeny of haplotypes indicates a recent population expansion. This is the first report on the genetic variation of this species. Other lines of evidence (microsatellite loci, single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs)) are needed to improve our knowledge on the molecular biology of the spectacled porpoise.  相似文献   

Saprolegnia oliviae sp. nov. is described from litter (floating dead twigs, leaves and roots) in the Olivia River, Ushuaia Department, Tierra del Fuego Province (Argentina). The new species is illustrated and compared with other species of the genus. Distinguishing characteristics of S. oliviae are the production of smooth oogonia (with some lateral or terminal projections) and the absence of antheridial branches on the majority of the oogonia, but when present, they are mostly diclinous, at times oogonia are supplied with androgynous and monoclinous antheridial branches. The oogonial stalks are predominantly short and straight or long and bent, curved or many times coiled; oospores are distinctive subcentric, (1-) 15-50 (-70) per oogonium. Morphological details of the new species and its comparison with other described species are discussed here.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of solar ultraviolet-B radiation (UVB) on plant-herbivore interactions in native ecosystems of the Tierra del Fuego National Park (southern Argentina), an area of the globe that is frequently under the Antarctic “ozone hole” in early spring. We found that filtering out solar UVB from the sunlight received by naturally-occurring plants of Gunnera magellanica, a creeping perennial herb, significantly increased the number of leaf lesions caused by chewing insects. Field surveys suggested that early-season herbivory was principally due to the activity of moth larvae (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Manipulative field experiments showed that exposure to solar UVB changes the attractiveness of G. magellanica leaf tissue to natural grazers. In a laboratory experiment, locally caught moth caterpillars tended to eat more tissue from leaves grown without UVB than from leaves exposed to natural UVB during development; however, the difference between treatments was not significant. Leaves grown under solar UVB had slightly higher N levels than leaves not exposed to UVB; no differences between UVB treatments in specific leaf mass, relative water content, and total methanol-soluble phenolics were detected. Our results show that insect herbivory in a natural ecosystem is influenced by solar UVB, and that this influence could not be predicted from crude measurements of leaf physical and chemical characteristics and a common laboratory bioassay. Received: 4 December 1997 / Accepted: 12 May 1998  相似文献   

A study was made of the effects of solar ultraviolet‐B radiation (UV‐B) on the growth of the dominant plant species of a shrub‐dominated ecosystem in Tierra del Fuego. This part of southern Argentina can be under the direct influence of the Antarctic ‘ozone hole’ during the austral spring and lingering ozone‐depleted air during the summer. The plant community is dominated by an evergreen shrub (Chiliotrichum diffusum) with an herbaceous layer of Gunnera magellanica and Blechnum penna‐marina in the interspaces between the shrubs. Inspections of ozone trends indicate that the springtime and summertime ozone column over Tierra del Fuego has decreased by 10–13% from 1978/9 to 1998/9. In a set of well‐replicated field plots, solar UV‐B was reduced to approximately 15–20% of the ambient UV‐B using plastic films. Polyester films were used to attenuate UV‐B radiation and UV‐transparent films (~90% UV‐B transmission) were used as control. Treatments were imposed during the growing season beginning in 1996 and continued for three complete growing seasons. Stem elongation of the shrub C. diffusum was not affected by UV‐B attenuation in any of the three seasons studied. However, frond length of B. penna‐marina under attenuated UV‐B was significantly greater than that under near‐ambient UV‐B in all three seasons. Attenuation of solar UV‐B also promoted the expansion of G. magellanica leaves in two of the growing seasons. Differences between treatments in leaf or frond length in B. penna‐marina and G. magellanica did not exceed 12%. Another significant effect of UV‐B attenuation was a promotion of insect herbivory in G. magellanica, with a 25–75% increase in the leaf area consumed. Changes in plant phenology or relative species cover were not detected within the time frame of this study. The results suggest that the increase in UV‐B radiation associated with the erosion of the ozone layer might be affecting the functioning of this ecosystem to some degree, particularly by inhibiting the growth of some plant species and by altering plant–insect interactions.  相似文献   

Stratospheric ozone depletion occurs over Tierra del Fuego, southern Argentina and Chile, in the austral spring and summer due to the precession of the Antarctic ‘ozone hole’ and the general erosion of the ozone layer. Plots receiving either near-ambient or reduced UV-B radiation were established using different louvered plastic film filters over Sphagnum bog and Carex fen ecosystems in October 1996. In the Sphagnum bog system, growth measurements during the late spring and summer showed no significant differences in the moss Sphagnum magellanicum, or the vascular plants (Empetrum rubrum, Nothofagus antarctica, and Tetroncium magellanicum) between near-ambient and attenuated UV-B radiation treatments. In the Carex fen system, leaf length and spike height did not differ in the two dominant species, Carex decidua and C. curta, between UV-B radiation treatments. The length of individual spikelets of C. curta under near-ambient UV-B radiation was less than under the reduced UV-B radiation treatment, but this was not evident in C. decidua. No differences in seed number, seed mass, or viability were seen in either Carex species between the UV-B treatments. Two important constituents of the microfauna that inhabit the Sphagnum bog are testate amoebae and rotifers. These both appeared to be more numerous under near-ambient UV-B radiation than under reduced UV-B radiation. The subtle responses of the Sphagnum and Carex ecosystems may become more apparent in subsequent years as the treatments are continued. Trophic-level changes, such as the differences in number of amoebae and rotifers, may be more sensitive to solar UV-B radiation than growth and productivity of the vegetation.  相似文献   

Vigna, M. S. & Kristiansen, J. 1995. Mallomonas fuegiana (Synurophyceae), a new species of silica scaled chrysophytes from Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. — Nord. J. Bot. 15: 439–442. Copenhagen. ISSN 0107–055X.
During the research project "Cryptogamic Flora of Tierra del Fuego", a new species of Mallomonas has been found. It is described here as M. fuegiana , and is placed in the section Torquatae , close to Mallomonas schwemmlii and M. dickii .  相似文献   

Ctenomys (tuco‐tuco) is the most numerous genus of South American subterranean rodents and one of the most genetically diverse clades of mammals known. In particular, the genus constitutes a very interesting model for evolutionary studies of genetic divergence and conservation. Ctenomys magellanicus is the southernmost species of the group and the only one living in Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego (Argentina). This species presents two chromosomal forms (Cm34 and Cm36) fragmented into demes distributed from the north region (steppe) to the south region (ecotone) of the island, respectively; no hybrids or overlapping areas were detected. To study the historical demography and the spatial genetic structure of the C. magellanicus population we used mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) (D‐loop and cytochrome b) and microsatellite loci. Nine mtDNA haplotypes were identified, three of them belonging to the north and the other six to the south. Shared haplotypes between regions were not detected. mtDNA and microsatellite genotypes showed a marked pattern of population structure with low values of genetic flow between regions. The south is made up of small populations or isolated demes making up an endogamic metapopulation with unique alleles and haplotypes. Also, the results suggest a northward expansion process starting from an ancestral haplotype from the south. That population might have lived at a refuge through the adverse Pleistocene environmental conditions that took place at Tierra del Fuego. Results of this study are relevant to the conservation of C. magellanicus, suggesting that each region (north and south) might be considered as an Evolutionarily Significant Unit. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Abstract. We analysed vegetation dynamics in Tierra del Fuego steppes using Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data provided by advanced very high‐resolution radiometer (AVHRR) on board the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) polar satellite. Our objective, at a regional scale, was to analyse the spatial variability of NDVI dynamics in relation to parent material and geographic location, representing the fertility and climate gradients respectively; at a local scale, it was to analyse the inter‐annual variability associated with climate and its relation with sheep production indices. The general pattern of NDVI dynamics was analysed with Principal Component Analysis. We found that the geographic location was more important than landscape type in explaining NDVI dynamics despite the fact that the variation in landscape type reflects a fertility gradient strongly associated with floristic composition and secondary productivity. Discriminant Analysis was performed to identify the variables that better distinguish geographic units. The Northern region (with the lowest precipitation and the highest temperatures) had lower NDVI values over the year. In the Central region, NDVI reached the highest value of the season, surpassing both other regions. The Southern region (the coldest and moistest) had its growth pattern displaced towards the summer. For the Central region we analysed 10 years of monthly NDVI data with PCA. We found that precipitation from August to December and winter temperature are the most important determinants of overall NDVI values. Lamb production was correlated with spring and early summer NDVI values. Sheep mortality is affected by low NDVI values in late summer and high annual amplitude. Satellite information allowed us to characterize the vegetation dynamics of three ecological areas across the Fuegian steppe.  相似文献   

Abstract. Tree size and age structure, tree-fall and gap characteristics, and regeneration in gaps were studied in Nothofagus-dominated old-growth forests in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. Gap-phase regeneration has resulted in all-aged populations for N. pumilio, N. betuloides, and Drimys winteri, and regeneration in gaps appears to be maintaining coexistence between species in mixed stands. N. betuloides fills many gaps via advance regeneration and some individuals persist for > 150 yr in the understory. Multiple periods of release and suppression indicate that N. betuloides may take advantage of several gap events to reach the main canopy. Likewise, Drimys grows well under closed canopy and can rapidly respond to gap formation, sometimes impeding the regeneration of N. betuloides. In contrast, N. pumilio regenerates in gaps mainly from seed or from advance regeneration of small, ephemeral seedlings. Gap turnover times in Fuegian forests were estimated at 300 - 500 yr, although gap formation was highly episodic and possibly associated with regionally extensive windstorms, earthquakes, and stand-level dieback. 92 % of gaps involved multiple tree-falls, and at least 53 % involved secondary expansion. Gap and tree-fall characteristics in Tierra del Fuego were similar to results from northern Patagonia, Chile, and New Zealand; however, we emphasize that regeneration of Nothofagus spp. and Drimys winteri in gaps depends on associated vegetation and varies along both local and regional environmental gradients.  相似文献   

Global warming is causing ice retreat in glaciers worldwide, most visibly over the last few decades in some areas of the planet. One of the most affected areas is the region of Tierra del Fuego (southern South America). Vascular plant recolonisation of recently deglaciated areas in this region is initiated by Gunnera magellanica, which forms symbiotic associations with the cyanobacterial genus Nostoc, a trait that likely confers advantages in this colonisation process. This symbiotic association in the genus Gunnera is notable as it represents the only known symbiotic relationship between angiosperms and cyanobacteria. The aim of this work was to study the genetic diversity of the Nostoc symbionts in Gunnera at three different, nested scale levels: specimen, population and region. Three different genomic regions were examined in the study: a fragment of the small subunit ribosomal RNA gene (16S), the RuBisCO large subunit gene coupled with its promoter sequence and a chaperon-like protein (rbcLX) and the ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region. The identity of Nostoc as the symbiont was confirmed in all the infected rhizome tissue analysed. Strains isolated in the present study were closely related to strains known to form symbioses with other organisms, such as lichen-forming fungi or bryophytes. We found 12 unique haplotypes in the 16S rRNA (small subunit) region analysis, 19 unique haplotypes in the ITS region analysis and 57 in the RuBisCO proteins region (rbcLX). No genetic variability was found among Nostoc symbionts within a single host plant while Nostoc populations among different host plants within a given sampling site revealed major differences. Noteworthy, interpopulation variation was also shown between recently deglaciated soils and more ancient ones, between eastern and western sites and between northern and southern slopes of Cordillera Darwin. The cell structure of the symbiotic relationship was observed with low-temperature scanning electron microscopy, showing changes in morphology of both cyanobiont cells (differentiate more heterocysts) and plant cells (increased size). Developmental stages of the symbiosis, including cell walls and membranes and EPS matrix states, were also observed.  相似文献   

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