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We examined 12 strains representing eight species classified in the algal class Phaeothamniophyceae (Heterokontophyta). Based upon a five-gene molecular phylogeny (nuclear-encoded SSU rRNA and plastid-encoded psaA, psbA, psbC, and rbcL) and light microscopic observations, we describe five new species: Phaeoschizochlamys santosii sp. nov., Phaeoschizochlamys siveri sp. nov., Phaeothamnion wetherbeei sp. nov., Stichogloea dopii sp. nov. and Stichogloea fawleyi sp. nov. The Phaeothamniophyceae, as delimited here, form a natural group that is sister to the Aurearenophyceae. Molecular phylogenetic analyses proved more reliable than morphological characters for distinguishing species. Evolutionary trends with the SI clade of the heterokont algae are discussed.  相似文献   

A recent brief communication criticizes a morphometric study of the structure of Daubentonia (Oxnard, 1981). The criticisms are invalid because they apply to the concept of the detailed character state in a localized anatomical region, a type of morphological information different than the broad measurement that embodies many characters. The criticisms themselves display, moreover, exactly those problems of prior assumption that the underlying philosophy of multivariate morphometric studies as used by Oxnard (1981) tries to eliminate.  相似文献   

Three freshwater scuticociliates, Apouronema harbinensis gen. nov. spec. nov., Cyclidium vorax spec. nov., and C. glaucoma Müller, 1773, collected from rivers in Hulan District, Harbin, northeastern China, were investigated using morphological and phylogenetic criteria. Apouronema gen. nov., assigned to the family Uronematidae, is mainly distinguished from the other genera of the family by its paroral membrane extending anteriorly to the middle of membranelle 1. Apouronema harbinensis spec. nov. is defined by body size in vivo about 45–55 × 20–25 μm, buccal field about 70–80% of cell length; 12 or 13 somatic kineties; membranelle 1 having two rows, with 16–18 basal bodies in each kinety; membranelle 2 and membranelle 3 both having two rows each; scutica X-shaped with five pairs of basal bodies. Cyclidium vorax spec. nov. is characterized by the following features: body size 35–40 × 18–20 μm in vivo; 9 or 10 somatic kineties; membranelle 1 having two longitudinal rows, much shorter than M2; M2 triangle-shaped. The phylogenetic analyses show that: (1) Apouronema clustered in the Uronematidae clade, and grouped with genera Uronemita and Uronema; (2) Cyclidium vorax spec. nov. grouped with C. glaucoma and C. sinicum, which supports the assignment of the new species to the genus Cyclidium; (3) Cyclidium remains non-monophyletic with the addition of the new sequence.  相似文献   

Characters used un specific identification of Zoraptera are briefly discussed. A list of Neotropical species is given, and the difficulties of associating sexes of some species outlined. Two new species are described and figured (Zorotypus weidneri sp.n., ♂, ♀, Brazil; Z.hamiltoni sp.n., ♂, ♀, Colombia) and additional records and information given on Z.shannoni Gurney (♂, Brazil) and Z.huxleyi Bolivar y Pieltain & Coronado G (♂, ♀, recorded from Brazil for the first time).  相似文献   

Grapsoid and ocypodoid crabs receive a lot of attention in the literature due to their predominance and important role as primary and secondary consumers in intertidal as well as supratidal marine habitats. They are especially species‐rich in the tropics, where they have been found to repeatedly invade terrestrial and freshwater habitats. However, the systematics of the crabs belonging to these two superfamilies is still not settled, despite recent steps clarifying phylogenetic relationships and introducing new taxa. In this study, a molecular phylogeny of grapsoid crabs primarily based on East African representatives is constructed based on DNA sequences of the mitochondrial small and large ribosomal subunits (12S and 16S rRNA), thus complementing previous molecular taxonomic studies that had been carried out with the American and East Asian fauna. In addition, selected representatives of all ocypodoid families and subfamilies were included. The monophyly of Grapsidae, Ocypodidae (sensu stuctu), Sesarmidae and Varunidae is well confirmed, if the genera Cyclograpsus, Helice are considered Varunidae and Euchirograpsus a Plagusiidae, as previously suggested. The monophyly of the family Gecarcinidae cannot be supported with our data. The family Plagusiidae in its present composition is polyphyletic. Special attention was given to the large family Sesarmidae, which has many endemic genera in the Indo‐West Pacific. According to this study, two of the most speciose genera, Chiromantes and Parasesarma, are not monophyletic and need to be redefined. On the higher taxonomic level, it becomes evident that both superfamilies, Grapsoidea and Ocypodoidea, are not monophyletic in their current composition, as exemplified by a proposed sister group relationship of Varunidae and Macrophthalmidae. These results confirm those from previous molecular studies and we therefore propose to refrain from the traditional use of the Grapsoidea and Ocypodoidea as monophyletic superfamilies and treat the constituent families separately.  相似文献   

The heteronemertean genus Lineus Sowerby, 1806 has been badly in need of revision because of its apparent non-monophyly. In this paper, we focus on Lineus torquatus Coe, 1901, one of the heteronemertean species that occur commonly in waters around the North Pacific, as well as a few other allied species distributed in the western North Pacific, including Lineus alborostratus Takakura, 1898 and Cerebratulus montgomeryi Coe, 1901. Based on phylogenetic analyses using 16S, COI, 28S, 18S, and H3 gene and ITS sequences, we detected a well-supported clade comprised of heteronemerteans with a frontal white band on the head, to which we add Kulikovia gen. nov. This genus is nested within a more comprehensive, highly supported clade, here named the Siphonenteron-clade, which contains Tenuilineus bicolour (Verrill, 1892), Lineus flavescens Coe, 1905, Siphonenteron bilineatum (Renier, 1804), S. cf. bilineatum, Lineus cf. caputornatus, and Lineus sp. from Guam. Our analyses confirmed the presence of a cryptic species of what was formerly known as the cherry-red and reddish forms of Lineus torquatus, herein described as Kulikovia manchenkoi sp. nov. based on some external characters, internal morphology, and the four genetic markers (COI, 16S, H3, and ITS). In contrast to the species pair K. torquataK. manchenkoi, the reddish form of K. alborostrata does not differ genetically from the typical form of this species. The significance of the external and internal characters for distinguishing cryptic species is discussed.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:9BECBC60-9C82-48EC-AD36-FC564D82A5BChttp://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:D02B2339-4F65-4517-9B13-DD4AAB0C55C5http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:8D239B62-E655-4721-90F0-A4944DD8A3C7  相似文献   

Liang X  Li X 《Zoological science》2005,22(2):257-268
The present paper deals with 19 species in four subgenera of the attelabid genus Euops from China (including Taiwan), of which six species and a subgenus are new to science. The subgenus Synaptops is newly divided into three species-groups. A key to species, with photographs and line illustrations of important features of new species is provided.  相似文献   


Three species of tardigrades are reported from Thailand: Pseudechiniscus quadrilobatus Iharos, 1969, Calcarobiotus (Calcarobiotus) digeronimoi sp. n., and Mixibius sutirae sp. n. Calcarobiotus (C.) digeronimoi sp. n. has claws of Calcarobiotus type; those of the first three pairs of legs have a medial and a lateral spur, those of the hind legs lack basal spurs. Mixibius sutirae sp. n. has a densely sculptured dorsal cuticle and two macroplacoids; it lacks lunules and other thickenings on the legs. It is similar to Mixibius ornatus Pilato et al., 2001, from which it differs in characteristics of the cu‐ticular sculpture and by having the ventral surface unsculptured.  相似文献   

A list of species of Limacodidae from Taiwan is given (58 species, 43 genera). Six new species are described: Calauta obscura sp. n., Ceratonema apodina sp. n., Trichogyia concava sp. n., Neiraga fulva sp. n., Sansarea formosana sp. n., and Griseothosea rufula sp. n. The species Mastumurides bicolor (Shiraki, 1913) comb. n. is transferred from the genus Thosea Walker, 1855, thus forming a new generic combination.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the morphology and molecular phylogeny of four marine or brackish spirotrichean ciliates found in China, namely: Caryotricha sinica sp. nov., Prodiscocephalus orientalis sp. nov., P. cf. borrori, and Certesia quadrinucleata. Caryotricha sinica is characterized by its small size, seven cirral rows extending posteriorly to about 65% of the cell length, and four transverse cirri. Prodiscocephalus orientalis differs from its congeners mainly by the number of cirri in the “head” region and on the ventral side. The SSU rDNA sequence of P. cf. borrori differs from that of other population of P. borrori by ca. 40 bp. Consequently, the nominal species P. borrori is considered to be a species-complex. New data are provided for Certesia quadrinucleata. The Chinese population of C. quadrinucleata, for example, has fewer left marginal cirri than the other populations for which such data are available. Phylogenetic analyses based on SSU rDNA sequence data show that the genus Caryotricha is monophyletic. All typical “discocephalids” with a discoid “head” form a strongly supported clade that is sister to the unstable uronychiids + pseudoamphisiellids clade within the Euplotia. The genus Certesia forms a sister group to the Euplotes clade, also within the Euplotia assemblage.  相似文献   

We used phylogenetic analyses based on multiple gene sequences (partial nr SSU and LSU rDNA, partial pt LSU rDNA, psaA and rbcL) from 148 strains (including three outgroups) and scale ultrastructure to examine phylogenetic relationships among species of the colonial genera Synura and Tessellaria. The phylogenetic tree based on the combined dataset was congruent with ultrastructural characteristics of the scales. Synura was divided into three major clades, two including species in section Synura, and one representing section Peterseniae. One clade, consisting of seven strains of S. uvella (section Synura), diverged at the base of the genus. The second clade consisted of the remaining species belonging to the section Synura. The third clade, containing organisms in the section Peterseniae and characterized by scales possessing a keel, was monophyletic with strong support values. Based on our findings, S. uvella needs to be in a separate section from other spine-bearing species, and we therefore propose new sectional ranks; Synura, Peterseniae, Curtispinae (presence of body scales with slender spines, tubular scales and caudal scales). We further propose four new species based on phylogenetic analyses and unique scale characters: S. longitubularis sp. nov., S. sungminbooi sp. nov., S. soroconopea sp. nov. and S. lanceolata sp. nov. Lastly, we propose a new genus name, Neotessella, to replace the invalid use of the name Tessellaria.  相似文献   

The genus Caryophyllia Lamarck, 1816 is the most diverse genus within the azooxanthellate Scleractinia comprising 66 Recent species and a purported 195 nominal fossil species. Examination of part of the deep-sea scleractinian collection made by the Paris Museum off New Caledonia and part of the material collected by CSIRO off Australian waters revealed the occurrence of 23 species of Caryophyllia, of which six are new to science. All new records, including the new species, are described, and synonyms, distribution, type locality, type material and illustration are provided for each species. An identification key to all Recent species of Caryophyllia is presented. In addition, the validity of the genus Caryophyllia was investigated by phylogenetic analyses of a dataset consisting of partial mitochondrial 16S rRNA sequences from 12 species assigned to this genus together with seven species representing some of the most morphologically similar caryophylliid genera, and 14 non-caryophyllid species representing 14 scleractinian families. Irrespective of the method of analysis employed, all of the Caryophyllia species formed a well-supported clade together with Dasmosmilia lymani and Crispatotrochus rugosus. Although based on a subset of the Recent Caryophyllia species, these results are consistent with Caryophyllia being a valid genus, but call for a reexamination of Dasmosmilia and Crispatotrochus.  相似文献   

We have reconstructed the phylogenetic relationships of 23 species in the dog family, Canidae, using DNA sequence data from six nuclear loci. Individual gene trees were generated with maximum parsimony (MP) and maximum likelihood (ML) analysis. In general, these individual gene trees were not well resolved, but several identical groupings were supported by more than one locus. Phylogenetic analysis with a data set combining the six nuclear loci using MP, ML, and Bayesian approaches produced a more resolved tree that agreed with previously published mitochondrial trees in finding three well-defined clades, including the red fox-like canids, the South American foxes, and the wolf-like canids. In addition, the nuclear data set provides novel indel support for several previously inferred clades. Differences between trees derived from the nuclear data and those from the mitochondrial data include the grouping of the bush dog and maned wolf into a clade with the South American foxes, the grouping of the side-striped jackal (Canis adustus) and black-backed jackal (Canis mesomelas) and the grouping of the bat-eared fox (Otocyon megalotis) with the raccoon dog (Nycteruetes procyonoides). We also analyzed the combined nuclear + mitochondrial tree. Many nodes that were strongly supported in the nuclear tree or the mitochondrial tree remained strongly supported in the nuclear + mitochondrial tree. Relationships within the clades containing the red fox-like canids and South American canids are well resolved, whereas the relationships among the wolf-like canids remain largely undetermined. The lack of resolution within the wolf-like canids may be due to their recent divergence and insufficient time for the accumulation of phylogenetically informative signal.  相似文献   

A new genus and two new species of mites in the family Eriophyidae, Theaphyes rapaneae gen. n. and sp. n. which is found on the type host Rapanea neriifolia (Sieb. et Zucc.) Mez (Myrsinaceae) and Paracaphyllisa theacea sp. n., are described and illustrated. They are vagrants on the tea plant Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze and no apparent symptoms were detected. A key to the eriophyoid mites including thirteen species associated with tea plants all over the world is provided.  相似文献   

Tardigrades of the Taimyr peninsula with descriptions of two new species   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This is the first report on tardigrades from the Taimyr peninsula. Seventy-one species of tardigrades were recorded, new to Russian fauna and two of which are new to science. Diphascon boreale sp. nov. is closely related to D. brevipes (Marcus, 1936) but easily distinguished from it by claw structure and the absence of cuticular bars on the legs. Isohypsibius roberti sp. nov. belongs to the elegans group of the genus Isohypsibius ; it diners from other species in the group by having a long and thin buccal tube and large lunulae with small teeth on leg IV. The eggs of Ramazzottius montivagus are here described for the first time. The almost complete absence of tardigrades in and around Norilsk is noted. This is related to the heavy industrial pollution from a local nickel-copper plant.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of the caryophyllidia-bearing dorids are studied, based on the examination of the type species of all the genera previously described. The phylogenetic hypothesis supports that the caryophyllidia-bearing dorids are a monophyletic group and the sister group of the clade formed by Astemnotus Ehrenberg, 1831 and Halgerda Bergh, 1880. Several genera previously considered as valid or regarded as uncertain are here synonymized: Peronodoris Bergh, 1904, Trippa Bergh, 1877, Phlegmodoris Bergh, 1878, Petelodoris Bergh, 1881, Kentrodoris Bergh, 1876, Audura Bergh, 1878, Centrodoris P. Fischer, 1883, Anisodoris Bergh, 1898, Awuka Er. Marcus, 1955, Rhabdochiia P. Fischer, 1883, Boreodoris Odhner, 1939, Dictyodoris Bergh, 1880, Gravieria Vayssiere, 1912, Aporodoris Ihering, 1886. The following genera are regarded as valid: Astemnotus, Atagema J.E. Gray, 1850, Jorunna Bergh, 1876, Platydoris Bergh, 1877, Diaulula Bergh, 1878, Rostanga Bergh, 1879, Halgerda Bergh, 1880, Baptodoris Bergh, 1884, Gargamella Bergh, 1894, Alloiodoris Bergh, 1904, Sclerodoris Eliot, 1904, Taringa Er. Marcus, 1955, Thorybopus Bouchet, 1977. The new genus Nophodoris is described based on two new species from New Caledonia deep waters. Two additional new species from New Caledonia belonging to the genera Atagema and Gargamella are also described. Nomenclatural and taxonomic problems are discussed, and several type species, neotypes and lectotypes are selected.  相似文献   

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