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Rustigian, Robert (Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, Mass.). Persistent infection of cells in culture by measles virus. II. Effect of measles antibody on persistently infected HeLa clonal line persistently infected with incomplete virus. J. Bacteriol. 92:1805-1811. 1966.-The effect of viral antibody on persistent infection of HeLa cells by the Edmonston strain of measles virus was investigated by culturing cells from three persistently infected clones in medium supplemented with human immune globulin. The three infected HeLa clones were isolated from a persistently infected parent line. Two sublines which were grown in the presence of measles antibody developed a nonyielder state, wherein there is no detectable virus infectious for normal HeLa cultures. There is, however, continued synthesis of intracellular viral antigen and formation of viral intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies. The development of a nonyielder state was associated with a marked decrease in the degree of hemadsorption in cultures of both sublines. Further studies of the viral properties of non-yielder HeLa cell populations were made with a clone obtained from one of these sublines by plating under antibody. Persistent infection in this line was characterized by synthesis of incomplete virus even when the cells were cultured thereafter in anti-body-free medium. This was evidenced by (i) failure to recover infectious virus from the clonal population despite continued formation of intracellular viral antigen and viral intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies in a majority of the cells, (ii) the presence of only a few cells with surface viral antigen(s) including hemagglutinin, and (iii) the relatively weak antibody response to viral envelope antigen(s) after injection of cells into guinea pigs.  相似文献   

Ribonucleoprotein from cells acutely or persistently infected with measles virus were shown to be infectious by the calcium phosphate technique. Very little or no infectivity was obtained when calcium phosphate precipitation was omitted. Electron microscopy showed that the majority of ribonucleoprotein structures isolated from acutely infected cells were folded, whereas those from persistently infected cells were linear in appearance.  相似文献   

Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis is a slowly progressing fatal human disease of the central nervous system which is a delayed sequel of measles virus (MV) infection. A typical pathological feature of this disease is the presence of viral ribonucleocapsid structures in the form of inclusion bodies and the absence of infectious virus or budding viral particles. The mechanisms governing the establishment and maintenance of a persistent MV infection in brain cells are still largely unknown. To understand the mechanisms underlying MV persistence in neuronal cells, a tissue culture model was studied. Clone NS20Y/MS of the murine neuroblastoma C1300 persistently infected with the wild-type Edmonston strain of MV secretes relatively high levels of alpha/beta interferon (IFN). As shown previously, treatment of the persistently infected cultures with anti-IFN serum converted the persistent state into a productive infection indicated by the appearance of multinucleated giant cells. In this study, we have investigated whether alpha/beta IFN produced by NS20Y/MS cells activates cellular protein tyrosine kinases which will induce tyrosine phosphorylating activity specific to virus-infected cells. We present data to show augmented protein tyrosine kinase activity in the persistently infected cells. We demonstrate that the MV N protein is phosphorylated on tyrosine in addition to serine and threonine in the persistent state but not in NS20Y cells acutely infected with MV.  相似文献   

The horse-adapted virulent Bucyrus (VB) strain of equine arteritis virus (EAV) established persistent infection in high-passage-number human cervix cells (HeLa-H cells; passages 170 to 221) but not in low-passage-number human cervix cells (HeLa-L cells; passages 95 to 115) or in several other cell lines that were evaluated. However, virus recovered from the 80th passage of the persistently infected HeLa-H cells (HeLa-H-EAVP80) readily established persistent infection in HeLa-L cells. Comparative sequence analysis of the entire genomes of the VB and HeLa-H-EAVP80 viruses identified 16 amino acid substitutions, including 4 in the replicase (nsp1, nsp2, nsp7, and nsp9) and 12 in the structural proteins (E, GP2, GP3, GP4, and GP5). Reverse genetic studies clearly showed that substitutions in the structural proteins but not the replicase were responsible for the establishment of persistent infection in HeLa-L cells by the HeLa-H-EAVP80 virus. It was further demonstrated that recombinant viruses with substitutions in the minor structural proteins E and GP2 or GP3 and GP4 were unable to establish persistent infection in HeLa-L cells but that recombinant viruses with combined substitutions in the E (Ser53→Cys and Val55→Ala), GP2 (Leu15→Ser, Trp31→Arg, Val87→Leu, and Ala112→Thr), GP3 (Ser115→Gly and Leu135→Pro), and GP4 (Tyr4→His and Ile109→Phe) proteins or with a single point mutation in the GP5 protein (Pro98→Leu) were able to establish persistent infection in HeLa-L cells. In summary, an in vitro model of EAV persistence in cell culture was established for the first time. This system can provide a valuable model for studying virus-host cell interactions, especially virus-receptor interactions.  相似文献   

Persistent infection of cells in culture by respiratory syncytial virus.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The virus-cell relationship of RS virus and the HEp-2 cell line has been examined. The production of cytopathic effect (c.p.e.) on HEp-2 cells has been found to be dependent upon the passage level of the cell line. Cells at lower passage levels exhibit c.p.e. in the form of syncytium formation, while those at higher passage levels no longer exhibit this effect. Cells infected at higher passage levels are covertly infected and continue to produce large amounts of infectious virus which remains cell-associated. On continued passage, these cells remain infected with virus but show no c.p.e. and release little if any infectious virus into the medium. Examination of the RNA species present in infected cells revealed that similar species are present in both the overtly and covertly infected cells.  相似文献   

The growth of poliovirus in a HeLa cell culture persistently infected with the hemagglutinating virus of Japan (HVJ, the Sendai strain of parainfluenza 1 virus) (HeLaHVJ) was studied. Plaques produced by poliovirus on HeLaHVJ cell monolayers were hazier, smaller and fewer than those on HeLa cells. HeLaHVJ cells were indistinguishable from normal HeLa cells with respect to adsorption rate and penetration efficiency of poliovirus. Extracellular yields of poliovirus in HeLaHVJ cells were lower, and the cytopathic changes were less than those in normal HeLa cells, while cell-associated virus growth in HeLaHVJ cells was nearly equal to that in HeLa cells. HeLaHVJ cells responded more effectively to the action of magnesium chloride, which facilitates virus release from infected cells, resulting in an cytopathic effects. No reduction in poliovirus yield could be detected in HeLa cells acutely infected with HVJ. The relationship between the inhibition of the release of poliovirus from HeLaHVJ cells and the persistent infection of the cells with HVJ is discussed.  相似文献   

The strain of Newcastle disease virus (NDVpi) present in persistently infected L cells differed markedly from the Herts strain (NDV0) used to initiate the infection. NDVpi produced small plaques (less than 1 mm) in chick embryo cell cultures, whereas the wild type (NDV0) produced large plaques (2 to 3 mm). The two viruses differed in a number of additional properties. Whereas 80% of adsorbed NDV0 eluted from chicken red blood cells at 37 C, only about 20% of NDVpi was recovered under similar conditions. There was no significant difference in the neuraminidase content of the two viruses. The infectivity of NDV0 was stable for 1 hr at 48 C, whereas 99.9% of the infectivity of NDVpi was destroyed. The two viruses also differed in lethality for chick embryos; NDVpi had significantly reduced lethality for 9-day-old chick embryos when compared to NDV0. In contrast to NDV0, which produced an abortive infection in L cells, NDVpi not only replicated effectively and destroyed these cells, but also induced significantly higher quantities of interferon than did NDV0. These data furnished additional evidence for the lack of relationship of interferon production to abortive infection of L cells with NDV0. In contrast, interferon was found to play a significant role in the maintenance of persistent infection.  相似文献   

Clone NS20Y of the mouse neuroblastoma C1300 was infected with wild-type Edmonston measles virus, and, after a transition to a carrier culture, became persistently infected. Persistently infected clones were derived and characterized morphologically by the appearance of multinucleate giant cells and nucleocapsid matrices in cytoplasm and nucleus, but very few budding virus particles. Antimeasles antibodies markedly suppressed the expression of viral antigens and giant cells, and the effect was totally reversible. When the cells were cultured at 33 degrees C, the number of giant cells began to diminish and ultimately disappeared; in contrast, when cultured at 39 degrees C, the cultures invariably lysed. Yields at 33 degrees C were ca. 2 logs lower than those at 39 degrees C. Cells cultured at 33 degrees C produced relatively high levels of interferon, whereas those at 39 degrees C produced little or no interferon. When the persistently infected cultures were exposed to anti-interferon alpha/beta serum at a nonpermissive temperature, there was a marked increase in multinucleate cells, suggesting that maintenance of the persistence state and its regulation by temperature may be related to the production of interferon. Viral isolates from cells cultured at 39 degrees C were obtained, and 90% of viral clones were found to be cold sensitive. Complementation studies with different viral clones indicated that the cold-sensitive defect was probably associated with the same genetic function. Western blot analysis of the persistently infected cells indicated a significant diminution and expression of all measles-specific proteins at a nonpermissive temperature. Infection of NS20Y neuroblastoma cells with the cold-sensitive virus isolates resulted in the development of an immediate persistent infection, whereas infection of Vero or HeLa cells resulted in a characteristic lytic infection, suggesting that the cold-sensitive mutants may be selected or adapted for persistent infection in cells of neural origin.  相似文献   

The response of the human CD4+ T-cell line Jurkat to infection with vaccinia virus was investigated. Virus titers peaked approximately 3 to 4 days after infection, while cell growth paralleled that of uninfected cells, indicating that growth rates were not appreciably affected by viral infection. Results from plaque assays and fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS) analyses of virus antigens demonstrated that a persistent infection in which the percentage of infected cells and the virus titers fluctuated from passage to passage was established. Further characterization of the persistent infection revealed that the virus influences cellular functions. Induction of interleukin-2 (IL-2) and IL-2 receptor alpha (IL-2R alpha) in Jvac cells was shown by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and FACS analysis, respectively. Hybridization of cellular RNA with cloned probes confirmed the increased IL-2 expression and demonstrated that Jvac cells also expressed more IL-6 but not gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) or IL-1 beta. Dual-antibody staining and FACS analysis for vaccinia virus antigens and IL-2R alpha indicated that IL-2R alpha expression was restricted to the infected cells. Jvac cells were also resistant to superinfection, an additional proof that persistent infection elicited phenotypic changes in the cell population.  相似文献   

We analyzed a BHK cell line persistently infected with Sindbis virus for 16 months and a virus (Sin-16) cloned from these cells. Sin-16 virus was resistant to the defective interfering particles present in the original infection. We found that (i) cells infected with Sin-16 were impaired in the processing of a viral precursor glycoprotein, (ii) high-multiplicity passaging of Sin-16 gave rise to a variant that was able to generate and be inhibited by defective-interfering particles to which the original Sin-16 virus was resistant, and (iii) the persistently infected culture contained a heterogeneous mixture of defective Sindbis virus RNAs which were not packaged into extracellular particles. To determine whether these intracellular RNAs could interfere with the replication of Sin-16, we analyzed cells that were cloned from the persistently infected culture. One clone (A3) synthesized a single defective viral RNA which was lost with continued passaging in culture. Infection of A3 cells with Sin-16 showed that the presence of the defective RNA greatly enhanced cell survival and led to enrichment of this RNA. In contrast, cured cells were highly susceptible to killing by Sin-16, and survivors did not synthesize this RNA. Thus, A3 cells were not genetically altered in their response to Sin-16, but were protected from the cytopathic effects of infection by an RNA with the characteristics of a defective-interfering RNA.  相似文献   

FLK cells are fetal lamb kidney cells persistently infected with bovine leukemia virus (BLV). 3178 cells, originating from calf-form bovine lymphosarcoma, also showed persistent production of BLV and alteration of cell morphology, after treatment with 5'-iodo-2'-deoxyuridine. In the present paper, the first in vitro transformation of sheep fibroblasts by inoculation with BLV materials from these two cell lines is described. In a few passages after inoculation with these viral materials, morphological alteration occurred. The morphologically altered cells were grown as stable cultures and showed such transformed phenotypes as growth in soft agar medium, increased uptake of 2-deoxy-D-glucose and tumorigenicity in athymic nude mice. This result, together with our previous observation of simultaneous induction of BLV expression and morphological alteration of 3178 cells, suggests the presence of some transforming capacity in these BLV materials similar to that in, for example, murine or avian acute leukemia viruses. The possible acquisition of such capacity during the prolonged passage is discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of persistent measles virus infection on the expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I antigens was studied. Mouse neuroblastoma cells C1300, clone NS20Y, were persistently infected with the Edmonston strain of measles virus. The persistently infected cell line, NS20Y/MS, expressed augmented levels of both H-2Kk and H-2Dd MHC class I glycoproteins. Activation of two interferon(IFN)-induced enzymes, known to be part of the IFN system: (2–5)oligoadenylate synthetase and double-stranded-RNA-activated protein kinase, was detected. Measles-virus-infected cells elicited cytotoxic T lymphocytes that recognized and lysed virus-infected and uninfected neuroblastoma cells in an H-2-restricted fashion. Furthermore, immunization of mice with persistently infected cells conferred resistance to tumor growth after challenge with the highly malignant NS20Y cells. The rationale for using measles virus for immunotherapy is that most patients develop lifelong immunity after recovery or vaccination from this infection. Patients developing cancer are likely to have memory cells. A secondary response induced by measles-virus-infected cells may therefore induce an efficient immune response against non-infected tumour cells.  相似文献   

G Ju  M Birrer  S Udem    B R Bloom 《Journal of virology》1980,33(3):1004-1012
Human lymphoblastoid cell lines persistently infected with measles virus release a heterogeneous population of virions. At least 80% of the infectious particles were temperature sensitive for plaque formation at 39 degrees C. Plaque-purified temperature-sensitive mutants from four persistently infected human lymphoblastoid cell lines were shown to be heterogeneous with respect to efficiency of plating at 31 and 39 degrees C, as well as to antigen and RNA production at 39 degrees C. The heterogeneity was confirmed by complementation analysis in which 21 temperature-sensitive isolates were found to represent at least four of the five previously described complementation groups of measles virus. Two isolates complemented four reference temperature-sensitive mutants. These isolates either represent new complementation groups or are members of the fifth complementation group, group E. The majority of isolates were found to have multiple mutations, and group B mutants (RNA-) predominated. Two temperature-sensitive isolates were able to interfere with production of parental measles virus at both permissive and nonpermissive temperatures.  相似文献   

The transmembrane association of the measles virus hemagglutinin and hemolysin surface proteins with intracellular viral antigens was studied. Rabbit antisera monospecific for measles virus matrix and nucleocapsid proteins and a human antiserum containing specificities for both the hemagglutinin and hemolysin proteins were used to study the co-capping of these proteins in human Lu 106 cell-line, chronically infected with measles virus. Capping of the surface-associated envelope components was accompanied by co-capping of the matrix and nucleocapsid proteins, the latter being localized mainly within the inclusions. This demonstrated transmembrane communication between surface-associated envelope components and the intracellular measles virus matrix and nucleocapsid proteins. The results demonstrated the existence of a linkage between viral inclusions and viral proteins associated with cell membranes. In the presence of cytochalasin B (1--2 micrograms/ml), co-capping of the matrix protein was unchanged or slightly enhanced, whereas co-capping of the nucleocapsid protein decreased, indicating that actin filaments may mediate the communication between viral nucleocapsids and the cell membrane.  相似文献   

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