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Fossilized footprints contain information about the dynamics of gait, but their interpretation is difficult, as they are the combined result of foot anatomy, gait dynamics, and substrate properties. We explore how footprints are generated in modern humans. Sixteen healthy subjects walked on a solid surface and in a layer of fine‐grained sand. In each condition, 3D kinematics of the leg and foot were analyzed for three trials at preferred speed, using an infrared camera system. Additionally, calibrated plantar pressures were recorded. After each trial in sand, the depth of the imprint was measured under specific sites. When walking in sand, subjects showed greater toe clearance during swing and a 7° higher knee yield during stance. Maximal pressure was the most influential factor for footprint depth under the heel. For other foot zones, a combination of factors correlates with imprint depth, with pressure impulse (the pressure‐time integral) gaining importance distally, at the metatarsal heads and the hallux. We conclude that footprint topology cannot be related to a single variable, but that different zones of the footprint reflect different aspects of the kinesiology of walking. Therefore, an integrated approach, combining anatomical, kinesiological, and substrate‐mechanical insights, is necessary for a correct interpretation. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   


The discipline of functional morphology grew out of a comparativeanatomical tradition, its transformation into a modern experimentalscience facilitated largely by technological advances. Earlymorphologists, such as Cuvier, felt that function was predictablefrom organismal form, to the extent that animals and plantsrepresented perfect adaptations to their habits. However, anatomyalone could not reveal how organisms actually performed theiractivities. Recording techniques capable of capturing fast motionwere first required to begin to understand animal movement.Muybridge is most famous for his pioneering work in fast photographyin the late 19th century, enabling him to "freeze" images ofeven the fastest horse at a full gallop. In fact, contemporarykinematic analysis grew directly out of the techniques Muybridgedeveloped. Marey made perhaps an even greater contribution toexperimental science through his invention of automatic apparatifor recording events of animal motion. Over the first half ofthe 20th century, scientists developed practical methods torecord activity patterns from muscles of a living, behavinghuman or animal. The technique of electromyography, initiallyused in clinical applications, was co-opted as a tool of organismalbiologists in the late 1960s. Comparative anatomy, kinematicanalysis and electromyography have for many years been the mainstayof vertebrate functional morphology; however, those interestedin animal form and function have recently begun branching outto incorporate approaches from experimental biomechanics andother disciplines (see accompanying symposium papers), and functionalmorphology now stands at the threshold of becoming a truly integrative,central field in organismal biology.  相似文献   

Information concerning the area of origin, genetic diversity and possible acquisition of germplasm through hybridization is fundamental to understanding the evolution, ecology and possible control measures for an introduced invasive plant species. Rhododendron ponticum is extensively naturalized in the British Isles, but it is not known whether native material in Turkey, Spain or Portugal gave rise to the naturalized material, or to what extent introgression has affected this material. Chloroplast (cp) and nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA) restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) were sought which could distinguish between native material of R. ponticum, and between 15 other Rhododendron species including R. ponticum's closest relatives. Thereafter, a total of 260 naturalized accessions of R. ponticum from throughout the British Isles was examined with respect to informative polymorphisms. It was found that 89% of these accessions possessed a cpDNA haplotype that occurred in native material of R. ponticum derived almost entirely from Spain, while 10% of accessions had a haplotype unique to Portuguese material. These results therefore indicated an Iberian origin for British material. rDNA or cpDNA evidence of introgression from R. catawbiense was found in 27 British accessions of R. ponticum, and such accessions were significantly more abundant in Britain's coldest region, eastern Scotland, than elsewhere. This could indicate that introgression from R. catawbiense confers improved cold tolerance. Introgression from R. maximum and an unidentified species was also detected.  相似文献   

The timing and sequence of events underlying the origin and early evolution of vertebrates remains poorly understood. The palaeontological evidence should shed light on these issues, but difficulties in interpretation of the non-biomineralized fossil record make this problematic. Here we present an experimental analysis of decay of vertebrate characters based on the extant jawless vertebrates (Lampetra and Myxine). This provides a framework for the interpretation of the anatomy of soft-bodied fossil vertebrates and putative cyclostomes, and a context for reading the fossil record of non-biomineralized vertebrate characters. Decay results in transformation and non-random loss of characters. In both lamprey and hagfish, different types of cartilage decay at different rates, resulting in taphonomic bias towards loss of 'soft' cartilages containing vertebrate-specific Col2α1 extracellular matrix proteins; phylogenetically informative soft-tissue characters decay before more plesiomorphic characters. As such, synapomorphic decay bias, previously recognized in early chordates, is more pervasive, and needs to be taken into account when interpreting the anatomy of any non-biomineralized fossil vertebrate, such as Haikouichthys, Mayomyzon and Hardistiella.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of arctolepid arthrodire, Qataraspis deprofundis is based on an anterolateral plate recovered from a bore-hole in Qatar, Persian Gulf at a depth of nearly two and a half miles. It is compared with the corresponding plates of all known arctolepid arthrodires, particularly those referred to the undefined genus Kujdanoteiaspis Stensiö. The British species K. anglica is described in detail and referred to a new genus, Heightington-aspis, and a specimen from the Senni Beds of the Black Mountains is described as Ailuracantha dorsifelis gen. et sp. nov.  相似文献   

Developmental biology is today unimaginable without the normal stages that define standard divisions of development. This history of normal stages, and the related normal plates and normal tables, shows how these standards have shaped and been shaped by disciplinary change in vertebrate embryology. The article highlights the Normal Plates of the Development of the Vertebrates edited by the German anatomist Franz Keibel (16 volumes, 1897-1938). These were a major response to problems in the relations between ontogeny and phylogeny that amounted in practical terms to a crisis in staging embryos, not just between, but (for some) also within species. Keibel's design adapted a plate by Wilhelm His and tables by Albert Oppel in order to go beyond the already controversial comparative plates of the Darwinist propagandist Ernst Haeckel. The project responded to local pressures, including intense concern with individual variation, but recruited internationally and mapped an embryological empire. Though theoretically inconclusive, the plates became standard laboratory tools and forged a network within which the Institut International d'Embryologie (today the International Society of Developmental Biologists) was founded in 1911. After World War I, experimentalists, led by Ross Harrison and Viktor Hamburger, and human embryologists, especially George Streeter at the Carnegie Department of Embryology, transformed Keibel's complex, bulky tomes to suit their own contrasting demands. In developmental biology after World War II, normal stages-reduced to a few journal pages-helped domesticate model organisms. Staging systems had emerged from discussions that questioned the very possibility of assigning an embryo to a stage. The historical issues resonate today as developmental biologists work to improve and extend stage series, to make results from different laboratories easier to compare and to take individual variation into account.  相似文献   

Coleoptera (beetles) is the most species-rich metazoan order, with approximately 380 000 species. To understand how they came to be such a diverse group, we compile a database of global fossil beetle occurrences to study their macroevolutionary history. Our database includes 5553 beetle occurrences from 221 fossil localities. Amber and lacustrine deposits preserve most of the beetle diversity and abundance. All four extant suborders are found in the fossil record, with 69% of all beetle families and 63% of extant beetle families preserved. Considerable focus has been placed on beetle diversification overall, however, for much of their evolutionary history it is the clade Polyphaga that is most responsible for their taxonomic richness. Polyphaga had an increase in diversification rate in the Early Cretaceous, but instead of being due to the radiation of the angiosperms, this was probably due to the first occurrences of beetle-bearing amber deposits in the record. Perhaps, most significant is that polyphagan beetles had a family-level extinction rate of zero for most of their evolutionary history, including across the Cretaceous–Palaeogene boundary. Therefore, focusing on the factors that have inhibited beetle extinction, as opposed to solely studying mechanisms that may promote speciation, should be examined as important determinants of their great diversity today.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(1):65-68

Patterns of variation in isozymes of peroxidase, esterase and acid phosphatase from six populations of Sphagnum pulchrnm in Britain are described. These are used to compare levels of polymorphism within and between the populations. Both are high and the implications of these fmdings are discussed in relation to the origin and maintenance of variation in populations where sexual reproduction does not take place.  相似文献   

We document Late Eocene vertebrate footprints from the Tarom Mountains of Iran that represent a significant addition to the record of proboscidean and perissodactyl footprints. These footprints are from sandstones and tuffaceous sandstones of strata equivalent to the Kond Formation that overlie middle Eocene sedimentary rocks and are overlain by Oligocene volcanics. The footprints are preserved at 16 tracksites from 10 distinct stratigraphic levels. The mammal footprints include the oldest known proboscidean tracks, assigned to Proboscipeda enigmatica Panin & Avram and to cf. Proboscipeda isp. Evident perissodactyl tracks are common, tridactyl footprints with distinct digit shapes and proportions assigned to the new ichnogenus and ichnospecies Moropopus elongatus. Footprints of small, hopping, rodent-like mammals are identified as Musaltipes taromi new ichnospecies. Other mammal footprints from the Tarom tracksites are indeterminate, and bird footprints are assigned to Avipeda isp. The Tarom tracksites document the oldest record of proboscidean footprints, and this indicates that proboscideans had reached the northern shore of Tethys by Late Eocene time. The abundance and distinctiveness of the Tarom perissodactyl tracks mirrors the abundance and diversity of moropomorph perissodactyls during the Middle-Late Eocene. The Tarom tracksites are the most extensive record of Eocene vertebrate footprints known from Iran.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:F430F9DB-728F-4162-9791-DC2A5CC5ED43  相似文献   

We describe the first known occurrence of a Permian shark specimen preserving two temnospondyl amphibians in its digestive tract as well as the remains of an acanthodian fish, which was ingested by one of the temnospondyls. This exceptional find provides for the first time direct evidence of a vertebrate three-level food chain in the fossil record with the simultaneous preservation of three trophic levels. Our analysis shows that small-sized Lower Permian xenacanthid sharks of the genus Triodus preyed on larval piscivorous amphibians. The recorded trophic interaction can be explained by the adaptation of certain xenacanthids to fully freshwater environments and the fact that in these same environments, large temnospondyls occupied the niche of modern crocodiles. This unique faunal association has not been documented after the Permian and Triassic. Therefore, this Palaeozoic three-level food chain provides strong and independent support for changes in aquatic trophic chain structures through time.  相似文献   

The evolutionary history of muscle development in the paired fins of teleost fish and the limbs of tetrapod vertebrates is still, to a large extent, uncertain. There has been a consensus, however, that in the vertebrate clade the ancestral mechanism of fin and limb muscle development involves the extension of epithelial tissues from the somite into the fin/limb bud. This mechanism has been documented in chondrichthyan, dipnoan, chondrostean and teleost fishes. It has also been assumed that in amniotes, in contrast, individual progenitor cells of muscles migrate from the somites into the limb buds. Neyt et al. now present the exciting finding that in zebrafishes this presumably derived mechanism involving individual cell migration, is present. They conclude, based on data on sharks, zebrafishes, chickens, quails and mice that the derived mechanism was present in the sarcopterygians. This conclusion, however, may be premature in the light of further data available in the literature, which show a highly mosaic distribution of this character in the vertebrate clade. Furthermore, a developmental mode exists that is intermediate between the supposed ancestral and derived modes in teleosts, reptiles and possibly amphibians.  相似文献   

金建华 《生态学报》2005,25(4):676-681
红树科植物化石种类有红树属Rhizophora、秋茄属K andelia、角果木属Ceriops和木榄属Bruguiera等4属,主要分布于亚洲、欧洲、非洲、大洋洲和美洲的古新世至全新世地层中。红树科植物化石记录显示:该科植物很可能于古新世至始新世早期起源于环特提斯海沿岸,中始新世开始从这一起源中心迅速向世界其它地方包括亚洲、欧洲、非洲、大洋洲和美洲等地扩散;渐新世在上述地区继续这一扩散历程,但在欧洲的化石记录消失;中新世时在亚洲、非洲、大洋洲和美洲达到了极盛期;上新世开始分布范围有所缩小,更新世则进一步缩小;一直到全新世才又重新繁盛起来。红树科植物的这一分布格局和地史演变是与地质时期大陆漂移、洋底扩张、第四纪冰川活动、古气候和古地理的变迁紧密相连的  相似文献   

Serial sectioning of a nodule encapsulating an adult specimen of the arthrodire placoderm Watsonosteus fletti from the Eday Flagstone Formation (Givetian) in the Orcadian Basin of northern Scotland has revealed the presence of a number of embryos within the adult. This specimen represents the oldest known record of fossilized vertebrate embryos. Thin sections of two of the slices have revealed the detailed histological structure of embryonic plates in placoderms, showing that as previously deduced from visual examination, the outer and inner layers were the first to form. Gut contents preserved near the embryos show that the species had a varied diet, with dermal bone fragments from sarcopterygians and placoderms.  相似文献   

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