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Structure and function of SecA, the preprotein translocase nanomotor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most secretory proteins that are destined for the periplasm or the outer membrane are exported through the bacterial plasma membrane by the Sec translocase. Translocase is a complex nanomachine that moves processively along its aminoacyl polymeric substrates effectively pumping them to the periplasmic space. The salient features of this process are: (a) a membrane-embedded "clamp" formed by the trimeric SecYEG protein, (b) a "motor" provided by the dimeric SecA ATPase, (c) regulatory subunits that optimize catalysis and (d) both chemical and electrochemical metabolic energy. Significant recent strides have allowed structural, biochemical and biophysical dissection of the export reaction. A model incorporating stepwise strokes of the translocase nanomachine at work is discussed.  相似文献   

F Duong  W Wickner 《The EMBO journal》1997,16(10):2756-2768
Escherichia coli preprotein translocase contains a membrane-embedded trimeric complex of SecY, SecE and SecG (SecYEG) and the peripheral SecA protein. SecYE is the conserved functional 'core' of the SecYEG complex. Although sufficient to provide sites for high-affinity binding and membrane insertion of SecA, and for its activation as a preprotein-dependent ATPase, SecYE has only very low capacity to support translocation. The proteins encoded by the secD operon--SecD, SecF and YajC--also form an integral membrane heterotrimeric complex (SecDFyajC). Physical and functional studies show that these two trimeric complexes are associated to form SecYEGDFyajC, the hexameric integral membrane domain of the preprotein translocase 'holoenzyme'. Either SecG or SecDFyajC can support the translocation activity of SecYE by facilitating the ATP-driven cycle of SecA membrane insertion and de-insertion at different stages of the translocation reaction. Our findings show that each of the prokaryote-specific subunits (SecA, SecG and SecDFyajC) function together to promote preprotein movement at the SecYE core of the translocase.  相似文献   

We have analysed the structural organization of the TIM17.23 complex, the preprotein translocase of the mitochondrial inner membrane specific for protein targeting to the matrix. The components Tim17, Tim23 and Tim44 are present in this complex in equimolar amounts. A sub-complex containing Tim23 and Tim44 but no Tim17, or a sub-complex containing Tim23 and Tim17 but no Tim44 was not detected. Tim44 is peripherally associated at the matrix side. Tim44 forms dimers which recruit two molecules of mt-Hsp70 to the sites of protein import. A sequential, hand-over-hand mode of interaction of these two mt-Hsp70.Tim44 complexes with a translocating polypeptide chain is proposed.  相似文献   

Conjugation of ubiquitin and other Class 1 ubiquitin-like polypeptides to specific protein targets serves diverse regulatory functions in eukaryotes. The obligatory first step of conjugation requires ATP-coupled activation of the ubiquitin-like protein by members of a superfamily of evolutionarily related enzymes. Kinetic and equilibrium studies of the human ubiquitin-activating enzyme (HsUba1a) reveal that mutations within the ATP.Mg(2+) binding site have remarkably pleiotropic effects on the catalytic phenotype of the enzyme. Mutation of Asp(576) or Lys(528) results in dramatically impaired binding affinities for ATP.Mg(2+), a shift from ordered to random addition in co-substrate binding, and a significantly reduced rate of ternary complex formation that shifts the rate-limiting step to ubiquitin adenylate formation. Mutations at neither position affect the affinity of HsUbc2b binding; however, differences in k(cat) values determined from ternary complex formation versus HsUbc2b transthiolation suggest that binding of the E2 enhances the rate of bound ubiquitin adenylate formation. These results confirm that Asp(576) and Lys(528) are important for ATP.Mg(2+) binding but are essential catalytic groups for ubiquitin adenylate transition state stabilization. The latter mechanistic effect explicates the observed loss-of-function phenotype associated with mutation of residues paralogous to Asp(576) within the activating enzymes for other ubiquitin-like proteins.  相似文献   

SecA is the ATP-dependent force generator in the Escherichia coli precursor protein translocation cascade, and is bound at the membrane surface to the integral membrane domain of the preprotein translocase. Preproteins are thought to be translocated in a stepwise manner by nucleotide-dependent cycles of SecA membrane insertion and de-insertion, or as large polypeptide segments by the protonmotive force (Deltap) in the absence of SecA. To determine the step size of a complete ATP- and SecA-dependent catalytic cycle, translocation intermediates of the preprotein proOmpA were generated at limiting SecA translocation ATPase activity. Distinct intermediates were formed, spaced by intervals of approximately 5 kDa. Inhibition of the SecA ATPase by azide trapped SecA in a membrane-inserted state and shifted the step size to 2-2.5 kDa. The latter corresponds to the translocation elicited by binding of non-hydrolysable ATP analogues to SecA, or by the re-binding of partially translocated polypeptide chains by SecA. Therefore, a complete catalytic cycle of the preprotein translocase permits the stepwise translocation of 5 kDa polypeptide segments by two consecutive events, i.e. approximately 2.5 kDa upon binding of the polypeptide by SecA, and another 2.5 kDa upon binding of ATP to SecA.  相似文献   

The pH optimum for (Na+ + K+)-ATPase (ATP phosphohydrolase, EC depends on the combination of monovalent cations, on the ATP concentration and on temperature. ATP decreases the Na+ concentration necessary for half maximum activation, K0.5 for Na+ (Na+ + K+ = 150 mM), and the effect is pH and temperature dependent. At a low ATP concentration a decrease in pH leads to an increase in K0.5 for Na+, while at the high ATP concentration it leads to a decrease. K0.5 for ATP for hydrolysis decreases with an increase in pH. The fractional stimulation by K+ in the presence of Na+ decreases with the ATP concentration, and at a low ATP concentration K+ becomes inhibitory, this being most pronounced at 0 degrees C. The results suggest that (a) ATP at a given pH has two different effects: it increases the Na+ relative to K+ affinity on the internal site (K0.5 for ATP at pH 7.4, 37 degrees C, is less than 10 microM); it increases the molar activity in the presence of Na+ + K+ (K0.5 for ATP at pH 7.4, 37 degrees , is 127 microM), (b) binding of the cations to the external as well as the internal sites leads to pK changes (Bohr effect) which are different for Na+ and for K+, i.e. the selectivity for Na+ relative to K+ depends both on ATP and on the degree of protonation of certain groups on the system, (c) ATP involves an extra dissociable group in the determination of the selectivity of the internal site, and thereby changes the effect of an increase in protonation of the system from a decrease to an increase in selectivity for Na+ relative to K+.  相似文献   

P-glycoprotein (Pgp) is a plasma membrane protein whose overexpression confers multidrug resistance to tumor cells by extruding amphipathic natural product cytotoxic drugs using the energy of ATP. An elucidation of the catalytic cycle of Pgp would help design rational strategies to combat multidrug resistance and to further our understanding of the mechanism of ATP-binding cassette transporters. We have recently reported (Sauna, Z. E., and Ambudkar, S. V. (2000) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 97, 2515-2520) that there are two independent ATP hydrolysis events in a single catalytic cycle of Pgp. In this study we exploit the vanadate (Vi)-induced transition state conformation of Pgp (Pgp.ADP.Vi) to address the question of what are the effects of ATP hydrolysis on the nucleotide-binding site. We find that at the end of the first hydrolysis event there is a drastic decrease in the affinity of nucleotide for Pgp coincident with decreased substrate binding. Release of occluded dinucleotide is adequate for the next hydrolysis event to occur but is not sufficient for the recovery of substrate binding. Whereas the two hydrolysis events have different functional outcomes vis à vis the substrate, they show comparable t(12) for both incorporation and release of nucleotide, and the affinities for [alpha-(32)P]8-azido-ATP during Vi-induced trapping are identical. In addition, the incorporation of [alpha-(32)P]8-azido-ADP in two ATP sites during both hydrolysis events is also similar. These data demonstrate that during individual hydrolysis events, the ATP sites are recruited in a random manner, and only one site is utilized at any given time because of the conformational change in the catalytic site that drastically reduces the affinity of the second ATP site for nucleotide binding. In aggregate, these findings provide an explanation for the alternate catalysis of ATP hydrolysis and offer a mechanistic framework to elucidate events at both the substrate- and nucleotide-binding sites in the catalytic cycle of Pgp.  相似文献   

Precursor protein translocation across the Escherichia coli inner membrane is mediated by the translocase, which is composed of a heterotrimeric integral membrane protein complex with SecY, SecE, and SecG as subunits and peripherally bound SecA. Cross-linking experiments were conducted to study which proteins are associated with SecA in vivo. Formaldehyde treatment of intact cells results in the specific cross-linking of SecA to SecY. Concurrently with the increased membrane association of SecA, an elevated amount of cross-linked product was obtained in cells harboring overproduced SecYEG complex. Cross-linked SecA copurified with hexahistidine-tagged SecY and not with SecE. The data indicate that SecA and SecY coexist as a stable complex in the cytoplasmic membrane in vivo.  相似文献   

The catalytic cycle of gastric (H+ + K+)-ATPase   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Proteins imported into the mitochondrial matrix are synthesized in the cytosol with an N-terminal presequence and are translocated through hetero-oligomeric translocase complexes of the outer and inner mitochondrial membranes. The channel across the inner membrane is formed by the presequence translocase, which consists of roughly six distinct subunits; however, it is not known which subunits actually form the channel. Here we report that purified Tim23 forms a hydrophilic, approximately 13-24 A wide channel characteristic of the mitochondrial presequence translocase. The Tim23 channel is cation selective and activated by a membrane potential and presequences. The channel is formed by the C-terminal domain of Tim23 alone, whereas the N-terminal domain is required for selectivity and a high-affinity presequence interaction. Thus, Tim23 forms a voltage-sensitive high-conductance channel with specificity for mitochondrial presequences.  相似文献   

SecA is the dissociatable nucleotide and preprotein binding subunit of the bacterial translocase. The thermodynamics of nucleotide binding to soluble SecA at nucleotide binding site I were determined by isothermal titration calorimetry. Binding of ADP and non-hydrolyzable ATPgammaS is enthalpy-driven (DeltaH(0) of -14.44 and -5.56 kcal/mol, respectively), but is accompanied by opposite entropic contributions (DeltaS(0) of -18.25 and 9.55 cal/mol/K, respectively). ADP binding results in a large change in the heat capacity of SecA (DeltaC(p)=-780 cal/mol/K). It is suggested that ADP binding promotes the interaction between the two thermodynamically discernible domains of SecA which is accompanied by a shielding of hydrophobic surface from solvent.  相似文献   

Cotransfection of poliovirus RNA and R1, a poliovirus subgenomic RNA containing a deletion of nearly all of the capsid region, resulted in surviving cells, in contrast to the complete cell death observed after transfection with viral RNA. Cells that survived the cotransfection grew into colonies, produced infectious poliovirus, and underwent cycles of cell lysis (crisis periods) where less than 1% of the cells survived, followed by periods of growth. Poliovirus evolved during the persistent infection as judged by changes in plaque size. After passage for 6 months, a stable line called SOFIA emerged that no longer produced infectious virus and did not contain viral proteins or viral RNA. Cells frozen in liquid N2 while still in crisis and recultured 4 months later (named SOFIA N2) were also stabilized. After infection with poliovirus, SOFIA N2 cells showed a delay in the development of cytopathic effect, viral production, and cellular death when compared with HeLa cells. In contrast, SOFIA cells did not develop cytopathic effect and produced 10,000 times less virus than SOFIA N2 or HeLa cells. Viral production was delayed in SOFIA and SOFIA N2 cells transfected with poliovirus RNA when compared with HeLa cells, suggesting the presence of an intracellular block to poliovirus replication. Analysis of the cellular receptor for poliovirus by virus binding, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and in situ rosette assays with an antireceptor monoclonal antibody showed that receptors were expressed in SOFIA N2 cells but not in SOFIA cells. Echovirus 6, an enterovirus which uses a different cellular receptor, formed small plaques on SOFIA cells. Vesicular stomatitis virus formed plaques of similar size on SOFIA and HeLa cells, suggesting that the intracellular block was specific for enteroviruses. Cotransfection of the subgenomic replicon R1 with poliovirion RNA therefore resulted in the selection of HeLa cell variants containing blocks to poliovirus replication at the level of receptor and within the cell.  相似文献   

A new approach for assessing of catalytic cooperativity may occur between subunits has been applied to succinyl-CoA synthetase. This is based on the extent of oxygen exchange between medium [18O]Pi and succinate per molecule of ATP cleaved during steady state succinyl-CoA synthesis. Suitable traps are used to remove succinyl-CoA and ADP as soon as they are released to the medium. With the Escherichia coli enzyme, which has an alpha 2 beta 2 structure, a pronounced increase in oxygen exchange per ATP cleaved occurs as ATP concentration is lowered. In contrast, when the CoA concentration is varied, the oxygen exchange per molecule of product formed remains constant. Also, with the pig heart enzyme, which is shown to retain its alpha beta structure during catalysis and thus has only one catalytic site, no modulation of oxygen exchange by ATP concentration is observed. These experimental findings show that the binding of an ATP either promotes the dissociation of bound succinyl-CoA or decreases its participation in exchange. Measurement of the distribution of [18O]Pi species found as exchange occurs shows that only one catalytic sequence is involved in exchange at various ATP concentrations. These observations along with other controls and results eliminate most other explanations of the ATP modulation of the exchange and suggest that binding of ATP at one catalytic site promotes catalytic site promotes catalytic events at an alternate catalytic site.  相似文献   

The preprotein translocase of Escherichia coli is a multisubunit enzyme with two domains, the peripheral membrane protein SecA and the membrane-embedded SecY/E protein. SecY/E has been isolated as a complex of three polypeptides, SecY, SecE, and band 1. We now present four lines of evidence that the active species of SecY/E is composed of a tightly associated complex of these three subunits: 1) antibodies to SecY efficiently precipitate SecY/E activity as well as all three polypeptides; 2) the proportions of SecY, SecE, and band 1 in the immunoprecipitates are the same as in the starting fraction; 3) the immunoprecipitable complex is not disrupted by treatment with either high salt or urea but is disrupted by brief incubation at 20 degrees C, and the kinetics of dissociation of both band 1 and SecE from SecY at 20 degrees C parallel the loss of translocation ATPase activity; 4) upon immunoprecipitation of similar units of activity of translocase from detergent solutions from either wild-type membranes or a SecY and SecE overproducer strain, the SecE and band 1 subunits are recovered in the same proportions. These data establish that the subunits of SecY/E are firmly associated and that it is the associated complex which is active for translocation.  相似文献   



Purple acid phosphatases belong to the family of binuclear metallohydrolases and are involved in a multitude of biological functions, ranging from bacterial killing and bone metabolism in animals to phosphate uptake in plants. Due to its role in bone resorption purple acid phosphatase has evolved into a promising target for the development of anti-osteoporotic chemotherapeutics. The design of specific and potent inhibitors for this enzyme is aided by detailed knowledge of its reaction mechanism. However, despite considerable effort in the last 10 years various aspects of the basic molecular mechanism of action are still not fully understood.  相似文献   

Proton translocation in the catalytic cycle of cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) proceeds sequentially in a four-stroke manner. Every electron donated by cytochrome c drives the enzyme from one of four relatively stable intermediates to another, and each of these transitions is coupled to proton translocation across the membrane, and to uptake of another proton for production of water in the catalytic site. Using cytochrome c oxidase from Paracoccus denitrificans we have studied the kinetics of electron transfer and electric potential generation during several such transitions, two of which are reported here. The extent of electric potential generation during initial electron equilibration between CuA and heme a confirms that this reaction is not kinetically linked to vectorial proton transfer, whereas oxidation of heme a is kinetically coupled to the main proton translocation events during functioning of the proton pump. We find that the rates and amplitudes in multiphase heme a oxidation are different in the OH-->EH and PM-->F steps of the catalytic cycle, and that this is reflected in the kinetics of electric potential generation. We discuss this difference in terms of different driving forces and relate our results, and data from the literature, to proposed mechanisms of proton pumping in cytochrome c oxidase.  相似文献   

Starved whole cells of alkalophilic Bacillus firmus OF4 that are equilibrated at either pH 10.2, 9.5, or 8.5 synthesize ATP in response to a pH gradient that is imposed by rapid dilution of the cyanide-treated cells into buffer at pH 7.5. If a valinomycin-mediated potassium diffusion potential (positive out) is generated simultaneously with the pH gradient, then the rate of ATP synthesis and the level of synthesis achieved is much higher than upon imposition of a pH gradient alone. By contrast, imposition of a large chemical gradient of Na+, either in the presence or absence of a concomitant diffusion potential, fails to result in ATP synthesis. We conclude that this organism does not possess a sodium-motive ATPase that can be made to synthesize detectable levels of ATP by imposition of a suitably large chemical or electrochemical gradient of Na+. On the other hand, a proton-translocating ATPase is in evidence when protons are provided at very high pH, corroborating our earlier work on extremely alkalophilic bacilli. Oxidative phosphorylation must, then, be catalyzed in these organisms by a proton-translocating ATPase even though the putative bulk driving forces for such a catalyst are low under optimal growth conditions. Stable, imposed pH gradients of 1 unit, comparable to the magnitude of the total electrochemical proton gradient of growing cells, result in much lower ATP concentrations than observed in such cells. We hypothesize that ATP synthesis in growing cells utilizes protons that are made available by some localized pathway between proton pumps and the ATP synthase.  相似文献   

Vacuolar proton-translocating ATPases are composed of a complex of integral membrane proteins, the Vo sector, attached to a complex of peripheral membrane proteins, the V1 sector. We have examined the early steps in biosynthesis of the yeast vacuolar ATPase by biosynthetically labeling wild-type and mutant cells for varied pulse and chase times and immunoprecipitating fully and partially assembled complexes under nondenaturing conditions. In wild-type cells, several V1 subunits and the 100-kDa Vo subunit associate within 3-5 min, followed by addition of other Vo subunits with time. Deletion mutants lacking single subunits of the enzyme show a variety of partial complexes, including both complexes that resemble intermediates in the assembly pathway of wild-type cells and independent V1 and Vo sectors that form without any apparent V1Vo subunit interaction. Two yeast sec mutants that show a temperature-conditional block in export from the endoplasmic reticulum accumulate a complex containing several V1 subunits and the 100-kDa Vo subunit during incubation at elevated temperature. This complex can assemble with the 17-kDa Vo subunit when the temperature block is reversed. We propose that assembly of the yeast V-ATPase can occur by two different pathways: a concerted assembly pathway involving early interactions between V1 and Vo subunits and an independent assembly pathway requiring full assembly of V1 and Vo sectors before combination of the two sectors. The data suggest that in wild-type cells, assembly occurs predominantly by the concerted assembly pathway, and V-ATPase complexes acquire the full complement of Vo subunits during or after exit from the endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

Tom7 is a component of the translocase of the outer mitochondrial membrane (TOM) and assembles into a general import pore complex that translocates preproteins into mitochondria. We have identified the human Tom7 homolog and characterized its import and assembly into the mammalian TOM complex. Tom7 is imported into mitochondria in a nucleotide-independent manner and is anchored to the outer membrane with its C terminus facing the intermembrane space. Unlike studies in fungi, we found that human Tom7 assembles into an approximately 120-kDa import intermediate in HeLa cell mitochondria. To detect subunits within this complex, we employed a novel supershift analysis whereby mitochondria containing newly imported Tom7 were incubated with antibodies specific for individual TOM components prior to separation by blue native electrophoresis. We found that the 120-kDa complex contains Tom40 and lacks receptor components. This intermediate can be chased to the stable approximately 380-kDa mammalian TOM complex that additionally contains Tom22. Overexpression of Tom22 in HeLa cells results in the rapid assembly of Tom7 into the 380-kDa complex indicating that Tom22 is rate-limiting for TOM complex formation. These results indicate that the levels of Tom22 within mitochondria dictate the assembly of TOM complexes and hence may regulate its biogenesis.  相似文献   

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