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Longnose gar Lepisosteus osseus were collected from May 2012 to July 2013 in the Charleston Harbor and Winyah Bay estuaries (SC, U.S.A.). This study examined trends in stomach fullness, described major prey components and their importance in the diet of L. osseus, compared stomach content‐based trophic level estimates with the stable‐isotope‐based proxy: δ15N and tested for the occurrence of an ontogenetic diet shift using stomach content analysis and stable C and N isotopes (δ13C and δ15N). Dominant prey families were Clupeidae, Sciaenidae, Penaeidae, Fundulidae and Mugilidae, with the highest consumption rates in autumn. Trophic levels calculated using stomach contents did not correspond to δ15N (P > 0·05). Stomach contents and stable‐isotope signatures indicate ontogenetic prey composition shifts from low trophic level benthic prey (fundulids) to higher trophic level pelagic prey (clupeids) as the fish grow between 400 and 600 mm in standard length. Due to their biomass, abundance and top predator status, L. osseus play a significant ecological role in the estuarine community composition, although this effect has often been overlooked by past researchers and should be considered in future estuarine community studies.  相似文献   

The endorgans of the inner ear of the gar were examined using transmission and scanning electron microscopy as well as nerve staining. The ultrastructure of the sensory hair cells and supporting cells of the gar ear are similar to cells in other bony fishes, whereas there are significant differences between the gar and other bony fishes in the orientations patterns of the sensory hair cells on the saccular and lagenar sensory epithelia. The saccular sensory epithelium has two regions, a main region and a secondary region ventral to the main region. The ciliary bundles on the main region are divided into two groups, one oriented dorsally and the other ventrally. Furthermore, as a result of curvature of the saccular sensory epithelium, the dorsal and ventral ciliary bundles on the rostral portion of the epithelium are rotated ninety degrees and are thus oriented on the animal's rostro-caudal axis. Hair cells on the secondary region are generally oriented ventrally. The lagenar epithelium has three groups of sensory hair cells. The groups on the rostral and caudal ends of the macula are oriented dorsally, whereas the middle group is oriented ventrally. Hair cell orientations on the utricular epithelium and macula neglecta are similar to those in other bony fishes. Nerve fiber diameters can be divided into three size classes, 1-8 microns, 9-13 microns, and 14 microns or more, with the smallest size class containing the majority of fibers. The distribution of the various classes of fiber diameters is not the same in nerve branches to each of the end organs. Similarly, the ratio of hair cells to axons differs in each end organ. The highest hair cell to axon ratio is in the utricle (23:1) and the smallest is in the macula neglecta (7:1). The number of sensory hair cells far exceed the number of eighth nerve axons in all sensory epithelia.  相似文献   

This study investigates the evolutionary history of vertebrate red blood cell carbonic anhydrase (CA) by characterizing the isozyme properties and nucleotide sequence of an ancient fish, the longnose gar ( Lepisosteus osseus). The inhibitor sensitivities of gar rbc CA closely resembled those for mammalian CA II, as well as those for CAs from more recently evolved fishes. The kinetic properties of gar rbc CA were not closely aligned with either mammalian CA I and CA II, but fit well into an emerging phylogenetic pattern for early vertebrates. Gar rbc CA cDNA was also amplified from mRNA using 5' and 3'-RACE and the open reading frame consisted of 786 bp. This sequence shares approximately 65% identity with the nucleotide and amino acid sequences of both mammalian CA I and CA II. When the amino acid sequences within the active site are compared, gar rbc CA differs from mammalian CA I, CA II and CA VII by 9, 4 and 3 of the 36 amino acids, respectively. Phylogenetic analyses suggest that gar rbc CA diverged before the amniotic CAs (CA I, CA II and CA III), but after CA V and CA VII.  相似文献   

The early pupal heart of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster has recently been the subject of intense physiological and molecular work, yet it has not been well described, nor has it been compared with the heart of the adult fly. In the work reported here, the hearts of adults and early pupae of D. melanogaster were studied by scanning and transmission electron microscopy and by light microscopy. The hearts of adults and early pupae both consist of a tube of circular striated muscle one cell in thickness. The alary muscles, which suspend the heart, are more delicate in the adult compared to the early pupa. The pericardial cells in both early pupae and adults are connected to the heart by connective tissue radiating from the alary muscles or dorsal diaphragm. We confirm that four major changes occur in the heart during metamorphosis: 1) a conical chamber is formed de novo in the first and second abdominal segments; 2) the adult heart curves to conform to the contour of the abdomen; 3) a layer of longitudinal striated muscle appears on the ventral surface of the heart; 4) a fourth pair of ostia is added to the three already present in the early pupa; and note additionally that 5) the ostia appear as simple openings in the heart of the early pupa but are valve‐like in the adult. J. Morphol. 240:225–235, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We report here on the macroscopic, light microscopic, and electron microscopic structure of the gas bladder (GB) of the spotted gar, Lepisosteus oculatus. The GB opens into the pharynx, dorsal to the opening of the oesophagus, through a longitudinal slit bordered by two glottal ridges. Caudal to the ridges, the GB is an elongated sac divided into a central duct and right and left lobes. The lobes are formed by a cranio‐caudal sequence of large air spaces that open into the central duct. The structure of the GB is that of a membranous sac supported by a system of septa arising from the walls of a central duct. The septa contain variable amounts of striated and smooth muscle might function to maintain the bladder shape and in providing contractile capabilities. The presence of muscle cells, nerves, and neuroepithelial cells in the wall of the GB strongly suggests that GB function is tightly regulated. The central duct and the apical surface of the thickest septa are covered by mucociliated epithelium. Most of the rest of the inner bladder surface is covered by a respiratory epithelium which contains goblet cells and a single type of pneumocyte. These two cell types produce surfactant. The respiratory barrier contains thick areas with fibrillar material and cell prolongations, and thin areas that only contain basement membrane material between the capillary wall and the respiratory epithelium. Lungs and GBs share many anatomical and histological features. There appears to be no clear criterion for structural distinction between these two types of respiratory organs. J. Morphol. 276:90–101, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The lateral line system and its innervation in ten tetraodontiform families and five outgroup taxa were examined. Although some homology issues remained unresolved, tetraodontiforms were characterized by having two types (at least) of superficial neuromasts (defined by the presence or absence of supporting structures) and accessory lateral lines and neuromasts (except Molidae in which “accessory” elements were absent). The preopercular line in Tetraodontiformes was not homologous with that of typical teleosts, because the line was innervated by the opercular ramule that was newly derived from the mandibular ramus, the condition being identical to that in Lophiidae. Within Tetraodontiformes, the number of neuromasts varied between 70 and 277 in the main lines and between 0 and 52 in accessory elements. Variations were also recognized in the presence or absence of the supraorbital commissure, mandibular line, otic line, postotic line, ventral trunk line, and some lateral line nerve rami, most notably the dorsal branch of the opercular ramule, being absent in Aracanidae, Ostraciidae, Tetraodontidae, Diodontidae, and Molidae. Morphological characteristics derived from the lateral line system and its innervation provided some support for a sister relationship of tetraodontiforms with lophiiforms. J. Morphol., 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The structure and physiology of enteric system are very similar in all classes of vertebrates, although they have been investigated only occasionally in non‐mammalian vertebrates. Very little is known about the distribution of the neurotransmitters in the gut of actinopterygian fishes. Anatomical and physiological studies of enteric nervous systems in the spotted gar (Lepisosteus oculatus) and airbreathing catfish (Clarias batrachus), a non‐teleost and teleost actinopterygian, respectively, have not been undertaken. This study provides the first comprehensive characterization of the range of neurochemical coding in the enteric nervous system of these two species, including the chemical diversity of the mucosal endocrine cells in the pyloric stomach of Clarias. Autonomic innervation of the secretory glands is also described and reported herein for the first time for fishes. We also report splanchnic (spinal) innervation of the stomach, submucosal ganglia (that also colocalize with nNOS) and caudal intestine of Clarias. In both fish species, numerous 5HT, ChAT, nNOS and TH‐positive nerve fibres have been observed. These discoveries demonstrate that much more physiological and pharmacological data are needed before a comprehensive model of enteric nervous system control in vertebrates can be developed.  相似文献   

The skeletal muscles of rotifers are monocellular or occasionally bicellular. They display great diversity of cytological features correlated to their functional differentiation. The cross-striated fibers of some retractors are fast contracting and relaxing, with A-band lengths of 0.7 µm to 1.6 µm, abundant sarcoplasmic reticulum and dyads. Other retractors and the circular muscles are tonic fibers (A band > 3 µm), stronger (large volume of myoplasm) or with greater endurance (superior volume of mitochondria/ myoplasm). All of these retractor muscles are coupled by gap junctions and are innervated at two symmetrical points; they constitute two motor units implicated in withdrawal behaviour.The muscles inserted on the ciliary roots of the cingulum control swimming. They are multi-innervated and each of them constitute one motor unit. They have characteristics of very fast fibers; the shortest A-band length is 0.5 µm in Asplanchna.All the skeletal muscles of bdelloids are smooth or obliquely striated as are some skeletal muscles of monogononts. These muscles are well suited for maximum shortening and are either phasic or tonic fibers.All rotifer skeletal muscles originate from ectoderm and contain thin and thick myofilaments whose diameters are identical to those of actin and myosin filaments in vertebrate fast muscles or in insect flight muscles. There are no paramyosinic features in the thick myofilaments. The insertion, innervation, coupling by gap junctions and other cytological differentiations of rotifer skeletal muscles are reviewed and their phylogeny discussed.  相似文献   

The rat medial gastrocnemius (MG) muscle is composed of the proximal and distal compartments. In this study, morphometric properties of the compartments and their muscle fibres at five levels of the muscle length and the innervation pattern of these compartments from lumbar segments were investigated. The size and number of muscle fibres in the compartments were different. The proximal compartment at the largest cross section (25% of the muscle length) had 34% smaller cross-sectional area but contained a slightly higher number of muscle fibres (max. 5521 vs. 5360) in comparison to data for the distal compartment which had the largest cross-sectional area at 40% of the muscle length. The muscle fibre diameters revealed a clear tendency within both compartments to increase along the muscle (from the knee to the Achilles tendon) up to 46.9?μm in the proximal compartment and 58.4?μm in the distal one. The maximal tetanic and single twitch force evoked by stimulation of L4, L5, and L6 ventral roots in whole muscle and compartments were measured. The MG was innervated from L4 and L5, only L5, or L5 and L6 segments. The proximal compartment was innervated by axons from L5 or L5 and L4, and the distal one from L5, L5 and L6, or L5 and L4 segments. The forces produced by the compartments summed non-linearly. The tetanic forces of the proximal and distal compartments amounted to 2.24 and 4.86?N, respectively, and their algebraic sums were 11% higher than the whole muscle force (6.37?N).  相似文献   

J. M. Bohn    T. Heinzeller 《Acta zoologica》1999,80(3):241-249
Bohn, J. M. & Heinzeller, T. 1999. Morphology of the bourgueticrinid and isocrinid aboral nervous system and its possible phylogenetic implications (Echinodermata, Crinoidea). — Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 80: 241-249.
On the basis of semithin serial sections the aboral nervous system within the calyx of five bourgueticrinid and one isocrinid species was reconstructed using the computer programm NIH Image. The aboral nervous system of all bourgueticrinids belongs to a common type which is proposed to be called ' Bathycrinus -type' (B-type), that differs from the ' Isocrinus -type' (I-type). The morphology of the B-type and the I-type are described and differences are discussed. Together with the B-type there are now six aboral nervous system types well established and the consequences regarding phylogeny are discussed. Conclusions: 1) The morphology of the aboral nervous system may be a useful tool for the clarification of relationships between crinoid groups; 2) All known aboral nervous system types can be derived from the I-type, which seems to be the most primitive one; 3) The B-type aboral nervous system is probably a synapomorphic feature charac-terizing a monophyletic group within the Bourgueticrinida.  相似文献   

Excitation-contraction coupling describes the series of events that begins with propagated action potential on the muscle fiber surface membrane and leads to the twitch contraction of the fiber. The generation of an action potential during excitation requires rapid sequential changes in membrane conductances of Na+, Ca2+, and K+ ions that depend upon the opening and closing of the respective channels. Myotonic disorders are inherited diseases whose clinical manifestations include electrophysiological signs such as increased excitability and delayed relaxation of the muscles after voluntary contraction. All these disorders appears to be due to an abnormality of the muscle itself since they persist after section or blocking of the motor nerve after curarization. Most experimental and clinical data suggest that human myotonia arises from genetically-induced structural and functional alterations of the muscle membrane. The purpose of this article is to focus on the more recent developments in the molecular and pharmacological analysis of cation transporting systems such as ionic channels and (Na+, K+) ATPase in myotonic disorders.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Lawrence Austin.  相似文献   

Heart tissue contains large amounts of the protein encoded by the Ca2+ pump gene SERCA2. The SERCA2 RNA can be spliced alternatively to produce mRNA encoding the proteins SERCA2a and SERCA2b which differ in their C-terminal sequences. In this study we report the tissue distribution of SERCA2a and SERCA2b isoforms byin situ hybridization to rabbit heart and stomach. The expression of SERCA2 mRNA was high in myocardial cells, being the highest in the atrial region. In contrast, there was more SERCA2 protein in Western blots in ventricles than in atria. Myocardial cells expressed predominantly the mRNA for the isoform SERCA2a. Whereas the stomach smooth muscle and the neuronal plexus expressed SERCA2 at levels much lower than myocardial cells, the expression was very high in the stomach mucosa. Mucosa contained mainly the mRNA for SERCA2b. From immunocytochemistry it was concluded that the anti-heart SR Ca2+ pump antibody IID8 reacted much better with heart and surface mucosal cells in the stomach than with the stomach smooth muscle, and that IID8 reactivity was intracellular. In contrast PM4A2B, an antibody against the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump, reacted well with heart and stomach smooth muscle, plexus and mucosa, and its localization appeared to be in the plasma membrane. Thus, stomach smooth muscle expressed SERCA2b mRNA and protein at low levels, mucosa expressed SERCA2b mRNA and protein at high levels, atria and ventricle expressed SERCA2a mRNA and protein at high levels, mRNA being more in atria, but protein being more in ventricles.Deceased August 14, 1992  相似文献   

Branchial arch muscle innervation by the glossopharyngeal (IX) and vagal (X) nerves in 10 tetraodontiform families and five outgroup taxa was examined, with special reference to muscle homologies. Basic innervation patterns and their variations were described for all muscle elements (except gill filament muscles). In the tetraodontids Takifugu poecilonotus and Canthigaster rivulata, diodontid Diodon holocanthus, and molid Mola mola, levator externus 4 was innervated by the 3rd vagal branchial trunk (BX3) in addition to BX2, owing to strong posterior expansion of the muscle. Based on nerve innervation, migrations of the muscle attachment sites (i.e., origins and insertions) were recognized in levator internus 2 (in Mola mola), obliquus dorsalis 3 (in Ostracion immaculatus and Canthigaster rivulata), and obliquus ventralis 2 (in Stephanolepis cirrhifer), muscle topologies not necessarily being indicative of homologies. Embryonic origin of the retractor dorsalis and parallel attainment of the swimbladder muscle within the order were also discussed.  相似文献   

The electromechanical and -physiological effects of beauvericin were studied in isolated smooth and heart muscle preparations of the guinea pig. Beauvericin concentration-dependently decreased the force of contraction in precontracted (60 mM KCl) terminal ilea with an IC50 of 0.86 M, and in electrically stimulated (1 Hz) papillary muscles with an IC50 of 18 M. This negative inotropic effect in papillary muscles was antagonised in a non-competitive way by increased extracellular calcium concentrations. Spontaneous activity in right atria was affected at concentrations >10 M beauvericin. The negative chronotropic effect was less pronounced than the negative inotropic effect. In action potentials of electrically driven (1 Hz) papillary muscles, 10 M beauvericin significantly decreased membrane resting potential until unexcitability of the preparation occurred. Despite depolarisation of the membrane the maximum rate of rise of the action potential was not changed. The action potential duration was shortened, but the decrease was only significant at times to 20% and 50% repolarisation. These data, derived from the electrophysiological experiments, not only imply an effect on the calcium current as suggested by the effects on contractility, but also an interaction with the sodium inward and potassium outward currents.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Characteristics of the small arteries (with a diameter of 200-250 μm) feeding the medial gastrocnemius muscle and diaphragm were studied. Recording of the mechanical activity of ring segments under isometric conditions demonstrated that, similar to other arteries feeding the muscles with a high content of slow fibers, the diaphragm arteries are highly sensitive to adrenoceptor agonists and acetylcholine. The differences in the endothelium-dependent relaxation in response to acetylcholine were retained in the presence of L-NAME and diclofenac. The diaphragm and gastrocnemius arteries similarly responded to serotonin. On the other hand, a high innervation density was characteristic of the diaphragm arteries unlike the arteries of other slow muscles. The density of adrenergic nerve plexus in the diaphragm arteries was considerably higher than in the gastrocnemius arteries. The results suggest that the characteristics of small diaphragm arteries are determined not only by the oxidative capacity of diaphragm muscle fibers, but also by the fact that this is a respiratory muscle.  相似文献   

Stanniocalcin-immunoreactive cells were localized in the corpuscles of Stannius of a holostean fish, the garpike (Lepisosteus osseus), using antisera against salmon and trout stanniocalcins and the peroxidase-antiperoxidase and protein A-gold immunohistochemical methods. The stanniocalcin-immunoreactive cells were periodic acid-Schiff-positive, and antibody staining was abolished if the antiserum was preabsorbed with corpuscle homogenate. Immunocytochemistry revealed two reactive cell types in the glandular parenchyma, and immunoreactivity was confined to the secretory granules. Staining of the granules was also abolished when the antisera were blocked with crude corpuscle homogenate. When corpuscle extracts from garpike were subjected to sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Western blot analysis, a single dense band was evident with a molecular weight of 68 kDa under non-reducing conditions, whereas three bands were observed (29, 31, and 34 kDa) under reducing conditions. Staining of all bands disappeared following preabsorption of the antiserum with salmon stanniocalcin, trout stanniocalcin, or garpike corpuscle extract. The results are compared with stanniocalcins from another extant holostean, the bowfin (Amia calva), and from more modern bony fishes, the teleosts.  相似文献   

The morphological diversity of locomotor appendages in Arachnida is surveyed lo reconstruct phylogenetic relationships and discover evolutionary trends in form and function. The appendicular skeleton and musculature of representatives from the ten living arachnid orders ate described, and a system of homology is proposed. Character polarities are established through comparison with an outgroup. Limulus polyphemus Xiphosura). Cladistic analysis suggests that Arachnida is monophyletic and that absence of extensor muscles is a primitive condition. Extensors are primitively absent in Araneae. Amblypygi, Uropygi, Palpigradi, Ricinulei and Acari. Most similarities in the appendages of these orders are symplesiomorphic so that phylogenetic relationships among the 'extensorless' groups cannot be resolved solely on the basis of appendicular characters. Extensor muscles appear to have evolved once, and their presence is considered a synapomorphic feature of Opiliones, Scorpiones, Pseudoscorpiones and Solifugae. Solifugae lack extensors, but a parsimonious interpretation of other characters indicates that this is a secondary, derived condition. The phylogenetic relationships among these four orders are clarified by modifications of the patellotibial joint. Cladistic analysis indicates that Opiliones may be the sister group of the other three orders and that Scorpiones is the sister group of Pseudoscorpiones and Solifugae. Conclusions concerning phylogenetic relationships and evolutionary morphology presented here differ substantially from those of earlier studies on the locomotor appendages of Arachnida.  相似文献   

The morphological diversity of locomotor appendages in Arachnida is surveyed lo reconstruct phylogenetic relationships and discover evolutionary trends in form and function. The appendicular skeleton and musculature of representatives from the ten living arachnid orders ate described, and a system of homology is proposed. Character polarities are established through comparison with an outgroup. Limulus polyphemus Xiphosura). Cladistic analysis suggests that Arachnida is monophyletic and that absence of extensor muscles is a primitive condition. Extensors are primitively absent in Araneae. Amblypygi, Uropygi, Palpigradi, Ricinulei and Acari. Most similarities in the appendages of these orders are symplesiomorphic so that phylogenetic relationships among the ‘extensorless’ groups cannot be resolved solely on the basis of appendicular characters. Extensor muscles appear to have evolved once, and their presence is considered a synapomorphic feature of Opiliones, Scorpiones, Pseudoscorpiones and Solifugae. Solifugae lack extensors, but a parsimonious interpretation of other characters indicates that this is a secondary, derived condition. The phylogenetic relationships among these four orders are clarified by modifications of the patellotibial joint. Cladistic analysis indicates that Opiliones may be the sister group of the other three orders and that Scorpiones is the sister group of Pseudoscorpiones and Solifugae. Conclusions concerning phylogenetic relationships and evolutionary morphology presented here differ substantially from those of earlier studies on the locomotor appendages of Arachnida.  相似文献   

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