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This study provides baseline quantitative data on the morphological development of the chondrocranium in a larval anuran. Both linear and geometric morphometric methods are used to quantitatively analyze size-related shape change in a complete developmental series of larvae of the wood frog, Rana sylvatica. The null hypothesis of isometry was rejected in all geometric morphometric and most linear morphometric analyses. Reduced major axis regressions of 11 linear chondrocranial measurements on size indicate a mixture of allometric and isometric scaling. Measurements in the otic and oral regions tend to scale with negative allometry and those associated with the palatoquadrate and muscular process scale with isometry or positive allometry. Geometric morphometric analyses, based on a set of 11 chondrocranial landmarks, include linear regression of relative warp scores and multivariate regression of partial warp scores and uniform components on log centroid size. Body size explains about one-quarter to one-third of the total shape variation found in the sample. Areas of regional shape transformation (e.g., palatoquadrate, otic region, trabecular horns) are identified by thin-plate spline deformation grids and are concordant with linear morphometric results. Thus, the anuran chondrocranium is not a static structure during premetamorphic stages and allometric patterns generally follow scaling predictions for tetrapod cranial development. Potential implications regarding larval functional morphology, cranial development, and chondrocranial evolution in anurans are discussed.  相似文献   

Comparative studies of chondrocranial morphology in larval anurans are typically qualitative in nature, focusing primarily on discrete variation or gross differences in the size or shape of individual structures. Detailed data on chondrocranial allometry are currently limited to only two species, Rana sylvatica and Bufo americanus. This study uses geometric morphometric and multivariate statistical analyses to examine interspecific variation in both larval chondrocranial shape and patterns of ontogenetic allometry among six species of Rana. Variation is interpreted within the context of hypothesized phylogenetic relationships among these species. Canonical variates analyses of geometric morphometric datasets indicate that species can be clearly discriminated based on chondrocranial shape, even when whole ontogenies are included in the analysis. Ordinations and cluster analyses based on chondrocranial shape data indicate the presence of three primary groupings (R. sylvatica; R. catesbeiana + R. clamitans; and R. palustris + R. pipiens + R. sphenocephala), and patterns of similarity closely reflect phylogenetic relationships. Analysis of chondrocranial allometry reveals that some patterns are conserved across all species (e.g., most measurements scale with negative allometry, those associated with the posterior palatoquadrate tend to scale with isometry or positive allometry). Ontogenetic scaling along similar allometric trajectories, lateral transpositions of individual trajectories, and variable allometric relationships all contribute to shape differences among species. Overall patterns of similarity among ontogenetic trajectories also strongly reflect phylogenetic relationships. Thus, this study demonstrates a tight link between ontogeny, phylogeny, and morphology, and highlights the importance of including both ontogenetic and phylogenetic data in studies of chondrocranial evolution in larval anurans.  相似文献   

The degree to which the ontogeny of organisms could facilitate our understanding of phylogenetic relationships has long been a subject of contention in evolutionary biology. The famed notion that ‘ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny’ has been largely discredited, but there remains an expectation that closely related organisms undergo similar morphological transformations throughout ontogeny. To test this assumption, we used three‐dimensional geometric morphometric methods to characterize the cranial morphology of 10 extant crocodylian species and construct allometric trajectories that model the post‐natal ontogenetic shape changes. Using time‐calibrated molecular and morphological trees, we employed a suite of comparative phylogenetic methods to assess the extent of phylogenetic signal in these trajectories. All analyses largely demonstrated a lack of significant phylogenetic signal, indicating that ontogenetic shape changes contain little phylogenetic information. Notably, some Mantel tests yielded marginally significant results when analysed with the morphological tree, which suggest that the underlying signal in these trajectories is correlated with similarities in the adult cranial morphology. However, despite these instances, all other analyses, including more powerful tests for phylogenetic signal, recovered statistical and visual evidence against the assumption that similarities in ontogenetic shape changes are commensurate with phylogenetic relatedness and thus bring into question the efficacy of using allometric trajectories for phylogenetic inference.  相似文献   

Allometry constitutes an important source of morphological variation. However, its influence in head development in anurans has been poorly explored. By using geometric morphometrics followed by statistical and comparative methods we analyzed patterns of allometric change during cranial postmetamorphic ontogeny in species of Nest‐building frogs Leptodactylus (Leptodactylidae). We found that the anuran skull is not a static structure, and allometry plays an important role in defining its shape in this group. Similar to other groups with biphasic life‐cycle, and following a general trend in vertebrates, ontogenetic changes mostly involve rearrangement in rostral, otoccipital, and suspensorium regions. Ontogenetic transformations are paralleled by shape changes associated with evolutionary change in size, such that the skulls of species of different intrageneric groups are scaled to each other, and small and large species show patterns of paedomorphic/peramorphic features, respectively. Allometric trajectories producing those phenotypes are highly evolvable though, with shape change direction and magnitude varying widely among clades, and irrespective of changes in absolute body size. These results reinforce the importance of large‐scale comparisons of growth patterns to understand the plasticity, evolution, and polarity of morphological changes in different clades.  相似文献   

Heterochrony and allometry: the analysis of evolutionary change in ontogeny   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The connection between development and evolution has become the focus of an increasing amount of research in recent years, and heterochrony has long been a key concept in this relation. Heterochrony is defined as evolutionary change in rates and timing of developmental processes; the dimension of time is therefore an essential part in studies of heterochrony. Over the past two decades, evolutionary biologists have used several methodological frameworks to analyse heterochrony, which differ substantially in the way they characterize evolutionary changes in ontogenies and in the resulting classification, although they mostly use the same terms. This review examines how these methods compare ancestral and descendant ontogenies, emphasizing their differences and the potential for contradictory results from analyses using different frameworks. One of the two principal methods uses a clock as a graphical display for comparisons of size, shape and age at a particular ontogenic stage, whereas the other characterizes a developmental process by its time of onset, rate, and time of cessation. The literature on human heterochrony provides particularly clear examples of how these differences produce apparent contradictions when applied to the same problem. Developmental biologists recently have extended the concept of heterochrony to the earliest stages of development and have applied it at the cellular and molecular scale. This extension brought considerations of developmental mechanisms and genetics into the study of heterochrony, which previously was based primarily on phenomenological characterizations of morphological change in ontogeny. Allometry is the pattern of covariation among several morphological traits or between measures of size and shape; unlike heterochrony, allometry does not deal with time explicitly. Two main approaches to the study of allometry are distinguished, which differ in the way they characterize organismal form. One approach defines shape as proportions among measurements, based on considerations of geometric similarity, whereas the other focuses on the covariation among measurements in ontogeny and evolution. Both are related conceptually and through the use of similar algebra. In addition, there are close connections between heterochrony and changes in allometric growth trajectories, although there is no one-to-one correspondence. These relationships and outline links between different analytical frameworks are discussed.  相似文献   

Melanophryniscus is a genus of small toads inhabiting the southern portion of South America. This genus is considered basal within the family Bufonidae. Data on larval chondrocranial morphology do not exist for the genus and larval internal oral anatomy has only been described for a single species. Here, we describe chondrocranial and internal oral morphology in Melanophryniscus montevidensis , M. orejasmirandai and M. sanmartini . Chondrocranial morphology is similar among the species examined. Comparisons with other bufonids and with outgroup taxa suggest that the following chondrocranial characters may represent synapomorphies for the Bufonidae: free (or absent) ceratobranchial IV, a reduced or absent larval crista parotica, the lack of a larval otic process, and late development of thin, poorly chondrified orbital cartilages. The presence of an elongated processus anterior dorsalis of the suprarostral alae and the absence of a chondrified commissura quadratoorbitalis appear to be unique in Melanophryniscus among bufonids. Internal oral anatomy is conserved in Melanophryniscus , and among bufonids in general.  相似文献   

Different types of locomotion in phylogenetically close rodent species can lead to significantly different growth patterns of certain skeletal structures. In the present study, we compared the allometric and phenotypic trajectories of the humerus in semiaquatic (Arvicola sapidus) and fossorial (Arvicola scherman) water vole taxa, using three-dimensional geometric morphometrics, to investigate the relationships between functional and ontogenetic differences. Results revealed shared humerus traits between A. sapidus and A. scherman, specifically an expansion of the epicondylar and deltopectoral crests along postnatal ontogeny. In both species, the humerus of young specimens is more robust than in adults, possibly as a compensatory response for lower bone stiffness. However, significant interspecific differences were detected in all components of allometric and phenotypic trajectories. Noticeably divergent allometric trajectories were observed, probably as a result of different functional pressures exerted on this bone. Important differences in the form of the adult humerus between taxa were also found, particularly in features located in muscle insertion zones. Furthermore, the allometric regression revealed certain shape variation not associated with size in A. scherman, suggesting mechanical stress produced by the persistent digging activity during adulthood. A. scherman is a chisel-tooth digger that shares several traits in the humerus morphology with scratch-digger rodent species. Nevertheless, these shared characteristics are less pronounced in fossorial water voles, which is congruent with the different implications of the forelimb in the digging activity in these two types of diggers.  相似文献   

Understanding sexual dimorphism is very important in studies of human evolution and skeletal biology. Sexual dimorphic characteristics can be studied morphologically and metrically, although morphologic studies pose several problems such as difficulties with quantification and interobserver error. Geometric morphometrics is a relatively new method that allows better assessment of morphologic characteristics. This paper aims to investigate the usability of this method by assessing three different morphologic characteristics in a sample of South African blacks: shape of the greater sciatic notch, mandibular ramus flexure, and shape of the orbits. Relative warps, thin-plate splines, and canonical variates analysis (CVA) analyses were performed. As expected, the shape of the greater sciatic notch provided the best separation between the sexes. Surprisingly, however, the shape of the orbits performed better that ramus flexure. Several possible explanations for this result are possible, which include the possibility that orbit shape is more sexually dimorphic than previously expected, or that biological reality is not reflected by this technique. More research is, however, needed.  相似文献   

Ontogeny plays a key role in the evolution of organisms, as changes during the complex processes of development can allow for new traits to arise. Identifying changes in ontogenetic allometry—the relationship between skull shape and size during growth—can reveal the processes underlying major evolutionary transformations. Baleen whales (Mysticeti, Cetacea) underwent major morphological changes in transitioning from their ancestral raptorial feeding mode to the three specialized filter-feeding modes observed in extant taxa. Heterochronic processes have been implicated in the evolution of these feeding modes, and their associated specialized cranial morphologies, but their role has never been tested with quantitative data. Here, we quantified skull shapes ontogeny and reconstructed ancestral allometric trajectories using 3D geometric morphometrics and phylogenetic comparative methods on sample representing modern mysticetes diversity. Our results demonstrate that Mysticeti, while having a common developmental trajectory, present distinct cranial shapes from early in their ontogeny corresponding to their different feeding ecologies. Size is the main driver of shape disparity across mysticetes. Disparate heterochronic processes are evident in the evolution of the group: skim feeders present accelerated growth relative to the ancestral nodes, while Balaenopteridae have overall slower growth, or pedomorphosis. Gray whales are the only taxon with a relatively faster rate of growth in this group, which might be connected to its unique benthic feeding strategy. Reconstructed ancestral allometries and related skull shapes indicate that extinct taxa used less specialized filter-feeding modes, a finding broadly in line with the available fossil evidence.  相似文献   

Digging ability in armadillos has been shown to be closely related to the relative length of the olecranon process of the ulna. This study uses geometric morphometrics to examine the relationship between humeral shape, digging ability and size in a range of living and fossil cingulates. The extant species in the sample include representatives of 11 species of armadillo, while the fossil specimens include three species of fossil armadillos ( Peltephilus, Proeutatus and Eutatus ) and three Glyptodonts ( Propalaeohoplophorus, Glyptodon and Neosclerocalyptus ). The results show that in general, living species with good digging ability have larger sites for muscle attachment, particularly the proximal tubercles and the crests descending therefrom, and the epicondylar region at the distal end of the humerus. Some differences were found in the smallest armadillo ( Chlamyphorus truncatus ), which seems to have a different method of digging. The proportions of the olecranon process would indicate good digging ability in some glyptodonts, but humeral features do not fit with this interpretation and the differences may be related to large size. The relationship between cingulate phylogeny and humeral morphology is also examined, and it seems that while cingulates are to some extent constrained by their phylogeny, many of the humeral features are directly related to digging.  相似文献   

The evolution of carnassial teeth in mammals, especially in the Carnivora, has been subject of many morphometric and some dental topographic studies. Here, we use a combination of dental topographic analysis (Dirichlet normal energy) and 3D geometric morphometrics of less and high carnassialized lower teeth of carnivoran, dasyuromorph and hyaenodont taxa. Carnassial crown curvature, as indicated by Dirichlet normal energy, is high in lesser carnassialized teeth and low in higher carnassialized teeth, where it is influenced by the reduction of crown features such as cusps and crests. PC1 of the geometric morphometric analysis is linked to enlargement of the carnassial blade, reduction of the talonid crushing basin and an increasingly asymmetric cervix line with an enlarged mesial flexure in more carnassialized teeth. Distribution of PC1 values further indicates that along the tooth row of dasyuromorphs (m2–m4) and hyaenodonts (m1–m3) the most distal carnassial is the most carnassialized (principal carnassial), and in most taxa with overall higher carnassialized teeth, carnassialization successively increases from the anterior to the posterior tooth position along the tooth row. PC2 indicates that a longitudinal elongated carnassial is present in caniforms and in unspecialized feliforms, which separates these taxa in morphospace from all dasyuromorphs, hyaenodonts and specialized feliforms. An ancestral state reconstruction shows that this longitudinal elongation may be a plesiomorphic ancestral state for the Carnivora, which is different from the Dasyuromorphia and the Hyaenodonta. This elongation, enabling the presence of a longitudinally aligned carnassial blade as well as a complete talonid basin, might have provided the Carnivora with an advantage in terms of adaptive versatility.  相似文献   

Socio-sexual selection is predicted to be an important driver of evolution, influencing speciation, extinction and adaptation. The fossil record provides a means of testing these predictions, but detecting its signature from morphological data alone is difficult. There are, nonetheless, some specific patterns of growth and variation which are expected of traits under socio-sexual selection. The distinctive parietal-squamosal frill of ceratopsian dinosaurs has previously been suggested as a socio-sexual display trait, but evidence for this has been limited. Here, we perform a whole-skull shape analysis of an unprecedentedly large sample of specimens of Protoceratops andrewsi using a high-density landmark-based geometric morphometric approach to test four predictions regarding a potential socio-sexual signalling role for the frill. Three predictions—low integration with the rest of the skull, significantly higher rate of change in size and shape during ontogeny, and higher morphological variance than other skull regions—are supported. One prediction, sexual dimorphism in shape, is not supported, suggesting that sexual differences in P. andrewsi are likely to be small. Together, these findings are consistent with mutual mate choice or selection for signalling quality in more general social interactions, and support the hypothesis that the frill functioned as a socio-sexual signal in ceratopsian dinosaurs.  相似文献   

利用采集于土耳其安纳托利亚中部(Middle Anatolia) 的切叶蜂科6个种92头标本,选取虫体上的30个特征点(landmarks)(其中前翅16个,后翅6个,头部8个),利用UPGMA等数值分类方法对不同属和种的亲缘关系进行了探讨。据此对一些种的归属和一些属的划分提出了一些与传统分类观点相同或不同的见解,但各种分析方法的结果都支持切叶蜂族Megachilini起源的单系性。  相似文献   

We investigated ontogenetic trends in body shape of 54 freshwater (48 lake, seven stream) and six anadromous populations of threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus L.) from the Haida Gwaii archipelago off the west coast of Canada. Multivariate analysis of covariance on the partial warp scores generated from 12 homologous landmarks on 1,958 digital images of subadult and adult male stickleback indicated that there was considerable variability of population ontogenetic slopes. We used discriminant function analysis to quantify body shape and determined that anadromous stickleback, which are ancestral to the freshwater populations, have a strongly negative ontogenetic slope (?5.62; increased streamlining with increased size). All freshwater populations exhibit a more positive slope (91% differed significantly from the marine slope), with the differences being most accentuated in populations from ponds and streams. In pristine lakes, ontogenetic slope could be predicted by lake volume as well as multivariate measures of habitat. Evidence from field transplant experiments of one of the intact populations indicates a rapid change (5 years) from allometric to isometric growth, equivalent to about half of the total slope variation among intact populations on the archipelago. We interpret this shift as developmental plasticity and suggest this may comprise the precursor for selection of optimal body shapes in these stickleback populations. J. Morphol., 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Morphological character variation was examined in Atherinops affinis , a temperate marine silverside with a broad geographic range and presumed limited powers of dispersal. Populations of this species were sampled from three California mainland sites, one Channel Island site and one site in the upper Gulf of California. A geometric morphometric analysis yielded higher resolution in the assessment of phenotypic divergence among the four Pacific coast populations than either body measurement or meristic analysis, and it showed that most of the shape variation among these populations occurs in the head region and body depth of the fish. All three analyses supported the hypothesis that populations of A. affinis from central and southern California coastal waters and from Santa Catalina Island are morphologically distinct from each other; the Santa Catalina Island population was found to be the most divergent. On the basis of meristic characters alone, the population of A. affinis from the upper Gulf of California was different from A. affinis populations along the Pacific coast of California. The analyses revealed variation in several morphological characters, e.g . body depth and meristics, known to vary in association with environmental conditions. Given that A. affinis appears to have low among‐population genetic variation, this species may be phenotypically plastic in response to the environmental conditions of the habitat of each population.  相似文献   

Morphological variation (disparity) is almost invariably characterized by two non-mutually exclusive approaches: (1) quantitatively, through geometric morphometrics; and (2) in terms of discrete, ‘cladistic’, or categorical characters. Uncertainty over the comparability of these approaches diminishes the potential to obtain nomothetic insights into the evolution of morphological disparity and the few benchmarking studies conducted so far show contrasting results. Here, we apply both approaches to characterizing morphology in the stem-gnathostome clade Osteostraci in order to assess congruence between these alternative methods as well as to explore the evolutionary patterns of the group in terms of temporal disparity and the influence of phylogenetic relationships and habitat on morphospace occupation. Our results suggest that both approaches yield similar results in morphospace occupation and clustering, but also some differences indicating that these metrics may capture different aspects of morphology. Phylomorphospaces reveal convergence towards a generalized ‘horseshoe’-shaped cranial morphology and two strong trends involving major groups of osteostracans (benneviaspidids and thyestiids), which probably reflect adaptations to different lifestyles. Temporal patterns of disparity obtained from categorical and morphometric approaches appear congruent, however, disparity maxima occur at different times in the evolutionary history of the group. The results of our analyses indicate that categorical and continuous data sets may characterize different patterns of morphological disparity and that discrepancies could reflect preservational limitations of morphometric data and differences in the potential of each data type for characterizing more or less inclusive aspects of overall phenotype.  相似文献   

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