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Resistant invaders can convey benefits to native species   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Kirstin Kopp  Jukka Jokela 《Oikos》2007,116(2):295-301
Introduced species are recognized as a major threat to native species. One factor that facilitates their spread is that they are often resistant to natural enemies of their native competitor. Negative effects of the invaders are often documented, but invaders may also convey benefits to the natives if they interfere with the native host-parasite interactions. If invaders act as resistant targets for the native parasites, they may reduce the density of the infectious transmission stages ('dilution effect') and decrease the risk of infection for the natives. We tested this hypothesis by exposing coexisting native and introduced freshwater snails to infectious stages of a native parasite. The native hosts showed a significantly reduced infection rate when exposed together with the resistant invader. A significant amount of the parasite transmission stages was wasted on the resistant invader leading to lower risk of infection for the natives. Our results show that invaders may convey benefits to the native competitors by perturbing the native host-parasite interaction and support the idea that the 'dilution effect' could be important for invaded communities.  相似文献   

Mating with the wrong species can be right   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The evolutionary importance of interspecific hybridisation has been a controversial issue for quite some time. Some view mating between different species as a maladaptive process; others stress the adaptive value of choosing heterospecific mates under ecological conditions that favour hybrids. A recent paper by Pfennig is the first study to make a priori predictions of how adaptive choice between con- and heterospecific partners should vary with ecological conditions, and then testing these predictions experimentally.  相似文献   



Ground penetrating radar (GPR), a nondestructive tool that can detect coarse tree roots, has not yet become a mature technology for use in forests. In this study, we asked two questions concerning this technology: (i) Does the leaf litter layer influence root detection and major indices based on the time interval between zero crossings (T) and the amplitude area (A)? (ii) Can GPR images discriminate roots of different plant species?


Roots buried in a sandy bed, which was covered with different thicknesses of leaf litter, were scanned using a 900 MHz GPR antenna. Roots of four plant species in the bed were also scanned.


Leaf litter decreased root reflections without distorting the shape of the hyperbolas in the radar profile. A values decreased with increasing litter thickness, whereas T was independent of litter thickness. For all species combined, GPR indices were significantly correlated with root diameter.


Leaf litter dramatically decreased root detection, but the influence of the litter could be ignored when the sum of T for all reflection waveforms (ΣT) is adopted to estimate root diameter. To use A values to detect roots, litter should be removed or equalized in thickness. Radar profiles could not reliably differentiate among roots belonging to plants of different species.

In Mycena sectio Calodontes with otherwise amyloid spores, the inamyloid spores of Mycena pearsoniana Dennis ex Singer were a distinguishing feature for this species and its subsection Violacella. Although the original concept of this species was European, Singer chose to typify it with material collected in Mexico. The name has since been applied to all European collections with inamyloid spores and decurrent lamellae. Our phylogenetic analysis of 91 ITS sequences from European, North and South American Calodontes collections shows that European collections identified as M. pearsoniana fall into two well-supported sibling clades together with both inamyloid and weakly amyloid North American collections. Since the holotype of M. pearsoniana is in an advanced state of decay, we have selected an epitype from a North American locality with a climate comparable to the Mexican type locality. Our results show weakly and inamyloid spore reactions to be homoplastic in Calodontes, and furthermore that spores of M. pearsoniana can show either amyloid or inamyloid reactions interchangeably. This raises doubt about the taxonomic value of this trait in Mycena systematics.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses of Mycena sect. Calodontes using ITS previously suggested ten cryptic monophyletic ITS lineages within the Mycena pura morphospecies. Here, we compare ITS data (645 bp incl. gaps) from 46 different fruit bodies that represent the previously described ITS diversity with partial tEF-1-α (423 bp) and RNA polymerase II (RPB1) (492 bp) sequence data to test the genealogical concordance.While neither of the markers were in complete topological agreement, the branches differing between the tEF and RPB1 trees had a low bootstrap (<50) support, and the partition homogeneity incongruence length difference (ILD) tests were not significant. ILD tests revealed significant discordances between ITS and the tEF and RPB1 markers in several lineages. And our analyses suggested recombination between ITS1 and ITS2, most pronounced in one phylospecies that was identical in tEF and RPB1. Based on the agreement between tEF and RPB1, we defined 11 mutually concordant terminal clades as phylospecies inside the M. pura morphospecies; most of them cryptic. While neither of the markers showed an unequivocal barcoding gap between inter- and intraspecific diversity, the overlap was most pronounced for ITS (intraspecific diversity 0-3.5 %, interspecific diversity 0.4 %-8.8 %). A clustering analysis on tEF separated at a 1.5 % level returned all phylogenetic species as Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs), while ITS at both a 1.5 % level and at a 3 % threshold level not only underestimated diversity as found by the tEF and RPB1, but also identified an OTU which was not a phylogenetic species. Thus, our investigation does not support the universal suitability of ITS for species recognition in particular, and emphasises the general limitation of single gene analyses combined with single percentage separation values.  相似文献   

The ability of some invasive plant species to produce biochemical compounds toxic to native species, called allelopathy, is thought to be one of the reasons for their success when introduced to a novel range, an idea known as the Novel Weapons Hypothesis. However, support for this hypothesis mainly comes from bioassays and experiments conducted under controlled environments, whereas field evidence is rare. In a field experiment, we investigated whether three plant species invasive in Europe, Solidago gigantea, Impatiens glandulifera and Erigeron annuus, inhibit the germination of native species through allelopathy more than an adjacent native plant community. At three sites for each invasive species, we compared the germination of native species that were sown on invaded and non-invaded plots. Half of these plots were amended with activated carbon to reduce the influence of potential allelopathic compounds. The germination of sown seeds and of seeds from the seedbank was monitored over a period of 9 weeks. Activated carbon generally enhanced seed germination. This effect was equally pronounced in invaded and adjacent non-invaded plots, indicating that invasive species do not suppress germination more than a native plant community. In addition, more seeds germinated from the seedbank on invaded than on non-invaded soil, probably due to previous suppression of germination by the invasive species. Our field study does not provide evidence for the Novel Weapons Hypothesis with respect to the germination success of natives. Instead, our results suggest that if invasive species release allelopathic compounds that suppress germination, they do so to a similar degree as the native plant community.  相似文献   

The effects of increasing ammonium concentrations in combination with different pH levels were studied on five heathland plant species to determine whether their occurrence and decline could be attributed to ammonium toxicity and/or pH levels. Plants were grown in growth media amended with four different ammonium concentrations (10, 100, 500 and 1000 micromol l(-1)) and two pH levels resembling acidified (pH 3.5 or 4) and weakly buffered (pH 5 or 5.5) situations. Survival of Antennaria dioica and Succisa pratensis was reduced by low pH in combination with high ammonium concentrations. Biomass decreased with increased ammonium concentrations and decreasing pH levels. Internal pH of the plants decreased with increasing ammonium concentrations. Survival of Calluna vulgaris, Deschampsia flexuosa and Gentiana pneumonanthe was not affected by ammonium. Moreover, biomass increased with increasing ammonium concentrations. Biomass production of G. pneumonanthe reduced at low pH levels. A decline of acid-sensitive species in heathlands was attributed to ammonium toxicity effects in combination with a low pH.  相似文献   

Synchronous and intermittent plant reproduction has been identified widely in diverse biomes. While synchronous flowering is normally observed within the same species, different species also flower in synchrony. A well-known example of interspecific synchrony is “general flowering" in tropical rain forests of Southeast Asia. Environmental factors, such as low temperature and drought, have been considered as major trigger of general flowering. However, environmental cues are not enough to explain general flowering because some trees do not flower even when they encounter favorable environmental cues. We propose alternative explanation of general flowering; “pollinator coupling”. When species flower synchronously, the elevated pollen and nectar resource may attract increased numbers of generalist pollinators, with a concomitant enhancement of pollination success (facilitation). However, under these circumstances, plants of different species may compete with one another for limited pollinator services, resulting in declines in pollination success for individual species (competition). Here, we present a model describing resource dynamics of individual trees serviced by generalist pollinators. We analyze combinations of conditions under which plants reproduce intermittently with synchronization within species, and/or (sometimes) between different species. We show that plants synchronize flowering when the number of pollinators attracted to an area increases at an accelerating rate with increasing numbers of flowers. In this case, facilitation of flowering by different species exceeds the negative influence of interspecific plant competition. We demonstrate mathematically that co-flowering of different species occurs under a much narrower range of circumstances than intraspecific co-flowering.  相似文献   

Plants often compete with closely related individuals due to limited dispersal, leading to two commonly invoked predictions on competitive outcomes. Kin selection, from evolutionary theory, predicts that competition between relatives will likely be weaker. The niche partitioning hypothesis, from ecological theory, predicts that competition between close relatives will likely be stronger. We tested for evidence consistent with either of these predictions by growing an annual legume in kin and nonkin groups in the greenhouse. We grew plant groups in treatments of symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria differing in strain identity and composition to determine if differences in the microbial environment can facilitate or obscure plant competition patterns consistent with kin selection or niche partitioning. Nonkin groups had lower fitness than expected, based on fitness estimates of the same genotypes grown among kin. Higher fitness among kin groups was observed in mixtures of N‐fixing bacteria strains compared to single inoculations of bacteria strains present in the soil, which increased fitness differences between kin and nonkin groups. Lower fitness in nonkin groups was likely caused by increased competitive asymmetry in nonkin groups due to genetic differences in plant size combined with saturating relationships with plant size and fitness‐ i.e. Jensen's inequality. Our study suggests that microbial soil symbionts alter competitive dynamics among kin and nonkin. Our study also suggests that kin groups can have higher fitness, as predicted by kin selection theory, through a commonly heritable trait (plant size), without requiring kin recognition mechanisms.  相似文献   

Plant populations may have evolved different demographic strategies to cope with temporal environmental variation. According to the demographic buffering hypothesis, vital rates that are most critical to population persistence are buffered against environmental variation and vary little over time, whereas the demographic lability hypothesis suggests that populations may track and benefit from environmental variation. While the hypotheses of demographic strategies have been widely tested in plant and animal species, they have not been explicitly examined for invasive plants, or in relation to different modelling methods (deterministic vs. stochastic). Here, we tested the demographic buffering and lability hypotheses for 23 populations of eight invasive plant species in relation to life form (woody vs. herbaceous species) and population growth rate using deterministic and stochastic modelling methods, and absolute and relative scales. We found that conclusions of demographic strategies depended on scale, with an absolute scale resulting in stronger negative correlations between the variability and importance of vital rates (i.e., buffering) than a relative scale. Conclusions of demographic strategies were also affected by life form that interacted with method. The populations of woody invaders exhibited buffering regardless of the method used, while for the populations of herbaceous species, deterministic calculations suggested buffering and stochastic calculations suggested lability. Overall, our findings emphasise the role of life form and methodological issues that need to be considered when exploring demographic strategies in fluctuating environments.  相似文献   

Symbiotic germination was analyzed in the myco-heterotrophic orchid Gastrodia elata. Seeds were placed on water agar medium containing a leaf-disc of Quercus accutissima that had been previously inoculated with one of six different Mycena species. Among the six fungi, KFRI1212 (HQ662845) and KFRI2121 (HQ662846) germinated 60.1 and 47.0 % seeds, respectively, while others germinated less than 3.5 %. Although KFRI1212 induced a significantly higher germination rate than KFRI2121, initiation of protocorm development was induced much faster by KFRI2121 than by KFRI1212. Molecular identification and phylogenetic analysis showed that the two fungi belonged to one clade that includes Mycena chlorophos, M. amicta and M. tenerrima, suggesting that seed germination of G. elata depends on a narrow taxonomic range of fungi. In conclusion, this study not only showed fungal preference of G. elata for seed germination but also confirmed molecular identities of mycorrhizal fungi for the first time, which will allow us to better understand the process of symbiotic events at the germination stage of G. elata.  相似文献   

With the genomes of three Frankia strains available, high-throughput proteomics methods can be used to reveal the set of proteins expressed by these bacteria in symbiosis with plants. A question we address is the degree to which the known genomes can be used to study proteomes of uncharacterized frankiae growing in field-collected root nodules. To this end, we have characterized the symbiotic proteomes of Frankia from three plant species, Alnus incana subsp. rugosa, Ceanothus americanus, and Elaeagnus angustifolia. Root nodule proteins were identified using two-dimensional liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC MS/MS) of trypsin-digested protein samples. We identified 1300 Frankia proteins in A. incana nodules using the Frankia alni ACN14a genome and 1100 proteins from E. angustifolia nodules using the EAN1pec genome. In addition, over 100 proteins were identified from C. americanus nodules using a more limited one dimensional LC MS/MS analysis. Many of the most abundant proteins identified are involved in energy and nitrogen metabolism. The enzyme nitrogenase and the nitrogenase iron protein were among the most abundant proteins, reflecting the major process occurring in symbiosis. Several hundred plant proteins were also identified. We highlight the power of proteomics to uncover the physiology of symbiotic Frankia in the environment using heterologous genome information.  相似文献   

Genome evolution in filamentous plant pathogens: why bigger can be better   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Many species of fungi and oomycetes are plant pathogens of great economic importance. Over the past 7 years, the genomes of more than 30 of these filamentous plant pathogens have been sequenced, revealing remarkable diversity in genome size and architecture. Whereas the genomes of many parasites and bacterial symbionts have been reduced over time, the genomes of several lineages of filamentous plant pathogens have been shaped by repeat-driven expansions. In these lineages, the genes encoding proteins involved in host interactions are frequently polymorphic and reside within repeat-rich regions of the genome. Here, we review the properties of these adaptable genome regions and the mechanisms underlying their plasticity, and we illustrate cases in which genome plasticity has contributed to the emergence of new virulence traits. We also discuss how genome expansions may have had an impact on the co-evolutionary conflict between these filamentous plant pathogens and their hosts.  相似文献   

In Europe, coastal sandy habitats are considered highly endangered among those included in the EC Directive 92/43/EEC (Habitats Directive). Among the different threats which affect coastal communities, the spread of alien plants has been claimed to induce changes in community diversity and structure. We therefore set out to analyse diversity patterns of native and focal species (diagnostic and characteristic of coastal dune habitats of European conservation interest) in sandy coastal habitats invaded by Carpobrotus aff. acinaciformis, a widespread alien plant. Focal species are a major conservation target for the Habitats Directive and their decline should be considered a serious threat for the whole habitat. The study was performed in the Central Western coast of Italy. We randomly sampled the vegetation of the holocenic dune by 2 m × 2 m plots. First we split the collected data in two sets: invaded and non-invaded. We compared overall native and focal species richness patterns of the two sets by rarefaction curves. Then, in order to describe the singular aspects of species diversity (e.g. richness, Shannon index, Simpson index, Berger–Parker index), we also compared Rènyi's diversity profiles and we tested the significance of the differences between invaded and non invaded sets using a bootstrap procedure. Rarefaction curves of the non-invaded set rise quickly and reach higher accumulation values than the invaded set, but differences between the two curves were not significant. With respect to Rènyi's profiles, the profile for the invaded dataset was always below the non-invaded one, but differences in diversity were significant only when specifically considering the focal species (Shannon, Simpson and Berger–Parker indices). In the analysed case, the invasion is significantly associated with changes in focal species diversity, instead those differences are not evident on the all native species pool. In the case of recent invasions, a consistent decline on focal species diversity may represent an early alarm sign of diversity loss and may help define specific conservation actions to prevent the decrease of overall diversity.  相似文献   

A small blue stipitate-pileate mushroom with porioid hymenophore was found on dead Calamus sp. (Arecaceae) in Taiwan. Microscopic characteristics indicated a placement within the Mycenaceae. ITS as well as partial LSU ribosomal RNA gene sequences analyses showed a close relationship with Mycena illuminans within the Mycenaceae. A new species with completely blue basidiomata, Mycena indigotica, is proposed based on morphological and molecular evidence.  相似文献   

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