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Salt-stable association of simian virus 40 capsid with simian virus 40 DNA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
V Blasquez  M Bina 《FEBS letters》1985,181(1):64-68
In 8 M CsCl, a fraction of the wild-type previrions and tsB228 nucleoprotein complexes lose their core histones but retain their capsid. These histone-depleted complexes appear in the electron microscope as a protein shell attached to supercoiled DNA. Consistent with this result, we find that in 1 M NaCl, the wild-type previrions dissociate into two populations of nucleoprotein complexes. One population sediments between 50 and 140 S and morphologically resembles the shell-DNA complexes isolated in CsCl gradients. The other population is comprised primarily of nucleoproteins which sediment at 40 S.  相似文献   

Treatment of nucleoprotein complexes (NPCs) from simian virus 40 (SV40)-infected TC7 cells with NaCl (1 or 2 M) or guanidine-hydrochloride (1 or 2 M) resulted in a significant fraction of T antigen still associated with SV40 (I) DNA. Immunoprecipitation of the salt-treated NPCs with SV40 anti-T serum indicated that T antigen is preferentially associated with SV40 (I) DNA rather than with SV40 (II) DNA. Treatment of the NPCs with 4 M guanidine-hydrochloride, however, resulted in a substantial decrease in the amount of SV40 (I) and (II) DNA associated with T antigen. As the temperature was increased to 37 degrees C during incubation of NPCs with NaCl or guanidine-hydrochloride, there was a decrease in the amount of SV40 (I) and (II) DNA immunoprecipitated with SV40 anti-T serum. In the absence of salt, temperature had no effect on the association of T antigen with the SV40 DNA in the NPCs. Treatment of NPCs from SV40 wildtype or tsA58-infected cells grown at the permissive temperature with 1 or 2 M NaCl indicated that tsA T antigen has the same sensitivities as wild-type T antigen to high salt treatment when bound to DNA in NPCs. Characterization of the proteins associated with SV40 (I) DNA after high salt treatment revealed that, in addition to T antigen, a certain amount of viral capsid proteins VP1 and VP3 remained associated with the DNA. Complexes containing SV40 (I) DNA had a sedimentation value of 53S after 1 M NaCl treatment and 43S after 2 M NaCl treatment.  相似文献   

Non-specific termination of simian virus 40 DNA replication.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Axial X-ray diffraction patterns have been studied from relaxed, contracted and rigor vertebrate striated muscles at different sarcomere lengths to determine which features of the patterns depend on the interaction of actin and myosin. The intensity of the myosin layer lines in a live, relaxed muscle is sometimes less in a stretched muscle than in the muscle at rest-length; the intensity depends not only on the sarcomere length but on the time that has elapsed since dissection of the muscle. The movement of cross-bridges giving rise to these intensity changes are not caused solely by the withdrawal of actin from the A-band.When a muscle contracts or passes into rigor many changes occur that are independent of the sarcomere length: the myosin layer lines decrease in intensity to about 30% of their initial value when the muscle contracts, and disappear completely when the muscle passes into rigor. Both in contracting and rigor muscles at all sarcomere lengths the spacings of the meridional reflections at 143 Å and 72 Å are 1% greater than from a live relaxed muscle at rest-length. It is deduced that the initial movement of cross-bridges from their positions in resting muscle does not depend on the interaction of each cross-bridge with actin, but on a conformational change in the backbone of the myosin filament: occurring as a result of activation. The possibility is discussed that the conformational change occurs because the myosin filament, like the actin filament, has an activation control mechanism. Finally, all the X-ray diffraction patterns are interpreted on a model in which the myosin filament can exist in one of two possible states: a relaxed state which gives a diffraction pattern with strong myosin layer lines and an axial spacing of 143.4 Å, and an activated state which gives no layer lines but a meridional spacing of 144.8 Å.  相似文献   

Structural topography of simian virus 40 DNA replication.   总被引:1,自引:7,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Applying an in situ cell fractionation procedure, we analyzed structural systems of the cell nucleus for the presence of mature and replicating simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA. Replicating SV40 DNA intermediates were tightly and quantitatively associated with the nuclear matrix, indicating that elongation processes of SV40 DNA replication proceed at this structure. Isolated nuclei as well as nuclear matrices were able to continue SV40 DNA elongation under replication conditions in situ, arguing for a coordinated and functional association of SV40 DNA and large T molecules at nuclear structures. SV40 DNA replication also was terminated at the nuclear matrix. While the bulk of newly synthesized, mature SV40 DNA molecules then remained at this structure, some left the nuclear matrix and accumulated at the chromatin.  相似文献   

Initiation of simian virus 40 DNA synthesis in vitro.   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
Simian virus 40 (SV40) T antigen can efficiently initiate SV40 origin-dependent DNA synthesis in crude extracts of HeLa cells. Therefore, initiation of SV40 DNA synthesis can be analyzed in detail. We present evidence that antibodies which neutralize proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) inhibit but do not abolish pulse-labeling of nascent DNA. The lengths of DNA products formed after a 5-s pulse in the absence and presence of anti-PCNA serum averaged 150 and 34 nucleotides, respectively. The small DNAs formed in the presence of anti-PCNA serum underwent little or no increase in size during further incubation periods. The addition of PCNA to reaction mixtures inhibited with anti-PCNA serum largely reversed the inhibitory effect of the antiserum. The small nascent DNAs formed in the presence or absence of anti-PCNA serum products arose from the replication of lagging strands. These results suggest that a PCNA-dependent elongation reaction participates in the synthesis of lagging strands as well as leading strands. We also present evidence that in crude extracts of HeLa cells, DNA synthesis generally does not initiate within the core origin. Initiation of DNA synthesis outside of a genetically defined origin region has not been previously described in a eukaryotic replication system but appears to be a common feature of initiation events in many prokaryotic organisms. Additional results presented indicate that in the absence of nucleoside triphosphates other than ATP, the preinitiation complex remains within or close to the SV40 origin.  相似文献   

Initiation of simian virus 40 DNA replication in vitro.   总被引:28,自引:3,他引:25       下载免费PDF全文
Exogenously added simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA can be replicated semiconservatively in vitro by a mixture of a soluble extract of HeLa cell nuclei and the cytoplasm from SV40-infected CosI cells. When cloned DNA was used as a template, the clone containing the SV40 origin of DNA replication was active, but a clone lacking the SV40 origin was inactive. The major products of the in vitro reaction were form I and form II SV40 DNAs and a small amount of form III. DNA synthesis in extracts began at or near the in vivo origin of SV40 DNA synthesis and proceeded bidirectionally. The reaction was inhibited by the addition of anti-large T hamster serum, aphidicolin, or RNase but not by ddNTP. Furthermore, this system was partially reconstituted between HeLa nuclear extract and the semipurified SV40 T antigen instead of the CosI cytoplasm. It is clear from these two systems that the proteins containing SV40 T antigen change the nonspecific repair reaction performed by HeLa nuclear extract alone to the specific semiconservative DNA replication reaction. These results show that these in vitro systems closely resemble SV40 DNA replication in vivo and provide an assay that should be useful for the purification and subsequent characterization of viral and cellular proteins involved in DNA replication.  相似文献   

Encapsidation of simian virus 40 is a complex biological process involving DNA-protein and protein-protein interactions in the formation of a unique three-dimensional structure around the viral minichromosome. A pseudoviral system developed in our laboratory, in which the viral early and late gene products are supplied in trans (by helpers), was used to analyze the encapsidation process independent of viral gene expression. With this experimental system we have discovered a requirement for a specific DNA signal for encapsidation, ses (for simian virus 40 encapsidation signal).ses is present within a 200-bp DNA fragment, which includes, in addition to the viral origin of replication (ori), six GGGCGG repeats (GC boxes) and 26 bp of the enhancer element. Deletion of the GC boxes and the enhancer sequences almost abolished encapsidation, while DNA replication was only moderately decreased. The ability to encapsidate was not regained by reinserting a DNA fragment carrying ses in the sesdeleted plasmid 2 kbp away from the ori, suggesting that for encapsidation the two DNA elements have to be close to each other. These findings afford novel strategies for the investigation of viral encapsidation.  相似文献   

A new radioimmunoassay (RIA) method is proposed, utilizing cellulose disks coated with a 125I-AgAb complex as a single reagent. The labeled antigen is released into the incubation medium proportionally to the concentration of the corresponding antigen in the sample. The method is comparable to the classical RIA with regard to sensitivity, precision, and specificity, but it has the advantage of a wide range of nondependence on the sample volume and greater practicability (the analysis is performed using a single-step procedure). The assay of human chorionic somatomammotropin is adopted as a model.  相似文献   

We undertook an analysis of integrated simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA to learn whether the DNase I-sensitive region is retained in the integrated array of mouse transformants. Our results indicate that full-length integrated SV40 chromatin retains a DNase I-hypersensitive region at the same point as in nonintegrated SV40 chromatin. Thus, the lack of a DNase I-hypersensitive region is not likely to be the reason for nonpermissivity of SV40 in mouse cells. In addition, results reported here indicate that a deletion of about 200 base pairs of DNA in the region of the DNase I-hypersensitive site severely reduces the sensitivity of integrated SV40 chromatin. This result is similar to a previously reported result obtained with deletion mutants of SV40 analyzed in the lytic cycle. It is the first report of a DNA lesion affecting DNase I hypersensitivity of a mammalian chromosome.  相似文献   

The possible addition of extra sequences to simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA was analyzed by electron microscopy in two different cell systems, productively infected monkey cells and activated heterokaryons on monkey and transformed mouse 3T3 cells. We found that the closed circular DNA fraction, extracted from monkey cells at 70 h after infection with nondefective SV40 at a multiplicity of infection of 6 PFU/cell, contained oversized molesules (1.1 to 2.0 fractional lengths of SV40 DNA) constituting about 8% of the molecules having lengths equal to or shorter than SV40 dinner DNA. The oversized molecules had the entired SV40 sequences. The added DNA was heterogeneous in length. The sites of addition were not specific with reference to the EcoRi site. These results suggest that recombination between monkey and SV40 DNAs or partial duplication of SV40 DNA occurs at many sites on the SV40 chromosome. The integrated SV40 DNA is excised and replicates in activated heterokaryons. In this system, besides SV40 DNA we found heterogeneous undersized and oversized molecules containing SV40 sequences in the closed circular DNA population. Additions differeing in size appeared to be overlapping and to have occurred at a preferential site on the SV40 chromosome. These results support the hypothesis that host DNA can be added to SV40 DNA at the site of integration at the time of excision.  相似文献   

Perturbations of Simian Virus 40 (SV40) DNA replication by ultraviolet (UV) light during the lytic cycle in permissive monkey CV-1 cells resemble those seen in host cell DNA replication. Formation of Form I DNA molecules (i.e. completion of SV40 DNA synthesis) was more sensitive to UV irradiation than synthesis of replicative intermediates or Form II molecules, consistent with inhibition of DNA chain elongation. The observed amounts of [3H]thymidine incorporated in UV-irradiated molecules could be predicted on the assumption that pyrimidine dimers are responsible for blocking nascent DNA strand growth. The relative proportion of labeled Form I molecules in UV-irradiated cultures rapidly increased to near-control values with incubation after 20 or 40 J/m2 of light (0.9--1.0 or 1.8--2.0 dimers per SV40 genome, respectively). This rapid increase and the failure of Form II molecules to accumulate suggest that SV40 growing forks can rapidly bypass many dimers. Form II molecules formed after UV irradiation were not converted to linear (Form III) molecules by the dimer-specific T4 endonuclease V, suggesting either that there are no gaps opposite dimers in these molecules or that T4 endonuclease V cannot use Form II molecules as substrates.  相似文献   

Primer RNA-DNA, a small (approximately 30-nucleotide) RNA-DNA hybrid molecule, was identified in recent studies of simian virus 40 DNA synthesis in vitro. The available evidence indicates that primer RNA-DNA is the product of the polymerase alpha-primase complex. Primer RNA-DNA is formed exclusively on lagging-strand DNA templates; it is synthesized initially in the vicinity of the simian virus 40 origin and at later times at sites progressively distal to the origin. To further characterize initiation events, template sequences encoding the 5' ends of both primer RNA and primer DNA, formed during a 5-s pulse, have been determined. Analyses of these sequences demonstrate the existence of an initiation signal for lagging-strand synthesis. At any given position, the initiation signal is located within those template sequences encoding primer RNA, situated proximal to the nucleotide encoding the 5' end of the RNA primer. In most instances, the sequence 5'-TTN-3' (where N encodes the nucleotide at the 5' end of the primer) is a feature of the initiation signal. Initiation signals are present, on average, once every 19 nucleotides. These results are discussed in terms of the mechanism of Okazaki fragment formation and possible links between prokaryotic and eukaryotic initiation events.  相似文献   

Distribution of ultraviolet-induced lesions in simian virus 40 DNA   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
F Bourre  G Renault  P C Seawell  A Sarasin 《Biochimie》1985,67(3-4):293-299
In order to analyze the molecular mechanisms of mutagenesis in mammalian cells, we devised an analytical assay using Simian Virus 40 as biological probe. To study the possible correlations between the distribution of the lesions on the treated DNA and the distribution of mutations, we have located and quantified the lesions induced by ultraviolet light (254 nm) on a SV40 DNA fragment. At a fluence of 2,000 J/m2, our results show that the formation frequency of thymine-thymine dimers (TT) is three to four times higher than the formation frequency of the other types of dimers (TC, CT, CC). On the other hand, the formation frequency of a dimer is influenced by the adjacent sequence. In particular, a pyrimidine in the 5' position of a thymine-thymine dimer enhances its formation frequency. At the dose used the formation frequency of the pyrimidine (6-4) pyrimidone photoproducts is twenty times less than the formation frequency of pyrimidine dimers. This paper shows the distribution of the major lesions induced by UV-light on a defined fragment of SV40 genome after UV irradiation. This work is necessary to get an insight into the molecular mechanisms of UV-mutagenesis.  相似文献   

Studies of simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA replication in vitro have identified a small (approximately 30-nucleotide) RNA-DNA hybrid species termed primer-DNA. Initial experiments indicated that T antigen and the polymerase alpha-primase complex are required to form primer-DNA. Proliferating cell nuclear antigen, and presumably proliferating cell nuclear antigen-dependent polymerases, is not needed to form this species. Herein, we present an investigation of the stages at which primer-DNA functions during SV40 DNA replication in vitro. Hybridization studies indicate that primer-DNA is initially formed in the origin region and is subsequently synthesized in regions distal to the origin. At all time points, primer-DNA is synthesized from templates for lagging-strand DNA replication. These studies indicate that primer-DNA functions during both initiation and elongation stages of SV40 DNA synthesis. Results of additional experiments suggesting a precursor-product relationship between formation of primer-DNA and Okazaki fragments are presented.  相似文献   

Simian virus 40 DNA molecules were found to be unable to replicate for 9 h after infection, even in cells that were already replicating the DNA of preinfecting simian virus 40; after 9 h, the ability of the DNA to replicate began to rise sharply. The kinetics of activation indicated that each DNA molecule undergoes a series of slow consecutive reactions, not involving T-antigen, before it can replicate. These pre-replicative molecular transformations probably involve configurational changes; their nature and their relation to the initiation of viral DNA synthesis is discussed. Observation of the replicative behavior of one viral DNA in the presence of another was made possible by the use of two different mutants with distinguishable DNAs: a viable deletion mutant containing DNA insensitive to TAqI restriction enzyme was used to provide viral functions required for replication, and a tsA mutant with TaqI-sensitive DNA was introduced at various times as a probe to determine the ability of the DNA to replicate under different conditions.  相似文献   

New host cell system for regulated simian virus 40 DNA replication.   总被引:29,自引:4,他引:29       下载免费PDF全文
Transformed monkey cell lines (CMT and BMT) that inducible express simian virus 40 (SV40) T antigen from the metallothionein promoter have been isolated and characterized. Immunoprecipitation of pulse-labeled T antigen demonstrates a 5- to 12-fold increase in the rate of synthesis on addition of heavy-metal inducers to the culture medium. Radioimmunoassay of cell extracts indicates the accumulation of three- to fourfold more total T antigen after 2 days of induction by comparison with uninduced controls. A direct correlation was found between the level of T-antigen synthesis and the extent of SV40 DNA replication in inducible cells. Inducible BMT cells expressing a low basal level of T antigen were efficiently transformed by a vector carrying the neomycin resistance marker and an SV40 origin of replication. These vector sequences were maintained in an episomal form in most G418-resistant cell lines examined and persisted even in the absence of biochemical selection. Extensive rearrangements were observed only if the vector contained bacterial plasmid sequences. Expression of a protein product under the control of the SV40 late promoter in such vectors was increased after heavy-metal-dependent amplification of the template. These results demonstrate the ability of BMT cells to maintain a cloned eucaryotic gene in an amplifiable episomal state.  相似文献   

Synthesis of simian virus 40 DNA in isolated nuclei   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The presence or absence of calcium ions during the isolation of nuclei from SV40-infected African green monkey kidney cells significantly affects the size of SV40 DNA synthesized in vitro. When Ca++ is present during the nuclear isolation procedure, the 3–7S fragments of SV40 DNA synthesized in vitro mature into long chains; in the absence of Ca++ they do not.  相似文献   

Metabolism of Okazaki fragments during simian virus 40 DNA replication.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Essentially all of the Okazaki fragments on replicating Simian virus 40 (SV40)DNA could be grouped into one of three classes. Class I Okazaki fragments (about 20%) were separated from longer nascent DNA chains by a single phosphodiester bond interruption (nick) and were quantitatively identified by treating purified replicating DNA with Escherichia coli DNA ligase and then measuring the fraction of Okazaki fragments joined to longer nascent DNA chains. Similarly, class II Okazaki fragments (about 30%) were separated by a region of single-stranded DNA template (gap) that could be filled and sealed by T4 DNA polymerase plus E. coli DNA ligase, and class III fragments (about 50%) were separated by RNA primers that could be removed with E. coli DNA olymerase I, allowing the fragments to be joined with E. coli DNA ligase. These results were obtained with replicating SV40 DNA that had been briefly labeled with radioactive precursors in either intact cells or isolated nuclei. When isolated nuclei were further incubated in the presence of cytosol, all of the Okazaki fragments were converted into longer DNA strands as expected for intermediates in DNA synthesis. However, when washed nuclei were incubated in the abscence of cytosol, both class I and class II Okazaki fragments accumulated despite the excision of RNA primers: class III Okazaki fragments and RNA-DNA covalent linkages both disappeared at similar rates. These data demonstrate the existence of RNA primers in whole cells as well as in isolated nuclei, and identify a unique gap-filling step that is not simply an extension of the DNA chain elongation process concomitant with the excision of RNA primers. One or more factos found in cytosol, in addition to DNA polymerase alpha, are specifically involved in the gap-filling and ligation steps. The sizes of mature Okazaki fragments (class I) and Okazaki fragments whose synthesis was completed by T4 DNA polymerase were measured by gel electrophoresis and found to be broadly distributed between 40 and 290 nucleotides with an average length of 135 nucleotides. Since 80% and 90% of the Okazaments does not occur at uniformly spaced intervals along the DNA template. During the excision of RNA primers, nascent DNA chains with a single ribonucleotide covalently attached to the 5' terminus were identified as transient intermediates. These intermediates accumulated during excision of RNA primers in the presence of adenine 9-beta-D-arabinoside 5'-triphosphate, and those Okazaki fragments blocked by RNA primers (class III) were found to have originated the farthest from the 5' ends of long nascent DNA strands. Thus, RNA primers appear to be excised in two steps with the second step, removal of the final ribonucleotide, being stimulated by concomitant DNA synthesis. These and other data were used to construct a comprehensive metabolic pathway for the initiation, elongation, and maturation of Okazaki fragments at mammalian DNA replication forks.  相似文献   

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